,rs o ag( ht Lad, twho docli nes 10 a gve Lia , ia' en l) chS authilor zed n -SU i( I oasIluEnaold, YI) Y ma died Tsmpio. ?l doctor sldthat 1, it that even l i d(id not die, 1 wold lie aille to- wallc, because', I vras seý andi punyi. A gntl1ei!1g formiet andi undr y armi. I huit mny finger and lercd andtibrw eut pieceus 0f boueý. iurîmiysei1f so as to break hie kMI, it nre 10 become a running sore.i ad e lots of med1icjin, 1bat nth1ing bas ne-So muclisgooti as Ae-sSraa Ilibas mlaie1,1me 'i ei n trog" 31., Itratrïanis. Erm"SSaisaparilla rc by Dr. J. C..Ayer So, LowelMass. aspthers, ill cure you UIT RAISERS SIIOTJLD - OTJIR) FOr sprayling tfheir tïrees and buslhes. llaving secutred the best gtt.k1es ini the market, we can pos- itivelyguane our Paris Green and H.elleboneo to be effectua.i in the destruction of' insects. * BOWMANVILLE STATION. GOING EAST QoING WEST *,TWS gxpres Q.PI) ai Ex pressFJ...-0 a m *Expreess- .10 27 arnm Yxpress,.... a rn Puasenter. .. - , 4 p n) Passengecr -...S à9am Passeuger.... 7 07 p i Pasýsenger .,-..2 29 p m Express.,..9 5p m i Express-....412 p l Express-..10 57 p i Express... 3 0 p ma .WHEN YOU G'O TO tRITISHCLUBA MANITOB3A. UO, Or' any place in Canadi alaut STorr & Juny'ýs Dnug store for Ticketsand Infor- malien negarding iowest r,%tcriand lest JULY 5, 1893. and Otherwise. iras and ouffit -wanted forth- dvc. saevlevisitod lier isten liama8, aI Caunîngutou. [ra. Thos. Kicby have ceturu- asant vieil 10 Cobourg.l Aluin las gun, te St.L Tho.nari 9,B cre .siuto in a ülr. Carl'Ken t and Mer.JE Grosien won fi.>' an d second prnares-poctively ut Fort' Hope bicýycle races. Cougratulations, Misa Ma-ggîe E. Boa. cock, Blackstook, ou success in the recent exbmîiuations lu both theory sud sight- singiiig ut Tononto Consiervatory of Mus- Matlhew Eencis, J. -P-,, governor of the couuity goal 'oc NL'ortbumbeLrand snd Durhamn. died soddleniy at Cobourg ou Sanday. Ho waa brother of tle laIe J. M. Forcis, ex-M. P. P. Mnr. McArthuc'a nane ilanmetioned for the office. Parasols t edncedl priceýs ut John J. masou'a. Ahi ahades of Kisomiue iut R. Woth's, W\. H. Osbomrne invites ail ladies te test lis boa. Dehîcions iavocs5 PCailsud seo the cheap) Wall Paper 6m5c. u,-, t 1T. Shein &- Co',. Gents 1ie?, 2 for 25c. worth 2,5c. to 40c.ea uth1e West End Honse. The higlest pice pid"or al knd of farm produace y )W. IH. Oshborne. 509 ensand Boys' Suite at Mason . Yen wilUsewise «, see them befoce yov, buy lothinug. Dr. Boler's Golden Pilla are tle most Bientific mdiinl bood purifier and "pý t offareriiv them a trilansdle convinced. Do you vwant n suit that wlll le sure h i suit you., thon louve youe order at Coudh .Jolneton &Cyemus They do tht s langestaIiad lest orcdened-clothing indi s In Ibis Pcotnî. Try thImforc on au Mr. Bd. Hlaggith, of Woodatock, was home over the Funal. Parcel taken from Miss Shawr by nis take., Pieuse returu. Mr. John Noble, Aurorà, spent Satur- day w ith friends lu towni Mcr. John Shnw,' wife and family of To- conito are guesta of M~r. James McCielan. Mca. Henry Wade andl Miss Swahes of Kingastoni are guesta of ex-Mayor Gal- braih. Mc. John Allin aud Misses Sosie and Maggrïe apent the holidays witIL relatives in Petorboco. Mn. Jno. Hehiyan, li., bas been visit- ing bis brother William ut Sarnia and took in the bicycle tournameut. ,Mca. Ileny Fiher,obourg,was setuck by ihtninýg Monday wbiie standing nean hon home aund parlialiy paralized. If you Wanlto feel conifortable these bot days you ahoid boiy one of these Summer Coats sud Veats ut Couich, John- ston & Crydermian. 11 The Northi Kiug rtrudThunsday ýwit hlber load of sight-seen- from i te W'orid's Fuir, ail declaring the <trip plias. ant sud profitable. ess.R. D. Davidlson, Bowmi-anviiie, an-d F. Groat, Hampton, were the exam moers ut Mýillbrook foc the Entrauco exam- ination. There were 36 can-didates. Go 10t Rickard's if you want a wntch. Hl o sella alady's aolici gold ,ï1-k Elgin w7atch worth fifty dollars for twenty-five dollars. This la below the lowesl city pricos. The famous missfinary f rom the Now Hebnides, Rev. Dr. Patois la makinî a brief tour of the cucbes in Ontarc and wxi- spoak in St. Paul's church, Bow-manville, on Frlday, August 4th. Funrth.er pacticuhara later. M. A. James ia agent for the folowinp popular steamsbip lines-Ailan, Ahlan. Blute, Aomni nmenican (formerly the lumnan), Anichar, and HlarburL, Amn icau Paket Co. Ail informnation about riteý and saihings can bh ad on ajp1ication ai the STTEE ffice, BowM alvile- peesonaliy or by letton. The following are the nificens of th( Methodist Epwvorth League of Chiatiai Endeavor Socieiy foc the eruinq year Honorary Pees7dent-Rev. C. panker Preaidexîit-C. A. Mebean; 1l3I Vic-T E. Higginbothamn; -2ad Vice- - Miss Gw Young; 3rd Vice-Frank Trebilcock; 41: Vice-Mca. C. A. Mobean; Seýcretary- Ferry Dobson; Corcespondýng Seccetar, -Miss Bunner; Treasurer-Mýias 1d Gould; Pianista -Mi s Floconne Tilley Miss Mabel Northcole; Musical directe -H. J. Knight. Not only doib e West Durhamui buy make their înark in educational purSutît buit our girls holid thoin owu us weil We note with gra't pleasure, the ernnep succe2s of 2-iss Anna Frasez eI& daugîter of dv. R. D. Fïaer (dSt Paul'a chncch, Ibhis bown, as giren in t 1 report af tisa es-auatie exerrlseso paceci fon cole.ge. The Epwoth beague Parler of tle Mpktbadist chnnrch wassthe scenie of the union meeting of tle yonîig peopie's seci- etiesi of the varins tcwn abrhes on tle 19th -ut. Mn. J. b. Alexander preided. Rev. W. S. Pritchard, B. A., conlibnted a timueiy eîsay on "Our\Vows as Chitian Endeavocen." Dr. Mbl(aughhin dîscues- ed the papen. _Mr. J. Gilfilan coud au essay un "Atteudance t Church Secv- ices." Revs. Frater, Pritchard sud -Parleen-dne td-he ppen. _R_ ~R. D. Frager, M. A., gave an account of the wock (,f the salions' comnmittee who visit t'ihe vesseldat Port Darlngton. A sof t, lair akin la île cesuit of -puce bloc-c and a heltby liver,to sis3cuye wicl Âyec'as rsa iilathe Supei7ior Medicine. badies wbo c) ehy upon cos- atetica bo benutify their comkple-xio-ns, shouhd mk a note of Ibis, bearing lu 1mind that they cun'l improve uiponi natuire. iThe dhoiceat family groceries t W. H. Osbonne'a. Don't forget Kirby's niew paint sîhop. Drop lu and see lim. Meur'stp shirts and uundecsbirts t the West End flouse. TiEi STTESMA Ola eW subacribeýrs balance of 1893 foc 5Oc. Boit plac1,e lu town 1U) uy Gl!oveýarad ,lose s Jo)hn JMao'. B'arI sud Anîl.ed 1Wîre at R. Woth's hardware rstore, Bwavle A fewý Sateen Blouses wbîcb uwil l h sold chleap e't the West End lHonse. The ,ý'-Big 2Y' tahedqa fer o achoful suippliîes. See, cor 10 and 15c. Dr. Butler's Golden Pilla ae me ýbest .ýemedy for imiprovivg the com-îplexiÀon, ce- moving black heada, pimples, etc. Tho Mediissa Rainproof Overcoat la the only rsntrafactoey waterproof garaient. Seoe ibm utMaso'a Clothing Store. The pleasiinteEt, cleapeat, nic(e ttsnd mnoal effetai cough, mixture iluthe market 10(d'y il3"Magnus Expecterant". We are showing a lovely assejrîmnent of Prslsbouigît direct from tbe manu- factureýrs and evecy Pa'asol impcted tbis Êano. Coucýh, Jobunston &; Cryder- ni il it is wondecfnl tle cheap Wall Papers, aloo %Wiýçnow Sa es, Bumel,Mxe Paint s, Gias and lKaisonliine t T Sbecin &% Co's, tle old stand, one door osai cf Roidl'é shoe stole. W. Hl. Odborue hba a vecy excellent stînckcof new famiiy grocenies wnlich hle la sliling as eheap as thocep.He b, as doue a nicu trudeo aleady uud invites tle peepie to clali sud give himn a trial ordler. bauD IT TO TUEE bîou.-The man who, lbls you coillidenll 1 twbtwiicr mankable Ymeýdicine for coulmand!cold,3 no- expense la% spared 1 tocomlbinle onh1the best asudpureit lungredients. ld a1 P bo-Illeof Km' tBla ci île i ud look t1iroug h ,; ïnotic(ýte e nibt ean bob, thon compare with othrre de, ent nnd artistio printers în Oütro.- Hi. Tiuseé Riglit, yuu are. Mo'si ail the other graduateai of THu STATI mmoT office. Mr. andj-iMs. D. Burk-e Simpson sauj on Saiturd,&y on the inagniftcent Dsmi ion Line Steamer VaLcouver [rom Mc cefai for a tour through Great Briti They expeot to vinit Ireland, Scotîî and Engiand. Their rturn pasýsage sxranged by cabie, avnýz eured ont the begtat staterot)man on thie popuflar AI] bUne steamer, Pari alan, isailn from i1 erpool, Âugust 421'eh. Tbiey w're bool for the round trip by M. A. James«, bopss teamehlp ticket agent. We lhavG sosnething choice hi Bel fut G.inger Aie and Soda Water Lurge variety. Very refrehinig th: hot wveathec. Large. quart bottlî 1S,5c,$1.50 Per cdoz.Smali bottbe 50c. per doz. The bostinl Canada QýRAND CENTRAL, Bows»anvi The West End House knocks theni out on Hocisery a1ý,d Gloves. The best pa4qto boy cehable Seedý fron 1P. Murdo<frel the old stand. About 80<0 rulas of pretty Wall Par- Io be, sold fcom 4r. upwacrds at Kicby' Foe i su Straw fluts vecy cheRr iJohnI J. Muon's Dry gïoods auid Jewt bonk here ! A $5.<0New HM pn.ru=atiCl Bicycle f)c saile uFt tîle Big- Plrice oiy l$80. VVe guarantee al aur Kid Glnvesq rep'aice wth new emies il tInt une perfecî. Johni J. Masoni. A(geunino Elgfin or Walthauî ws stom wvîiud, Fscnew bezels and -f-rew 1 fol.5 n ully guaralted laI Rlicdua Ladeus, call and scesConu-.on a Im-pl ed W aund Royal Dominion Wxr er-Ibe best made-at W. Il.. Osbor new grocecy. Great Clearing Sale of Mason's 2, pain bwoots sud shoos, île stock muai sold, Mr. Wff. Jenânings lu charge. G cedoucti ons. 'B4ee0advt. ýbee vie ioveiy assunilmt cf neit-w luineutta f -r 1'2,ý cents, %worlh nearly do rle muoney, JUil opneiontut a Cc Johuston & Crydecman's. One odozen be3aniful spoonis with:i ilIs baill eigsaved foc mie dollar twentyvveceî'S. Kulives, Foîka, lJ kml 1lRings, Cas, 1-, Cruelsý, etc., equ cheap uit Rickard(C3. Aithough Iiis conisidened -a dul on1 of the yeaeR lichaýrdl tells us le la il, die cepaieins, lino, whilh provea fo self that hé la a tborouigh mecbuuic ,tLat il w,ýouhd'cibe wiso for any one3 i- Iug t have their wock donewell t o I 1 Prrnare A. Remecly. I H seiivFoc îleo Rý enj. Ashton lens le reco)rd foc t and b st struwberries. fHe ,hU two tuoea TuiE STÂTES-NMN on Monday iliat are acýrnowledgodl ie mrany wbio have se-en Ibem Ico sur. in siauad beauty of hpaund colon îug"ii lute s'cavwbçrry hure thut bhas soucie in Bomsnville Ibis seusn. arere as sweet naud osciouîs asthey largo anud-pretIy,--I Albert Collage two WXest Durbatm have ditinguiabed Iemev -M Berry and Mr. I. Concli, -Bethteadaý Berry leada the liatinluthe colleglau oe for the tbird year and rec-eives I rior-CGeieral's silver modal for gen proficiency. Thece have boen 23<) u-ts eniroled ut Albert Colltga Ibis which bas beeoneou of tble most uceciuI years of its nîarory. The nuptiais of Miss Jennie Cathatine eid, claughter of James ML Reid, Esq-, i. b. S., and Mr. VavÉasor Robini, of To. ont") rec'ently of Port Hoý-pe, were Cedo-, ýrated in St. John's chorch on Wednea. uy, Junf' 21, thc cecemony being per. ormied by the rector, Rev JR. A. Biikey, ,ýstted hy Rlev. C. Hlarper Shortt, M. ý_of 1;t. Cypria-ýn Chuirchi, Toronto. Me , lite (Àf îh tovan were piresent to it na s ilha pretty a eddling. The bride nioy ntcrin w bite ci3abmere, niarch d' dOwn the ase escorted by ber fath"er ndIc elt'ened by 'Miss Mabel Reid cousîn) of Toronto, and bearinig a iovely )ouquiet of white«, rost s. The brideýsmaid arr3ed a magu ifîcent bouquet of pink oe.The gro)om w-as suppoi ted by his rohrMr. Claude Robl i f Montre&l. rhe church w-ai extenaively decorated by oving well.wishecs of the brIde in the ýogregation. A b)rief reception was fterwards hid at the famiy residence, ifter which the younz couple left on a rip to Kingaton t)> enjoy their honey. .-oen. The presents to the bride were i very fine collection. MieN. all m of Cobourg isviit- Aýt ,Cboulrg ouly 82 candidates wrate ing frienai tw.fur the Eritrance Examz. The Misses Hancis of Guelphi are visit- Mr. J, 0. LaBelie bans resumed bis ing their unche, Mr. W. Pearc. place lu the Organ FactDry. P Mr. Ed. Rundîs of Port Perry spenit John Loveli, Cunad!a'8 oldeat printer, Domnin Dy t c. as Mori'. died in Montreal Satrurday aged 83. P Dmrino D ChMrns.ieofMorelbas and Mes. T. Lockha-rt of ToronrtoM beeu visiting at Mr. R. J. Shutw's. speu,,t Sunday with friends in towe The Misses Grey ()ofTrot ae Ir. Fred. Sipprell cf Buffalo N.y., £ C visiting their sister, Mrs. C. D. Pinel. h- envsiigie issBat. th Athunder storm brougbt a nefre-shing- Rev. E. Robents pceacbed..to tb c rein over the town eariy Monday morul. bourg field batte., on Sunday week. 0 Mr, Juo. Routh lias soid out his inter - Mr. and Mrs. John HRend-ersojnnof Co. cç est in Cobourg Woolen Mille for $37,000. bourg La- bbe,, guests of MUr. W. Poen. Mr. John WN. Dutton spent Saturday Ceunillor W. McKay and Mr. Tbos. a and Sunday with bis wife and fumiiy here. Fitzgerald have gone to the World's Farîr. Qoiite a number of our citizens a1ttended Dr. RHerbrt Barber who bas been ver-v the big celobration lu Port Hope on Sat- ill with typhoid in Toronto isý recovering. urday', Mr. M. Lockhart, Toronto, nnd Mr. Wû,rden Prower and Reeve Smnahe were H iggina are visiling at Mr. M. bock, t Cohbourg ,lest Wednosday on Coninty 1-rt's. busin1essý. The band p!ayed 10o an appreciative1P Mr. and M.Nra. Fred Fleury have been audience arouicd the bend Etaud Friduy spending a few days visîing their pirenta nîsit * t Oakwood. Miss Janet I'McTavish is doing the Mca. G. S. Ticlieli, of Belleville, rpent Worid's IFair aud visiting relativeS ut *Sund,,y with MeNI. and Mca. R. Il. Turner, Qiao Centre Street. Mîis8 NellFe G(ranit and Mira Cumnmingg Mra. J, 0, LaBelle ha crecd froin of Toronto were guesIs of Mliss Buniinrr visiting ber brother Mcr. W. T. Green- over Sunday. way ut Port Hope. Misses Heord and Zoliner of Demtii Mca. R. H. Turner and Miss Borland COliege and ïMiss W7eliingtoýn of Brîghton have been ap1endiDg a few days iih were recent guesta; of MissGae nfrieuda in P'ic-kering. Mc. Jus. P. Berry gave us a cail on 1Mr. Jasý. Gilfillan, Science Master of Frday prioer t leaviug for Stahope to the H-igli Sohool, officinate-d ut the on,- enter up)on bis minlaterial labons. tcauce exam.inations t B1ackstýock. We welcomne Rev. W. Joliff, super-. Dominion Da.y waa- quiet in town as anrîated! Metiodlist inlister7, 10 Bow- 0 mnany citizeýns went to the Lake, Hfaydon îpanville, wbene 1h6 sud wife intendlct [lamipIon aîniversarics and lisewbece. ing pecsnauently, Tho,. Gilibard, Esýq., J. P., awing to Oniy 5$ candidates, 44t gicla sud,8i iii hiealth, bas res;i-nod ats Cobourg's boyo, wrote t the En1rance Exa,,min.ationt Stojwn treasurer. Mer. Alex. Poe la bis bore ! We expect te publis!i the list of - uccessor. sýucoeEsafu1lnues in next week's issue. 0 The "remi wee'kly Cobourg Worid was Mr. -John bawrie bas ncQcep1ted n cieck- i pei imauently enilarg,,ed luat week to 24 col-. slip in -M1esars. Everson & l{awkin's s Giad b heur of (un enberpriaiin conitem b ardware s'ore, Oshawa. John is a moatj tporary's SUCCeas3,. - eliable yon man aid wil! 1ha-)aure <o M r. D. H. Cotes, B. A., spen-t la Ivelye rs a, ndestmrs sathcion. Friday t tScugog Lake. IHo preadeas ayi aýrc u rotBrtun t 4 Lo ae epnmua exainin' t~tn This, of cours,wil[ render it. a nNewcastle Ibis week. very expenaiîve matter to Le( P lve s'ock Moasns J. b.Aloxaner undGeo. thbrougli the next winitLr. lu Eng. 1;Freeiand of Tiîiity church and F. A. h rpi orbtl ual l '-Haddy of the Methodist chucch are inc eue1f te Ilt fc yara Miontreal attendinit tegreatlInte-rnatmal Dmnoayvstn:Moas .J hChristian Endeavor Cnvention.KotCHopF.GatadMs - The Epwoth Longue of Parýrk ote GilyMc.WaMsH.Bueto y brb htai aefraddbRv oronto; Dr. Webster, Lindrsgy; 'Mr. W. aÎ chrhCahm, hondon, a adm ovlo W. Dowus, Wbitby; Mr. Fred Kukiglt, Y, inate3 addreais, accompanied by . solik t n u. ngta )r gohddgeFn xrsieo hi fc- Mr. Gordon D. Fletcher favored TEz binadgeepifexressive of their lateSTÂTESMAN rl offcewîtb bis anual treat of li aeo n ste.ochmaster aearawberries luat week anid thcy wceo tý pastor.u ral beautie --large, ced sud delightfuhiy ~' The Sopreme bodge, Sons of Cndjiy hyaevr bievneis ut thein uninual meeting ut Port Perry aud . ho huaarimeerycrop. A mnaris hat week, eected Mr. J. Gale of lh Lw geise ro us as G* cdon seem sta 0 l , ays bave ý;-v New nu&Grand; Councilior D. Davis ist eoâhad 0aue heh bas a v~l;A ood îbing hoaneer forgeRs TuE TTS Notices of l5irtlls, 25 cents; Ma.lrriatges, 50 Cents ; ISeaLtli. 50 Cents, ealeh inSertkon -but FILE I 0F uC5ARGE, whil the funeraI carels are iurlte( ut t5l ic e BI RT HS. HtTneÂD-IflDarlinguon, Jnine 23, the wife uf Mr. Edward Rubbard, of a son. Mr. E. S. G(ul 1, of a danghter. JAMEis--At Prospect Hill Farui,fiast W'hitby on Dominion Day, July 1, to M. and Mis. John James, Jr., a soni. MARRIED. NEwSO.M-STRONG-In Toronto, s.t the3 repid. eCe or ithe bride's 'father. Jure 28, William LI~ Town Oduncil. Regular im-eeting MondaY uig;ht. Reeva Prowec and Coun. MoKay absent. Sev- erai accounts and communications wece cresented and referred oprpr on nitteen or fyled. Mr. F. Beke was givn ermissio0n oý trhîTsomie ahade trees. M r, C. M. Cawker'a eqei for transfer of his bro- hec Rogen'e leaso of abI'op to presCýent oc- cupants wias granted subje,-t to aisat ry bond tb-at premises beý left lu samsîI condition as when entered upon. Eitimates for the ycar wore submitted as foilows:- Ronds anl streets $-2,5000. Publia Propenty ~ 93 Printing $200. Police $1.000. Poor Relief$100 Cemetery $825. Refenred to Finance Comimittee to re- po-rt at uext meeting. Mr. Davis moved, andé Mr. Gàiabraittb econded that the Council eret a wind- miii in tne cemietecy. boýss on a division. W. Bro. J. W. Robinson, D. D. G. M. of District No. 12, A. F. & A. -M., of Port Hope, accompanied by se verni brethren of Newcýstle lodge pîaid bis! cffolail visit to Jeruaalem bodgîIe on Wed- nesday evening hast, -kndlmet with a heurty reception. At the Qlose of the iodgo the brothren larnched lu th-) re- reshmenl room and amneccysciltm was spent. Notwithstandingý the big, sale which Ooucb, Johuston & Crydermian have hadl for Spring Press Goods they are still shiowýing a fine assortînont o-,- theso3 goods lui ahl qualities, with siikse andI velvets for trniing 10 tomutcb. ISure, efficient, easy-Hood'a Pflis. They sh]otild bein every travellen'e grip Sud evecy famiiy medicine abeaýt. 2c a box. In al -he10latest closanuid shapes which shie intends to-el' at a grea" You w\ill do WC',[ to U111I and e-xamine befor0Ie pirhsn le Orders taken fïor the London cor set. Starnp)ing done to ordler. MRS: DONCASTER. forenl ofOr N ewndFlcayoest duught- C,' 5,000lbs. wool wauted at the Hampton efJ. G. StcongZ, Esq. Wooleu Milis foc wbhich the higleaIt cash peice wil1 le paid. Farmors oniy b %vc BOWMAINVILLE MAREETS' thoir eyes hall open, tbe3y are afcaid to bo.y of tle -middle moin but the, rush luo tlerrected b>'J. Heliurtry, aven>' TI[eada>' ibm niwith thein wool. Be sensible and ,bring your wool wbecc iti lat10 e Lmanut- FLeuR, P' 100 lhsa...... ý.$1 60 to $2 3-ý0 factuned--yon wil l u-1 il b yoýur advant- WHVIIÂT, Eall, Ibush ... 0 0 ?aO06Q ugo. Always a goodt slock of g:ooda on R'l>usBiani, 'I........O 0<),,O 5 bad- uthat the farmenrs want, whlch Fife. 0...O0 0 a O 70willl ho exch-augod for wool. Wtbthauik% Goofso, 0 0.0. O 0<)r O57-jfor past favors, I romianvoue obedient C,(olorado ril 0-' 00(10<)rO62- servant. nyý , 1 - - 0 5 D M AIJ9R, 2. 0f30 in business life 3. 0 0 - ;Dil Iargely de'. B kbet Two-iowed O 30 O 0 U pendent upon PLuýS, Blackeye, V bush.. . 0(68,a O 70) truned luncommerial uSag1es. A Ilion- 11 MuMmny 11 - 0ea0 O 60ough course ilu practicable sub e ls ndee la, Small, ' 0 00-Il 0 ) O55 experienced officcen i'pîsnitos i Bine, 0'.. 50 if O 80 yonng men and womeýn ini possession of BuTTR a et table, e lb... O0<0 I, O 14 informiation that lias a ready demand ln CRIOKEN, e lb ..........O00< 0 I__2ý, the commerciah wocld. Elegant illustrat- EGGs, f doz ............ 0 00 la o 10ô ed circular aÂled to any addÏresai. _Apphy PoTÂ&TOE,, e bush ....... 0<0 Il O 40 10 RAY., P ton,..............6 00)If 7 00 nDM.D ~MPII lI.. Tenders Wanted. Tenders w iii be reevdby the TruBtees for rprsand alt erations te the churcli at Maple Grove. aonyan arpentry, together or Eeparate. Plans and apeciflca4ons miay bc seen at fthe resîdence of Mr. W. F'tE. who tenders miay bo addressed up to Jnily i2tff. The lowedt or any tender net necessaur- lyacc spted. B3Y order of the Trust Boardi. W. OLEY, B1OYimanVille, P. 0, A PARCEL waa taken from MAliss II SuÂAw's Mill'inerv storeon i 0h i. 1 returnued at once trouble will be savefi. 25.lwf lIO SHARNESS, CARIT (or lighlt LLbuggy) w&nted immediîtely, 811i table for a ministür's use. Apply quick to M. A. JAMES,. STATESMAIN office, -Bowmianvilie. 27.1w ÔIRL WAINTED at once foýr general house work zin farm near tow;r: mail family. Appl)j tu M. A. JMS TTSA offlice, Powmanvi le, TLU OUSE WANTED-inj central part of sY-L Efowmanville. WIIro h roomA or whole floeuse if suitable. Apply to Wf.A.JM. STAýTESMýAN Office. 2.1w" D HTONFOR SAE.A second -à-hand cnopy top pieton in good orer- Will be sold very elheap. Apply to 1,1,A. JA-MES, STAESANIfIC,BOWManvlle. 25-3wA -j3ASTUR.AGE-A splendfid run rt -L pastnre for farm stock to rent ivith plIei- ty of good grasq, water and shade. T. G, SToNEnouSE, north of Hampton,. 2-tf TAMBS WANTED.-Any numiber of JSpring Lambs wanted for wbic-h the highest price willbeopaid by HiumE &WRien T' the People's Batchers, Bowmanville. Ja.mes 1Hay & Go. - ( LVS WANTED.-Ten Calvos a, The Woodalock Sentinel- Revizew8anys: '.ÀJwoekwunted for nextifour montha hy lomale RI, te'cpu' hLtcLr, Ii....basbonn goddeal cf gossir p ! H wuME&WEnr toPcpesBut he atreet te.day oven the businesis affaira RMTIEN.9 ace î.James lizy & Ceù. Itl'bas boen gener- 1R TO E T-9 acelos1 lyknown for some limeo that a change 11, cou. 1. Danlingten. lu a gond state. 0.f ýi te fim ws cotempate, orrathr acultivation. Possession tû plow af ter lharveat. île 1cmwas ontmplaodon rthe a uil possession April 1, 181. For fenî,her par, hange lu the fcrm of management. Ne- ticulars apply taie SoaxEas, box 9, Bow- otiations lave boen going on for the for- mnil,2-W antiqu of a joint Stock compan-Y; stock ïAMT RN.-0acelo3, as recenîly takien; sudc a skilled acon- 1?Cen 9, Dalington. near Enfiold. Good 1A oni bobaîf of the parties3 inlecested flouise und Ontbnildings. Well watered by ýa for sometime pai been looking into rnn"ing stnoumn ond wells. Well alaptedl for ho cýnditon o t3busiess-grainlor stock raising. Plowi!ng possess3ion asý îe cndiionof ho bainss-ith WOsoon as crop la hunveateti. Feul possession ýelieve verS satirfactocry reanuîta.How October lst. For fuarther paciicuIurs apiply o1 ver s hitch appoes jte haveo ccunred luJOHNuARNOr. Tatnuton P.O. 26G-3w' o!îl prtesinenstd estedny y oe _~~ iT1 ad ~ JJ on.3,Oslwniht:For f urther patIcu lie fncry l. a ruing as msua, to-day; TINARM TO RENT.-103 acres lots 12 ,d we ;hn-vo cess3j o Ici elievo that ail .Lý anti]il, con, 8, Dalingion, nean finydoni. jfikltiswil bespeeiiysînughtnodgood framne bouse3 anti farm buildings, weil Uf!!ýu--eS wli b SI)Ocliy watereci by running stnreum and'well, sultei foc t uîe busie uess con ou stizfpctcy ra in or stockralsag. gooti day loam, Piow- nais Tb buines l nototuy alare sg3session tas so;on as cp le îhanvesteti, The one-, i o n d a-' O fnL'ossinnleebe.Frfehrpr a, u ooîuneand Ita B.'.FALt.IS, J'yon rLmzp . t ne2 iclefeaned, PRINCIPALS, Hlamilton Business College, ý;4, 3U, 38, 40 James St., Southato, Ont. Miss Shaw ils clearing out alWne Stock of Rlats, Wings, etc., at cost andi ma.tNy things far below cost._ A nICE3 10t Of newV Veil.- ings just received. Ne7x' door east of P. O., Bwnvl Ic you wis"I a0,realy goodl and, reliable Watch call and s ec thos(r iWahlham and I2gnWatchesbin l ýoid aWay dowA in piautully'ii guaranteed by Wachn)shen, Jewoller and Opticinru REPRSENTS thea Federal Life As.. sbire, Commercial unio the Lncasýhire Flire3 Insurance Cos , and.1th Steam 3ler uand Ofcut W., h'e HfardwarcEstore, Boýwmoff.l The highiest ma!îket prýice w-,iii be Paid for any quantity of wool duliverel Forle doo0r Çceefu p STATESXIAN ofice, B ow- LEWIS QUIOIQ MVRS. DONCASTER Has a large stock of L A DLE S X -NT