The WitLby Hledgce Company on J une last asum-edl possessiona of it2 immense territory xtdigfrein the county cf York te the eatern ocaand te maark the avent: Mr, Wesley YounËý, the fathar ù? mioderuized badge fences in America, invitedt the mamibers cf the uiew corepany end their friands te take part in anx ex- cursion te N.ýiagara Falls on that day. The following, napraseutative fermera -and others responded : R Miler, orn, Picker- ïng; James Burns, Raglan;' L Gifford, E E Coopr, E, S Dilîmran, W Sttinton, Oehewe P O; John Hart, Columbus; Thos Scott, Foley; Hlughà Hoean, John Biirna, John Smith, Edl Dehart, A M Ross, S H Graham, Wbtby; S Soucb, East Witby; T Baker, T Pascea, Solina; A Laingmaid, R 0 'Short, Courtice; R Collacutt, John Worden,Bowmanvilla; J H - Tremear, Taunton; C Calder, James Gray, Brooklin; W Devitt, F L Green, Gracniwood; Jas E Gould, R Stratton, John Gallowey, John Thompacu, George Clark, Wm Thompacu, Allen Gray, Ux- bridge P 0; Jas Shier, Laaskdala; Wm J Kester, Zephyr; S Flumsnerfelt, Sîloam; P Christie, Manchestar; L Burutt, Jas Burns,, Grcenbink; Tho3. Allun, Piaoe. Jale. Th ose frein the n Ith and south met et Tornuto and, under the joint managenahip cf Manager John Burno, cf the Whitby HIeâge Cc., and Mn. Goodcndough, of the Niagara 11adge, Co., reached the faill at Il a in, A1n eariy dinnar had been order- ed, efter which ail banda mustcred at the Feuis Comnpanv's offices and took carrirges fo naftarnoon's drive te in5pect badge fe nces and sec the sights. 'fheý farin o? Jue. A. Orchard vas firat vsitel Herc the beney locust veas groven four years upright anid thon plaah- ou (whicbi meani tbatt the3 roots on oe al;de wene eut sud the plant bent at an angle of forty.fiv.-ec dgnees.> Thon eaent- ed sprouts comei tlhie.kly fromn the uppar end cf the stalk, ail theà way feu root te top. It is rwo yeara aluice Orchard'a baedge vas plaahad, and it is now lmaost a thieket, although the season'e foliege is net complte. Four wires cf double twist are stretched vhen the plashing is donc and oe would guarantce it againat lepb- enta te is Ée strong . The next badge ispected wa that of Mn. Geo. Lw, where he bad triad te grow it thick encugh upight but had ±aled, bacausa the apreutsalal came frein top. Sema vas plabed lest yaar and seman thia, and eue ceuid Eaily sac how the transformation witi meke an impnag. nabie fenca.- The ha ]go ta tan on twrlva years old, yet the large course -trunks oonmaenced tý, apreut ait the way up as accu as thay ware lantad. Tlhe lest and hast display was et Son- aten Faergusen's farju, tha stete which Birchiaîl, the murderen, u3ed te dIaimý as bis owe, and wich ha veas ging te non by elactnie light. Ou thib farta thora ta a honey locuat fence plashed, and s0 par- fetiievary waytbat onacould askrnothing mocre. On the othen baud thara ara bun- dreda cf roda of the fence wichi ara up- rigbt and biaudeoine, but dafeotiveaned useleEs se fer es keeping ,back amauilstock- ia concerned. Oacui resdily see thet plant appears te be thýe hast and handicsat Ienown. 01u 1hia f ar n7.plants il d bean imipnted aud s3et ,s ut, asud e in fity fail4ad te growý or died stice. Thare are very fcw spacea lun the miiles ef fonce tehe3 scean. The ioay iccat l groin in avery instanýce, and dues neot sprout eut aeudtha 3roât as t3 o? tan the ca,,seo. lt grour on frein seed. Tho alaanid sghts along the river vere nU îvtken iii, atter which the large comnlLiy aightad t the comapany's oflices vhera an uuexpactad tibuta vees peid te te the iienAýs o?, the fenca, mauy miles being ondered on the spot. It taxed the eniergias o? the compeny'a officera and cienka te fil lu contracta a3 test as they could fiuid igcnera. FîIua Y a glowing testimeny WrSs dnwo p end igued by ail handa, fully edrigteaaisa ln Ilsed, the methàoda o? 'a 'qininIrg nd treat co ti . At '5 P.,1. the vsteaeinbanked fOr1 h.omel, bepy edfily ratisfîiad vith theý deaV peien 112TheWhithy coupanly under the excelen mnegmeut ýCf 2M. John Burna, sets eut under miost fav-or- ale oauspices viii te al appearance the feuce o? the 'future lu this &dtrtict iili ha the houiey locuet lhedg,pýlashed sud cirad outninsystantý.1 LIAGAýsiAF_,, sONT, Juna ,183 'ýV, tiia und,'ersigned, crent te Niagara Fells te day te sac hLedga fancea. It waa b-y invitation of the WhithylHadge Ce., for the p,-rpese o? invatîgating thi e aw meithode cs f cens rncting hledge, We h ava oiny this te say: -the fauces wre ai1l "'àeaxpected te ses, iud fully met Our apI prbtoprGving teo ne that tbe method taprctcachaap sud acouomical. it sto3ps LaIt klincis ofstckta andsoma, comipa-ct, sud] eaaiy cired fer sud cotrol- lad. Mvauy oft us Igava. our ordars for fence 3te d,!ay, thaeby givlng our endorse- ment sud approval. Jas E Gould, Ux- bridge, Rl O Short, Courtice, Rebt Strat- ton, Uxbridgc P ,Thos Paecc, Darling- ton, E E Cooper, Osaiwa, W J Devitt, Greauwoodl, Audraw M1 Ross, Whitby, Jas Burnsa, Gnenbank, C A Giferd, Oah- avea, F 1, Green, Greenwood, Robent ColLictt, Bownanrille, Thomas Short, Folay, j ohn gmith,Edwin Deaat, Whit- hy, _M McTeggart, Myti,E S Deanhonu, OsaeJohn Werden,, Bovemanville, T 3aka,Su, Jainse A Burns, Raglan, G ALag i, Courtica, Chas Gould, [Jxbrîidgs-, Leonard Buruett, Greenbank. John T Ga'lloýway,17xbridge, Chas Calder, roklTh-os Allie, Graanbank, W J Reeten, Zeph)1yn, H Tremeer, Taunt3n, Pater Chistiaô, Manchester, Robt Miller, Pickerinig, Jae s Gray, Brookilu, Allen Gray, Uxbridge P O, S, A Flummerfaît, Sio-in, John Thompeon, W Thempacu, G Clank,' Uxhridge, Johrn Bright,Myrtle, 'W G Hlowden, E W Smth, Columbus, W W FH Stainton, Oshawa, J Shiars, Leask- dal, J chu Burns, Hugh Howen, Wý'hitby. RobT. Abiir, Bowvmanvilia, Agent for EaBt Derlingteu sud Clarke townships. J. H. Tremieeýr, Taunton, agent for West IJarlington. The football match on Friday night last between Bowinanývirle H. S. and Solina esulted in favor of the former by 2gols to 1).-Mr. E. G. 1Pescoe acted as neec. . .Tere bas bean a revival in tbe choir ecetly, and great resuits are likely te feiol(w .... .Work bas bagun on thte Sunday Scool et Zion chunch and will be rapidly pusbed forveard . .. Division meeta Saturday night this week, a spel. ing match .... Mrs. 1). M. Arnet bas a sevare attack cf inflammation e? the lung . ... We are pleased te hear that Dr. Lammiman ta able te be eut again.. .Mr.-and Mns. Jne. VanNeat, jr., and family are ruaticating et Lake Scngog. . .We think cur toven shouîd have electric lights se that padestrains would net tiamble on oun elevated stdewlks,.. Couniller Pascoe and wife viatted et Witby lest week.... RIecent viitera : Mr. J, B. Reynolds, B. A., cf Toronto Univerity; Mr. H. Hooper, Orono; Mr. and Mra. J. Awde, Newcastle ; Mr. and Mra. A. J. Reynolds, Scanhoro ; Mn. aud Mus. A. A. Bewermen, Port Perry; Mr. L. N. Hogarth, DD.S., Rochester; Mn.I Cyrus Hogarth o? Deokerville,- Mich.; Mr. aud Mra. Jue. Fletcher cf Salferd;- Mr. J- D. Hcgatb, Norwich; Mn. G. H. Hogartb, 'B. A., ansd wife, Witby; Mr. Thos. Elford and Mus. Isaac Elford i e lIslay; Massrsa. Wm. and Isaac Hogarth, Titsonburg-, Mr. Septimna Hogarth 'if Exeter ; Mr. Thos3. Keys and Mr. Gao. Hogarth, Toronte. A Change of Narne. Toroasîo, ONT,, June 19.-The au- neuuscemeut bas juat beau made e? an important business change in this city, whicb wilt ha uoted witb intarest throughout the Dominion. The business of Dr. L. A. Smith & C., manufacturera of Dodd's Kidney Pilla, Anti-Dandruif and other preparationse, will in future ha conductad by a cempany te hab known as The Dodds Medicine Compan'y, Ltd. Thera is ne change lu the management, but the formation cf the coonpany was deamed neccasany and edrisable bacause of the enormous increase o? business, and the new naine vees chosan te idautify the company iith its moat popular reme.dy, flodd'a Kidney Pilla. The companybas found it neceaaary te enlarge ita pramisesansd te build a large shipping varehouse, te accom<date the additions te ita working staff and te give incneaed facilitias for shipping. Orders for Dodd'a Kidney Pilla are pouing in daily frein aIl parts cf Canada and the United States and thae ompany finda it difficuit te kaap up the supply equel te1 the demand. -If yen want te buy or sali a farin, edrvertise in the Toronto 'Weekly MaiL' That papen neaches 100,000 fermera homes aery week sud your advertise- ment should meat the cye of soeaoua whe wauta te purchasa. Advertisamenta of thia clas are inserted in the Toronte 'Weekly Mail' fcn Fiye Cents a word for eacb insertion or Twenty 'Cents a word for five insertions. Address 'The Mt, Toronto Canada. LOSI OR FAILINO MANHOQO, Benoral and NffVoýUs rebilIityq W'eak,-ness of T3odýy n rore or YExcesses iniOLd or Yotmg. Rbat Noble Mvanhood fully ,a- Restored. How to en- '~large and Strengthien t W enak, UnidevelopedC Organs and lParts of ] Body. Absolutely iun- fatiling Homie Treet- meunt-1Benefits i n a ) day. 1Men testifyficn 50 States and Foreîin Countries. Write themii. Descriptive ï3ock, ex- PllnJasmm planation and proofs mailed (saed) free.- RIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, R.Y Mrs, Fred Bette, of Paisley, in Visiti-g her mother, Mrs. G. J. Scott. Mies Effie Bond, who bas been critically iii for Some time pat, is now thoroughly recovered under the alful care of Dr. Hloig. Mrs. J. D. Storie and frr. D. Pollard are visitng fiiends at Oakwood. Mr. A. Jacobi hm~ bought Mr. Thomuas Gourd'a bouse and 'lot on Celin% Street, and Mrs. Squiirep has purchasEd two1 dwellings on Olina St., estsrte of the late Mre. Principle. Mr. C. W. Scott will build an biaud- nome dwelling on Simcoe St. Mr. Geo. Burt la home again bfter a very pleasant trip amid lively acenes on the European continent. H1e looks as if the suni had veneered hie features aud in- creased hie trength for future venture-. Thos, Hunking, father of S.-C. Hinlk- ig, auctioneer, died at Highway, Ei- land,ý May 21, aged 87 yeers. Mr. Thos. Sheridan, who bai 1),en ser- iously iii of typhoid fever for some, timie is able to be out again. Mr. J. Cayley won a ilver wedal in the haff mile bicycle race, at Picton tournament. The sermon preached by Rev C. W.. Watch Sabbath week in the Miedcalf at. church te the Sons of England w,,s well auited to the occasion. 1cured a Horse o? the mang e with MIAH' INIMET.E AINES DaRD'SUNi. IMET.F AN)ný 1 cured a Horse ýa lly tomn by a pitch1 fork with MINABD'S LINIMENT. St. Paters, C. U. EDWARD L-,IIs. I cured a Horae of a bad swelling wth MINARD'S LINIM ENT. Bathurat, N. B. THos. W. PAYNîIX GET YOUJR PICTURE TIAKEN. New Building Flim. Wa have ade<te our -~f4stiu n Afe 1V asud M.F. niants a vtry fine awïî 1udc-eaHubn.bvefieee p,"rtne ýi1p and and are prapared te teka srap ,jhOts o? ul carry ou businezsslas contractoe, p)icnto parties, residences, ojr animrais et buildans su3d genaral carp-netra. 1oth short no)ticeý. NVa vili go into- the coun. r thoroughly skilled aud practical try if deaýired. ,wrkýmeui, fhaving an intimata kno1W le"ga WeaIse taka photos cf ceametery plots of il Ihe d1etsi's o? thein business ar.1d et vary low prices. Drap in tud have yul aendeer- ot give comiplata ae fc some good cabi.nets taen o? yoursaif et tien ini ail work entrusted te thein. the wel known geliary. TAIT & 00.,'Tbey ara preparod to unidenrtee eny new Mankt Suare Bomanvile 23 work on neairing in the car peitry lina, Marke Squre, owmavý1[. 23 gire astimatep. and whene 1nacassary cen No e~ isiu PnïYouIf oudiaetsupply mateniela. Corespondenca unay consuimption witbout heving tried that ba addreased te Gulley & Homber, Con- calebrated cure, now haing t2àlkad about tractors and Builders, Bowmianvi;le, on by avary eue, and knoven as '-Miller'a they may ha--soean, personally. Mn. Emulsiion cf Ccd Liven Oi," yeva ae net Guiley lives on Centra St. and Mn, Hum- enttiad ta env itv. If vonu want ta rstay ben, cor. Quacis snd Oatante Sta. wth yolir friends in theflash, do not lat an heur pesi by vithout saindtng te szhe neare8t drug store for "Millar'sEnlso -f Çud Livur 1V RP tkutthe the elec3trical - ea0o1wou and this Emulsion il, the product o? tha ete searchea in science, lu big bottea, 50 sud $110 taIl Drugý, Stores. THE NEW ENCADMCZN AT THE FRONT!' The fine literary magazine of Boston. Able critica eay it ta one of tho met in- teresting magazines publiahed in Amerîca. 15 great favorite with New Englanders, andà they are everywbere. Local only in na î. tl the peoýple's favorite. Toa sec thimaaznei3ta te Its oýr- culgLion ba2 doubled the pat year It ta unique, ceontaining Americen Legends, Traditions, flistory, Story and Poetry. A conspicueus feature of the rnagazi.-ne, the treatmnntof the Great Arnerican Cit- tes, will be continued. Some of the attractions for 1893 are, Harvard College fifty years ago. New En gland Towns forty yeara ago, By .ýRev. Everett Hale. Vassar Collage. Scety life in Amherst College., Manuel training in America. Rhode Island in the Rev- olution. BrotherJonathen and his home. Wbaling and,]Fasries of the United States. Each uumber contains several interesting atones and pocins. Price $3 a yeat; 25 cents a copy. Sample copies sent ta any addr#,s3 Frac. Agents want- ed. Addresa NEW ENGLAND MAG- AZINE, Boston, Mass. 4w The longeat and happîeilt lives are on- joyed> by those having by inhenitance whet ita called the Iran Nrve. This tsaa quality, not a substance, ani may be surprisingly preseut lu the mnrat delicate structure. It may ba acquired when lacking, or restored when lest by using Celery Iran Pillai. Druggists snd dealers, or mail. Prica 50 ts., six for $2,50O. The Cé3lery Pull Co., Toronto. Ont. W. H. Os),borne bas wngriead favor witb tha ladies since they b ýve ted hbis fine6 fjlavoredt teas. Nofluer tels ever camie tov1WB DItYiUlýoud tbey ia'e cbeap). Ripan s Tabilles cue lnacséa. N, FIRE WT H E CZ EMA Tcîrrib>lo Suffnluga c--f Lttie Baby. Seven Docters aud Twa Hospitals Fail. Curad by Cutîcura. Hy baby boy, 5 miontha oldl, brokýe out veth ezema. The tchimlin anSurnLng as intenseý; theocczema epread to is timbeï, breast, faeIn bcad f mutil ho uvas uearly covred; bstrtrn aïeulesa twure pitable te b hold ha baDonepeace ud but little rest night or day. Hoc was under treat.1 two bsitais and bysee doctord ni hia City wtholut te toast henefit; every prescription of the doctojrs - urss faithfultytried, but ha rae veorse att the urne.1 j~> ~fl I~ or montha 1 expended ablout $3 par veek for roedieluas, sud vees ru- tirely dtaeouragod, I pur. chased 1CUrTIURA, Oufi- 4 / Jý cURIA SeAn d CUTÎc'UaA R'EsoLY-ENT sdfloe Che di tottho ettr]Relierfveas imnmediat, bis su)fferilugs wcro ýease4, sudreet sud býl)p pr. uittad. Ha steadty im,-nroveS sudd in nine weaica wt nieycul- red, ýs asow as clear us e' liciu lra,, air a boy asýt any mother could wlsb te 1. ro'omnLd evcry m6thar te, use It for evsry LBaby1 MRPs. H.FRGS , 86 W. Brookline 0t., Boston, Outicui'a Remede Theý greatest skie cures, blood puriflera, sud humerO1 rerûetS s; of modemntmes, Sstantly reteve thôo jouit agoniziog forma, of eczeiua ud peoriaste, sud speediiy, hraoty cootaiadlu- fiIy cure vr ,oisof oituring isfgrtg pinp Mdieac adhoïmors of Site H,:!11scasu bl 'd tih 1loJid of houi-a rmlufancy te ag, et~ ether mucnsd bot physic1sus fat. SolSvrw~' rcCucUA7C;feP 351c.: ttrs-LVEN-T 1 1501'repared by tePOTTUUI Dure Ae »CnuaxîcAn COarOATIO:a, 1Boton., gà- SeoS for Il Iow te Cure 5km Disease," OC ,Pages, Se ilustrations, sud 100 testimOçniattg. PiIILES, blackheads, red, rougb, rbapped >, end W fIcilipsiin coi-eS by Cunîcunà Soir. 1tua i-t sud enly piln.ig tregt RipâlsT1UO'. Lang, Exeter, ta visittng her Dr. Ilutherford,, Rt. S. Faik of Nolanid, was in Dltly. w ofwiihat 1lood's Sar8apnilla bias r ote st it net neasoniable to that it will aIse be cf benefit te Miesa Ballagis ia visiting ber mothen et -n. L. A. Camatby's Miss JTennie Adains, Bowmauville, was v7isitîng friands ln tein lest week. Smart W-Vead and Belladonne, cembin- ed with the othar inýrOdients used in thse blet porous plasters, maka Carter'as9. W.ý &DIB. Bclkacha Plasters ihe beat in tllcaý menket. Price 25 cent,,. Mr. and Mra. Gould, Catlaton, visited et Mr. J. G. floney's recently. Mnr. Pater, Counelbas puroaEsed Rev. Geo. Erow-n'a driver. Aý gentlemnan, under forty yeara of age, wbiose heir was rapidiy becoming thin and grey,began the use of Ayen's Hain Vigen, and in six menthe bis hair was restoned te its naturel colon, and aven more than its former growth aud ichue8p. nad Mrs. J. W. Gifford bave been vlsiting f rienda iNew Park. 11ev. Gee. Breen preecbed bis farewel sermon Suudey evauing befone raking bhis depature for Madea, TRi, LAJaiEs DEIs.TurED.-Tbe pleas. ant affect and the perfect safety with wehich ladies miy nose the liqnld fruit laxative, Syrup of Fi er aIl con- ditiona make it th% *u1endy. It tai pleasiug te tise ysand te the teste, gentie, yet affectfasil i segtM the kidneya, livar and bowelo. Mr. J. G. Honey bas a grade cow 1which gave 52 Ibo. of milk on $eturday. Meýrsars. Frred and IHarry Proctor and Miss Annie Prootor, Toronto, vistted frien's intuwvn reently. Membray'a Kidney aud Liver Cure bas been dispanFad by a premineut chemist and drng'gist -for -ye-ars end hündreda ï of bis ciiucinars bave fr,.aely teltified te tbe beneficisl t ffectp and wonderfnl cure of Kiduaiy and Livar complainte. Âsk your 4ýruggi6t for it. Mrs. DoncaEter and famnily and Miss 1Knox, Bowmmnville, spent Sunday et the reidance of Mn. Thos. Doncaster. Mr. aud Mro. A. A. Gamaby and MLesars. W. W. Truli and W. P. Fletcher attenoad tbe Christian Churcb con fenance et Steuffrille laBt week, TARE A PLEBISCrrE.-Sbould e plehis. cita ha takan it would ha found tbat Burdock Blood Bittera ta by long odda the moat auceesaful and popular cura for dyspepsia, bcead ache, coutipation, bilic us- ness, b-id bllood, etc. It is purely veget. able. The selery of Mn. Albert Odeîl, science master, Collegiata Institute, CobDourg, bas beau increased te $1000. IMesars. IY.. Hall and T. MNcCoinb ara building a tone, cellan under Mn. TJohn- Fiton Morton'a barr, Betheuy. Gisv Tiusis BET. -The public ara tee intelligent te purobase a worthleas article ieodtinie, oýn the centrary they want 1, iboâ has IPhysicians are virtuit% j vunan- ý.mous lu saying Scett's Enmsion ta the 4.3t forinof Ced Livar Qi]. Misa Jenute Millier and ber twe covens littia daughtana of J.11.. RyaD,iUClWâter, are viaiting har nmotlien MAl. Jas. Miller- MeBsans. O. A Gamsby and C. G. Arm stnong Bsing et a concert et Draýytciu ou Jnuly Oth. SoME ,Foaîses PEO(PLE, allew a cougUh te run untïi t gata hayend the reascbof madicine. They cf tan say, "Oh it will waar away,' but lu moat, cases it wecara thein away. Could they ha iuduced te t)ry the auccassf ni medicina cailed Kamp's Balsar, which lsasold on a positive guan. enteeate cure, tbey would immediately Lee the e-xcellant affect a? tan taking the firat do-se. Pnica SO0c. and $1,00. At al Mms. Richard,4 and Miss Mansh bave ?arïntyed banc frcmi London, Eeg> Mr. Jas. Budd, Oeaa Sound, ta riait- iný 'Mr. Thos.Hop. NEYER NEOLECT A COLD-D)r. Austini Flint says in the Forum l:it ta probable tehat a paracu v ith au inberited tandercy te onamt would neyer devalop the dissuase if ha could ha pncteeted againat infection with tha tubercle baçillu.. u the light o? modern discovanies censump- tion cen re longer ha rtugardad as an lu. curable disees-e." It ta ne exaggenatien te sey tbat Kamp's Baisan, wvean taen in timeo, lbas saved meny frein cousump- tien. At ail ldrugglats"' 50c sud $1. Master Charlay Betilay, Toronto, ta visittng bis friand Mnr. H. G. Armstron)g. The Missýes McPherson hava neturned beme af ter a prolongad riait veRS friands &t Cenn11igton. For'Over Fifty Years MUS lIS xsawsS OOTHINsoSYUY h a,- bPeau umuad hy millions o? mothers tfou thair cbtîdren vehile teething. If dtmtu-- ad et nighIt u broken of yeur re'>t by e tsiCk chjld seffering sud crying vth pain o? Cutting TactS sand et once sud gat a botle o? "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Obtîdren 1'cething. IL vili raýlueva the paon lîttle suffarer ummnadate- ly. Dcp)end upon t, methera,tbara la ne mistakai about it, It cures Diarhoea, regullates the Stomaob sud Bowals, cures Wý%ind Celte, sottans the Gumsansd ne- duýes Inflammation, and gives toua and cnanr-gy te the vehole systain. "Mrs. Win~iiow's Se-otbing Synup" for obtîdran teething is pleasant te the testeansd is the prescription e? eue o? the- oldeat and hast1 fenale phlysiciens sud nurses inU the Unit- cd $tates. Pn1ica twenty-five cents a bottie. Sold by ail druggists thnougheut the world. Be aura te ak for "MRS. Wt-,SLO%*s SOenrnNc SYRurP." 22-17 Juat anntving a fresh supply o? Field' aud GTandan Seeds at Mundocb'a eld stsud. The nuarous tastimonialIqzýreceivad place Dr. Butler's Golden Pilla in' the fommoamt rank of neliable ramediel agents. Tny thent. MotS Proof Carpet FaIt sud al l inda o? Building Papen et R. Worttu's. JOHIN J. MASON'8 DRY n' (4OSand JW LYHI~,Bwanil o DR ESS GOODS-Suitable for warm weather. STRAW H I-or Gents, Ladies and Children. Large variety and low piiceS. COTTON HOSIERY-Fast Black and Grey, the best value we have ever had. We import eur Hose and Gloves and get the best goods procurabie at the lowest prices. We are certain you eau save mon-,y by buying, Glo-Tes and Hose at our store. PARA SOL'i-The largest sale wc have ever had. Have repent- r e d our purchase twice, an d eau now supply yeu with flrst-class new goods at cut prices. Look out f r bargains ai we neyer carry o.ui goods ovor from one season to another. JOHN J. MA.SON. ,ySpECIA LSyALEt 0wing to the late season we have a large ,urplus ~~I and this is the people's chance. 2000 pairs of Boots and Siioes, 500 MNeri's and Boy'Os Suifs, 60 doz en Ha tî. Al outr Slippers at -actual -coat. Ladies Kid Buttomi Shoes $1.25 up. Ladies 'Tie Shoes 90c'. up. Men's Fin.- Shoes $1 up. Men's H-eavy Work Shoes $1 up. Men's Suits froin $3.75'UP. Boy'ii Suits from $1,50 up. We are showîng thîs season the most coînplete stoclk we~ ever yet bought and at lowest prices. CLO1 HING TO ORDER. Place your orders as sooiî es possible. We have a large staff of first class hands. THE ULTNE HOUSE. SITUATIONS, VACANT. Years a good ShorItbaud o'r BEsaisuss educati'on bas beau lbs ýmeana of procun. ing a great many young juan sd woîuen 5rFt çls oiinand lu dec;iding whatj soelte attecd teo btein. uh" tioit ta svany edrvisabla that you ; e(ua- ly considen your chances o? amployment aftenwaide, aud if et a'1 possible attend ai aceol ituated vehiere yen ara going te obtain a p)osition. Tha following clipping frein The Markbami Economist of? Marcb lOtie speaka for itself. " We ana very pleased te learn that 3Misa Mantha Lumiey of thia village bhas beau pÎlaced in e very fine potition as Stenographer in the fimin o? Reeve & Woodworth, Berristars, Solicitors, etc., 18 King St., E.,Toronito, by the propriator cf Banker & Spenceas Shothaud eud Business Sobool, Toronti. A achocl that bas su.-h a connaction with the business public taste find situations for its gradnates is certaiuly a vary weigbty lever iu deidfing wbare te taise such a course. Wo wlash Miss Lutuley evary ouccasa in ber naw vacation in life. _-tf. Dr. 13utler'a Golden Pilla bave eanned a great raputation wberaven employed. As a naerre tente sud blood builden tbey ana univallud. Thay inorease the appe- tita andý rromnotea eheeltby performance ef aIl tha ýfonctïina of tiseboy A thon- ougbly sli-entifiic prep!.aeto, thcy neyer feul te tffeet a cura if dlirections ea faiLh- fnliy carlted eut. Ntigherinful iu their comùpoition. The meat delicete syate i yl ha beuefitted, Ask, fer Dr. Butb 'a Golden Pilla aud talko ne othar, Ail colora o? prepared aini t atR. Worth'e, Bowmanville. Lovely Engliah wool Carpcts jut pen ed out et Couch,JTohn.zto-n & Urycer min's l'ILES!1 PILES' ITCHING PILES. SYMPToMIs-Moieture; intense itchlng and stinging; meat et nigbt; wonce by scratching. If allowedl to canýTt1iue tuin- mýforim,ebich often bleed and ulcerate, tecomnu,'vtry Bore.SW YE OI- lIENT s4Z' uni the itchttvg and bleeding-, heals ulcération, and in moet cases remer es the tumors. At druggiato, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Scrn,Phae- pbta. Lyman Sons &ý Co.,Mote, Wholea]cAgente. Parasols et West End Hlors3 juaýt in and very, cheap. Caîl and Fee the chfap and pretty Wall Papera et Kirby'.î before buVing. 04 PIECES OF MUSIC. puzzles, jokes, hints for the household, and the best of music--ust the thing fo)r long winter Tvnng.!HIN1K rhat you get in four copies, 6columns of readiog matter- 30000o words comprising over 50 com- 1 plete stories, and vocal and ins.rumental music, (the latter is worth at least fifty cents,) and al for only Ten Csqts! (If course you understand this offer is made tu get you 50 give the paper a trial, knowing full well that pou will bceme permanent suberibcers. -A.ddress WAVERLEY M,%AAZIE, Box in', :E C MlmC>f%,m AL 5. M T. GEO. MASON,- Wm. Eadam .Vindicated. Tis ÂDII' MICROBE 1'KILLEr CASE SETTLýED 1;Y À VERDICT POR TRisE Tbh, sscsaofWni. Radem, inveniter Radam'ao Microbe Killen, againat Dr. Ecoles aud the "DrUýgiats Circular and Chieticaljý Gazette" was dacided yesterday by a jury before Judga Audrewýs it I suprame caurt. Mn. Radan necalved a verdict and a crimplate vindficatton frofli the charges made by ]Dr. Eccles in au article publiahed iu Ihe "Druggits Circuler" iu Septembar, 1889, attaoklng,, the microbe killer. T!he, article stated that the microbe - -lV ' rai U n'â ude of peizenous druga, and thet ai-y patient using it would dia of cumulative poisoue< ing, but the teatimony Abowed that ltî an antiseptie gas tmpnegnatad ti watýr and coutained ne druga. Oua o? the changea made by Dr. Ecolea in the 'Druggi!gta' Circuler" veas, that I£ the microbe killen ware ta!En iuternally in large dosas it weuld bc, fatal, buts ( brought fonward tweuty vituasses w1l 'rvd Ibat it wa net pison vehen taoU internally, aven in the argest quantitjeg, Tbey owone that tbay lbad taean, aoMe 15 gallons te 160 gallons initernally paýr!odF rangung frein tbnree morthe C tbree yeara3. Que patient, a lady, Ieçi takzen 160 gallons o? the microbe killer, and wss cunad and le? t in perfeot haalth' Sha biad beednidcdeun uine monthii wtth infimmatory rheunatism suad bad ndaWIy lest ber Aicht, Yet sha veas ti , onr' comipietaly cuned. Han case vees regard- ed as a miracle. Tho ,vandict o? $501), concludad Mr. Rad-ani, ta aattafavýcry in view of the fAÇt that on the trial ne injuny te the husinogg of the Radaru Comlpany veas slowýn ; but the jury, co(nviuced o? the lbln h. acter of the article attacktng mue perEoUj,. ally, nendared a nominal verdict for t4_lf, amýount. I ani gratified, for It ta a cQlu. plate vindication o? thei unjust chargQ and litelous attack ou the icrobe killer.. Higinbotbem & Son, aýcuts for Mtcrobo Killer. ILAKE ONTARIO STEAMBOCAT ëiOY NORTH KINGT NEÀFST A1ýD EIE4TMîo.-LIaHTEID, Daily for Roches ter.,- On and after Monday, Mlay jlat will leavoù Cobourg atb8.00a-im,., Port Hope aet 9,15 .m. on arrivai of G. Tr. I>. Tratais. Arrivesaet Char. lotteet 2.80 p.mi. Returning, lea-vea Charlotte at 11,15 P.fl14 except Tueaday at 9.45 a.m.. and Satuirday at 4.15 pm., arriving et port Hiope et 6030 a.m., (Saturday atO.00 pi. Wt ei tolQ. Weduerdoy and Friday et .00 BrtIj. tCn On Mor day and Wedaesday a t 'Iüjr.n .Ask pour local agenut for 1 ieresagle 1 'lckei% to aiy ]point oin N. C. Penn. R. C., Lehigi Valley. West ?hors. 1W.1W.& ÛO , ê w.&W,~ B. R. & P., W. N. Y.& P., and JYavcre aggagêc Chechcd Tliroaagl. C. F. GILDERSL~eVF, Gen. Manager, C. H. NCOSN Kingatonl, Gen. Pa8. .Agt,, J, . M.H. JURY, Port Hope.qý Ticket Agent, Bwavle