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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1893, p. 3

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This wrldl-renowaed SOeP stands aI the kead of al] Laundry andi Hosecholti Soap, boih fox qualiiy anti exieut e1 sales. Useti aeeordiag te directions, It dose aWay Vlth all the old-tashioued drndgery ef wash day. Try i; yen won'i be disappoateti, SUNLIGHT BOAP bas been la use in Windsor Casle-for ttc past 3 years, ant i js meîsUtaturairs have been speialy appoinitid BOAPMÂKER5 TO 'TH3 Awazaed Il Gold Medani THE CANADIANSTATESMAN ESTABLISHIED 1854 ,ubspet aunure lu ativance. oiherwise $1.51. oueripieus a'Y$ways abie au t te et3o Publication. Adverti3in;rrates anises 3by 0)n tact, 10 cents per line. noupe -l t i t ru, anti à cents partlinuecotsubseqisent lu- bertion. Locale, 10 cents par liue. M. A. JAMES, Publisher. STAN'DARD BANK 0F CANADA. (spitel patd UV, s1,oeo,otO.Iest, $55 ),)0) This Bank is prepaî-od te do Legiti- mate Bar.kiug ln abb is branches. Farmcr's notes discounteti; Depesitg reccived andi Interest paid ou accounis of $5 andi upwards in Savings Bank Departinent. DR19AFTS Is'ued anti Collectious mateienl Europe Ulnitedi States, and Canada. W. J, sTONEt'9 Ag ont ONTARIO BANE- onnusto. do a General Banking Business'3 DEPOSITS ilecfived in Savings Bank Department and on Cail and interest allowed aiourrent rates, No notice ot withdrawal necessary. Ail deposits Vayable on demand, EXCIIANGE 13 usrht.and Bold and Drafts lesed upon EurolpO United States andi Canada, alec Gold,Silvèr and Greenbackebouzht andi sold. COLLECTIONS pr)Mptly madie ai current rates upon ail part of Great Brittain. the United States ana the Do ninlon olanada. Telegrapli Traitsfers Made for large or small .sumns on ail part of Canadi Thtis is epecially advantigeou' to persto1îý living lu Maniloba or the Northwest, it makes the funds available at once at the place of payment. Other particulars ceil at the bank. E. L. FORTT, GEO. MeGILL, Accounta,,nt. Manager. V ITEIUB~ARY SURtijKUI. 1ORONO, - ONT. Office. -1ost Offi,,e Blok. Ceils by telegrap a or telephone receive im fncle Âte iGenion. Messrs. ilONEY & MoMURTRY have purcbesed the County of Durham for the best Wire Fence ini ihis Country. his l etrong, easily handied and ornamental. It wiIl net be injured by enow, heat, cold -or winds, It will tmm Horses, Cattie, Sheep, Hogey, Dogs and Poultry. It je a net work withouî barbe, and will flot in- jure stock. in any way. It is muehftrong or and more durable than any barb fenc- ing, being closely woven. Ferce put up and Farm and Township tfs for Sale. Apply ai CENTRAL LivE- Bfowmanville. W. P. RICUI, Carke P. 0., having bought Clarke Towahip, is prepared te put up tence. TYHEC0OGK'S BE-ST FRPlIEND zo . ýý 1 liints to Brides. lHere ai-c a tew raies, po sitive anti nega- tive, for thse brides thai wiil bboesom ibis summer: HOUSEHoLDI Tomatoe- Tomiec, caiici plmpanti round, ly m..y hiifiy wivec ai-c feunti To atit ic e te the table's gi-are, That tante suggestions are su place. If raw tornatueceyen select,, 1 Pický outfi i-m pheres wittout dofetc, Scaltdite kIas lose, anti suce cro-cways; Serve ilu ýatiietwitt mayonnaise. Ttcy make a pretty salait, too, Small, perfet globes et soarlet dew, Placed su ttc midtsio! paleet green- Crisp curling icituce foamed etwecn. If lu fri-ed tomatees you'ti excel, Colt i s ewed tematees, ceasoueti weli, You'Il take for tiis ; atit cracker ioued Enough thtt cakzes te ighty monld. Fi-y ttcrn lu boiter ill lgit trown, Ttey Il hotte nicest lun ttc iowu. Or freet tomnatees take anti lice Anti sait anti roll in crumbs. Quite aire Ttey arc. if cooketi as juet atove,- Fr-cS in hot butter ounte tave. Senp of tomnate oci-ern will plcasc An epicure. 'Tic matie witt case Take coequtart canucdti atoe s, errain, Atitijusi a pinot et soda,ten Bell nexitiquai-ici-of authour; Take oeequai-i ef sweet utik, antio feuroi One tcblsp on, then btter, sait Anti pepper tilI 'ils wttoni afeul. Turu ia anti brini hi te atollt, Then tasic rewarti for ailttce toit. Then taketi tomatees ai-e quite nice. ifcored, their ceniers fIlleti wtht spire. Sonse cf these dictes ougtt te please, Anti give ttc busy bouse wif c case, ,e ste wiii ci-y, lu winter's rein, O for tomate urne agae!n " -[Good I lousckecping Our Daugliters- Mauy mothers cutertein thcerreueous opinion thai girls doueo tacet withthit er'p tations that a boy does anti therefore do net require sce lose crieanti attention. Even ihough ile truc thai girls ai-e net tempteti by se gi-et a variciy of encres as beys, euhl, ttc temptatione wtint assail tem are just as serions ant inl mauy rases fer moi-c se. But asitie fi-a thie, if We Stop to cousiti- er ttc vasi ameunaiet influence wtlct womn- au, as wite anti moter (especially ttc lat- ici-) tas upon ttc mca et oui- ceuni-y muet we nat gîve greaier hecti te ttc training of of our daughtei-s? Even as little chîlîtrca, girls exerrise a surprieing control over their bey playmaies anti se igoe on t tecai enofthieir days; therefore, deer mothers (for yau cepecialiy are responsible for ttc future of oui- girls), treit yeur daughters wiseey thait tey may becemie fittnl wîvee anti noble mtere. Altteugh many girls, tbrougt ferre et c-ircumetancen. or other causes Il patitle their own caoe," se te say, anti go througt life ha Il siuglc-blcsscdnes," thl elarge majerity enter waxnan's naturel pat anti tecome w ives ant i soih ers. Thet ttey may taitfully tulfili te manydtiles ibis state demande it le necessary thai thcy reccive a mesi rarctul training ant Il"as ttc twig te beni se thtc iclneus," wc muet begin lu eariy iufancy te leati a tieughter lu ttc rigtt pails thai e ray become a pure anti lovable girl anti a noble, falttul wife anti motter who "blooketwcli te ttc weye et bier housebolt," anti wbaecIl chiltiuen risc up anti oel i er biessed, bier huebaut i ase, ant ite praisetitbe. No mtter taw youug a chilti may bc, strict obetiheuce musit eencferceti if wc wist te successfully leati oui- girls arigtt. Se rnany parents tabor untier thc taise impres- ien that as vcry young chiltiren cauinot unticeretaudthettc ifference betweu right anti. wrong we ougbt net te demaut icen- pîhance te our i- hts. Ttc chilti may net underetanti wty it is reqîti-etite do se, but if you ai-e patient anti quietly tietermineti lu yonr manuci, baby wibt very soon la- stiariivcly feel that Mamm's ortiers are te te obeyeti anti as segrows eider wili ist thnk of disoteying. A beetilful trait wict cvery womeu oughi te possese le coisideration for others, andtisi, tee, wc insi bcgin te tcactho iufaacy. We have meuy opportunithes lu oui- tailyexpericuce te teco, bot by pi-e- repu anti exemple, cousideretien for ottere anti by beiagtus carly teughtt i tecomes easy for ehireu te be se ; ibis wili aise crues ont selfistuese, an abominable trait wtict muett e destroyet inlatce gcrm. Tecb ttc girls te look ta ttc comtort of those atout tem, andt ius ttey wiil ec- qui-e ulat wict mekes seras wonmeu sncb chermiug rompahous, wto de net feit te make home ttc swetcsi spot on ert for hustanti anti chiltiren anti a haven etfiest anti peace for wtnse goond fortune it is te en- ter there. i is naturel for uitile chiltiren te corne te Memma wihbaIl their trials anti trou- blés, ibis is ttc tirne wben em-oter ehoulti sbowsyrnpethy ha al mitepe anti troubles, ant i luteret lu baby's pleasures anti pur- suite. If your uitile girl comee te yeu ci-y- ing terause ste bas ted a faIt, don't senti ber away withthtt exclamation, "Oh, tion't te snob a baby, but lay asitie your work anti tevote a few minute te sottiug ttc litile darling ; if secocmes te you wiih ber toye anti waate assistance don'i tellliber se Ilsboultia'î boter" yen, but give bier a fcw minutes et yonr urne anti yen will neyer regret it. Iu ibis way yen mray gala tte confidence of yonr dear chilti. As segrows ebider continue te take a deep interestinl ber affaire, thus kccping yoursctf posteti in ail mattere pertaiuiug te bier ant inh advlsing anti ceunselliug ber arigtt. If yen foliow ibis plan your tiaugt. ter, ne matter lsow ,ld se may becorne, wiib "I hope, Jobnny," said the Sundey- sebool teacter, Il that you bave forgiven Freddy fer throwing mud on yen ? Yes'i." Thet'e rigbt," the teacher replied, happy te know that ber instruction la the virine of meekuese was beaîing goed fruit. 3 lNow tell me wby you forgave him?" 'Beceuse he's b;iel ý:'n me." If you waut ta be fasbionably married choose Thursday et noon or et 4 in the afternoon. Your bouquet must b3 white-orange blossoms if the expres3 company deliver thern in time and in fit condition. White orchids have the second places of houer and white roses the third. White carnations are the proper tevers for the heads of the herses. The wcdding party, with tbe exception of the bridegroom. and hýie best man, as- sembles lu the watiîing-room .ai, the entraue to the church. The procession staris' wben the clergyman has ertered the chancel ai-d the bridegroom and bis best man have taken iheir places ai the clergyman's lef t. The ushers, two by two, walk firsi, followed by the hridesucaids, two hy two,.the maid 'of honor walking alone bebiud tbe brides- maids and lu front of ihe bride. The bride wlks wiîh lher father or whoever is te give lier away, and if there are pages thcy finish the procession. When the party reaches the low'est step of the aliar it halte and the bridegrooro steps down, and takiDg the bride by the hand leads hier te bier place. The ushers file te the lcf t, the bridesmaids to the right, and ber fether stands directly behind the bride. In approaching the altar the bride and bridegroom kueci a moment, the rest of 'lhe perîy standing with bowed hcads. The bet man has charge of the ring and gives ht te the bridegroom ai the proper moment. The bride removes ber glove, whicb she hands with bier bouquet te bier meaid of honor The iraid of honor adjuste the bride's veil befere she leaves the aliar. The veil should be wern ever the face before the ceremnouy, and threwn beck afterwerd. This is the only correct- mIe, and if it is violated the veil bad better be entirely dis- carded. The prccessîon le reversed geing bLck,, the bride and bridegrooma leading, the maid of houer nexi, the bridesmaids felewing, the best man, wth the bride's father, cern- iug efter and the ushers lest. The wedding drees sbould neyer be low ent. The train is fromn one and three- quarter yards long te twe and ene-quarter. It should be perfecîly plain. TFe vail sbould be as long as the train, roundiug in front se as net te touch the floor. Reliable Recipes. To make a cottage pie chop fine remuants of cold roast beef or mutton, and te evcry teacupful of meat add a little sait and pep- per. and if enions are unobjectienable a tee- speonful or more et inely chopped enien and a teacupful of the roasi meat gravy or some stock. Place the meat wiîh is ýeason- lugs and gravy in a deep pudding dish and cover wiîb fresh mashcd peteto ; bake ini tbe oven te a delicate brewn. Swiss Buns.-Cream together. eue egg, two teaspoonf uls of sugar and eue of butter; sift twe teaspoufuls'of cream terter with two cupe of fleur, and stir eue teaspoonful of soda, light measure, iu one cnp of sweet milk until thoroughly dissolved ; mix iu ertioughi extra fleur, if ueeded, to monld in- ît' biscut, or longc, buns, shaping with the bauds, as they are better se than if rolledi ont. ian l a quickz oven. These are vcry nice for tea and for the cbiildren's lunch basket the uext day. GrMaam CGene. -One egg, 011F'teaap on'-. fnl of bkn wetwo e as~poonxfuls of Sug1ar, leeClip of miiik, OecRê o raa fleur, pinich (,f sali. Siur aillgte ly and tboroughly,hake in a Iot oVen about, fifiecu minutes, in tin gem pansý of eigJt cups. This amount willi make eighit geme.S White or Lady's Cake. -Two cups sugar, three-f ourths cup butter, haîf a cup mil k, two and one-haîf cups foeur, the whites -f six eggs, eue and one-baîf teaspocnfuls baking powder, flevor with a teaspoonf ul extraci of elmond or lemion. Beat butter and sugar te a eream, edd the milk, flavor- ing, fleur wiuh the bakiug powder sifted with hi and lastly the whites of the eggs beaten sif'. Bake lu net very thick boaves, lu square pans, frost ; cnt iu squares. Cream hEuffs.-Melt one-haîf cup of but- ter lu eue cup of bot water, and wbile boilingstir lu one cup of fleur. Remove from the stove te cool. When eold stir lu three eggs, eue by eune, witboui beating. Drop ou tins aud beke. Cream: One-baîf plut of milk, eue egg, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, îwo large tablespoonfuls of foeur. Bell samne as mock cream, and when cool flavor wltb lemon or vanille. Wben puifs are baked, wbich will take 20 or 30 min. utes, open side cf eech pull andfiflîl xith the cresm. 1 bis recipe wll make ten or twelve pullis. A QuickDesr.Pu a quart of sliced apples, peachies, pears (or tWe) cups of any ulce cauued fruit) in a puddling dîish a-ndl set it on the steve te beat, while a batter i3s wiisked up te pour Srer i, : Two beatin eggs, a plut of sweet mlk, two tablespoous of melted butter, two and a tdlf cu s of sified fleur, a ltte saIt and a heaped tea- spoon of beking powder. Whieu the fruit is bubbliug ht, peur the batter over ht and bake lu the oven until i tthoroughly doue. Served warmi with creini and su-4dr il le more palateble and more wholesome than pies. Dressing For Cold Meats.-Put tbree large teaspoonfuls of ground mustard ie e bowl, and pour on enongb warm watcr to meke a siff peste. Rub smooth, add heif a cuptul1 of viuegar, a piuch of sali and the beten-y1'k of;twoegg .Set the bowl'l Hlow ta Work off Human Fat. R!u-ceýn fat le compes etief 79 per cenrt, carton, a littie over Il pet cent. 1hydrogen, anti a litube over aine per cent. e-xy;gen. 0f course thie fat cannet be ac- rcunlateti ubessis ingreiente are taken iii ttebodinlufood. Ttc food whîct tee aprepouticrence efthese ingretiiente ca be eworkc',(d off by open air execisc, beceuse ttc soxygen ef ttc air uniuing withthte carton egoe eout of ttc luage lunte form et carbouho 1cw'd gas anti relieves ttce yetem of se mach fat. Thi lse creesen why people who icati an opetn air bife or live mn ttc country oreamnini ains and breethe a gi-et tica of 'fi-cet air are tees lhkely to be corpulent tha business meci, sbopkeepcre anti otters wte i,ar habituatly lunte aumosphere withess oxygen anid wto take tees exercise, Open- air respiration sle oeet c est ways of nworking oaff fat. NewspaDers andi Progrrs. Ncewspapcrs, ebove ail other enierpriee, miuset kccpp wlththc marct of pi-agi-es, seya -M arat Haîsteeti. Ff teca ycars ego a Necw York newspaîper la gettiug a new eut- fit ef, prnting presses congratulateti iteif thiarthtt acm eof perfection ted been react- - d nt that n change would te needeti u thett presses were worn eut. Butiha lot ian five yeare ývery eueetofibose ptescwere lantc jnk stop, aitbougt u.ywerc tioing better work than wee efutstup, antiflrom $15,000 te $25,000 ted z. te sacrificetion every oneof them. Thcy were net worn out, but îscw inventions tai Iput tem belsindtihtt titues. What is HEALTa i Poke-Root for Diphtlieria. If eue realized the velue of ttc cîmmon pok-e-root as e remedial agent there would be more gathering lu the summer and fal time for, the purpese of neing it lu cases of sickness, througt the wîuter. In a reccut repoýrt it was asserted ihat there are very few specifie conditions wbere poke-root caunet be us.ed te greai advantage. It is a vegetle lte , and actse mst es.- ily uLpen the 'glandular system, giviug promp i relief wheu the lymphaîic glands havep been enlergcd. ha inflammation it le elso cof greett value as apoulti ce, and shonld be aýpp'ied immcdiately' wheu one's breaste biave become sûre f rem any cause,.luncertain diplsleric cases ht acte se wonderfully thet it is beiug used in meet hospitale as e remiedy. The best preperation le a tincinre of poke-root gaubiered lu the autumu of the year. The freet rofs shonld be gathereti iben, and dried juet enough to eveperate whaî water there is. Then rut ttc moots nutesmiaîl pieces, and add twice as muet lear alcohol as there arc roots. Put ibis eway in a dark roem andi !et ht stand for eigideys, keeping it, cool meeuwhile. Afier this period tias clapsed filftr iî, and keep the liqnid in a derk-coloretl, well- siop)pered bottle nutil needcd for use. The usuelt dose intemually le from icu te twenty drops lu four ounces of weter, and teken abeut every twe or four heure. This is e homemitade preparatlon tbat sbontd be kepi lu die bouseet aI l times, for ilis remiedial value is gi-eau. The Absinthe Habit. Oýne of thc worsî druge that te afflictiug France to-day, and which lerepidly ivork- ing loto favor lu ibis country, is the deati- ly absinithp, the qreenisb yeltow tiquid thet so utany queif wîîh relish. This decoction le ptaying wild tevoc wit the nerves et the Fr'e nchpeople, aud is filliug the esylume wiu.h thousende of lunatics. lu ibis country it le mncreasing rapidly in pepulari- ty, and where a few years ago it wae net -kuo.wa here it le uow for sale e, nearly Avery hiouel and ber-room. This liquid le quaîfiedlur large quantities tbreugtoat the day, e subjeci geucrally beginuing with eue or iwe glasees, and ending with a dozen or more. Though lese injurions for a une than morphine, lu worke as much harm) in the end. lu stimulates the nerves, sobes tem, and gives te ttc patient e quiet, dreamery feeling. This, towever, le elways followed by ttc reaction, andi in Lime the wpakeued nerves canuot ltcewlth- eut lu.t Tbey crave it se thet ttc persen le almeest compelleti te driuk it te quiet hlm-c self. hi dees net pay te dally wlîh the ter- rible ocurse, for itje more insidious ihan a serpent, and more wilv than thc blandish- mente cof womnau's charme, ht ibas ruiued mnore constitutions lu France than auy oe wo.r, anti h le working grdually the samne di- 1ful resulte lunte Uuited States. The dleedly drug cernes from wormweod, aud it le really thc juice of ibis plant, whichi grows ab;nudautly in tce valîcys of ttc swlss Alps. Ttc discovery cf ttcpecu- lie r.'tres-if Le uceof ttc wormwr.ood wal matie Jpy an enuprisinug physýicie1n lu the French army, wbvio -su , ixty years rrdrbd it te ttc solcre inu Ygiers prcecribe at tce debilitatilr elfcit of tuhe clini.ate and bard marching. Thtc it, us of Il se plant matie a goed toulo, ant iLhnwas for tie reson thet te physicien p rescribeti it~ lu tdid lbelp al, of these wh ýo teek it, ýbut th1e wtle ar-mny soon get te takicg i ~u1~equeuititice. itbecamte ttc favorite ofi ef ibe armyv, ant'i wa t hen îmnportcd te'~. ac W11, i'sc sel- ,ook it up) as good touicý beverage. W entaken in snmail quantities i le a good te),anti works snccessfully, but - jus danger lies iu ttc desîre te continue tekîingC ht fo)r every litile complaini. Ttc uipper leaves of ttc wormwooýd plant are taken aind bmieed wiih tyssop, calaînue, and au~.Afier thie tte absinthe wert i8 dis- tilleti,, anti mixet i whh egar, alcohol, and tter ingredieuts. htisl a species of narco- ic t het 15 ratter distastef ul, anti a acquireti teste le neceeeary fer ih; but as lu is now mnixed and soja et hotets mu is net se unpies%- eut. Ttc drink wae firet introduceti mue ibis ceuntry by ttc Frenct-Cauarliaa li- m1igrants, anti it bas spread rapdly, as meet eavile do, te ttc principal cluies al over ttc country. Ttc mania for its euh- tile and peisoneus charme le bhard te explelu; it le as rnuchi emysery as that cf umorphine. The Use of the -N cioe- Thjere is ne sountI more pleasing te ttc car titanea clear, well-moiubaueti and musi- cal Voi'ce, but ouly oeeil a thoosanti pos- se,,r 1knows teer te u sobaevoice. 0,ne ,stjouttjilmake au effort teo cuitivate and use ttc ie projperly for- tealt's sake as- well as for ttc pleasurei gives. Elocu- tuionery exercisece eiold he pre1ctieed daily, for ,ibis streugubheus ttc voîce, troat ai iltege. \Wýomeu 'as a mIe are inclui eW pit their volec too bigh ant i en tee bey, se that ttc former le tee shrill and squeaky te sounti well, athett latter tee beavy anti mipnotoneus for effeet. Tte bower notes are tte bardeet te use, and eue stould try te use thetu every day, as if witl brlug eut niewr quabties lu ttc voîce neyer tireamcd of before. Nervouenees will often preveut a public speaker from commuedîug hie utic, but if lu is nseet conîlnually evcry daýy lu exerciee thie rarely occurs. Ttc p71 su ay bc nerveus, but bile voire will tr1iumPh ever hL, and show ttc resulis of p .acise nd ec Castoria. "ICastoria je an excellent miedicine fer chit- &eu. Motters ha-pc repoatedly toldime eft s gootid cci upen Chir chiltiren." Dit. G. C. 3Oooo, Lowcll, Mass. «I Catoria le ttc test remiedY for ehiltiren of whirhla m arquainted. I tope Vîe dayijenet fer istant wten tuothers wliconsidor the i-col interest oeiu chiltircu, and use Castoria iu- steat of the variousquackunostrucueevtich tire tiestroylng tt eir loveti eues, hy forcing opium, morphine, soothiug syrup andi other Isuriful agents tiown toir troats, thercty eendiug tfîem te premature graves." De. J. P. KmcncOC, Couway, Ar- Castoriqa. ;m sr o j elnl P dated to cbliren al I i-ccommcud .asesupcrior to auy prescription known te rue." IL. A. Aucus, M. D., 111 SIo. Oxford Si., Brooklyn, N.Y. "Our- phystzian utte child-es e dpart- meut have spo;iea higtiY of t-- experi- ece ilu their ou'tside prartire witt Oustoria, and although vo outy bave amung eur mnediral supplies whatisje Iowa as reguli- pi-etints, yciet ccamfi-cc te ceufese that the mi-ils cf Cneuora tes won us te look wth fayor uponi." LNITICxs HOSPIAL AtNDDIsP'rSsARy, Boston, Mess ALENt C. SUrTIt, Fi-es., Thie Centaur Companay, 77T Murray Street, New 'York Cîty. FOR SALE bY J. HUGGINBOTHAM & SO9, BOWMANVILLE Éaâ-st Enà"Ld Grain Dlueplot The undersigned desire to thankithe farmers of West Darham for the liberal patronage extended to us durin, the past season, also to remind them that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the HJGHEST MARKET PRICE AÏLI KINIi% iF COARS RI E deiivrdat oiur storbue cor. King and Geor e streetso tPr Darlingýtor e have also on hand a lre~ NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Ro3k Sait for cl.t and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey iPiaster in Barrels which we are prepared to seli O8l3ZIJA-I' E'OEIRASI Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAL a:ways. in stock, We invite inspection and guarantes satisfaction. MoCLELLAN & CO0 Is the Lau rth oý tàn Day et the Equato Terrible Ravagres by Crocodiles- the Same althe Year Round ? TIse British aund Atrican Sucam Naviga. Ycs, suct letthe case. Ttc cet revolves tien Company's Royal Mail steamer Bcug. ai a mean distance of about 91,430,000 ne, Ceptein G. Eversficld, bas just miles front tce snn's centre, lu a year of arriveti ai Liverpool from ttc Wet andi 365 deys six tours, aine minute,aut te South-West Coasie ef Afnica, înubnig tte sarne urne that lu i-oates in tweniy-four Congo, Several people -have been iauely htours about au axis wtict always remaine cerrhcti off by crecodile, wit whictî ttc paraliel te itseci andi incliacti et an angle waters ef ttc Congo river arc lnfesied. of 23 deg. 27 min. 28 sec, te ttc plane cf Ttrec deys before ttc Benguela arriveti a ttc ecliptic ; anti coueequeutiy tise days womnan was wastiug clotes on ttc b.sact anti uightîsare of equai lengt et ttc equa- au Borna, wtcu a crocotiule cangiu anti ter, from wbeuce ihcy progreseivcly differ draggeti ber lietotce river. Ttc womn,tn more anti more as ttc latitude hacreases, ecreameti, tut was carrieti under tte waîcr till ai ecot pele altei-uately tere is per- by ttc votrions animal. Nei day a reeta day for six motte, anti a nîgbi of whtie trader ou ttc beaclh about dusk saw ttc same duration. At Quito, ttc oniy a crocidile' fioating ou ttc surface of te equatorial ciuy, ttc sun rise ai 6 a. m. anti waicr. Re fired, andthtt animal disappear- sets ai 6 p' m. the wbolc ycar round. Thisecd. Tteatrce objecte i-ose te tise surface ocrurs witt snob nnfailiug rcgutarity tIsai of ttc weter, andthet trader fired egehu ai ttc people regolate thei- docks anti wtctcs the middtle wae tiusk ait tce by ttc sun. Ttrougtout tce tropie on time, anti subscqueutiy ttc miditle obj >cc ece side of ttc cenater ttc variation et wtichthtt tratier pierceti witbis bnlet te icugit et ttc day le se smell that pi-ar- was founti te te ttc bodiy of ttc woman. ticelly ttc days anti uights are equel lu Ttc legs anti aims tati been tomn off by tté lengt _trougisott ttc year, cact lasiig crocodiles, anti a portion cf thc body tati for tweive tours, In ttc noriheru-mosi aIse becu ceten away. Ttc remains wcre part of Norwey, ttc aud of tte midnight burieti, but i vae sadti ts se ,-,any suc, iayigtt leste witbont interruption people tati been carricti cff by tese tean- from May 21 te July 22 ech eotar, anti in[ eating crocodiles that tm.e natlv--eirc ttc Arcuhe hlauti et Spitzbei-gen, for af il I gettiug scaried abe,t g dewu.- ttc mont anti a-half longer. 'beach. - 1 Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infante and Ohildren. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Narcotie substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor 011. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty yearse use by ilhions ofMothers. Castoria destroys Worms and alla~SF fe#erishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhea, and Wind Colie. Castoria zelieves teething troubles, cures constipation and fiatulenicy. Castoria asîiilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas. lioria is the Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friende 'A

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