/)i?~ p '4' ' I I NBM;-~.ôoPUBt AwNuva OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY Pt1R AJ'TERWÂRDS. M. A JAMES EDITOR Ail» PIlOi'FJETOE, BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, W~ .-,JI.NE 21, 1893, VOLUME XXXIX. NUM~EP. 25 pnhIpu QH TO CRYDERMAN uuuuil ivite special attention t( their fine stock of n n nrtn i-~ n r~ titi n '.j \j N.~ V V 'J \J 'J 'J \J ~J 'J V 'J 'J u/ 'J 'J V "J V V "J I \J V' T'Lhese are ail new g-oods, aported this season, and 'e scipecia1Iy good value. 0G0UCH0 H N 1STOï N & YeRIk M A r N I 20, 1893. BO WMANVILLE. EASONABLE GOOSi) e0 tire White IHellebore, tire Paris.(Green, tire Inseot Powder, 'r Chemists and Druggists. C. P. R. Ticket Office'@ BOUNSALL'S MARB LE 'AND GRANITE WORKS, IBOWMANIVIJLE, ONZTe lEstablished 1857.) Finishedl Granite Monuments in stock from $125 to $500. HANDSOME DESIGN0 AND BEST MÂTERIALS. RED PETERIIEAD AND GRAY RTJBISLAW SCOTCH tOSE, RED, AND PU" >LE SWEDE................ RANITE LJE PEARL AND ERERALD PEARL............ FI-NISHED, MARBLE MONL"-ME!,TS in stock, from $45 to $200. Zr'ýIN ALL THE BEST 1EINDS OF MARBLE'ÂND LA.TEST nfESIGINS. r~e placing your ortà, CALL AND EXAMIrNE 31Y STOCK, ý3 EWHAT YOU AREBUNG 7-17 E. R. BOUNSALL, Proprietor. IARM FOR' SALE. -A firat clatis farm F ýOR SALE OR RENT-House and of 1115 acreu or 145 acres situat.ed in the -L ij acres for sale or ta rent, situlato on f wn5hip of HaatsV, Wiitby lat con, lots 15 and S5cugog Btreet narth, The premtises cansist of on théeBa-Be LI ' about 1 ý miles fron Osha. a god houe sth evlery onvlenined 1v a statiOn. 2 nlea ftram Whitby and' 0roda hedstabe tc n arecnalot a omtheschoolhousc. Largerooamy buldings', t w choiest fruit of ail varletiees. immediate nain barn 95x16 f t, plenty af fruit, sai d1 I osaeason can be given. For particuiers apply am,altogthier ene cf the be tgai aWw. KIHLEIGE. Bowmanviile Ont 8ur a th Lakre Shore. Naohbis or atones. !cAbout aoces of wood, '75 acres in pasture and fresh eded. Termes easy. First plowing dans. 'or further particulars appiy. ta e. A. t Beat val1ue in llk. Green sud Japan ýhawa. t. Teas, Coffees, etc. Qnaiity unequalled. Bipan Tab ~t~e sç~~i~u ,~JPETEit ME>CSe OOURTWXE. .Rectnt visitors: Miss B. Pollard, 0311- Ti awa, at Mr, L. M. Court ice's; Miss AIuniu Chur Allin and the Misses Smith, Littie Brit day air.; Miss iMcIndon, Woodvilie; Mr. Ai-- may bert aud Miss Nettie Carruthers aud Rev, -Miss Littiejohus, Pickerinýg... . Rer. D. ions S. Houck, Enniskillen, preached a ver' will practical aud instructiva sermon aI cenc Elienezer on Sunday morniug. Shail even lie glai to hear him again .... .The firet cf mai, )a series of games of base bal hetween the Adni single sud married men of this section ceît waa played on Saturday and resulted in favor cf the former by 24 te 9. Mr. EliA Pascos of Solina auted a-% urupire and nE gave good taati8faction. Another gama meol, will probably ho piayed in two weeks foe 'THE CHIOLERAF(ARF.-Fear kilis mere aide Sthan cht-Iera. Savere diarrhoa, purging, ETHE coie, cramps, etc., are aflen miatakenl for choleraio troubles. A few doses cf Dr« Fawler's Extract of Wild Strawberry will remove both the disease and the terrer Fran MOUNT VER NONL. ury last On Sunday the annirersary services auunl were preaclied hi' Rer. Mr. Savago, of ,P Columbtns,in the mnorniug and in the even-Po ing by Mr. J. Jobliv, of Bowmanvllle, The alingiug of the children at bolli Ber-S«Pà vices wes mucli admired by ail. To- chaEs night a grand concert will be given in the sick. chnrch sud as the committee have spared Wed~ nlime or expense iu procuring nome of Mr, the best talent it will n doubt be a suc- laUýji ceas. Doors open aI 8 o'c'oclr. Proceeda Son, -in aid of S. S. fund. KELsE-W1iy wauld you belliave a thiný minister'a word sooner than ony other Pois man's.. n W iLTsi-Because he là supposed to preach the truth and tell the truth ? But why do you ask the question ? )Well be- cause the Rev. A. L. Snider,pastor of the Mebhodiat Church, Leamningtôn. maya :- "I have been cured of the most painfual and distreesing case of piles of long stand- ing 4i MAGie PILE LOTION,"' and reoom- mend it te ail thus afflicted. MISS LettUe .LuntiCl, Is the sister of Mr. W. S. Huntley, of ,, Cortland, N. Y., a well known'car- tll( penter and builder. Her frank state- w. ment below eives only-the absolube truth concerning lier ilîness and mar- velous recovery by the aid of Hood's 0O Sarsaparilla. She says: e "C. I. Hlood & Co., ioweli, Mass.: a IlDear Sir: Twelyc years age I began te have lieniorrîîages and four years ago becamea 80 luw tliat the pliysîcians tbld met There Was No Hope Pe and I sliouid 30oo1 (ie. 1 eould not 1lie moved j froin nîy lied, 'Under my face were npis act continually redideiieduil i blood froni 'ny moutli. 1 could eut nothing amdialia n actioncf thie bowelsi for a ýveek. Tlie doctors- said the cause wvas ulcers lu the stomacli. At this time My niotixer sakl $s18 wantedl to ae oeue more trial, and asked if I1 ldtal-e daL Hood's&Sarsaparilla. I told lier il w,)ould li Bn A Wasto of Money Fi bu-*frt.eding it would comfort lier, I liegan takc. R ing ,f.In a few datystihe bloating liegan te cor sibdie, I seemedt to feel a littie stronger, buitla thooit it oily faîicy. I was so weaklIcouid aM only taire ten drops of Sarsaparilla at first. 111 two weeks I 'vas able 10 sit Up a fe ili-~ rites every day. In a month 1 could çva ILlk acres@ thse s-os. One day 1 askeà wiîatOl tIiey were to hiavo for dinner, and said 1 l wanted somethiiog learty. My mother was W s0 hiappy slie cried. It was tOibo First Time 1 had Foit Hun- ter gry for Two Years ist 1 kept on witli Hood's Sarsaparilla and ln ix vat miolis was as weiias ever in my 11e. 113Se now four years sinces1 recovered, and 1 have th e not lîad a day's sickness since, nor any berner- anc rliage. iflever Io Ibuman being tlianked tlic nu good Lord on bended-knees it was I. 1 know, thHeed's Sarsaparilla, and that alone, ta unquestionably Maired my ]LîCe." 2a Meaairs. awyer &Jeuninga, the weli known fo:7 druggiats of Cortlaud, say that 1113&lluntley IlLa W a lighly respected lady; her statement of wiiat Hood's Sarsaparilla asa done for lierasworthy the highest confl. W< dene. load'Pilla 119cure Liver la. fHa cal pared tolmeet a lt- o eff!ic" iead r îliai f]y jphyuic. They are vifi calomel, nrryormnrisi-r' NI stance of anly ki1nd. Iood's lis sp act upon t1ie stomac(li, lvr and alimeuntary lin canal, aîîd e tir uer Compiaint,Coinstipâtion,Co 'us, Liiousueýss, leaacieInigestion, pri ',r Soal, Dltreî ftrý aiuJaundiýe. sur ,'d may l) i iolcen up and a fever prevented Unla J OIJptly takinig 1oo0Q',3 P1113.Ma HoodIs PISl o Aro piýirereby C. I. 1Ilaod L% Co.,Apteals Leweil Mass.icel5ee cntz prrbox. Sold liy ait drixggirts or sent 1by manI op rceip cp ier Car SALEM. ,flfn- services of Salemý held on Sunday and Mon. id '26. On Sundry sermons 1ed a' 2 30 and 7 pm. fromn atoli, of Oshawa. -Colleot- ervice, On Monday tea fro m 4.30 to 7:30 p. m. A given in the church in the lent fromn Brooklin, Bow- Ill£, Kirby and elsewhere. ýea and ,concert 25-.; con- fi A YDON. Methodist Conféerence Eohges. The Anuivereary oifIlaydon Methodiat Sabbatli Schooi witl le held as follews: The Bey of Quinte Couference 1er 1894 On Saturday, Dominion Day,the program wilIlibe held ln Peterboro. will begin St 2:30 pm., when iliere will Bowmanville Methodists altendai Con ho eiugiug by the clroir, recitationa and foreurs in censiderable numbers sud on- dialogues by tlbe acholare, and addresses -;,yed meotinqg old friendsi. hy Rev. Geo. Wehber ai Torontoe; Rer. Rev. T. W. Joiliffo was bouored with D. S. Houck, of Enniskillen, and ethers. elecîlon as representative to the Aima Tea wi]i lie served fromn 4 p mi. A lecture College Board of Regeuls, wihlba iro aI7:30 byRer Gerge Rev. W. Johnaton af Tweed, tbhe new Webber ; Subjecr, "William, Prince cf peietwnhg noim o i Orange." Ticketsj to Tes aýidl Lecture, preaiiet, onigecoim frbs M.-T- 9ý- -I-.m aafyiiansd impartialaion ,in the, 1 C-71tv.-Gritlmon-Hav âU . UOesMUO;necture enly, lO5c. CUer t -Gyanst cnstia. Sunday, July 2,termonus will be preached ave doto rs it bonstiapa. at 2:30 sud 6:30 p.m, hy lie Rev. Gao. s dctos nt hriu hepedWebber. Collection at oaci service iii led ta try B.B.B., snd ho- aid etofS iblalli SclieoiFund. Everybodi' ne bottie I was cured.* I can cneadejyago ie iendl il for Isick headaclie. cm niejyago ie NELskeview, Ont. Out Thi.1 Out y FW HA YEN. And pin il iu tbe crewn ef your bat, Innis. A edn~ lest yen forget the naine et the great long iieuds her....Mr. George remedy for' consumption aud hGnýi diseasa tCobourg hast week ou the "iSalvator .Magnus." Sabhàth sobool was closed on arcco.int of Mapho Grove TYËONE. .ih ho.0 r tece is by Mr.T. hM r. Jas. W alters, G r#nd Rapid, cama wil berecive , DY r. - hmeon Salnrday te sccompany lis ais- advertisemeut iu Ibis paper ter, frr.,Mosesansd chiidren tb Iheix )usy at roicdwrk-ltryiug te bomne over the line.fIle was warmly -r Mr.F G. Trullhl 15pur- welcomed by bis nîany nid friands ... cuhator .. . Mr a. W. Oke 'a Miss S. Farrell left on Fridity for lier Oliver waa in Whit4l.jat summer visit t->3Ilie West. . .. Mr. Arthur ... Mra. T. Vaucamp sud' Douai', Toronto, lias beau risiting friands J. . Truhi, Bowmauville, are liera dîîriug theiA eek. .....Long S .ulî tes p in Western Onario.... was well alteuded fro.m Ibis vicinity. ucai haying lest weak. The sermons on Sabhath by Rker. Hrvey G ET TOO MHUc1 fa i 0od Strike were weil received sud the tes sud Ïs eîuiiueuîiy lie case with program on Monday were al liaI could viline, sud great pain cure, ho deaired. .....Capt. Walker, a former st remedy, fer it centains bighly-esîaemed offic6r cf Ibis corp, spent 'erful, the pureat, sud nmast Saturdai' aud Sunday ini Tyrene -... ,Ar- subduing remedlies known le bar day was dnly oliserved liera by aie- Le. It is bone8t, for il dots ratinu sud ediug.dowu the new echool eO do. It is boneat, hecause greunda. -...After s vary prolracted ilI- lu the world. Il oniy cosîs nasa Mrs. Samuel Clanna n e eonithe old lry il, sud Yen can bey a time setlers cf tîls sectiou passed away dsug store. Nerriline cures 1 bar elernai reward ouSaturday hast,- uragie,,psin lunIthe hack snd Large'numbers of friands sud neiglibera ns are promiptly roiered hy' foiiowed t-ho romains to their last resu vilune. iag p'ace aI Betheada the f, A]owing Tuai- day. ENFIflLD. s. Daniel Dyer cf Couembus, Owing le the increasad snipply af-i mlk 7iting ber.... Miss Mary a the cheese fadai-y, the cempany bave alise beau visllinlg frein Port beau obliged ta put lu e uew val, hsrng o S. S. Aunivorsry here now four vals. ..-. Mra. Thos. Ehiloît ,,r6 irly weli. On Sunday an "-- , . - ...-uuu. 1 lie,4c 0av0 Mis-SUe A. J. H. Strike of Tyranu and L*ards of Blsckstack were higbiy td hi' ahi. Net Prceeda $51.. iffu Dyer shiipptd tlree car iaads ld hay te Toronto hast week... SReYnoi1da, B. A., was s rery h1la erhro hefoeo ing ta fty,and Mr.W. D). Dyer, B.S.A., lerly ai pupil of Entieid School. ou NJIVOS, re you aýIl ired nu hava that tired feeling or dril 0 Yon can ha relieved of ahI aptous by tskirng Hocd's Sara- whicch gives nrrae,meutland rengi sud thioroughli' purifies , It also croates a goed appetita (dig-estion, lhearîhuru sud dy s- t Pilla are easy te ishke, easy lu isure lu effect. 25 cents a box. ~. Bingla iel pdiugc a fow s i parntshr. ,.. Dr. J. E. 'rke,as dowu la seo bis brother ici riaýitilis friands. .. Mr, F. R. i tiII very weakl, ut la siowhy 'ing. - . .Dr. sud Mrs. -Mitchjell 0 0'n s trip te Ottawîibis wek .A. S. Tiiley, laie rasýidenit SUr Toronto Genarai fHospital, ,lu Ietr t-lias!ck liera. Dr. frhlcli-, e@ back betora the and of the' The Preshyterian clinrch bias .ly ci(Clea lsd looks mucli bat- he repsirs ou ou laide of NMethod h are cemplele, tire insiarano- ohl begunl yet .... .The Sabbat-h ýf the Prleshytarian churcli held ic ast Salurday at Lake Scugog t a very bappi' lim,... .The an- li cf Ibe younig peoplo from boere ko wilJl ake p1sce next Saturdsy t .... fIr. Robiert Kennedy, sr., yesrs a resideut ai Ibis village On a riait at weer. fHe hooka as hoe did ton years a...... Your 11uet net concluda that ahi the îarriagceahlo ladies lire around (sec JasI week'3 nsws) because bout fiftti'ilu hia village sud h0- -1e wonld nmake Masl desirable 1 happy homes fer as mauy gead ud waortby bachelars. .Mr.C su1d Mrs. G 'Ibert Stavons areý riendai iniWestern Otaro .... Dst MoýILaugilin, cf Markdale, îciay iihI bis parents lbera ou s a elegato be the groat Libarai il aI. Otara'... . Èer. S. Salon au I'npDressre swrmon fharo on iiL1t lazt. The rerereud geulla ËMiss Jauniie Saitan hade tibeir ndS lare gLood bye sud starte weste rn homo é%ain on Tuesday nhappi' l)raan lie hosuffor item ose aid dYspapsia shanld use it t eNarre Pilla, whidbl are PrWsssy for slesm, lnarIrons, j ionied namr- Isat ieelfe tr iean vitilwltla freu s î n the wea ,.Soef &ndda s, Posters.. -We were pheased te sa LIr. Bailmer ont agair i ter bis illuess. -..M r'. H. Elliott la improviug slowly. ,. , .sevrr ai of our residents waro ereaiug lheir waysilb week. . . . Rv. J. fi. Oliver, Camnpbeih's Cross, sud Miss Rutherfed, visited bise moîber bers lait week,, . . .Rev. D. S. fiouck end famuli' risited aI M7vrý . L. Browu'a ]est week.. _ Rer. R. J. Niddary lias beau spanding s fais days wilh friands liera proviens te slarting business lu Creemnoro. .....Dr. J. E. Brown, Arkona, made a caîllihera with Dr. Mitchell lit week. The Auniversary services of Hampton Methodialt Sun)dsy Sehoal will tie leld as folio fs: 0On Sudsly, June 25 sermnons will hos preached by aev. S. T. Bartett, of Lakefieid, at 10:30 a rit. sud 6:30 p. m. Collection aI each service lu aid aiSaibal Sohoal. Dominion Day, Saturday, Juhy 1, services will ha resumed, wheu tbe followiug choie pregram will ho ramier. ed hy t-ho Schooi : A Cantals senîitled Under theia Faim," or "The Flawer FasI." Addressecs wili ah--e ho given by tlis Rer. L Phlpa, cf Souih Darhinigton, suld ellers. Alter the Program tea miil liy serredl from, 4 p. n. Admission : Aduits, 25 cents ; Children not members o-1 the schooi, 15c,, Wotieui wilh paie, culoriese faceîs, wbo feel weak suad dîscouraeed, will receilve both mi tl ansd odily vigor hy using Cprter's trou Pills, svhich are mado fur tb lcnervt s sud complexion. WI IiTB Y. John iBep, sou., died aI bis rèsidence 4tb cari., WJtby, on Saturday, Joue 10, aged 79 years. Ha was a native ef Rox- but', Scotiand, sud waa cf the hardy border stock, Iu 1836 lie came te Can- ada lu company wilh bis brother Adam, wbo uew rosidea lu Westînirister, Middle- sex Co., sud is orer 80yearscf age. Da- ceased waa aa firit ciasa milwright sud his handicraft as displsyed over fifty years ago may atll ha seen in many of Ilia largo fleur miîlle ai Southi Ontario. Hlaa century ago ho marriad Helen Ormiston, siater of Mr. Geo. Ormiston),East Wbithy' sud slsrted farming merely for the sake of baviug a home wbera ho could suit- ahly impreva bis sparo lime frnm bis trade. Hie commenard lu Ibis uew ceun- l'y with the proverbial York shilling, but bis liritynesa eabledLim le tais a famuni fsix aud stihi gain as utIle ahw"ys, untul i .zia deisth leawas cenrfortahly ait- uale 3. Thres sans, Ad-ai, William sud -John sud Ibrea daugliters, Mrs. George Gray, N'ewtnville,und two mnmarried, survive hlm, sud ara mocli respectad as ws~ their faîber. Decessed waa long s, fsmiliar figure luib Fi town, neted for hon eaty sud carefni attention ta bis own affairsansd ieldom is tie respect for oua deceasd se mprked as au Ibis occasion, when nearly ane bundred cariages joined lui the funeral, couiceurse wbici accompani- lad lis romains 10 tis grave,--Chronicle3. Yes. Pain lunB Ck,(Jnatipztlon, Sick 14eadache, etc., are cuired hy uaing -Mem - hra.ys Kidiiey and Liver Cure sold by ahi deahorz. Try h, chair. Tha Simiea St. choir reudared much appracialed service of song and Mrs. (Rer.) J. LidIdy cf lHampton, delighed the Canference as a soloiet. There la to ha a f uily erganîzed Susten- tation Fund in thîs confesrence, ha-ving, for ils ohject tle raising of ail salaries ta $600 upon the pocrer circuits 'and missions, The annual lecture ef the Theolegicai Union is to be givan by Rer. Caleb Parker of B 'wuaaville hefore the Cen- ference of 1894 ; Subject-,Thle Bock of Eccelesiastes. The address an Missions hy Mre. A R. Camipbell cf Belleville hofora the ConferenCe was a most worthy fifort and was accorded the unanimous appvoba'ion of lier immense audience. The me~morial service at the, c nuference lu Osawa was moat impressive and it must hava heen as sqirce ef great satisfac. tion te the friends of the laie Rev. D. F. tise te hear the msuny trihutes ef praisa c ntributed hy lis brother ministers. Thope whohlt ard the addtesaes ai Hava. D. S. Rouck aînd S. T. Bartlett bofore tle large audience in the Sinm3ae St. churcli, Odhawa, at the, Epworth Leagce meeting of the Canference, ara etf the opinions that lhey delighted ihair bearers sud did theînsclves great credif. They wera original and practical-two coin- niendabla ciaracteri tics. The Isymen gel in soma gcod points on the npopuair Snperannuation Fend dis- cussion aI the Conference. Messrs. W. Everson of Ebenezer aud P.C.Trebilcock of Bawmanviiie rmade affce ive speeches. Il la certainly limte that miini.sters were paid ad(quate Lsalaiies like eo,'her ilaon, sud net made pautpera on the cbarity of the church after they ame psa't -worklng. Whila Ihere nmay ha somte excusenDow for >a susts-atonfuud,tliAre should n'o lorg. ez beapasmade 1a tho) p(opla for p, (13 for 0o1 age. It iwas iîle, aiull'U3Y resolrvod an motion cf Rîr. E Robai tp, ex praident, second- ed by R V. J. J. Iio that as a coufer- eica we cnný,l ailcw Rer. Wm1. Joiliffic te rati-e front the active work ai the iisîhry to a superanluuated re-lationsjhip wiIt untxpresioin cf <nu- us?reelstion cf hi mii4isery, in which lie lits occupled the higliept huer isl the tîft cf bis brethiren,withiouî h stifying tebis fervent piety on bis varions fields of labor durinug a perîod cf 35 y,-ars, anI bis auiformr brotbe-ly kindness in a'I bis dealings with the cŽi ;îrcli sud mini4try . and wa trust thal God, whose, ho lsansd whom hlie serves,will ha -with hlm in bis retiremient, followiug bis- lite sud supporting hini therein. Wàtch repairing properly and prompt7y attonided te at John J.Mason's Dry gooda aud Joweiry store. Rernuauifs Remnants ! We have s lot of this year's remuarts t fwail paper tha, we will sdIl kt cosi. "Big20" foth the Iethod and resuits wheW Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing ta the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys. tem effectually, dispels colds, head. aches and foyers and cures habituai constipation. S1rup of Figs3 is tha ûnlY remedY of its ]rind ever prou dJuced, pleaping to the taste and ac-ý ceptable to the stomach, p rompt ixý 'its action andl truly' beneficial in it3 ieffects, prepared onlyv fromi the most Lealhyanagreahl sustanesits rnaryexcellentqualities commnendit tO Illand1 have; nad it the nMost jpoTilar remedy k-nown. $yrup of Figs is for sale in 75a botties by ail leading druggists. Ancy reliable druggist who miay not hfive it on hand will procure it fpromptly for any one who wishes wa try it..ManUfaotured only by the CALIFORNIA FI(G SYRUP CL $AN FPRANCISCD, CAL, LouisVILL K y. NEW YORKZ N.Y I Suxiî~, 1 .t iw- -.j , AFTICRWAP.Dà. À JAMES EDI-lop. AND pRorr.liToit, VoLumiE X--ý-XIX. Nummp. 25 in An A, 1 ÀmW OMM PARAùuLà,l