-U l'AKFA3T-SUPPE R. 2,ya, tisoegis ý:-ow.edZa o! 's Cfiri lials V'wi, go9v e r nttisA o pe ra ti1anonfd e3 andniirition. eut h- sorfi -ap tisfnep e dr"e, wal1-.eleot icsh 1e provide!! o'ar re ai l, i wlth a iciatl l.vre bV e5a, e w1ic's n gave lssssyhay ot 'bille3 1-,le by thse contittio m b3hagralsiiy bUtnp until sten eough t0 resist ejery teedeoy te disas. tadrdeof gubt.Ie mlisare flot;i xgaround ne rEs,,&y le attaciz wisere ver then is a weak peint. We ria1 7cappmany ri fatal shaith y koepiug ouralvc i woll fortified ýwith pure biot ga.1 a p)ro-ry uourisissd, fr aniir,"-" Civil Sei-vice Gazette,." Mvals simply witis ioiliu.i water or milk to 1v ,lu npackots. by Gracers. lab'lled IbiS .JASMCLS lil'I &.a t,., llomoa>tlse Che Ms Ist, tondon. Esganl, WEDNESDAY JUNE 21, 18913 DE.1 J. C. MffTCHE1rLL, .~ sn< SugeoeOntario, Coror. etc. Oflsan, eidne Enulskillen. 74, B 17!P,)eTIR 'OLTCITOFt, .MOPRis - j CRepaairKing StrAot, Bownian. ville. Enlictr for tisa Ontari Banke t uvae ~onys lanet et thse lowa3t ratas S. C. i1NLN1G L CNSEDAIJOT ION E E R FOR TitiseCounty 0 Dnan.Sales -attended to u s nttnice and iawesl rates. A<ldress (ancP. . B f' FICE1 IN TH;E WEST DURUAÀit NJ ewes Btk, 'seeisiseif or assistant o 1tefnd 'o S..to 9 pimniNigi cl et ridec- îclopst r litd.catis: 1c't L gIlspis ontlphOne xiiireceive prompt attenion 71.yr A. . Wlý4N V. s f"FF10 E -H I G GIN BOTHIlA M'S B. TLOCK Bawmanville. Nîght calls ans. werd frons nue doar soutis of Dr. Boylasg AMIl calis by teleg -p&Ph or telophoe wiil 'e cv- vrempt attention. lI A UCTIONEER, APPRAISER', Reai .ti.ate Agen. Bnwmnnvil le, Ontario* -aItesended su any prt ni' Province. ROHIEOT.Plans and Specifica- lins prepsred for every clase aof huiiding. Fpec il!attenition aS-en îo naating by steans rîiletuS bt er. aud te ssitary arrangements. ufte oi! ie Block, XVhiicby 43 -ly R PEÂTETailor G entlemen's Clothes Made to Order. J ..BIFNACÙ\Ij3E 4 Store, (down stairs), Claed yed, Prosseed and RepaireS by THO11C)S. PE A T D>yer and Clothes Cleaner, <icûods wsrranted te ho asn neswlIll kuow thons irons new whon doue. Celln~er King and Oatarla Straats, Bowmanville DENTJ STRY. C.HARNtDEN, L. D. S. <AJE~FIE OPPOITE EXREýSSOFFICE. VIJTALIZED 4AIR, TOTRVE througl 111fe by the lougi stages of couglis, cocdesud consomp- tien, be carelesof yonrself during tise dP"MP, cold weather and- DON'T use )for fiat ast cugiÀ)-,or utif you'd lik f0liv-o te a green nid g. nhats n ft. a pre'tenti-çe sudi cure nr aUl ahroat anS Lun.- diseasces, 25c>50o& $~OO er B-te i Ging te t1he Grandma ROtUe.3 Eveny day wbinTedavet te lias,,iga- teu lueise ! b peas biHomeIfonr ge U/mn lbten hoý wousid sec tisree or four Ses! nidladis its aps ou et the wmud apý, TherePas ue aaiose mens Pas lu bise seconîl ,3torcy. l Ted sud Roisb oireS ibat was' ie aaved Set lssîsd ta tison. Týeddy askeS masina pSy thene arore se mauy Grïudmas lu tisai hanse. Se se bolS is ail about tise Soar aid ladies avise aS no hsomes af tiseir onan sd how ihappy enS camîantable tisey av-e t iene all tagetier. Alter tisai Ted saways calied it tise" Grand- use Hanse." )ue day abers Se passýeS bisene aens car- niages isfoonsthse oor, anuS people geing lu sud nul. At dinuer he tld about lb. Sistor saiS blsey avoro iaviug a neceptien ai tise Homo, sud people could tawe.s gilbs if tbiey chose. lu the alternoon Tett pas heft pitbisJ ae arisawauted bo ruian aindoava upsb ans. Sa sis o taiSTed ise must play pitis bis bbcirs in tise iiugn-reons. Ted aras o neso. Ho, omptied ont !bis bleck basket anS going te Jane's nice, ciqjan paubry, ha emptied bise crocli nf sugar coolies inte bis basket. He couldu't 5usd bis bat, sohe beai ans ai brotebisn dger's. To SirvselI ho saiS "lNoar I must bave a cane, 'cause lise gentlemen I saw goiug into the Grassuie Hanse baS eue." Wibhpapa's very bosi gobd-beae oane,1 sud bis basket ofa u gar cookies on is anus awyTe--d tnd:ed Soaru bie sit f tise ot biýna in, W/bos ishe esw iss Inuy hlat spd bigce, sho wbispered a fe,,iW(rrs ta tis hma1ý1 tren( i. 1 IlMy dSean, av- le Sayou vpeut?'" gai(!bisa mLaman. IlOS !I'v-îse to asit the Graudmia ladies, sud I've brugisî biso esuget enelies, 'cause I know my Grandme iles sugan cooliie." Se Toddy Peut Ir msta oons piths iis basket oI ceaimes. Tise ld lady arions Se sar seotten et tise aindop bolS himu tories, sud showed his bise presns wiich ieS becu lefi etthbie Hase.isetday. Sise caied ties Ildo- nations.", By sud by 1Ihe mebtron saiS se aras af ,,ii tise lbte soy's mens prràoulS wetnry about bis a-clli ba btte g bime. W/ie edeavsinreS hi mmnsa', Vi TciyPage, vbete have ypn becs,?*' "Ois V' saiS TteSy, I"Pv-e been urslu C h Z: t - AMOUDILLE 1YIRACJLE,' Th Rrkbe Caase of Little Georgis Veale. YOUNG FOLKS. te the Gressdrua lousée, and I lied a -plen.- didtmq.The adywbo esue in ii ad J1 wts He itl aesk.the Most pop'ien gentl eman îhere.' One lonked out of' the wtuciow. WVay oÎf te tise biinet of skies, DEADLY WAFR MISSILEO. A laughinlucacis dean littie Simple. A esile ils tisbe set or eyes. FrdfoiteGfadGnandPoeill The breeza st'rred the gold on lier fereisead" FrdrnsteGi'r iu ssirpeli In tise etest, tenderesý wiy, i)y ('5ibnic Acitd Gas, And thsedarling toe and iwoadiered, The Giffard gun, whiîlî wae trsednecut But nover a %Word did sies ay. 1 et Nnttinghsamu by a Bar f j gis Was lit a fairy LigisIanS amy, army officers, sceeikely te ho thfx r Wty sop ilUise sky, gun whioh uesAnâiy otheproeln agt TistcssisteryethiaSpowder to attai aný1ything lke a Tiseiatif ul (dav-, i Or conid t be-May? practical success. Thie propelliing agent ni M. Paul Giffand's rifle is liquefied coanbanic Tise otiserlookod lu at th isa w acid gas. The guni lself is net uew, nion is And smiled onutise baby tisre, Deepened tise pluk of the roeisd, tie pincipie sîpon pisicis it îs constnuicted. And pleîed with tise curîy isair, M Giffard has hadl a gun belons tisepbi k u lauguage'ail poids ex.seeding, for more than tiscee yoars, but since ia Il wiispered of flowcvrs aîsd love lime hoe has mnacle several improvemonts'ý iu tise Little car of ire namesake, Wisose eyes wero fixeS aisovo. and cousiderably inodifled il lu detail. The A. rosi truc fairy, ipnopeiling agent which hoe uses makesa Sweet and airy, vrlbi os u esoe n ae Looked in attise wiudow juner. uly eoiserysîno sokereoil follow Ou one lookin- ont.n dr nyavr lgtrci May spoke te Mday,' tise discisarge, and the guis does in, t foui. AThis eais ly o brnedn T heopnopelling agent je elway1s cuîitl And he bby new er-o dobt. unden tise central of tise person isai1iLu tise gun. TheEepit andi hig, Womrekl Truutk- Iu appoaance tise Giffard gnn isisosus- Of 0failmy sîigiheors on tho Gasgostisat anc tiing like la Winchsester sisotgnu. t bas nt human, I thin'-,tise elephant is tise î,,st aun rdiuary octagan harnel, undoea,ts g enankable. Rich people bore use oie- whIicis is fitted a Giffard resenvoir, a h plisants just as tise ich lu Ameic'a use fisse magazine is calied. This roservoinisa henses and carniages. Sometimes tisey ans steel cyliuder closed ne eue end aud fiued, put toeisard wnrk, fan tisey are very strnoug, et tise obiser sud witis avaIrs, lThe roerl- but they gis e ont quiecly. Au ondinany voir cauteins a supply af iiqu'sfled carbloubo e lepliant wiil carry tise iosd of sixtosu oxen, acid gal e t a pressure ni' two tons te isei audonuelisuge feilow beiouigiug to a native square iuch, sufficieut for frons 40 ta 6 prnce, liited on te a wall an enormous rounds, aecording as tise gun is te ho sa -cannon, wisicis forty-seveu oxen isad been et a long or shart rangue. Tisese ncreovoin1S tngging et in vain, ans bestod in thse manufacture up ta tiee Babyv elepisauts are sldons born in cap- tisestise stnengtis nocessery tae odts ia tiviby. Tisey capture and bame elepisents gag under pressure, and are guarauiteed te es just as tisey da phld hanses. E.lepisents ho penlectl1y sotnud aud sale. Tise sipecieli wauden about in droees, every family keep. valve et tise sud of tise nesenvoir is snecon- ing isy itseif. bivýed tista t eacis pull of tise biggen iseli Tbey are tche gentlest of ail wiid animais, negiated qnjantity of gas iàenton tisle buit- sud, nesa y an eiepissut will nover loýt chemiser. t itetiueiy njre eu living tiig. Tisey, Tise rifle is nI tise hammeriess type, sud(Il isandiy es'e ght, oepîwisenan elephant l ea napaac u incy ufr. t bietba bencptureS and escapes trias ta Ail t1ise parts are interchangeable andcn! get intoa drains wiicislho meots ; fan they Osiý repiaced. Ilucis a sefety catch is edas are timid creatnnes,aud do nat like to wanden is ondinarîly fitbed an liammeries- sîsoîgu1ns about alane. Tise old patriarcis et tiseiseat Tise tlsnowing forwand of tise lever, is icis ofa tise drove always objeots te adsittiug e serves aie as tise trigger guard, openstise s.new member, sud tisey figit l ont. [bey Ouilet chmemisor onthe inisertion of tise a.put thisr great bnoad Inrsiseads begethen, builet, wisicis is ceuical sissped. lt elso, sud pusis with ail tisein îuîigit. Soeotimes cocks tise gun and meves theo conisten pisicis bbey keep lb np for bourg, wbîle tise wisole records tihe nuruber et changes fre2d. T!ise, Iamily stands lnoling ou.gainse action places tise gun et I"sale." B1'y \Vben annioftisent inds bis streuglis alu retunning tise lever te its position tise 'b',lie ing, hoet 'unus, if hoe cen, and mus awey. chemiser is eiosed. A movement relea111s He 'seven comes bacli agaiu, but'untilholise helety catch. succeeds in goîting into a drove somepisere, M'lien tise trigger is pîled theiise bmIe hoe is wiset they oeil a "rogue," or "lmed stnikes tise dring pin, wbicisprsssagainst elopisaul4' Ho wandons about shrieking tise valve of tise reeervior, npeniug it useù- sud whist]iug, toarng up trocs, aud siesis- meutariiy. This permits tise rcgniated iug sud kiiiing everytising ise cen. quantity nf gas te escape lîsto tise cheiser, Tiset poudenlul tniuk ni bis is vry -vhère it iustauîly expansds, forcinsg tise pro. daugenons tissu. lt is one of tise mest ne- jectilo tibro-igi tise barrel witisscesn bmarlieble piecos of naturel maciinery te ho impet ,lis until itl baves tiuuzie.Tise iound in the wanid. .Finat, lho breatises oisarged resenvoin usay ho kept I on auy iîne birougb it. I bave seen a whoie droveofaInuder auy conditions oi climate, witbeut elepis4uts take ta tise water te escape au snfferng deteî-ioratioî or paste. onemy, sud uclisonse, cnmpleteiy iidden ex- Thse provisionu for inionmiug tise us.sen as cept Ion tise tips nf their runira stickiug tn tise numben nf cisarg3s frýed is a rotatiug- ont."Tison its seuso of ,mell is se licou dia], ou phicis au indicator 'narre e.t.everyv bisetlho cau Iollow a ei t r. mnt 2as weil Las ifoutu round tise numbes- of chaigos romiain- s dog, eud pick ont h,î Icevwitîis tise great- ing est cane. Tiiero 15ea Litble t.m and linger- Tise rifle is especiaily edptdfer iighîý et tiseesid],iihS sis a -,debCtsisog nabotnsd xv iii i et svc ars t ton ,hthlat h lcn ick up a u, phYilo it is wok s accurate, sudlla àgivî godcs se Sron ta with l au lift ae eavy 1lion1. 1Bul0ýles fin ioie-inhbýr caiol t erlpalre1eh ie c rpots.wore fittened on teio- iatn- blii ababyoes n eertC5sk Iti-arat upon 1tise top of hbis broaUad d for a u Tise el',)ît i;gisot tseîurnngwaýs croop. iug ride. W iic , struni, hlgie e sbis iîig1unden t fise cuitains ivw1ien Shýe ao af - faildaasd pis ifito iels menitis. W'ie oton a iii et watciu, phî.ilied1 euied is bhirsiy ho ýsuclis Lis runk ful ni Pater l ineruhiýle uddremy simben.As biler sud pours it down bis bisoat. Ho aquints eýyes tooli in tishetaioftise roonlS sise waton ail oven bunsseif wlieu hoe ta kes e s&w lber isîsbaul of ia year tryîng taui, bath, and if bis iteoper bas offonded hlm, uncoiseciens philo piaciusg iis sisoe on tise lio sometinses gives bili a iseavy sprnk. towel reck sud bis bat on tise floon. i ling. "John," sise asikeS sestiy," isn'b iii ai- Wise tise flies trouble him, lie breaks aif mosic mîdnigisî the lisis ef s trac, sud stands Ioforures Il Yogs, udoar," lue sasd, "1I ealiis. whisking hisisalail over pifs lb, philo hoe Beeu workiîî u orshoiss et office. Go sLep, fans hiiself pitî s ears5. dear" On escis side et escis jaw hoe is culy one "IJohn," sise said, stili more, softi,, great dSubie teathin s use, and enotiser ai- I"wîîeuce cemes 'his alcoisolic nder Y" Paye growiug behiud lb. Wlse tise frout IlMy dear," si John, Ilscience tels usý eue is wenss dopu, it f ails ont, aud liseonue tiscre is aicol e uinufitesh-tes-(hi)- - beiind liteteily slides lorward, lu a siot in iusai queutit.ies lu al things. Wisy, mSdear, bis jaw boue, whie a uew onue begîns toeIlsere is elcoliol in now-nsaide bread." gnow. fisere are six in ail, bist gnow 'sud I"Thon, John," said se, honr voicoe-c gilde ferwand in Ibis way, one altber tise erng, -'1 ban yen have heen piunde1iug la oIson, cach onue a little iargèr aeluS strougen langebaey." tissutise one befone lb. Tise lest eue ta AnS lu silence tisai enued bise cool pas came is aven a foot long, sud aimost four isoard su theo ktchen asýsassinabiisg wïtb e luches pîdo. Tegetbesr tisey lasi one hun- oîîing.pin e beefsteaki for breakfast. dred yeare, whicis is about as long as an _________ eiepisaut ueeds testh. Ts s-e itia -LIUill iams' Medicine C., aI Brocirville, Au aid gentleman pitisa e vry bald ise n, sudSchenectady, N. Y., Ie fins nf oe entoed etuan u eed S-miulnestiaued mvlîshihity. Pinl Pus -are ue.Aiten ,dinner, feigvery trdienet bobS upn as e atouit ý.LnIed(icinei, bell ssîocýp, bià issd meeing on ts abt! r!eL t iserasa precri-ption. Ais anaýlysis Tise aaiter, thinkiug to have s5050 ýfun 1of tiein ropieissi(jsoar bisthbiee pitis tise cusiomer', ceivered hie hody v -iti pili s rene an uulaiiinýr Spfcifeor IoilI neV;epep1s utiiug eiuîgviaible but isisdisssarisin-g Iroinsau impoverishod îcou- ha1ISî ead, wpii ololçeSvery curîin. d1 it-en ai tise blood, or Irons an inpairment Pte ýseutly a masoer came in, bo1bS eithlseettf, ise iservous systons, sn s s es of ap- bahaiesad, sud saiS: "Waiîer, is 11Y tbal! e;peti te, depreecien aI spirit, saSsia soup resdy 't" 1iroî or green sickness, geusenal sus- Il No,:' saudbise arifer,"Ilb itis not quito culer. pesînees, Siz7ssoî, las aI emanT, reedy yet." 1pa'pitatin oattise beari. nenvous iseaahie, IlOilbdaesn'ic isittet," eM se r :ocomef or ataxie, parsiysis, aciatica, rissu- (gettiug s lerk anS stioiring 1 into ise aid mab 1,iss,, St. Vitns' Sauce, lise alten elretts mýau's issad), Il l'Il cemmence pï ihtissoalla grippeý, ail dîseases siepending ripu a Sunspling.", vîtiateid condition aI tise blood, sucis as - ""~"' " scoîui, oirouic erysipeiee, etc. Tisoy are An Unexpectîti Reply. isno a tupecifie 1er tIse troubles peculian bo A couuty carpenbcr baaing ueglecbed te t0ise iclei systons, coirectiuig irregulani- maie a galloava iclat lied beeu ordened t,.b- ho - ppressions sud ail boruie of lemale erected by a certain day,, tise juSRe isnsel reneath,.hidn u is ie u e Pent toe 'man n sad: so -ngtiegiaw aiheeltis tepaie sud sel. ibe sud sw aiS bar cegec ria- heeku. Iu tIse case ai mon tisey offet tisegibset isa pa ordredIonme ~ radcalcure in ail cases arising Irons mon- ingt g ibe tel asorerPennýý w y, ovempai'k, an oxaesses of any W' )ibi t intending any saras, tisa mIan nat.ure. Tisese pis se ual a p'srgablve replit d : me1i "I in vony aonny; ft a 1usd I lnpoit ý ýre. ,Tisey caubeian onuy iie-giving n'as fer yonr landehssp, it sisouid bave beenI proeoties sud netiingthet couid ijre lise doue immediately." m-,osîdelioste sys,,ten. Theyacbdirectly on - tise blood, stppiying ibslife-givýiîsg qualitios, Pay sslsting iCta absoris axygen, tisat groat True Philanthrop.y. sup porterofe ail orgauic lite, lu tis aray -tise blead h-comnig "isuilt np" andS'aeiu-g To THIE EDTOs-Please lofons yen u. ipplieS pitis its iaoking coustitueusîs be- leaders that I w'ihii bsec r,3to il sui-î' cee iisaurad, nouiishsatise vani- e-s tise neaug by pisiclis I asntone-d L ouiorgae,31im'i1taî,iug fie'usto acivity lis ýI asi is anSd m', vig 'r aller yen Its oiraof nIbisir lunstinse sud thusL sufring Irons N -uV uns îWeakle. i elnisae i8afresu tise sses nobse su si ',dy tish-)Di.Wîla'Pýinl Puis are1sol uy in quacenuuî o 1es aeiugt ýtis lr1î'g rade atinuS tr heavn, ar 5W we-lb, igono(us 5ýh îîîlud tisai Dr. lias'Piir Pis uare aten. Ihave ntigta saili ilS n ov-cm solS unbuwil, or!by bise Sazun or hon- ac-hesi o te xfortnt mouy fre,)in sya 5 reS, Ilianay dealer arIsa alersi> sbtitubes, whesns ev-or, but bii ei ous:laisaab lus tiisfn s tnyiug te defauS yen urLýi ibis cer tain curs Ina-uil ta al, gIaIsn eol e rie.Tise public ana aise Free sud couddIentiai tiaîsnyene fulpt;r 'uludagrutinat alnichers-.celleS bioo-i iicuianl nf juât bow I1iua% cureS. Addres buldens sd nerve bon"-_, put lnp ln similan with is s !,".-Ir.onna teuSeS te docoive. Tbey creaili iiaias ose malers hbýeto e -ap a Ma. EwÂnnMARTe, (T&"be), çaouiary advantage brens tIse aonderîni P. O. Box 143, Detroýit, M O captabticna alseved hy Dr. WViliaims' PinI& PiI.AsI Fesur dealer Ior Dr. Williams' Mrs. Meadowr (et City ioo)"C FnrPis fIon Pa',le People euS euse ail T iy u iis soup" s. teîc niaisssdsbiue. (seiho ias travelSsno-fti.iana DrWiias'inPismç ebS I lent peai se tond. No 7sex sn i rgit o ieth a rn r TisS h'l c la-' s l FnncL uiuem' Mdici»eCmpa-yronssitiser This billdrea cfi 1' asts a box, on aix boes Ion S mbbypeoderl ty lup. 3250.Tise pries ai pt hicis tissaspisa are h 0 r , ch Min Caîîuuie il on ie nad .lr'stFisel -Tise tilo e FoIov USNos , as Llvly e Tie ndependeuýit lbas puIsi«shed Irotem te tis(e 1tise particuilns mof souie verv ne- lisliablecues olloiug 'tise useaI D;,. William,' PiPus for Pale People. Tisi cae aebeen se lnlly vonified as te beave Ie duis tisaI tLiss sow u'sivenseIly favorite rensodiy 1 ansenif'tise greateatiusedical- ocfevmut lau age tisai bas been ne-, makbefor tise seonderfl discoveries etý sInce.Possihiy some of aur noadern asy have 1bisoughit tisat tise vii tues aifbiis medi- Â-ne hiave beois exaggerated, huit tisons ann mayamong themns hoisn cebstily ta its vintues, aund uew Tise ludepeudeuir is oniiiei te give tise particulers aI a curoccnrring in oun village quite as rkemarkable as auy u.iat lias htherte beau pnbisisedî, and pisicis may ho se easiiy j-ieSî ,h!y anyeofoun neadors tlîatskopti- isu u,t ne silent. ',e hie serd biset 1itileGergeVeale baS heen 'irei tsrnssgli tise usof Dr. Williais' Pisîl Pille, and as ,il auir peepbl nee tiatlitIle bey lied heeus Iiii farn e long iîne sud his recoveny was toisenLîtota ho bpelese. Tise report aI bis cuetiseneore creeted an mucis asicuisis- met tat 3Pc resolved to escertein tise ac nsd eccordingly are calloS ou Mn. -Veele teg-eltihe particulars. Mn. George Veale fbas heen s resideunttissvillage fon years, us a wagoni-msalon by rade. anS lis, well linovnu ta al aur cibizeus,' as aroli as toe of nIlise p eople af tise snnrnnuding Hesty ce bas ae ensily nf yomig chul- timon ar isuuotunately lest tisein usoblier seIne six years ea:. Oe i eeof chiuidten, in-nsd Ge'orge, i% ab'ýout secven Yeans aI age, sud saii ee years goa wvas talion iii enS lIta2sisnce beeu practlcally iseipless, sud as a eý!I esit scissynspsby 'vas toit fan tise lamîiiy awv.iug b tisechuS heing mather- is.Tlise case aI tise utile fellio wavas, co Idee opeles suad n ne ee oce exctdta ýsec lus .able bo nise Irons !lis ljid gain. On, asliug Mn. Voale about ise report aro baS heerd oftise boy's ncoveý-ry, hoe saiS il. was quibe brus, "Ud ïexpresseS b is williugucss tn civo us thepencicler, eclaringtisat ho had ne hýesition in seying thtit ba-seOaring te ilise usýeai Dr. Williams' Pink pis tisai ise lad wpas-nuapbotter. Ho saiS tIsai gane tPe uanli -ait yens eaoitibe Georgie avas taken 111 wîiîinfliIammation ni tise bopels, sudi receivEd good medical broatmnses. Alter heuug ilI fer somae lime, tise trotuble sensed t'i)taie a e 0w Iorssund settied in blis houes pisicis hecame Sisoased. During bbe summoer heotelaslittie hetter but se heu pýIn ter sol luiso was tairen dopu, sud tise d isease bocaunsoavores. Swebliisg arese 0v-or tise hndy, sud scveraI snsall pieces of hono camle eut. Ho could bake but v-euy libtie stîsienance, ansd for seven îîsonîiss could not sitand en b is foot. Hoe baS t e rin ýin hed "or ho canneS about iii bis se' ars.Ail ts eiiehc o gat diS lm gond sud1 hscase wsgveu uip a ioples 1, s iowq-tsi owusi i The Braniding of - hoese- Tise Centreller of Custos s as issueS in- structions uviicis pili ensure lu future bise careful hrndiusg nI United States cheese breugbb ista Cainada Ion siipnet 10 Great Britain. Nearly ail Ansenican cheese pisioS pasaca is transit ibrougis Canada ta Eurnpe is siipped Irnîn Monîneual, anS a apecial Officiel ai cËsbom ett biai pont pIli be defail- c o ta e te tise prepen bnendiug ai the 1,Uni-,tSites procJi as sncb. Tissofficer wibI 1einchrg aii fli bipissets Ires tise lmetiey are iruode ontel nuil Avoid the beat and dust by treveling on the Floating Palaces of the Detroit & Cieveiard Stettm Navigation Comppuuy. Two uew steel passengee steamers have just beau b!lit fer this , pper Lake route, costinzgfy300,000 ouch, and are guarauteed to be the granciest, largest, safest and fastest steamers on the LukIes; speed 20 miles per hour, ruuing time between Clevelard, Toledlo andl Chcago Iess than 30 hours. Pour trips par î'eek betwieen 4Tciedo, Dletr oit, A 1pena, DMackinac, Petos. k-ey and (Chicago.' Daiiy trIfpe between Detroit and Clev.eland; dtaring July and. Pugust double dstliV service -ývfll ha main. tained, givînz a du1'iight ride aoross iLake Era. , -,,- ricebet oen C-elend and Pot'-i-Bay,. Fi*rst-elas5sCsaercoor aocommoiatioussud meu, und xced Brl l orged n rate.Th ea Buntslte"The'sa on thee swtoeaes thoughy 'jsir." ~ udfr lls G.P.A Dayero-It & Oat did u tell im? Butier- I Tho's a iayn tbel toiec i was a lady, to say yon were in a ,nd if it was a mnan, to say yon were out." Mayerry-" What did he say then '" But er- l-Ie said to tell you he was lady. Irelanc' sends annually 40,000 tons of egg s -some 640,00,000 in round numbers-to Englanà alous, 'lXien P.a5y was s1ck, we gave ls"r Castoria. Wheri sho 'vas a~ Chi.d, s"e cried for Castoria. When she be-aine Mijss, she clung to Castoria. Wheu she lhad ChuIdren, sho gave the-n Castoria. John Roberts, thec champion billiard- plaerdnrnga big Ibreak, fr,ý1e[ansy mlfines. Sciah -jStE M. WDRE.îI O soiS miakesea ceurge ef treaimnset compara. bivoly inexpensive as cespared with atiien remedies or niedicai treatusent, THE IMPERIAL INSTITUTE. ieeripticno- 0ýtise (Greast Eiildinz Rocesat e 7 @P"se'l la s 12s. Tish, yt thbie cotiser eue f tise 1-87. Thýisei!,' tseIs ,tt eile ut tise Prince e wlspo, in a letton t t' ise Lord Mayor et Lon Ion, in liSSU, ekeýtcheul an on' lineofaIthse oh' -, oethbie magnificent jabilee useino' iV0. It Was 10o b"Ilat once: e ussun, ais exib'ýition, cindthe. proper la- cality Ion tihe discsnseu of rclnial and In- dien subjects. Tise graîs guarenteed by se'erni atie colonies insuned active iuîorest in tise mainitenance ni tis'ir owu sections. Iu their ewn stately chanibers lu tise Iront aI tise buiilding, deeorated wits wendwork saini frein tise colonies, thâô special confer- suces ai' Britishs- merican reporeseufatives sud aI tise Britlis hAnstralasian lu tise west Wiîg, and nI tise Britiish-Africen snd Britishi Indien iin the cast wing, wili decide issues of groat importansce effecting commerce. Opporbunities wiill ho eforcied far tise in- spection in tise galleries nf sanspiesI obise producta of et-ery part oI tise E mpine. 1A commsercial- intelligence depertmenb avili Ibave its be-adl ,uart-rs is thissnsstitute, wisere sYstemabic informnation upon tise commerci al developusent sud tise produots nI tise verinue colonies may hcobnteiued Ior tise funilserence ai Britishs brade. There are Ielaws efthtie instituto, elected by the Exec- utive Cauncil. Ais ennuel subsoiption entitles thorm te Ires use ai tise readiug sud conferiee;renis, philo oIson maems are set spar t feitein spooial consfert, mise as in :a club1o1se.Tise masýiiue'rnonscutins eguscapable ef supplyîng electricity Inn bwlehundred smsall iensps sud oeehua- dred arc lights euS for drsviig isot on cold ir tbronis miles ai o piping. Tisere are oynelev abor.Tise coýt ai tise Instituite was doîfrayed by snbscription Iroinail tise colonies euS irons individuels bsougut bise Emipire. Tise permaneut eudowment furid pas invested lu îbree brusteesa-tse Duke et Fife, bise Earl aI Rosebery sud Lard Horseheil, bise cheirman nI tise exocu- bive council. Tise Institute anS its court caver a total ares nf nîne acres. A groat square central to.per, 280 oet isigis, gives s megnificeut v-bp aI LaisSais. Tise actuel leug.isoaIthe main building is a littie aven bwo isundred yards, but it bas heen ceunected pis tise ancades leit from tise International Exhsibi- tien aI 1874, tisus making bise wisole front- ege one long lins alI bisee isundred yards. Tise cast of tise building is uesnly $1,000,000 Tise style nI, architecture is Renaissance, sud bise desigus wers by Mn. T. E. Colcutt. /1- ANALLIBLERSEDVIE_0y -d"e pertiesailjohe pepralost,, , 1-e e cidlctl Dsei lt, ervs Ptherati, J4sss rof a lstuyand on, ysiipico, ad ued i;rreiioo; iu thse private practice of an suinepisjiesu Tisey aet primarily ou thse ferve centre, iureain the Vital Woree, rasitIng AsnitoEsl tneg the Bicod, t1ns 1preveuting and u r hgdîseas,;û For sale by Drc-gists, 50c. per box, or sE;it poît- Paid for 50c., or ô iaye 2.5" er. UBjLl.er ~clieCo., COOPER'S LIOHFTfilNGCGORIN ltWr Cures NainS and Sot <orns OnLty thre applications req uired. COOPER'S BUNJON CUTRE Cures Bionions. \Varts and Ma'eg, Swelior Glands, Thick Neck and Skin Diseasete of s special character, Tiseso rew.edies arc perfect ly painlesg. Don't be deceived. AsîkforCüip er'g a.nd tak.e no other. 15 ad2-lee .AL dru,ý«its. Dr. Wqlter Mdcn ,IrsklC V;he cn you eean Ad1vortisement !Lke thi DON'T EULtEV E 1IT but if yoU req'sire enydhing iu Grocerics, Staple Dry Goodr, Patent Mdcna Tinware, Gëardon Soedjs, ec', iat SOLINA STOR1E where you wlfnd a first-clas s fortmeut whieh Las3 beon bought for cash, consnquently 1 airn pro- pared to ssil at c'oae prices and nol sýaciî- fica qualily. AunEri can and Canadian nil alway s in stock. Please giveme a cali u you -wil ho welcorno whether you buy or nt N. . Ellibot' Roller Flour kept., J. T. WILLIAMS TuS PrAPER1 -AND - "The Ladies, journlal OF T0RONTTO A large 236-pas-e Il.îrae.Ft- ion Monthly11, wi'iibeseu t a 1-n- aci Ir7e 3l Cali and sec e smleClie "The Ladiîes' Jou-nal~ it is-a publication thsaI v î aer~ evory womau ilu -elasd Thse negniar sîs'vi opian Ts tadies' .sssul n isspac l 2p ýyear, Yo1U get che tw cfj'-l An onterprisir b s i usui tGeg- twMd.,lhae hs si ý on I- store isE ait watcr nsf.-ae yts ?iut, qwort or galon." PIJREST9 S"ftROGET n ET Contains ne Alhum, Anona Limne, _hSp a s, or ar y I njri n t P RC)M PT -ý-, ', w .- --Cicieue -is0.2CýrIlgy and hege - l i v-ilg t1ýl1l to Ile- ta- tuen -aoutlava :eeish oud ia ariscis arra teS he furtiser usa nI tise alitoth1en snppiy. "AnSdsîaa," saiS bis fitlr, Tise iittle Ielloiaw le mansiiuabout as lively anS as miscs.evous as ever. Tiseraý is nao doust Lisent tssu Stter," saiS Mn el,"PunIi PillestoreS my boy arben il othielrcmedies isad Isiiod, aud I ans elaSd la give ibis information so tisatit may hoe of beisefit te othens." W/ýe celiod upon Mn. F-ead, btho drnggist, ,tud% as i eS sd hie ; opinion of Dm. Willians' Pinir Pis. Ho aaid tisai tise eusand fon itiisnavas so groat as to ho astonising, anS bie doewlo once utse lhisen buy egain bisus pneviug tisair vaine. Mn, FeaS saiS Is ld, moe Pinsk Pis tissu auy oison -eisvd, sud the dessuS is atili incnoasing J -S bu Iongis no botter evidoîsce could ho given aI thoir value as a usedicine tissu Tise Dr. Wilisams' Fink i ihs Ion Pale P1eople an- uanulac ured by tise Dr.