- ~hem le on th ceevs sd te des -~ L ~~ IIL L~dreamed of. The sal boats were quick linorpOrated 1887, Witli CaSI Capital Of $50,000 ...... HOUSISDHOLD. ready ~~~~~~for the wash. NW hen laundlered hi;leoute evsantedr,3it i YISAO TUmE ýl ae ihutldwjtadalwsi I heBay.will be fond to bein proportion and lio one - readinece ta be conveyed on h re wvhen the INam tle BbY will be the wiser for the ietting out pro- ~j sea, wich dhe amadnrfid We eearche the liItfor8tirittflastiOec-§al Or! ~became cuddenly agitated, and a suda To eacdn th a f 111 Ifttalate citifnce.wt n o oeFancy Evolvai. Stornm, peculiar to that locality, horst upan p 17Toe ro,,vuor carly-headdboraffles, take the tuck on the wrong Side--tn.Th e Lidirwihrrstbe We w mnted sornethim utaoe lcrfleg htth edn strontzand greait. jfsohecengand he r, erhed. aT ere weireca rirst Leooard struck us lionlike- aoeterfesohtte e ->fVariiîdcerrke -i on Boird l for and e fuwsry, he hoaThere wane -_____ I A goodi, name-ala,! and hen wiii hide the seam. ubrotwnpplreaig Tise ouuer reahes nmm, se-tate - ric1 rit ube itwsepermi ingouthe -mur Ye, utfed twîhcnt'Errs~in. He'l thunider down Old tine tas Le, T ieIlyth conno-teci with the sea and wreck, which, to thse horror of those stan L Fee ingte colaIdi it-, aud n oto Ptedrtobe awe The Refuse. iob.b1ed in by the oidl-fashioned sait ing on tise cibf, begaù. ta recade into deep canaford to have a cough or cold,acute For man shou 1 c love bis f ellow' Man- What te do with the varied waste cl thse w-rýl bth u'nr nad weird. ProbeiblY water. There was aoa f bi ands, a ndlea i gte consumption, iuxking Bttis sa o esyi 10behead hoceisa roie eer hnckeeper mut thoeenofnie Fiying Datchman bas a waii of despaîr, rngled with thse arond lm.No. Rlercliterics t lae, do meadIhv ovdi ocreetn.eetrpplïty wih landennand le hoarse voice nfite gaie ad the unfortu- Wo w 1: e woe't 'Twli nverTo begin w iti the asiles. Those from thse betterkontsutecrit superstitions nates dîsppeared forever. It has also been Tooceotbo eeahtsebncoal clove are cpread lapon the driveway once so n-umoroas amonc tise I"toilers of ta-ed on gond anthnrity that theacamne 0f common ltod bis !ifeCalil thrnngh. aud wslks, whicb they grs.duaily render tcide. wreck appearedl at different points on tise AND APPLIANCE CO. A chrmig nae wsLanteittirai nsucoid. W ahs r catee u erde'ken sd his ghnstlv craft, Irislis eact, eaucing a like ealaruity, and A chaing ine'i wta ,al ot tiuyhee n ter ve tegrc. is nasîganWboodgetrnly vibtiead ii frri blare its a tatc o4. IIGST WTOONO OT Or alntno Gos nex., aà-tchou ler nidcunser or thenx0W e5 ae iteSui tatei soic hpwcntn at u hnosn Then osatn n ettmsO t trx i wner abc te w y o tte'ptc o weatser the Cape n Gond Hope, Tirna-Noog, the land n yonth and eternai 9 IG C SPT. eBS N g.fo aaa Bat Con sud Bert we didutlike, envers thena from Sight. They are an ex. iceanle ni tise iew traditions ni thse deep cil happ'necs.___________letity s pledb th And Soli leeasy lut fmom SIceiutdrssn fr the iawn, acsor thick acceepted by te cailnrsi to-day a matte It seern l clietadensngssepelwe'dacaailrer todtras mat.rOwen Eleeta-le Belt, a nme e'dneýr trie. growth ni dlark green grace proves, ni face ý. Vnerdecken, enraged by a scu ireNorVeg !an C'od Liver my wifo pcrusei a nove1 'trong, The table siraps, aiteikonur kitty 'bas haï cession i voetgle htpevne i ' ao f 1ku yl3UP91to sufrnowreg uzeas iye grosat takbongote an iand ch- sl n lirbi!,arnavcifreriugbr' bgdo. bp uorlabiictietcpe so. iewll Woveist ap32ra kos ta paetf rkiinal ievusanthewai Thhee il li0jstf nainehetflt onMdbcloig- i. Any bouie tisaI my hoton large for binte per8ist and stcccoed in spite ni Ond ordemon, mucis ni the flavor ic !estby peeling them. troubles,. and uit- clet cnres lu seemingly stehehnsbek uns,0fcorev;an 'ruia~mculd nllver 1 drif ise aeiled tili elernity.-lise eppearances It jein tiese kjn or co reur tfthttbe lin liopeica Ccases wiierecvey otherknown niellns Tienad ies afun bsroee, cwmow dp oo is înealcr on r S esu s sfailed. It is ulaturco's remcdy, -and by its Wasting Dseasesadisararae And set ou ancies to bis, wiii. go al the st-ste papers, soiied seruhbiug ni the qusînmt Dulcis veciel, with its officers Cannet ho remnoved withont losing it.Ms tay otil curn tti edl et Fesh Producer. Altnost as Palatable as And yelicd onue igit, wth boyih dn. and floùr clo)ths, and ail worn-ont lboots suan d imec alrayei in tise fantactic ri., f ni hn ceewives kniow visat te cook appie by' "Cose ff he ol nd au se it-" cocs, ftube " purifled so os y tire." 1 al m o i S lln go bde(lire disaster ciicîng, withont peelintz, cecures a mach PSTVL U E MIIkPrecared cclii by Sçott&BOWee.BePevîilS ard iiorînIe tbtise unfortunate chips ccsenivo 0 iech tsuea egot euatmexslcsks, DlousDhe.aise hum ail vegetaisis aud friiit-parinit rce ho eh -i3tauC humtsiul'ekeq and tise outeidle cabbage ieavec. Tce rs h iiîbs vîî ri~Tstts in the se eai way. Tise worm hioes, as tise Scciîcera uaiyImoe nspiint - ogh fruit tartcsud pies are sch uesawày jin aisack corner ni tise firebox they an0rý l1d tmpiouc Duteismac iscc til li Guneai ilssiLiteaubc, Irnadpoutonea, Thon stubomnsibangis oe , t eubefoed eutre ui, ll eccsbcsgo ti esDîeaes fi oscd 10 tits enuntry, solerauscesoon vanicli, ieavingnDotiig buta bandîni iautingftbe pilcî ni tise cape isattestedadatetiefitseokdtseknsii eonDsaeLtronpmn, M meat pies whibch fim uciscaoy fichies luniofcleasi aches. Tise dics water is carriei hy a menusrnits oylfcul iGrctsparate se tisat it wil net ho diffiuitte10DYs3ePslcs, areIek Engiauf. Tise iot-owbng ce a grisât favorite: ott, aud tisown on tise pile ni stable litter Britasu, wico ent n icd ary ta bis rmv tisc*. Tise ony objection t Vri etswana Dsuss àLBxîtP PiE .-Have a poncd oni ac, tee- bebind tise barn, wicere il immediateiy princeiy eyeýs cauIsta glimpse ni tise gisost- iing ties kins ic tisaIîisey are lharder ni RH EUMATISMV dem beef eut lu a colid pie if Possible. dicappears. iy crai t ambid tise drivbng spray and mnsmng digcestion. Bat tise stomaeis, like cvemy Iiawelnontttsamdîasiec ROYAL te raofteblgo8srneth 1 MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Wtis a very Sharp kuife slice i51ioteticu ThaisaIdoc~ses ni everylhung except tise waves tsrogn its l, rw togr tie 'es r e ilei 10 fct rd rt-cf us russcmatce Proposed Sailings. Subject 10 change. 1893 piee.Hv eul ncsa ae ibroken diises, tin catis, asu snb îings. A SPECTR5E VESSE h arder tics womk it lias tedIo, provided il iases. Weve cotumetIsce essertiontlittal iougle two ncees ni fine bread crunihe, less titan 1We fluaily dog a isole thme or furbl Mytcrinous vesceis ni tise Vanderdeoken je ont aI acîy finie se overloadel as 10 hoa criiybas onhy ý,beeîsilus cas atrtemiedial Qule, one-inurtis ounce ni lemon-rind, pared very ideep for tiseu, acsd wien it le nearîy fulil, t.ype a uni ýtcnnifined to ftisecisoppy uabi to dfil. eti -atc'srd cars, il eur e motoccase clil r ati aiervîcel once oni mineederbtremely cossu, one-fumiî we ss.îî covec it up anti dig anoîber. ni tise So tisAlantic, lse thsefoiiowing Sa'____________-,i(,,d. SorteofnI os leadtng luhysiins, recog. savryhebetso-bbrs ar luy iInummer lime,ail tise weels taîcen îom eose e t10tise wrcîec- by ýe il- i seGek tte t.huî tcr e i pIbtact, arce avaiiing thecssoives of tiSi one-tiird tisyme, finely minced, a littieTh rEsttecemraewegnItpetofaue'fre. TrmF ou rn the gardeci are put bu aun t-o-t.ice-way necýes,, wili tesýtif y. Il was tise mate oi a ertriiy painted bu gorgeons eniors sud ýýleaînhIp, Motrel. rat(Inumeg cue-hlftespof Bre akt corner,'sud tise pea-pods, melon-rinfs, Newl, Bediird wbaier, au unusuaily bteili- îrequeutiy eovemed wîîb a profusion ni îaw- TO RESTORE, IIANHOOD 4ý ......PAILIAN-...2 May.. .21 MsY and pepper or Cayenne te leste. rekgmen-eonu boks, ecare added ta tisepile, gent ýiaowbo reiated bis expeienco ac dry ornamnett. Tltousands ofucoplisiffer trous a varioty of Il May- ...CiICASS IAN- -27 May-.... 28 Muay into tisese îwoonces ni gond flatter 0 ison iedcsvtrb ore to i-u olw _____________________ »5 MAY-.. NUA)NIDIAN..10Jue. . 1 June smaîî bits, tise unneaten yoke ofone ggand b1 îalî I have a s ni yofexcellent "ewoeofahemontsroi tise Amazon, eervtndcts s suc1%it ,cia -mialWekn ec., Moli 3 MONIX..iidne.t ue(yspî Irlite cnidmodes ot treaturiont full 10 cure, .M'GOLIAIN -.17 Junc aud. clwitb tise ingot-c wnrklise st-iole t'ili ertIsfor my bouse plants. witf-wo -vwhsei iewe bat kilied angeide.I hrolsioatnteiccorperUI 8I Jue-....PAiISIAN-...21 June.. 25 Jonc st-il mixed. Lay the slices ni beef upen a Tu biswc.ywoaoid nyaoi'uoof tîo nilie theceiwctc.oadepocelerprvaîing ia Inoue --way LeUavEid ary accumulationof-h-1rcl!nar ai- , 1wat-h,-atdnot buaostnrct litymedocad treaemiut, an 2J ne... UIIN...8 u ..9 u fil bd sud ra la uea ah core n ierubisilson the place. Tise batk-door ymù vienalage qnlrc-t-geed siip came lE , ny doctor whIo wo)uId try to accomnpli -ls iis 22Jue-..... JMtDIAN- 8 .IJuy.f1ly fre0 oiign ie asg.Lay je justas swecî anti wbolesome as tise front careeoýVingo ni tise nisty darkness withs a 1.l, nykidnd nf driigs ta practising a dangeru t; dune-...SMARt II âAN .2la Ju. ...t6JIYftjl or motcharte ConNsn. Pmeperiî treatet 6Joly ...eM0NG~~~~lLtXN..,22 Jrsy.... ~~~~tbem eveelin lusdeep dis sud issiienver îawu.Thers is ne, fr p2n labu ociihe eosnSs aecwii u 13 July-. PARIcIAN-....29 JWtY .... 30 JulY wis water, adding a littie more sait for ni tuepromiîses, except to ake np tlise dead stood isy tise after compancnu-way îneap-TIEE IEÂE CA B CR» 27 July ..... UMÉD IAN ... 2Auxg... 1 gtise gravy ; boarder tise edge ni tise disis icaves bist have lain under tiese cosv - able ni ncotion. Tisome was sometiig rth w iîis pate, w e ting itw itis w atr or egg t10 [M ary Jene. \î I«by' th e O wen Elihri Steamers are diceatched trrim 1Motrea1 t keep cf lu place ; tison weltbnglise top oni[May Sh pasotýe hocths t rc qamer iisbtie.Ul n- Ilcnoy il is ssrdyd dsc lig îo ieday ni sai ,nd, otsali Irain Sepssd ls oor uIbish h o tisteol nonrieil Fltt Queben aet 9 a.m-, So-.sIcy. tiay thbie cnt-or ni pacte. bake bu a ilh M fe oterbrains ni tise crew plainly reveaied, andthtieus will etipplyabat le lacking, floueity, nerve isteamners wibh a* will net stop aI Q aebecP quick avec, for aul boom. If tise pactu is odl oht oc rjteipm tu u ie 0ts Rimon ki or Londonderry. du enets et tcdi utpn ie A home must imd ed be wnmîisy ni itsfingreini tiseclin, ulderlyis uca- ,ornea cote1îeaîyatinies-ei ______________________ta, s___ - eot-e.amee, unIaamers refuge fîmmtise- weaîiser, niSus loey imogi i nettail ~ '__ nervos system RATES F PASAGE. s~rpj2.~Mekickotsefom5erlaviuga place for tinals, orsaciseter in sieeping andti-tisppearet. Tise man at tise wlîesl J ~ BW R FIiAI bot-mPSAG. Hasi .-ae ie h frerlavn t elCe advRt-ed yOrnueITAT-NSptdd Pr S S.Pamcian $6, $3 su $9, uot ticsforcemeat aînd substitutiug a layer, o .. - any sang et-cm matl S e i eop ~ad a, ceoi nail, sud wac nealy tead wili V -m ie'n-le-, iep ncleiEoî $0, $133 aot $165. roîara. Extra lass cabine ni oytders wilhinousenitiseliquonr, or, in- lfipresscci rupou tise wbnie iuman race 5as terror'. l1ienxîwti-os iae s for two persens(recois 50 o 57) $109 Single.$1-58 clead fi i ycterc, put in a miuced oubion. A îHlome, Sut-et Home ?'7 and witis lie saced coaieansboke atribt dwere lest. tîtougistise -ountry. 1h-. ,are elecbrie te otr.Extra claýSscabti-s fiir ibrels perlu0s ew musbmcoomrns prove saitcalpics. -od oeisawysuuece teWrdWI, ýup the eas, fr te . e dasme only, wortblesacae a curativeu power, and (roýoms 50 ta 57) $80 ingle, $150 returu the ie aodiMo ei elorie îdtnyteI ssd a gtuiey10sor pr hthne h Wrdtossn.a By itardioian andCiroassian- $55 $6and $70, MUT'rnNPF1. -Liue aisuttemet dish is inter heIcMdlbo le" ein ie sdelEletli ndVd o nclhtIwr $10, $110, $130 reture ii pce;frotooInwomk hefome tise birtis ni hem elicbd, bn tisaI with i, ýtybir EUU ARE h oe o ficEle,,tmic Boit wiure lte cornent ila noter con- pounts nieaerd-$0-and 6) $10 andjliow ultwisen anueenilmliteletroh n I Ci eplien r os compteteiy as CluNi . 3,i rtbr.recemm-3 u 6 10stin. ucost ni tise fat, îay it bu eveol iecltvtsaurca;nobe d hap- 'atîcisaI Il n'eiock aI nigisî eportet abga $110 retuan kounc-,py rame nif mmd, aiways conidorug tIbe siip cloce aboatrd ni us. As beinre, t was a o-î -~-Our Trde Mark la tliceportrait cf Pr. Second cabin Oulwemd, $30 aud $35; prepaid eprînkle over iltishree-fntouc iesToIR~,~ ,a ., M_ ,..s..Oweu ombossci lo god ripou es'ury BetI sud $13; ceuetces 63 iite wec h Sndotfnisait, eut from nue-hl e1 a wsoiles- g9a' pcca, morsl, and mentalde- tesals huiitthlie samne ceeue was etactet ,pphcanee mnuuuctedbus 12 eacIfutare; uants, outwart froa-pre' pnflnippe.Roltise cnt-oronos- velopfs i er, ha ,'sWusiogevemy opresenc nt-eenre cmewt,ctaii lcusi edfrCIlge-da1d(eld î pat$. M.A AE. WAgnt, Mehalf aunbinch lhick, and alier filing th is tcSusens ituber. p o r teattainmoul nif cd, askafýoCsrlatsd. Tisecretv sepauluse SIend orEÂI ELFogu I/le (caldBEL7C., ____________________________ witbiu ae mues ni tIse brins witis 'ase tor lscbj.ckeni, but the cry naTsr s, .ns 7 (1Vý '-i egh Stick -h kuile tiamugis lie centre 1 îte nues, foc' heaîbby sud'wel.kepl body spirits esut a boat wac iowered. 'Neli, tisaI 9Kn t . cot? sutndbake ans boum aot s quarter. s ess.yl h l o elou lni Ofa wissle dte seboat aud istiedtIwn mou. - Mî-voe: Pa 2.- micîsr nosîstay s perectmd.-lie iignidooppombuuitiesi T;isaI nigi t ,ise gisc'y visitorepae MUTTONPiF 2.A, ricer fnrinise me h'foliser lieinbt hat formatitve periot agaco. V1,hies bniinwedth bbsumiseTut-n mate ni littho cutiels, strîpped ni tise fat, 'whic e tccali chisil otisa pcelupcittsectinetngj SýT CLi.Fa-rIT. pt1ni rH A NG E OF bainor titres uutton kidueyc cul aup and1T hTie modl mntier makesacieroThysteadst'remnffutav tESh.b aiOC- ,stb uai rt 0stewn among thiscsa ; sud a layer niofn 7ieesnk u lareaentc om, u ~~ ~.S.Thse Celery Pl liseome. onet w"bt-ewwitb tnd tînse oge ci-,eaý%rd nlsof ..Il t-es my job Wl OI oi ~ ~s -o~.T~ ~t0 Ont noon saysut eelpte A loufl lto ismmooonsst-sol; nu wiemetq rîiug tiseonid isookerbomne, but badthtie oiket, Aybcioppet and adddwhen tisere is aiways comethmug sa occupy bt pcr bpap at %art omisasrVI1s~ ri~ ' 'r~~~Ay ~ ~ ~ l1erTAilrosipied cionit have tise kuf sie ess mieds ni aative bcse u-nhg idtvoietnueel10UAOJI.U.Uti )TJ'S rAINIII'ILJ. r- îbmhougb tise btopad'a twist ni paste girls, leavec nidie boums lu-c'isieb ths ti c i IA1Ï urrouuting liseisole te preveol boiîng tares myb ooaogts hs.. ~. r.I s liad to know 'abat any. isamtelmtier net-sm for-gets bat ,abs hous opainting, gra:cing, glâzing, palper- Su-RING cSoîr.--Tsmow mb tbmee quarts: aodcxpence are weiliut-estetbinnsikig liaomuslowv, a Une s,:ion n iess, rl t e h usoccylcsdaImdr.t em, plot cacis ni bonips andt-carrots, preparef carIs 1Legtimale pleasures aiwsys adt 10 saie,D i e yi;coig Dutchîstan. IR CIIRONI[C COUGH 11P' L~ Wcail Pdaurs, Glass, Potty satd Mixedt liss: Cltlie Carrais ito ishlenglise, -tise tuerai sud iiuellecuusdevelop)et, sud "I iwlutise flOisst-ssuI was a iboat- [O Pant u al haecalt-ysfr si, ho prstbm oudsu run c mbboscooMiate etil mmcrc, tf any 'itchb exisî. k-,ero end Bluot, one nîghinluAu- I ALMIOST SPECII I.EI '"I11f ni eqesi Ilickuess, iii insite le roaciet. Thi udel mobisetProust ise 1te t igniîy guet, wïisen a chip wac eported in sightl aud, W -3 Ship opposite Youug & Cas first-class Cub the>se ribions ineotras, or ver-y emali on ihem otreindivifual libe, miniteriog 10 cure eogitheme 10 ieewamf 'ase a full- Inall PulmonaryDiseases withemacîa. groc ry sc-or, Iing St., Bo wmauv-il. stips ; lie uripe are preparet lu the ts acl ihm f mi iefer û o i g tstp p a etyflying hrougb te ton, as W el assuithspitting ofblod, the A p R Otters nsaybc ualso isi t t Young & Cn's camee'aay, buttbîey req aime ess hoiiiug thse sot te lov~e onilh sn.iIy wsîerm.ainatremnouos gait. Tisa as a e- eta ni Ibis meredy ans very marked. ef E or at nsy recîdetuce, Q iee St. carrotesud attention musI be pakIftae Iis, "You 'aili get no ntre eut ni lufe tissu pecunLir sot besîluhemiug feature ta ail for if broken tise 'abois t-rouitook bat bu you put mbt it."1 Heu-e ta make tise livec bande, as ocîr boat 'ase iying motioniece- SOC. AND $1 .00 PER 8OTTLLSAR t-m THOS. i(IR BY. tise ,oup. Cut op tire coid 'wbite part ni ni vont -nildren sceceselul ond iseppy, put bcie.But 'au gavelitem a tomeS sut DE suce sYou svir THz O. -r __________________________________saine olemy talk euni ofieke or wihd info tiseirt raining ai ni energy, intellect, sciuwednChtas'steapn, NultV NERVE BEANS arc nau"oi- unions. The latter eau hoceul esiiy isy aso1,thbt at ynu pasese aud om ya'itwlsisovet off ils onuenifCise __ _ _ _ _ _~oMPLAII T ll A S isr tI ev it tý u te t se t r s t ta f i t to b l m o t o g i s s e i f n a k i n g f o u r ; Q e s e t r u l y a i t " M a y ' a e t- c m b e a r p i l o t ,,a s u d t w o m e n t b i e a r s . l b a s e o f Fali t iairsot;.rstons the qeaterc ; ison 'aibiout cpuiing tise sisape ilm ia seaect'e e n nyn ete isbefome tfeicsoat retoue I1bi _________________ wekssifiodg o tndcase plîn crryiug bRINhe eekmîîst cf h iii et mmd matît ~~~~~~~~~~begin 5.1 ite ieat acdîet lfin~e sdicos 'ietise manifod orace ni Golbtn vr uhm o i lace 'î î s~~57 Best --icir eesseseof yotieb. 5Tla-,, rsyb. t ilail higo imb nice tiseate. Lebtihsee nher blesing 'au enjoy, asot biat 'asare fac- . They reporbet lssvicmg ount it imît- to lieHI ric ciutdi ete tc mlcsaiateos tisu h ls immer rous, t'aety to titirt-minutes, att scocîtahie, 'ont meiy for tliscommist- p0oici fo approsicisthe eratige vesseî, AP Aatero issSt ' 1Per 'c'- ge 5fr~.o -bt id ce lise lesse nv ueo lIn ietce heats, sud led toaom rebtfrlc rprapplica. altisoug thlie 'aintappearedt b cave lber là-bis-Ar retnuiftru aies'aore ltoaoltiesie onia f lty- lion of lise means 'wîs t hicis wo rsmcuttieniy, ber sablelsauanhmpso E-0da- -theywoul, th tothuse Wriltumanîfrtcc-us- cent phece. Continsue tise gentie bociig burnisied for tisir support, sot compile motionuese. Bot Poil asetuy'stile todf Bownsanvihle by SToTT & JURY. tibthsie are tendem, sud aI tcs marnt fvlpent nitieomn m perfect inusoan tuue distance u"ls e nver leseeiet, aut ont a sigu n....f ond of a _____________________ ccrvirug att bal a pinî of asparaguse pointe comptent 10 periorciatise inmportantl tles nfifue'aocliscerîîbble onutis taigerc tck. ew ' ilor Sho boied ,,y ,,,, an sa anyFrenh o jif.11Tisu boat gave ailtise task in tespair anutca NewT T ilor Ib.op bled sry gre ian, att oimarsy Trnct h e l fle motiser doesetnesipent nid tumniet akstlen tiese ltip 5pO5.mcte10 oePict- gI o Th adecuee 'is ecisencaryug~ Bots tise kint sot quauttîy nift-cg-tables'beats'on syougshoies;5emnge-.i ae ia biteeze, bolat-as sailîng baekutard. ores t'ýýile1tipr business l oneîawb1îth eau bu ,regulatet aeeordingtb ta-te. t'. inter hem cisilulen aud evunpathizes 'airstheir T1tts-esogs o ieby u isyw Mtes TffaîîsIr Grde Store for a oumberolfysare t-cgetables soîsit have a Iuttle proviens plane, io, sd'ets. Sh ns u~ctp to Tioy ot aokas rapitly as possible, but wt bacc un,-u , businessefer timelf alIis-boiiing isefome they arc puîto ties oup. hem chiltren lise iigl.er and more ennobiing ai1umisninng lp-t'ont trango craît, 'aitîtot sbts 10mk-et' end boys sBuite cn ail tise latetî SLAO-TWO 'acl-boilet poîstoe, pace- elsaneels ni tisougitsitcIe gives blem bdealc crea f buek or fia1m ifcent-es, manoSover 1Inf aud 9e , t tloicist prices. Fi bs aoedt tisougis a aeve, e teaspoonini ni moua- irons bier osto pute amd iofty cisarausler, et aont Oclsand oniy diseppearet as tise lonlfo 'aisista ord,, suitc, b tPcaerry a fuIl ibe ni tard, two îoesponuus ci sat, onueni es- flushs citise cnmiug Son illumbatedthtieC amples inuaLl tsanet-vest Ulvems. ht-o bisaARKS senc ofancovyhal a easponfni f vey estei iirizn."Complets, eau.cuoniaccv, alst'scoeuin eyA Plain Fact As te Files. mier smbo."Y J. T. fi n, ~~on lIhe newt-Emugaut coacts there are -ina DSO PTNS J, 1 fieiy cioppet oonoS uel bmuceed i mtiste "NoCOyRrHT, tc mibxture, lsre tableep.onufuison ilounos of ,tctynnyta:I do not accorunl i fspecîre-rait asothtie slory cs Forin.ormaionand.ree lions euti t Fasiinuabie Taior vinegar, bise yoiks ni lwo iard-boied eggs. 'asul acyflty.papems or liy-braps about my toit.ni tise dutcis-trading ereit, Palatine, glaýs c u îiul - it ~ designas F4L-N &., 361 e Roà. aY NEWa YntE. Bowcesnville, Net tîuStr 1.tsecaattm8etathybeot inuer bouse. 1 learnt-d, a greot nsany ycare ago, tbiset wae 'areeket onbock Island bu 1752. gi-crifor lcet bot eau tut scurung patents mu AmorceS. iut tiri tihooghly. As tbisaais tishetit e more thing e tchave 10oeial flies .Weckers mate sort 'aomk onihem, ermain Em1terWodCrig, Cia att Eepuiiicbylbttoun bvnte t arlucinturS WJ sopt ouu esetmusker 'hi nt îtm-t'aersfroare ae n thue I ie i ost d t îd i lbo s ou. etigfsretscothbe bsg, Modeiug, 01 -t id ierIColor tiemecebso-Ogvere hant.te recuIt ni expeienos sut election, iitt hemre'ajcos, otiPaintingt lîgtier asos vceandassunan veyiacborRue bctrsa- pcuee utcaoeAsstedrHa-lonionoretecmpeu abhuOtoIi Aa- 1'~ N4 u îo akeimpet-mcnc uont.numoietet by thens, beceoce I net-sm pr- et ceswardthlslie Cehis lith ie frsta fabeaulifuly illusîateutguid. -e.iI {vmp I No if f 4-4- L fet cicudlato ay ii e pustrateri. a iongottisepieat on tise uterpartnoflise' menl, 'asiisc eistith'amb 'ill 'at tei cgd 0d i Kermy 'aitis un igunifiis îe, Saltt mRryihaei eprr isutruntutmms eshptueîbsa netsuaoîcîîxpr-s-s cc m .î- E.- - - - - - abr~ itotwr- "h bv ~{ ~ ~ sseve; risthegatie;ernito nitIsecleeee'aîbonîstopinoreethIf tspovesaesueschabounhemnAec wdtonugatîerettf l miprovosOI'fag aytieas aîto N aqe as ond iceaes cnno U to !" ' e et oct ties honder sese; rephace tisons tisemoesrse toise no gondreacori 'aby lseth ie l e, u fome tiese ue bd at cIils votisss, and erieral Debilily ; all heith when the exist where eut cIbleS. Rip lise ftont onislt bacis to'inctrument eau nI be ussd Io transmit fret fabu L sadnws ou tise eiff about a a u. thisueandi many C iser cîijnse Cousi sg ki dn ey e are Oodd's Kidney tisethe rsrn cee s ut lse urue-bnpettoi peee acosetis 'aiesîcart'c.tro uspee'cteou bard Tisyt'eeeyiehtelatiap ynatltcefBUDOo cleged fhe ar Pile ae ued. -et? ~bol i ali correspond tlothe 'take-up"ba icsnlse-t- the sttkailte ricisnes2 nifltsecargo. BLOOD BTIE.Sod by aldealers or sentby mail onrecelpt Mr'si-m. Adltaus'acniiarltoseeommotate the jIinanulaetoriug ocoupattous tIe consic1e, ni goit nsu cver builion Fhor a. tby alZ.Doaîef of pries 5Q cents. pet box et cix fer$. ~,ce. LfL~JIiOILJt e,,tra sizeof neck moade by îetîiîsg ontî haage liue nf coap ho-iýr tise iiglist antdpc ogesniprecinue stones aot baies nof 1 E _ l*~T > r.L. A. Smiths & Co. Turontu, Write cor1 flous InuTe. sisouider ceanus; taise out tise tucki n tise tissîof grbutstoee-makers the bnwest. cils, suis as tise poor fiisermere bat net-e r .£rmAl,[ i-îilose.ccdidtyTl