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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1893, p. 2

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DY USINO hgto Easy eeO Pot ride your owin idleas nexi ath-àaý andt ry the eay, desan. "SUJ//LIGHT" way SLtanother n'a.i-dey go by wthou DN T Otr7yiis. i. T HE CANADIAHSTATESM A ESTABLTI 'IED 1851 $1 per annum iu adsince. thorwiîe $1.51 Sutscripions atsvîys paybeait tse afll 3 's publication. Aýdvertitssu,,ritue unoies by 0) tact, 10 cati par lins, noa3i, lat ieua on and a 1'renta p 'r lise ea"i suia in L oLcasi, il conta pir lia3. M. A. JAMS3I3, Putlishe3 STANDARD BANI 0F CANADA. Capital îad ap, ileeeORs, 55 ,4 Titis Bank le pt-eparod to do Legit mate -Banking in ahli its branches. Farmeî-'s notes discountei; iDCposii receivedt andi Interest paisi on aceouni of 85 and upwards ini Savings Ban Departars nt. ha c and ('electious Ymade in Eure, Uu'c utaesansi Canada. liosvuienviîie Agenc1 notie c n'thdawa neessry.Ail depos iiyteon demansi, n n- bf 'e!oto and iltafts lasuet upon Sirt United Sssses and Canada, aiea GodSilver F Ub îcd 6ia.'es Greeoubaci- bouclaI and sold. Pr 'o'pî.iv sa~e a'. currusis- raes upan ea5 p cf C'reF' t rtain, the Unîted Siate3a an, Doa -i ln elCan-ida. Telegvrapli Traxusfei's Mcdo for large or srnail satmç3 on atl part Tana iTIS is leosp ctally cdx attigeonsi :e~n ivi'tg isu anitobai or thse NS thwe imksibis fonds- eaaiab.e a, once at t Ohei rtîiîeotaraca t uthela"bank. E.L. FOSTIT, UFO. McGILL. Acisun tanit, Manager ,eE lt'ÂRt*U.& 0 - ORONO, -OT Oficeu. -PesOthicehhok IUe,i. -#y îelego. or ee onrcea nieO Gli sttbln. Me8578. HONEY & MoMURTRYh pnrchasedl the County of Durham for best Wire Fence in this Country. I atronz, easily handled and ornamen It wilI not be injured by snow, heat,4 or winds. lb wiUl turn Horises, Cat Sheep, HoLs, Dogs and Poult7Y, it ne', work, without barbaý, and will not pire 8tock in àny way. It is mu.Ah21t( eor atnd more durable than any barb f lng, being closelv woven. Fence put up and Farmauld Towzvn ighta for &ale. Apply at CE,-.TRAL]L 2'y' Bowmanvile. W. P. RICII, Clarke M. 0., hW bought Clarke Towahip, la preparc put up tence. THCQKES FT. mylegs ansi sippesi bis daily ratioans.not bc given or utteresi under !otis i; - ut- .ri dnauijokiugt pocaisei bi el Soe ib is wes not agreeable, n'ben bc stances. In such 'aies ibe driem muet .keep jtnoitapray the prietiodeath. Atrîuis j wouid give me e sighi nusige w'ith bis bead a cbeck upon hhmseiaswm 1as,ùpon býis et the ibreai ansi overwhelmed ai the îndicating thai he was not getting bis foodi bnraes. failure ai bis own incantations, tIse sorceres fast enough. Speaking ai ibis remniuder in Mares in mîlkç are or sscptbl t diesi proving by his death bis~faith inhia the sbape'oi a gentie buAt itih bis beasi, it c5anges of temperature orto1 ui encasrlgo.[EE Carey in tbe Califorsisan. seema toeme as tbougb the moiber con' ofien 1from drinking ifreeiy ni ý-'veycïsiwaier times rebukesitIse little osto for ibis con- when beated.In, luil wavs bmaod mres Ton thousandileasitoy soldiers areturn duci. I bave beard ber give ont apeculiarimuai ho ircatesi witb xtacaeani kinsi- cd outinl Nuremberg every day. x haN ino.rt îis A.RI 'JL ULAL cry wb.en this was hein ý continl!( d s if to es if their own futuire usefulinelsa A(-s.R CTJLTTlllIAL say "lbehlave youtalf,"when it imme- is b, le conserved, and the thrifty diatry ceas'ed. gnt of the Thal assnred. Thcy shoaLd lieI Rayinz Liaohiuery. As to the mi Ltbe given te) ),auCkmig given a nonrishing supply cf food, tiat wil1 Thefarer ook bak wthcaif : for abouta week after ¶be animlalI provide abondant sustenance for the dam, wtb re "r eminisceukwt wonderand had been taken from its mother 1 gave it and an ample supply of milk for the colt. yet wthgreaewIlirmk ascertithateItmixed Ii lîtti fGrond pasturage and a lilleral ration in which the time when bay was made by band with- tbis milk with about two qu t fskîm bra or grooind oats predoninate will Ile out the aid of any machinery except the med milli, which w'e brougbil)t bkf rein tle founld to' yieldma tiatryesi. scythe and the asmali band rake. creamery, and on tIitIs ixture i iu odfi- Audthehau rap, hata luma i., a ur cuty ini raising fine youug .stock n upitte it wscmard wt tepreseut rk 'ewe oml a eear n ri I AN 'TY10 'WOM EN. The boy akngafter the carti d i flt ue ~dwagvn eR eteBîtr1e fWdln 0o be t )t uliey be bad ýIto Ibe to10, a ie. Rb1i oofasonn Lkeep up. Wena onth was bukna iv i1io Cue,1ern Dresa.ýe nu e hadl to be whle;Id out, prbp biedoCueaKili Lady Gevll, riting in an EbngishL ly, ild wheu many teeth were replaced 1 There is noenfllbl crea1icbl t Leazîfe, says: lTe air je thick wiîhi the tii way, the rake was heavier aund dragged ail kickers alike, asmucjh idepepdis on th,- roar of leacties of ail kjnds. We have îem- harder than before. temper of tbea-ual, its paýst habitsalaid perance ieûgUnes, anti-tobacco b.agues, anti- The fiat imiprovemeut tahelp tbefarmel', experience, and flt a litile on thie mari wbo îulniage.Wyotaa'segej or the boy that raked after cart, was a rake undertakes the cure. Sime uervous mares 5alflnst ti"ht aig Ifmnoceoril given difireut names in different places. In givefi to switching, holdinp the rein uuder p*llunê., mlaîng l men oce orrail, one place it xvas called the Ilbrill rake." ht he tail and kieking, may be Curl'd bIy im- of the practice ard vowed never te marry a was a large band rake to drag on the ply driving with auoverdraw cheock, kýept worran who was guilty of it, by degrees ground. Witb ibis rake raking afier cart ratber short, and by 3oliing the corupper was easier. with a strip of lannel until it la tbiree inch- Wip e n terelamigt be iaed. The firet horse rake iu one part of On- sti su iîntalotb.oi oWieme oeaeadocs onalyeen at lest, ianta~aî, wih sle hckdow o alosi nuhi ow ld theireinadmire, an abuormaliy ami waist, woel tarinlo s, was a ga i iha 1stl oncoeyteri we mnay be sure, wiil justify ihemselvea in long rope at each eud. 'it r,,e on the tigbtly, or fixing the tai to the breecbing idlec in this banef nI habit. Be tbe grouuid, and could draw togeiber a load of 3trapa at ecil aide an as to preveiil freim mode what it piease-statuesque,or Empire, hay, but it hlad to bcte md lever and pulled getîing over the reiu may -ufce. If 't 's or realistie 183-tbe ivaîsî is there. Higb ot of tbe bay by hand. hi bindered about from uiervoua seusitivenesa wbelýn oIhd rlwimaagstintec peso. as nmuch as it belped. ou the quartera or hind l)i bly htoncled orow, i mausacr toiviste comression. As soon as the drag revolving rake came, shaffts, whip or baud, Magn-er's imeî,bod of ge.n fbat-rc.N n ae iwas considered the beigbt of invention. turîtin,, in e narrnw circle to rederthe grit uiaof et nd-grace oaoneaulaed ht waa a gond rake bot bird for the mnari borse icy and submissive msiy be t ried. anything but siff. The deliclous lines of a who followed it after a fast walking borse A sîrong bîtcbing trap, or stouithmpbeaniifsii human figure, the awaying me- guided by reins aronod the raker's neck. cord, is carriefi front nue ring, of :lhe bit,l tion, the. lissomenesa, the suppienesa, the Ou one ferm tis rake remained long alfter back onuonueide of the b)ody,trog au willow-iike appearance celebrated b ot the ridin ake camie. The memllbers of the opeuing made in the biair ab àeakunot tled ail are thrown to the winds. We arey.poet farmner's amii boys-pieaded for the on the end of the tail, and aol1-1 irouigh eed ltteimgofabrDthdo, new make but the f armer said the nid rakre the other ring of the bridIle. Th'ia miay be mvu i fapee smtosagtr would do a wbile longer as be did the rak- drawn so tightiy as to 1)ri119the unlsde ne its joints stiffened, nuable to bend or to ing bimacif usuaily. One day the farmner to the tail-nearer in tbýe le5sa uerov- isly h gaiosham teft a sober borse attacbed .to the rake in nus animal, and Dot io neer :in tle oomoto lspayt cnse tacion pal frout of the bouse while be went in for a more uervos-aud tîedl witb a rniigo'otoluwa1cnitateprnia idriuk. The borse took frigbt aisometbing Dense wbicb may be ioosened in a nuom unt camo psbdnig uti nx Ly and sîruck luto the field and weut acrosa by puiliug on the fore end. Or il. place of pressible riiytbm of the miotion of tbe upper Y. te lts t fll peedtheteeh o th rak tyngit ay e he(l n ilie 1,part of the body, cased etirely by is tb ltsetf h pedTeteho h aetighmyb edl b and' igbtly, freedom. Taini, the ceîerated dancer, -fliing t everý' Srep. That was ibe end of but readly tea h îhe 1ce e reîtucessry. inisted on the free miiovteent of the arme Lt that kiud of rake ou ibat farm. Most borses tu these cicmtne iltrr and bodies of bier pulpita, dcvotiig ail her Then came the riding rake, or the rake rapidly aronud îowardi the ide to wblich attention to ibis ; ihe feet, elle satd would -we ride, and it is naturai ibai we sbotîr' the bead and tail are tmdand tihe imore ntrlyf'o unio akno think thet uotbing botter wiil conle But rapid the turnlug thesnrte aul a ual flo nunsn ak ,o wba dowe uowabot l'i illbecme izz , nd ie le al on"thedancing, or rlding, a tiff bIl shideouls. whToa ie luo uts ithe mom ing oppoe d y Nifteoesla fî1og cou-If womeu would ouly believe ibis what an To-day he m ar ut byinit. h e gostine d if he o , s todeclnea ta? n-enormous siep would be gainsed 1 The gisi <andth a si the ban nih. h inud.I the l délie to turo, or of the inatter ieem to lie inuavicionsacircie. young fermer may wonder how bis fater turns slowiy, lie mev be mâadleto do it more W omen wisb ta please men, an (ltiîey bave fnisbed haying bef ore snow f ell witb oniy acîivcly by striking the fnac geuuly with ervglysnwhrtigod'ues Itthe nid implements lit bis command. Per. the whip. Ihi s not ue,-cessary, hoéweveür, to mr prcae yîe hnapei ae bap th famerwasa alittie later iban efat;he ueed olybuemade Sorîey corea and sueez ih emt e.e ZÜ day, but flot much. H1e bad mowers, and glddy. Afier a few tura, toeb is quartera iniS sae they bellevo and 10ue e theiel 11 if these mowera badl been totd ibat auy rump, thigb, hochsanad sabauks wib a - ight oe We tuihe bbiiualtlye th nda- mahn3a oig htcud"tk pole. He may kick, or iry to, Iet firsi, lbut1 ture. Mauy as cirl bar, never seen the -dnwn' a field of grass quicker iban they the paloetaîibe applied igbuîy again auLd Venus de Medici, or-, if she bas, probabiy could, teywould bave made merry oe again. and be will dooniaýmisa ail mLhougit it. of kicking. The paletnast bu re-peete ily ivotestliera iben e ar uentfia emai Weil, there wasaome "ifun" inihose dlays, brought in contact witlh alli parts of the piaa e tagmentaamrue.amtiWaîmut; as weli as liard work. The betp the fermer ind himbs, inside aud oui, uil he unieln g- ieeoew uimk n aaaei h ad waa belp-farmer's sous, brawny men, er feare or resents it, but takes it as a mlat> Wermaysie we ma ie; bn w e tsSmai wbo teck pride lu their work -inbeing gondi ter of course. As the effei oi timuring0 to sfew myde;bu eme t-mowers-good at any kind of fermn work. - ugie ahbetob epray tîl fulfi il our mission, the law of our beîg- 11- we nmust please. Man alone can refute wboecouid wliet a s yîbeta a razor edge., and beat tea bosco the horse in a few minutes,tiaesnusrauig uaoecn who amed any nian ta clip t,-. dr beels in a til, hlm ou the other aide l l et bimiti rocu esnn.Mr ln a tamawing bout. tur for a wbiie in tliat irection. Thc Idispelt îlîs ltusion.Wehree ni te It was a good slghtetasecelbait a dozen mec pote eau now be. brougbt m!or e eifectivetyi strong enougli te combat a mania wbich b asTI gailied sîrenigth îhrougb suceeeding gener- ak mowiug in tle cool of the morning, swing- lu contact witb the whole of tibc othýer bind atiaus and become an iuberited hbit, muet ing acroqsathe field in unisan, ail ihe s-ythes quarter and leg, sa that tIse borse becomese remail iadobfu point. Perhaps, efter iuging tbe sa-ne tun(,. Wheu tbey iurned edueated to bear îliai aIl points , tit ilwoafwtnedtbeerovsinr the land every Scythe came oui gli teuingin feer or retaliation. Iluib case of a very Util she dN'Lnetdest eone h v i erd pe the sun. A ha)i ut of grass wet w'ith de w nervous horse this may someilye apipear, ing, immrlin idiotie practie ableshsoutd Swept across thbe leue ad thn fmlie wet- to fail, the anma getîg stSa 1nervon flot ask for fui ber piiigsor chatter tone or Ille rifle began ta ýplay. Bthprxs nwihvioent retaIýLttory k-ick- Wvt muiyaot h qatyo h was bard work for ibe boy whvlo did!the iVgtbacimes uva]untary. Xt pvenothehe tnt nrea if i hehad o ()keep 1up Witb svealafte'r nue gond l e>sson, wllaa ilhen ah- ilowers. The fresboy of to-d y ybe lwdt tandalitd c(ooloff, asafauagin i ianft ibtth e nGwr a at 2mwY reteà,aday or a weeKljatelý$: uhsel 1 , î cotinue ibelesson ffeeu110W, ý, ;,il is ie butt jae sa oett zlu forkA;thfebav1 bengret hanea u titth wtcfuvese t1jyy ,us u i b aeue eaîg rthe ArLd ni parutry tiie ieeitd dpthiiy.q ie n nddadthehe PlteuemslaofTimhPaiFacrleeî i d s 1 - Theýre was a timh r bee-tined fork tihe face relaxed, tise eara, eeisand 11lp spei ibe eveniing. Unf.ortunateý,ly the can- iewas almoat a curliy But the pasti is lacidl and the general exresbiI1eal, -cirecudutfnthky. iwaîm pat, andi witts respect ta toota, the fermer cept i s maifested hnii e lburried bra1hngPossible for the visitera t- gem ont or for Of Iglad h las pasi, but it le pleas;aut ta review nfd perapîr.tio..But if after a severe les- the tenants of the bouse who were ahro-ad ~~it,fobctra it holps eoiaeshp en tsou h nmlsoso a uqervous ierrur ta get in. It was aboutIil o'clock and il eut more cieerflt andi promisiug. or fury, it is boiter sii usend th leseýon there weÉe b uifew passera by. and waii some days for eae, nd When The two usen, wlso kneiv e tenaut on the - subdued the horse may hoaloe ta smetl grosaud fluor, got oui by oue of bis windows )ut and examine barnesa aund wago), ai> may and promis ed to fi a iocksmith. Ail the bc Teaohin-a Younr Caîf to Dri-ak- bce arefully harnessed lnd iichýed, at ifraisboswr htteeadnyrasr htilis an nid aaying that Ilone man may it hfto îetyt a.oeîor gent (de ville could lit found. Faiîing to finsi lead a horse mn water, but tweuiy cannt ageuseni and reward beiug imade wiib sugar an î,ticer, îbey asked. where xvaa the nearesi a' ofmake lim drink." The semae might becap- or applezi, and a confidnciladn but police station. The one in thse Ternsahi ; opliesi wiih equal force io a eauf, subhtiiuting kind vaice and milnr b ing emptoyed. bren shut op for a couple ni boums, tbe one t, mile for water. Genilenesla one of the Severel lesonua are unialyd ineand " aigulathe same, and li the ibird hemosi important reqoisîties on e farm, lu so it may beuiedft tidiveilunarus iusly îh tey "were simpiy Sent ahoni iheir businss. far as thte treelmeni ofailah ilasf ounsi and tihen in sha ita hefore lie cai- e rstd anwhile h n'as t o'ctock, anct a long lino- ibere la conc~er There are some farm su a wagon. hti laai im-portanit than eer- f eigbted tenante wemre drawu up bof ore r. bauds who, apparentiy possessiug lessseuse tlting be donc safehy, Liat a (une the fasi-ciosesi door. Tiseir would-he - ian the animale îbemnseives, îry to accom- stg fsbiso erabs oe delîverers wr einu ols niee plias by hirute f orra wbai a limite persuasion the animai hoe placed wbcre lie cen be tem"pi- wheu a suspicious-tooking indiÎvidual wuuld do far snoe feciively. 1 bave seen cil in repeai bis vice, as a1 lap .-iit ouLY rstumbIPd against thesu. ibis more ctecarly exemplified inl teaching a fix the habit more firmy, ai g ive hlim-ita Tise ilarwbo ad ahi bas wita about caif todrissk tb sulu eîîytbiug ese., The reaize that the contlralsi csrùe ly Iibe turo- îîim, stopped tise man quietly, aud, taking meîbiod ai a hýred i 1sani ave lu'm esiug operation ila outy teniporary.Insorof isbts isi lhb ur adnar to lezethse a iatiobth bis abs,,tra- te ail muetnot b dîae ta be u u o' ape ohv immly and tomir, we he eg s fi h wre ]lu ise o;eTrogot lewhlrc"esa ihe ma ýjl oo,ýki t ieýnsausp'ieioýusiy for a imo- ai îhtwo flinger1a ýib[Im t er ono 1 he-horse misaibe inlibebadsof a bod, judi- lmnent ai ihIlen wisperedl, ia aieta craa ceh'stbratasho oaibyconis L'ette, iitkinsi tramiier. Nervaniosat teck f "0 c10? "ies !" replie,! the juuirnist and the frepneranlîuIb 1ýpusb;ed up is ofdne httoasi b a'eal lîaty we kuow "o u ueW11om11wecau rob ai nostrits to their f lilenl, neaoby remper, oruucqatlie o bue isnIy tonpreaent;nmfin aeail i ihe seaside." j'ail tIhe brute sireagmiat he possessed, t ieyi nqalh oi hrt '\ac ( uAnd tnihe erLilsiexptaiued te the nighi force thte animnai'a heasIiin a the miIk pail, compliih by the mat sintfe oboa anderer wlsat n'as the service îbey e- until tise perspiration is'as ponrtng down bis qreoff ln.Il Ail1 righi but get the hronzed cbeeks, and in ibis way iry to inquisîtive peuple oui ni the way, I don'i compel.teceaue'tei, k ytral,-i- ct wanitaegive free tessons." the ani aud esdnk. uh taturehly, are of mares Wth 1uSU C01t5 Tley returued ta thebouse, and ihe iwc SThe caif wili nat be coerced inodoing ev eloreliwrki n isijr ofrienda annouincesi ibai a iocksmiihbhad 0l'thing againat is wlll. i ofieri nccnrred0 mares with anckliug coli, ut condtions been founsi, and beggel the benighted cries - me thatifIltbe persaon adoptiug sucb a arise in the ruah of farmabr , wbicls ýmatie to mnake way for hlm, Tbe et ici împesa, methosi wauld pause a tittie lu bis work, greai care uecessary Lu order ta av<ad serîous andi the burgiar openesi the sinor lu theI ,,. ai ihiak bow be wouid ike to aee a uisoîher injury bath mn mare ansoli'el. Oere tin winkliasg of an eye, enîlsi a perfect chorus ~ nîu br Ifat blsi a ik mane msa the dam hy violent exel orilutýIse miIsile(if Ihauka. Tise two gentlemeni wanted tia Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription fo~r Infalnte' and Ohildren. It contaIns neither Opium, Morphine nor oether Narcotic substance. It 19 a harmless substitl4 for Paregorie, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor dC. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty yeàrs' use 'by Mfllions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curde, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Gastoiria relicves tecthing- troubles, cures constipation andfaticy Castorîa assimilates the food, regulatea t1estc nçi and bowels, glving healthy and raua le.Cs toria ik the Children'5 Panacca-the o lhcr's riud tSîcastora je nu exceiteut me-dictusa for chui- &ien. Itilers have rorpeatedly told menof lis good elf cci upon their eh ldren." li.G. C. O"GOOn, Lowell, las. «Castoria le the best ronsc'ly for, c!iihrencf w'hstch 1 asti ucquaiuted. t o (~I L j le oct fer'distant Nwhcn motberf -ilco tlo iereal iniercaistset er eblie, nitoe Jaior n - stead of the varlous on ostrums5M.ticii are destroylug their loved onceb ocigoim morphine, aooihing eyrop and other isunifis agents down their throats, thereby aenuing them ta prematore graves." Dia. J. F. MNssecnx.t, conlwiy, Ar- '-Castoriai so w-11dn"dt 1 reconineosd il sspriro kuowne ." 17 "Our rhyst'-"u5ý in tueohls ment hc Cp!.xn 1ghiY of once in usd rcie ansd elzlou'b tr wulyhv medicel Supplieswbtn-hn elso producta, ye we ara 'et u nerits of Casoria baLs n'on Us1 tfavar upon ht." UNITED F-asPIT.5Lýn ALLEM-, C. Surru, Pa-, TT-- 3Cemntaur Companyi, T7 Mmaraay tecNwY FOP SALE IsY J. IIIGGINB'OTIHANI & SO-N, BOWMANVILLE EjastEtnd Grain epo- rhe undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Dtirha for the liberal patronage extenied to, us during the pasvtseon aiso to remind them that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the HIGI-{EST MARKET PRICE FOR ~LL K! ilOS 0FCQA EGCI eiiere atou~stoehoseCor, King and Georgeslrets. , Drngn.W e have also on baud a large st-ckr, NEW AN D FRiESH f Canadian and Liverpool Coarse SaIt in Bags. Ro'ýk SaItý for c_'x and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which. we are prepared to seli c i~É~~E' All-kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLE&AN SORE ENEI) COAI a.ways in stock. We invite inspection a-id guarantee satisfaction. MoCLELLAN &ë' O TMauufacured' oniy et THOMAS HOLLOWÂY'S ESTAflLSHYML, 78; k~WCXWC~D TI?~~B3, ~JJ~T)O04, Shouli! ook ln tha LsseiOn*the Bell nr" j, !.teade !- t53 Ofr te, iOn -s An mpibo $Botis asend iti uley-,ta tretr in Norh Ontaio, s Puran hasiwîsp~euldl o in10te ea L a nd tIsew exesan l i the Bostn Hera . t ise aXieas lentfront Oxfordsire, Lononttby ra apnnf n'arpiag tug. itpmopelaitseif on banS as or bcansi keep it hevel goiug uip or 'il aouatraniluesbylmeenbP t, iwill move over au cievation afi whoe oer-nu reca-es ,n mni foot i'n Ëtree on tend, ansu ra' ami!]keConnecte'!il'y streame of un IIi(cer- îwentjy-eigbt incI,sslutIs naîr TIe esetlisproveitflot nhy nsnc'es, s-v fieFo=gaVE e- bau aý grocat bontt he bomer i crad.Si f A ltte boy n' 'Csexîreis y hi iibese niique rlthe be Chht ytIeli n er, asi iaS been isent ïaw ýy roin . photoaa ibeir yard homo ansitwo SIppe s srvesi. read y to e put togosiher ai ihoir édesiinatrsu About nine, o'c-lock abat evei hn tIse Nipiss in sarci. ap ,w h st e-the other cisilsiren basI gone to bc,1 TbeyareIsuit n san'shae, 'lt atel-staines i tttie face anI a w;iî e, rabesi e shedi runnes fut moviug overiansi- are appearesiaitIse door. ytbirty-seven feit lonig, ian ecet beamn, dock- "sihamma," it sai(6hrsývely bet 4est ail over, ansi iavei sieppifl-g room for four soha,".,"lyountols ime neyer 1togo, t) msen in tIse bon' ; the hotiam ansi np tIse nIen niligwoghs endn an' la scovered xvi tIssteel boiter plate. ne atfrgiven, se Icome dwntc ogine of 2.hor e po weo r f uni he m stoani for you - a Ist-ha',-.oT ivfy. ten booms' n'ork, -ailIs threc-quartors of apaafrhtyodStamaiIsS w cord of Sooi. tbe Is Iu ihewaei rnoves six miles aunusour tbe j orn'ard or backward, as rpqiiresi, propellesi "'y ,ie , El.On land i h lapropetefi by Exp"iion hl 5 Oft cAtfA haYvhng a ca,.bie druni, ou wbicIsis cohlil,',five-ia a ytro5yd pem e:Ageghs ai a mile ni steel Wire c able, ntich 1vian'. Fm

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