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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1893, p. 1

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~1~ n 1'ER8:-$.50Puli AgNUM OUIR TOWN A.NDOOJJNTY,ý z! Y LLD ÂýFTERWARDS.ý A1 AJAmES EDITOR AN» PROPxJETOE, NEw ScRims, BOWMANVILLE£, ONTA.I( Y. JIJLY 5, 1893. VOLUME XXX NME.27 JOHNSTON &CRYDERMI uuuuII1 vite special attention their fine stock of n h.hnn A ri.An h nA r These are ail new goo ds, imported this season, and. are s-pecially good value. 1JQHNSTON & OYDERMAR, -BOWMA~TYILLE. SONABE PflPS!. -o- 'ure White Rellebore Paris -reen, ?Inseot Powder, Chemisbs and Druggists. C. P. R. Ticket Office. BOUNSALL'8MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, (Established 1857.) Finished Granite Monuments in stock from $125 to $500. }IANDSOME DEsIGNG AND BEST MATERIALS. RED PETERiHEAD ANýD GRAY RTJBISLAW SCOTCH?~- ROSE, RED AND PUI?LE SWEDE ...............>RAIE BLUJE PEARL AND E IIERALD) PEARL....... F'IIEI) MÂRUBLE MONUMENTS in stock from $,-45 to $,ý200. 111-; LL THE BEST KINDS OP' MARBLE AND LÂTEST DESIGNS. jWBefore placing youDir order, CALL ANDEXME MY STOCK, and SEE WFIAT YOU ARE BIJYING. -ýJ5r E. R. BOU-NSALL, Froprietor. F RMFOR SALE. -A final clastarin F Of 12i acres or 115 acres situsled iu tihe township or Eatt-W,7hitby it co. lots 15 aud 16 on the Base L-ie about il mil es froim Osha. ses atatioi, , 2 nuitts froiniWhthtbf'anti69 0 neds freintios aýû?»nae. Larie roomiybuiIdin«fa, main baru 3Oý3 f t, PlentY or fruit,sBell*aly oain,ategtharoeeoe tha best gralu arms on thse Lakte Sh ore. No hila or tonles.Ao 10 acnas of woçid *'î7--acres lu pastune sud !.ah FaeedEAt. Týrnis eas8y. Firat plowing doue. For further pni ailr pply tu A. AýNj Oshew,.1 FRSALE OR. RENT.-Heuse sud FIj acres for sale or to ent, stuate on Scugog treet north. Thse premisas cousist of a good hoesa'«iheaey convanienoc. div'Inl ahed, stable. etc. Tiee karden cotas s lot e.1 tisa chelcest fruit of! al venellies. Immmdiate posse3sioeu cSegven. For partîculars appiy te W. Fispiis. Bowaaviile Ont 49- t! Beet reaie lu Black. Greean sudJapau T@e, Coffees, etec. Quaiity uneuallied. Pm'ata MuxTILxis, agent. Farmersaiare iil, ayinv. Miss L zzie Snowdeu is vxitin£g at NHampton. Mr. John Mudey sla iig around îwith -a new buggy. Weno0tiýCed Severn fi:)i eis of alsike clover around hiere. Our church is te be enlarg, d sud altt:r- ed, Tenders are iuvited. See advt. Q R-ceut sto:-r anci Mra. T. t Elliotti snd Mr,.-H..Fog;irty, Rcetr Miss B3. 110t, Pickeriiug; MiEss Ellenl J. James,O0;1Aliwïs,.nd M. d.ouhreo KEiLSEPY-Wliy wouild y' u btie'e a ministen's werd soonen than auyotr M'IL-TSE-BeCaUîe lie is SUPposed tQ 'preacli the trith sud teil the truth Butjý why do you ask the quiestio)n 1 Wellie cause the -Rev. A. L. Side,pasýttr et the _____ ethodisti Churcli, Leaniint.- sy "I have beer, curad cf the mosIt pint.n sud distressiug case oet piles of long stand- iug li MAIePILE LOTION," ai 1reaIet- mend it te ail tfus aemicted. home for vacation. Mr. and MIris R. Sneli leaves for Ex.ý eter this weekç, thence te World's ai. The anniversary wag a grand success in every way the chiurchi being crowded to its fulleBt cipacipy et every servie,and large numibers çut i iJe eotild rot gain ad mission. Sumn realized about $85. Visitors,-The MIisses Chapple, Clarke; Mr, atmd Mrs, W. H.. Banibury and AMr. and Mro. J. LN. -Uivel, Bowmanlville; Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Siemion, Oihawï; Mrs. W. J. Hayeraf t and child, Agincourt. The ieoi bill contcstb bsween Eimla- killen and H-aydon Juniiors Dominiioni Day resulted in favori f Haydon one to none, and between Raydon aud Burketon teams two geais to nonsii i favor of Hlay- don. Hundreds.>f poopie write "it i. iinr possible te desuribe the g ood llood's Sar- esaparilia lits douoe mel"L wil be of equal help to ycu.ii RcU, of Lower Ir heid lu high esteema by lis peoçile, and bis opinion upon temporal as welI as spiritual maltera is vaiued greatly. The folowing is from a clergymian long influential lu New 1Eugiaud, uew welearued iest in Cabot, Vt.: "C. 1. Hooti &C., Lwt, as: 1-We chavae i HlIood's Sarsaparilla lu our famiily for mauy years past, wiilh great ben- efiC. \We hlav, svith confidence, r-comý- meudeti il te others for thieir varieras ail- anenmts aimoît ail of 'whEm have certifidte great beniett by its use. -We eau Honestly and Cheerfully necemmend ih as the beat Wood puIrifir v'e have aver lriod. We ave uîed otheýrs, butueone wýilh the beneficiffectsof Hod's. Aise, t1c deem Hoodt's PUIS and Oitve Oint- mentjusainale 'Mis. Stone sayqs aise Botter than CoId mr. Geo. T. clapp, of 1!astoudaleý, Masýs., aSiys: "I ala 82 y'ears of age ud for :,(j o! ly legs. A few pyears ago IIsa 1 to-e aimpuiteted, pyscaussaiug I '1«as sýufer- iing freinganigrena anti ha' but A Short Time to Live Erilht Meutha ago as a nigbe uget ii m, 1 biegan Hlood's Snaail.Tis abhoie loser part of ny log ai ,foot «as a rnning sore, lut it bhec aliaost cornpldeteWY heaietid d i entruthifuhly sey that I ame in better heaith than I1 have 1beau for' mauyv yeeas. 1 have tekeiinone ther medicine aSud. consider that 1 ewcallai y imprevemeuit te It la belter ithqu gl." 1" 1 cheenrfuiiy vi,f y tise aboya alatemieut ef Mr. Clapp, Nvhin I have kuesen 30 yeýars.'1 J. M. He'W- PiIruggist, Easateudal, Mass. HOOD'S PILLS atre pureiy jvegetabie. ~ Veetale Pllaareprb. 1. i-r teeto a legiti W mae dea1nd for a mihd efficimt .rdrlal riyplysie. The-y a pu1rcly VegtMae, cna no calomel, ocr ury o inerai. sui stanice "f any klint. Hooti s PUIrl at ulpon t!iestomach*1, lveani alimen1t,r -,!l i my 1ha breken Up ai(ma fvrpreverite( '-onsly Eeoe'a Pilla. HcOdIs pulls Arepraa 1)y f' . IHod & Co., Aohcr~ LowcIl, _Masi5. PI' ,e25 cent'par ox. SIl alrugssor sent byiirsal ozi racah.t cf mc pni ipil MUr. Wm-. Rogers has gene to Pickering Mr. F. Wood Faput Dmno Day at for the vacation. Potert Oo. Mr. 1. Pearce, MNaple Grove, lias been Dr. Lamimna, o f Bowmeanviile, visit- visiting' frieuds here. -1 here recently. Mrs jaesStainton la btn' ler Mrs. Jordan Van-ýNeat lias taken down Mrs. ames visitin 1 h 'r wind m'al ilud soId it.ý fathr e IJbrige.Mr. chas. V ice lias been laid up with a Mr. Jno. Putter has a uew steani sure leg, the resuit of a kick. thresher for the fail trede. Recent vjir30M. eoAwdeCI Mr. EI. Houck, of B. 11. S., was a Bwavle r Thos. Awde, Drayton; gueat at the parsouýage over Sunrlay. Mr. Beecock, Blackstock. Mr. S-.uart Bradbnrn), of New York, Mr. M. N.ý Pascoe and fis friend Mr. lias beeni makinig lis annuel vis t to bis C. P. Blair, I.awyer, Bownsanvilie, have nicther. been rusticatiug at Port Perry. Mrs. F. Rogers was visiting a week Ms P. Werry lias returped fromnvst with lier daugiter Mri. PRemmer, in ing lier clildreu in Cartivri'-ht, liavini Pickerinig. stood the j ourneýy nicelýy for an invalid. Miss Lizzie Milis is spending a. feww Tlise ew o (fer Solina Division are. weeks witli ler broth! r Mr. NV. J. Iiîîs P, Mý'rs H lG -ce W A, A L Pas- cee; R 8,S. Sus Werry; A R S, Misa A et St. r'. Bakier; F S, Geao S Ce)wle; Treas, Miss N Mies G. Rogers and the Misses Cr,,w Williams; C.-iap, Mfiss NI Ross; Cond, M tlier, of Toronto, Mrs4. Overlend and fam- Jollow; A Cou, Nli>38 _%IVict; i S, Mn iiy,of Ern,are visitera at Mr. F. Roger's. W Papcoe; 0 S, 8Sam Biush; P W P, A A picked up teemi of school boys pleyed Ab-aliam; O.)giat, Miss Clarke. a game of foot- bal et fisyden J uly 18t SVR ASESCtrRix-Dear Siro, with the scliool team tliere and were 1 bed an a0rsces jnt bhind my tiglit beaten by one, in Augu t-,,1890 After sufferirg for Fred sud J h ree m 1.hs beg-,n te taýke B.B.B., Mlessrs. Jno. Youneg, Fe dJh and after -ine montlî's use of It I was very Lee 8pent DomiDioni Day in Port Hope. munch b t r, and tlie absicess enitirely Mr. Youu1g haS eXteLded lit3 tour te the disapper-dcl ii four mnontlis 1 arn cer- Tbousand Islauds. tain th't Brdck BWood Biftters is an Mrs. Hlouck, Miss Toskey aud Mas--er excellent reînedy. FLOIRENC1h M. SIIW, Menit have gene for a uintli's atine Solsirth, Man. KIICY. ith Cobbledick is on a visit te London.f Mraý. Wm, Elliott visited re. rfriends at Baltimuore. vin Powers fsold a valuable r.John Catlicaýt, of Keýndel, ay snrning lest one of Mr,. J. 3heýrses was killed by fallin1g unber froni this lýcelity at- Oakland Ecisool picuic lield in Inrrls' grove Saturday last. Ci 'Cliapinen, who is tekiug, Albert College, Beilevilie, la s bolidays on the loimsîeqd. iitors:-Mr. and Mrs. Parker Baltimore, et Mr. Richard Miss Rebinen at Mr. Rich., JrS. Ed. Var-co,of Sonys., and Garbutt, of Ashburn, at Mr. 1yremain's, rDEET lA COLD -Dr. Austin iUitlie Forum :It is probable on witli an iulierited tendeney tien would neyer develop the ie could lie protected againat 'itli the tubercie baeillus. lui fmodern disceveries consuoep- Slonger lie regarded as an in- îease." [t is De exîgperatiou Kemp's Baleam, wlie tke s aosved mauy f rom con-u-, ai drugg"ist1s' 50C and q$1. if MPTOIV. 17. Rogers lias been quite ill. Elliotti, jr., lisd another Laed Elliott, sr., visited Cobourg -ently. ýbath Scliool tee on Dominion greas, proceeda about f er the tee a gamne of foot-bal between Tyrone and Hampton1 lted in -2 teo Infavor of the n. Mr. Eli Pascoe acted as d gave splendid satisfaction. ning tho) S. ef T. gave a drame well patrnrized. :Mn. C. -N. Ruse, Vaucouiven, r. S. W. Ruse, St. Cathenines; FRuse, Toronto; Mns. Bull, t Mr. Frank Parr's; Mme. EH. ,Torcnte; NMr. A. T. Eiliott, at bis nprents; Mr. Frank muiç )u neirravriterem -y ' turhs krnnavery imuch te ïdeplored i incg. to tlie eye sud to the a tste, Wben a nan pesetas word are thene yet effectail in acting on the auy circuisimtancees îVIIer thse SUn te make lver sud bowels. it excusable t-,r humi te fulfil leEs t1han lis jriý%' lewever, after Semne extra V. -COÈ lahoni fo vaati(.!, ,buou the part et the b )va, al was et V?~pttj base tT vcaton~ lest lun eadiness, asudthe Rgspepened nde3r. Tuer rejoice-4', b irlh i te stant. By Virftue ot the exercise of Iconsidereble patience, we et lengtis readl- W. .Boen as i~been visitircg at I-sra Teeboats were s7,cureaand in eai earnest. For these wlio preferrad 1. Wrighitlies gtne te IRchester, te cross the lake, other,;Us, then il, row for vacation. boaýt tickts were procured for a trip lu foty candidates wrcte et the the neat llttle steamer, whicli did sucli e xain lest week. - good service, for pleasure seekars, on that ent Brent hias eturued frein a day. Arrived at our final destination, it Godericli sud London. was proposed te, Gili-buns te the faiihiug F. Prni sput fawday îaeîycrowd,bnt ne liglit lunch cenld satisfy the kliu with lier parents. epicurean demanda of those just arrived anenej ni t Wasliburu. 1Nothig sthort et imimed- Royal Teinplars lied a nf ,beiaely couventing part et tise Island inte )n te Stungeon Point lest W'edues- a diniiiug oom, sud giviug aIl, an optical assursîcoe that ample provision had been -1 Davideon, B. A., went to Mlili- made for the extremnest caqpacities, served s Monday te preside at tho ex- te lessan the enxious sud inquining glauces osus, sent lu tbe direction of the baskets. And ~B. Daývidson, teacero eth, ene Plielaen, aither lu appetites or ediblea, School, eutertainied bis pupils et w 13 uotced unlil sIinset. eo oni lFidmy eveu-iug., Thobe wlio recoive invitations te par. echersa ant rpupils et the Higili iiaeIn tboe eujoymieuls cf this eue0 .'joyed thetir pic-ic o'; particular day cf the Eimuakilien young e sbore on Saturday afteruoois. people, mnua-t ither accept, Or-mliss3-tonsB nid Mra. lR. F .illuter, Denver, cf nîglit dowu fou. Dnning the afterneeni ~nt undywek wili nieds il ithe modemn or ortlisdoýx sports were pont Hunter a pnospsnin eth Dnsindulged ilu until everyene wasssatibfied, Mrý posp6ing a Den on if1 lie wýs inet, Elli-ot te have been. l sa amseuer et thse I.S.Congareso. Once durnu the day severai boatsi wene ra : Mt. sud Ms L. A. Fiuley, Peen te roundl a cer tain pint sud Ilen g; Mrs. Tliomr, keteboro; Mns. suddciily miake a bee line lui the opposite u-, âIrs. (Dr.) Hauter, Torouto; direction, until thay were lest lntu RaHeyes W. Tamibîju, M. A., Whtby; eft tie horizon. The probleinwass soived ilinssu, formerly nasiteut liere, satisfactoriiy later, wheu word reached us r of 8oo; Mn. Mb. Breut, 1icn; that severai mermaids sud sirensa wera e. Riddell, B. A., sud bis mnothar, nestiug near the shore. bloweven, we are ;Mr. Gue. Parnel sud b-ide, glat te report Ihet noue were lured te destruction. -unid a Riclh Gold Min1te. The bloutfs Iiew by, as happy heurs are wout te, do, un nl tise sun gave us the JI .- nk thet it w,-s time te move ou te the ,'u Jo11vAN BAYI, IN. 8 Jl ottser shere. We set sali, sud aet er a nel Locke, ct this place, lbas j'a st pleesant row, foiiowtd bhy a deliglittul .ed a goid mne lare that Pans driva, we reachaed our native bung betore per cen~tol pure maiete totise ton. the ]amnps sudci cts werea out, feeling that a idi velu e, souund lhea-ithto e c1ic '5yiiýI rso "k hoe was restored, by the use of w ul "ee r1 h irse hks Kidiney Pilis,and-w hiclih lweil tings up B~t~'f ruw. sonese av du -lauglt, for any other mine in tsnau rw. . Al lest witer hae sutYered My TOOT1RACHE : L3 an eXIIanîatiiOn idiney trouble w!hicli Ilvuld uot heeard eveny heur iu tbe il. y. loothaclie eo the prrseniptioris cf sevenal i l t most commeon ailinent et youug sud A few mouths ago Mn. Locke oid, sud lu the aggre.gete ufcsmore fa gCood w;Ork doue by Dodd's jsfuffeing ,than penhapsa ay ethen single pillsansd tîled tliem wlh thoiselu complaint. A Dne nute cure la jusi 3resuit. To dlay La ils wl sud what eary pensen desirea te poascas. ne poraise Ctee greet for tbis w-ond an- Navilne-nenve pain cuire-acta3 almoaýt edy, blisaeilior re'miuch in- instautiy Ilu usiiving the agony, sud a 1 un what thepy dascribe as a mear- samplle bottie effiends a quantity sufficient cure. for 100 applications. 10 cents f11111ei bill. PoIsoni's fervinie la the onjy rante ! Remuants ! We bave a lot' positive remedy for tQthach3ansd al year's reminarsaof wall parer that nerve pains. Sold by ail deelewa ln SEU1 et coat. "D¶g20 mdiine(. <J<()UItTl(LX. n. C. W. Lent, P. M., v;sîtcd iu Port Hope Domrii n Daiy. Mms, W. Crydermiaui,towrn, visitel Mns. L. MN. C ,urice last week. School char,-d ou FLiiay. Mr. Wright wili sýpend the ho'idsys et boni,Cart- wriglit. Mn. R E. Osborne and MIiss Ethel specit Sunday witli thein urîcle, Mr, J. Adair, àMexweli's. Second geme et bsse haýll b tVeen the married sud sirîgle nm,3 ou 1) mnioon Dày -score, nîrried Men '22, Single 12. Likely auwor -gume Ail] lie playsd in The foilowin, officera wer e electeI ab Mt. Carswell Division 1 tt wûel:-W P, Jas Devitt; W A, A Trick: Fin Seey, B Courtica; Treas, F HalIlier; R S. Mv Mer- rnw; A 9 8, A J Oke: Chap, T Gale; nirersoet H. W. Hl. O-sborie has won gj reat favor with the lde sinice they have tested bis fine~ flavored teas. No filuer teas ever camne te Bewmativille aud thry are cheap. Cut Thi.a Out And pin it ii the crown etf your bat, lest youa forget theý naine of the great iung remiedy for ceusumption %iud 1,l disease Watcli repairing properly and proniptly, attenjded to at Johi .Mao' Dry goode and Jewel1ry store. Pure 1ridian Teasi imoiorted direct, nt Murdocli's old s and. PETER MURIYOOH, 1lhuis abules cure scoofuli. Ulv u v v 1 jvvvý Welland, Ieaving thle 1cv. Mr. liouck a grass widower for the ttue. Mn. Powers, Mliss Powers, Messris. Stevenus Bros, tlb Misses Steveus, Maple Grove and Mrs. Jones sud chuidreni, Ton- ente, bave bean guesti of Mnr. G. L Stav Mr..and bMrs. A. Pollard, Oroîne, speut an aftemuceu witli Dr. Mitcbell'a- family lest week. fcr. sud Mrs. Thos. Jardino, Sr., of Tyrone,, have aIse been guiests et the Dr's. for a few daya. M Rev. Mr'. Ceniegie. a nru-u e ý terian miissionary f rom Afýica, preachtd an excellent sermon liera ou Sabbathl let. The occasion was the auuiversary ef the induction ot the Rfev. A. MUPhdaW. The yean bas been one et progress for the congregatien here. iSaturday auoring d-awued briglit snd et an heur, alogether uuearthly, miglit have been seen aquads ot "fair womien and brave men" wandlng their way to the PARASUL ÎR

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