s ~-.------------------------ vduaoteofettliseRoy'al Collüge ef Denta SugOntario. 'CEOPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICIC. VITALIZE» AIR. take * 7GeiralIy caused by exposai-e to cold, cwèt fet,siV ii. lua dra-ugbt, comiug ilroin hot aul 'cnrowded places, iu thin dres; or wjearing damrp cethes, stock- Isgs, or acy other cause t'endiug te checkg suddeuîy the perspiration. The <esut produces inflammation of the liuing membrane cf the longs or throat, and this causes phlegm on matter,which nature tries te throw off hy expectora- tion. 'lu many cases she leunuabie te de se witbout assistance, and this is Why Y use Allen's Balsagm, A Plea for Vegetariauism. InuPa recent numdber et an Engiîsh jour- nal Miss Elith Word makes an earnest plea for vegetarianisuin l which she ays:- 49Coul motîsers of tho people once reabize Low hacef ni is the effet on the moral na- ture et their yoeng people et the liheral flesh dietary wbicb they net onby aibow but encourage, under the mistakea idca of ite superior strengtheniug qualties, they wouid shink lu borner froma the ceurse tboy are now pursung. Te xvht extent the brutal. îty, the prestitution, and the drunkennes wlïicil diegrace our streets and salden eur hoeos are hue o the timlating influence of caruivorenis habits, is a proheim which may aveu trouble the aiseet heade auiong us; but that such stimulation is a terribly probiflo cause et the crimes thet appail us, there ea c o douht, and a briglter day ,vili assuredly dawu for burnanity wheu ave returu o the simple, primitive food of eut race, for wbich alune our digestive economny is heige. The eue thing neelful is that each avoran wbo presumes te direct a housebebd chenl take a rationai ouI intelli- gent interout lu the wisole question et fool; mcd haviug satisfieh henscîf et the raisen 'etne et the system, teadily st herseif te boara the preparatien ef disbee about avhich there ld cotbing repulsive or degradiug, but oly a fiel ef interesting, usful, pieas. ant work, giving ber the opportunity for tLe displmy et as much refinemenrt, aste and ski]! as lu thep arraugemeut cf lber draw- iug reom or the ilecoration ot the cburcb." Canker Sores in the Mouth. oxces f rcs oni dl luthe stornaclu. Anther symoptom which gees ivith this one. s a red tengue, andLthoro mmy aise be ex- t reme sereneus in the stomach af er oaticg. This condition is more coînuon than is geceraily supposed, and persone suffering iii this way of ton attompt te cure the dis. case by taking aîl sorts et p8psia remedicu. These rcmedios are mii deletenions, hecause here is aready tee much acid lu the storn- moi, aud hey oly add te te quantity. ce the patient avbo akes them lus made avrse. Somnetimes acdI fruits are reco)rniecdIcd fer sncbi patients. but they do bai ns wtead et luf th senae whic h cankeV rslire lwmîys ai symptem, shouhld avoid everythiusg, Cramp le a norvouls diseaso, duote omre tro'uble et the-nrvo conuetonsi. u if i jeaI1' geiicralcramip of due wheîe 11imb, it le due te a d "is"ese etthe epine, ou shou1ld ho analyzed by a phiysician. A cram"'P s he8t L relievcd hy sizîcg the crarnping muscle and -ouipresicg it withu the bauds. It irnay seem that the reuicdy is woree than the disease, but it will stop the crarnping. A leather trap woru around the limh les. cenvenient ncmedy. When the crarnping begins, buckie the strop as ightly as pos. ible, and thtere will he onefoi ther trouble. A Use lor Gum. A mnediomi witer bas discovercd, ot imt, a valuaie ue for gum, roui the fct that it relieves tIse drynssso f the mnoutîs, whichE s oeeoe the- meut constant oud anîuoying accompanimeatu et fever, by rnaiutaining ativity of the saivary glands. Ib is dlaim. ed that it aise prevents the formation of ahîcesses lu the glands, by mitaining a ieathy activity. True Philanthropy. To THE EDenitORPlease iuform your readers that I wilb mmaii free Vo ail sufer. eis the nuemus by wblch I was restoresi Vo heaith ad manby vîgor atter yearu et ounfering frorn Nervous Weakuess. I was robbed and swind!ed by the qumeks un il 1 nearly bot faith lunmakind, but thanks te beaven, 1 annow weil, vîgorou ad utreng. 1 have nothing te ueland ne seheme o extort maoney frorn auyone whoîusoev-er, but being desîrouq te make this certain cure known Vo mii, 1 w;llb eeýd freeanmd ceaildeutimi Vto auyoce fucil par. icuimnu of j net hew I wmu curel. Address with tamps MR. EDWA1VD MARIN, (Teacher), P. O. Box 143, Detroit, Mich Ev-ry new word acquiredis a feather add- ed Vo the wing et thought SNow CÂne.-Tbree-fourths cupfub oci butter, two cuptuis et white sugar, eue cap- fini of rilk, oee upful of corn-stmrchi, two cuptuis ef floe, eue and ocoý3haîf temupoorn. fui of baking-pow,.ýder.ilMýiï cori-starcit, fleue aud bkicg.pewd1er, ad bttr suigar ateînately withi milk. Lastly addt whites of ueven eggu euh fayon'teVo aste. HE.ALTH.that bas acid in it, and shoulî use eniy suech foods as are alkeline. Aikalies n~tlz GTh.TE1JLCOMORTN~.the acid, andi if cotinued long ernoughý, thle t)< lA Universal Antidote. morhid condition will he permancntly cor- E L It leiti quite impossible for auy person net cd. a professienal chemiet or a physician Vo Teexsivueefamlfodsee ,REA\.KIIAST-3UPPER. k-e nmr i tevaiu pcific anti- potent cause of this condition. It Stimulates "B> a thoDrougli know'ledge eofthtic naturai oesrcemmcnded for use in poisening by the stomnach in the productinc ati la-e whi:h goe-ru the opration3 ot digcstiO1i the differont metailic and ether poisons. Julco aud hydrochloricacid, and, thus. au snd nuitritit>u. andi b> a cieful application (i Oeqattyi rlcd the fino propertaioowel-5ict Cocol. M..The following formula is oeewhich eaui bu excessv uuiy spolcd 't' 8shasgprovidod eur breakfast sable,3 wtha reliel upon as an excellent antidote for Ileic.ato>'flv-red bcverazu which me.>' save arsenic, zinc, digitalis, morphia, strychnia, Removal of Enlarzed'Tonsils. Tsiayheavy doctor' "bis. It le b>' theebu ie orsvesbi h oua oto tcide r naiiu les no;suc articles of diet thst aeand o oethe compoud rsiv eicu likeyt oijrdb term.lo u oonsituionmaybe graduo.lI>'buiît un untilmaeadohrcmordofmruy- Tepul ntnta hirnac etrong eoeigh te resist ev-or>'tendeno>' to parts.lkl ob nue ytermv1o i disatse. Hundred3 et subtie maladies are Saturatei solution of sulphate of iron.. 1&3 larged tonsils is entirely without feunda- flatiig aromud usroadsin eatack whareyer Wtr 8... 00 tien. The writer bas remnved perbape ai thereisa eak pint. Wo may'escape maur Wler................... -80) ushel of tùnusils, and bas nover once see051 a fatal shaftib>' seepIug ourselvos weli fortificri Calined magnosia ........_..........4 nijrosefo rm teoeain 'with puTrA bloori aîd a prouperi>' neurishiesi40Purinjuiods animal om te.oarcoal !rmo"" ivlService Gaetfe." Onl the other baudc, great injnry frequently MadLe impi>' witic boliing waier or mille The iren solution mut be kLept separiteù resuits from the retentions of theso diseasedi1 soçl only in osokets, b>' Grocers, laballed thuls from the ret of the ingredlients,' and mixed tn ils ealthy tonsils are useful. A JA "Es EPPS &t Co., Heînnejsatile C/ent with them wheu required fer use, hy pWac- diseased tonsîl is flled with smallhagswbichl jet, Iondss Enianliug in a hottie and sbakîng well togethor. barber microbes and, thus indur the devel- IV shouid ho admiistered in doses of a win-giss ui ota Vmo Itmayhotaken opmnent of varions ferme of sore throat and wineglas ful a a tme.it nay e e particularly et diphtberia, a malady net in- fatt jat i a e = 1ad libitum. frequently fatal. 'It has been showu that Here le a conven lent methodl of prepar- cbiild'-en suffring f rom enlarged tousils are ing and keeping the reuuedy: Place ini a pint much more likely te take diphtheria, and WEDNlDESDAY JUNE 28, 1893 bottle 4tounces of powdered oepperas chemi- the first cases of diphtberia are quite caîîy pure, Add 6 ounces of water. Cork îikeîy o occur in childreu wbe bave DR.J. . MTCHLLtightly and label Il Iron Solution." Place elargod tonsils. The oeration should D~.J. . MTCULL.in another boutle capable of holding two net ho donc aftcr the child bas beon !e7 MBRR OF COLLEGIt 0r PETSICIAN quarts, 5 ounices of calcincd magnosia, 2' xosd bwver, uer withiu several a ndSurgeons, Otafo Verer r(y -exo e oerigfr the diseas 0fis ndResdeceOntai, Corn. oe. ounces ef purtied animal charceal or hous e- 4 fe eoeigfons Orns ns Reidnc, nnlitlln. 74. ,hblck, and 3 plats of water. Shako wOl, after the cbild bas suffejed fromn diph- DB u/IRE, SIMIPSON, cork, anud label "Magnesia Solution." theria. B 4PfflSTFR., SOLICITOR, &o. MOPRIS When the mixture is needled for use, pour JE BOCK, uptars, King Street. Bowaus- aIl the liquid iu the hottie containing the ve. Eoli/or for the Ontar! Bank iren- solution inte the bottie coutaiuing the Leifolit vs. aholera. fIr/vaeutHeneve ioane& ai lths îowest1 rate magnesia solution. Shako the latter for a The. imiperiai heaith eficer cf Berlinba S. C KENINGmoment, and adîninistor at once -ý te 8a issuod an announcement te the chIct that S. . lUNK~Oglass1 ni. The dose may ho repeabed Vwo or oranges oud lemons are hoth fatal te the T.IOENSED AUOT ION E ER FOR tbree timos. choiera bacilîns3. Placed 1inI contact with 1J1 hs Conty' of Durhiam. Sales -attendesi While the antidote is biug prepared, an5 the eut stvface of the fruit, the bacteria te on suborit notice ansi iowest raVes. Asidrous emetic may ho administered. A good rom- Survive but a few heure. They romain Lcino .0. 31: edy, which is alwayseat baud, le commea active for corne tîme longer on the uninjur- IlO/T. rouNG, V. s.- sait, aspoufi toma glaseful ef tepid xatcr. ed rnul of the fruit, but even thon they die FFICE IN TUE WEST DURHIAM A eu quantity ef ground mutard i5 vithin twenty-four heurs. The diestructive 0 e Poh, hr smui ras st eu more effective, or a third of a teaspoen- property as regardsItho choiera bancteria is avili h fock femSam o Pop.msistant fui of powdored ipeome in the samne quantity supposed o ho due te the Ilarge amont of etI rE Sicence- direct IYopposite Drill Shed. Calle vfwater. If voîitiug doos rot our lu- acide cotajuel ta these fruits. In couse. i , ieigraph or lelepliono will recive prompt mediately, repeat he dose, drink a large quence of this quality, the heaith officer &tie-ntion i7i.>'r quantity' of warmi water, a-id tiekie Vice cousiders it unnecoosary te place any C. WANAN . Shroat with the flugor or a feather. Tee restriction on the transit and sali A. . WNr~N V ~much timc shonld net ho lest in making ef these fruits,, even if it shojld ho ascer- F 1F7I1C E-H I G GI N DO0 T H A M 'S offrts o induce the patient o vomit, tained that they corne froua places where 1ÎBLOCK, l3owmanville. Nugitc cos ans- Make hlm swallow tha antidete as soon aschiriepvanttteti.Nt Were fro euedeorsout et r. Bv-i9s. t preparel, whether lho bas vemited er ingle instance was noted in wlich 'choiera &l eils b>tllegraPh or Voephone will 0001v-o prompt attention. ~-~ net, aud continue thse efforts o mince was diseoîinatod by either oranges or lm- b, A. W. Ti)LE. v'omitiug. Artificial respiration, the ap- cris. U-CTIO)NEER,APR SERa plication of hient te the surface of the bedy, A Futae Ageu, BwavIlE, Onal olipging the opine alternately wîtb bot and hale itedei jn>' part ot Province. cold water, and rubbing off the. surface of N~o Dentiste In Sootland. ____the hody, sud, lu seme cases, the appPhica The stateillut xvas mode before th( Il. A. P<>NT9 tien o f electricity; ara eseential aide te ro- Dental Association et Michigan, that therE BCT4IECT. Plansmailcovering a person from the effeets of a ois-~ are ne dentisteinu Scotlajd-thatisto A jions pEpard :revrPlan s dSpec16<ici. Wýashing the stemach with a stonmacb wbo foliow that as a profession. Thf Slptcial atlienlien gveu to f tsbuiidnng, tube, is cf course more effective thon an people of that country have lived en plair e -si t aer. ndt sauttar>' urrangements. embltic. Or, a quatity of water chould food se long, epecially on oatinoai, thatdel- Cfice«: G ie B i lock, Whitby 43 -1>' h o purol into the tube and alowel Vo pais cayed teeth are aimeet uuknowc, Th( et, Th.oyrnoach in the meautime should habituai use'cf gol Graoham flour and othei ho. ab ittelh anplton.t hebuwholewheat preparatiocis ioul arrest thf or by retcbiug or coughing movemente hy decay of the teeth, and ho a great bonefi Gxeutlemen'e ClothesMade to Order. the patient. iswihhv be wlo-te heaith iovery way. JIJVIbJtIViJX UiVI.1S4cd chonIlJho eutralîzod as quickly as pos- J.M .BRIM A COM BE sibleby au aikali of corne sert. I h b The Saudba2 Asa Foot Warmer. DENTIST. senceofe anything btter, sop suds will do. An exohango suggests that a sandhaý Lime. water, chaik. water, saime plastor frern may ho a I'very useful article for the house the wali, or a teasponfu - 1of aches imîxel I bl. 1Vis eqoally as good as the bot-,v-ate OFFIE :Rea ofMessrs. with a glass of water, mnoaybho ueed for this hIanmd lthe ceet is cnieal lesi. TIh purpose. Ois, as castor oil, 05voil, ond' cven linseed eil, or motol ýbuýtter, ,sheulil sandc henil ho flue and de uian, anlsoni ho cýaiefullyl oe-r Ihefore bbgputi 1gnb -Otha-M &.Son'S Dugaie howailowed. Thoese antdot sut, the sack.Maethe csack cfIottn on of cours-e, ho vapiery quickly, or thi y fil vih sanil, al ltho nkeaohe a ,soe wili ii -- o l ne îrtuFiannel isnu ~u ~wi aex ise vinc it$l po tise ci 1olst flnefr ie oteide. as ilt realus th 1( ýi g g, or a ýýt longer andggm aisgaise val t Gents' oýC lcriuo. indroeýhl-lennrsbingo aah viif wbich wil protectthe mucou membran Cleanesi, Dyýed, Pressed. and nRepaireci b>' nd -d11ute the poison mrayho uedI. 3Jom.- hs aesvlai;tèro as Io1b einue qquickly as alogtio-oIthircmpstin 4sc itin shuidho nduelil5' tltey tare easily adjtel te thea ýffct T H OS. ~~sible, au ovon the antidotes which hýpas oT ea ' wallowed should net ho lef t in thle prs Dyer ansi Ciothes cieauer, tomach.--- Coos aranedtobeasno o1 e i kow Alkaies.-Caustic potash, caeitic soda, 'Wet Feet and Colds. 'tous w r rnew en onc.iilknw ye, ammenia, etc., roquiro, as au antidote, themfi-ui nw weu duevegetahie acide, sucb as lime, aimeul, or Dr. BrownSequarl recoinuends the f Corner XKmg ansi Ontario Street$, orange juico, vinegar well dilutel, o orbwn stebe a eoocîocs Bemuvlecider. Eggs, nilk, grueis, olive or aimoul tibility te taking col frein gettîug -the ft S oil, aro aIse valuabie. Acenite, alcohol, wet:--1 1 D E N TISTR Y . opium, morphia, atrepia, and al ethser ciar- JIip the foot in coel water, and lot th, cetio poisons reqoiro the application of romain a few seconsds. The ccxi morui stimulants over tihe heart, such as a mustard dip thora in agin, letting thons remair pouitice, or bot fornentations, and bot aud a few seonlc longer ; the next merui col applications te tho upino. Iu cases et aeep tbern in a little longer yet, and c, poisoeio g hy opiumî and alcohel, the patient tinue this until yen can beave horn in I) hudbcdh kept meving. an heur wtheut takingcoel. In this wa: C orrosive sublimate roquircu white of person con hecome accustoued te the o, egg. Pliosph orne especially reqoiros aveisi- water, modlho willi net take col from t auce of ils and fats, in wbich it le au ex cause. But the " hardlocing" mnuet ception te ail other poisons. Cheiniaal anti- dlone carefuily. dotes are bss te ho reiel upon thonne ie - 121A PNTlTlN1jT)_ l . aud the ratrnt ahove enggested. aru zestiu $.30,000 achi, sad arecurate ý"o hoth rade bargeet, safeet sud racstest steamers on the Lakos; speed 20 iles pri oni-, iruuinrg lime bectweeA Cleveland, Toledo aud Chicago bessVLan 50 heurs. Four trips per vveek betwecn Toledo, Detreit, Alpeus, MackIcoc, Petos, kcvy nnd Chicago. Daily tripe between Detroit and Cleveland; duriug July aud Auguet double daily service vvili ho main- taiocd, givingý a daybight ride acrosu ILake Erie. Daily service hetweea Clevelsnd and Put-m.-Boy. Furst cbass statereem accommodationSsud menu, and exceed- in.iy low Round Trip Rates. -The pals. Viol equipuient, the iuxury of the appoint- moents makes trave1icg en these steamers tlseroughly enjoyable. Send for lim- tratel aupMet. Add-ose A. A. Scbantz, G.P. A., Doptreit & Cleveland Steam 1,Nav., C!,% Detroit, Micli Bleep witli Head to thee Nortis. The old-time supcrstitieusbolief that, lu moan baings ubenld sbeop with their heals toward the corth J8 new believel Vo be aelupou a, scientiflo priniciple. Sorne F'recbý savants have mode exeerimnents upea ithe hody of a cricuinal who bal suf- fered death and these teste go te prove that each humnan body is in iteîf au electric bat- tory, eue electrode heing representel by the bead and the ether b>' the feet. The body of the subject upon which the qucor experimeuts mentionel above '.vere imode was taken 'imnicdiateiy after beath aud place1 upon s pivotl board, froc te move lu any direction. Af ter come littie vacilla- tien the beal portion turued îoward the nortu and tisen remainel stationary. One of the experimentor8 teck bell of thue pivot hoard assd turuel it se that the beal point- cd south, but upon being freel it alimeet immeliateiy resurnel the firet namelpos i- tien-turuelunutil tise bead, poîntel nortlî. To prove that tîjis was neitîser occident or coincilent upon musclar twitcbings, as soee al suggested, VIse board wa3 repeat- ediy tunnel hait onound ond thon freed, but aiways with siosilar rosubts. 'When Bllay 1-sickl, îve gave ber (astoria. W'hen se was a Chî±td, cs cried foc Castoria. W'hei s ci beeainc Miss, se elung to Castoria. Wbeu ase iad Childrn, sise gare tbiu Castoria. p UR ;. E-S 7, SýT lj 77ST S. rusc!>'for- uns saSV>.FrnaigSrp A YINREi MR CL. Williams' Mdicin'e Cmayfoteither $2.50. 'The prico at which these pis are F ts Pr ovt-d to be Stranger i han sold makes a course of treatmoent compara- Fiction.tively inexpensive as comparedwith other remedies or medical treaticnt. Tîise zemàas'kabie Cure or a Long-Tinte Sif- TePatto o fii forr lïesntisflof Ten Yeasr'Stand- TePriino fi~ Ing Femnnt (utresi A Ste!> Full There is no subject more pieturesque and of Inforest to ail Othot' 55i55!rs. fascinating, observes a conternporary, than Sund)eay MoTrning News~, Montreal. the soramble for terr tr hich bas been limpressedl with the persistency with going on in Africa duorîngWrcentyea whcihtble mostasto31,nishing acçoults of cures But the speculations which now naturaliy effeted thirouig' the agency of D)r. Xill- present themselves as oth fure f fan'Pink Pis f'or Pale People in almost that great continent are necessarily control. al thre newvspalpcrs of Canada and the U'nit- led, more or 1<es, by the censideratien as to _-, ed States, ai reporter for TheoSunday Moru- who have been the factors in the div-ision inig N ste satisfy, him self geueraily of the and euh-division of the vast conglomeration C getineniessof these cures, determined tW of races,, possessing amougst themnselves se inivestigate a case for himself, which had maydgrees of Barbarismn. A work writ- rd'eeutly been brought to bis notice, where ten by Mr. J. ScotKeltie, F.RG.S. editor th uewas claimed to. be due entirely to of' The Stateman's' Year Book,' supplies P W E theef1 cc of this medicine. Awaro that the following interesting information with PU ET Dr. Wiiams' Pink Pis had been tried in regard Vo the areas owned or centrolled by PUREunuJL09,,r Ej DEBÉ I the case of a -gentleman residing at 709 Eurorean poers in the Dark Continent. Cnan oAuAmna ie Shierhrookre streot, in the City of Montreal, Country. Square Miles. CPheiPhOtn A or ary InjuriLime who h 1ad for- years been afflicted periodical- France ..... .-.,0,0 hshts rayjjraj !y ,vith rheumatism, the reporter pet out Britaîn.... ..........,5000,000 ILET TrntGn on1 al journ1ey Of iuquiry to ascertain what...............,0,0 thereoî hd ben Ariingatth hmeGermany .....................8 21,000 of MNr. Gýranville, the gentleman referred Vo, pBelgîum....................... 850,000_________________ hie founid hlm apparentiy enjoying perfect Ptal................. ...85,0 lphitItl..... ...............600,000 A I Si"You doûn't look as though you had heen Spain..... .................... 200,000 suffpring a great deal lately, Mr. Granville," Thus, out of eleven million square moile s ad the reporter, accepting the ievitation nearly 9,000,000 bave been acquired hy B RISTOL'S of bis ho to te h seated.- - European powers within a few years. It SI E - Wýell, ne, you would scarcely suppose xiii be noted that France appeared Io have from nn iy present appearance and activity obtained the lion's share, Mu, as se often thjat 1 lbaç just recovered from a most acute happons, appearances are deceptive. If * takof cbronlc rheumatism, which kept Egypt were added Vo the Brit-sb figures, , me ini hed for oe-r two weeks. You see," where it really belongs, the two colintries coutinnoed Mv. UOiranville, 111Iaana habit. woulho about even on the area of their riual ,,uiller-er fromiirheuinatism, or at toast I African possessions. Ev-en as it is, bow- ha-ve been for ton years past, and although ev-r, France seems to bave obtained the 's ha baveried almnost every remedy it bas wurst place in Afrîca. Mr. Keltie states n1y be since recentiy that J have found that noarly 2,000,000 square miles of hier anlytbý:lng te do mie 8ood. 1V le now about territory is desert, wbile the population of à - two yoarsý sinece1 firet becamo afflicted with British Af rica is 40,000,000 as compared ~ this painful dlisease, and wben it began Vo with 27,000,000 in the French possessions. tl#à cornie on, havingnoe experienced it ho- Btter than that however, ho thinks z frIwas a a com.1ploe.te loss o understand that our own people adepr ilhv what uLt was. 1V was in Chicago that 1 bad the largoest share in the futuro duvelopmn m-i-y firet lattaek, and I remember the cir- of Africea, and that "leventually British iu-VE E Â L e etncsvery well. Wbile walltung o fluonce wil ho paramount." Mr. Keltie GE B E t he st reet 1I was suddeuiy seized with a vie- continues : -1Se far as the possibility of 'lenrtpain iiin my lbt knee, which continued colonization by Englisîs people andfthe ____________ -te groWw oire unitil I couid walk ne longer, habitants of northern and central Europe RO liP1 a -d omplet ai a.adh goes, we have undouhtedly, by a long A eay, tM PT 11 dIr iv-ouho. Onice thero I took te my bcd the advantage oe-r any other power. AI- an di.d not loave it foi- ton days, beiug te- uhough the Zambeai 15 well within the tally unabitomv-e my leg without oxper- tropics,it may ho taken as iu a general way , ieociug tho .rosot excrniciating poain, which the dividing lino betweon Central AfricaFO .1 othýin, i couLl get semred te rulieve.' and South Africa. Se far as experionce bas h FO eporte.andneighboring lande, including the Tre.ns " Oh, yes ; but hoe didn't seem te do me vaal and the Orange Free- Stato, whicb, - - uhgaoo. 1ie wrapped the 11mba in flanr- willingly or unwillingly, are under British 10gav me some decoction of saiicy- influence, are colonizable by Enrepeans of li ci o swa1llow, But 1V Was of ne any coutry-that is te say, Europeans can avallahya sWftree ue net oniy settie there, but thoy oaa make i dîisease, andÀ laid eut for seme weeks, uer and that is -the real test of colonization." hae~ enabeuti aol eobanan- n South Africa,esecially,there is plenty thîo, v1iih wonld even heip me a little. of gold and an abondant supply of coal and ol: I1 ulnt helieve it if I were te re- iron and copper. Theso are great thing c, ountthlicvaiiu patent remedies which I for a youug commcnity, and, when united hiave tiaken otlh externally and interually Vo cheap native laor and a wise o licy, 1rti rle muetý have 1tried a bendred, rival even the British Empire in In1dia. 1 b 5ca dcures, aud nover experîenccd any __________ iHL \'Y m5iîu lle. Imuetfîanly 1 ilktti:2 LAKFR--F,, T( TOTUE WRO~ A~ AN IV NFALLIZLE RE D kfese thaa houP.Iîa egea at i eAPICTURSU %AK1.Spo 1do i ther peaatosfo-r VInceour 'the pille I be.d ried se mny medIiÀines atiDbltylevs rtrai o, bu hi al te le, purposo, buiti 1was wiigt ie Aodthe hLest annd duttby traviVng ined aauu, ooooMXf, hetli i, tramyway, SeI) 1sent eut te the on the Foatug Palces of thie Dtet& Mntutin upr ifand reU 11 Navigation tnetitt à, Di*i*1,,n P, Al tnlf th irections cs-refuly n TonW 5S e 'iEN ýY' !oLet ue(r 1yt . 'hoiul te theu n1ct il tdyand ana!ysi, ai,! 'î!,h ratsccs iu the private practic,,of et an mnt phsii. Ilo sev at prinariiy un the nerive centres,inraig he ltai Force, promctin -, Assiniltion, E n pch his thje Biood, thue preventing anidzi.ra-i, di2ýa.ue For sale b>' Druggists, 50c. per box, or sent post- paid for 50c., or ô boxes $2.5o. Br. iButler liledivine Co., iirockx ile, ont. COURES LIGHTRINGCOCRN CURF CuresIliard aindi SetS fcOnsOniy ihree - - - -pplicationis reqeired. COOPER'S BUNION CURE Cures Boulons. Warts and MO'es, Ssvolier Golnds, Thick Neok andSi mDiseasos ef 0 spca haractor. Thoso remedies are perfect "1'c aoes. Do't be deceived. Ask f ri ,r' a0n1..1 .take ne other. là and 25 cents, AL druggiots, Dr. BUot/Or >McdIpijiC Ce Rrokv[lie, 0On A MERS When you seail Advertise1mon1ý î lke this DOàN'T BELiEVE-- IT but if yo en qire anything ini Grecerýies, spie D ry Goode, Patent 3Medîcins, Tiuware, Gardon Seeds, etc., c1li at SOLINA STORE where yen wiîî find a firôt-claass ortucent wvbicli Las beson hought fer cash, censc queutly, 1 am pro- pared Vo seli at close prices and net eacti- fiec quality. Amtrican and Canadian oil aiways ln stock. Please give nme a oeil and yen wi1 ho welcomne wbcther yen huy or îîet. N. B. Ellioct's Relier Fleur kept. J. T. W1L LI1AMNIS THrI S 'FP"A P EYIR -AND - "Tho Ladies' journlal OF TORONTO, A large 36-page Llu3tttated Pas'i ion Montlily, will be sent to any acldress O]N'iZm ELAE -FOR GnIy eu, dollar and ff.î cent for tho two pap ers: i $ IaI cent Cail ands ee a saînplc copy et "The Ladies' Journal" It is a Publication that wiIl interest ev-ery twoman tn the land. The regular 'ibscriptioni pric3 of Ts joui l'liern:;t" and this paper je 2 per ycar. Yen ge otwo for, Send your mose-and addàress te îhn officeè. -- -- - - - - - of Yorkshire bave decilel' that thijy will cet 1ev>' ny rates dnniing the cea ie meonthe, The biaace -aL their bjmie is 50 barge that Vhey wait nno ore socfra yejr. g ut, 70 coo e'poo-.~.. .saud; ],elore -Lbl1 tea ki.ig Vice Pink Pillu long I was able ittbe Stiff t.he lpain bwal aot completciy 1 1isa~earl.1Iarn ctil taking the puIs, aiml isail kecp ou taking Vbcem for seme timte, andL furtbermore 1 deu't inteul te be with1out :hem ln future." " Týiciiyen ascrihe yur relief entirely o the eài ie ofe Dr. Williams' Pick Pis,"ý in-etlthe reporter. 1 ujest centasnly do, and Mr. Curtis, the dirUp:,stoui Bleury street, will verif y what E have sati." Tbie repo)rter ncxt visitel Mr. H. H. Eurtis, thie druggist referrel Vo, whose plae cf Lbusiness i.eat '291 Bicury street, and nergtlhim with refeenîce te (ho case. Mr.% Curtisý stated that hoe knew of Mr. llraniviile's :ailment and that he bal cufferel fo yrs, oud ho ad ne doit Pink Pille ,li, al MN. u GrauLvilie said. Ho furtber scsid tha Pink Piis bacl a vory large'sale, and glave uinivercal cati-faction. The reporter thoen withlrqiîto satisflel witb the recuit of 1bi.,netiain JjlDr.! Winbîarns' Pi ubsfer Pale Peo-, pcare mnuacurd >Dbr. Wliiu modîcîineo Ç., of Bocvile Ot., oud (chounetady, IN., a fin, of uqetoe reliability. Pillaaenet b oke pen as a pateoitsseiie but rather as a prescrip- tion. Au n ibýysîs of tijeir prepertice show that iliese pilbsaiteauuniiifailing specifloforaîl dise3ýases ai isiug trorn au impovenished con- dition of the blel, r broui an impairmont of the narvous osyeten, as ms3 et appetite, dleprees3ion etf ep1îits, -auiemia, cîienosîs or gren Sicku 1 genoral muscalar weakuess, dîinc,slu~, Ibec cf' memory, palpitat(ion of the hecart, ci-vou-s beadache, lecomotor ataxia, pa-ralysi, eciatica, rbicumatism, St, Vitus' lance, the aýttr effects of la grippe, ait diseevts depcn ing upn a vitiateh condition of tho e ,so su uroh nachrouic ery- se-, .Theuy are aise a specifec for the trouLbles peouliatr te thse femmie cystoîn, coerectuug irregubarities, suppressions and ml1' formes of femaie weakness, building auew thie bbood and reetoring the glow et beali te pale and saliow cbceks. Iu the case oi mon tboy chIcot a radical cure in al cames arisicg broui mental worry, oe-r- work, or ecso of acy nature. These pill e renoV a purgativeinielicine. They couVai n oy life-gnvung preperties and nothing that could injure tho meet delicate systi. They mot directly ou the blool, supplig iii hife-giv-ing quabities, by as- sistin.g iV te aheorh oxygen, that great sup- porter et ail organic life. In thîs way the blool, becoming "lbuilt up ' and being sppliel withjils laekiug conctituonts, ho- cornes rieb au IroI,,nourishes the varions orgne simuatpgVlern te activity ilu'the perforipanceý of thoir functiens and thus eliicates dlisemseýitrom the sysucem. Dr). Wiirs Pick Pilis are sol only in boxes býean:ig t1ce frm's t"a.lo mai-k and wrper printoL1 in red ink). Bcar lu mnd that Dr. Williams' Pick Pille are neor sodi n bulk, or by the dozen or hua- dred, and ay demler who offers substitutes lu this form lus tryiug Vo defraul you aud shoui,,( be avoidel. The public are aise cautionol ogmainut ail1 other so-ismî'bl bool builders and serve tonnes, put up iu simibar forui inteudel te deceive. Tbey are alI nutioswhose rnakers hope te reap a pecunizary adv-mntage broi the wocderfui reputation achieved by Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pilla. Ask yocr dealer for Dr. Wilbimmis' Pink Publs for Pale Pr-ople ad refuse al irnitations and subu1itiutes. Dr. Wlimn'Pick Pille mty be lbaI ef aIl dr-nuggists or direct by miail frein Dr. Pitçer'sCastoria.q 1