_____________________________________________________________________________________ I What fills the houeewife u'ith delight, AnS n>'kee be i biscuit criso enS Ilight. He:r breali-D 50temnpt i te petite ? What Le il maltes bier pastiry such iA treat, ber b ean alýsosemuch, Tbough pice noveýr uscd.te tench ? COTTOLÉN E WVhst je itshortens cake se dcce, Bâcter than lard, svhile lIsinj pri,, And doca the cookingen a tide ? COTTO LEN E \VVhat le il that frics eysters, fsh, Croquettes, or eggs, or sucla like disb, As niccuand quicl.ly as you'd wish ? C;OTTOLENF- Wshat je it saves bbe ime anS care And patienceeft rwerfeee fair, And lielps theam make tCciir c ake se raie - COTTOLENE Who je it carne bbc grtituSde Of esery lover ofpîe ct lly making "GOTTOLENE' sogood? M~c nly by N. K.FAIRBNK &CO.p, Welhr,, ýng-ton(Ir AnSreet5' is1e thetttriumph in phar-eacy for he cure 3cf nt ai h ymtisîei-îngKn fil -InaCo plns i nartansieSAND VotvnsDizziness,Sortoal 11eadahe, InPgetin, eouArETT, TIRE FEELING, ?1ElrATîcIC UI Sîlep',Lse liights, I>eanchciy Feeling, RAcE ACRE, Telabravs Eidn ey and Liver Cure toigvci edaerejfastEveT a ure.a SOIS at ailDrussStores PEtïiiitERBORO', ONTe' s -1 grJl îck e ch n idil! Iltetoulsm S.~~~~~ut J toablcu tt fIestem uha rlueakabl SOCES5 bs ben ehwi ufini ITeadchey~t sTC an LITOR Lt h-Pîu are ens alylel i ns tip ation, cr thcy aise oic oretaildstrcur pillhe ta cis stirle thelierado rgiat oboel LvP.enit'seITTE Ly curS Lgar ey m dose te. woc3d ar,> ,ot priegete atdedo thet itta ihivauabeou L s hi e nte ation weimae lwo usgethbitaiiiO viae!pcuets nve r $1eaSoltdtke O ýr. tWe 111mail. and m-ade their report in January last. The report je cen1prehensive, almeet vl umneusi filing 'a vlunie et 278pae and je a mine eofvalutabie informnation cencernîng the opgapye t the nortfr onuntry. The primlary objeç' t the Cern- mieionecr ot Crown Land.. wae Sto provide a syestem by wihthe te'Cret walhet Otrecould lbe bet cenevedaed til-1 izedl. Hie ýInte2reet jethýe matter, andlis i4ackiewedg ntt-ev '1 trrito'rY' wbercin ir waýedet;""o the park, madie thie Lablors et thece ieencmpr ativeiy ligIht. The erriteýry chesen je ie- dicated in the acmpe iegap. _It j ecmpact tract of land je the itrict et Nip- issing,esouth ef the iYlattw iver, aed lies between the Ottawa River and Georgian Bay. It je almeet a paralielegram ie shape and includes 18 tewnships, al ef which have been eurveyed and eubdivided ie con- cessions ancl lots except the townships et Sprouie anS Preston. The area, et the pro- posed park je 938,186 acres, et which 106,- 393 acres je under water, er 1,300 square miles et land and 166 square miles et water. The western beundary et the park tract lias a mean distance et about nine miles from the castere boundary ef Parry-seued dis- trict, while on the east it appreaches te within 12 miles et the Ottawa River. The park je about 40 miles long and 36 miles wide. Fer censiderabie distances ee al ides ef the park there is.ne eettlement ai ail, theug h mlata and, lr*o r3f fie surrourirling Astaff et five raingers -who -mil lie reqeir- cd te range bbcresýervation eoni-bitinuaîly nS !ep a ,harp.,okolfpo cha moiu aaewyetc.,. as b~,.pitd hel ommieioner recmmcùdbbc rohibition I f bunotinhebegalpltrakppin1g ('hin !le park for a termnetof0 1)yeýarý e, b I ei g ýi l oUpwtbe park te(e' d-a~it yit ilaIl sorts 0et bann issse( 'ecl fi-,r- bearing an mal n irdejeshlort te anake il a býreedIing ground fk or ganse. Tee ean Sago bbc NSipiseing district ha)ýrbor'ed coler- ,oîes mnooýe, d!er, anS bea l'libt ibe aen- tonl destruct ion et these auinýsie as reapit- cdl in prectica xaria in bthaspin et 1887 the cardasses et 60 moose mere toareS je the-Nipissing district, bbch nimal l% e- ing been kieS for their skies alone. _No v thera je not a meese te ba sean. 13> eayeýr, once numaroias, are very rare]hy scen', , ~d deer are quita as ecarce. Oncealte a1 place for these aniale 8te breed je saty',i undisturbed by pat h>nters anS fer(jýoles Sogaý,and the whele nortiserea district m.ou1,S benefit tram the everfinir et game from the Park. T1he treanse oow tecm wibh fisbi, chicfly brook rout, herring and whiîcli anS a feir ycare et protection moid 611il creeke anad t.ee wibh feh anSgmenSý,i, aise preserve te Canada specieus e tie lite that muet otherwise selon become ex- BITTEN BY A VAD 110 . VICTOMIA ALOM B 15 LERIE-. An nte-ctig Ptint $ ise ïPasteUr la- Cew On ttneasey ladg. Dr. Peuh ibier, the bead if tbc Pasteur rufld ,l te Ianthe severeige et any othenw' Inistitute, Ncý(w York, bas an iesngcutY 'il Euope S e net bothcred patient. Hie came je John P.Smthon wt bbuiestrnngbrgvr- anSdhaie a fermner ot the village etf Wasb- mn; ehe nyrgels involved je bbc -sqjuab- ingto, _Md. Ha was btîcu by a bogbis et partie;s; eameves trom n of ber' wbich baS beau býitten by anotisar hog, royal residences te another acýco)rdîngte ba _r which baS been hadly lacerated by a maS picasune; ehe indulges in e foreg- tur Newfoulndlanid dog. Ahi efthie animais irbenever se is disposeS ; ee Socs 1net were owned by Mr. Sîcatitheoný, and mare need aven te kee-p an eye on thic Prjnc-0 et keptinj a barn adjoining the Smitheen Wales nowadayq, anS bbc Neir Y orkSu borne. The case is inberestng tronsi a mcdi- thinke that bier Sueatic canas muett1ha cal pint et vieîv, as elîeing tbc axît et ofigbi. j lb transfer et isease trem oeeanimal te +Il bbcother eevercîgîîs bave aa rd l timie the other sud 'h en te a buman hcing. Dr.Of it. Hara je-4Oscar Il., Kîng- of Sirc1een1 Gibier saye ilie patient bas undcu bic 5and Norwey, tormenlad ha' bbc Nerwmegiau sympteme etflvdrepbobia. Ha je carefully malcontents, by the iobsructive ttin w atching the de aelopments et the disease ie and by Ibacn. He,,- es William IL. of <ian- Mr. Smithsor,,a-aS gava it as hie opinion that imauy diven le !bis wit'e a nS hy hectoiing] bbc patient ironîd necoe a. Dr. Gibier bas adversaries. Hereije the Kingo e ta res' noi let a patient hy Seath ini nearly tire George I., aiways liard up anSem imesai- Yeats. Siho moat overmhehmed le a sea e ruls Mn. Sihnwas bitten by the hog jHere je the King efthie Blgins-,Lcp about a weak age. Six weeks betoe thai jII., wbose tbrone mas menaceS a tam meaks tima the beg baSl been bilten b y cothar age by bie rebeliions subjedte es svdferý beg, whicb tan Says previous biaSbeen bt-J a trne only by bis prudence. Hiere is bbc! tee by a Nairfoundiand deg. The dog bad liltle King et Spain,,Alphenso XII, ro been in bbc habit et cimbieg imb bbheho g muet he tigbteîaed Wirn b,-eiar hie uh pan. For corne ayse hadSshow-n sympteme jacte shouling fer e repuilhie. HUera are bbc et ines, but M. Smilhson lid net ssethezrc Rsite îee hlbcEm- ' tbatlice iras euffcing trem hydrophobie. jpaerietu'Austia nSlI ulan eitmîofTirkeý1'iy Hie. attention 'ras attraclad irb wile et b'theler-hpof nio aekeome le ahI'ibe1 hmby equcals frcaj. i ,c , adhawrl Th ougQ e t he Netheri- met eutjie te adao Ili t!e Sogdash outL lande, Wllhenina; themiS-gd ig bb oor. Ha ave feamig ah bt sul trtglhance L., aS bc o'11 ingc anS Mr. SibsnkilleS him -.with aisho< t cdDcnmr, Cnsia XlSaboea from a revolver. Thon bha tunnel bis -atten- qui;et ltbtbhey don't amoutte m ucli, tien tote cleg, whichblSbee hbitten je andS may mach wibh baS hnck any i y the leae anS body. Under M. Smitbeýon'e Ameiig ail bbc soercigne et 'u1(oPe ib'isl realmeint, assistaS hy a country vebeinary bar Bribannic majesty alone irbho is lmty surgeen, bbc animai apparcntiy impread. pcrfeclly serana. Ha was removed f rom thae ther hoge but .lenAtica there are noe tret-ceý- sover- on oea etis falems feuad im eout, anS mas eign,aedwe iiake this rcmark here, tlioughý bitten in bbc log. Mn. Smitbson feueS bbc -it ilty enrage smoinele bcsultai8 nslbc othar animal wanderinig about bth anm iiî norîbern part et that conlinant. Je si a badly tor foot, Ha trieS te cerrnalb the hrs are enly tire iret-chassorig, animal, anSdje trying te head off bbc hog bbc Empeor et China anS thaemprre lac ias iblan in bbc igt ankia. Mr. Japani, bath eft ironsescm te have a pret ty Smitbson limped te is bouse, anS tampon- good ima. As for the peor Shah t eria ary remadies wertappiied. TIse tire oge- and as for tbc second-baud nulers jei India, mere thon killed. M. Smithson iras neyer irbo muet lic loir betore thein ]lniishi mas9-1 hitten by an animai batore. Ha is et tundy tans, thay c'en ecly take lite as il qemesý.1 physique, wbich wilh malcrially aid hilm jeIn lel Amenica, nantis and soutb, there je recovering. net a single royal sovereign. Thene are toty-eight distinct iseases et Poor wratches bIst depcnd ongrans bbc eye. No other organ et bbc humen body favori Sream, as I bave donc, and irake anS , bas se many. f ind notbiiïs. ý*ec--zren Cry for IIUSBINDS ', OMANDMENT3, ALGO Q JNPRK a tew hardy pioneers have pnshedi np prettiY ___clese tbthe seithere coines oft thc-,propos- The Ontario, iteservaticu n j7, Natenal cd reservatien. Par-k for thse Banner 1rovîne.-Iî The land je unfit, generally, for agricrltur- Coveres sTownsheip,%. al purposes It ii a regicin et rack, foredt Th e on.Artur . Hrd , Cmmisioerand water. WVithiea thepark bonedaries a-re The onLn s Arthn .ard, rCemmlyiinr-included the head waters et al ihe ose' of row Lade or ctae, ecetlyinto-able rivers fibwing into the iNipissing al, d1aeed a bil in the Legîsiature te cestablisih Muako'ka lakes, an immeese voluime of wat2, the --.Igiiqin ark f 0ýtaio., Al e iultile litkes and river, brook, pond, aedi the"Algoqui Par otOntaie. Ml he arsh. The park ce beavily wooIlcd -,ithi a stepe necessary for the estabishment et a large varicty et Canadjan te fret tree, anil niatio-nal park je the northerly and caterly thus watcred and sbltered aud miore remote horders et Canada's ecet important Prov- trom civil izatice je the homne et()f ts incc are new complets, birds, game, tnr-bearing animiaIs and lsh- The project bas occupîed the attention of the hunters paradise. The landben4 the Ontario Govere ment ever since the Hon. wholly t he Crewe. There are ne vestcd Mr. Hardy relinquie3hedl the important cab- or private interests te be brought up or inet post et Provincial Secretary to give hie dcalt with. attention te the terets and mines et the la bbc establishment ot the Algonuin(ii great undcvelopud sorihere sections et National Park the Guverument aiýit tIli Ontario. Mr. Hardy's represetatione led preservation et the streames, lakes rý te the appointmcnt ot a Royal Commission water-couressje the park, more spcai to inquire into the matter. The commission efthb eadwaters et the greater river, 2~ wae appoiebed ie February, 1892, and con- the maintenance et the park in a natul.1 sisted otMr. Anbrey Whijte, AssistantComn- state, the preservation et native foreetis miesioner of Crowe Landse; Arcbibald Bine, and their indigonone wood s; (3) the pro- Director of Mines for Ontario ; Alexander tectien ot game and flsb trom indiscrMiina' Kirkwood, et the lande brancb et the Crown laughter; (4) té provide a field for experi- Lande Departioet; James Dickson, P.L.S., mente je and the practice of systeýmatie Provincial Inspecter oe tirveys for Ontario; torstry ; (5) the probable esta blishmilent ot and Robert \V. Phippe, a Canadian author- a osummer resort hotel ; and (6) te seccure ity on toretry.1 the benefibe which the reservation of a large The commissienere flnished their labore block ot foxest would conter upon the cli- * ~ '. ~ CALO0F aA-rurCA au c e C i~-'t~~ j4 s él el 4nL9 O ï,,, ,ci. a, L jas 1. I ma hy hasband: thon shalt have ne other huasband but me, who n thon didet vow te love, bonor and obey ;for I saved thee tromj old maid ism, and reecned thee froml the terr0or s tsfe blessedeese. 2. Thon shaît net lek pen any other 1ante love and admiihimni for I thy hiebarici am a jealous husLbandi,who >will visit the sin% et hie wite upon laic>'tlo- s therefore i4eep thon taithtully te thy mir- nagIýe vow. 3. Thon shaît net backbite thy husbind nor speak lightly et him ; neither shalt thon e(xpose hie tatelts te thy neiglibour, lest hie shud1ear et it and pnsh thy perfidy . o-etiiundry items sucls as bonnets, drCeesetc. 1. R-ememb-'r the seventh day te keep it fr e rom aIl uunecessary labar ; for ihero are s;ix days in which te do thy work. Thon ehaît have thy how c dean and tidy by tour o'clock en Saturday afternoon ; and thiere shah Oc ne eaeling et children or baking atter that heur. Theu ehalt do thy marketing alone, lest je the company et other womcn thon buyest ribbons for thy- self inet ad et cigare for tby husband. 5. Thou ebait net box the cbjldren'secars, uer thump them for pîundering thÏe sugar- pet, or running away with the pastry or j am ; for a hnngry etornach knows no law, saLve uit and rue. Ci. Thou shalt net hlen te flattery, ner accept gifts and trinkete trom any manc save thy biesband, wbo esteemeet woman's purity beur gratesi ornement. 7.Thou sbaît net rifle thy hnshand's pec- kýets for meney whb lc is asleep ; neither ebalt thon reai any lettere thea naayest flnd th lerein ; for xl je hie business te look atter' hie owin affaire, and thy business te let bis alone. Ask ne questions, but bel jeve. 8. Thon shaît conceal uoîhing tron tbty busband ; always speak the- trutb, and niake, no taise represeutabion et tbc state et tbc pantry and purse, for tby bnsband a4bboreth petty larceny in the dometic de- pariea'nt. wbich shahl be punished by clos- i ug the exehequer until such financial affaire are- aboied. 9. Thon shait net covet tby neighbor'e bouse ; thâon shalt net covet thy neighber's teirnjture, fer lber drees, fer lber bonnct,nor anything that je bers, and wbeni thon geet eut witlî thy busband, thon sbait'not wear a crinoline, ner any cher daugerons ma- chine likcly te comns lu contact wiîh hie 10, Look for no jewelxy fromt thy tiue banS on tie annivcrsary eftbhy wedching, for it jes written-" B"eeeed are tbey who expect n otbiug, for they shah net be disappoint- Dose thi, Microbe b3canee ite main contituent le Oxygen, N eîure's rUEmdyý Killer Usee4jensiekness jene experim et, crude druge aucd mineýraIs arc. Microbe Killer1 le the greatest tenic for tlred men and womee ever proauced. Microbe Killer Correcte ail bodily disorders easily, if taken in time, used f reely. Microbe ' Kiiller Purifies the blocS and tissues by driving out thaý living germe. Microbe Killer Ferocit3r of the Dervi3hes., Has no equal as a rheunmatio epecific; I thiiak it iras at t he battie et El Teh I firet nmade the acquainlance et the MabdisiIF 'or Sale rby fr iiaairi dervishes, eays a correspondent et theA LondonîT elegî-e ph. The Fuzzy Wnzzy A Hadendewab tribesman le the biaveset et Prices $1 aed $3, eccerding te size. bbc brave, but the dcrvish je hcroisem rue crazy. These so-calIeS "holy h'.ggare," self-'sw ilMtRHAD0A M MICOBE K st-wrnt devote themeselves te the Prophte; cause, rame ai Gen. Graham's mair'ines, Highlanders, and stout linesmen asý if ire ehfad been ebjîdren te be trighlered;4" P- b'y a dr."lad ini their patchwork rage, > wi -2hvd bareiea, maîey armeai-th ne, 1etter waesthai sticks. they char.- 1 ô cd ui in fro.,t oet the fR-wll qure Don tlîey cntl v soe - les thanrenigh h 1ircl -a. il" and three Iinu-4iePrýce deseiercely on, rei ikedrnktem1 terteet h glcanmg and ,jýLs ffamne with ',l~ ieuiIda~r hatircdl. IHappy irere îhey if îhey could.~ bilt crosswapn wibh our bayenete. lenexhaus ted nature tailed then their lat rt was generally te hurl the weapon theyv carried, stick, lance, or s.wrd, toward our rankes, and shoot an Arab imprecatien agaiinet us, "Neeýorani I' (Nezatrene). An id grey-liaired sheik5 actually charged thie Slip pers,,Rubbu-ers, Trun square reading the Koren alond, which ha lîld i hbauds. Laber on, when SNir E ER L Herbert (then Colonel) Stewart, chargeS' At OUi' Store, -B VE BL menteet cvalry, their înonnted dervis1jes 1GE -E s i' T faceS biis wisole terce aieS holcly chargcd B I G E S S thmin returo. Again, in Tamai, when th 1raeboke jute Gen. Davis' square, TT wlir 1was, and tempe rarily capturedour 13 G G f.E S T W s- mciegunes, on which bbey dne nE I G S . gind eh îe, lthe dervis-hes irere je the fore-13II- 3 EST \ j fro)nt e! tbc attack. A big marine irbo liaS hayenieted eueetfbhem found hie rifle caught and clulcheýd by the fanatic savage, wýho EVerybody iivîted to enli ands stýtroetrach hie foeiman with bis sword. It ï as at tuie moment we werc driven bac%ýk, andi( wh!ile the marine 'tugged anai swore te -- giet b)si eapon free, the reeling der visb e- sayed w-ýilb hie parting strength te lay or wousad ourTommy Atkns, e cdeeper-. aitelbattle et Abu Kica sîmilar scence ýc- cre.Istate ilb as a tact thal dnin th mdcce in wilia Col. Burnibay feul a Seýriieh1 wh-,ei-v bruck that fficer, and wae prompt- iv bayo-ueted tiîrougb tbe back, twitedf a'bout'-wbile the steel was preîrnding anS trieS , t brest hie lance into the sabldier. Even the cippled euS wounded dervises onl bbe field of battie lay jenirait te etab bbc chnce pasiugenemy. Askel te "lsurrend-- er" and put dowu their sworde and epeare. !1 thep inv-,ariable answer ofthbce ticken der- vie Nias, I" Chrisian (or infidel) doge, nee "When I sair tb"m ast ije e- - ou aafew yeare eue, ibere was ne ahate- 12as onJe of the esu, mnt je their bloodthirsty terociby, cor show et besitelion, irbether they numbered l r est s o k0t ± feror maey, of a ionging te gai te close'ar es t K 0 Il quartere wilh the ir eneimy. reot fromn the best cures guaranteed. oothiarn & Son,~ DGENTS FOR BOWMANVILLE, ' LLER GO, LIMITEDRe Lks, Valises, &c., )CK, -ff Bowrinanwille7 FORE, \J{IETY, ALUE, see ourw fower TUE SOEMA'N. r,ý the ats, man i. -n d Mating Partridge Oochin s. ~L LLcJ. .. -i J A L.~A Ie addition te the nequisita shape anj Y ork . Prices as lowv a ablundance of plumage, tbce tnipaeofthbbc hrekads dl teîIand the sjid bl etkobbcheest-frorn 50c up. For ground cohor wiilbtbbc harp distinct and Boy's soft o hard and ir accuarale paencilinge in bbc temale, are bbcho pensespecialiy sougbt aI ter by levers et thie fbinevaricty. To produce these bird, n h p s l n le bbc3 short-sel ime anS bbc gredtas -, ansh pes C il ,an feton eneshave rasorte ed ublep ic s anid goods.( maig.To produce the maies, aL cock metý sncb has ije Sesirad t0 ha produced i .f-,i. f r is z~ lmalteS, te large, ehapely lhans, wibb as i bila n G.e t f r i b a 'body pcnciiing as possible, anS et a dear ,r-r~1 browe than bbe deirad shadc for bbc cx- o ,se ct d s i e iitihe. To produce bbc femalas,a cckhavieg a laceS, eplashed or moitIeS" han. brena ijeselected, anS mateS te the beanti iuh iabeg-auy colored and distinctly paneSl cd bansý. If bbc cock le of a bright rail n ighesf prices Paid f\,, rather than of a very deep red se mucb bbc bettar. There are thoes i rb nofess te _______ have straine oft Pantridge Cechins whicb At the Bottom- He1 - requira but a ingle matin-eg bQpnducc cx- An lriehman, ironked ahI day for bbc 1i ibition birds et belh sexes, but bbhe rac- agent oetaaýn teaah o h' i Hisecye mi--- lice oet naaly ail bbc large breaders isetae of elc hahodonbbtp-i. maka the saparata malinge ton cach sex.,s tgtipgagas tgo.Atngti at iktbnda Oneca~bred sma cr ged ehihbisethe agent b iouht ont bbc grog teahlm,(an '" What's bb spçcicaeenomain egle an y exiitnu h resîintsteS it, and saiS tatec "l'cnep iae-rastcfl maie, anS tcmaîes of bth eiit 5: mSred ced it b stylesindicaed aboa, Thî, le7c, me "Wbîch diS yeu put je tiret, bcwiset Hv o dve niae bv.Tiidd, - or.boma-ejide1", eta te oue by thoee *ho bave net bbc room orthe mater ?" 6"Nol cxactlî fo-r or do net cane Lo take the trouble anS OHaha.s aSl, bcbkyl canre et, tir e pne. I "ah.Wiayhc l'Il corn telbot he bbcý Pitche~'s Castoria. I by\ayndby' - oiekpig' latestan d bouglit df<- ufactu-ri-es, and Neow is the Iowvi Men and, n ai colors e7 <' z) .5- -i ) fi i GI Cloths, Twveed,, Worsteds and Suitings of ail kinds, for mien, youths ia -d boys, were neveu excelled and prices nYioer more moderate.: Twore~os hyyou are certi t e benefitted in trading at the old reliable Gents'fiurnishiiig, store are that we keep only reliabla, gouds and they are soia at lowes-t living profit. Our customers can depend on getting, well-made, good- fitting and stylishly cnt clothing at prices to suit ail. pockets FuIl fines of Ties, Coilars, Cuffý;, Braces, llandkerchiefs, etc, If yoit want a suit this Spring you wilI please us and benefit yburself by looking through our magnilicent stock1 at the "Star> two doors east of the iPost Office, Bofwmai-nville. em Microbe Killer Enriches the blood and gives tone and strength to the whole ayi3tem Microbe Killer G:ves buoyancy of spirits, atrangth and healt!i to ail uîers of iL. Microbe Killer