MIS."S HAYNE'S ORATIONe Friday, June 101h, was observed a Cla-Ss Day at Demill Colege, Ohawa. în the afteýrnoon the Freshmnen pianted their tree, end as this is the thi-rd yeer a;inice the tree plinting was introdnced, tho senLiOrs asd jun-iors hed each their ùless trc eru which ceremiosà were perfermied. They formed into isne, al wearing white dresses, and their ewn, especial clssa fiower, and marched around the groundaý to the spot chosen by the "rsma or their traewhere the(. follow- ing original oration vas deliverad by Miss Ani ayne, of Bwavie We asý Juniors once more gather arounâ our Maple Tree, which lookese young enid grecaeful that we cannot haip but thmink of that far off future, when its opreaeinig branches and ciustering leavas shhformi a ahede ovar the heeda of ot hers asj young and hopefual as wo are 120w. And as we stand here we wonder if we shall then have grown as strong asd ba. 2'YBO. Miss Jenniie Roy who lias -beeàn living for zeverai years wih ber aged grand- parent, Mrs. Roy, sr., bas returned to hier father's home, Simmons, Mich.,, on accounit of ililheath .. . .Mr.,John Brima- combe startad on Monday for ohd Eng- land and -whiie thora intends taking in the siglits cf the worid's metropohi'is., Soma cf thre visiters: Mrs. Dr. Honey- watt, Hinter River, P. E. I., Mr. F. Manning, Hamilton, Mrs. Walker, Des. ver, Coi... .A very anjoyeble time was spent and bliastered faces raceived at the picnic te Lake Scugog on Saturday ast under the patronage cf Messrs. Hawkey and Clemens. . .. Corgregations rather snail on Sebbath in consequence cf sur. roniganivarseries. COUJfl?1CIBJ. Mr. Assis, Weshington ,Territory, bas been vislting relatives in this iocaity.... Mr and Mrs. Edward Rundie, ]rock,are1 guests cf Jas. Rundle, ......... Mr. A. F. Easily, Quicikly, Permanently Ietrd and ail te a' (f vi1s frem c riy errersi or atr eceethýe resuits (f vrrk esit, worry, 1 tc. A 1 Fuit strenghdvi- ~ ment and tone given to) everyorgan -and portion of the body. Simple, naturai neethode. I1m, mediatefimreve ,ment seen. Failure ýimipossai blhe. 2,000 references. TII5gIIhI. , explanation and proofs miicd i(aealud) frec. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N1Y. corne as great an ornement in the wrd andi Miss Lizzia Rundia are Epending aj asou bquifl re.couple cf weaks with friends in Nortbý Darlington <jounicil. as or beutiul tee.Ontario... .The conteet et Mt. Carsweil As the storms and tampesta cnîy ceuse Division bas bean termineted, Mv. McK,R Town Hall, Hampton, June 24. our tree te teke deaper root, ittey we Penfound'ea ide waes a few marks abead Regular meeting, mambers aIt present wben sorrows and mifortunes come bha ... Division meata thiswaek on Thursday Minutes reed asd'conflrxned. drewn close te our Heevenly Fether and aeaing, os accounit cf the township S. S, The foltowing proposad rcts cf thle nîay faitb tako deaper root in our hearts. Instittîte at Ebenazer on Wadneday.... Lgiiature wera aubmitted. for the con- Lest vaar wben we planted our trea, Mrs. W. Miller baes gene on a viil. te ber ideratien of the Coutroit: "To amand we looked forwerd with minglod pleasure son in Titueville, P'a, ... .Mr. L. T. Court. thea ssessmeiý ccl"; *'Respecting d itches and ,.nixatyteoour junior yeer, thongli ica is spending the oummer on Lae and watar courses." "Toe oaiii wv el faht if succese crownedl our efforts Memiphreinegog, Quebec .. . .Mr. A. J. the drainage laws." wa ould ba more theni repaid for our Ceurtice bced a vory succassf ut brn raising Thefooin cmuiatnswv labr an tiathogh fita3.our hearts hst week .. . .Rev, Gao.Gae occupied the preaented front S. S. Trustees asking the wih ,d-terminetlin te do our haest. Ebenezer pulpit on Susdey morning and emeunt3 statad as local sohooi rat es, , No. And nOW we ask ourýeeves bave we Mr. Wm. Evarson in the avasiog. Rev.2,$5;No reehied or hoes ~L. Paipewas s9ferg f150;a efoots3, $325; No. 4, $410;' No, cf quinsy... . Mr. H. Gay aed son Bert 1, $260; No. 1, $30; No. l),$30-;. We look beck aveýr th3 pet year and ware flehirsg et Lake Scngog test wek...1,$0 No. 1 5 $300; N o, 16,$22$350; feet deeply tbankful thet we hv co-M.B rito n ieMriui-Ne. 5, $250. Other sections are raqueat. plielit d aven as mucl i a we heve,elhough kIllan, visited friends have lest weak. ed te send in their applications et onice. we regret tha miany precîcus eppertunitias wBe have elowed te Elhp by unhedad. EXrEENCczRAS PstevElT.-A triumph Mv. Wm. Broad complised of the Thabar stdjbas wehop, evoop-numadicine was etteinad when experience eccupaucy cf a street in the village cfl Tde minda ad head t pa hpadv ±h proved thet Scott's Emulsion Would net Usydon by Wm. Cosling, sen. The ed or mndsand elpd ,ta pepae usom cnly stop the pragress cf Pulmenavy Cen- clark was in3tructed te notify Mr. Cowl- foneardwak hthoh i avoe sa sumýption, but by its continuedl use haalth isg te vamoe bis fence as socri as his nextyea. Ad athough ebae sma.and vigrcould ba fully rastored, crop iii off and te ceerre ging on with tlie limeas fat discouraged we bave triad te o lock os the bright sida, thinking of tha ------- erecti of e building on said streat, said obstruction ta ha removed sot aer thani future, when our mninds saîel ha e torad SNNISKILLBN. let November next. withte seal usowlmdeat hpi ilemcf Visitors: Mv. Watlace and Mies Irwin Capt. Wight aise complained cf injary enabe u ta eettheprobemaofcf Scngog Island et Mrs. J. Williams';]j te hie cressing and drain by parties par- hife. Mrs. Moase and Mrs. A. Mitchell, New- forminug statu te lubor. Thre cey k wî s in- ,But we must net forgat the peasura O tonvilia et Dr. Mitchl's; Mr. and Mrs. structeci te caution the Pathmaseragi. the year, fer our lifa bas net becs a"l Bredis et thair s5n's; andi Miss E. Ellictt et usnacaseary interfarenco with 'Mr. work ; thora bas boas mucir cf fus sud et Mrs. Brownse . ... ur naighborbood Wight'a p o>aîiy. merry makipg, (always in the recreation on Saturdey hat was retirer destitute cf M.Piokrpra ie a' ak heurs, of course.) The social chats, tee r olc eote htSi' tck enc cnfienielteksbib w hekbokyoung peeple owing te the two pieincs or lied boansesnt te the hospite.pnrsîi nt ~it phasua, nc fel ara heten etthelek ed the other et Mr-.S- te instructions cf last meeting, ai fromi UPOn S h laue ii o]sr htAlin's, providence. A vary pleesant reports racaivaci ha is doint' wel. tliey have helpodust know,, each other tima is repertaci of bth.... .Dr. Brown M.Batrpreio h eiisc belter adthrougli tbem wu have formedr f Arkona bas returnaciohomeacempani.of sot a few lsigfriendebipa. ofA y hiebart r oer vF.R.Bowpn...W. 1Reynolds andi others rufertcl te hinm Andok3basck ovar the yeav, Va fear tira correspondant te ilie "We8t et lest meeting as to change in Ictc and ec the mny crookeci tepe wa have Durhaem News" freib tis place is labor-ofteraono4inheýhcn. - teken,wa hope te ha the wisev froin these ing under a liglit nistake., Dr. Mitchr. commandisg thv , tae prayar cfLtire peýi miasy antksed 10 be set atogaîhar ell reports tiret the Conservatives are Is tics ha gveutad. Concn-vedý in. unwerthy te weev the gown next y7evr, fuit ratreat freim Ottawa andi that theve Mv. Courticis raportac i outire compinb and 'u) ha lookad. up11)te as senliors. ara nona but reservad seraIts for Liborels cf John 'Belsrn as toeancroacirmeýnt osn the Our grarat dessiro liet wben iiwefiish down theva Sow. Accrdingly il le te be roedl on lot 33 in thaP, jd con., that tira our sýciool lifa liera, the influe'nces asiich eav ec that the hupes cf tire wcrtby cr)r- nimattar coniptaiseci cf was being rermra4ised. have bean tlit-rvow arousci.1us, ced thearespendadnt ta lce"Nes"avé feted t 1ha Os motion the Reave was instructeci le lassons we have teaasned, witl fit us the a dsheci te the greunc as under thesa civ- grant ordars os tira Treesuvecr fer the bottert 3i-ts utbnthe daficultice wb-1ich muet-Acumistancea lthe voters cf West Darh1am fllowisg sums will ha in duty bousd. 10 senci down ea11 Chas. flooper,rent cf land for rnad $ 2'00 spl 6 stct0ons, a9G1 cnidt.Rioli. _Besîam, do do <Jo zioiVM.dBIFOA. j . . .A speciaIl sermon bhy iîev. Dr. t'iv irs. hGoey, tl 1bacc raees.180 segia, of Africa, will ha p-reacheeci the Wm. Terdîfi, jr., sbep aap ýp-- Mvil. asnd Mrs. Gaeo. C. Foster cf Pea-Presbytelaise1chrCh sext Sn1dety. 1Wm.Vrtue do . 6 e11Pin1er 1smoneci racastly te _________________do ___________________ Jes---- Chse Wiliams. CeIO.6 00 the badsida cftiRai'. J. B. Glloway c Peteen itN.J ho baCd beau con- SA LEJM. Jobs P. ttes, 118 loeds of evai. 5,90 flneadte bis hed with pneumonie. Hle Tise ra-epening services cf the cirurcli John Ileerd, 24 d .i~2 retnrn"Ied 'teCetada unetireis xhuir a- were succeseful despita the haavy rein on Indigent- Gey, -Jatiet WVilson, 13rait- wa trust tiret Scon ne teehiia-Mondray t tea lime ancicf ter. Rev. .10onanci Courtice, $5 eacli;Ba.Wilsa'1, atmosphera of -Mepfle Groe favmi andi W. Watch delighted hie large audiencese Meliatt and Lswis,$4 eaccl cehLla balmy breezes of Laike Scugog, the Rv on Suudray with capital sermons tand the Sais icx aeSae,ý)ec gentleman wllsoon sesh himBecf agaîs1 . singing andc clleutions weve good. On1lE mme Stacey, Sprr ni and Campiraîl, $2 M. and Mis. Foster speak lu glowang Mondey q$51 warc taken for tickets andi a eaccu. terme of the pleesant week s$Pont lu Pet- spiend'd tea waes sevved in the old churcir. Onunoticî"I the Consecil adjounec te terecre city, and cf tire kindsess and Rai'-. l Mcllocb, tire pester, presidad etrisJy29t1:0pm coutasy shows tram by our Americen et thce concert in bis happy mennar and StraJl 9a .0Pi cousjins. Being only a few minutes' rus as excellent pvogramu as fnvrished. The R. WINDATT, from _New Yrk tbey lied e splendid op)- Misses Moora (3) cf Bro, k!ils in soies,Tesip lr. poytunily cf visiting- many pl aces cf in-duels. trie vende dci souci eppreciated teretý in thet graat city, service, as did aise th.e Tyrone quavtê île Tirera ara many forme cOf seivns de- teaci by Mv. John Cltu--c(ta, and tira Pro- 1 lhity in met, thet yield te the use cf MUOUNTVEN . vidonce trio lad by Mr. W. J. Bragg. Carter à Ires Prile. Tircea wbo ave troubi- Tira concert ce Wedlnesdray avasin)gI ivaqs e gocci auccesFi the pvograrn being tirae hasht avar givas haro. Rav. D. S. Hou.1ck actecd ias cliairmen enc inauiis sharp, ganisi way gaveac short acidress on S. S. wov(rk ishice the audience appreciateci vevy mnccl., Miss Cottes as an intrumnal- iat lias ne leck cf execution anci phayaci very bý-eautifuhly; Miss Einra Rose veciteci vory nicly; Mr. John Keachie sang rrCalysry' anc i"Wirare is Heaven ?t' in fine toueor volce aisci iis sisging wcs mui asjeyed by ail. Miss Lick, g-zedu- ate cf Boton Sohoot cf Oratury, eiszht eci al present witli ber readings; Miss Tait, violiniat, playedi ti groat satisfac- tion -tire "Litlel Mezurke"; Mr. A. Abra- berna gave au excellent reading, "Wiiet wcmnen can de fer mes"; Mr. T. G. Vir- tue, Ennssiller, Eaug a mesîarly baasa veice very beautifnily "itby santisel aul 1I7; Mv. F.'. Hostile, vieinlt, phayecýiI~Via La Canadienne" whicb was exceptiosally weal vendei'ad; lire quartai "Comae wiera hlirlies bloom" givan by Misses Hayes anci PotIer anci Messrs. Souci sud Vivîne was wel given. Muse Staintun ssci Mra. H. L. Paýe aected as accompaniss .. .. Miss Editi Argue visil- aci is Toronto .. . .Mr. Wm. qjiborI, sr., visitaci hie sister Mtrs. \Varue, Cobourg ...Mrs. Job White, Ashhuvsî, visiteci lier fallier, Mr. Tiron. Wlbnr. ....- Mr. and, Mrz * E. Milison spent Sunday iil friande et Ebenezer. ... Mv. anci Mrs. J. J. Smithi, Mv. anci Mrs. A. B. Cryder- mas, Mv. Gec. F. Milîsos anci Mr. L. Lick vi2iteci the Agriculuval Cohege, 'Guelphr, on Tucsday .. . .Mre. Edwin Asiî3vi5iteci ber motiar aI 'Whiriby. ... Megsrs. Davidi anci Levi Aunis, Wood- ville, ave visitiîsg Dailingles friands. -... Mr. John Smiti r raied hie bars on Wed- uesday. ists Fleils 55505two w' 1,) s iely,li1555 Tait gaie a viehini solo tiret ives londly applended, Mvr. F. Trohmtcock t'eve a raading accep,.tebly, Mîýe Cotton playeci a livety instrumental sole, Rev. H. J.1 Strike maea speech caci Editor J;sm3s saict a few cnmphimeîîecry werdm. Tire sisglng cf Miss Edura Moore ivas s fta- ture cf tire eveniing ranci her sweel alaging sircied .tir e aie iemrade grerat improve- muent undar tire caref ul professionel train. ing sic lias veceived et Oatario Ladies Cehiege, Tira ciurcli choir ted hy Mv. R. H. Celeacott sanrg a besutftsi cuthe - ranci weeabhy assliqteri ly Mu .J Masos rand Mica C. Crydarman, of Bow- manville. New Ruilcbug 1.irm. 1Mr. Alfreci Gnltey andi Mr. F. G. Humber have forvmed c pavtnevship ranci wIvl carry ce business as conrlrctori., buildoreaenci general cerpssctevs. Botir are îboreughiy siciliaci ancipracticel workmen, having au intimae knowiedge cf ail tire detaîls cf their business eand wlll endeaver te give complote satisfac- bics lu all vork entrusteci te them. Tirey ara preparec I o uscertaka any new wovk or repairing in the carpeislry huae, giva estimetes, andi ivere secessary cas suppty matevials. Correspondance mcay ire acidroseci 1 Gutley & Hlumber, Con- tractersanssc Buldere, Bowmasville, or liey may a soen personaly.Mr. Guiley lives on Ce3ntre St.,saci Mv. Hum- ber, cor. QueandciOntario Sîs. 'EL -f yen waut te bey or soitla ferm, ecivertisa in tira Toronto 'WaekiY Mail.' INUT RAT IVE,-T0 NICNERVERESTORNG~ Tirt paper reacces 100,000 farmers, Thase pflle arecucring whoiealcilaie hiomes avevy waeandsciyenv aciverlise- haeve feaiheci. Net bacante they are strong ment sbould mueet the aya cf sorua-ose sud vicilent, but becausa thcy have an apt wlio wants te purcîcese. Acivertisamaflîs relation te tire prima cause cf neariy cR1 cf tiis clee.s ara insarteci in the Toronto tira syruploms cleci by se mcsy nses. rweebly Mail' fcr Fiye Cans a -word for Theîr use ramoves lie Cause. easc insertion or Tweuby Cents e word Druggists ssci dealars, or usait. Prica for fiva insertions. Acicres 'Tire Mail,'150 cia, six for $2.50. Tira Celery Pili Toronto Canada. Co., Toronto. Ont, ed wi-thne ---usweaknerss,nhts ie, etc., sheu]d ltry thers. BABY 'FOUR WEEKS 0WD Cured ln, 5 Weeks. Malde Healthy and Be'iutlfuall)Y Cutiura ReMed1es.ý my babylboy bcd becu sufferlig from birth %ith motesrtofa eruption. Tihe d-ctor cledi iiiem ., 1tie11(0 ekWcs crie lra CxeePOSed mess of red. tin- fiaaed flesli. Ula8 armaeacd acropscand nde lai tU _h8, %vberever the fat ilsrmade a toRd, Fù'four weeks cfter Lis birtbli e seffured ~th (biseruptio, I 1got COU. icQ. herewaR liztle elcep O or nc. III fivc wae aine weeks obi Fbrer . lt, and ,yeu0'enghi te see hie skie ee(ý.v, eee0rve a edcbestifl pink cnd white celer. lH' le haltyck i a bC. The CUTICUPRA licOLvYNT lc gvnhlM tone, vigor and etrength. Ic1lee iepo1cltrt.l Thanke (o the fam.onS CITRA REMEIES Tcy cannt ibe spoken of tee higlltlihave doue ail tiret iras been claimed fer (hein. NVM. A. GARIDNERI, 184E. 12ý'3S,'.,New YorL. From t he cge of two moes my bably Ësefi-erc(d vrtrh thre eczerea on ber face cnd hbedy.1) 0,ercd seitheut avail. Ueed CUTICURA RceeanrEeýu- Feur tire n eery respect ectisfcctery. Tireelrlilice,ý" cow c beantifel kin ccd le cured. We iecei recnremend tire satne te ail methere. Mas. J. itOTItEN1BEfiti, 166, Firstý Ave-, 1'î. Y. Cuticura eovn Tire nevw Bloand cdSkIi riSer ieerilycq (JTIURrenthe great S1Idi Cul r~, dCtTtJA Bon', ce exqeieiSki 'atfi etre liy, l- statly relieve cnd Frp-edly cure Cery dieucte ced' humier et thre skieecp c lnd ii oec hair, frein iafeey teageifeicpruictesfuel. Snid evcyw'her.I'ieCjocRý,7 35q.; ItEsoLvZ'? io.F ~ db h~PT H~Iow te Cure S5in Dr-se"6 ae,5 illustrationsadtei2aalmie re SAB'S Sn cnd Scl perfo BMUU CUTCÂ.RAP.Aeentypue RIIED î*1PIïTlG P;5éN8 In oneua iîseut thiltieura Ai- Pa S Pctoeiee 'rruat, Ue- tic, bp iny iei e ucia pains sud wceee.irc.31eil Minavd's Linimenet for asiae very wherc. Mr- and Mrs. 'Win. Airnstýroag, spant a ü0Iupýt f îdays Jin the citY Isat n-eek. Mr. TJohn Moment lbas returned hom*iie fromi Princeton College. The numeérouis testimioniais recaived pl]ace Dr. Býutler's Guides Pilis in the formoa(jt rank cif reliabla remedia agents. Try them-ý. Mvs. DvidMlcCtiliaoh fell down the cehIar stairs a.nd Rsprained botb ankias. Mr. C. J. Thicrnton was foreman -of thie Grand Jury et Cobcurg., Backachle is aimoet Rmrsadiatoly vlley- ed by waaring ona cf Carter'a Smaart, Weed and Celladonna Backache Phaptars-. Try ose and ha free from pain. Prie 25 Cent,-. Mliss Lena Ballegh, Toron te, bas bean Visitîng her sister Mrs. W. W. Dickey. Mrs. Walker, Port Hope, visiitedel t Mr. W. S. Gamsby's racantly. As a biood-purifiar, the most eminent physiciens prozcribe Ay or's Sarsaparilis. It is the most powarfui combiDatien cf vegetable alterativesl ever cfferad te the public. As a spring and family meciine it mcay be fraely used by old and, young ahile. Mr. Lou. Patton, Toronto, was in town lest week-. Mr. Wesley Glanny and siater, Miss Ess!ia Glenny, and Mr. and Mrs.' William Wilson, Pontypool, spent Surday week et Mr, Ralpli Stutt's. Raiember Momibrays Kidney and Liver Cure i8 the iateat triumph in hrmcfor the Cure cf Kidney and Liver Trouble, and a positive Ctuve for Back Ache, Sour Stonsach, Dizziness, Cýinstipatios, etc. Rev. A. Carswell, M. A., wilt preach te the Orange brethren in St. Saviour's cbuîch niext Sunday. ThoeAMethodiBts gave a reception te their new paster, Rev. J. R. Real Tiînis- day evening. Do you raad the testîmonials pubished in behaîf of Hood's Sersaparils.îTbey are thoroughly reliebie and worthy your confidence. Mr, A. A. Tne-ker bas obtaiued a situa- tien in Port Pýrry. Mrp. Tockor and femly wiil spend tira sumuier in Ont] is. JOHN J. MASON'S DRY i<iùêOD' >ýaied JEWLIYHUIBwmnil -0 DRES S 1 GOOIS-Sujtable for-warmw- ,eathjer. STRAW HkITS-For Gents, Ladies and Cilidren. Large variety and low P1Cs. COTTON HOSIERY-Fast Black and Grey, the best value We have ever had. W e import our Rose and Gloves and get the beàt goods procurable at the owest prices. XVe are certain you can sa've mon.-y by buying Gloves and Rose at Our store. PARASOL S-The largcst sale' we have ever had. Have repeat- cd our pur-chase twice, and can now supply you with first-class new < goods, at euts prices. Look out for bargains as we neyer carry Our- goods over from one season to another. JO'"HN J. MASON. ýq____ fl A LE. Owing to the late season we have a large ,urplus stock and Ibis is the people's chance. 200pairs of Boots and Sheeés, 500 Men's and Boy's SuitsIý, 60 dozen Hats. Ail our Stippers at actual cost. Ladies Kid Buttoîî Shoes $1.25 up. Ladies Tie Shees 90c. up. Mý,en's Fine Shoes $1I up. TAXE À PaxEBISCIT.-Sliould a phebis- iven's 1-eavy VVork Shoes $1 Up. cite ha takan il wculd ha founci Ilat Men's Suits froin $3.75 up. Bnrdock Bleod Bitters is by long odds thaesmort anecessful and popular cura for Boys Suits from $1,50 up. dlyspepeia e aedecli,conrripeion,bilions- nae, hsd blcod, etc. ut le pnrely veget- We are showtng thîs season the most coînplete stock we- able. ever yet bought atid at lowest prices. Master Eddie, sen cf Mr. G. M. Long,CL TH ING O OER get a dose cf poison ivy whia pleyisg lu OT IN T RDER the wssc'da recentty. Place your orders as soon as possible. We have a large SectE Fooxîsa PuOFLnashow e cougli te Staff of firstclass hands. rus nutil il gels bayonci tirareracl cf medîcine. They oftas sey, "Oh il isillI. -. AS N weasr swy,' but in most casas il wesrsi THE GLOTHINC HflUSE. T E .M S N tirets asay. Could tiraylie inducoci ta ___________________________________ try tire succaýsful mEdàicisa cehleci Kemp's -________________________________________ Baliami, v.hich le solci on a positive gnar- SITUATIONS VACANT. Wm. ]Radam Vindicated. aubee te cuve, they wouid imanediately sea the excellent tffect afler taking tira Il le a wetl knjows faet thet fer rayerai iTui BDAS iRB KLE firet dose, Price 50c. and q1.00. At cil yeais a gooci Siorthanci (r 1Busiiness SLTLEJ YÀ VERDICT POU TEE druggcists." iaducation lis s es th, menusecf pio' . LINIF IMr. W'illiam L. Nýewsem, iNew Wtst- inig a groat imany youug menan sd wov.a1Mi.. ~ dî dVg wl N. Y. Epres. - nists,~.à che ci re atten;d Ilchbais st ch an aduc-1Tire case cf Wmi. Radami, inven., Sargeant Odahi, cf thaeILirconshire to'i le vay acvisbletirtyou Salion1s- i dmsMcoeKllr glil ~- Artillevy, Eeg., ~~~~~ses of Mr, H. H. OdaîR, iv cossidar yeuv chances of amopioy'en cisec h DugesCrue n cf this te)wl ,,cf[terv a close cempOtition), fterwaid-,arnc if et ral possible attend', a CiemicalGztte a decideci yeterday won the Lord Lieutenant cof Lircoîn- sobeool aitueteci isere yen ave goiflg, te by a Jury befere Jucige Asdrews in th shirc's prize efler a lcse contest, with r. obtein pstin aTr f(owngcipig oraece. M.Rdmrale score cf 31 peinte eut a possible "6. fromThe Markli Ecoslomitcf Maîcir verdict aranc complote vindication frek 101h speake fer itseaf. "W ara very the chigEr made by Dr. Eccles lian. For Over Fifty Yaars ptaased te lears that Miss Martre Lumhley article pubîs!haci in the "Druggietz Mat. WNSLW'sSooaee Svur asof Ibis vilagÉ lias baeu. placec inau e vry Circuler" lin ehev 18,attRckIig MRS.WINLOWS SOTELG SRUPbasfine position as Stenogrephar in the flrm the microeakitler. Tira article stated lises useci by millions of motrera for cf Reeve & Woodwortb, Berristaers, Ihat tire microbe kilier wasý comPouidae tiroeirchildraishultetething. If distnrb- Solicitors. etc., 18 King St., E.,Toronte, cf poiseneus druge, anci that esy paet eci ab nigit anci broken cf your rest by c by tie preprietor cf Barker & Spenca'a Using il weuld dia cf cumulative poiËIOU. iick cid enffaring asnd crying iiti pain Sirorthaisc anci Business School, Toronti.. ing, but tieletimony mhowed that IbEil f Cutting Taeth senci et once asci gea A eclioc tiret lias suzh a connactios witb as astisieptie gas impraguiateci is wat bottle cf "Mvs. Wisslow'a Soclhing the business publicese te fieci situations ssci containaci1ne druge. Syrnp" fer Chidras '1'ehing. ' h will for its greduetes' la certeisly s very One cf tire charges made. by Dr. Eccles rivethe peer ittia auffarer immediae- wighty laver iu deciding wbera b babae in tira "D)ruggista' Circuiler" was, that If ]y. DepenciupesIt, mothevs,tirera te ne sucb a course. We iish Miss Lusrley tira microbe butler were Iaben intern?4Jy mistakeabaout it. îIt cures DiarricS>, avery ouccesa in lier new vacation in life. in large dos-es lb we.ulci bc fatal, bUb f raguhaleps the Stomacli aud Bowehls, cnres _If. ruhfowcitetwtnssWO ducs Inllammaotonngs the o nd eaci Dr. Buitiar's Golden Pilla havaearueci proveci tirat i was îlot poison whe ak e. aneg es Ilematio,,andsys toue aagreat reputration wberaver employeci. intarn1t aeuluilihe rgeel quantiteu. Wnsly o'sSthiug ésYtrnfrcci rsAs a serve lonic aud bîceci buildar they Thely svoa tirt ey bacitake», s0m teein le pees nt e ibe teste ssorchi i eara inirivaltci. Tbey increase the appe- 15,gallons te100 gallons intarnally &12 procrptonof secfth oleeecihat ilte anci Ironîte a heeltiry paîformance preisrsggfrom threa months! to famacriphyioofesofscienursest nde nt-cf cll tirafunictiers cf bbc body. >A thor- tirea yeavs. Ose patient, e lady, ti$ famll St-acate . Pice tw uesuin-thvent- ougirly sciesîtiflco pration, theay neyer Isas n160 gallonls of lie microbe kifle bîe. Slci by il dmuggy-isIboucent afeu teeffoat e cure if directions are faitir- and wes curac asnd loft in perfeet healli. tire ivovic. Be sure tc aak for "Mats fslly carii e ut. Nethisg harmiful in Sir idba ercdsntemnhe it WîNNov'sS OOTIIING SyxUr." 22-17 ' tiair composition. Tire meat dalicate infiemmetory rheumatism andi "ad neally Bystem willlieho nfllled. _Ask for Dr. lest berar sgli. Yet she a7 U54Ll coUt Butiar's Golden Pilla anci take ne c oher. cempletely cuvoci. Han casowas regatd- GET YOUTR PICTURE TAKEN. ____eci as a miracle, AIl colore cf prepereci Peint at R. Tire verdict of $500, concludarl lMr. We baveadedcite env stock cf instru-W Rradam, ile satisfactory in view of the fact mùente a vtry fini, 1Hrwbye lifandi camera Wovlh'e, Bowmeevilte. that os tire trialnse injury te tha 0bnsin,à8 asduriae praprareci b laeasnap aboIs cf Lovely Enghli s ool Cerpets j uet open- cf tira Radasa Company was shows;-, bt p>icelo parties, vesidenes1,, or animais et eci onutat Cenc,Joiso rdra the jury, convinceci cf tira libetous cjiU short notice. Weva ii go into the cous- C>40 acter cf bthe article altackssg nme perse* try if desireci. PILES!1 PILES! IJTCHING PILES. elhy, randereci c nominal verdict fer tUt~ Wa alec taka photos cf cemelery plots ýSYMPT0ccS-M3oistnre; inenseaitcbing pateoun. aIon ofcte, er l s ca 4O0 at vevy hou' prices. Drrop in aï,d haveaencissnin;Mostat etnigiri; wevse by paevnieinc ieuja sema good cabinets teal cof youv al3' lscsant ig.If ltewed ec-nInua tm- irdinbaluotack& on agentsifrbe ff tire iveil knowu galtary. TAIT & CO., ores rr, iWhichrcf tan bleeci aun crtHggnola Sn gnsUo l~ Market Square, Bowmanvillr' 2 ectrisv ry sera. SWAYNE'S OINT- Killer. I cured a Herse of the, mange with MINARD'S LINIMENT. Dalhousie. OjusToPrEit SÂUTNDERS. 1 cured a Herse badly tors by a pirch fork, with MINABLD'S LINIMENT. St. Peter,,C. B. EDWÂRD-LI.NiIEF. I cured a Heorse of a bad cw elling wlth MINA'RD'S LINIMENT. Bathuret, N. B, Thios. W. PAYNE. Juset arriviug a fresh supply of Field and Garden Seedsaet Murdoch's oid.ctînd. Mcth Prooi Carpet Feit and ail kinda of Building Peper at R. Wortli'e, I"ut has cured others a.nd aili c"ure you" isi true only of Ayer's Sorsparilla. Th, mpotto- suito the mnedicine and the medicine the miotte. What bctter assracecei you have that a remedly wiii cur3 1Y-, than theflietlat il bas cured sucl(ýi mul, titndes of ethera Ripai)s a bules cure naugea. ulceral.i,,s, anc inl most cases ramoeas the lunelors. At druggists, or hy mail, for 50 cans. Dr. Swayna &Scn, Philadel- ;eiia. Lyman Sens &C., Mestucat, Wielesale Agants. Parasols at West Enci House just lnu ssci very ciraap. Ca",l-mu i es the cheap ssci pretty Wrall Papera et Kirby'a befere buv'ing. STEAMER NORTH KIN~ NEW, FAST ANID ELEUTRI-LICUHTUE Daily for Roches ter, On and afler Monday, May 1Ist vImy Cobourg ah M8 .0cm., Port Ucpa et!), 0:e'. arrivai cf G. T. R. Trains. Avivst Chai lotte at 2M .3ep.s Ieungleeves Charlotee t 11.15 i1).N except Tuesday at 9.15 a.ra. and Saturdayt 1 .15 pmr., arntVing et Port Hfope ah 0.30 a.11 (Saturdayat 9.00 p.m. WIIcati at Colbornen Wednesdlay and I'rtday at IN e .m.,aind Bvlgf teon omoay asd 1lenesday nt 2.60 5.1rid .Asikycur local agent t hIj Valjley, West Shere. WV. NW. I;&O.,. ,L. &W B. lt. & P., W. N. Y. & P., enci]Have age fheeked Threugis. jC. P'. GILDEIISLEE VE. Gen.Maager, C. H. NICHOLSON- Kingeton, Geni. lisLs. Agt. J, H. Hl. JURny, Pr cpi Ticket Agent, Bomcmianv-IiR. Tefmune-jsMigt10en'the frjoVijuerL% evngaZ. I ent foworat e icasfouroiesl pcg car isue 56 clumes f ring rn uatiter-l cpte str;, c xent aod iarmental eue's, for s ouly Tee Cnts fthcouseheoldesand bts ous s atee gt yeng te give te papra trei, oing euwaltierat yin fu wilcoie fermnv'rn mb cr!Ofibers. uundrsa Aciddrss WVRE AAI~,Box 1ifS, fL& D> M ' .yx - i Î.