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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1893, p. 2

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P.~ I1nIma.~ i Olcu suowe unat I have ~ FOOd nF <s f~2~d~ b? lik~y te turc -Ox. ~ ~ LJI I I I ~ te loare." ~C&55 I.5, ~ s!-'r' ~ ~ Ifanev it'~ snvn~ s . '- - s.~ ~' -'.5 ~ ~ -onu ,nunî a are S~ ---7.* --i..... -- ~.....- __ *----------[k,~~' - ~ ~... - - ~ r4... -, ~ ~s ~-~.e.--î- e. sas~. .~- ç'su~ed hv hîs t,~en~ ~,-tin'ss bw.ut r,' ~ ,~ ,~-'n us "0 Vuusn su ~ *.bp pu"': ~ et 't.,tth]iSz~s. ils and tht lt t i e i trousers' peck- w mu t m M o The m&atter guows lu nii, et .. t -i',_M__ -l1 a Fv 1I -p eeI T TaS a R maa R 10Liiim - Lm ,n-ouhi n.emnmr*ii*iE I -, ~ic~ ooy~. ~v'~n~ fl~Weu ex ~'i~rs ae~ca ,ets. etc' ouI, Wa were cha J The Cftristian at BC~ 3359. TiIuCZ Bldg.. N. Y. is the latettimhiipamc o h i o!althe symptme ndiag Kna AN LIViE, ComPladt. 'ddt ÎYeu are troubled wit] Costiveness.,IDizzlneSS, Souir Stomacli 1-lead ache, Indigestion, Poo, AP-ErTT TI-19- FEELING, ltiHfiMATiG PAIS ; Sleeples Ilights, Melanicholy Feeling, RAcE AcHz Iemray's Kidney and Liver Curi wîllgierlieediae reiefanS LYCT A cure, 1eterbýO' 3Med1iüine CO., Lmited. S PETERBOROI, ONT. Sick eadahe aS reievea1l he troubles inci- dent te a bilous tatee tesystem, such as I'izziuess, Nausea. 1rws 3s Distress atter eating, PainilatheSe, ý & hile their moat xuarkable aceaSa enshewn ini urhng fleadaclie, yet CAtJr'5 -r~LE LivER PTLUI are equally , vaubl u ostption euilu& and preveuting this aunoyïjgiucplaint, whil< they also Correc.t aIl is i ders of t he stomacis rtir.nulate the liver nd regulate the bowels £ven if theyoycre Ache they wou-, ho almost pricelese te those 1who sufer frorn Ctils distressinâ complaint- but fortunately their guooduese does flot end here, and thoîe mlio onîce tiy them wili lnSd these littie pilla valuable lu su mauY ways that the(awill flou ha wlling, to do without tlsem, l U f ter a!', ickLC had- 19 fO ebqnO Of semaîîy ives that here t wlere le rnake ougreat boast. Our pille cure it while others do not. CÀaRTa'S LIT'sE LIVER FILÈS are very email aud verY easy 1to take. Oua or two pille roake a dose. Thoy are strictlv vegetable and do bot gipe ou Purge, but bj their geutle action please al Wh use thein. Iu vials et 25 cents; live fin 81 SolS everYwhere, or sent by nmil. C ITRma Dog±e ., l ù Enrk fer your atteni ut i t hadcipleaýee3 ~iall ujece ut tor nu s~u"".d et -' Was theu.e iay featureofet iteest ?"r might bave touel tise rest eft tiej ,,if~cy net.. The thieves uansacked from hlmi, o e hnight have taken this the lîhuary lind get very littie fer their mrent ',from ithse murdorer. It roade a pains. Tiseil-lpl ace wae turned upside as theugis it were an appoifLtmieutù." dewn, drawvers hurst oteand presses rau- ,Holmos took up thse scrâp ef piper, re sacked, with the reslt thaii -%n edd volume siîmile of which is herererued ef Pepe's Homer, two plated' ca,,dlesticks, an ivouy letter-weight, a smaleak ICUI- eter, and a haillef twine are ail that have94 vaeîised." " lWhat au extraerdinauy aeîertment P, 1 exclaimed. "Oh, tise fellows evideutly grabbod isold - n# B, of everything they coud get." ~e Helmes grnnted, from.tise' sofa. " Tise coun try police eugist te makre seinetising et O that," said he. Wisy, it le suuely ebviens Ithat-" But 1 held up a warniug fluger. " ieu are here fer a rest, mny dear fellow. For "IlPreeuimiug '-at I i it l n pon Heaven's sake dlo't get st'arted oni a ne-w contînumed ts rpetr it is ef' cour ro.blem iwben yeuu nerves are ail1 in cuevbetise ry tisat tisis W',iliam-i ebireds." anteulise h isle repu ta tion oet1 Helmles sbnugg"ed hie eiulders iwith a ;,rnlitsene1t man, may have bieen min h glance et coic resignation tewavLrds tisewi tis te t'ijef. H1e may ba-,ve mlt lisin th Colonel, and tise taîk cdrifted awy jtemay ieven have heipcd hilm te break iii lese dangerous channels. door, and thion tisey imay have falîsul It wasý deetined, howeveu, that ail my betweeu themselves." professional caution siseuld be wïasted, four "This writiug je et extraord1inay i next merniug tise preblem obtruded itself est," said Holmes, wise had beeni eximh upen us je sncb a way that jt was impos. it with iuteuse c:nceftatjeu. " Tises sible to ignore it, and our ceuntry visit mucis deepar waters than 1 hadI theil took a turu wisicis neitiser of us ceuld have 11e saek hie bead upon his handg, wisile auticipated. We were et breakfast, wisen Inspecter smiled at tise effecL which is tise Ceionel's butler nusised ie, witb ail hiisisad had upon tise famous Londou specia preprietysisaken eut et hlm. Il Your iast remark," eaid Holmes; 1 Haeeyou heard tise news, sir?" bcsenetlY, I"as te tise PeeibilitY et tisýee *gaped. "At the Cunusngisam's, sir " anutiudeustaudig ietween tise -burgli " IBnuglauy ?" cried tise Colonel, wîtéis htse servant, and tisis being a note et app. coffee-cup ie midair. meut from eue.te tise'other, je au ing9eii '«-Nfurder 1"and net eutirely impossible supper)sit Tise Colonel wistled. "By Jove t" said But tisewritin)g opens np-" He s ha. "Who's killed, then ? Tise J. P. or hie isoad jute bis bauds agaun aud reiin bis son?~" ed fou somie minutes in the doet- "Neitiser, sir. It was William tise tisougit. When he raised bisý coacisman. Shot Lhueugh tise ieaut, 'sir, again I wae aurprisedl te see tisat hie ciý and neveu apoke again."1 wa% tiuged with celer aud hie eyee a., bui "Whio shot him, theu ?" as ebfoue bis illuese. 1He epraur te hie "lThse burglar, sir. H1e wae off like a ehet witis al his old auergy. and get cleau away. He'd juet breke in "Il'Il tel yen what," sajd ho, 11I1s'h- at tise pautry window, wisen William came like te have a quiet little glance inito on hiîm, and met bis end in saving hie details eft tiis case. Tisera e e omethîi master's preperty." it which fescjuates lue extremely. Ify Il \hat time?"' will permit me, Colonel, I will beavei "If wae last night, sir, eemowbere about friend Watson and yen, and I will st twelve." round with tise Inspector te test tise tri ".Ah, thon weIl step over atterwarde,") of eue or two-little taucies of mnine. 1I said tise Colonel, coolly settling dowe te hie ho with yeu agalu jn haIt au he ur. " breakfast again. "It'e a baddisis business," An heur and a hait had elapsed beforet ho added, wbeu tise butier isad gene. "11-e'e Inspecter returned alone. our laadiug man about bore le oid Cunnng. "lMu. Holmes je walkiug up audi down bamn, and a very decent feilow tee. He'ii tise field outeide," said ho. IlHe wants heouct up ever this, for tise mau bas been ail four te go up te tise honse together.' lu hie service for yeaue, and was a good "To Mr. Cnuuiugisam's?"' servant. It's evideetly tise same 'villauns "Yes, sir." wiso broke into Acto's," What for V" "Aud stole tisat very singular collection," Tise Inspecter sruggPd his shouiders. said Heolmas, theugistfully. dcn't quite know~, siu. Betweeu ouireelv "'PueciseIy. " I thiuk Mu. Hoimes bas net quite get ov " Hum 1 Ih may proeotise simpleet mat. hie illuese yet. He's been behaviug vi ter lu tise world, but ail ties amne at fluet queerly, sud ho je veuy nucis excited. glanca this isj me a littie curieus, je it net? IlI don't thiuk yeu need alarm yetuse]f A gang of burglars acting in tise country said I. I have usually tound ftisat OhL migist ha expected te vary tiese cene et was metbod je bis maduos." their oeratiens, and net te crack twe criise Il Some f olk migis ay there was malýdie lu tise samne district witisin a tew daye. in bis metisod," muttered tise Inepeetc WVisn you epoke laet night et taking pue- "But be'e ail on flue te staut, Coloniel, se cautions I remember that it passed thrugis had best go eut, if yen are ready." my mind tisat this wae prebAbly tise iset We found Holmes pacing uip and dIo ws ivr'ieh in Eugland te which tise thiet or tise field, his chie suuk iupon hi-,e buc ChcIren Cry ifc SMi. Cuîeuuugtiamn tSE ad awth monl Struggliing ;Li, %wiîere we arei ecoud ou tlie lf-adlie Saw tise ll- ,et away jUeetn te e et of th)at bush. ( t.hg sou. Tey are beth ssure of aoouult of thie bs.Thien Mr. Alec. utaud ,1kuelt besidj thde %wouuded man. guouwl je iývery ha-rd, yen see, and aire ner ma,ýrkstg ýuile nus," haepke two mien camne down the cv pauh from round thse angle of thse nf in . bos. Tieee a neee, mnwt in~ tethradr-ugyugtlowwoebi snirItbiseTheone Loudon esere ,mnver t saus3- a teut.ou den't sned e ehavyeyqfac,h o~ alier a ai ug elw hs bih ilioit Ais, ouhu t geru lti tm tl a t te! said Holesteood-uoeoedly siit "Ytou'li wa nt , doung lec. Cm.r naja- nia. î"Why, I oete be sat ehave t tany e a al. " £er."W h, engutt i e cus aoi flud-.e na Goo ad Hoavu.Hlmes, gobat je tisey ans My eor trieu'saebs'dinya "î lu ae's e, aon easnspudeed tgronpha dl. r.eppe oui féc upon ise guond. t I'e Horfe e tse Mr.ddeues a sve cf 1ntserata, w are iabt iekt "' n y ch n whre ho lsy b'-atik jea largée chair si, and heti s ieafii fou esem inutes. Il iually, w ýilesmfda polegy forie th e akrpneeed h o saW8onceumo e goud (rrie aIh ue n e nTie;andUEO.) i 1 l.a rd on he rfe imio e it clen r (tie ldo cs infe) l"Yenchar and aet. eiyeno noet inutyes. Fiay ousi thva smeaace pl7" fo i w et hesu oe honmoe. e ee u elepe. hetwsepicke p itha uoe s, f, i1 leugtkave t e iciar a nd paced? wr adtise weddn am fou im.ibu ýw 1o lierRcho oer' at ohr loeran aüd crlquicaiorSIntO C' Slippers, Rubbers, Truinks, Valises, &o., At our Store, ter BEAVEIL BLOCK,=ýý llBowîmnviIIeý BIQGEST STORE, BIG&EST VARIETY, 131IG&EST VALUE. Everybody invïted t& f311 and set Our' new otei ID D AJV'TI S TRE SIIOE M/iN, Lmniytî i~e lu Quality1 ~Jeet the MAT! TSI! has one of, the best, the latest and largest stock of' Rats, bought di- rect from the best manufacturies, direct from England and' New York. Prices as low as, the lw -est-- -from 50c up. For Men ai-d Boy's soft or hard and in ail colors and shapes. C ail and examine prices and goods. In* Gents furnishings a large and well- selectod stock always on hand. Hi ghest prices paid for Raw Fu.ï- Great Robbers lu Mo.ecow. TiseVienna correspondent of*te Standard saye that durie tishe stay ef thtie imperor in Moecew tise Chudev Monastery in tise Kremnlin wae robised et an immense quanti- Oy et valuable vessels and moeey. Tise former were miseed sisortly atter tisey isad been need ie tise service ou Ceronatien day. Tise loecjsesetimated at about two and bailfmillions et roubles et wisicb one and a quarter millions are lu cash and securi- a ties. Tise tisieves are euppesed te bave enterod threugistise roof but suispicion bas talIon on tise priesthood, ow)ýing te tise tact that semas discriminatlin, py ing a special knewledge, aýs been e:;ercisut4 in~~ ~~ retn ieimitations, ïeept-carryýiig of-ny tise really vainable echurci eese Degeneratuon bogies wben Ztýie peint le Teacisod wisere one as tisoyrougishJy tsle wltis bimselforethis attainiienTe lý'Rileqîlýil tete

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