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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1893, p. 1

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k r YIMS:-1.0Ps Â~u.OUR TOWN AND COUNTY MMSTU E WORLD ÂPTERWÂRDS. M. À JAMES 'EDITOR &ll Pan UTB Nu EUlBOWMYANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY, JUNE 28, 1.8U3. VOLUMZi XXXIX. 'NUMBEu f JOHNSTt CRYDERMAN invite -special attention to their fine stock of uuuuuuu iYVVV u V V J V V l.J 1/ V V V V V m' 'L;D 1 E PjàASL These are ail new ogoo ds imported this season, and are speoially good value. TA UNTO. The a nnaî clo2ing eutertainment of Taunton Literary Socieèty wilf h held in the hall at Taunton on Thursday evening 29th inst., when a good prograt w'11 be rendered conslatiug of vocal. audinru mental music. readings and drarnia. Doora open aI 7.30, prcgram to commence et 8 o'clock. Admission 15r. A cordial invitation to ail. KELSEY-Why would you believe a ministar's word sonner than suy other man's. WILTSIE-Because he is supposed t- preach the trnth and tell the ruth ? but why do you ask the question? Well ha- cause the Rev. A.. L. Snider,pastor of the Methodist Church, Leamington.sasys : "I hava beau, cured of! the most painf ul and distressing case of piles of long stand. ing hy MÂGic PILE LOTION," and reconi- mend it te aIl thus afflicted. A Very pleasant avent trauapired ar the reaidaunce of Richard BannaItt, east end, on Wedneaday evening, when Miss Mercy waa marriad tb L. A. Finley, of the News staff. The Mev. J. T. Caldwell, M. A., B. D., offiiabad, aud the ccnemony was witnetsed by a hoat of friande sud well- wisbers. The bride was, supported h y Miss C. BarraIt aud Miss J. G itsoli, o! Newceastle, while the groom wacsoa hy Mesara. L. Harvey sud Gao. Gordon, The bride wss the recipient of mauy handsome sud cotly presents. Af ber the6 wedding supper wae ovar the youug couple tothe 6.30 traing for the asansd will seda fortnight with frian'ds in Garden est beyond- Whithy. A PROMPT CURE.-Gentlemon,-UaV- ing suffered over two yeara with constipa- tion, and the doctors flot having helpedl me, 1 concluded to try B.B.B., and be- fore I used one bottle I was cured. 1 oan also recommend ii for sick headachie. ETHEL D. HÂîieEs, Lakeview, Ont. Ripans Tabules banish pain. NE w HAVEN, Quite a lirge numben were in the school Wednoeday evauing when Mev. R. D. Frase-r gave an intereatin'y sud practicai rermoni. Ail look forward to his coming .......Mr Montgomery, of Coîhorne, has beau appoiuted agent at Darlinglon Ti ECiioLERA eGÂ,RE.-Faar kilîs more thail choiera. Savane diarrh8a, pnniniz, colic, cramipe, etc., are oflen mistakenfo choieraic troubles, A few doses11 of Dr. Fowier's Extraet rof Wild Strawherny wilb remocve ho)th the disease and the terror it ins.piras. KIJiB Y. . H. sud Mise Ethel Powers vis. Lindsay sud Oakwood. . .. Mn. s. a-rnvisibeit Mr. sud Mrs. F. Brooklin. . .. At the regular mnont ry mieeting of our League on Fni- mn)ug iset the male mensbers rau- in interestiug prognam of songe a sund rccitations wibh an addres .C. Adama8 after whirh ice cnes,» ved bo about two huudred.. - .Mr. oiinticeaesohool picule waa a coni eces .... Recent visitora: Mr. sund >undas o! Tiny near Barrie; Mrs. Coldwater, et Mr. Thos Hender- IIr. and Mrs. Wright, Bnwman- id Mlies Minnie Keen, of Manilla, Ed. Birch'è; Mrs. Alax. Laing, at her m)tber's. Cut Tbi.3 Out pin it in the crown of your bat, Li f orgot the naine, of the great luog for consumption sud hn diseae A.nnivorhary of Haydon Mathodist h Sehool will be heid as followe : urndy,Domtnion Day,the prograni in at 2:30 p. m., when there wil in'g by the choir, raditations sud tes hy tbe acholars, and addresses 1. Ge. Webher of Toronto ; Mev. Jonck, o! Eiaikillen, sund other. Il ho aerved f roni 4 p mi. A lecture given at 7:30, hy Mev. George r ; Subjacr, "WVilliam, Prince of ý. Tickets bo Tea a.d Lecture, Tea, ?.,5c ; Lecture only, 1150- 7,JuIy 2,îermions will be preached and 6:30 p mu, by the Rev. Ge'. r. Collection at each service ii hý-bath gehool FWnnd -.lCv.,,hn6 80)1LINA. St. Paul's Y. P. S. C. E. The ay ropwii bever lage,"The Chinece in America" was the Elaction of officers at Division this topic for Monday evening, lUth mest, at weak.Sb. Paul'à Y. P. S. C. E., and il turned Many froni here hava been to Lake ont to be a most interesting one. Cana- Seugog aud big flsh stories are in the air. t' îlly prepaned papera wara road by Mr. Mr. John VanNest, jr., captured one 0. R. Adain sud Miess'es May Allen, doze,'n immense fish iast weak at Scugog. Broughall and Bassett. Mrs. Baughm-au MIrs. John Fletcher, of Salford, s of the Disciples' church had kintlly 10an- m-akiug a prolonged visit wi h yr oha d her choice collection of obj scti of in- Mrs. D. Hogarth. tere5t froin China, and was pr.-enit to Mr. J. VanNaît, wife and family spent explain the different artic 1les. a week amoug friends in Reach, Scugog, Mariposa, and Cartwright and report a very pleasant trip. Recant vitiitors-Mr. and Mrs. Eli Osborne, Courtice; Mn. and Mrs. T. Short, Foley; Mr. Chas. Virtue, of Long Sault; Mr. aud Mrs. Sam,, Clarke, Man- illa. DO.N'T You KNow that to hava perfect health you mueh have pure blond, sud the hast way to have pure blond la to take llood's Sarsaparila, the hast bood purifi- er sud strnugth huildar. Uh expes al baint o! escrofula, sait rhenm and ahl other humors, and at the same time builda np the wh ols systeni and gives nenve atrau gîl llood'is Pilla mav ha had hy mail for 25c. of C. 1. Rond & f' o., Lwell, Maso. NBWGASTLB. Rev. R. M. Pope arrived on Wednaa. day and was tendared a recep'ion hy hi% new cougragation. . ..Thene were two f unerals last week-Mrs. T. ElIlison and Mn. Duncan Arnot; two more this week -Mr. Allin Wilmot and Mr. J. P. Lova- k.n.... .Miss M. Hunter, Bowmanville, aud Dr. A. Hunter, Cy(ldrich, ware calied. home on Thuraday bv the illuess of their mother .. . .Rev. E. Daniels, 13. A., Po:tI Hope, and Rov. A. Carswali, M A ,ex changed pulpits Sunday week.. . . Mlr. T. Dunnwood, o! Newbnrg, gave hie formner pastor, Rev. W. F. Mllan, B. A %a cail on Monday week on hie way home froni the Preehyterian Assembly at Brant fod.... Mr. A. J. Vanlngen, customsoffier, diel on Sundsy mornug af tan a long illues3. .... Mrs. Gae, widow of the lata Rsv. D. k. Gee, la! t on Satarday for MNakham whene she wili r4side in future .... Mn. W. T. Lockîarb, M. lpP. sud MaLock.- hart spenit hast week at O.tawa and To Invade the Unîte< The follotviny, are extrazita front a latter neceived by Rev. R. D. Fraser from Rev, Principal King, D. D., of Manitoba Col- lage,ý in repiy t10 a nequest for a faw itenis o! informaion lu re" srd 1the iomission- ary work samoug the Chiniesa inuWinni' psg, inaugurabed by Mrà. Watt, Princip- al King's ister: "The work, bagin out a. amaîl scaie some five or six years ago., There were not more than four or fiveala, the start. Each hlad a teauhaer assigned to bim sud thti beachana have been, thiroughomnt etoly devoted but capable and euiiuridp au.The lassons lu Englisgh have bocn iuily, if n ýt iuidead, excluaiveiy, selected :exri and p 'esagas from soripture; to thi-i ci.c iîsstc, gratifyirg spiritual resiulîs, it is bhehevad, are larg.Ndue, In sequiinýy a kuw- ledge of Eiegish which was the main, if not thtieoiueive, aim o! thesa foreigners aI fice-t, îlîey s'en scquired a kuowledgea of the fondalmental- truthe of the Christ- ian religion pî assad home ou .thaom by thoso whn -were aboya a'l aise saeking theirconver3i in. The number lu attend- suce now je bats eau î wanty aud twanty. five, Lot indeed ail thbe Chinamenu nthe city, but a gond prûp nIion of thetai. The acceesi-ica t i the clan tu laten yesrs- have beau maiuly the result of the effo)rts o! the Chu, amen theaslîes. Iu the early stag~es of the movement, Mrs. Watt book a vary active part snd had no' a litIle to do with giviug thbIs assns the distinctiveby ebris ian oasa which they have, had frornithe begiiniz. Mr. J. Thonison, an active suid davi,înd eider of 'Knox cluch, is uow the soptrinteudent o! the work. Mn. and MNis thonipson devote a great deal ( f lime et0 these strangens iii our cîty. 1 sh,"u 1ciomntion that large'y iu couniecion)z with the mî- gation of inpe Chinamnen te other Parts sinibar cl-isses have 1 eai, insëtituted in Bat ff, C ilgary, Carbeýrr.-, Regir a and other places isMat Lranfvjmn etera states. BOWMANVILLE. $1EASONABLE GOOS D o Pure White lEellebore, Pure Paris -reen,, Pure Inseot Powder, 'r Chemnists and Drugxgists., C. P. R. Ticket Office. BOUNSALL'S MývARBI'E AND GRANITE WORKS, -BOWIMIA.NVTL]LE, ON1T. (Established 1857.) Finished, Granite Monuments in btock from $1295 t $500. HANDS0ME1 DESIGNS AND LEST MATERIALS3. RED PETEREI¼D AND GRAY RU-BISLAW SCOTCH ' ROSE, RED A-ND PUI1,PljE SWEDE ..............GR N17T IBLIJE -PEkRL ANI) E LFRALD PEARL ..........y r FINISHED MABLE MNMNSin Stock from $415 to$20 IN ALL TI-E LEST KINDS 0F MARBLE AND LA&TEST DE)SIQNS. lgrBefore placing your order, CALL AND EXA-MINE MY STOCK, SEE WHTAT YOIJ ARE BJYING. E. R. BOUJNSALL, Froprietor. F ARMý FORF SALE.- _A firaBt eciaLsafartaj~~ SALE OR, RENT.-House and Of 125 acres or, 14,5 acres Bituatedl in the Fîiiacres for s5ale or to rent. situateo township oz EssI Whitby 'lt con, lots 15 aud Scngoghstreet north. The promises consiet 'of 16 on thq? Base Line, about li miles from~ Osha. a good husewfth e very convenience, drlin ' wa. mtaiep les fron W hltby axd .60 rode shed, stable, etc. T ri garden contains alt o1 fromp the scbùe1 klise. Large ro()'y buldinF's, the choicest fruit of ail varleties. Iedeo maein batrn 09,)36 fb, plenty o!fuis dyoseinca begiven. For particlrsapy loam., atogether one of the best grain fanaDitsELIex Bowmanviiie Out 19 tt on th e e hore. No billeor tonoes About 10 acreso fwood, 75 acreq upatin ad rs seeded. Ternis easýy. Firat plowingflua For further paticlars apply to A. Aisýrese Best value in Black, Green and Japan Oshawa. - t' TeaÉ!, Coffeýes, etc. Quality unequalled. Lîpas Tbuls cue siofla. PETEIR MURDuOH, agent. ,John Aucens 0Of St.Nlary's,Oyit. A Great Sufterer from i Perîectly Cired by Hood's Sarsaparilla The best stomnach touics kunown ,ito mnedical science are so happily com- bined in Hood's Sarsapailla-, that it cures Indigestion, andDsepi in its severest fornms, when other nedicines fail. -In many cases Hood'l Sarsapa,- rilla seems to posiesa a inagical touch, so quick aud so gratifing the relief. Read the foliowing from- an aged and respected citizen of St. ?Mary's, Ont.: "I arn very glad to give tbis testimonial as to what Hood's Sa aarlalas doue for nie. I sufiered very, m'iueh nil dyspepsia. Ihv been taking medicine For 25 Years and I neyer had any:,tling do m(, as u-ncl good as Hood's Sarsaparilla. Ev1erysy- tom of the dý spepsia las euitirely disa- peared anid 1 feel tha, I camnot praise the medicine ton highly. I Eat Boetter, Sletrp Better ,iiid feel str'onger thon I have for mny yen ns. 1 have taken six botties 0ý f Io Sarsapariîla bought of Mr. auderson, tire druggist." Joan Acx CORDIAL 1lýnDor7SEALENT'. FrointJIr.ScneroteDugs. "I1 know Mfr. -Aikens to be a stri"tly bonest, stratghtforward inau, and tike mchi pLeasïure in testifyi1115 10thc truth of the testimoial le gives above."1 F. G. SÂNDntesoýN,Dr- gist. Queen Street, St. M\ary's, Ontario. ýHOOD PI LLS, the best after-d!nnueï Pila, 8Ss1 t dgeston, preveut constpation. d 5S Vegetble Ii re prc. O f ~ palred t10 meet a W mate emn for a miildl, efficient and reliLlemly op11ysie, Tey are, purely vegetable, conlý,j1i)g lo caloml. mereury. orinrai sl stanece of any lind. Hoon's 1ilis act upon the stomial, iver, aud al1ineutary cana1,l, ancre hiver Complaint,Cotiaon PCuefilioUSusnes, HaalIdgsi r Soal, iîsafter EtnJainud1ic e 'Id malb'Oken1npanid a feverprvete 'mtytahing Hno'sIil. H0od's PDis Are pr lre y C. 1. 1Hvod & Co.,Apteni, Lowr, Mass. Frie 25 cenits per bx.Sold b1,- aildruggists or sent 1by mail onourc i0fpio Ripans Tabules cura dyspepsia. - RU01 nC bLretfràtems pla rue3 o!football Monday weeL, ; Our on1 by onea goal. . W. Tre win, R. y and Dr. Mitchell I auai wild .hsaam n vor tbue uceesa o! the al Libers! Convention at Ottawa ab blsey were doeagafis. . ...Come te i ou Dominion Day-a good lime ranted,. Two keeuly coutesbed i mnatches sud s gond prograni. by the sebolars, gaod tea, etc. ody come. r, NEO-LECT A COr» -Dr. A ustin sysý in the Forum l la probable persou, with au iuherited teudancy umnption woubd nover davelopthe if ha could ho prctacted against )n with the tubet'cle bacilf us. In il o! modera diseovenias coump- B Do longer ha reganded as au in- d iseaBa." 1% la uo exaggeration bat Kemp'% Baisani, wheu taken b, as saved mauiy from couaump- At ail drug-gists' 50c. sud $1. Ai A PLB GROVE. S. S. annivesary was a pleasiug thoug-h about $ý20 heiîd last ýiauiciaibly, thoug-h isat year wasaIbn ,onal succeasa. The pospoumaut tes; ou account o! Mrs. Powara' fnom n, nday bu Tueaday w is labe sud the committea o! mais- 1% wish 1tu express regret Ibro gh TATE'SM-%AI for the disappointmueiit e who came fnom a distance ou y. Tho sermons o! Sunday bvi . l ouclk wara very htghby Sp- c, belng admirahly suibed te, the a.ý The collecli ns ware upwards îvhidhi was coneidarad libaral. Ou ýy a choies pregnani was randened. L. Plielpa presîded lu hie ususlly styla. Basîldes singing by the ad soholane tIare ware s number ogueassud raiations well given ,phan Munday, Eva Foley, Chas. , Gertie Crawford, Mamie Mun- ed. Smith, Leah Platford, Ernest Jno. Cx Thos. Trimble, Varna tt, Wîunia Axford, Arthur Cour. ýaal Fletcher, Eher Foley, Frank s, Howand Foiey, Wm. Munday. oie followed hy Mev. J. Liddy aud -D, Fraser, M. A. Mn. T. Kirk- readl the tneatuner's report, -Mn. Foleý,y spoka for the seretany and Lob Sta-vene neported as supenin- t- Tho Eacholseema obehaiu a 7Icou tin Tes asaftenwarda bo tue iýa-gecompany proent. le eeveîIy eautifuily laid ont )1undancao(i f1inwars, etc., the wait- rrnmýedIbm dr uties very well sud itd mdriety o! trie ediblea b l,, thatîe nmo-t fastidions could Prç ceeda over $70. obriya Ki;duey and Liver Cure ii s tLon o! H-erbe suid Monts, the I properties o! which are 'Unirr ýown!. Try it for Purifying the Bunetlo, . î ., in oncer toqsupply the growing demiand fer Dodd'a Kîdiney Pille 1 a thac United States. Th:s remedy han nover heen advertised or placad on sale in the United States, but the iopuiariby o! the remedy and the news o! ils succase in Canada quickly rearhed the people o! the neighhoning republie. aud ondars hava pourad Iu, unsobicited, from every Stabe in the Union. The capacsty of tha To- ronta -!actory is tnxed to supply the Cjanadian- market and the management foal that bbey eau ouly do justice 10 hoth foreigu and home demande by iuvading the Unitod States sud establishîng depol sud factony thera. ILIMPTUN. Mn. Frank Parr oun populan cheesa miaker a'nploYad a Young Mau from Enuis- killen Ibis spniog te learn the art o! miak- ing cheese, ha bas3 proved himFel! 10 beaa very effiient st'udeut -aud we wililun doubthorlsn of hie surcces iii th,3 future. Ha also raoentby emiployod a second young man from the village on the bhibi, who graduabed in two dsys, but loft without hie diploma, as ho purposea in f uture be ouby haudbe mlk in the Byes... Mn. N. Dicksou sud family, Ohio, are visiting friandshboea.. . .Rev. S. T. Barbîsît, Lakefiebi,,praached anniversary sermons bore Sinday, both morning sud eveniug. Lià disconrees were veny abe sud impres-1 sive~ and wera listened to with rapt atten- lion hy the largo sud apprechative con- graga lioua that were present.-...i Mrs. Mary Ilarris, neliet o! the laIe John Rlai ris, sften a lîugerng illuesa died oui Thursday morning. The f uneral ou Sat- urday 10 Bowmauvilha cematary was large- ]y attended hy friands as yurp-ithiiug uaighhors. CoR.N SowiNG is a procass coud uctad by the aganey of tight boots al the year round. Corn naplug je hast conducted througli the sgeuey o! Putnam'a Painlees CornuExtractor, the ouly sas! onsuaurs- pop corn cure. Pntnam's Extracton is nw wîde'ly imibatad. Beware of al poisonous sud sora produciug subaitutes; they are daiîgenous-to use sud are sold aiimply.'hecause they afford the dealer large profit. Watch, repaiing properly sud proniptly toen a l t Jobt JMaonsDry gonds ~idJwelry store. Ronnnts ' Remurants ! We biave a bot ofthis yaar'e remuants o! wall paper thab we will sali at cnet. "Big 20" Tit LADiiEs DzbîowrEo-Tha ýplasa. sut affect sud the perfect aafety wibh which ladies miy use the iiquid fruit laxative, Syrup o! Fige, under ail conl- dlitions mnake it thair favorite rame dy. lLt is plasnsbtha eye sud 10the faste,1 gentle, yet effectua inl actlug on the1 kidneys, liven sud boweia. W. -IL Osbornuebas won gýreat favor with the ladies. since, they have tasted hie fine fiavored teas. No fluer teas ever camle 10 Bowmanvilansd they ara cheap. piating quahfyflllvng himself to be a mais- sii.nary to bis hahncouiymeni. We hlava ail been anch impressed with thefr warm nd t- -rateful (peca iof the efforts on thir 'beha'f. I hava freqient' 137 fit th.t in this respect 'theS are not behind oLir Arglo Sâxr-n pàop!o but rath- er in advance. O.c"sionÉIly the whole clan ia inviel to 3pend an evening ini some one of our h-,usei and theïr bearing is moqt cred.t h'e shcwing irdeed a ureat deui ~i de]icacy mnd gentienese. Their thougbhtfulnes3 and ieralif y in sending a Contribution 'of over $30 to the Build- ing fund of the Colleize may be mcntion- A communication from Mr. McOulloch, fieneral Secretary of the Toro)nto Y. M. 0. A. gave valuable iLdormation as to similar ýwo!k amiongthe Chhinesehin To- ronto. 18&'h the imethiod and resuits whPli, Syu of Figs îs ta-ken; i t is pleasant and refreshinýg b the taste, and actq £gently yet promptly on the Kidneyq; Liver and Bowels, cleanses P'e Sys- teta effectually, dispels co1d , bhead-. aches and evers and cures habituaI constipation. S1rup of Figo is thp only lrmedy o1 its kind ever pro-i dluced, pleasirg to tihe, taste and ac- ceptalble to the stomach, p rompt in. its action and truiy bceeial ii its cffects, prepare'd only from tho most heaihyanagreabl sustanesit3 inanyve i:celle ntqua 1,ti'e s coinmmendclif. to ail and h'a-vemdeit th iost ïppular remely kon S',yrUP of Figs is for Eale i-1n7a botie-s by ail le-ading dugss Any reliable druggIst who may ne& luave if, on hand will proGi.e it prom'ptly for any oea wh wishee tei try it, Manufactured only by tho- ciAlIFàORNIA IIG SYRUP C, SFLN RANCISCO, CAL LOUISVILLE, EY. NEW YORK, N.? Ripanis Tabules. JuRa 20, 1893.

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