Cr La Grippe, though occasonally cpi. demie, is alweys more or less prevlent. T1he best cemedy for this complaint Ls Ayoir's Cherry Pectoral. 4ý Last~ Sping, 1 was taken down witli ,a Grippe. At urnes iwascoirpletely pros- trated, and so difficLIt was mry breathing that Mny breest seemaà -as if coufioed in an Iron cage. I procured e bottie of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, end rin sucrier bad 1 began takng t hanreieffolow.i cold notble- lieve fthet thc effeet . oude so rapid aridthe cure sO comrplete. tl etr-uly aNworderful mcd. ,cn~-W. H. WVY-fiLLT , s ook City, S. D. Cherry e23t o ral prOnipttO act, SUtgeO cure FRUIT RAISERS SIIOULD USF, OUJR -AJSE T:D HELLEBORE For spraying their frites and bushes. Having secured the best articles in the market, we can pos- itively guarantee our Paris Green and Hlellebore te be effectuai ini the destruction of isco <STOTT & ýGB,4ND TRUNK 1,ÂILVJWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. GOING EAST qGOINO ES Expre3ss... am2 ilExpress ...à20am Express.... 10 27 ami Express .... 6 4 aarn Pasenger. ... 2 45 p insiPessonger . ...8 39 a mn Passengzer.. .. 7 07 pmni Pasenger . ...2 29 p mn Express.P9558pmni Express.4 12 pin Express.-10857 p i Exprgss.8 30 p mn WHEN YOU Go TO) BRITIBH LCOLUMBIA. MANITOBA. EUROPE, UNITED STATES. or any place in Canada call et STOTT & JT.YsDrug store for Tickets'arid Ilor- mation regerding lowcat rstc% hend beat routes. ]BOWMÂNVILLE, JNE, 28, 1893. Local and Otherwise. Mr Lucius Venstone cf Toronto was hetn'é over -Sunday., Mvrs. R. Ch-erry Icft lest week te yisit hrsons et Schnectady and Philndelphie. Miss Puggen cf Brampton was gnst of Miss j onss, Retreat Deiry, lest weok. 1tev. S. T. Barticit arid family cf Lakefield are guesta eat Mr. J. Heliyar's, Uladstone Villa. It would hoe agood idea for the Ronds and4 Streets Comimitie b empioy anme of1 the nmon rociving towi> aid cottiig the on a risuoeof the streets. The Pat Granids of Florence Nightin- giJe sodge, No 66,, 1. 0. O. F, are Epeeialy requ*etotatom eout inu fnl force at tho noext ceguler meeting in the lodge roomn, tis (Wodnesday) cvcnieg. Parasols at rt'duced pricezae John J. Ahl shedes cf Kalsiominoe t R. Worth'1a8 Bowmanville. W. H. Osborne invites ail ladies te test bis tees. Delicioug fiavors. Oeil and ses the clcap Wall Paer feom 5a. up et T. Sherin & Co's. Gantsa Tic', 2 for 25c. worth 25c. te 40c. each et îhe West Ecd bouse. The higbeit price paid for nIl kinda Jferas produce býy 'W. VH. (Oshorne. 500 Men'saR!id tl-oya' Sus ti 1Mason a. Tou will bc uissete sce ti mbefore you buy clothung. If you wnnt te feel comfertable theso hot days 30ou should boy one cf these Sunier C,'lts aind Vesta et Cooch, John- Dr. Butler's Goldenl Pilla are tho moat solentific medîinlal blood purifier and nerve tonlo yet cffered the public. Givo them a trial and hbc oliovincod. Do ycu 'tient a suit that will ho sure te suit you, thon lekavo your order et Couch, Johruaton & Crydlermen's. They dlo the lai.geat Rend het ordered-clothhing trade) In thiE ccunty. Try thoin for one suit, and you wll go hack for the next., Minard'q Liniment cures Dandruif. blon. S. if. Blake Q. C, raiiedI on the Poâ 1bopo has a bhig celebratioü on Welcoming thse Pastor. iPol iian on) Satûrday fer Enigicnd. Dominion P5y. AIl rendorsi are invitcd te send us items Parcel takon frens Miss Sh,' y is On0 Thursdlay afierneen îhe ncw peator cf local newa iànd therehy aessttinmeking tae. Pleago returu. o! tLhe iMethedîsi cîurch, iBowmanvilo , this Iaper intereating. r .Lminnbsnal eoe e. Caleb Parker, and f amily wera met A Yard ef Panaies and or New lrem- his usuel hesith again. et ticotainonthoiarivte , hîe cei um Book for 25c. combinies heautyl and Mca, R. Moore and deugîters, Brooîk cpionBommantîo eîd a the cffit big value. Send for them-stamps taken l'n, called on Bowmenville friends ysstr or- fD. JndMescorted te Ic pre Notwiihsanding the big sale whieh day. îhey verr hospitably enierfeincd till thc Coudh, Joheaton & Cryderman have lad Misses Couch and Boreland t nde nexday. la tho cvoningbhýtwEàen 7aed for Spring Dres GODd they are sii! the concert at Ontario L-.dies Clege 8 o'cioc-k an informel reception was ton- s3howing a fine essentiment cf ilese gooda lest weok, dloroed in'l the lectuceoracmof the le ail qoalities, with alîks and velvets for M.W.R R.Cwe hhaben church whon tilere wai a large nuinber trimming te match. dengerGusily ill for about n mentjbisl re- prosent taecxtend wclcomoe greetinga and Miss bateler left on Friday hy tle covering elowly. esnako îleh acqueinienceofo the now 10.27 express for Monireal where sbc Ms1curr fPrrîw.~ cornersý. Afier nseason cf iatroductioe emhbarked on the Parisian for Liverpool, his eek cy f errtos ner ýsnmd social conversatio, Mr. Richard e route for Southampton. Somne eofhecr uost t eko a utMa unrBregg wus sked ta take thc chair, and friands went te thse station te sce ber off, and other friands here. m iade a short speech. ie ilhon caled on SIc vtill ho grcatiy missd luinîle Meth- Miss l3ennister haa imparted from. the now pastor and several leadîng memn. odisi church and Sablth School where Salemu, Virgini e, e two wîeeled ph-ton beris o! île cengrogatiors who made brie! ehe has beau e z3alous and succes3ful cf unique design and eomfortable appe-ar- addreaacsi suiied ta the occasion. The christiaix workon. 5li0.regLe,"Ir prayer meeting !ollcwed. Rev. C. E. Mcîniyre, e former paster Go te Rickard's if yen warts a wtch. The Canipbolîford Heraid tIns re-fera cf the Motbedirit cliurcb, Bowrnenville, Hie sella a lndy'a solid'gold 141z Eli n t-Rv. Mr. Parker.,Arn "At Hlome" was on leaving île Aikin et. church, London. watch worth tif îy dollars for twcnty-five gîven le the Meihodiat church, last nîght wes pesented with au elceent easy chair dollars. Ths il below the owest iiy thie occasion being thse gathcring cf Cle by membera f ee! u l ,Ms cuyepie.congregation te teke face well of their ce- was pceented witl an eddreass and a life M. A. James is agoni for thsefoown spectcd pastor who hqa served them se memnbccship by the Woman'a Miesienery popuier steams8hip lins-Allen, Alian- !eithfully in the miniatcy of îhe gospel Auxiliary amnd Miss Maggio rcceived e Stnte, Dominion, Americen (fnrrnorly the duringteps w ees n egv beautifoul quilt !rem tIe Mission Cicle. niaAchr ndHm rgmEricen warm welcome te the newly appointed At the half ycarly meeting cf the D. 0. Packet Co. All information aýbout rîtes ipastnc, Rev. T, W. Jolliffé, laie cf Bow- & P. Ce. Mutuel Benotit Society the fol- and mailiega cen haobldou application et manville. Mr. Parker'a em ovalislagon- lowing officeca wore elected for cnatuing the STATESMAN oýffice, BeIwmeeIville, erally rcgretted, end wc trust ho may year:-Prest-Geo. E. Maynerd; Vice persenally latter. m.akeq many new friands and sa the work Prest-Jas. Archibeld; Secy-F. R. --of îlie church proaper in lis new homo. Duubam; Tres-3 chu Keachie; Direct- Strawberry Social. On Sunday -rnorniag end eveniug Rev. ors-Messra. W. C. King, Gao. L. Rewe, C. IPsrker preecled te large and approci- J. Melntyre, E. L. Wel8h, W. iRoenigk; There, will le e strtewhcrry social le ativo congregatiena. Ris mrnrnng themoe Collctors-Tîca. Bottereai, E. S. Meath, île Mthodist chucch achool com ou Ilwa "Hqoe Influences" and in the aveu- P. Fishley, F. R. Dubaxu, Ga. E. Tuesdey July 4t1 te begin it 5 o)'ecek. ing -Man as an Ovei-comer." A cether Mayeard; Auditor-W. McKçy. Basides strawbecriesaend crçam and other snua oniec a httctx The officers o! Court Pride of Oatarie, edibles, thece will bo an iutorcating pro- lcjLe for île cvenieg discourse ires tle No. 6000 A. O. Foresters>, for the next grami. Everybndy corne sud encourage samle as Rev. T. W. Jellîffe spoke froue terra are: C. R-W. Peinton; Pr. C. R. the Ladies' Aid lu their noble werk. theé proviens Suaday mo)rning in île -J. Seunders; Sol Chie[iR-Thos. serne-i pulpît. TIe choir iniginvwias a Spry; Tres.-L Joliow; Secy.-J. N. DOMINION DAY. feature c! lotI services sud lu tle even- McDougell; S. W.-Geo. Joli; 3. W.- min Miss Glover sang tIe sole "Not Thero Jas. A. Lawirl; S. B,-TIoe. Le-e; J. On Sainrday Jaly li the progcam hoe- lly Child" in exceptioneliy fine voici'. B.-T. b. Spry; Dlegate te S. 1H. Court gins ai 2.30 et fisydon, Everybody ,vho -J. N. McDougl; eltemat-T. 'H., cen should attend sud onjcy tise occa4sion. Tiie Verry Family l'îcnic. Spmy; Trustes-T. b. Spry, J. T. Hoop. Teea emved frorn 4 ceclock. Lecture at or, J. Lawrie; Auditr-M.. A. James, 7:30 ly Rov. G. Wehher. Th'e annruel piculo celebrated hy tle H. J. Weolss, Geo. E. Mayeard; Medic- Big day aitiHampton. -Pregrpem iLphegis \erry famiiy passed off moat success!ully al Ofi4cer-Dr. Bith. et 2:30 p.m. with a fine canteta "Un.,der at Mr. T. A. Wright'e, Carwrright, on ,Rev. J. W. Aunis, M. A,, during lis tle Palme." 8,dveraladrse and a Fîiduv last. About hif-pasi nine car- residence ln Chathams, has luilt up his good tinte.- Spend île efierncon et - nages f romn many directions end o! vericua olurch iu a pbcuomnenal mariner, aud has bampton and yoî ,ill ha sure of e gocod kindd filled with happy amiling fathera won especiai popularity througl hie brul- tuma and your mouoy'a w'ý,r; fi. sud mothers, aud goed looking, jolly liant sermons snd lectures, distinguithed, 1 hentd children, as ireli as amply tiiied fer their originaliiy,, power and eloquesce, Higli Scisool NoteFs. ibAskLetc,begau te appear on tIc site o? the Hie bas shire hinssel! ta e le e odel day 'a pleasures sud very soon tise spacieusi pastor, and Park street te day stands as leur, greve and otbor groundq, -were ce- a monument te Mc Anis' eeergy sud The article publlshed under thia lead- cupied iu a wry nover xitnoaaed but once sihresd busincs cpabilîties. Qoeeu's lng lest week about tle football match befocet-end tisat o6ing au eoent o! a %imi- Avenue Caurcis, hndoaonee of t1e betweQn the b. S. team and e Solina~1rkn iev.yaaao mn hs -,Pluma" in thIs coaference, las wothily tem was basded te our cempeitors with' pe-eseu t welnoîicod ran hies orry, cfe lfallen ta this gifted man. The congrega- ont tle came! ul odtorial arutiny lithat lSolina, ea fiee old lady irn ho --ug noir tien are te le congratulated.--Benner. usually givon 10 ail mettons sent Ir, for eghty eigît yeara o! cge, en)joys excel-j Al l e leadiug tentures cf FRAEKj LES- publication in thia journal, sud thecr,3- lent licalil sund tho'ag somiet itme AL'S Psponsible ediioror ws absen fo1 li roue au acc;ddent eeived about four t POTUyand"aoioldTiwYer Julyi off- uica on publication day sud d1 id n e a ersaego, silîl bas a smiling face sund timhey end seasorebret ttercet, la addi tion~ to ro.W rge hepbiato fploasant ïwerdto ail atnd appesrid ho en. ý T f te off'ensive neaiseii c efer3nes 8in île ;.4i,,v h ..i,.,'q i-b;..,,,rq,,1, ar 0Urcneýhrcs.' 0111cr important ijlti;trâW articls are: "The Pasis Salon. hy Henry~ Tyrrell; "Groeuilaeid and! ils Mysteries," by M-ary Titcomiib; "Delmnatisaud Ais- hania," hy T. G. BonnQy; "Tho NoirsewF World o! London," by Edward Pomit;' and "Shanka cf the ladiau Oc-ean," by Colonel Nicclas Pike. Tise Salvation Army ballelujal weddirxg on Monday evcning attracted. a large gatheming. Capt. Walker, forneorly c! this corps as lieutenant, sud Capt. Rebec- ce L. Bloass, of Whitby, irer duly made man and wife by Brig. Scott. Capt. Burroughs, cf Bowmanuilie, acted ase groomamnan, and Miesa Jenlo Blos, aister cf tle bride, rcndered what litile assist- suce mas neco'ar.y ou b,3half ofthe bride. A large cornIer cf efficers and soldiers frons surreunding corps mccc aIse preseut and rernsined for île wedding feasi after- irards. The irlele proccedings may,!tlrly le cisaraceiorzed tas a complote succeas. The new couple departecl for Guelph on TuesdAy nrning and expeci te le drafted on a circuitcorpa immediately.-Chronicle. Tise choiceat family grocerlesa aiNW. b. Don't forget Kirby's uew paint sisep. Drop lu sud tee hlm. Me' top shirts sud undecahirta nt île West End flouse. TEE STATESSIAN to iiew subacribera balance of 1893,for.5Oc. B-3Et place in town te i uy Glovesasud Rlose la John J. Maron'e. Barb and Anc ealed Wire et R. Woth's haxdwar e soce, Bowmàuville. A few Sat-ecu Blouses vRhichb nul be sld cleap et tle Wet Ed fone. The "Big 20" 1a heedquaiters for achool supplies. Se our 10 sud 15c. !colseap pads. Dr. l3utier's Golden Pilla are thc les .7emedy for improvirvg île complexion, ne- moving black beeda, pimples, etc. Thc Mellissa Raiuproof Overceat la île only satisfaciory waterproof gemment. Sec ibem ai Maseu's Clothing Store. Tise pleasantesi, clepeat, niest sod most tfectuel ceugl mixture lu the market to day izs Magnus txpeci-ocnt". We are showing e lovely asaortment o? Paras ils bougît direct froue île menu- ~facturera and every Parasol imported this reason. Coudh, Jelnisten & Cryder- men. ht is ironderful tle cbeeýp Wall Pepers, aise Wiadow Shados, Eniamel, Mixed Peints, Glass sud Kalsomine et T. Shern & Co's., the ld stwa nee door onat c! R.eid'e alec store. W. fi. Osborne las a veny excýellent stock of neir !smily grocenies which hoe la aje]lmng ns cheap qa3 tle cheapeat. Hl as doue a nie trade alroady sud invites îlee people toeffeuh snd give hlmii a trial onder. foLIn ST TO TEEF LIGHT.-Tho men ilo toila yn con fien1taIely.just ilht mIll cure ynur cold la prescibing Kemp's B3[lani ibis year. l'l the preparetien cIf ÉtIfs ne- mnkablo miedic,ýine for ceaglissud colda neo expenise la p rdte combine only île lest sud pure2t Ilugedienta. bold ea Ioutle e Kof'sBaleamv te t.he light and look tîrough it; notice île Ibright, lcar lok, thoen compare with other remediee. Large bottles et ail druggist eavl an $. Ohildren Cry for' We have somethlng choie in Bel- fast Ginger Ale end Soda Wyater.1 Large varety. Vesy sefreshigti bot weather. Largequrbote 15c., $1.50 per dcc Smel bottieýs 60c. per doz. The hest in Canada.« GRAND' CENTRAL, Bowmanviile. Minerd's Liniment Cure Burns., ec. Carrnage Rugs et the West End Ibuse.ý ~Seo the West End bouse avt on the fourth page. Look up the West End flouse adver- tisement in this paper. 1th i The. West End If ouse kncits thomai out on Hoisery and Gloves. About 800 a-olls of, pretty Weall Paper3 to ho sold front 4c. upwards at Kirb)y's. Feit and Straw liats very cheap et John J. Mason's Dry goods and Jewelry house. Pure Indien Teaq mp cid direct, at Murdoch's old sandýý' PETER MURDO<II, a!ent., Look hero 1 A $150,00 New Hlowe pn«umatic Bicycle for sale et the Big 2'O. Price only $80.ý Wc guarantee all our Kid G'loves and rop'ace with new ones ali that are not perfect.. John J. Mason. A genuine Elgin or Walthans wetch, stem wind, fcrcw bezels and srwbacLI f or$7.50 and f uliy guaranteed aiR icdard's. Ladits, cali and sec Conu2or s Improv- cd Wesher and Royal Dominion WVringc- er-the beat made-ut W.,1IL Oabornc '6 ncw grocry. Greet Clearing Sale cf sIeson's2,0 pair bouts and ahocs, the stock must- 1hoE soldr.m Jemnings in charge. Creat reductions. Sece dvi. Sec thc loveiy essorkment c0 owDi lnettis fUr 12ý cents, worth noarly doublpHe the money, juat op..nel out et Couch, Johuston & Cryderneau's. One dozen heautiful apoons with init- iais hend cngraed for Onc doll01ar -end twentv-flve cents. Knivea, Foiks, Nap. kin Rings, Castors, Crmets, etc,, cqually cheap et Rickerd's. Dyspopsiea in uts worist forma wil] yiold to the use of Carter'« Little Nerve IPil1s, aided by Carter's Littlo Liver P'illa. They no', onnyrlieve proeot diatresa5 but sirengtÉhen Uice, anddieiv Mlthoug-h this is conasideýred a duil seasý on cf the yca-e Riolard tola us ho is busy in thc re-peiring ,ice, whidh proves for 1fr. self tha;t ho is- a thorough meichanic an4( thet it woU'(d b3 wise for any one wiah- ing to have their work doue well tuleave îu with him.________ A Remedty. Prepared peialyfor the expectedin- vasion of Asiaýilo ChoIera. A4f ton having beecn theorougiv tes ted anilzs virtue and power provcd ;la now heing placed in the .hada cüf the druggistaý. Aelk for "Acoic Minard'e Liniier cau Biup, etc, Pitcheecaigtoriai fro strOni .a; i3'rs tsaac EBitord aud BÛ1n Thomasý, Feýnelen; Mr Same Clarke, wife nnd son, Manîili; Mraslsey Philp aed farnuly, Mr Fraîrk Rsud Miss Milale Han- ccck, Air Edgar snd Hisa Min1nie Phlîp aed MssSornhy, Ptckering; Mr Fietcher sudbMiess Miaule Werry, "Suanieside," Koýdron; Mr A B Wercy, mite and daugh. -toc, Seuil Dalinpton; Mr Peter Werry, itfe and feaily, Tyroue; Mr J H Werry, wifa and !amilï,, Betleada; Mr J C Van- atone, mite and tsmily, Mr M A James, ;yifo sud family, MVrs Tisos Hoar and sou 1Fred, Mc Anthony Mitchell, wife sud famiily, Aïr JueosCbotrne,wifo sud famiiy, Mr Benj Werry, witc sud famiîy, Bow- mnanville; Mr sud Mrs J LIl Wcry, Ty- roue; Messes Norman sud Albert Piokard, i'eveasatle; Mn W R Colo, mite sud taxa- lly, Bethesda; Mr anci the Misses Sonley, Pinedeale; Mc H Goodmnan, Toronto; Mr T Frank Wright, Concilce ; Mes TIcs Werry, Mcl Allert Werry, wife and tam-1 iiy, Mr L P Werry, mite sud family,,Mc Sanfo)rd Swain, mite sud family, Mr sud Mes Audirw Power, Mca Maggie Philp sud son bienry, Mca J L Poer, Mr Jue WnIight, ite sud family,Mr Peter Wright, wife and family, Mr .Tno Lance, mite and fam-ily, Mr Robt Philp, ite sud fÀnmuly, Me Richard Phiip, mate sud tam- ily, 1Mc and Mra Wm Phlp, Mr and Mca Tcasdel iVhitfield ; Mr sud Mes J Veale snd soni El die-, Me, Fred Vesle, Mr Jos Fergus,îon, Mr W C Fengumon. ite and fauerily, B-ev T Hl Ferguson, B A, Mr W Lirnce, Ur cWmn Shortridge, Misa Emma P'arc, (t-ache-, Ejypi,) Cartwright; Mr snd ,IMes Andreir Megill, Manvens; Mr W G- CowleO, Solina, Rer Jesse Whitloek aud wiit, Pont Ferry, aud Rer R&L Ed- wards and ite, B!ackstoek. Aftter about onue budrcd and ferty lad pectakon cf e sumptuons repas'at the noontide boum, vrcoua amusements sudh base ball, foiball, croquet, aiuîging aand sýocial chii chat wore indulged in te île dligit cf ail till tle tee bell rang. After tEa lad beau served Mr. M. A. Jamecs, EIlitor o! TuE STATESMAN,1 acting ai chiairwacî,-,celled thc assembly te order sud lu a teirwell ebogen remanka alluded te île lespitality e! Mc. and Mca. Wright sud !amily sud te the varions improre- maeua made aluce the lasi time île pic-nie mes hbld boere tirelve yoara ago. Rer. Jesse Whitloclk, Mosans. Whitfield, Mite- Idl, GodmIan, W. Weccy. P. Werry, Venistone, sud nibers, dalivered short consplimeatary speeches. A heacty vete o! thanks m'as accorded te Mr. sud Mca. Wright for the day's pleaure which bneughtl forth a suitable reapouse froue Mr. 1P. Wrght ou behaîf o! bis parentýs. -The large company jcined îennrtil y in ing., ing God Sare île Q imen suRe . .- Whitiock pceonuced île bouedietion. TIc woather iras oxcoedingly fine, cool and pleesant and Dothîiog occurred te mer1 tle day'senjoyrrinu. -Many more île favorable cor-iieets on tls beantiful sud wemll amcauged tacs reaideuce ceceutly Ierected hy Mn. Wrigcht, vrbich for eom- fort sud couvenience îis truiy a mnodel- direllieg. IeHo ls aise Tory commn-odieusg sud anitable farue buildings, île equel o! whiel cainot o e ,uud io.,many facma la )est place te huy rcehable Seoda laý Murdoch et îleold stand.1 PNet1ces or Birts,%25 cents;- Merstges, 50 cents; Deaths, 5o cents, cash inserttfon -but FRLEE]OF CHEtiIE, when tihe fuerat ca-rds are î,rinted et this office BIRTMS. ToNKix-At Cloverdae. Darlington, Jonc 20, to Mr. and Mra. Et nest A. Tonkin, a son. MARRIED. FINDLAY-BARUPTT On Jonc 21, at theerce. sidence of thec nride's parents, by 11ev. J. T. Caldwell. M.A,,B.D, Lewis A. Findlay, of The Pickering News etaff,and Miss Mercy Barrett, daughter of Richard Barrett, Esq.. ail of Pickering. W.&DE-DEANs-AttheMedcalf st.parsonage, Junc 20, by 11ev. C. W. Watch, Mr. Charles Wadc. of Eat Whitby,and Mrs. Agnes Deens, of Osaewa. 1TnEmEast-WILSON-At St. George's Pacson- ege, Oshawa, May 31. by 11ev. Mr. Talbot, '11. W. Tremeer, of Pickering, and Mrs. Masry Wilson, of Oshawa.' DIED. Psnar-InCrtwright.Jnne 18 nf rheumatism William N.. eldest sonuo!et ich. W. Philp,aged 5 ycaca, 9 mos, WIaxcOT-At his rePidOnCe, BelleVUe, near Xewoestle, on June 20, Allen Wilmot, in his 89 Ll year. 'VA NINGEN-At NeWCaStle,Jtnc 25,Abraha-n J.Vaningen, collector of ouatomsa. ed5j Y cars. Interment to-day et Caborg. SM ART-At Port H-ope. on Junc 23 David Smart, barrister, agcd 52 vears. Interred et Bowmenvilie on Monday. BOWMÂNVILLE MARKEJTS' cerrected by J-. l)urtrYs everr Tue8day FLeuRa, P 100 Iboa........$81 60 to 82 WUZAT, Fali, P bush ... 00 ,, O il Runsaan, u. ..0(o 6Iro il Fife, ().. 00 0 (looFI, (0 00 0 o Colorado r.... 0 0 O Ryz, f.............0 00 0 OÂTS, f ......O0 0 O B.&RLET, ýP buah, No. .. .. O0 0nO n2x.. 000 O n2..0 00, 0 If iln ....OOO00 O il Two-rowod O 30 0 Buckwheat q 'busti.......O 0 0 0 PEÂs, Blackeye, Ir bush... 0 68 fi O oMummy o ..0 09 IlO 'SmalI, 1 .0 00,If O oBlne, " .0 50 il O BumRrs, best table, ý' lb, O0 0,If CEICREN, e lb. .........O0 0 O1 EGOS, e doz ...........000,()0 O PoTs,Ào, e bush .......O000 ,1O HÂ.Y eton............. (;00'117 30 67 l65 70 57 62 50 35 42 37 30 25 30 50 70 60 55 80 14 40' 00 LINCOLN SUINTER. -"~ARRISTER,SOLICITOR, NOTARY " Public, Convoyanoor, etc,, Bowsnviile, Ont. Office over Devis' boot store. Kiîng su, Accounts collected, Estates managed. ;17-3m A PARCEL was takon fromn Miss .tSuAw's Milliuerv storecenjl t!est.I ceturued et once trouble mi le Saved. 251wf -NURSE WANTRD.-Ame experienccd -Lienurse wantd t oce. Apply i u.J (' RL WANTED ai once for geoeral tiuse %vor nu farm near iown;'small famn1lmy. AnPlY 1t1 M.A.*AtESTAT£SMAN office, Bowiaevilie. 2-t! PU-E~TON FOR SALE-A second hand canopy top phaeton tn gonodcr- will le sold very cheap. Apply toeM.A. JAME8, STA&TESMAN-ofllOe,Bowmianville. 25-3 w PASTURAGE.-A 'splendid rua of .1.pasture for farm stock to cent With plan- ty of goed grase, water and shede. T, G, STONExuousI, norl o! Hamp ton. 22 t! TAMBS WANTED. -Any number cf ISpring Lambs wanted for whic.h the hlighoat price will be paid by HuME &LIH toPeople's Botohers, Bowmanville. CALVES WANTED.-Ten Calvesaa wcek wanted for next four montha by HUME & WRIGHT. the PcoPle'a Botchiers, Bowmanvilic. 53-tt 17AMTO R1ENT-100 acres lot 33, -U-ACn , Darlington, near Ynficld. Gond Hionnesand Ontbnildings. Wall watcrcd by running strem ond wela Wall eilapted for grain or stock raising. Plowing possession as soon as crop la harvcsted. Full possession October lot. 'For further particulars eeply to JoaN AàNOT, Taunton P.O. 26-3w", F ARM TO RENT,-80 acres of lot 20, lascon, ,Cwih. For further partieu. tîonrtet R ARCADNTrot J-m MO RENT-For terra of years, "G-'len TL flIc "--300 acres, 2 miles (rom Whtby- gond buildings and soul. Admirable eor st'>cl or dairy. Chance for golng extensively ýntc Toronto milk business or stock raii, foi rimnerican marke-, Mon with capita ',aly Aeed apply. J. H. Dow, Whîtbv. ý'2 tf! F ARMý, TO ]EENT.-103 acres lots 12 ...end 13, con. S, Delingono, near îHay don. gond trame bouse and farm buildings, weil watcred by1runninZ ste-era adlwell. aoiri'd for grain or stock reiaing. gond ciay loamn. -Pnw- meQ possession as soon as cr09 is harvcsted, full possession in December. For further pir - ticulara apply te R. FALLIS, Haydon P. 0. 25-1w* BIICK COTTAGE FOR SALE- j lichendersignet', desirious or b9ini c!038 to the shop, offers for sale lia deairabl brick cottage and 1 acre of land on WellingtaSr. Thec te., tcrogoglen tin p erfec t ate co? repair and contains Parler. Hall, Dinin g Roorn, large Kitcheni,Pantry an 13 Bcd Raonis, ireme Sommer Kitchen and woed.shcd attacled. The zarden coniains Apple. Planm. Paar, Pea~h and Cherry trees, Grapes.Bleck and liedC errants, Black and Red Bcrries, Gooseberrie3 and Strawberries,sll o! the very choiceat varieties3. Imimediete possession carn b3 given. For price and alinrtler partiiolars epply te Joiix PPRCY, BowmanvillE. 21-tf IL[US1RÂ1EBUJNOUN NEWS, CRMEIC AN EnsTION), Pi;bii6Ied lu Naw ork by the L-3ndon pub- lirzhers, continues to win favor among a large subacription constituoncy as well as trom non sdealors, whilce i3Amoiri-can prescalways cGmmmond iii Tory Ilighlv, and miake liberal extraca iroui its ecouqmes. Fvifity-two numibers of the LoSmauD Ng conatein more ilian one thousant illustrations o! current erenti, famr1ous places, eminoni peop)le. No th6r papar in thc world faruishas 50 many and eozstly il lus tratio ns for so littie money, and the arrangenients for 1893 are more couplete ha ever to fuirnial1 rendors finteresting subj eQts and matter. In addition to the flfty-two numibcrs o! ils weely diionpecalMidsaummer endc Christ. mnas nombora, wth elegaub wood enrevinigs and maniy colored fflates are lasoed.ei Termai,swben purchased at newi-stend,)5ileg- issues, ech, 50 cen"ts; meaking a total o!r62 par annum. Subacription pric(,. oly$. .&ddrces, TsigILuOTtToLris ~ RG01m 141 WCrId, Bo.ildinig, Cîty Hail Parký, New York. 12 3-J . D- EPRESENTS the Federal lue 3Ag- lAL sociation; and the London and Lance. sbire, Commercial Union. the Lancashîre Firej Insurance Cos,, and the Steam Boiler ani( plat e- Glass Ine. Co.. of Canada. Office at Worths Iardware store, Bowman-. ville. The highest nmarket price wlll ho pai for any quantity of wool deýiverezI. une door eRSt Of STATESMAN ofice, BW- meurille. LEWIS QUIOK. 1Yi'RS. DONCASTER Hlas a large stock of In ail thel,ýaicest colors and o1hapes3 which she intenrds to seli at a great reduction. You will do weil to eaL and examine hefore ptirchasing el- where. Orders taken for thse London corset. Stamping done to odr MRS. DONCASTER. 50,000> iý bs. wool wanted at the Hamicptoa Wooicn Mills for which tho highest caglh price wili ho paid. Fermera only 4 we their cyes haîf open, they are afraidt to buy of the middle men but they rush to them with their wooil. Be seusiIbe andi brin, your wool where it is to be meUIUU fectured- -you will fiod it to your adlvant- a.ge0. Mlwys a gooci atmýtk of £roods o n hand-J ust what the fermnera went, w,,hich 'Ill ha exch,,inged-lfor wo. ihthanka for past fe--vor, I rein% in vour oheaient servant, E si8 largely de. 8uccpendenlt upon SUCCEsbeing properly traned in commerciail usages. A thor- ough course ini practicýable subj P t3 under experienced offie-mon iiwill putam-bltioug Young mon and wonten ini possÈýesion cOf information that lba e rady demiand ïii the commercial world. Elegent illustrat- ed circuler imaiied to any addreo.Apl to SPENCE R,&MCCULLOUCH, PRLINCIPALS, Hlamilton Business College, 34, 36, 38, 4Q James St., South, Haemilton, Ont. Miss Shaw is clearing~ out ail Winter Stock of Hats, Wings, etc., at cost a'2nc auy things far below cost._ Ance lot of new Veil.- ings just recoived. Next dloor- east of P. 0., Bciwmanville If you wvish1 a really gooci and. reliaible Watch eall and see thosa Walthaml and Egiîn Watches beingý soidI awaty down in price0 and fully guiaranteed by T. lNILRICHARD, L WYatch mnaker, Jeweller and Opticien, Yarieiy fe] M.iard'0 Liniment vrelieres Neuïa]gill