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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1893, p. 5

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A Centieman Wbo ormrlyrpsîded ia Connecticut, but ýdhO now jesides tinfHonolulu, writes: "For 20 e ycrs past, iny wl! e ad 1baveused Ayem's flair Vigor, and 'we attribute te it the dent hair Thiicililo and 1 lcow blave, whlile hua- dreds (cf car nequaint- ac1ceýstal! or a dozea -. ye 0 ungem than we, are eitbcm gray-headed, ortec bald. When asýd lîow our ltaim bas retaiaied, its cler and Sfallines s, wc reply, 1'By ~ the use of Ayer's Hein Vgr-ccthing cise.'" s'~.ibr'was nenmiy bald, as utc air il.-. îngout 4-1 il duced Ayerls Haix Vigor, anznd y ean, it net enly checked any famlier los o! hair, but ,Irodaccd( an entirely uew gnewtli, witich bas .maodluxuriajnt and glessy te titis day. U can reomrmead this prepunationa te all ia c ie fa genaino hair-resterer. It je al ~tut it je claimed te be."1-Antonîo Alarrun, SAYER'S *H AI1R VI1COR F R uIT RAISERS SHOULI> USE OUR PARIS GREEN -ŽWD IIELLEB ORE For~ spraying their trees and kuzhe. llaving secured the best axticles in the, mprkptý, wecan pos- itïve1y gu,%rantee our Paris OGreen ~ad Hellebere to b-ýefotain ! dest,,!ction of inest ISTOTT & J lr DRUC4GISTS and OPICIIt$.i GRAND TRUNK RZAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. coixNO EAST GOOIiG WEST -Mail ........ S9am MIl . 2a -11 cress.0 27 anLit.Ejre.6 1027a m. Me .25wLocal ......839aIl Local........ Mixed ... . 229 . Express,..... 955 pm 1 Chicago Ex ... 412 p m Lïm. Ex..10 57 1) m1 Mail ... . 830 PM WHEN YOU GO TO BUITISH COLUMBIA, MANITOBA, EUROPE UNITED âT.ATES, or' any place in Canada calet STOTT& JuitY's Drag store for Tickets.lard Infor- ýuation regarding lowest rtEq and beet r3utes. BOWMÂNVILLE, JUNE 21, 1893. Local and Otherwise. Mr. B3ort. Thompson of Toronto i3 on- joying a visit hore. Mra. H. Campbell of Milton was visit- ig frieDds in Bowmanville recently. -Theo "North King "bf t Port Hope on Thursday with 75cpaeesengers for Chicago. 'Mr. C. J. Thomton of Kirby wee fore- ma of the grand jury at Cobourg lest week Mies Ethie Knight has returned from a two ruonth' touir smong friands in Weatern Ontario. The annuel Wery Family Pic.nio wilI bo. held neaiýt Friday et the resjidence cf T. A. Wrightý, Esq., Cartwright.* If You went te feel comforteble these hot days you should huy one of these ;Summuer Cas a n.d V est Couch, John- aten & ryemn Mm NIm. Wn. Alexander and ')utham, Grey coufity, are )r, Mr. Jas. Alexander. !A1JonJ eail ldies to ffavors. ~ap WP1l Paper ,& Co's. oc. worth 25. to ~nouse. ~aid for aIl hindeip _,S. Oâhorne. Saits at Zt1559f'5%. tliom beforo yoa e'illa are.the meet ;oLd purifier aud he public. (-ive e t will lbe suire to) ir-order et Coue!h., Ae.Tbiey do flic Amfor one suit /5Danduff.-- Miss Wood of London le visitieg lier friend Miss Veal. The estimated coat cf the uew town hall et Port Hope je $10,145. Mm. A. Carscedden, Grevenhumet,- je ,,ie-,ing hie mother on Beecli Avenue. Dr. Le H. and Mms.' Rid have gone te Elkhert, Man., te visit their son Charles. Mme. Fred Hooper and son'Arthum cf Waterloo, N. Y., are visiting fiends home. Miss Ceenagie cf London lias left town after a pleasaut visit with the Misses Allen, Beecli Ave. The Misses Coad (2) snd -Mise M. Thorndyke cf Odkwood are gueste cf Mme. P. Fluery et Lorne Villa. Semmie leada th3m ail this year for ealy vegetables, lio s.ys hoelies new potetoos and green pes-that Bige. Wardcn Power sud wife and yoitng son were gueste of C. E. *Ewing, Esq, Collector cf Customs, Co)boarg, lest week. Visitons teoucr heaut if ai ce metery are cumerous, sud theno le net mach cm- planrt about flcwers bcing plucked fomn the graes. Ont of 107 modale awarded ou 600 on- tries cf cheeile et the World's Faim, Cana- da rceives 95. This is e big edvemtisemeut for, Canadien cheese. Se the ievely aseomtiment cf aew De- leinette for 12J cents, worth nenrly double the mouoy, just opanel eut et Couch, Johaston & Crydemmans. Lt. Sgt W. C King sud Cept. W., S. Russell cf fli3 45th Batt. won prizes ou Monday et the Quebec Rifle Association matches e t Cote St. Lac ranges. SOn Jue th 100 ycams ago the first three white famîies landed et Port Hope and settled la Hope townhip-tlie Harrises, Ashfordesud %tplieuses. Rey. J. Philp, B. D., London, baptis- ed six adulte Sunday avening et the Cen- tennial Methodiet Church, ausing watom froin ftle Jordan. The churcli as uual wae crowded. Dr. John Hoskin, Q. C., cf Toronto, official guerdian, lied a heavy dey's court work for an excenslvely bot day on Mon- day, appearing ie 45 cases before the Chancelier îln Chambers et Qegoode HaIl If yen waet to hwre a first clama@ town, taesm rnepide la meking and keepinq it nîce. Plant trfo, cultiv&te fieweru, rnow yonr lawn regulerly, vote fer good coucillors and psy yens' taxes regulariy. The Ottawa correspondent of, The. Globe aya Mr. W. T. Lcckhýamt, MI. P. P., for Woot'Durhem, arived on Mon- day, eccompanled by Mr. D. Burke Simapson, Preudeont cf the West Durham Liberal Assoiation. -t----.--.-. patrons-lt has nte1 000 sîhaclti4ars loft wian i lias, not enemgy enougi te glean tie home noew8, but le content te teks it second liand fromn thiâ journal. At fie late evangelistie services ieid hy Moans. CmomsIoy sud Hunier et Napauee tliey recoived over 700 names as seekera. 0f tiese 35 weut te the chanci cf Eog land, 88 to the Preshytenian and 427 te the Mtiodist chancies, hesides 125 out- siders. The receipts were $877-25. The exponses, $25.29. Over $800 were given tote levanglisîts. All people like favorablo notice in TiEE STATESMAN. Teke this waming:- "If yen have frequent heedadlies, dizzinens aud falntiug aells,sccompeniod by chilis, cramipe, conne, bunione, chilhleine,epilep- sy and jaundice It ln a aigu von are net weli, but ara hiable te die any minute. Psy yoor subaciption a yeam la advance and thus meke yoanseif solid for s goeda obituay n, tice."ý liappy deys and restful ýnIhts eult fom usiug Ayer's Sarsapanille. It se eglates ail the hedily fuctîons sud strengiliens the nervous systoin thet worry sud fatigue are compaafively n- known sud life ln trly enjoyed. ,Il le certainly a mont eronderful medicine. Carniage Ruge et the West End flouse. The choicest fentily grecenias et W. H., Oabonnes. De' fergot Kinby'e new peint 8lhop. Drop lu sud ses bim. Meus top shirts sud undenehints ut the WeVst End lieuse. TEE STATIISMAN te new- subscrîlbers balance cf 1893 for 500. Baît place lu town te iy Gloyes and Hose in John J. Maiion'a. Barh aud Annoaled Wlne et R. Woti's handware store, Bowmanviiie. A few Sateen Blouses which wiIi ho sold clieap at the West End flouse, Pore Indien Tea diru.1prted direct, et Murdoci'e old atai "'PETEE MURDOCHt, agent. Dr. Butlem's Golden Pilla are the hes -emedy for, impmovivg lie complexion, e- mioving black heede, pimpies, etc. The pleasateEt, cheepest, ciceat snd mnct ffectual ceuglimixture, trithe market t e dy le "Magnus Expectorant"?.- We are siewing s bovciy asseotment cf PF rt sý -3 hougit direct freon tte menu- fa, urens and cveny Parasol importeS *his tesson. Coacli, Jeineton & Cryder- It is wedertul tic cheap Wall Papers, ale Widuw- shades, Ensmnel, Mixed PeintFs, CGlassanSdJCal£omine et T. Shern & Co,'s,, theald etand, ene deer asat cf Reld'e eýlic store. W. il. Oabcmnoolae a ery excellelnt stock cf now fsmily geeisw11,ic is l selllnig as clieap as the cie.epest. Be tue donc a uic,, trade slneady aù nvies people te) elau sd (give in ia trî'ài2~n Uei nTe OTHE LîoxrT-The ati w'fl,,1o telle you coufideatielly juet wliat wîill Cure ynun colS le prescrlhing KernpesB/la this yeam.,1 the prepemtion cftt'his e- maniable miedicicb fer coug,s a/Scoide tio axpiense le spaned 1o 0 cobinE? only the beeýt sud pa7retting»edients. ; HOMd a1 hettieOf cf Kmp'e Balsain tc. tl,ile ligit sud 0o1k tlioughi, ; notice the/,.ýi2h* ,,1,n. Mr. W. Greenwood cf'London spent Sanday at Mr. John llollyar'e. Mise Carnie Allen loft on Tharosdaî' for a visit to Chicago and the World'e Fâir.~ Mr. W. J. Jones' reiiidence and rcmoit fence look mach improved by acato plint. Port Hope ladies cotributed $27 to the Princese Mary ot Teck's wcdding prenent. Look here 1 A $150,00 teh o pnieumnatic Bicycle for sale ett the Big20 Price only $80. Rev. M. P. Tttllinl7, B. A,, sud wL,'fe, London, have gone for a week'a visit te the World'a Faim. Mise Annie Mollon cf this fowt nitn Mise Bywater of Toronto have gono te. Regina, N. W. T. Mise Pritchard of Peterboro wae pro. sent et the ordination of hier cousin, Rev, W. S.* Pritchard, B. A. AlIlkinde cf eporting goode, wagonr, velocopedes, baby carniages, etc. very cheap et the "Big 202' Citizeos, cat the grass on th6e treets, whîch is now unanehtly iu some locelities beceuse cf great growth. Rev. R. D. Fraser, M. A., condactea preparat-)my services in the Presbyterian. churcli, endal, recently. Mme. Jas. Stewart with two cUidmewi are guest.s of hier mothar, Mme. Cochrane, et "PideHili," near Baltimore.ý Mr. Alex. Eagleon and d1au"ghte-r.iu- law from Hamilton township speýnu Suu- day et Mrs. Clemens' noth cf Bowrnan- ville. The sam ner "Eurydice" le uning be- tweea Port Hope aud Rochester, duing the absence of the "North Kiag." on le trip te the Wold'a Faim. Mm. W. R. Brock of Toronto bpeat Sunday witli Postmaster Fairhaiirn. Be gîves a very interesting eccouat of hie me-. cent tour te the Holy L-and. The Promotion examinatioiii for Dur hetm county wili be held on Jaine 26 and 27. P'apers are set from Sr. I1 te Jr. 111 ý fom Sr. III to Jr IV; and froin Jr. IV te Sr. IV. Another of West Durham's brave hoyd han been ceptured by Oupid's darto. Mr, Norman Cryderman who wao in the lvat& Office bore for smre time has joined t.he bessedicts. Seo merriages. A Clarke correspondeut writes: We ae ail delighteil that the Confe5rence hnis sent back our popular preecher, Rev. R. T. Courtice, for anothor year. Ho tu an earnsat popular preacher and is doing good. A 1mw of the Ontario Governesent which providea that aay persen who buya liquor for an inebriate, when healor keepere bave been prohihîtedfrmsxv lng âhalha hable tu a fine of frein1$20 fo'r te n Dr- t iu-m iiey are tf i BÉoý ig Zineaeotment cf these in Il quaitis, ith alîe ad ve fý1Y iJiawa had a hig fime yestaday in. pedlar'as block, deetroying S. H.cclv rane'à butchor ohop. Mro, Bime-lcombe's mîllinery store, Mme. Cotter's grocemy. McNally's barber shop an d e vacant building. Ail hpsured. M. A. James le agent for f lie following popular steship linos--Allen, Allan-. State, Dominion, American (formierly the lama), Anchor, and Hamhumg Américar Packet Ce. Ail information about rates sud seilinge ca e h id on application et the STATESMÂN cOffice, Bowmanville, pemonlly or by letter. Lst week we noticed that Mm. MW. Norman Tilley had passe d hie law exam-, inations and rauked Sth lu the honor list. Ho hias since writtee on the lioner euh. jacota snd won second place and a$6 cash ocholarship. Consldering that lie tauglit a niglit echool during- the whnter sud ie librarian cf tho Law Societylih, lias distinguiahed hîmmaîf meut credfitahly in hie exams. Belfast Ginger Ale, Lemaon Sor- a delouou new drink, Champagneo Cider. The bout Soda Water made in Canada. GRAND CENTRAL Se3 the West End Houme avt on the fourth page. Look up the West End Houes advir-. tisement in thîs paper. The West EndIlieuse ku coks them al out ou Boiey and G loves. About 800 olle of petty Wall Papers te ba sold fromt 4c. upwards et Kimhy's. Faît and Strew IRate very, gohu J. Metona DrUy goods and Jewelry liuse. 1The "Big 20" ist lieendquîem o w itli lmn. ____ Pr6piared ilspecieily f '; lie epo e l-. vasion cf A-iCh& e. Afù, or l!,ig heen thioroaghljV t nd c si du powel pro; cd lený en peedi hRAude cf Ce drgit.£î or "A Farewell to a Past or. Iu accordance with the itiuenaucy eIve- tenu cf the Methodiit charchaufi willof the Stetioning Commîttec, Rev. T. W. Joli. iffe who lias heen-pastor cf the chanci in this tuwn for tliree yeame, bede ferewell te hie flock haro sud with hie famiiy lef t yest'erday for Cenpellford. Since lie came to Bowmanville, Mr. 3ell'ffa lia gradually grow. n l ayor and thero le very general regret foît by thie congrege- tion that lie could nût reman longer. Ho lies heen a faithful preecher, s devot- cd pistor, and a successful ambassador cf Chrisýt, and hiei ministratieus have basn abundantly blessedof GoZI ln the sali-ation cf eîany seule and the upbaildiog cf the clorai.ILie leaves the congragatien in a spiritually leiethy condition and thon- ou2bly organizu3d for efficient duty. Ho lias laidqasociated with hlm a goodly aumber of zeeboos cliorcli workcms sud during bis thrce yearsj' pastorate fthome lias net heen a jar or any serious hind- rance to the proere-is of the charch's wvomk. Mme. Jellifft lias proved, a most worthy sud succaseful eseocate in ail de- patments cf pesterai duty sud will ho grcatly miseld eepecialiy hy the yoaoger' portion cf the ccngegtien wlio have so mucà enjoyea hem services in their ha. haIl .In visiting the sick sud aged cnes lier timie and heipful counEel have been fmeely given sud hem kind administrations have been highly appreciated. Alanc likewise somrry te part with their estim- able femily everv member cf çhicli has in edhool ansuchc. At the cises cf ithe regalharsevc on Sunday cvoniugý, before the very large coDgegation was diism-issed, Mm. P. C Trebiloock, bib'e claýsa tcacliem, advanced te the front sud on hehaîf cf the congre. getion ox2pessed jen a few weli chosen womd2 the higli apprecietion in whicli Rev. Mr, Jellitl'e je heid by the people sud referred lu the good womk under God"a ïprov*,dejce that liealied been on- ahled te accemiplieli durizig hieî three yeAnm s' ertimte bore, liaespoko ton of the love cf the pe- ple for Mmme. Jolliff-e wlie baswon the hearto cf ali by hem kindly interest ad assistance inthelî apimitual wefare cf the congregetion. Mr. M.' A. James, the church troasuror, hoartlly upported the cddrem., cf tes which the wholo cangrogofflon rose gced mgn het f amîliar bymn, "Bleut bho tho toethatbindu, our beartu ln Chriatian love, etc." Mr. Jolliffu respoeded te the eddrese of thoso hetbrou expreluveocf th. good-will aed appreciatien ot the con. gregation, revlewing briefly him pastent.e bore and thanking the peopleo fhie cwn cYeMgaion sud the pecple of the tcwn gdnera'ly for the great kîndrelsu hown towarda Iimmeif and family. Whlle the collectiDa wase eing taken, the choir sang that appropriate hymu ",Ged ho -it yen tiliiwo meet egain, asud i e congrégation ioined heartilv iu the Lreu.Ati lee 5 mn 1 .swwt 'round their ntnigpester sud femily te shake hanSe ýand biS thein God-ipeed in, new hbe. Sevealeanne lsùe frein other churcies b Bay gooi-'bye. M.D. J Goggin le Grand Master cf the M-ssaic Grand cf Maitoa.a Mr. A. 'E. Clijtia lise received from Canningtin Mener the chatnpionsbip cf Aseýiniboje Iawa tennis cup valued et $100, se Ssy$ a Manitoba paper. The icI wave 1hlis-pnevailed over Ontario for severai daye lies been un- usuel for Jane; if tile terriS zone je any liotten we doi't we'tt to go thome. The thommomeôtere have b an playiag about lu the ninetia. The excursion bo Guelphi Modal ferm yoterday by G. T. R. was weIl patron. ized, over coe huadraud going frein Bow- manvilie station,.lied it beau advertis- oSl il STÂTESMAIN a gr eai mauy more w culS have gene. Mr. Franl, Pethici lias lease the her- ber sho)p and lies ba-ea"doýing, business ou hie own eccoanrt" miince Juije let. The extenior lias beau newly painted sud the intenior reniovated sud now presents a 1more toueyappearance. Fnank le e geed sud caneful workman sud vo wiah, hlm GHILDREN wlioar puny, pa.e, weak, or sonof- uldus, ouglit t take Dr. Piencels GeldIen Medical Discovery. That builds up beth flesh and strengtb - For tbis, and for purifyiug the bieod, there's nothing in ail medi- cinc that eau equal tle "Disccvery." Iv. recoverinîg fFcm"Gipp,"or je convalescence front pneumonie, fevers, or other wasting disealses, it speedily and surely invigorates and1 builds up the -who7e system. As an appetizing-, resterative tonie, it sets at -wokailçl"the prQceýsses cf diges- tion anîd nutrition, rouses evcry or- gan jute naturai action, and bnings back health and strengili. For ail dieases caused hiý a torp id liver or impure bllocS, ysPepslit, 33i11ousnes,'ScrofLilous, Skia nt Scalp diseases -ev:en Consmptioni (o" ung- srofla)in ils carlier stages -th.(".coer"is the onily uv ate eey fi dcïesn't benefit or cure, nin v 1 yf)u lhae your xnoney back. Go to Rickard's if you wanti a watch. He selle a lady's solid gold 14k Elgin watch worth fifty dollars for twenty-five dollars. This Le below the lowest city prices. Notices or Blrtlïs,125 cents; Marriages, 50 cents; ISeaths. 5o cents, ecelicinsertion -but FRtEE OF, CHARGE, wvhen thse funeral carde are li>,inted at thîs office BIRTHS. HAmLi-In,,Oshawa. on June 14th, tha w1le of R. S. Hamilin, Eflq., of a son. HoRN-In Oshawa. on June llth, the wife of Mr. F. Horn, cf a daughter. HAIG-At the Manlls, GlenboroMan.,to Rev,- and Mme. Alex. MIcD. Haig. a son. MENEL-Near Loing Sauit, Dariington, Jane 16, the wife of Mr. James Menel of a son. MVARRIED. Cp.YDERAN-H-AY-At Mooscmin, Man.. oui 3sit ait,, by Rev, James Douglas, Mr. W, Norman Cryderman. C. P. R. station agent. formeriy of Bowmanvilie, and Miss Jeunie Hay of Moosomin, 'MOUNTJOY-FA&RRELL-At the residence of the bride'a father near Tyrene, Jane IL hy 11ev. J. B. McLaren, Mr, Eredericir Mount-, joy, of East WhitbY.and Miss Martha, daaght. eropf Mr. %Vm, Farrell. DIED. Er.LISON-At Newcastle. June 15, Elizabeth Raterson. beloved wife of Mr. Thos. Ellion, age Il57 yeare., ARNOT-At Ne'ýcastIe, June 15, Duncan Arno t, la hie 75th year. HISLOP-On lot 23. Con. 4. Whitby, Jane 10, Jo hn Hisiop, aged 70 years, 2mionths and 5 days, fa; hem of Mrs. Gao. Gray, of Clarke. HOOÂRH-ÂtNiagara Falla. N. Y,, on Janie 16' ]Da-niel Hogarth, ofSolia, a hie 7701 year. KEAiCIE--At SI Cumnberland St. GlaegOW, Scatlandl, on Jnune 16,AlLxaindBr Reachie,»agad 71)years, beloved fatther of John Keacie cof this towa. <Hy caLbie.> CHIANNON-In Dariington, Jane 17. Mary Channon, belovedi wiee of Samu3t Channon, aged 79 years, 10 menthe. BOWMANVILLE MA&RKETS! Corrected by J. McNssartry, every Taffday F'LOiR, eP 100 ibî ........ 81 60 to $2 30 WHEÂT, Fall, e bush. O O. 0 0 fiO067 n Russian, il...O ()00,,0 65 n Fife, i O. - 0 0n 070 'Il GoueO, fi.......O0O0 etO057 ! i Colorado il. . .. ..000 j y0 62 'a..11 .........0 00,if 050 OÂTS, 1 a.......:...0 00,,i 435 BAUÏLPT, V'bulh, NO. 1-. O0 0,,iO042 te , ' 2x- 0 00,, 0 37 il te2.... 0_00 f 0 30 te t Il3.... 0Oes 0 25 , t Two.rowed 030 a O30 Blnckwheatf bush ......O 00 0 O50 PEÂs, Blackeye, P bush... P 68 if 0 70 MUMMY ' , Oa0 ,n0O60 ~asmille, ~ .000il 0 55 'a B i e, ' ...*, 0 5 0 ,, 0 80 Buiam, bout table, P lb.. . 00, 014 CEsICIÇN, e lb .........O0 0 n014ý Etjos, Vd .e......... 00 , 01 POTÂTÔNs1, Ilbush ........ 000 If 0 45 ,HÂYYtton ............. 600q, 7 00 LINCOLN EIINTJIII ARRISTER,,SOLICITON AR LJaIi ouveyane>or. et""fo.anvie Get~ ~ ~~~3c ~ d-~.,'lavg 01store, Rîng- S Accant onlecSE3tates ma-nageS. ',17-U.; A P PRCEL w-as-takLeni i from; Miss 1iiiws Millinerv store on 1Oîblinet. le. etumned et once trouble wiit bo saved. 2.w IRL WA NTED et once fer gecemal, G ouse work on- farm near towa; 'email fam!lY. APPly io M. A. JAMICS, STA&TESNeAN office, Bovsmaavi 10. 25-tf LLS. S. N.3 aligoscodo hr montais. stating salary. tg THes. PowER, Secy- Trees., Box 43. Bowmauville. 21-3w P ArToN FOR SALE.-A second band cancpy top phaeten la good orden- will' ho eold, very cbeap. Auply te m. A. JAMEe, STATESMAN office, Bowmnanville. 25-3 w p ASTURA0E.-A eslendid rua cf ,y. pestame for fanma stock to ent witb pion- t0!good grasp, water auS shade. T, G. STONEitousE, nortli cf Hampton. 22-tf I AMBS WANTED. -Aay uumbem cf  JSprlng Lamba wanted for wbich the highest price will bs paiS bY HUMEz & WRIGHT the Peopl's Batcees, Bowmanvile. CALVES W ANTED.-Ten Celves a C/week wauted for aext four menthe biy HUMIf & WRIGHT. fthe People's Butchers, flowmanville. 5-tf LA MTO RENT. -80 acres cf lot 20, F12c.3, CanrtWright4 For furthem particu. lare Write te R. CAB5CADDnN, Toronto Juc- tion.2-2m* AMTO RENT.-103 acres lots 12 FCdn13 'con. , Darlingtn, near Haydon. grain or stock raising, good Ia, loam. Pow- tee possession as soon as cmp* is barvasted, fali possession in December. F'enfartheýr pr- ticulans apply t0 R. FALLIS. itaYdOn P. O. 25-4w* RICK COTTAGE FOR SALE.- JTe inderlgnee, dosirieus of being close 10 the shop, effare for sale bis desirable brick cottage euS 1 acre oDElad on Wellington St. The itage throughoat la in perfect state cf repair and confaine Parlor.Hall 'Diaîng Boom, large Kit cben,Pantry an 13 BaS Booms. ."rame Sammer Kitchan and wood-shed attachaS. The zarden couteas Apple. Pain. Poar. P.ýach and Cherry trees, GrapeoBlack and RleS Cerrants. Bilait ad ud BaSBrries, Gio3eberrieg and Strawberrieslî of the very choicest vatiatia. Immediate, possession eaa be given. For price and ail fartber partlcalars apply tn JOH-N PERCY, BOWManVÎilk. 21-tf Pare Mînilîs Bîindar Twiae meno'ectiered eit Ille CENTRAL PRISON le effreS dir..ct t the fermiera o! the Provinica at 111! foilowing prices, froigzht paiS te env railw\ay sta-tion witbin iboýProvinceý as dinctedj Pare Mauilla Dindon Tinei in car loeSs-------S' cents per lb. pure Maniille BlaSer Twlae ln less than car loeSs.. .- 91,cont? errlb. '-iTho Twie e ell manufactureS. frein pare m-anille wîithoixturofellceap NeivZea. land hcmp on sisal, anS will mun about 600 foot te theoand,. Ordere fer fitI car loade are acpe only ,wlie fammors club togother to taka Iis q'u,,,- tity, and the erdar muet contai a flue names sud addies-ýee of al wblo are in the club. No urders i il hc accepteS for les than 50 rtounds or for lae than fuail bales o! .59 pounidc-, eacbi for any additionnl quatity sud ne orCér will be filleSulasaccomipanied 10Y cas)n il rogistered letton bankc draft or Pest effle 1 07der. (in accounit cf unavoidabboyla cern mienciag operations thie ojtOf twlne Ibis ý seasea will bo limiteS. an' eorders accompa),ni- cd by cash -iil hobcitl -eîatien aiseev Addnezzs aleo-' te MR. TIIOS. QUINN, Eu Trnto. REPIRESENTS the Federal Life As-. JLjsociation; and the London and Lance-. sbire, Commercýial Union. the Lançashire Fire Insarance os., and the Steam Rouer and. Plate Glass las. Ce.. of Canada. Office at Wortb's Hardware store, Bowman-. ville. The highiet market prica will be pi for Rny quaentif y Of wool deliverei one door eaet of Sv 'EsîANOffice, Bow.. nialiville. LEWIS QUIOK. MRS. DONCASTER Has a large stock of In ail the latest colors and shïlapes which she intends to seli at a great reduction., You wiIl do well to cali and examine before purchaiing else- where. Orders taken foi th-, Lûn'.,n corset. Stampîng done to order, MRS. DONCASTER. WOO 0L WA NJ1F O 50,000 Ibo. wcol wanted at the Hamnpton Wo-len Mille for which the highest csl price wiIl be pa,,id. Farmere oly >4v their eyes half open, they are afradt bay of the iïddlec men but they ruht themi wîh their w9ol. Beo seneib,. n brinig your wool where it ist e 10 ho faectnred---you wPll fini Ltt foyottmadvat ae. Awys a Jod tc ý4 oo8 tAâ1d-juetü wha h afler hli, wiý wîll ho exchsnged for wool. With th1ak' for past favors, 1îi emu vour ob1eà'ý,, servant, D. TAYLOR, 21.3m. AMPTON. U Cmm S riuin segs lifo pendent upon traLiud lu commercial usages. A thor- ough course in practicable sabjP'te under ex peiea ced office- mea willI put .mirbltious3 young mon and wï mon ini possession of information that lias a rWay demnand in the commercial world. Elegant filusnet- ed circuler maiied to any addÏreso. .Apply to SPERCER & fycCULLOUOCH, PRINCPAL, Hamilton Bueiness Collegre, j4, 3,38, 4U James St,, South, Hmniltoni, Ont. Miss Sha-w is clearingz out ail Winter Stock of iHats, Wings, etc., at cost and mryany things, far below cosýt. A nice lot of new Veil- ings just received. Next door eaet of P. 0., Bovwiranviile If yen wish a relly go-od andi reliable Wchý! cail anid see thosü sold away dwninpic and fully guarantee,(d by T. N5 RLQ'KARD,

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