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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1893, p. 4

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M~ FOR 1%SALE BY ul st BOMVILLE. ed 131 WEST DUJrIIHAM H!,)OORID. ci Froin timie to tre loa eky ini dleed, sud (ofte se'veral tiales niAe eue week's issue, weý haie the ple4sui(e .cf i making mention of the credtable doings th or distinctions wou by West Durliam 01 boays It niatters net in what sphera of bI activity or cnpeGitiou they are found, a' theýy have the knack or abiity of comniug promîaonetly te the front ff the proces- a sion or top of the heap. Last week the fi, great Natioýnal Convention wvas held at a Ottaw6ýa, aud it pieasod us inaueyand we kucrow it wiii ba gratifying te the people of Wost Iurhainte Iearn that one r of our respected and euergetic citizanst %vas se promînientlv recognizcd. Out cf C '2500 dlegates present from ail parts of 0 the Domuinion, a cemm-iiittee of about 50 ' %vas nùessary te forînulata the piatform9 sud poiicy of the Liberai party,_ and te mould the saine jute words by a sertes c)fn resel)utions. Our successful sud wortiy f Presideut of the Webt Durhauî Liberal I Association, Mr. D. Burke bipeu a chosen out of thîs great number among the 1irst hiaif cf the narnes te assist in i this serious undertaking. It was aun n or of which env people should be preud,t sud of which Mr. Simpson ne doubt is,, iu that it raflects se creditably upon us.u WVe kuew of Mr. Simpson's great reiuct- sunce t,- enter political if e, but it msay ba the, party's geod fortune somaetime in the future to be able toenelis hi-, services te sssiîst in rescuiug our country from itsé preseut unhappy condition, sud if suc- üssf ni, we prophasy that in th-, very near fuÉtureý thereatter, greatar hon-,rs wil ba in store for our Ridiug. Frein his iuow ladge axid expraunca cf the farînsund its 'wants, luis general acqtiaintanceshîp with business, h is practical way cf lookiug ati ail1 mrattars, his naturai aptitude, and fis past succoîses, he couldi ost ably do us yeomar.n service. There are over 400 subscrîbars teTfiE SASMNwho have net paid fer 19 sud se sme of these are in arrears for former1 yaars as weIl. Now we are net running business for our healtb, uer do wc wish te psy eut moucy for wages, papier, ink and postage for people whe are mean enengh.i te allew us to do it fer two or three years sud then want te settie at a' dollar a year-the saine prîca as people psy who a1ways psy iu advauce. We are ruuuing the business te maka meuey, sud as we need ail the cash we oan get te psy ex- penses through these quiet summar Inonths, wa wat evary man, woman sud institution that owes us s dollar to psy uli forthvvith. Wa have asked se mauy times for some cf thasa subseriptions that wev're getting eut cf patience. Don't cauisa us auy uunecassary worry this hot wetaplease. TELIBERAL PLATFORM. toqs Theoutoomecf tha great Libarai Ccn- rsett p.Il.¶ veution at Ottawa last wekç wa3 the settl e.-L ad9ption cf the follewiug nesolutiens f CURE4yo~ which may no4w' Ge cousidared the politi- ee cal piatform cof the Libaral party lu Can- bars ad% at tha ensuing Dominion ciactions. bace SIE? Thase resilutions shouid be carafuily so raad by avery aector whatavar bis pres-ga CLEA LOG oet politicsi bias may ha, that ha may in- prci SKI'~ L. FE telligentiy undevstand what the Liocralselaec ara preparad te do te rastoe prosperty To aud satisfaction once more tpata- u b daned sud ioug-suffering people. Wa toi N . i$'t have hail protectio n fer the few long abi( euough: let the îuany have a chance next divi MENTAL ~STRONOha - for a period sud scea hw that wll work.di NERES Ail cf the felewing ,rasolutions wera ton Yussuimusly adoptad: SARSAPAR I LIA \VeTHE TARIFF RESOL~UTIONOS.ndi ,,W. Hsmmerly, sweli-known business man cetinasmlddcr:to of 1lilisboro, W, sends titis testîieîony te That tha Customs Tariff of the Domin- cft Uta mer-itsocfAyer's sarsaparilla: "Severai ion sheuld ha hased, not as it uow is, ed years ag, I urt niy lh g, thcitiryileaving nte otv- rncpa ut1o asore whtel lad toe i ttspeias. My suffariugi upcnth protectvpicpe uuo O svere extrame, my leg, from tha kuceto til the raquiremants cfthpui srce ankleel' itgaset ici soe, wiicliîbegan te ex- tend t cO terprs cf fie body. After trying That tha existing tariff, fouuded upon varions reediaes, 1 began taktug Ayer'e au uusound princîpleansd used,-as it lias Sarsaparitia, aud, before I1 hsd finislued the tAs first-botte, 1 exparienced great relief; thet beau by the Govrnutent, as a oorruptîng tre secondbotte efi ected a cotupicte cure.", agenoy, wherewith te keep thaînselvas in Ayet s Sasap rcilofice, las deveoaed mnopolies, trusts Pau Vrprdbyr.JO.AsuCooelMs. ad conbinaticus: pc Prearelyr.JO.Aer&0.,OWeIM55. It hias dacreîsed the value cf farm sud al 'Cures others,wil cure YOU other landad proparty;mi plecufators, upson u esoab ternis cf lemaut, suin iiSuc l amas as çan be tseuab1yoCCcupieýd aud culitivatad by tiea Ler. COEIRiNMAINDER "ACTS. fhat by the Gerryü-mudýer Actaý, the noral divimions for th ortuu f ei- rs te thea buse cf Ctuuns aveý en se made as te -preveut a f air expras- an cf the opinion cf the couutry at thie taerai alections, sud te secure te .the wty Dow in power, s stratugth eut cýf il1 -portion grester than tie numbers cf octors supportînig thei would warranit. :put au end te this abuse, te) makýethie îusc cf.Couirnm e fitir epe os f bic opinion, sud te presa;rre thlxi i- ric coutiuuity cf couinties, it lis deusîr- )l that in the formnation cf electorai 'isicuns that oounty bouwdanies -,sheidc Bpraservad, sud that in no case part S cf lfereut coun:ias should put iii eue ciao ra,1 division. PROHIBITION.', ýjr Tbat ithaveas public attention i s at eseut imucli directed te thea cousidera M on cf the admittediy great avils cf je- Ji mupavance, it is desirabte that tlie miud et the people shouid hi clearl ascat-taini- 1on the question cf prohibition h y K tans cf a Douminion plehiscite. mu FRANýCHISE AUr. ase Rasolvad: That the Franchis;e Act sic ce sintroduction lias cost the Donîlion G -asury over a million cf dollars baie .tailiug sab.eavy expenditure to bth li oiticai parties; That ecd revision je cieirs au adtim 1expanditure cf a f urthar q(Juarter, cf is illion; S That tbis cxpeudituia lias preveted I naunual revisîcu as origiually initeuided, .the absence cf which young votar s an- T flad te thej franchise have in numevous stances beau preventad from rciin aeir tîstural rights;' That it bas failad te sacure uiioitu li y, ihidi was the principal reason assignad r its introductionu; F That its provisions aie las iberal thats hosa aiready exîstin g in miatîy provinces ,the Dominion, sud that iii the<p jiicui ,thia convention the sot iiotild l be va- ualad. sud we should revcrt to thie 1pro- oiilfranchises. EOPROOITY RESOLUTION, That baving regard te the posit ion cýf ýanada sud the United States zas ;ad1oil- .g cîntitnies with usany mutual ùutarest s, tis desirabia b thahra hudbeh eost friaudly relations sud hrosd asud ibanal trade intercý,urse bcetwaau theas; That tha juterests alika of the Domnini- on sud cf the Empira would ha usatérisi- yadvanced hy the establisliing cfÀ suche rlations; That the pcniod cf thea oldid rciproocity reaty wsoeaof marked prospeicriy te 1e British North American euolus' That the pretaxt under whiich tha ev ,rmant appealed. te acounitry in m1 l specting negotiaticuis for a treaity wýith i 'li United Stat.,s was miislaading aud dis- ouest, sud intanided te d1eceive thae lac- t --)ate. That ne ,ýshmcere effort lias 1beenii rade h)y tham te obtain a traatyý but tat on the cutrary, it is nmanifesi tht t le present Governutauet, cnrldast thy are by nio1nopoies and) rn -es, vnet d(le Fu- oi ecoZlý~ ta 4 That ta first step towardsot'tng ha cAn ini vimm- is te place a party inl poewwo are sinicavely dafsirous ci ipro- itcotiug s ' treaty on tarinis honorable te botlt co1untrias; That a fair sud hbarai vecipiocity treaty would davalcp thie great tIatuval rescurcas cf Canada, wonld( cnorsnonusly nvease the trade aind cmmrc etwean lia twe countnias; îvcuid tend to acour- aga friaudly relations hatween tle twc peoplas; wouid raera uî any cusa whiclihava in tha past poked irrita- Lion sud troubla te the oenemsc both countries, sud weniid promnoet iosa kindly relations betweets tha Empira and the Rapuhio which afford the hast guar- autea fer peaceand prosperitLy; That the Liberal Party is pVrapavbd te enter jute nagotiaticus with a viaw tech - taiuing sncb s treaty,inldg îa- consideved iist cf mniufatctured articles, aud ira ara satisfiad thiat any traq'vS() s arranged wmli vaceiva t'lieassaut ocf ber Mai esty's Goverumanýolt, mithont îwhose approval ne traaty can hacumade. ON TitE, PUBLIC lnxav. Wa caunot but viaw wiýith aaiat'la large mocrase cf the public debt , td"f tha coutrollabla aiuaiexpenditure. of the Domnion, sud the censeq uent ud)ua taxationt cf the people undar the G overui-1 ments that bava beau ceutinuousiy iin power sinca 1878, sud wue damand the i otnictest eceuomy in the adiniistrition cf the Government cf the counitvy A VERY FINE MONUMENT. Auy jerson xlhcvisitsBomsila Ot3hawa,Liudeay on Paterbo-. cceetaiîes wtil obeetva th4At many tof tcu f-ýtto- umants arectad sharain i1ue fron thdeaelt. kucwu Poxmaniviliearanla Wovlts cf wlhich Mn. E. R. Bounuall is ro jtr Wa had the privilega a few d.ys age cf inspactiîîg a lange sud vary b, eautful nienumeut tiat Mnr. Bouail h -ei justL placad in the farnily hur-ýl tfW. Glauaay, Esq , iiu tha Unioiin etery, OehawkiTh,3desigu is sctag eu matit large dtaped urn sud sad aboutý 12 fetÉ hi.,-quite m4ssive sud hiand- soe. The matenial is red sudi putipia Sweda Graniteansd the inisoeiptieus are lu gcld. The workmaausLii, likao evary- thîing that goas eut ftom )Mn. Btîslsl's works, is first-olaas lu a ver'y respect. Tiare ana many very flu meînîetusil tbe Uuioiu ccmetery, but ibis ouenareted for b1r. Gaenney wil, N-e fal srb admirud. by ail whe sse it. Wh ila spaakiug wit h Mr. Bieurnsel ou- Mouday about this monument-, l ho 1 Ti in tii vea Vbic hav baû sptcpra Send 25 'Sunlight" Scap mrappers as follemawape ern tewrs WyDe iv.No. 70, 32 p r r apperanikgthoe rsT'h DMae" cent, pad 1.t toLEvER BRos , Ltd., 43 Scott St,, Dacamber, 1882$2500 Toronto, sud yen will raceine bypost >iv. No. 71, 31 par pretty picture, free frein advertiaing sud cent., pqpsblelat maIl worth framing. This is an easy Juce, 1893 .... 52,500 00 may te daccrata youn home. The seap Added to Rest.. . 30,000 00 is thea hast lu the market, sud it wili - euly cost le. postage to send ie the $135,000 00 wrappars, if yen leave the ends open. laluc c prfi crtid or- - Write your addvess carefully. ward ...........................0547 ____1110W TO CURE ALL SKIN DISEASES"1 The Business cf the BaLk for the paat Simply apply "SWAYŽtE'S OINTMENT." 't i- li beau saîisfactcny,and as de'ailed No internai u'edicina required. Curas en the Balance sheet herewixli shows Bub- tetten, eczama, -itcb, aIl emupions on the tantial gÏains in avary dapartimnn. Dur- face, bauds, noe, etc., laaviug the skie ing tbe early moutlis mouey was abuedant clear, whiteand haaltby. Ita great heal- at lcm rates sud nmcdnrate iu demnaud, ing sud curative powera are possessed by followed l ister by a savate stringenicy in no ethen vemedly. Ask yeur-d-Rggiat for ha6 ,ioi gR,ýpniplie, eutailiug un- SWAYNE-'5 OINTMRNT. Lyman Sous& isual1 responsilbilîtias sud auxiety upon Ce., Moutreal, Wholesalo Agents. lic s-, eutmnstqd with the corduct cf MtonetaryInstitutiong. Although Canada has not se far beau affected te any matevi- al eetthe close relations eaxistti.g -e xt'9e)4 , r1§541-4fi-o ue time71 at leasi, caul for caution until thair huisi- ctess sud currenrcy ara placed upocn a mnore e lu Octavie sud Quehec the crops were clîsappelutinz, tbe yiald failing shnort cf ,nhat w as expected, while the pni ces vealiz- ed were lowar titan for many yesrs, the affect of which lis- beau te humit the Jusb in a sp massof the agricaltonal community,auda trada b as beau semaewhat rvaàtricted tin_ censequanos, 'It is gvatifying, hcwever," L E tokothttemecniecemmutiityT R AL L t tive poiicy, and affairs geuaî ally are ncw, on s sondar footing than fer years. The laînher tnade, In mhich a large pro wh w l portion cf the Bank'a mc.anEs isitaraated, w i h -v l 1 was, as aibticipêted in the sat report, very profitable. Pnicas wma reinunuaratina sud the ad1emand staady. fTie ont titis c n fc year is aven l'arger, and frein present n alesatio)ns me hava every reason te anticiui loise3ry, R-C ate a8sauccessful a seascu as thema pst. The usitalinispection of the Branchas were ccutinned during the year, and your -Ladie)s' Sat'e Divectors have to express their satisfac- tion ut the, manner lu which -the offleers of thae Bank bave dis.-harged their duties. I~ de 'Eub Reapapctfully submn .ittad, L d e R b W. P. HOWLAND, President. TYrviAlq- C ar Tt lias oppressed the masses te the an- [hinent cf a faw; su Tt lias cheoked immigration; tn Tt lias oaused great loas oî population; tt It lias impeded commuerce; tlî lt lias discimiustad sgainst Great h ýrtain. wl Ili tiasp, sud in insuy othar w53'5, it fo tas occasioued great public snd private o jury, al cf mhicli anis inuat continue th, ogrow iu îutausity se long as the pres- cf nt Tariff systam reaîsns ta, force. cf That thaeligliest intaeaets cf Canadae umand s removal cf this, obstacle te eutv ouutry's, progress, by the adopti of a ond fiscal poiicy, îvhioh, wbile not [oing injustice te auy clasa. will prenieta [mestic sud foraigu tradeand hasten CO te ratura cf prospevity te Our people. ini That te that end, the Tariff shcuid ha it lduoad te the uaeds cf lieneat, economi- mi il1 goverument. l'il That it shculd ha se adj nsted as te nake froc, cnr te hear as iightly as pcss- I dle upon tha necassaries cf lîfe, sud l âculd ha se arranged as to promota freer vi -ada with tha whoia wcnid, more partie- t ilarly Great Bnitain sud the United th tatas,.t XVa balieva that the vasuits cf the pro- e uctiva systein have gra vicusly disappoint- re -d theusauds cf pansons who(. honiestly ti ,tpperted it, aud th at tha country ie tha ght cf expariance is now pvepanecd te deo- lare fer a sennld fisc!al poioy. n Tha issue baetweu the two politicai tl attris on titis great question je uow t The Gvrî~t'esla adit tisea a cilura cof their fiscal poliey, sudc nom pre- 'sas thair wiliingniess te mlakje semap t bhauges, but they say thut snobi changes rtust hae basadI on the prinoipla of prcte- r i tun- b \Ve deneunce the prittoipla Of proec- ion as radicily uusouud aud uîj ust te ti ha masses cf the people, sud, we daclava t, >11v conviction that any tariff changes ji sased cn that principla muat fail te afford t' auy substantial relief f romn the burdansa undev whjch the country labors. This issue wa unhesitatingly acoept, tnd upon it weawait with the f ulleat oen- fidenice tîte verdict cf the electors cf Can- ada. THE CORRGýPTION RESOLiTTION. t The convention depîcres the grosa cor- ruption in the mantagemeant sud axpeudi- tura cf publie, moines which for yaarst past lias axisted undar thee mie cf'the ocusarvative Party, sud thea vvaations if whici by the diffarant Paniiamieutary Committeas of Inqniry hava hronght dis- grace upon the fair camae cf Canada. The Govavnumet which pvefited politi- cally by thasa expeuditures cf public mnoities cof mhicli the people hava beau de-1 franded, sud wbich, navevthaiess, bast nanan puniahed tha guilty parties, inuat bc e ld vasponsibia for the înany wrong dotugs. XVe arraigu the Govarumant for ratain- ttug in office a Ministen cf the Crowu provad, te hava accepted very large con- tributions ef mo:tay for alectîcu purposea from the funda cf a vailway cempauy, wh'ciî hile paying ;tie political contrib- utions >te bim, a mamber of tua Govaru- ment, witi oee aud, was vacaiving Gev- erument subsidias with tha othar. The couduot cf the Miaisten sud the approval cf ha ocîleaguas aftar the proof bacame kncwu te theni, ara oalcuiated to dagrada Canada je the estimatjon cf tha wovid, sud daserna tha savate condam- nation cf the people. ROYAL COMMISSI1ON. The convention regrets that hy tha action of ministers sud thair supporteara in Parliamaut,' je oeecasa in .mhici serions charges mare mnade agairtst a min- istar cf the Crowa, investigation mas ai- togethar vafused, whila in anether casa the charges preferrad mare altered aud then refarrad te a cemmnisien appciated upon the advica of t4e miuistvy ccntrary to the meli settled practice cf Parliament; sud tuis convention affirma: TIsat it is the anciaut and undouhtad rîght cf the bouse cf Commons te inquive tuto ail tîtatters of public axpenditure, sud jute ail charges cf miscenduot in office againat ministava cf the Cncwn, sund tha vefarenca of suci mattars te Royal Commissions craatad upon theasdvice cf the accusad is at variance mith the due vaspensihility of miaistars to the bouse cf Commons sud tends te iveaken the autimority cf tha bouse even the Execu- tii'a Govarnumant, aud this convention affirma that the powars of the paopla's, rapresentatives te this regard siîouid ou ail fitting occasions ba uphald. ON PUBLIC LANL5. That in the opinion of tus conention the salas of public lande of the Dominion should ha te actuel settlers ouly, sud net iNotes in circulation... 9O5893 00 Daposits not bearing iinterast------------.. .. 1.26,274 49 D.oposits bearng ici.. 4,457,372,26 Balances due Banks in Canada . ..... ...... .. 25,47 83 - 6, 657.M 892 $3,653.432 10 ASSETS. Goverunt dilemain. ;-ne......... N otes ef sud cîtequai on ethar banks ... Balance due frem éther bauks In Canada.... Blanaceue fror banki iu United States.. Balance dnefrom banks fa Great Bn tain.. Datiesit mlih Go-crm- ment for secnity of ente circulation... . ~Gvernment secunijas, id municipal sud ethaer debaninrea., Loaus at oeil on collai- ..r...s..... ...... 500,093 GO 250,991 19 151,077 46 121.853 61 21,S98 4 50,670 10 335,981 1 555,478 -61 - -8.218076 7. Bilsuds--------- 609,and7 lonr .....e ....b ..... st W,41a7 Oedebse stbs to i fr 6,032 2 Real astate...... ...... 103.M651 Monigageea....... ...... 128w00 0 Bank pramiesandsudrn. utture..... .......... 165,82 193 Other assets...... ..... .3625 6,435,M 538 $8,653,432 10 Ontario Bank 1C. IIOLLAND. Torcutoel tMy19.Ganeral.atanaer, After expisuations mith fn eoet thlepoaition sud business of the Banki d urieg the year, Sir W. P. Homlaudl ,dendid lot of )e so1d oheap, sting of ves, Parasols, ,on Blouses, ber Circulars, ,rigo'çt R.u-ms. etc. Men's Ties, Men's Top Shirts, Mei's IJndershirt.s, Men's Socks. If you are for I CT NowT is your tirne.Ail wll be sold at wholesale, prices. Gent's Ties, 2 for. 25 oent,'. Worth from 35 to 40 cents 9acl Have you tried our 25c Tei- It is the besb'w. JOHN MCMURTRY 1 - hirth sixtlh Annual Report of the Directorâ 1'-ES-' ENTE AT TH5 A"NNUAL GENERAL MEL i NG c F TifE SucAustîcan us-Sun ,,ANTIA LGAlINs INEVauYIDEVARtTMENT --HIA F-YEARLY DVFD op en0FTaERE A>ND> OEE IIALF PEzu CENT. EÂC1u-830- 000 APDRD TO THE RFST AcconU,-Z-SIR .P.UowLmsai EEç'rno PiijEsmusi TPhe Annuai Geneval M-z'c'iegcf f thel ock-hclders cf ihia instituti,,i was haid ita haukiug hotise lunTovonto un Tues- ay, the 20th day cf June, 1893. Anmong ose pieseut wara: Sir W. P. Rowland, ýB., K.C. M.G., W. R. Mlillbr (Mont- ea), W.Gleuuy (Oshawa), C.S.Gzowski, r.Hon. J. C. Aikifis, J. K. Macdonald, V.W. Keighley, E. B. Fraeland,Donaid lackay, Gco. -.N. Rose, C. E. iloopar, udga Dennistouv, A. M. Smith sud bters. On motion Sir WV. P. Rlowland. C.B., C.MGwas callad tei chair, sud r. -diolland was requested te sot as ocretary. Messvs. J. K. Macdonald sud C. S. zowski, j ,vere appointed Scrutîneers. At the oi e. f the chairman the orartary read ite tollowîng R1EFOUT. Tho Directors beg te snbmit te tha Shrieldars the Thirty.Eixth Annual eport sud Statautant of theaffais cf the ank for the year ending 3lst May, 1893. ha net profils, after deduot ingCharges cf Manageme-nt, iutarc-st accrued upon De- peîits,and making provision for bad aud doubtf ai dels, were...... ....... ...... $130,303 51 Profit and bass (brought for- ward frotn 312t May, 1892 15,001 96 $145,30b 47 moved, iaecouded by 'Ar. A. M. Smith, that the report hoasdopted, which was duly cs:ried. Theaunaa resointiens, thankiug the presideut sud Diractoro,wera then pased. The scrutineere sppeinted at the meet- ing subsequeutiy reported the folilowiug gentlemen duly alacted as Directors fer the-ausuing yaar, viz - Sir W. P. llow- land, C.B., K.C.M.G., Donald Mackay, A. M. Smith, G. M. Rose, i1on. C. F. Fraier, G. R. R. Cockburn, M. P., aud Hon. J. 0. Aikins. The uew Bogrd met the s;ama aftarnoon, when Sir W. P. llowlaud was eiectad Presidaut, and A. M. Smith, Eýq., Vice- Prasideut by unanimous votes. C . HOLLAND, Ganaral Manager. Toronto 201,h June, 1893. New Butcher Fîrm. Mr. (iee. J0l sud Mr. Robt. Rowe hava bouglit the old established meat business from Air. W. R. R. Cawker who bas for se mauy yeârs carried on a suc- cessful butchering business here. Mr. Joli bas s îhorough acquaintancea with tha mneat tradeansd the high character of the Town Hall Meat fleadquarters will ha f uily sustained. The new proprietors wîll give a .raful snd prompt attention te ail orders aud ara determined te giva sat- isfaction te al cuitomers. Cash will ha paid for bide.-, sheepskins, tailow, poul- try, egge, etc. Higbast price for good calves aud lambs. Citizaus ara requestad te giva Joli & Rowa the uew firm, a triai. Asic YouR FriES »S ABOUT IT.-Your diotressing cough can ho curad. Wa kuew it becausa Kemp's Balsam wthin tae past faw years has cured se mauy coughs sud coids in this community. Ito remaîkable sala bas beau won entiraly by its3 genuina menit. Ask semae friand who has used it what ha thinka of Kemap's Baisarn. There is no medicina so pure, neote se effective. Large hotties 50a. sud $1 at aldruggists.&Samplefree.--tf. How to get al'Sunlight" picture. = IW OMAL4N 1fRo W and is tired, will find a speial help; tion. Perfectly harmless in an- condition of the female system. prmtsail the naturul functio adbiIsup, strengthens, reguilateb and cures. For womcn approachin confinement, nrii-i-ý,rrg iïthier, in every -weak, run-down, delicate wo- matn, it is au invigorating, support- ing tonic that's peculiarly -Adapted to their needs. Bat it's more than th-at, too. Vts the euily guctranteed rem-edy, for al the functional disturbances, painful disorders, aud chronie weaknesses of womauhood. In "-female coin- plaints" of evcry kirnd, periôdicai pains, bearing-down sensations, ini- ternal inflammatioii ,n,, an ' 1indredl ailmeuts, if it ever faisi't.i5ene-1 fit or cure, you have you,?r money back. Somethirtg ilse that pays the denier better, may be Il ust as good." Perhiaps it is, for 1dm, but it- can't be, for y'ou. G E2NERAL STATEMENT. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid -ap. .$i.50,000 00 Rast .. ...... ..........3500 00 Balance cf Profits car- riadf frmard--------10,35 47 Dividanda Unc)aîmafi. - _,37 5) Divldend Ne. 7t, Bay- able let June, 1893 ff-O l1easrved for Interest due Depoaiters, E. 1change, etc .. ........57,146 55 Rebate on B1118i dis- couuted-------------. .. 30000 00 BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCOOL. ENTRA-NCE EXÂAMNATION, June 28th, 29th & SOth, Beginuing at 8:45 s. m. cch day. N. B.-Writing sud Drawing beoksa must ha handad te the presiding exa-.iner on moruing cf 28th. PRimÂR.Y begins July 4th. JUNIOR LEieGuN PÂSS MATRICULATION )UY t SENvioR LEAVINo and) 7RIONOR SCHOLÂRtSIFJUIY l3th. M. M. FENWICYK, B. A., ýpd 0use p

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