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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1893, p. 6

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the tiine p 1eftîe e'w ýl-ssetdCia Epps II as provi 1 fi our 1breatifst tbls it deiaeyf vare 1 beveran, wà !i'l"11,- siave Ienttu'eec, b ,-rtn rv hat , ý', ' 3Ut. clre enngl te asit evri'tledsy t floati saroue u ra'y u nalc"rhre a fatral sh y keie u1ývtwlfif trame." "irdiSitvr Gh eci Mfa'e simpir with boiline wat8r Or milk seold, onîgin psk1t) by Grocsrs.1%labsUs& tiss JAI.E'S EI'P5,& C., tsusalt ien ~IstLodnzad WEDNESDAY JULY 5, 11893 Du. J. C. MITC«nIU. EM01BER OF iCOLLErnS OF PIdïY9CIAN tJane Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. e 091f- pand iteeldence. Enniskillen. 74. B 4PIRISTFR 0OLIOITOR, &a. M0RTý PJI OCK, upsteirst. King Street, Bow'nir- ville. ellcltor fer the Ontari Bank a livate 3U0onys 'soned at thse ]Owst rates S. C. RIINIING TCEXISED AUCTIONEER FOIR .4the' Conty of Durhsamn Sales -attended tcen onhortest notice and lo;wt rates. Address CeraRuIcaP." 0. i5: tWIST. YOUTNG, V. S. OFFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM 0Newss Bcek. sahere binsoîlf or assistant msi! be founid früni .mn. te 9 i..Night cala aJ, c sidtntedircet !y opposite Drill Shed. Cals by îtelf graph er toiephone will roceive pompt ettnioon71-yr A. C. ItN'<AV V.S Ail calse by telo g rapli or telephene will i ce eive prompt attention. ..l1-tf A UCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Real t1Fstaue Agenr, Bewmanville, Ontario- kaleE aiendefi in any part cf-Province. -.A.- rosir A CHITECT. Planc and Spnciflca- AXliens prepaed for every class cf building. Spccial attention g yen to heating by steain oind-bot watar. -andi te saitary arrangement. Office: Gorrie ]BlecIs. hitby 43-lyo R. PATE.Tailo0r- Store. (low'n tr),- Ilcti BOWMANVILLE Ifildis, tl- J iicreacu te un 1lan ,-Ded, Pressed aed Rparei b 't f T IL S. -PMAM. 1' CJAÏMAN PIJJCK. A Succèsfnal Canadian Buisines Extenuied to En.-land. 1listheglîbit a Short T!n in aTliai CoutiM tise foilowing ,article trousaise Mcte j nee elatijjve te()t !1se emnc-s lu reat fiiciiua weil L kowil Canadien f irm. \We Iavçe den ines x ithte Sm inqiies t.ien for a nme of yoars ani dccc luecrtiy tuseirhr able buicees uiotLiesod, aid tire care e-serciseÀ La tihe publication oftbe arti- c-les sppeariusg l uie prose relative te their preparatien. These cases ara aiways writ- ton rip by iDfluentiai newspap-rs lu tIse le- calities lu wbiciu tuey ocor, af-tom e full ccd thorough investigation tihat beaves ne doubt cf their impartiality andi tiutbtui cheracter. We are quite certain that the confidence reposs ethe Sm cnd rheir propamation le Tise phrase "British pluck " bas hecone. an adage, ccd net without good eason, fer wherevem enterprise, courage cm "bull-dog tonacity " le requiresi te sweep away or sur- neunt cpposicg obstacles lu order tibat the pinnacle of auccess aycy oreechesi, yeur true Briton nover flincises, and facing all obstacles worka uctil succosa bas heen achievefi. Tissaine "British plcck " ilaa cisaracterîstic ofthtIe native hemn Canadien, cnd there are very f ew walka lu lite lu which it doeacnot hring succees as the me- ward. This much hy way cf prelude Vo whai bears ery indication of beicg a succesaful venture ou tIse part of a well- kncwn.Cacaduian bouse. Wheu t was an- councesi a few mocths cge tibat the Dr. Williams' Medicine Ce., of Bruckvilie, irn- teeded establishing a brancis et their busi- nees in VIse motlieriansi, tIsera were cet e tew wbo were incliced te ho akepticel as Vo the auccess of tise venture' whiie some hold- ly preductesi tailure. "'Theme wtuld be au objection," tbey urged, "1te takicg up e colonial remedy," "'Thoir business inethods difféees frein thoae prevailieg le Canada ;" "tIse field wae already crowded with pmoprietory renedies long eeteblisbed,' ced weil adveitised" These andi mcny other objections weme urgesi ce reasous whiy thse vent are waa a doubtiful eue. But tIse Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. wes net te ho detierred by eny objections that might be rcaed. Tbey bcdnbocussios confidence in the merit et Dr. Wiilicuss' Pick Pilla fer Pale People, and tIse piuck te back up their- confidenrce wiVh their cas h. This latter is weli known te, Canadien eewapa- per men, who know that less tiban three years cgo the compcny fret put upen the market len tIse tomnof -Pick Pilla a pre- scription- which bcd previeualy-only beau use(f lu private practice, and with e skill and, audacitv that bas--net-been-surpcassed- land. " e belles la thset a Great Britaii d phenleenal. lertisieg tibt :> sciravi,! lri eenit iteau -, Wlliianq' beee ilepre- eno dosbt. YOUN'lG POLK&. 1 aqaitdwlth hlm as hein g nost pitiable. lite lay in this condition tor' sslore~ than thrce menthe sufleringintrmttbyColn- siderable pain, but more aiffliureîl hy his utter helpIlsne«s than b ufrnAof auy ojther kind. Hlis wiýshes ;were illdicýated by signa and' feeble miumblllings. The distior- tion of his face was rendered the pmore ap paýrent by the ghastlyJ pallor of lbi Catures, and ho laty in bcd,ý anticýipa.ting nothing, better than that d,,ea1h shuldeletutlly reoeinhumof hie he1lplessnEiss. The Rev. WltrCooper, Wesleyain siritual habJitation in a isstial l buil- 111in l igh stireet, 01,1 sfo ,tecýk a paetetr's initereeýt ni the cell of this enfe ýr- tunate nmn, iand is acctuainlted w'ith ti;e cirumtanesf omi aliloýst first to List. A wveek or two ago J Mr. Vatson ihgan tu astonish al] his neighbovr by the sudlden lui- provemevnt in his appearance a id capacity. lie is able to walk about, auid bis riglIit arni, which was fornerly perfectly iincapale of motion, is new moved a1nuîti as rea&dily as the other, thoughi the flugers have uiot yet recovered their usual delicate toueh. Per-' haps thne mest striking circumnstance, how- ever, is the great improvement in the per- sonal aspect of the man. The dIefortlitly of feature caused hy the paralysie is entirely removed. Bise speech is restored, and the right leg, the displaceménrt uf whichl kept hlm itec his bed or chiair, bas now rcovered its funetien se completely that bu is about to take sone out-door work ai Beefuord and Nottinghiam. Questiioned as to the caiuse of thîs re- mark-ihle improvemont iu a case Iies ally regarded as incurable hy tse inodicýal profession, Mvrs. Watson, wife of teptet unhesitiatingly titrihuted hier hus'1and'e, miraculous re;covery to the use of a miedi- c.-'e called Dr. Wiljiamsi' Pink P'ille for Pale People, and broueht te ýocenelderabl1e proninence by tihe publication of suinel re- markable curres affectied boy tibeir eseaws in Canada and eiaowhore. " Sine 1 have taken Dr. Williams' PicikPis"said Mr. Watson, "I h ave unquésýtionably beau botter notonly than 1 was before the stroke of paralysis seized me, but, than 1I have been at, any tine sin-ce my h>voyhodi," a statienent confirmed hy M rs. Wa lsl, wo said the appearauce of lber hiusbaxnd ew wasi proof cf the enorîneus imiprovenient lu bis health. Il The Pis," shie said, - seem net only to have cured the paralysia of the face and legl but tolhave effected a inost re-. markable change lu his general beaithI Mr. Watson waa always remarkalsly pal- ]id and cf a, sickly appearance, buat the rnddy glow cf the patient's face confirmeid Mrs. Wataon's words. 'I lassure yeu," sald she, Ilwe can speak in thse ighestpos- sible termescf Dr. Williams' Pink Pis. Nothing either at the (Ganerai Ticepital1 or frein the doctors, who have atitended m iy b usban-d at differenst tines, bals doue anly- thing like the good which the few boxes of Dr. Williams' PiEla ho bas takoen have _et- fected, and, under Providenc!e, we feel lie owes bis lite and bis rester ation te work and -usefuineas to ti i onder-ifi mdie --Mr. Charles Leavesly, ilisurance agecnt, at Cowiey street uidBsodlisauc [other nieighbors been deeply meived iby the [ offrtia tMr. Watsen, 'and prýofGondlly j,, .as,,4hv h m-raclnneresuraantic heairb.ThR cas hec, s jeotll e--iln opm cf cevoroti iiitoen ineîg'b~ed Abteb. ïï l lowu t, u i~n tc [that every tact iu the ab)ove rnabie J ence, whic itf would be mioraliy impes.ý- deb. Lîs shiown by (onlluýivp- [1y1 attested Eeice dtatDr. Wuiian,,s' Pink Pilla for Paile- Poople are neOt apt miedicine lu thse erdinary sense, buit aj scien- tifo popratonfrua fr~l, ,n ee positively antd untailiegly cuire al dwa;asea paie aîid saiiow cmpxCE', gelierai ue culer weakness, loes cf eppetite, dpeae of spirits, aniamia, green sicne, aJpita- The Boy that Lauzhs- 1 knuw a funny littie bey, 'thie happlest ever humn; Hi s fae ta a becuu of jey Althuogh. bis cluthes are torr. 1 saw in tumble on hie noiez, ,Ans(li aited for a groni: Biu Fbow bhelaughed! 1Du)yon supppc Il,,c strck bis 1fuuuy boue l Thee'eenchure u cdiword lieepa. HIe l tshe i1.0so'sserh i ad; Thle ehuronfor a mioe hote , Hi -sIo-sons are but funl. .NLo matter how the day nsay go, Yon cannut nake hlm cry; lies worti a dozen boys I know Who peut. and clope, and igh. -[Wide Awcke THE aHIJiINEY-ELF'S STORY. Bv AN ELD-FA5I0N;ED FELLOW. Roaresi the wind and waves witihout, biazesi the fire witbic, ccd aroand it sati four golden haired chilsiren, Otho and Rcbert, Rita and Elle. Tise great black log suapped anid craclled furiously, andi soeututsbewers otasparika:;the brîghthbeams fiashesi back Iron thbe window pane andi dacced over the ciling, and, -as it *grew darker, they grew bolder acd came out plainer, andi at lest the chilsiren sew that tbey wore those bright-taced andi merry littile epritea, the Chinney-elves. Then saad Othe, who waa the eldeat, andi very bold: " 1Oh! Chimnoyelves, telle us-a story 1 Andi then ail the Cbimuey-elves began te dance aboutiand Nwhispor amen g thenseives, andsi fnally settled lu a great, broad giare cf ligbt ce the opposite wali, frein wbence cane eut a cleatr, littile veice aa tollowa : Il Once uponl a tino tiheîe was a greet Princesa eamed Cillipebirde. She lives inl acasýtie of gcid ; thie ceilinps andifluors were et draniudeý ; the walls wore long mirrera, made cf single plates of glass set lu pearl. Rer bath was cf codar wood andi was filled. tihree times a day witih rose water ; ber bed' was a silver shboli, tie curteica cf lace, andi satin coverlets. She had three hundresi andi six ty-fl ve, dresses-cee for every day in tihe yea.r-each thickly sowu witb pearls and rubies. Tee loveiy waticg-ncids follcwed her everywisere ; cee carried ber paintesi faýn ; oue ber bausikerchiof ; a third ber s.nllicg bottile ; a fourth a velvet cushion on wbich te reat her feat_ a fltth ber slip- pers; a sixth ber dianond coinb ;wiie the other four walted on ber, and wouid bave saved, ber the trouble of wliug hbcdt heen in their power. - le short, so greet wcs this beautifiil Princesa tIsat se facciefi berseof nade cuti et a differznt aed fluer dlay tîsan the rest of uankind, and lived lu perfect solitude TRAN SPOR TÂTION FACILITIES-' CanastaWliCompaýýre Favorably witis any Eouniry in This Respect. The trede of a count ry eau generaiiy be mpasured by its transportation facilities. They are essentially c-relative and in sent- sitive touch and respense. iu thse deveiop- Luetfe home and1 international cemmerce redof tirade lbas followed ',the carrier, and the enterpr ise ol tlire carrier dev.elopied the tradle. Iie sene countries more than oth1ers invntie igenityan(i eecu1tive akili have increasesi the offlc_î-iny anmeocmi nlovenlenit of nrcJdie adintisi- perotn atoirsecuired a commr,-ercial cd- vnaeover active and formýiidale cour- petitor, le tact transportat ion rates nay ho discîisive factors ilu commercial saucceas, Lnd itV equipineet and management can as- sure a-prorniun or compel a discount. The importance of the carrier cannot he ever estimated ; ho is the middle mac between the produicer and the consumer. We seme- tinea cemplain ef interior service, and ex. orbitant rates, but all considered, Canada will compare very faverably in tii respect witb any country, and especîally with any European country. It is ctimatefi that ou Canadian linos the average load transported is fron five to six timea that efthtie average load in Greati Britain, andi tbe average rate tibere is mucb higher- than, bore, lun aune casea over 300 per cent. The aver- age tare weighti of the ordinary four miheeled English raiiway minerai wagon is about 70 per cent. of its, carrying capcacity, while that of thse Ccna'lian froighti1 car is more tihan 35 te 40 per cent. of itis carrying capacity. Iu ioadingand unloafi- ing facilîties the methoda are lesa cumber- some lu Canada than lu Great Britiain, and in other dot-ils where the soîcîl econonîca of traffic are opeýrative and influentil, we have the advanit ages iwhlch totalize ru wide dîffereuce lu ccst andearuings. As atecting the cmeca deaýtiny o a6 0V countiry the efli cieecy ofthtie public carrier is an essec-) tuai and icýdiepensable factor. SAD 0SToRi OF TRE SEA. STILL HOLDS TH-E F.IRST PLACE IN POPULAR FAVOR. BEWARE'-OF 1 MTATIONS., HI-Il iFRAGRANT , 44/ -ý à tOtrtlebeîlug Iurîeniy ani pagea aic1Se sec-bots wvere 'pulled off ise akin of lia" YcLdios-ot hocor MuingiiL hitherccd tViltisrfset adieresi te tho. -but tho ceoid grew wors itsstead f et boter,Whto ud'tf. cdl Vise PrinIcesa sont for another dýoctor, Rei . 1% ..ho Ieokad wise, aso h is-boS,dansi or-, A'tdetbaots&rgNn e prM 4 dlered 'exorcise! of bis vre copihet0unitul une of " Se, everiy day the Pr iccess' palfrY Was tise party, ioaieg aIl patience, saisidM D~ 1reghtup o ie do'Ior cdtise Prueceess N"w wo have hi.rd guite enougb et Jj ANIFALLIBLE REMEDY w u 3rd l iefre wt i irI btyncn e attl u btynSpersedos cli oCher preparetions fer the cureo 1!nigist5sen -des ridiug atter hemjý; hntIt, ccn't do, ccd Iwiil] undertaIne te do0 it my ,enatDsiit,,roni -orten .at happ ea da ily, passim, close by a field seil.arlyis coîrlsat, PLeuiL - - - - sw~..& ~.- - t! - a - osae~uo-,Ž55oît-- " t>.. t t?.... -.----t--t------ ---..........- * - ~-- s~~--n -ut I 5,-. ~.- IL A q SEST. Twenty Days lu an Open IBoat. A tbrilling stiery cf tise sea was tolsi et Cardflf by a celoured soanan nanesi Will- iam henury Johnson. He aciledf ron Car- siff in a Nova Scutian vessel cailes tise Algome for Buenos Ayroa. Tisere lie jein- ed tisa Doiphie, another Nova Scotian ship, andi proceedesi Vo Valparcise andi Iquique. Tise cewuumbered twenty-tour, aed tise veesel waa commcnded by Captain Davies, accompaniesi hy hia wif e and chcli- dron. Tise vessel lef r Valpareiso-with sait- petre for Englausi. Whec Cape Hemn bcd been rourrded a terrible snowstorm- came onI, aud shortiy after iý,ndught tise vessel struck ce iceberg, ccd. began te settie down. Irnmediatoly aftterwcrds tise saIt- petre svcs fouet ta ehoron fire. Tiseliteboat îwas gt ont, and- tise captain, bis. wife, tise frt ccd second mates, ccd four sailora, inciudting -Joisusor,, managed to-geV isite - liber, wlien thes ahlp touediered. and tlise rost nf tlisa crew wet-e dmewulel. 'Tise col' was- - inens. cc cier our neaya tise cap- çel'hl3 LASTING PUGT PL0ÂtBIDK POWDE~

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