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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1893, p. 6

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o -Zr 'lias corne not a littie gf ý kowledge as to co<k- Sery-what to do, as, well ý2as îvhat nol Io do. Thus & we have learLed to -Lse i uq the rnost pure nnd pe - u- 0 fect and pop fiat cook % Singinaterial for ail frying gand shortenrv-ngpurposes. 1is the naturial outeoôme 5~ of the age, and it teaches ~ U8 not 10 ?,.S,'lar d, buit rath- et the neutfhrerig D uo 0 -which is for cl-caner, and z zunore edigestible -t1ýi a ay lard can bc. lnePh success cf, Cottoý- ~---lene lias Called ouat worth- i eaimitation.s und4er SS;liîlartinies. Look cat Z e hese! Ask yorr 'a Grocer forCOTLc, aiudbesurtthat: ueî Z Made on1y by 5, N. K. FAIII!K&C. Vdiî,ýon a-id Arn Sts,> D ROPA POSTAL f FOR A FREE SAMPLE COPY 0F THEf fam iIy religions newspaper. ILLUSTRA'ED 32 Pages -Weekly. A -1----- - AGRIOULTURAL. ROPS ÂqD LIVE STOCK IN OI' TARIO. ha provilicial Boas-ste ]Report ofrthe Ps-es- Cut l'e-asects-A Favorable FoseCest. Fail Wbat.-Tbe reports as to the con- dition of titisconp were not so favorable on Jue ist as on April l7th, the date nf the former bulletin, lu coma townships as rmuch as one-baifof tos enstire crop bas beau plow- efi up, in others fro one-ihird to one.qnar- ter bas hasu seriousiy injured by raiu and trosi ;onu the whole at least ou-quarter nf the crop of the satire province bas beau plowed up and sowu teo ther crops. (irsat- variation is reported as to that which bas beau 1sf t, tha st and soost vigoroos fields hein g those lying bigei or wall drained. lTe Lake Er ai counties report fair prospects. Lake Huron arud Georgian Bey, under the average aud a bigit parcentage piowed np ; West MNidiend, fair te gond; East Midleud, average. Ounte whole te returus tor the province mnay ha summerized ibus: acreage reduced hy at leastonu-quarter; growtit backward ; general condition var iable; prospects on Jue t fnot quite np tete average. Rye.-Fewer reports than usual have beaui received as te rye. The crop, however, seems te bave stood te wintar andi spriug botter titan faîl wheat aud to ha in a prom- ising condition. The total emount of grain for the province will ha smal). SpriligWTheat.-~'Lhe coutinund raine of the laie epring delayeti sowing in mosi counties. Iu the nortit and north.eastern sesctions the larger portion nf the spring wheeat was yet to ha sowu on Jue ici. Thte dry weatbsr followiug te bavy reins crusteti the soil se that in meany places te young plants bati difficuliy in pushing tbroughr. As a rasuit the fialds were monre on less patcby. tâàt wiict bad made gnowtb wac reported in fine appearauce. lTe acreage will probahly ha about the sae as lest yeer. The prospects ou Jue lt. wena fair for what bad made a stant. Barley. -Snwiugwas in progreseJune Isi. Iu comparison wiih former years the acreage will likeiy bha cilli furtitar reduced. Noth- iug couid ha said as te condition, since v-ry littîs was up aboya thte ground. Oats. -Upon wll daiuad and bigit lands nais wera pt in eaany andsucithad a vigor- nus andi promiciug eppearance et te begin- uing of te moutit. Most nf the crop, how- evar, was put in laie. An iucreasad acre- ag reted, especieliy frote Lake Huonsd iorgian Bay counnues.- As tar as it wes possible te report, the returne were veny favorable; in tact titis crop was repurted as te ronc proiisiug ni the grain crops cu Joue ici. Peas-An increased acreage in Simoe, Grey, Bruce anai Huron is naported. A slighti decrease lu the counties of the West 'didland, and lake Eria districts, nwiug ýoubtless te the pesi ravages of the "bug." ýs far as couid ha repurtad upon, the youug rop wes iu tain condition. Hey and Cloven. -Altbougb meadows vers regerded as being raiher a litile laie s correspuncîsuis wrote, tbey wsre as a ule full of promise. A few yislds xers described as petcby, but te greater part ni commente matie upon tse condition nf the cop ware of a hopefuil anti aven eutitusi- astrc nature, especially whe,,n allndiug te nsw maos Solifavorable iweathar conit4ie the îbyeuct vwil ha nue of the hast in recenit year2. Othernnps.Somaother crops, sncb In former tîmes,,aud i0 India at thepren day, mesn with the belief that self-torture tends to holiness, have deprived an arui or a iag of ail exercise with the rcsult thlat in the course of time the member becomecs withered and useless wiii not lik-e treat- ment affect nur cattle Wben the man pleads for thecnw, be pieads for universal Imtberho -d(, and ]1 do nt believe that a manl wbo is uunkind to bis cnws will be kiud to his wife :then nugiti wa flt to figiti sby of titis itae kinduess that in many cases enu be llttle less than torture- the keeping of a cow on tweuty square feet of bard floor for sixý moutits et a stretch ? Buceespful Farming. I have ut much confidence iu the jiidIg. muent of tbose who talk disperagingly of farming as a business, for I helie, e anin- telligent young man with business abi1ity and enterprise may achieve as mucit socceseý in that celling as in any other empîonmUït- 1 have been intarested iu the experiece-, andi itemized accouts thet have appeered in, the papers froni time to time of thos3e w1io are considered succsssf ul, and I wnuld 1:ike to give your readers au account oif wia ynung man bas dune lu this Province. 1 looked over biis day book lateiy, in wbhich hae keeps su account of ali tle irooneýy he receives and from what source ; also, hie x penditures. For the year past hee bas ree-eiv- ed $900o. The most of this sumincame -fro the sale of butter; ,ýaIthougit the cash civ ed for two cows and about 1300 oudeot pnrk and 15 cords of wood is iucilsîded ; ini tact, every item of income le iincluded luiithe above amnunt. He, sold n by or grai naud but few apples. His tarin eute froin 25 tn 30 tons of hay, and lha bas ltept 10eow that have given milk. His othier stocký con- sists of six heifers aud.twn horses.Bsds the bay and grain growunu the plaeh bas bnught grain to the amount $1 i nst- ly cotton-seed meal, Tbe ekim-ilk 1ýis ted, to hogs a"nd le thus makes a large qu ani y of gýond dressing for tbe farro. BRcauin work witil a neigihor in baying. bis ex pense for help on tbe tarro was less titan $351. Besides euppnrtiug a family of five per- sons comfortably and paying other iici- dental bis, hae bas paid $325, and thueli practically cleared the home fatrroro debt. Ohurning Temperature. The tendeucy of the times is ail the tîime in f avor of a lower and lower temupereittu re for cbnrning, and this precludes usiug sou-r crearo, as i wonld foama and filt the choru witit nun-chumnable fotit. Mildly ac(id cream, cool churuing, gettiug at it eryin the morning and attendiug strictly toýbusi- uess will make a gond texture in June wiLs noue of the special arts used at othier sea- sous of the year to make itains oblune butter. Jnne butter is the sandsrd. Ju,3t stre igbt, square, bonest Jue butte.- r. mpl aIl devices ased i other times to m5ethe butter resembie Jue butter, and Ido straight, solîd werk, To (At Gond Oows. It shoul ha eriembered thjat sp-ci- ized anti added qualities desired cannot be fed in the cuw in orne year or nuie geniera- tienu. Just bere is wheme there is msc1it taise reasouiug aud more erunsprastice. If food is -purent it is sa id thait ail we bx t e d o i s t o i n c r e s e t h e q u a en t i i y a n t i i m mediaiely sl Ed. usit is rneer ~le în -hat way, and Citan be ouiy by a stady, se or nl ý,e, i.- a1 HOW OUR TEETH GROW. Aus lEseinenti istsSays Little l Fuler- stooti Abolit Successon of Teeth. An emineut deutiet is authority for the tollowing iterasting explenaLion: - Iu wouldti te ton long to descrihe the formation of tse teetit, but it may intereet you to know titat thte enamel is derivad in t i iret place frorn the epithalioro, or scari ckiu, and is, lu tact, mndified skin, whiip te dentine, nf whichthet bulk of the usait le composed, is deriveti tmro the mucous layer below tise epithelinro. Lime calte are elowly depoeited, and the tootpnlp or nerve is thte last remains of what was once a pulpy mass- of techape nf te future tooth, and even the inotit pulp lu the nid peuple cumetimes gets quite olitsrated by cetlcareous daposits. 1Tae tiriy-two permanent teetb are precsded by twenty tempnmary deciduous or milk th.tý These are fuliy erupied et about 2 or 2j yeare nid, and ai about 6 years of aeaa wouderful pmocess of absorption scis lu by whlçh te mots niftetemporany teetis are rems'ved to meke rooro for ts atvanciug permanentonues. -Tue crowus nf the. former, baving n.,upporu, hecomç booss and fal '9 -ay. Oua would uaturaily supposa thetthie advauciag permanent tootit wse a powsrful factor in the absorption of its temporary pradecescor, but we bave meny tacts to prove thet it bas n influence witetever: indeed, the intarestiug phenomena of tisa enuptionanti succession nifte tsstitare vsry littîs underetonti. 1 ma,ýy remark lu passiug thet a chilti ot 6 wbo bas flot yet lost any temponary testit bi s jaws, sither euptad or nouemupt- Cd, n fewe;r than fifiy-two teh more or le'?s formled. A Typicai Michizan IauMber Camp. uip and(-grow to him : au animal of fine prprinwitb extra top lina, broad deep ha iscdan eu t, smooth under line, freè bacon sides and deepness extending we ÙT EST back, to flanit and forward to shouidee, fnot un1even, and deep in centre, haviug a.fine cn t head, smooth and broad between th e eyes, jaw brood and tapering well aven to (D ETE: N.Ul imuzzle, eyes clear and prominent, wiih ears standing ont wcll frorn the haad, break- ing evanly and i smooth towards the point, buýt would even prefer'a standing-up ear to -a drop or flop ear, as a drop or flop, flaaby jo wl and underline in my experience art, fil rustiers and are more incljued to disease from theiýr nature of sloihfuiness, and these lad habits are gene> ally fouud together. The bonesbould flot be ton ]arge, bût one Two reasons why, y ni fine aud s3trong texture, legs firm, stand- trading at the old reliabl ing ereci ou their pins and taperiug1 well ke nyrgibPgo from arm down to their feet.kepo] reibA g d Some peuple have au idea that the size profit. is, the most desirable 'iu the selection of a hog, and that large boues, n matter how Our customers cau badiy shaped, is the hog for thsm, dlaim- ing that large hogs must have large boues. fitting and stylishly eutc While a gocd 1bons is desirable, if 7ell v f'- r1 shaped, a smail bone is more to my notion F-ull 1înes of Ties, Collari titan a big, awkward-sbapel onue, for thiswatasi rsasn-a hng that bas the right forro and If you atasi sinaîl boue possesses the prnperty of put- benefit yourself bv lookii ting on deep flesit and making big rearuls for bis feed and carryjufi to marktet dezir. the "Star> two doors eas able meat, witile the other is a harder long- er feeder, and goes to marktet witit a larger per cent. of low priced rosat. Microbe Killer Enriches the blood and gives tone and strengyth to the whle systlem Microbe Killer Gives buoyancy of spirits, etrength and healtà to ail u iera of it, Microbe Killer Does titis, b9cauisa its main constituent is Oxygon, Nature'a retnedv. Microbe Killer' sed in sicknes is n experim nt, crude drugsand mineralis are. Microbe -Kili1er Ils the greateit foni.- for tired men and women ever produced. Microbe Killer Correctsail bodîly disiorders easily, if taken i time, used freely. Microbe Kille r Purifies the blood &nd tissues by driving out the living germ4., Microbe Killer Has no equal as a riteumatie epeciflo ; cures guarauteed. For Sale by Higginbotham & Son, AGENTS FOR BOWMANVILLE. Prices $1 and $3, accordingû to Bize. WM. RADA M MIC UROBE KI LLER CO, L1 îITD. WïlI lie td once in- ,y- twice- ixi MtAN. 'i %Jw we nake onr great boasi. Our plls cura >1 while otbers duo nt. C 'RTE's LTmz LîvEa Pans are very imal and very easy tutalze. Ome ortwnpille make - a dosa. They are strictly vegetable and do flot gripe or purge, but 1,thit geatie action les SCUSOai ho iusa il-ci, Iu vials ut 1f5 ceut-si va f or $ - Sold erywher-e, or sent by mail, tcshu ME xDiciez Go., 1-1ev Yrr. -'sIll priai ~ -~ -~ - ~ - i'né Wous1,yblct îLv ttc mucer ni aess ýj-u, e.rmc&aucoeast Int ikl&- ni-aspnllay aie Va4-'ilii pratîaiexprtucs tpfteenCb ernr i s.hs>b e r eior, tougt bis di uwer 1usdt ds in 1 wil, rv t v1 m;le g1n , kooý1ou bis "D_ý .tnervous tteory,"ii en Subscnriha for orspuiwilu é urons tre,.At1 nt. sitiganti tte coulis sing i te m n Frahouh n cerilas a e vrba a-teiteirn h unr wlpuforwarti the modal hast cow as s ati stu rueiwiitt ra itrie break tiowns competiug-cauals. iaee iwmuan rmtenfns uîenaonu ts'tidr Iantunnus-a i t sthsbo - iti h h yso wmn-aePo eh t orwardctsmodal dairy cow for shtavberyfemr.The Islandini (Ceylon je tte mosi remark bMore safthe he $,, T>5e lais Dn. tw ilaniSuttnat nsi u moci al. fe daerosu ut abyat h omn gem deposit in the xioniti.p ofemut t ls iniaud waterways witii îut itytnwis I tt, preeuntur.Iepnec-g te Gtt-ecaw.firstinitouesi(s bo w c ap e r e at u he e t a e k t b a o r e s o d a n t , l t e f T r e t o g m u e t a o e t ' e 1, y A p r e c i u s t i t i g s e e t m o r e p n c i o u s ate wor k c n i u . T hc a n a s a n d t h n o vt e r s E u r o p e f r o c h a lw a g o a 1 8 5 .r l hc v n 0 f if~~~~~o wdprvutanmlnte axercie wticit le ot roeau ea "rîeor- back nt- us jutbas beau won hy work on acono- ai. aial abwvr eutsokcnopinnwannsu 310t0 w ich is essentil to tat d velopment ? " azel-splitter," butone tat as tlie get- My. m en t sai e puli, h w rbecb ast e nt poonunde. -wa ou ts t _,Cý O~L~~encry fo 'ithe'sCa5toria, IL STOGI' ,ýESM 0f Cloths, Tweeds, Worsteds and Suitings of ail kinds, for men, youths and boys, were neyer excelled. and prices neyer more moderate. 'ou are certaia. to be benefitted, in de G-ents' furnishing store are that we Js and they are soid. at lowest living depenci on getting, weII-made, good- zlothing at prices to suit ail pockets. rs, CufYs, Braces, llandkerchiefs, etl. tthis Spring yuwUplease us aniu ing through our magnificent stock at st of the IPost- Office, Bowmianville.

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