n - * I J i - g linon IUlIITr ~ linelevebyany ni the littie swe-etnesSroaaoshmefLtik,' W111ù1 ps ilUli graces that mightmleeelolisupswmma et he lam e."iks u I --Pleaant.She id nt oten tink-f i,0 'Yes, Bobs ýýa sterling gond fellow but a s $?ECIA L Roy but ee rem m bered th at ayl,v w itb t e 1 a e rec"mdX m s akÊ %e heaDP O t& k ADemestICStOry efvenngtlfelflofltftrlû. fainteet littie air ni regret, that she ighIt si e ohsskn, adteohr ~A ~ $oervae44~, r.Tominsodby the kitchen have been differaty iuae adasse "us, h as' otraid farmerls tal aring potbatues lor dinner. Soxue- luoked u tte epretty French cottag i, wfese ll n wokeps hie foîst h nesirese!e utaîihefresu W s uhu t ing w as evidently w ro g w ith the litt ie th e b ill, em now red , lu a perfe ct f r s t i i e T o p o o s L ' v r s u i laddfrherf wsra nuisakaleairofalosomugvinssauhtkbccoolglamniriv-odliatelausldy utshewuudiave fosth ]ierl ptrnagtexenddooosldrin te pstseaon "lspire" in the way sho tussel the putatues uru and fountein, somsatbiug litte a sigh burnIed lon ago and id Lins give her prop- aiso te remind them that we are stillinl the market antd 'p ~~, ~. loto the pan ni cool spriug water, waîtiug trembled ou ber lips.e elip. ewnbmk i ue n there bu reçoive them. t xvas suitry "Squirle Jurnhami's wife doesnonthave noftIrmanily years if Le dun't take botter preparedte pay the weather; and tbrnugh the open wiudow te Leg foi a paltrSý bit ni money bu setontcae nf ber; she'IlI mn duwn fast. Awfully n Ar-7 wrl, f lT 1 I tovrswetigh i er table docenty," she tboug<hV rebellionsý- chauge she is,;ohloks as fadeli as the.fOJ. tVL i.trsflL .t"tL Jfi caethe Sound oni eanite-om lnid.one-ons-n teyLaen ea Scythes, bieuded witb h c f t herbn Y l ' F0n111yhve'tsei audth lantnoes i bo ueonin the W hat business Lad she bu marry Robert cuat ni paintsic graudfatber Tbompsonns r ~~ shaded wood. But it only irritated Mr.Topus~akdhre fer th.rda. Tbnmpson ; iudoed, everythiug irritatod wrist Leating avay at the buttero h h h' botter have boule Joe Buru- Al KN Sn l/ n n ala r n heta ay okn otfon b akHobbirds. For in the green and gluomY1biam-. Thie Lawrencos usodtn Lave thiugs I4LL ur SUOFf-OL ISflG M i l* fAldont migbt Le Seola a luvely lauidscape,, ligbt fiat Mrs. Thumpson inoked at things 1I nie lu tboir hiome, and sh'd biawe got 'emn LAD n AVIO ib bradreahe n rnadxvland, tringed to-day,sbe quite furgot the fact that lsh Lad sisill if lshe,'d uîarried Jus. Hile wifs's delivereti at oui storehouse cor. Ktng anti George streetss., or at or with gracoful halte ni ireb ; and suftly- talion iu love with thebc.nisedadje gonte ont in bier pnuy chaise. I say, Darlinoton. We have 4ls0 on hanti a largye stock, ronded muuntaisilifting thsirvelvetyfoto- aund-luokiug young farmner, chonsiug him Jouies, I wouder wbetber Thompson'swife's Leads bu tbe whito floecy cloulis that went iu prefereuce Vo Joe Burubam, wbî h vrsry pID FvI rslnwly sailiug acruss the exquisito ether, might haveobir1IlJue Lad a patrîmuuly ni WaaoThe nucunscions commonîs ni NEW AN D F'RESH, P R F( CIlike Luge orifts of thistle-don. Beuthis bis ow n-two hnudred a year at lss-u h , swarminoinde, came crnshiug also irritated ber ; everytbiug could Leagn i i ad be erecd u on oRbert Thompsonne boari auid of Canadian anti Liverpool Coarse Sait in Baos o Si orct Leanifu, sae br lu, 'd tlat -as oldwas called 1"Sq aire,' as bis father ladribeen -braiu liko a boit ni tire. That sbs rejocted at oss niFehGoniGe atrl arl trait îî~~~ and rude aud Larron. At loast,Mr.bfrbm.H watib marJaeBramorimhkewwousece uoabsfctrymod ws elin hrel liLas canuot Le cotrolled, and ehe cared is lvaîl moiir.Tendoriy Lad sho doue bbat lb was more for llobert Tbompsuu's fiLtie inger If, Von.Cuuld e b e weariug ont lber lufe To bogin at the begiuniog, Jane Law- thon for the whtof' nipour iundorsized Jus, luiLardowuk for hlm; se, ths muther nif O0 E13:.... :F..Cr u C....A1 ..S II EX E L N Eronce Ladl boon au unueuiaiiy roînantie girl, ISquire Burobani fomudanubber wifo, 5and !bis b1oys; ahe whum lholoveo s ieil, for &aIl pi and Lad gone for bwo yoars to a boardiug- Mrs. Tbompsun this weary day was furione- Lis z;chishsî o rTupo cle Alkni fLmeWoiat R LÂ C EN DCA Schoel. She Ladl always faocied sho wooild ly euvying bier. Mrs. Bruhbaam wnuld coins wa;le couildl Lear bis tougbbs nu long- a'ways lu stock. nsarry some famions arist or seholar, who amnidet the reett he bcsowiog-club, too,and or aLle e!bt that l e conid almuet Liii \eivt npeto nigaane aifcin wonld baLe lber bu Rome and Veulces.where soc bbe miserable ehabbiuess nf tho ml- hmeof'orie iindinit heedtonaniesenose.tsfcton PUîLlsermîgbi livo in a perpetual dreain nf berry ware, aud the home gnrai.T e Tiie atemuonon sore o oard evouiug. beanby. She o su lved eautiflithings 1 uufiiehsed butter got Leatsu eavagolycat Mrs. Thon penn Lad fluîsbed lber indour PetLape ail wnirrn do; aud bhat inyL bn ghbwoî-he wshîng csp nf the dinn diebes]LcC L BJJ IIJA It4 S ( SUNLIGHT CuRAND the reason su many are found ready bu bar-.UIRN Robent Thortpson waent anuiiindina, isud Vhs pubtingni the room srraighr-and _________________________________ bnw erI love for gold. only thuugbblesse. Ho wms a type ni a vory was oingn wlbL au ammf ni ni fine thinga _________________________________ SuQs !CKEMKP&I But, conary bu ail bier pe-cncived large cimes, more espscially farmers, whn dou hoLadi taLon rirnm the ombLes linos whon notions, sho married Rober-t Thomponu, a nt fel bbc need ni lîfe's înggsd pathwmy tho snund i4 fwbsols made lber looL saound. Massulacburod onoV t Tio s HOaunwar's ESABLÂnaEsusaT, plipractical farmer ; and instcad ni beiog eoteuoed wibLflbnwers. ' Jvs brnughr that whibe wane, Lie 8 rr.r S'rMZZIMr, nLQ1Wl)OIT SA,_F i tu luginIbaly, sue aent bu livo at thsnlid Absurbed lu is stock, Lie crope, bis Topo, saîd the briek voice ni Gover, INNTHcwneLLo, hnmsstead, whicL Lad ba h blen h s-ebioY, Le dîd noV realize Luw Ilinginig fronm, Vhs cat sud lifting down Thompeone for gonrablos. Dreame auJ munotonous was bis wîle's lie ter ons,.HoI car ly largo hampe", r Robent Thompe-on avas 1a workiuguntari o 0ssp ip th is brother farmers, p 1t .jun1 utbLrabihtudvie /1bmOÎO OîML Ir frmer, as weli me a prectical man and il 8h o Lad nntbing bot work sud carne. ie 'lie imastçer dili, bhnugbi. M. Thom Penna ____________________________ is people wurked. Hie muthen Lad wonk- didnont remuies ths trntb that thseavor, came lwn tîss aftorun su ad said tohs -&\ 1s,è$>. edi le Ly is sieters Ladl worked, Lebbyhm odu' em htsonoi ne lmsa S bu comecdowntu buyou at once. -e $'-s" TH IECANADIAN STATESIMAN expetedluis wiie te work. She tookto t e d oehihounb oitaaymu-Thni h ioo otyNadie uda0_ '> t~ Up ng vant ni lie. And su asi; bch yous 4e o e s el br ha u h m ESTABLISHED 1851 with high notions, by muy meanesu ad at gone ousegrwdsmifdetoat Briug 'cmun in, ploase," tue snswcred ____fimt bhe wunk dudnot Sseo moranh. Butlurdiy uuderetmnding wbmb sho wsiaed for, rether tiutiy. Ho diJ as Leevies bld 'sud0 'e 'le ~Iptauun nsdvancs, othensties$1.5). cvery esporiniodlady Lnows how bbc nwhtsu uidot ih; h itn elythn mooff. O t'e Sueiptonssiway 4payable ar h 11) flabor socîne bu accoînulats iu a plain farta- nivlposJluieEuoubs5n ug MmeThm st Jown by bbc Lamper la dvetianZ ate urlos b 0) hespiits NwanaginiiesheivGof etf)ciy i n, cie asifsierheat'wuv ~nbicrin.Adenisu< ats nisebyos o's houseoda er tr mgego o on. r~: tc,10 cent'; pet lins, nnnips le I .fimtju ' eLlJa easmie ari goo.ho piie Nwsn ginweneogaenic eyeysu nodavieerhat ol bmck a Short or biter rtot. Robent stn ra.TLe er agical tsars, bon, for p~ il, sud 5couts pst lins eac u ebeqat le- Thoro aers pieuta'o ninsd bysabout,p lettion. Locale, 10 cents par lins. botonny onue ivomlaitservant stas kepc;- dened ; she nsed teb ho S woeb-bemiiemo. rLywehdal h sennoead2opar4 e-(N - M. A, JAMES, Publisher auJ Mm. Robert Thomponu grcw Io fbd Ail thruugh bhc long brsuoonu r.fn e face, sud the sbmdowfnom Lot yes <W ç ~et" Le heiped at nealy evenything, save per- Thumpeon nuresdhbotwrath. RuLemt wý' aesdbmt She forgot that abs was ired ~ TA N A D B N { ha fie ghestoni bbclabur. lu tho selfieh and unreasonable, andse dillrtont it thsday stas bot ; aseouly thnnght41-0è o . on glidiug duwn amed canals sud treame eeWing.Cbub at ths fim, como whab mighit. woman eh " le Lsd been bon sying Vo honsl in ce. s OF CANADA. lu picturesquie gondolas, she Lad butter sud TLs pubatues got boliol; the big pie n f ihem tomper thact she'dJ ther have Ladl taxpiwsI psld up, S1,Oo,OO.et, $535>05cheese su maLs, sud pnulbny bu tsar, sud Ls m imru utefn.Blt qisBrbMi. Thon shle uupacked the ~' , dinnues to cooL lu ths long, bowceiled bwlve o'cinck Lad well struek elle 55w lier treassons, puliling unim oin o amidît hse This Bank is prsparod to do Legiti- kitchen, sud ths bhuusud sud onus canes Lsad u istuionde cuuîiug bbnoush eysudsioiugsofViy al bbcwhiis. O, 'u4it & 9 ttPs 5 - mate Bankiug in al l is branches. ripoulber shouldore that maLs nip a busy ths ochard, wibh ted auJ Luugry faces. it was aus tiio bLet ca! witL its dlean Fsrer' ntesdicoutei; epsit buschuld. Qui te a cntrast it merti,a d-Mn. Thompeun always waated is dinner opaqvue wbutct, aud hors auJ thons s deli<rePurehasers shossid book to the Label on the Boxes ana Pots. Farmr's otesdisounmi ;tepost Loiliig hLtc; aud Sabs Lsbened bu lay thoecign fcsaor convuivulus. i h dre snt53 xodSreLnotiy&esuu received anti Interest paiti on açoifts WiI higmlibi ifos4 bcdotcioth lu the cool oonm off the ktchonr n. Tihumi-psun came iu n sd oud hem uIrh inee o 3,OfodSreLnon hyaesum pI $5 andi upwarde lu Savings Banlk Lave înindsd the wunk su muoh, couill as Frank sud Cbmnioy, bier two boys, camne Vscsjt ___________________________ Departunent. Lave bcd nicescanîsets sud cestoini f urni- nuehing lu rom echool,' omoh sriviug Vu " Vhable t ;t, Jeuuy V' Le askd-the nId O t ' ure, aud bouLesud a pieVureoron w, sud daim h lemattention. Sho wms insd, beatoli, foidn ume le iusel bu cmii hiem. FARMING 111 THE NORTR1-WEBT. was boss prevalont the paeb soascu thaân iù DlAIrIrSfluwons. The home was suo vomy Lard sud auJ vsry cross. c" O Rob-ent !" ckiug a stop tnwand bhlm.- 1891, iow bocalitis if any, wero sntînsly fre Is-en ansd Collections made lu Europe ptacbicaî aud its s umnondings e wrcgotiug IlWhy isn't dhouer ready ?'"demandled IHo upenoed isarmsanauJdrow lotr close Slbm5'Impoertant Besuits Oblalued ast ths freim lb. That it cao le Iuvorcome by troat- tJo'bed 3tatsssudgCanada, y At lfrglet h Ld otnt acod M-1Tup111n7seugi ctal O uhi en, kissunglbr as fouhly aJrd ton- Experlmentel Mition. îing the seeh wîth bluebtous, nunmatoer hnw TV, J. JONES, thus utrcared for i l bt svory yosr, as toVsta hnhontro. I ul yu cl, as le ever Lad ilu the lsys ni hie Supnintrieuot lIcK7y, utnian bah, badly iffecbod thceoed msy Le, le almist a Agen ysas molod n, mhe mcter boLJungen. h ad ntime buestaste to-dayi," fhoaddodcunts"il ave booen a brute,liitlc saye-the 0observaltion n(i everynuset ravellingeebît.lushwvmabltlys- O011 me.Thumipenu Lad ont ecred b L ugiy uLi uryau oue. i Iwfr"howias ebnkily. "Canyc0 hmuhco nnr Iaiomewsthatseaty lthat the ssod ho tremted lpmop'orly. OITAB.O BA K aatsdne;Rbn ee hn hadni'b au.iybhiu nq du(1oli the foresconn but eves- forgne e I? bmvncçswr pbi ugn relu telsts maheoiouthe EpnûetlFa-m. about it. AudJ wbot ibhongh L le 1Lsd? lbile"get houier., l'dhbave lb ready Ilut imn1, &oîgî;voyou? O, Rnbsrt I nye we he ses bokiugw ýeli, asud wbo»Vths Ltlaudthcpas[ etyamthe-b"_sts-osnits erornbtiotd n ued r sm o r wou t I-hltht cas oie b Lasiebeen bcexpseco o ber 0 Ioi 11jgse.id h orlfora h it wud ldô¶fr a, l. ~A b tter eorb wae epringig Vo hemlc C t imlb"viienmi ,ertho e -ýed; DE OITlhimtert-hywie ers i lbcutLhpknCalycao W~vùhv.Yuv oua n e hspaeb ton yesms, with o - st)Oýg t hvoglylet evst-y ~i4~ie4lu avng BuL eprb entsu ~ mTh ont sta s thl ,i A h p iinsbing1luissusw u ily bu mhae;.u al ieenoo. ano mV om l wiL O ei dloo -geBeaVs-etre.Nbnetankiishod in bbc 043V pst Joul" Ls opy o,'",n,- ; ý I!!id u'biudglvr. i." of sas thyecirj'inwioed 1tr en-, fgaiiadjopi etfrsVrýIhus lanl d emtaIýsnd, .czrae, -olaboners' iavlsiesd familles, sn'nniey PiWW te y el yed I ed ùre m or asv~d EX H N Eladies witL tus on thir Lanide soýt tp a The i n-,.- ote lb; anlu-, s £ vu s er serva,.nt.L Vieilget lberlu, J 1uygivo egubar ud satistaeboy rtuosas iw'ate;mimud the eaiplo;ts inu labygve P usts ndsýoldeund DrtsfteieeedmienuEumopn aewingý-ciub, Vu maLs sloew clthes for ths, get 1V by hert, boo, mud l,s elmi - er loutboe Vhst! sewiuig-cilubcicmes rounid." borne ont ',hseobSrvatiuns nioftravoilios. hs Les-t ra'issdnh setsut !uhs Untutsittes and 0sua,looold,Sivemaud uoaly nued chiihroo. The lermors' wîves t. Du msad! l, mothe." obr, Lu-v inli yenuanse I isel The report eaya sIs1l! plot, ais,b tre t ,uutod Iwb)es Uoudt~sG-sbacksbouirhc sud sobd. Lad joiied t -Mmes. Thompeon amid uthors. Mm. Thumpeun, ber aras fnB Iof bImI îgtss id. I e have lu this district, snd 1I douhlt ÎLbedcuuid pnssil1yle obctauue,waýs useoh for C LE TO SThey imot at ststoJ intervale, bskiog the crackod mulberny plates, pausod a mnonsout A u uuare, simnet," le assxerh, nt, lu othemesialso, farinons wbu bave tbf sud, stuEs the langer plots store soswit COLLECTIONSLoues inottio;Jdiuingeathuom ttweivo, bu lot lotr eyos falou the 0 n py "A embga lt tîesashy aslho lnnod intu oneryear trom 30 bu 40 Luebesleretactep ounîfî- ueoJ aimet eotirely fifrinm t. Fourthe P'r ým.plymade at entrent ates upou al part sembliug et 000 o'cinck sud working soit suster Vuustr wmnac t as xhat esrf'e "IsW'Ilrii.muoves- a uow lbal, ow lsuh,sthiis ou bheir stubbie land, equal- las-gem plots une psu nifstater wae usod Vo cf «test Drif ain, 'VhseUnited Stases aua Usetshl o cvcihne.[ tssu-eere. It n'as ntet hs heproverb stas JIe: Leaven kuuows I Jid nt mosuto Le l odaiolyegbb itsubsesio uhol i8of h d; for the emalier plut 11 Bnaon ocnd.pisiug 1mw n-adli nons gt doue; huw nest; elle Ladlremd it scoreseof imes;: Lob icrueil" Grassted that s gond s aspls ut grain us peils.to ton bushois. Telegraph Traiisfers mauy lie pscicoatssand irocke store made thons stas suî:sebing in its appropiabsese1[ "Robert, youu sene neyer that." ueîe baus ru tLi lnsd____ Malle for lne rcss o«nis n mipartofutelongmftomnuons. IuIses Van a montb tu ths present momeut that fell iLe s cool "Wo1i-We'll lot ilbLe; bygones shah ho Le tsnch aud metnîecithugrain ina shiort-.ku hol lni Canada.Triss teespeoacim'lly mdvsumcgsuus bu lb woulh Le Mre. Thumpso's toto tn receive sweet winJ onuhem bested pulses. bgu1 s tyo ti' Oh, sud I furgut Vo or peninh than flbow, stîll tfie nvk le very jsro'living ia Mauitoba or the Numitwest, tbbc eumpay-fnrths firet time-and esle "I1still bave it roady lu a moment, Bob- 5 a Isast awLeeds this aiternuonIt's great. The roasun ni iojurly bustubbbe cnops Hors audbLets onue flude lu niod bonkes t o m ake tfn. cvaîbeS 0 ttontunally begau teoenusihor wstanduhmeaus. ot," ele siJ quuetly. s vsry (Jil týimo jusu nst, the pour olluw lis t aut of sufficieut moistune ;n thes euHbriol refeence bu blind Frendis Salinas, ni Othor partieulars cal!i mchbhck. For tbey met for au oubrtaiumot mestweli Mm, Robort Thonipsun luuLed csp. Evi- s-e sitheut s job onubaud ; su I thonght to carry the grain over ths Lot psniod. Sausb eebpdrmra laiiym ~. t. FORT, UEO- MGiLL, amsfor sesiug: tea lu the aiternoun, a grand dontlylho bah nt xpecbed su ploautma'nivtun ne be'iL br u eiatoLslahiobo buge u h alu uscs u h an atnitositot riasstaut. Managear. m eal later, stiin the titchiuig wss uer. repiy. If the rub mu-ot Le tnld, hLe Lsd u-morron utuiig"or en wsithout pboughing at li century. A century sud a bah laber Tom- Vihat stas bits. Thunpsun Vu ho? Tbeir chou.ghb a gond it blat noniog about tho "Yn-etu5tgoing bu bave hse- nover lbas sufficiont muistumo bu carrysa cnup'lagh Carolan avon undying fumme as theblini stock of plates sud dishes cuusîsteof uts est wile tano. Nut lu hsestay ni grsoiog docc p?ý" ahoexclaimeh lunstild sunçrise. tbu mabumiby u0i5ss hs Jueaud J uby aîos couipoeor auJ Larpidt, tbougLsithLmaitthu odh sd ud utcrckd clitht adutbut that she stould pnubably L nkyEbycqae nhnil.AunceVsare lu oxcese ni on.mioary yeas. lu failicw brp wssimpiy a means bu an end-th; onceLeon s iud ni muiberry colon. She eriwnthyg ntednr.IFi userlon stheudthoy gut uito dionor.h"PoiLse a ýio ii euhtmaloe i, lokalitse ac hla, i rpnywrkhaalio mitn u irs, uîupnfswing h sguctlvenue r Ladlog wntd smenosashieksar;paeihatcaoLsp sndnrethsssoaherhaehoesst ca h bumas l buL lbbe bt as es etno matVumturegainluVhsn irsnsmthfehîhAboutlie.Abot hi wauted t mnre than over nocs. Grqver, mu easy bume onitlb; thoy dou'c Lcs1sba 1bigtor"- dretyar u arsr teTnitns lm ioJNeuseSudsnlh thekLeopeof nihbbcvillage cmckery shojs, Ladl est fs" Si edybleodh b os oosblid Lay;e etory yesr at bemt tstcimJqs tbongh bluh imrom cbiidbooJ nup Lecameý a ively sot fnn sae-wthite, with ahdehicate Mus. Tho'snswnnhered sthother tie tsars "Au1Ihave beon suosticked !" sehenI er crnp ni baluswed iand.,.NetoV niy Lucasian, grofesson ni msthomnabbes t dama- epnig ni cousovul niisd fuchsias, boking s-saaf tbr fe aelo dsa iotcne,-I. ly V! o-day I Led quite stickoh du -ttocsrieLbon mtoh coponu tu)bhî rdeUisniy ucein nbmna every i, as gond as rosi china. MMssnugh for any ansontofni Let. Asb stý-, tughs obn. a eviu m. ah-tis ette imter. pboughiig histosud Sir Isaac Newtonu.>lu adJi- TbnmpsonuLad sest lhou Lemron tho set, auJ ing devnstitb thei, elo Lad eoongh tO B1uan;"vsas feeling mugry stith oey u sowing lu the semy beet manuer, lbu'tiete huis lamease a mathematician, Sanu- bLet monng Lsd brnacned the subjoct to du Vo watt on hs çarty. It sewasbin- odsv. lt tas the discounagemont Rubert." csueueofats r"ptl'i h seconduet ubcms îsh usua îms liE j er hue baud.> day sud Moblilemuet nt LecahieJt. "sîl t asbbc discouragemot, " Le third, 'àud essu the iounth yoar, stithont rnabnngisb. IV le ssid of hlm bthtLe coultI w't W . D ~E "Wht'eVh mate stthabcniuuns " "bi Lohoeunethav bon ep luth sah uit hmbl. Vieavli u ottr louhig siuris. he tubislebntedîuhuttyey uhubsdedbunlmbysinpl hoe asked. itchien, it'e like il," sid Mn. Thumponu ion the future, Janie; Vil try suother off, lb possible, sud the grain susto hy dm111 psing hie bauds oser lb, auJ, as Vhestsory VILTEa1NARY SURUif.Ë0"b oLkat then," sell nsweneh, "Tbey l"I took ilbuo t hsesilar sinco yon came P' ansd nt bouched again unili cut. This mode gues i sestas en experttbhat Le even Jotocted ORONO, - ONT. are frigbbtfnlly old asabby." ilu; I stihIgo hosto auJ gsi gun sins mono, She cied ietly for asmnuneolonger *, ni fanming may lu onue ear out of bon givo certain couitcrfeits ni Rouan coins lunose "I haroeSy ths fond stili bste as steilioff if you bhinL I Lad Ltto," ws t hs repî estti, 1bppy tests ; feeling that iigbt Lai a faim crop ou gond hemvy sud but ou light Of, the g- cat collections. Ofio-Ps OfieBlock. bben as off Gnuvr's sestut white star." givon pbeatly. sn1 aade1anula - hnd stitis a grasehiy or- poursLsu h WilliamTlosL tshml 71e CoLJlby ciogrepL or eephone recaïelvoim l"But thene'snt hafeu anugis. Ve bave "Nover mi. Wohh, I dedlans )oi u AuJ lb Leailatison froînuîy tryîog chances are sgainet t lbpnduciug esen la Ruscrea, Irobaud, msened -Vhs lutnicacues zejiaite attention. as gond asenous het." Yonuebal thie meat bnlIede' sten ou M bu arry oii, for a bit chat bliese'mpnmveth :medium cnup at aniy tume, ni th-orgongmu bu scb auextont that hoe cou- "MuVber Lad sonm est china. Vibere Thonîpson, as Le begmu te cet-se. lVI -A soiae tentrnoth mwsy strath,"' It bas bebure been pnntsd ont bLet fm-ij structed mn imprnvsdl organ tith hbus osto la lb ?" harder than a rock. .Il meat bas tobu LeIIsiio munmuned. "Robert, hid ygun 55'Otlnstd land, lu s orp'-islug menuet, 'stores Ibauds, lncruduciug lu lb many exceileut im' diebýasboiul Ly lber dissppuietment. Sho otThooson staited tbu sipe Lie ste; so ,,:oigly lu Afghanicsn. Ho ws teVoheavy soul, and hes eonod for hghi leod but no.Auuiae'hsuermyb ie stas bobh igmeved sud sngry. it as s ic- andin bLt momet hs suices of hie cons- biave C(UnaishnAprii 13, and expetshru inisted of hree luches &q)o, tVhs and if neseary. bis thlng, ponhas, Luth tle hs itibs ihinge panionuscame bostards hlmfm i t iber seach fierai, wboro e atas Vu o bjuiued by sbenld Le piongbed six oLhes ee at firet. 'Ple subj oct n ofaisoke l'bable Vo aà ni iis that doigt or auuoy. ide of hs badge, stbore chey stood lu Vhs Vtse Aighian Cunmiasonuen, ou Mey 7. ,Re- The chird wariponed ths graiu four hat's second ttmck, aeuh ihould du nmna B L K N IExistence sesmed vsmy bans aunmshy lutile shahs it omt. cebt reporte niofthe gnuaing enubuese ni the ecriier then hs other tu Lt the yuohd st55strk fo.r months auJ Leep ftomi ecie bu Jane Thumpeonuthat sumniser day. Witb "I usson pitisd a stuman sue ilu mj Amii, prs t he bcBritish ans bhougbc bu Io's.met hem love ni case sud Leauty mauh symnsbnlus," quuth onus niihom. I"Sho stunk ie iavs nu serions fouondetion, but Oriental Anthen muet lumportant point bu considormet 0_ w 1)LEtFIcsh sudi adcommis mmd Lard minoic- sevansd dosni get even a unueh aqa; jpubI11eub tenot nt uthe habit ni wemrnug y bbose iarmng lu ths Nortb-wsteTerri- bluet of our miefortunea ramoto suppor eh al lier scrouuhiuigs. , t asEui 'theuk ye' fifobrniThompeon. fssàa V 'r lisants upun their sheoves hum dawste butories, is ensut, stbicb causes cunbd husto' tabj, le VanVths, coumeu ' ot rif T E H COOK S BESTTIoeo ,moooosrudofhFR1CNPlobtucm'o onuo h pc ,.tecunrAtog ti nm fwea. pnten t.q&TSAE1 4% u.bnmnoooeron ihoui ou onfehw pbuosso ut po hSALEa.th oomy lLug hsoum tstetuunteu