r j A ndeed is lie whosea blood is pool', who h-as iost ils appetit and is flesb and saomz to be in a rap1d de- 0f Pure Norwegian Cod Liver 011 and eyophosphies can Make it 'c again by restering appelite, fesb and rich blond, and sas giing hlm ensrgy Id perfect physical lie, cures Coughs, Coltis, Ssumption, Scrofula andi Branchitis. IT IS ALMOST AS PALATABLE AS MILK. P-.pared only by Scot & Bowue, Bellevile. ALLAN UNE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Propased Sailinge. Subject Vo change. 18P3 lerel. tndonder yQuebee, and Hontreal InaiS Servlee4 F'rom Fiom Froin Liverpool Steamehips. Montreal. Quebec. 4 May... PÂRISIAN ...20 May. .21 May !J May-.C.. SIA. 27 May ....28 May ls May....... Ni.3Jsan... 4June 215 May.-_SAU1INRN.10 June . .11 Jue 1 J une .. . . 51L)NGOLTÂN .. .17 Juine. 8June. PARISIAN ...24 June. .25 Jue la Jane .. .. LAURENFIAN..1 July.... 22 Snse...NUMIDIAN ...8 JulY....9 JulY 29 Jne...SAFVDINIAN-.. .10July .... 16 July 6 July . A OGIIN.2Jly.... 13 July. PA l' ~I29Jniy.... .30 J017 2OJuly . '.ALAURENriAN..5AOg.... 27 July ...NUMLDIAN ...12 Aux... 13 Aug Steamers are dlsvatched f reim Montreal at daight on the day of sailing, and sali from Qulebec aV 9 a.m», Suodays. Seamers with a* wil net stop at Quebec, limon ki or Londonderry. RATES 0F PASSAGE. By S. S, Parislan, $60, $75 and $90, single, $1,$135 and ?165. return. Extra class cabine for itwo personsIr(mns50 to 57) $ 100 single, $185 return. Extra class cabln for thre persona frcoms 50l te 57) $80 single, $150 return. l'y Sardinian and Circassian- $55,$60 and $70. $105, $110. $110 return. Bî other bteamers-$50 and $0~. $100 and. $110 return. Second cabin-Outward, $30 and $35; prepaid $35; returu tickets, $C5; children neuween 1 and I2 iears hall fare- nfants, outward fres-pre- pad$3 l A. JAMES. Agent, Bowmanville Ar ALI. CRITricAL PERIODS AND CHANGE OF LiC E. laid by al D1 rugg.st:s,or by mail prine 60 ccents, six boxes,$2.5o. ThLe Celery F111 C: ., T c r rnto, O nt. HO'USE ý,PAINTING. I5arn-r ared ta execiitsail orders for hop-~, sln, gainig, iszngpapier- agîganda decrating lu hs, moIst ap- proved 8tyles and a aeaetre -W"11 Papers, Glass, Putty and Màixed Fà.iits inail ehlades always for sale. Shop oppoaite Young & Co's first class giocery store, King St., Bowmanville. CI' ders may bu siso left at Young & Gose or at my reaidence, Qaeen St. 1-TIIOS. KIRBY. L~ f. KV ~ NEUVE BEANS aee e dis- CsVF- erythat cure VswrtCasu AsNervcuz Jiebilitu', Lost Vgor and B:E A N S Falsig Maiuhood; restores the lieaknssofhouaor mdcatuse by eser-work, or t e 'ovrs or ex. *cesses of yosst. T eniedy sb- AQutly sures ths most obsîlrte caseswen ail other T PEAMENTS have failedeven Vo reliev. Zoldbydrug glas t $ r pwkage, or six for . orSent by ai! on eeitfpries Write foc pamphlet. Scld in- Bowvmanvilie by STOTT & JURY. Nlew Tailor Shop' 'Vhs urdersigned who has been carrying on thb aiiusrng business in cannection xith lflaon's Dry Gonds Store for ainumber of years hlas commenced business for hîmsesf at lits resIence, King St.,west, where e le prepared Vo make gents' and boy'sltsuitnlual hs iatest sles, and at loweat prices. For those who Wîsh 10t order suits, hie will carry a fulil linsof amples in ail the newest patterns. Give hlm a caîl, 11 J. T. -AILILENý, Fashionable Taîlor BomniiNov, 1,1892, a lareàstckio Hiats re-shaped~ ai-d colored. Mrs. DONCASTER, Bowmanville.1 AGRICULTURAL. The successfal Farmgr. &itisoagh, avnitas A. F. As-messs, aveu sv ane Vsaî avers tise question acheS, I"Whou la tis sccestul tas-ras-V Vhs diffes-ence of opinion avouisi be sacîs tisat tisa quastiumer avoumîsirealize bat lîttie anligisteunmant fs-an tise ausaera abtaineti. I venture ta saggaat a Visougbt or tvaountise subjant. Laokiug eat the mates- fs-an a financiai sstipoint, tise suacasmal aniers-nea avisa as accu mulatesi sugis af thmis xvori's goosis Vo lîva ual loxursausly, bat conafont- sisiy. InùsorderVo do Ibis, be umuet' obîain ail aacasssry impiements wberaby tas-m.as-d isauseooislabos- may bu ligistenas taeVisa uttuost. TisewaoS mayaes ansitisesaccess-ý fui las-mes- s- i l. Haenmust elso ha able Vo give bie chilsinen evary asivan cage for obtaining a liharal ada- cation. I"Tse greates et usaofai armesaet Vise pressut inas is a tharoa'gh education," aud tisa unadunateti man avili soon finS that, as far- as sunces.a us concerneS, Ilnons othsers neasi apply. " Bat whiile tise larmes- is ps-o- vîding tas- tisa naeseonI is falmily, shah hai ovrs-ba hie oavn necessities in Ibis lina l No, bic table shouisi ha supplieS avith Vis hast tiset tise tiînas afford la uesvpapars aud magazines. ,Ris libres-y sisouisi hafta- nishesi aitis books apou avrsy topic tisa considaration of aviichci oald poscihiy ha turneSVo profit. Prass oma aouisiloah upon tVisassluxuas-e. I say Visy aeane- casiies. Wara I obligeS Vo mahe a choice hataveen Viha tao, I sisouis ps-alan Vo liva upon the plaineet food, proriding it avas wviolesoma, raVisas- Vias giva np my books and gapars. Tise las-mer anS tise fas-mer's famiiy useS Vo caltivats tisa seathetic sida of thisas na- tures. ibis avonîsi aoald ha a dseaiy place, indeesi, aitis ail the baauty laI s ont. WlisV avosîde-tissu, tisai ha avio ses no moruing apieudor ors- snsat radianca cas-ries ex'as about avilishlm a gioomy visage?. It je Vise farmes-'s bonden daty Vo stndy uatnra's isss3oa-book. I have no bjma," sax's oua. Bat tisa succaeW farers aili finS ima. He avili do iV aviila tua ains ccessful tas-are is smoking bis piýua. Nature wjilwluiser bier secrets ta isim aviile hae piows bis fielS sud ygatsshie grain. Ris md 15 aven bus h a Ili br probienas aud lha funSmos-a piesurs tisareju than hie unavise brother las-mer funS inVise s-nde jokes c-sckesi aI Vise coantry groces-y. Tis is aamething whiicis Vhs succassîni tas-mer Vakes aiong avitis hlm fremnVise begiusing of bis carear ta its close, somathing wici eltisougis of reai mouay valua, os noV Sapaudeut upon monay for eujoymant. Allowing tisat a cas-Vain amount of capi- tal is uecassary Vo tisa tas-mes-. tiat lha may ha reliavesi fromnthseisarassiug wors-y of restriction, tise naxt question Va consider la, boavsle a o ubtaîn Lt? Thas-e as-e many asveuesleaSing Vo success, aud lu thaevos-ds cf a laVe essayiât. "lTse faîmit aitis ton msny aviters is thsat tisey fs-geVVises-a are so massy vas-jaS suî-rouding of climats, tîmat a rule fs- Onu place le no guide for sîsothe- Iu vas-y many cacas tises-aie fon ona tas-mis noV Vhs s-e ore as-auadjoining tas-m ; sud tise adaptabiiity of people i ju5t as varied. Ons man nanat xvarh lu tisa groove of anotiser." Bat pus-sapa iV is sale Vo i-iy Soavuoua genes-al rnis. Begin at tise foot of Vhs lasdas-, but do not ha con- tant taoday Visera. It me peis-hapa an axiom astVs-na s Vs-îe, Visat Il Visera is roona at Visa top." Peshapa tise gs-aest idea-ace tisat lise; average tas-mur meets la avant aIfumthos.i. t ia mors destructiva iafluad on fis-a, Vi'b olS saying is I"ha goosi sud yenavili ha hsappy," but I aay, be metisodical anS you avili ha auccasalol. Frouc Manuriu- ta Mc(.winZ, F. A. Paitunan its as toilows rota he New Engiausi Farme-:-I 'hava oltan con- graîsîlatesi myceif that I avaut fs-rnVise sisop te Vhs tasrn, as by co sloing I wac free tram. al sutequatesi practices sud surer- stitjons, lesviag me fs-as ta stant ou a lavai avîtVie imes inasad of dSasp l isaths-uts cf olsi matioda. I have slways helievesi that the hay crap avas was-ýhy aI battes- treatment Visan tiat genenally given it isy tas-mers. Ous- grange ritual says, "Grass jc tisa hasts of agricultare, fs-an its laîîy gs-owths in tisa Vsopina, ta tise iniest spears in As-c- Vin ragions; it is tise Muai widaiy diffuseS, ths muaI usetai, sud Visa muet valuahie pro- ducetion aI tis e geashiakin'gdom; aithoat il Visa iîgis- asdessof animale, inniuding man, couid noV axist, aud Vhs eas- Vs aonîd ha an as-ld, bars-an aasîs." It ilasaking a goosi sial of nature, os- rusting boo acuista iack, ta caav amali aud dalicate grass ceeS along witis s sank groaviug sps-iug grain nrap hihe oaîs anS ex- pen'tVhs grass tV a Vahroot, Vhsire and ps-o- Simcacaveasipayiug es-opa of bsy aussi viat availabla -plant foad is laIt altos-tise grain ns-up is off. Iu my eas-iy tas-m experienna I soon flounus Ibis lant out ansi gave up aaedîng avitis spring grain ns-opa, as il I manareithVisa os enougis la insus-e a hbeas uppiyaof plant foosi f Drtise youg grass planta, sV ivouisi ha 10n s-mis fus- lima as, causing thena ta lotiga ans riotises Vhe young grass. Au- aViser abjection se aaading avith spring grain, I baund aas tVisaIlgave aveessau aqual as- eau bette- chanc'e tissu the grass Vo gai a goosi loothaiui. Ecpeu-ialiy is Vhs Visa caca avith tVie pereuniai rosi sors-el. I fiuaily adapteS Vhseps-antimeofsediug in tise sommer ansi faul uisuaily wiVb soma fastes- crop lihe atnap-iesved turnips or bar- isy Vhiuiy soavu, bath af aviini us-niash partial shada ta tise young grass plants, as as a lot of young ansi vigos-aus rooba Vo, as- 1s iat in nsrryiug iVtiss-oagh tise winVer. Long 1ago man leas-nesi tisat asbs-simug bisa pig anS Tisasauieaffect avil ha pradunesion auy insant or worm tbat esîs leavea a intes ame 1Thse umbar of fis-se la Vie metropolis way. Tise carrant worm and tisa goace. le1 st year avas cousiderabiy aboyaVise aase-- hans-y worm est tisa leal la thescame wavl, age. It appears from Vise report ofthtis this moatis takas bhaVisides of it sud avhen onsion Sairage Cas-ps VhaV 3,146 firsaavre Vise green la applias i I aili hili t hem Vhs a -,ttei-desi by tise Metropoli an Fis-e Brigade, came as il doesatise potato avns-m. I avould os- St the rate of ness-ly nine a day. Tis noV use it on ca rrent os- goosaherry excspt la '2514 mas-ta ss in he ps-avions year, aud ftas- tisafsst .l-p aI wrnis, sItar ViaI I 814 mare than tise avanag6 ef the nina years avauld use comelising aise. jjrsecsýding. the steer îvonid increase their size and th Ta prouc a large crop of fine patatosa quaity of their meat. A similar practice select o'~c f grsîs land inluths sprng sppiied Vo our cuitivated grass wiil produce wiVh a saili adaptel to this crop. Pio w il similar resoits.i about six jue-s deep, tom Vths furrow fiat, 1 use my grass lande ail thraugh the year spreasiabut23cart-loads of mqnure Vo Vh3 as abank of ueposît for ail manurs noV ather- acre,tae a gaod wheel harrow andi puiver- wise usedeti immediately for other crops. 1 ize it in hroughly with the sali. Then neyer bave any tsars of its being stoicn uhi it an,1 mark it ont one way Ilîree fee t (peovidiug I keep uuy mawinsts fs-es tramsund ouie.halt hýetween hs raws. ihen take weeds sud similar robhers) noV drying up a sm-all plow ands, farrow about four luches anul biowiug away, sud there is scldom1 deep, Select goo s ound sud smnooth pa- mnch danger of its ruruing away uniesse atos, goosi fair size ; cut them twa or eps-saS on the landi when coateS wiVh ime in' tbree eyes as near as you cari. Tissu put tise wîter ; s. othes- limes when ths oue pieýe n hs bill about ttveive or fifte3su grounsi is frozen iV canuot leach down inlches spart, wîith a handtul of phosphate ; tbrough hs frozen ground sud as soon as caver abouit hree juches deep sud with ths grlnnSis thawed ont hs grass roots good cars bey wil do well. 1I tsualiy hive cegihs growiug and are ready Vo take it up. a fine crop without mach rot or dissasa. As a resait of thîs practice I amn able Vo My potatoaý,s have been strnsk withî hs manure nearly ail of my mawing lansi at 1rast two or îhree tlmes je fifteen yers, bat ieast once a year sud notwithstandiug hs it neyer cansedthem ta rot. 1 tbînk however season is very laVe this year I bad Jane 5 if ws w)oaid be more caref i tc pick Our p) timothy grass. that stood Vweuîy taches atoes over ta plant aud uieu plant any tisat higli with îire leaves ou he spear of gras-, 'are noVtoý,uns thers woald ise less rot in Vhe noV a fiew scattering spears bers and tises-r crop. If tishe patatoes plantel are lnet good in the field but wli oie fields, some of which and isseaithy hs offsprings fromn thetu will have been six or eight years down aud aers show d'sease as tisey asivauce te mituriby. mowed twice last year ansi tien lightiy fesi by calves sud coave. I amrneno an ativocats OHI1NESE EXCLUSIOJ4. of pasturing mowing landis, sîthongis I some- Vîmnes féees off a thlck crop of second or Chiaas le sentui andi the Unsited 1 Stiates third growth Viat bas basa poundesi doav III Seau New War s1iipq tn Chuseses by heavy rams too fiat Vo mow easily wiVh Waisrs. hs machine.t Havng row a oos crp o grss hs It is siithat he American Goverument Havig grwn agoo cro of rasstheintendSe Vo despatcis Vo Ciinese waters more next important tbing is Vo cut, cure aud tisuansne f their must recently hut ansi1 bsouse it with thseIeat possible lacs of nu- hst equ!ippesi war vlesis, aithougis it is tnitione elaments andi withi due regard caretnlly expiainesi that these are only Vo to hs expeuse for labor. Heavy grass replace shlipe avhicis have beau stationud ett sncb as I lika to grow, if cnt halos-e ripe, or user parts lu China for years, ansi whlch will neV cure lu oua day snfficiently Vo now ie ear ttesietm h houswitb safety ansi in Il cachy " aeatis- wm ssiýofafrepai.Atta sarm te Vie Vs eri eurssoma courage Va down a me d ssaeo tngtaofomVs(hns as- ~ ~ ~ ~ t tVrqia ailiV he American Goverument leasstVoques-h of beaay grass vues Vths sigus îndicate tions ansi speculations as Vo wisat might ramn hs nsxt day, but with the probabiiity isappann l hs svent of relations batavari n of getting four ansi five hours suashine ansi -ths Vwo powers becou's u tnier strained reinforces i wtb a supply of isay capes 1 nthyae0w.Ta asaeif ri nevyer hesitats Vo go absad, as by Vturniug tesi Vhs Goarueoi,).ThSt mssgeonfo-thti once or taice it wil become ailtýedsi fi- hs a'e- d ortieexluiî fail on-6 ciant Vo cars safely in he cock iander a bey negiseeiCsneefo h nsaiSae cap,, Frovidi dthiey are made large- enaugn wavre utfos-ced, Pekin aili break o ff Vo hast sufficiant Vo prevaul son ring ansi ail relationis with Vhs Amenican Goreru- urning yeilow. Iu case they hast toonmnt,and will, direct ail Amenicans Voeaith- inach the cock eau ha revarsesi by patîng draav frona China, The London Ecauomist Vhs tope at Vhs bottona daning a lull be- tisinkstVisit evan if thiugs came toeViat twean sbowars. Wbeu fais- weatbas- comaes piti oldhrl-cdtewr ea again s littIe sanshine ailI fit il for cas-thpoi tte si her l isasi Vo a, bcause ing. eaven blonkade thse tresty ports ih Frhycaps I use Vwo bran sau-ks eowu ont comîag into collision with tise Mari- ogether St tha sides. Thase as- aevy lime world ; but iV ssight sesiausly enougis Vo prevant blowing ofaillnisi i hseaffect" hs Amaricen carryingVsasie ansi wind bloavs bard enougis Vo blow hs cock greatly iritate the prida of Americaus oves- ansi if the top of he cock ile wali throughout Asia. -Lookaci at as a malter roondesi up Viey wilVas-n off a staady of it for a, it may ha assumasi Viat hs down-pour for a-weak ata ime. Two noV- Cissesýe Goverumeut bas just as mach touseS meal or fertilizes-bagswivll make riglitVo say that il will net hava Amnericans a goosi cap bat noV qaite as large as hs w ithi its boundaries as Vhs Govarument St bran sacks. 1 osuaiiy have a suppiy of Wasiugitou bas' Vo excinde Vhe Chinese bath sud use Visa latter ou hes malies- laundrynien simd lahourers. Every count- cockesud Vhe others ou hs largcst cacha. tVs)-)bs he ight Vo rastriot Vhs ingrass af The second crop or rowen I alwsys, cure friu resideuts, suiS as coantries grow lu the cock af er getting it sufficientiy denssly populated that right îaay have Vo wilted to noV heast oo mach ; aisa al hay hac exercisesi more aud nos-s. If this wene that bas mach clovrs-nlu t, as, if curesi in net so, sud if hs righî avare noV exesîesi hseu,hs lesves aili baccma .dry ansi ahen netesfil, a nation might ha sutireiy brittie aud aili ha lest. . . - swamped by ths Sascent apon if of a host of It seems as il ln recent years injurions men, 1noV with swords in theis- bauds Vo con- jusants hava beau more numerous ansi de- quas-, but simpiy withoat any knoavledge of structive tissu formenly, aud I thiuk ara its laws or any respect for its enanomie con- likely Vo ha moreses in the future. Oua Sitions. Sa long as Vhs ocean avas raally a cause that bas lad Vo Ibis resait us theade barries- aud Vise ceaise of communication strunîlon of hosandsof insent satiug birds diffieuit, countries on opposite. sides aI the ansi animais ansi hes preasi of insects from globe lied littia Vo feas- fsoui invasions hýithes-to restrictesi localities. of tisis kinS. Bat wîth spaedy shîps go. Soins af hs birsansd animais t bat grass lau VIo simd fs-aoves- hs waters ofthVie tas-mers shouisi aspccially ps-aet andi au- goe ns alay uin h a cor e Voimrease in numbars ara hs euds of continents ogeiher, a naw source mneàadoiv las-, kix bis-s, bobolinis, redwiu , of dsfficity ba s srung up, wieinl the hlsc bi-S nsiqtsai, h o Vh se era cnai [petury may cause friction os- avan species f ai u1tie eparrowos piLcrot, ,w bawk, msa 1 ipe st; e ou Chîese labos- ahip-poor-aiil, rêlus and Illueirds- s bas-a d o ee s t5ro sd, in Eng. crow 1destroys8 large psss1abeth of grztsltop- 1la î-_C, d R aatte slae;as tPus- pas-s, crickets snd aiîigreajs of1ic May ian st. iume tt British Spa antessd prohahiy offï,usthe daiilasmge h prs .siîS" cte ersql doas hY ptiling nos-n in tlisa sp1)cLg ,of Vhses-sab ' vassf Pouash sasm-- yess. a-s s-s ar s f î 'àxi h ccampanyiug Tise skuk sitisoogb mnis daspîsad aud crcmtn's tst si rathes- cruel always killiesi y most people wheu it eaýu Austna as put a decisive sud VoeVise j'i- he safaiy doue, is one of tise most valuahie poratli of paupes- Jeavs tram Russie as destroyers af grassisoppers aud crickets that dangarous, aveu St Vîmes caîîing in tise ave hava ; basides lie oflten visits the potato cavis-y Vo insus-eViat tise order is effec tire- fielS sud feasts ou potata hugs. Judging îy ets-niesi ont. Tisera is a popular feeling tram aa close cIndy of hs habits oatthis rne lustIaia n Bld skuuk, I sisouis place hs amounit af gras- Fs-sucaalosîIthéisurnsihBaGiaýn happes-s, crickets ansi aviite-gruba Viat amns esntcountenanca Vise attempts pais- anS Vieir progeuy voalsi destroy lu a tisat are made from ima ta tima Va expai single seasan as fully a couple oi hochais. hseavorkman of ttbesa coanitries, iV dosa Sa lon g as Ms-. Skinnk keepa away from he noV reaoluteiy punisis îiem. bouse, bai-n ansi ctken coapa don'î kili or China is not sggreasive, aithoaghis iV as distus hbina as hi i your friend. a aeî-trsined army of mors tissu a milliou Tise king bis-mlfassis largeiy on eut Worm meassnsd tisoaghi conîs easily saise a mil- maths, as does a aieaVie whip-poos--wiil, lion'more, Thoagis i bas a uavy of fifty aviile most of hs aVises destray large quan- warsbips, including tavo or Vhs-se as hîg as titias af grassisappers ansi numerous othes t-boss tisat reently manoeuvreS in Nw injurious insects. Tise maadaw-isrk ansi York bas-bons-, sud sainie corvettes aud qual as-e releutlessly hanteci hy gusses-s armons-eSns-aises-s that as-e quite up Vo date, sud 1 balera tise denreasing numbers of theise ailI ha a long inas prohably hetora tise larsalaonaeaifVise causes of ths rapisi in- aieient Empira Soes snyVhing bat eudeav- crassa of tise spittîs bug in bis vicinity il u orots-aVet lsaît lu ils couservativa ra- tlia past few yaara, Erery tas-mer sisoutsiss-e Its population of six tiillsViat of post-bis lansi agaluet gunnars aud then if tise Unitesi States ailil bs contant Vo exiat Viey reepass go gunning for Vein. as tiei atisers axistesi ages ago, ansi ta S- ~cha-is Visehe ief that it bas notising Vo Potato Insects ansi Diseases. l'as-Is-ana tise West. But it woalcl seem Tise Colos-ada patata heetle or hs patato Vo Vis a pity that auythiug sisouisi occur bug you psobahly ail kuow. It is noVt tavaoulsi make tise Ciinessa sclude Amnes-- necessaryVa descrihe tise feilow.If'you insuis fs-ana thisas boundaries. 'iley coalsi do not kuaxv hlm you aili belons y.. bar- ps-abhy do it, but iV aouisi put a stop ta Vise vest yaur potataes for hiis sas-a Vo appeas-. labours of a naînher nI devotesi mission- If yen, go out in ths spsing ansi lahoaaonuS armes, sud Vo s Sevelapmeut of their caun- 1 you aili dîscovar bina sitting upon tise jVr tisaI ssow seema possible. The action l lances, etc., aaiting for you ta plamnt your utO Presideut Clevelandi seerns to show that patatoas, on if yoa bava planteS îisem avait- jihaila in faveur af a vas-y lenieut adminis-* ing for Visenato noms up. Ha lias crawlaS tration cf restrictive laws on Ibis sida. IV mbt Visa cr6vices ansi cracks,avtsVej is ps-oh chie, Visas-sore, Viat for a inas, aI sqas hgtia vapa tc, ns Vse ae est Vsi Csiss dflclj ail1h-oa- If YOD ARE RUN DOWN it IVili Makpe YoIIEat, 'V,îI1 Toue Yollr Ncrves. Will Make YÛII Strong, W1i1 miakfe You Fe1 Like Vian, as xvell sexxi-isjpitting cf blotit, th, affects of Vis scuesdty t- e ae soc. AND $1.00O Pi O-r-LL DE 85555 SîStJ GEIV TOS .,. & L A'i~r.Ateur, Ir1T- CHANCE.to hs t ~ benutîful $0 6col- lires 1 scip- tian for zq ceupiete Vosaansd tSgk tspzts i.dig 3.u iSue p;,c ieus K-Cît Set e Slegus gis-en for Embruidcry, Wood Carviug. China Ptirît- ung, Modeiug, CiWter auns Minerai Coior PnisîVin , and ex si-yv bi ncief Home 1)ecara- ion î?o homeue la nsspiete witbout this beautffully illustratesi guide. Eeioîwho setsd,ý 3,%4direct ta our ifin oraieyeur'.Cb!iito will geV Free, its a pFremdqzâsu.a copy ot our exquisite -weter-color fan-simile - 6"Th. jreinag Place."1 size 27x22 inches- vh bas neveu' lissa sold for lesa tisai $10, and wihirb miakei a most beautiful gif V for any occasmes.L CSampledcapy of the~ Magazine, with 3 Dolore ictuic , sent for 20C. Eatalogile Fs-ce. %HIE ART INTERCIIANGE CO., 9 Desbeosses St., N. Y. theUMAcrtionS. SKI DIstSeS The Namir-m or Btbieg. In saine countrios curions customs pre- vail ini regard to selecting a naine for the baby. A Hindoo baby is named when it is twelve daysold, and usually by the mother. Sonittimes the father wishes for another naine than that selected by the mother; in that case two lamp' are, placed, over the two names, and ',he naine over which the lamps burns the, brsghtest is the one given to the child. In an Egyptian fainily the parents choose a namne for their baby by lighting lkhree wax, candies: ta each of these they gîve a name, one of three always belonging to some deified personage. The candis that burns the longest bestows the 'name upon the baby. The Mohammedans sometime8 write de- sirable names in fie slips of paper, and these they place ini ths Koran. The naine upon the first slip drawn out is given Vo the child. î The children of the Ainos, a people living in Northern Japan, do not receie their naines until they are five years old. It is ths father who Vhen chooses the name by which the child is af terwards cal led. The Chîlnese give their bo3 babies a naine in addition Vo their surnismes, and tbey must caîl themselvss by these namnes until they are twenty years old. At that age ths father gives his son a name. The Chiness caresa littie for their gir babies that Vhey do not give them a baby na-ne, but just cail Vhem Number One, Number Two, Number Three, according to their birbhi. Boys are thought sa much more of in China than girls are that if you ask a Chinese father who has both a boy and girl how many children he ha, b will always reply: "Only one child." German parenVs sometimes change the name of Vheir baby if it is ili, and the rapanese are said to change the name of a child fouir imeý. UR t iIALTII!-' CAVEATS, TADE MARks, DESIGN PATENTÏS, COPYRIGHTS, etc. For infoermation snd fs-es Handboolu write Vo Odsbueufor seeus-îng patents la Amasira Bvr aettaken ont by as s bu ght baes-ae the pudîmei byea notice given fs-es of charge in the Langest icuation of any sciantifie panas-uina world. Saiandmdly ilinstrated. Nit litge-it mnail chaumabe Witbousit. Weakiy, S3.00> e year: $?.50 six menthe Addros s 3NN & CO., PuBS11LSaaa 361 Broaoway,.New York City. "Bachac ha ýt/esa Cavengers means thea kid- of the system. neya are in "Delayg 1 is trouble. Dodd's dan garaus. Neg- Kidny PI/s giue lected hidney prompt relief" troublas resu/t 1'75 per cent. in Bad B/ccd, of disease ise Dyspepsia, Livar jirst caused by Camp/cint, and disordared Itid- thse sost dcn- neya. ggarous cf ail, Miht as weiI Brights Disaae, try to 'have a Diabetas and healtisy city Dropay." witisout sewer- " Th e aboya aga, as good diseuses cannut health when the axis t w/sere kidneys are Dodd's Kidney clogged, they are Pi//s cra used." Sold by aîl deaiers or sent by mailon receipt aI prmcee5o cents. pes- box ns- six for $2« o Dr. L. A. Smiths & Co'. Tas-osto, Write o. hooki caUled Kidney Taik. liioorporated 1887, wîti Cas aitiof $50,00@ t 1EC TaIB AND APPLI ANCE 010. 49 KING Si. W., TORONTO, ONT. G. C. PA 7FERSON, Sskgr for Canada. Uglectricity, as apllied by the Oweii Electrie Beit, Ts notv rocognized s tise greatest hoon offered tsuffering humanity. It Is fast Vsskiug the Place Of drctgs lu ail nervous aud sheumuatie troubles. &nd wit' effect cures in seemtngiy 1hopeless cases Nwlsee very other known means buis failed. it is natures remedy, and by its '-teady. soothing jourrent tiaV is rcadihy Leit, POSITIVELY CURES Rhesxmatisr., sexoal Weakness, Selistica, Fournie ('onspissint8 Gesses-aiDeblliVy, iînpoteney, Lumbsago, Kidney Diseases, Nervouç Diseases, Liver kCosupjaint, I)yspepsian, LiamesBack, Vas icoceje, Urinas-y Diseases. RH EU MATISM ' ;S a Weil k'nown faut tbat medical science has utt ny f as'eti Vo a .ord relief lu rheumatie ises We veiiture Vhs assertion that ahthougs Electricity bas only been iu use as a remedial ti-ent for a few ysears, it Las cured nmore cases 'if, Rbenmatism than ai ottuer iseans nom. bluod. Some of aur ieadsu.g ph37s!ians, recog. ulizing thîs fant, are tvailing themselves0f this .uos't patenit of naturo's forceS. TO RESTOPE MANHOOD Thousands Of peOot 1fer fr ,a a vartety or iervous diseases. sucib as, SofmiaI weakness, lrnpoy, Lost Maiiîhood, Wcak jacka, etc,, atte i modes of treatment fail ta cure, Tîsere is a loss of nerve farce or power that canuat be restared hy meticai treatmeut, and - uny dactar who w3uld try toacScam plisis this ty anÈyý ludaof dr Ï sgs a rutisingaingru formatof harlatanism, Pro erly treateti TIIESE DISEUSES CAN BE CI.RED E[ectru-sty, as, sppiied by tie Owen Electrie Boit and Suspensor-Y, wili uîost aesuredly do Sa. It le the anly Lno mn remediai agent that wili Sn1pp.ly wbat is iackinig, nanîiety, nerve fore or i 1wPr, impart Voue and vip7ar ta Vhe orgauIs ai, i atoueVo heatthy action Vhs wvhole nervous system, BEWARE OF, IMITATIONS And the worthless, cheap, su- ulled Electnie Beits advertised by sanie caon erus sud peddied tbrongh the eoatry. Tlsey are" ectric in narme oniy, svorthless as a curat4cc power. and dear at, amy price. We Challenee the World Va ebmw an Blise Beit ss iese th correct la un-ler con- trai of tise ptieut asioctspletely as IlJs Ouir Tr de Sark lS the portrait of Dr. Owen embussed in gold sîpon ex ery Belt and appliance suauufaetured tby os. Send for Cata1logue-Zailied (SeaIed) Free. THE VEfJ ELEO TRIO BELT 00, 49 King St. W., Toronto. Mention this paper.