FOR SALE BYI 69 King St., 'BO WMAN VILLE. BOWMÂIqVILLE, JUNE 21, 1893. HOT WEATHER GALL TO SIJBS CRI BERS. There are over 400 subscriber3 to TnE STATESMAN who have not paid for 1893 and some of these are îa arrears for former years as well. Now we are neot running, business for our health, nor do we wish to pay out money for wages, paper, ink and postage for people wbo are mean enough to allow us to do it for two or three years and then want to settie at a dollar a year-the saine price as people pay who always pay in advance. We are running the business te make money, and as we uieed ail the cash we can get to pay ex- penses through these quiet auramer anonths, we want every man, woman and institution that owes us a dollar to pay uop forthwith. NVe have asked se many Lises for nome of these subscriptions that we're getting> out of patience. Don't cause us anyr unnecessary worry tijis hot weather, please. SILENT AS DEATt-1. Last week TEE STATESMAtN expomed the sche-ming trickeïry practised by a few ring- ieters in bringing out Mr. Da u.y as a tory candiate, simply to defeat -r.Reid who eetto b-3 the popular candiat at the paper, known llas the Wýest 1 moi rn 1éos,r had not a word to say in d1eiiial of our tteen, e hiat ive take its ailen1ce to aniean consent. A Conservaive reùîiazked to us after readig TiUE ,SjTATýsm*N's nrticles, "Yout're about rgit"for added lie "dhereý is trouble in our f ol'l It is a ahamne the way they have treate<l Prower. Thse party would have -one to -the wall in this riding long agu but for lus uffor'. . " Yea, and the convention 'hon(,red' hin by throwing him overboard. Whly ?Be- cause several would-be leaders are jealous of his -lhenor." The lateat rumor is that thse Patrons of Jndnstry are gcing to run Mr. W. Il. Reid agaînst ahl corners. Mr, Davev la not a P. I., it scema. The Con- serva'tivs around NewtonvilIe ire very mad because Mr. Reid was euchred out of the candidature by the scheming of thse Bowmanville and Orono factions. The News dictator was out of tcwn hast week, se there may be soinething this weclc about thse affair. OUR TOWN. It is true that business is rather quiet in Bowmanville and moniey is'nt over plentiful but we have here vihat many people cannot get for money. The nat- ural attractions of our tewo are very nroticabie to ail visitors who at this seas- on are always impressed wïth thse beauty of the place, its elevated and airy location, its wide, dlean, and well kept streets, and the park-like appearance that it presenits. It is in these June days our own citizens realize more fully than at other tirnes thse beauty and utility of tise shade trees that lino almost every residential street, and serve not alone for ornament, but as a protection fron tthe dust and heat of suni. To hear the song birds warbling among thse thick spreading maples everywhere is indeed a pleasure, such àLs every citzen can take a pride in and to elicit express- ions of admiration from the lips of visit- ors. For tise higis moral ciaracter of our people, tise well-known healtisfulnes of thse town and the natural beauty it bas no cempetitors in tise dibtrict. In a tûwn so well situated for trade and se happiiy cir- cumstanced in ail tise attractions as a place of residence, sith its educational faiiisof tise firat c'ass, its attractive c-hurchies, and ita ihealthy location. and peciiliatrly favorable water privileges, these are considerations for whieh money cannot offer an adequate equivalent. What we need is more manufacturing, in- dustries to utilize thse water privileges and to, give empioyment to many whose occupa),tion was taken away by the die- tru ztion of the f urniture f actory. Spea king of ihea arrivai cf tise 45th Batt, at KingEtLcn Camp, asat week, a correspondent of the Lindsay Warder writes: "About se ven o'clock these trains Ceustitution, -1ev. R. McCulloch, Misa F. Virtue, Miss T. Brunt, 11ev. L. Piselps. Miss 0. Cole, H1. W. Fohey, F. T. Allin, R. E. Osberne. Buiuess,-Rev. J. Liddy, Misses Stouhouse, Elmes, Addie Colo, L. Potter, sud Meusrs. J. B. blru sud A B. Cry-i derman.1 Tise usembens oet Hampton League very1 tisoughtfuily sud generoushy provided ai( reaily splendid tes te whiciî t.Iy invited1 PASTORAL INSTALLATION. OcRDINATION AND INDUVCTION 0F 11Ev. W. S. PRTcHARD AS PASTOR Or Tncarrv CEUJRGE, BOWMuANVsaxE. iRev. W. S. Pritchard, B. A. was or- dained sud offlcialiy installiad into tise pastorate cf Trinity Congregational cisurcis in tisis town on Tuesday evgning of asat weeh withis npressive ceremony. During tise afterneen tise Councîl cmet te exauine tise candidate for ordination sud if found worthy te moderato in tiseinvi - tation fromn this churcis. 1ev.' Dr. Bar- boni', Principal of tise Congregational Col- lag.e, Moutreal, actad as Moderator. Auuong tiose present were 11ev. Prof. Warruner, B. D., pastor, and Mr. T. Meedie, delegate, Zion churcis, Montreal; 11ev. E. M. Hlili, M. A., pastor, sud 11ev. J. McKillician, delegate, Caivary churcis, Montreal; 11ev. J. A. Watersvortis, past- or, snd Mr. C. Lawes, dolegate, Cobourg; Mir. WV. Freeiaud, delegata, Zion churcis, Toronto; 11ev. G. Purhis sud Mr. W. R1. Cimie, dehegates, Trinity cisurcis, Boss- 'nanville; 11ev. A. McCorcnach sud Mr. D. MeBride, Cehdsprings; sud 11ev. 'G. Il. Crauh, B. A., of Watervihle, Que. Mi'. Pritchard gave a statement cf bis dcctrnal behuef sud anawered tise quest- ions snbmitted te tise satisfaction cf tise Council Tise cahl fron tiîs cisurcis was subsequeutiy concurred in sud tIhe instal- lation ordared. At 7 30 e'chech tise besutitul sacred edi- fice, acknowledged te be eueneofthtis pret- tiest cisurches lu Canada, was filed, several chsairs being p'aced lu tise aisies, witis au intorested audiensce four- fiftisa cf whoîn were ladies. Tise minutes of Ccîuceil were rosd after wlsich 11ev GTee. Purkis offared tise invecatery pray- ai', 1ev. A. McCormack read as a Script- ure lesson Il[ Tinuiotisy, chsap. 1, sud 11ev. Galen H- Craich auueunced tise second isymn. Tise venerable 11ev. Prof. W. M. Barbour, D. D., preached tise ordina- tien sermon fromt Mark 1: 16-20, in which ha shewed ho w ministers ceuld be Suc- cessful "fishers cf men." It was a pro- found sud logical exposition cf tise sacred word. 11ev. E. M. 1Hll, i. A., cf Meut- real, president ef the Congregational Union, offered tise ordination prayer, s beautîf ul invocation for tise divine bless- ing on tise young pastor. Tise niluiuters prement circied round th#e candidate and laid hier ibanda on hi. devoutiy bowed head as it rested on tise Holy Bible on tise sitar. 11ev. 3. A. Watenworth in weil chosan woàrds offered tise baud cf feliowsisip sud extended a fratennal wel- come into tise ministry. 11ev. Jno. Nie- Killican addressed tise newly iustalhed pastor, giriug iim oome isouud sud p-act- ical ad;ice for bis pastoral guidance. 11ev. Prof. W. H. Warriuer, M. A..* B. Da former successful p4Astor of Trnity churcis for eigist years, duliverad a very suitabie sud'tlîougistful addross te tise cougregation suggestive cf tiseir dluty te their new paster. 11ev. Mr. Pritchard performed bis iirst pastoral act by pro- nouuceiug tise benediction. Tise reideut ministera, 1ev. 'M sara. present atgrrwofrx reig Tise efficienit cisoir of thse churcis, led by Mr'. W. R1. Cimiie, wîtis Miss Tait as or- ganist, reudered s;everal very sacrad usel- odies sud anthems. Tiseuse wly-ordained pastor of Trinîty cîsurclu is a 'native et Wellington couuty, was raised ou a farni, sud after receiving a risorougis Public sciscel education at- teuded tise 1Higis Scisool in the village cf ilarriston for uearly tismea yoar3, sud in 1888 he nsatriculated.into Tericuto Uni- versity. Ho atudied four yesrs at Me- Gi, Cellege, Montreai, sud recaivad his bacisehor (f arts degree iast year. H1e aise bogan a course in theology in tise Ceugregatienal College,, Moutreai, four yeai's ago, sud graduated lu tiseology ttiuia spring. Ho preaclsed in Trinity chuncis during his vacation ast year, sud bis ser- vices ivere se acceptable fluat ise was lu- vited te beceme tise pastor at tise close of lus collage course. YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION. DARtLINOToceToWcNSHIPSOCIETY ORGANizED uNLER FAvop.ABLE AUSPICES. Tise inaugural meeting of tise Darling- ton Young Peeple's Union Society was held in Hamspton Methodist cisurcis en Wednesday last. Tise atternnon session opeued at 3 o'choch iti devotional exor- cises.conducted by Rer. J. Liddy who also gave tise delegatos a iseaty welcomie ou beliaîf ef lise youcg people cf lHamp- ton. Provisioual officers were cisosen as followa: Mr. A. B. Crydermni, flampton, cbairman, ansd Mr'. R« E Osborne, Ehesi- ezer, secretary. Misa G. ColetofBetis- esda, -read a very interesting paper .on tisa Town hall NMeat ileadqiianters ivili ise tu'f s'îat.stined. Tise uew proprieo,r-s ailIl giv.a c-àeful a-id pr'ompit attentio.n te, ail order8 sud ara dttrrninaid te give mat- isfanction te alil cuiomers. Casliaili ho paid for bides, siseepakiu% iailow, poul- lry, ueggr, etc. Highest pnice for gocd caives sud lambs. Citizaus are requested to give Joil & Rewe the uew firm, a triai'. ahi tise visitera te partake in tlise base- ment ofthtie cisurcis. A veny scan sd hsappy time was spouut during tise inteLr- missien sud every oee aas made tj ectee at home. Tise praise bestewed oîn tise Hampton ladies by a corresponidnt leLt weeh vas aînply sustaiued by tbheir id ly provision fer tise needa ud,-"coustortb et tise visitons ou this pheasauit oeý,asiokn, EvEcscaG SESSIO. Atter devotional exorcises at tliseavn ung session tise following officers were elected: President-Mr. A. Bý.Cye- mac, fHampton; Vice-Pres.-Mis. V>. J. L suguaid, Zieus; 2nd. Vc-rs--Ms Marie Rogers, Ecuishillen; 3rdVice Pres.-Miss Emihy Concis,IBe(tlisda; Secrtary.-Mr. Fred. T. AlUni, !Hamip- ton; Treasuren-Mr. R. E. 0ýosisomn, Eh- eniezer; Lock-out commiittea MIrs. Lidd(y, Hampton; Airs. Lsugmaid, Zion; : , Emily Ceurtice, Ebecezer; Mnr. Tisoînas Kirkpatrick, Alaphe Grove; Misýs Geonrgie Cola, Betisda; Air. W. J. Bnaigg, Poi deuce; Mm. Ranuiol Snell, Ilsydoni; Alis Reynolds, Long Sault; Dr. J. C. MNi tciseli, Ennishillen; Mn. F. L. Bragg,-, Salems; Air. A. Abrahams, Aft. Vernon. Tise uewhy elected presidonDt thtie chair sud fittinghy addressed tise coniven- tion, tisankiug tise ycucg people for th ý houer confored ou iirMiýsa Maýrie Rogers et Enaiskilien read a good papur on "Oui' Pledge" whicis dealt ivitlisu\very clause aud explained tise poasibýiliLty cf each usember carry ing it eut pracic(ally. Misas1Reynolds cf Long Sauit gave a cane- fully propared sud admirable p)ape.r on "Prayer." Alias E. Ai. Fiehdinig,Saîn read su excellent papec ou "AMy reapen- ibility te csy weah brotîser"in wisici saie poiuted out how very caret l ehvesud be in alourtisougis, avrdsansud actions lest those %veaher than. ounseives, be lui- fluenced byussud theneby fail. T1iis was one of tise beat papiers read. 1euv. D. S. Heuck of Enuiskillen gave at spirited sud, oarneat address on "Tise relation cf tise Youug People's Sozziaty te tise Temiper- suce Cjause." He pointed eut veny cdeJan- lycur duty teoui'faihen brotisens sud lur1ged tise menibersofe cdiscciety te do tiseir duty te Ged by commeucing at once sud centiuuiug to work for tise succes of tise piebiscite on Prohibitioun exi Jsnuary. Thse Question Drawer was very s'stisfact- factonily answered by 11ev. R. MeCu'locl sud Miss Roseis. Thée Union decid.d that they should meet taice a year snd tisaitishe nei place sisouhd be at Betiseuda ai a date te b. ap- poiuted by tise ciecutive. On motion of 11ev. D. S. Houcks econded by Re,. R. McCuhhocis a isesrt-y vote cf thaisic was unansmousiy passed to tise yonug people of Hampton for tise kînduegs. hown tise delegates duriug tise convention, KINDLY REMEMBERED. Miss HATCHIER SU 1RSEDnvi5liR On Friday eveu]ing I'sËatapaat aevenit teck plice at tise Matisodit 'i'c -at tis cuo)se cf 1tisebible clas» i .u ti Jobliî), Élie chair eîus iiw asvsc intumated tbey avre abouit to lose oee cf tiseir moat taitistul teachens, Miss atch- er, ivio is leaviuig for bser ntative isoulue ;il tise Ile oet-Wight, Englaud, sud slle on Miss E. E. Hayeraf t te read tlie fol- lowing addresa: DEAR MISS IIATCIIER,-ThO .uofficona sud teacisers eoftiseMAltodiat Suinday Scisool lu Beavîanville desire to aetuv.)W hedge in a tangible wvay oun approciation et yeur devoted aud vaiued services in tise capacity cf teacher. We aifl regret tisat you have decided te sever ceuneeet- ions aitis us as a scisool sud churcýis, te neturu te your native land. We have always found in yeu a wificng sud zealous avonker, a constant sud suc- cestul teaciser, sud eue deeply iuterested in ahi churcis wonk; sud as God bias se abundantly blessed yen in tise past, înay1 you isave asatili icher blesn in luyeur future labers in His cause. We have eujoyed mauy blessed seasonis cf laber togetisor during tliese yeans cf your sejouru lu tisis toavu, asud astise Sabisatis Scisool afferds one cf tise be t spiseres for activity lu God's vino'yard, tiseugistise resulta may soisetimes soeei discounagiug sud wo may feel very icm patent, yet aiti tise prounised Iblessing oet God restiugupon cun efforts, ire c,-an tahe courage sud go fonavard kuosvling tisera is a crcwn for us ut we prove taýit1i- fuI. On beasaitoetyour felleai vonuker,uve asa you te accept this Album as9 a sight tohen cf oui' esteom fer you, sud as you place Nvitisin its cevens faces of dean friands, iay it aven remind yen of tis scisool and its associations. Fiually, may ave ail se live tisat at ast God may deeus us wortisy ef having cenou names inacribed in His Albums sud cf ne- ceiviug a seat at Ris rigist baud in glery. cigars in isis ceuntry, as Bhown by tise immense quartitles zold, sheuid be a sufficient guarantee cf tiseir being tise vERY 5iEST. Y ou taise no risas wht-n yeu huy auuy brand cf <igars made by us. W'e do nut mansufacture cheap goods. S. DAVIS &Sos Moitreal. Ripans Tabules banisis pain. Hîgli School Notes. A few days ago or foot bal teami re-l ceived a chalhange te play a match with a teamn scraped Up in thse neigisborisood of Solina, a smahl village about seven miles northiwest cf Bowinanvilie. _1ccorc'iag te report this teaincf Tamarac Rangera, as they had coîne te be called, could totaiiy annisilate any football organizatîon witisin a radius cf thirteen thousand miles, tîsat phayed association football. Since our teain. were defested at Norweod tise boys bave net been feeling at tiseir hast and when tise Captaîn accepted thse challange our quiet littie never boasting teami pro- pared te meet its second Waterloo. Last Friday af ternoeu tise tearu rollel gloomihy eut of tewn in a capacieus ba,.d chariot accompanied by à few reprasentativo memibara of tise Club inamely, Messrs. R. -H. Stacey, Frank Trebihcock, E. Word en, F. W. Moore, J. A. James and Jas. Col- ville, pisysician te tise club. After a pheasant drive tisrougis ever changiug scenery,natural sud artiticial, Jelsu Pascoe pulled up in a large level field near a barn in front cf wisich svas a grand stand oc- cupied by bhushing maidens and their ad- miring beaux ahi flusbed witis excitoement and auxieus te witness tisis long talked cf and weil advertised tug cf war. Unfor- tunately a tisunder stores interruptad tise preparatici s but as it soon paseed off tise rival teans 1ih ed up in position. W/bile ut is raining w e ii loch at tihe players. O)ur boys were :,Il in their places as fol- lows:--Backs, L. Williams aud E. C. Browns; HIt hacha-M. Pascoe, J. Law- son anud F. \V. Worry; Forw-ards, C. Shemon, W. Incis, B. Rundle, J. Eiiott sud A. Mitchell. Xciv fer a squint at tise other team. What's this that cuecta our astonislied eyo ? Sureiy Soina bas added to its territcry lately. ilampton bas been made a suburb sud botis cf theni have moved' over te tise Tamarac Swamp. Tise teain "scraped up sround Seina" consisted cf a 180 pound geai keeper from flampton, haîf backa frocs Hampton, and forwards from Hampton with four men wiso live west cf Solina four corners te Iselp tlsem. W'e accidently overiseard that they werc much dis-ippo.'nted in not having with tisem a couple cru%; Kîbîyers from Orono snd a man te play cenitre for- ward from jEroolin, WelI, our boys wetit to ww L aidi in about five minutes shot tii, hall tlàruugh their opponents goal. Thiis mnade tise Rang- ers wake up and they played isard (because they had to) te save their goal. From then titi the end cf thse match which hait- ed for 70 minutes thm.y played a purely Aefeuce gaine. About ten minutes before tîme was called our boys âcored another, goal sud tiîoroughly convinced tise rangers that they wero "net in it Tise goal keeper sud tie bîcks cf tise somo teana oid tise best playing -and isad most cf tise beavy work te do. Tise wet grouud and Esiippery grass made tise piaying very dis- agreeable sud gave us tise impression tiîat tise country teans had practised- in a gym- niasium, tisey were se adept in standing on their hoada and kichinga at tise bail, hirnng ummasacts ver thie bail and reassgtheir feet in tise short time cf 180 -secssds-et.U t. une featureisat made tise game iiiteresting te ties pectators was t1ise funny sight cf a young msan from i-lampten, (Pecter, tise puruphin ester, we presucue, judging by tise size cf bis facial cavity.> w ho purloiued, a fiis hemo frein an en-locher sud bhowiug for dear if e rau round bis busy felhow villagers engaged in tise game teihing them te teetetallyexti- pate tise tewn players by hiching theis off tise face cf tise globe instead cf kiching the baIl. One low browed nigger, a pro- fessional pugiliat from tise ssvaup, playing haîf bach for tise-rangera lest bis temper sud lu a fit cf temnporary insauity trove te pluch it frein the lseart cf a hait bach en tise otiser aide but lue was prevented f rom se doing iu-tiîne te save bis own life. But, in spite cf this hemicîdal attempt sud a few other littie manoeuvres that migbt have been dispensad with. the match was very edifying sud tise feminine cries from tise grand stand sud tsedeep lungged isewha of delight sud utherivise f rou tise sturdy farusers intently watchiug tise plsy- ung f ulhy attested te the deep interest in aud appreciaticî cf lise efforts put fertis by botis banda cf kichers. Tise visitera were tison bsnquetted in royal style in a mausmotis pavillien used as an eating heuse and tbey ail speak weih cf tise way they were treated by tise obligiugy waiters. They were se impressed by tise beauty cf tise country landscape that they prolonged their home trip aud returned via Tyrone reaching homo about midnigbt well pleas- ed with tise evening's sport. No evil re- sulted from tise extended drive except tisat a youug, man, net wisising te have bis so-called moustache bleacbed by the new moon or Iis sandy consplexion spoiiod by tihe dansp air, streached himseht e ut ou tise floor c *f tise chariot. Falliug asheep in tisis cerutortabie position lue uncensciously opened his moutis and ho was se chilhed by tise heavy draft that eusued tisat he 'The Late Danîel Hogarth. Auetiser cf our pioneer3 breatisad bis lasi en Friday, June lOtis, ai Niagara Falls, N. Y. Mi'. Daniel Hogartis aviile atteudiug conferenca aitishat place, cou- coutracied a heavy celd wviici sesttled on bis lungsansd resulted lu bis deatis. De- ceased waa bcnn in tise ceunty cf West- monelaud, Eng]aud, in tisa year 1817 sud came to Canada aitishe age cf 16. Re lived for 52 years on tise farm sentis cf Sollusa. Juat 53 years ago lie as married te Elizabeth Elford aud fourteon ciildren blessed lhier union. He was bîgbly es- teemed by al aviso kuew hlm for bis mauy geecu qualities. In politics ho avas a Re- fermer sud ha was an activea member of tise Scisool Board fer nsauy years. He leaves a sorrowful widow, five sons sud ulue daugisiens te mourn bis demies,ail et wisom weme present at tise fuuera%, His romains wene iutonred aitishe Adveni burying grcuud, Solua, eu Menday las t, wisicis aas folloaved by a large concouru e of peepl a wio aEsembled te psy tiseir las respecta te a Slnd sud good uoîgibr. Tismee years ago Mr. sud Mrs. Hogartis celebrated their golden wedding. De- ceased was au Advent lu ballot sud every Sunday migist ha ceeu aeuding his way te tisat place cf wersisip. Rie aili be greatly miascd bots in tise home circ'e and cemmuuiîy ai large. Mr. (G. O. Black, cf Niagaeui, couducted tise burial service. Tho Mellissa Rainproof Ovencoat is tise ouly ratistactory waterproef garment. Soe tsem ait Masou's Clethi 'ng Store. AsK Yous FRIENiuS ABOUT Ih.-Your distresaiug ceugis eau ba cuncd. We hue)w it because Kemp's Balsam waitisin tise pasi few yeamuu bas cured an many cougis ansd celds in ibis cemmuuity. Its remarhable sale bas beau won euiirely by uts gonuine menit. Ask mousse frieud wiso bas used it wa isaiho hinks cf Kemp's Bilsam. Tisera is ne medicine so pure, noria mc effective. Large betties 50a.sud $1 ai all drug-gists. Surmpefîee.-tf. How to geta"'Sunlight" pictura.j Send 25 &Sunlight" Scap wrappars (wrapper besring tise word. "Wisy Doe a Womau Look Old Secuer Tissu s Man") to LEvER Bios , Ltd., 43 Scott St,, Toronto, and yeu will recalve by Post v 'pratty picture, free herm advertliug snd weli wortis framing. Tisis in au easy way te decorate your home. Tise soap la tis ehast lu tise market, sud it Waili Only ceai le. postage te *end in the wrappere, - if yeu leave tise ends open. Write your sddress eau-af uly. IffeW Te CURE AILI L V IN DSEASIlS" SiMply aspply "SWAYNE'S OINTMENT." No internai mediciua requirad. Cures tatter, eczemas, iicb, ail erupilons on tise face, bands, nome, etc., leaving tisa akin dlean, whiite sud healîiy. isa great heal- ing sud curative pewers are poasessed hy ne otiser remedy. Ask yeur druggist for SWAYNE'5 OINTEENT. _Lyman Sous& Cc., Moniresi, Wisolosale Agents. Just in a splendid lot of TRAVELLERS' SAMPIES wilI be sold cheap, consisting of Hoisery, Gloves, Parasols, Ladies' Sateen Blouses, Ladies' Rubber Circulars, Towels, Carrnage Rugs, etc. Men's Ties, Men's Top Shirts, Men's Undershirts, Men's Socks. If you are looking for Now is your tirno.,Ail wilI be sold at wholesale prîcms. Gent's Ties, 2 for 25 cents, Worth froni 85 to 40 cents eaoh. Have you tri ed our 25c Tea. It is the best. JOHN McMURTRY, Or La Grippe, thou.gis occasionalY P4- demic, t lasmr or less prev'alen Thse best remedy for tliis cemplainit is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral " Last Spring, I was taken (lewn witli La Grippe. At times 1 waa completely pros- tratcd, and se difficuit was mny breathing that my breast seemad as if colflned in au Irou cage. 1 procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had 1 began talciug it than relief followed. I coitld netha- lieve that thse effectwovuld be se rapid aud tise cureso0complete. It ta truly awondeful med- iciue."-_W. Il. WILLIA4Ms, Crook City, S. D. Promptto act, sureto cure O[PA 1JRMENJI aL iatos BOWMANVILLE 1110H SOHOOL ENTRÂ.NCE EXÂMINATION, June 28th, 29th & SOth5 Beginning at 8:45 a. m. e.%ch day. N. B. -Writing and Drawing books mu st be handed to the pretiding examiner on mnorning of 28th. PnimiRy begins July 4th. JuNrox LEkviNo and , July 4th. PÂSa MATIIICULATION) SENioR LzÂviNo snd ' HONOIR ScHOLÂRSHIP Juiy l3th. MÂTIRICtTLATION M. M. FENWICK, B. A., PRINCIPAL. T RENT.-Forterniof 7efrs, "Gi:ln or dairy. Cluance for going exteznsively iute Torontomflk business or stock raiaRý for nmericani marke% Men wlth eatW"l Aeed apply. J. E., Dow, Whiitbr. ..f