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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1893, p. 3

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r W L 1'N G 0 N COUEcomrnencedl school again, and, would, no eP7 w- TIIE MERCY OF iemltosbeoe lethrone of dr esceslle h cmn nrlwTt ae a aaa*h ie% o l G3od to-niglit net one got ti>ere before lie uutb uesflath onnenrne heCe nCaaalcf1ea etN 1 onfessedl. Tire c o ifcrnal sorrov 18 --exaittatiofls. creasing Anywhere ln thse Warld. THERE IS NO UINE LONG ENOUGHTO :tîrewn wjtli the wreclk of those Nvhe. noet 4Ienral eoeyo Thepills bal also been used with good Leprosy is far frrnm being unknown in te OllgLdy After Ml If Stephen, thre yonugest boy, haIbl Nova Scotia where Acadiaus stricken with __________ cargowhittO roubied for sorne time with an ahscess li the thrat dreadtul disease have for years been tage o mmoftlhp h ht cig ejs eo the kneeer. The doctor had interred. Occasional cases ha ve eccurre a. itu' aneane'sedt Sermo n os rBuace tangled f e the puroiaeris -ve amicseveral times uarly healed the sore, but it on the Pacifie coast, butnthesehavetbeen î ttiedb t Vi lui Duc ai areed to lways broke oiit atresh. Stephen hadl begun confined te the Cieeadt soitse ThOeprCIotCueSs eroy stop furthrer, and 1 flnd that lhe exp1cted A-,jo6îî li of tsltêpeâa en itethe use of the pille when the good effeet theirs and are imported cases rather than Can be cued by thTuse of e r gCf otScreElr a lItai' ybe orle xept rhrough God's Merc.y. sdrheFroieti pefe 1eupe his sister had been noticed, and 10W indigenouscones. There hv lobe Wh dd o etsuyIai a hnoab Rdî lialisanthresisThushesue a cmpetlMhele.cases discevered in some of our Outaroan man ; when I1get ton dollars taxes 1 pay FICS s teated by tise You.g Lady The kindnress ef the tamiiy in giving every Que'oec cities, but these have been very 5 I Sveil t ilînsei. rhrn r~ht oer tthe e ovenrmeuit. aiS'erlolerA ae Tiiias ex nfermadin was net ail, for before they rare indeed, and merely et strangers pao- BRoRLY, Jly .-ev.Dr.Talag give ful permission te an.vody te audit cîe iil Iterest. weuld allw the quizzical reporter and is ing through. It is doubtless owing te the BROOLY1T, ùIv2.-Ry. r. almgeliny accounits; 1 appeal te Tlîy "justice, Q Fro'lleT!ipý,HmloOtfed eathywrtetd oad-puiiygvntesccssb heb- 'UcurTetrenr Il: Arrogance and Ghims eif an od'su mei', here were ne " colonization roadswhen licieus lunch of nowly made malle syrupac- quitous pres tateipesinas gained puiity,'e o text bigLue1: 3'havrelfenla ny ,IdM.e htatia ytu ad ioer t euto on companied by the noted Scetch oatmeal grouund that lepesy as a dîsease lias become, of pue Co Lîve Ouiwuth God o mecifulte m a alner. breking ff te '~ch s f tle leposvcameaeeth bus, Thesetters Theincake Ibissyru wainapcesyeu, ahdnet ery >uciumorepremaanh fmoae yeas. S Neorueuntain ever fhad a more brillant can chiange tire disease ? iave yeu n y-1850 c me te louk for homes iu the dnoh tawaterf mit ue aticle.frOueitly lrmis ths cipessothrat ofthe nivasci the Hypophosphîtes of Lime cerenret titan iMourit Mi~ral. The glories idea titat yeu can, by changing your life, western r et that county, no Furîopale ot s the gnuiane tce natooteisisascribedtofspvadietio.Theese 1 et the ancienit temple blazed tliere71. Teep wih*a nonthna a nkeS ok d. yA to i t rade T r c a ge o r tst ha ou c tpry- u e s B sh " luatia cess to the buddi ng onvince the reporter et the genuiue ass etf charges liad sncb an eff -et lupen public con-titnued use add.s flesh, and eneugli te held the temple, and sea ati;crebigalt' hedynee emruityI, o fueabpaoed"Aoagtis ei he casenbtli alled upon severleternthre e opnion t at te ipea oermen -'nakes one feel strong and six hindred feet higlivas erectod, and gave te flre luungry. ai] Ilie inedicîne you GeppeSo antW ln hstm.eighb r.d m. g tbe thendvetlrSu bre esio ago appoinate th eprhosy the imeuntain was btittout into tiiat iever gave te tlie sick, ailtiteekind werds road ecsinIdearings ne doulit existed, pstat0 ,Mr .C rellad, ail Cmssindte retigtthe iroe' wel watt. It was at that peint tlint Satan vout ever uttered, ail tlie kind deeds that bol as thle norlherir part et the county was bore tEStimony te the tacts as beesaedlujctadrpotteepont. the C UIO ~~caT t ustittOfi met Christ, nd tried te persuade Hinu to !bave ever distinguislted, you ; add tliem then iatmost one swamsnbcains aThe drgst etiHreistn Pllre alse. (emmision vi msitInda twheethe Genine prePàaredbly Scot Iý Bowne, cast Him'ielf doîvn thue six itundreti feet. ail up itotretenedU a - gaetferss. ad ltu Whkand tesate I ed thatoank PilisOhedOate-hsemisrhand, eetre airen theitbin Bivie.Sold by ail drugg emt5id :TI une tueieltuemenr ieus naggrldgfrte -itarhofWical anesaigtion soc, and $100. t hetainle gates of the temple fiaslied ftle -geed words andi works, and thon vou fp enai'e talmost every natuonalbtymaabesl.uirpVtaqueynetthEprenitrtoeafreiteet bratfsa wlcvrndthiandaewa mr ua htsiiCe efstifcin S lue e u wanthe Scotch stermed the ether medioine or drug we have in the Their report, wbich bas juil beemi made * melteti and rniorind a nti asmee crisul t cetso litaw tuee swamp and ttoir îenaity andenergy pror- shop.'" public, je calculated te reaisure the werld pc or stal zc mTue te d n d e iîf and ciesh ne tfl e d li eju t the tla w tsthaei to d y he sm lnwse - D r. W iliam s Pink P is for Pale Peopie w ith regard te the increase Gt lepr sy. It S 0 ve î lr ge stucturtu but the courts, W e ll. say a t îtusan ti m n n this audi- term nts an ti fru ful tarais are the resu t are ranufactured by the D r. W illiam 5 e i s < a h î ea e la e o e a i and L 1tý1E argenca etite ohtfur ai t ncl r ott e n~tigi u tthe liIrd toil of the fermer days. Medicine C., et Brockville, Ont, and mare prevalent during recent years anti de- nuul incittirfernce wayet eac frin otiingoiwek, Five nmiîles nortà uf the new tewn etfilar- Schenectady, N.Y., a flrm etfnuquetiened dates that at the ver y werst t je oniy sta- ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. We stand anti leok off iupon that won- liow amn I to ho saveti? By Muercy, Here rso, haemigodls wmprs ate elibiity ink Puis teasarerledasicba nr t w s agetihthenme l asin Sailngi Subeotte cang. 183 dousstrutur. Wlat' tli materI sandte tel! the story ;niercf 'rnercy, hIidiundulaeicday lanti, antithis tarr aetmdcn u ale sapeitp iiudreîaeitenme tcssu Proposed.ili Whatctt c g. 9 dosstrangetueWace uthe mterpl? t sotanetle>were net slew te discever. lion, An analysis af their properties shows India, but the commission, atter a therougli livrp Ol, Lo.iosdi!Y, slbSi, ad Is it ire? W hy, ut seouns as if il w-re a inflite, mercy; oir.ipent irnercy; erer- Se rr o a cuitanite ig ta hs iisare ng una i m p elc in t iatie nar deny this bcha r e,o tcare 11ir oli do nd M i er r v 0ibc, uaandalkitlti it fa elWa' asting rmercy. W hy, it seenus in the heuses presageti a.coming village. Ameng fromt al diseases rsn rm a nprt h ts a rm ti en re tnn tue ra malsrvcmatter?-ailiuy, d i'to le tour t r-Bbe su i anug ee 'utd theiret sett1ers were Win. Cardweil, Wrn. ishet condition et the blooti, or frein an hundreti antieighty-seveu cases reterredt l Frf ront Prolo ing sacrifice, anti thoe meke ou tire altar as if il wero stretctuetiuntil it broke, as lutin, r, hn erl a ndrsThmas. Inat, umpfaumntette eres fsyet, eciïefoin te cnsuereriton tapet reen LiePa.Stesoilship. Montreal. Q ebec tises and tirrts out et the crevicea anti1 if ail express ions wero aîruck deati atthe I te Geri,; psohnicemallani eiain, pet ritesorepreensin espii, ne- oureinier exanuIatio thav ee bbeen e 4 Ma y .. . _PAfSIA-N-...20 May.2t 4RY out ofthIe door. and -reathes the meu- fooet ffue ropliet, anti apostie at e er et fiewscrtad mi2acr ees or greesekues of gemneatrom iease. w ates tht thehmerofliasen ilMW.1CASAN.2 as'-. 28 May ,ilam rwl' p ppiti psms .....a e terta natp o s itiono hlie h o ldek . te th is ed a y.l iTte o ryt t re c o rn o to r a taGo 'u ar yp a ra ly s ieat s c iapa r aays eu r inga tth e la stg t hb irtt y e a r sy ea n tia n th a tr t in v e s - 23 àj Ma SARI g t e e . m r y lNi A& N -. 0 June .-Il 1June w h ic liglit i or- pr ci us - atones, J degathueretti t a' d nc , th f er t ga o m ercyo.s hattie us f a - SU1 Jue-, ISAN 2 uieu.5JneiIeffec sf t lagrippe, ail dseases depeuding cine matter labat ane effectu whatever. An- 15 Jiue .... 'ARSN r.....21Juls'..- .5joi IsetOmo onigth tp te My crime, if I cerne anti coutteEs be- Dee Whigton Cortnty. pnaviiatucodincihebcsc se 1.2 June . 1 ,bL NUZ r AN. . utY - .- - - 1 e abli ng; thMo y gounsint he ai e pf ore Got ni ok bi ocy. N ,n ! Sorne ifiteen years age the old Buntin uo iitt odtele h loi nb alyse8 et vaccine matter tail te show in any 2,2 June, NUMDIAN ...... Jury. _9 Juy the builTie; mhrderorsliasy corne, hanti w- ileseliebismmst oadnwas purchasete-by PeterpiDonald-l as PctoruDaald-hronicrorysipelasni etc.ipTheycases hebe.prehe encesetc t fethecilluslsetfleprosyy 6jaly .... MNII. .2Ji'.- tirer- the one the Pbaruseo, prend arro- -ias w asbimug the blondof t ls vichnsoni, who resîded forrnerly iu tire Province are e aise seflo foretouble peulai.rin tetod atrcetthees.e gere utrikevn lî u s . A ISIA N . . 29 Jl ....3 0 J ais'li n is w f er h ar e t 20 Jus -~ AURENttÂIN. .5 Auit . gat o pos i9ee p te tp f frein itis banda, looketi inte the face etof Q w r tapa- tltefe aetyteacr ting of eale fintheabetiet roltth e epers An the stikin 2Juis'y .... .-IAu... antug Ibe bulding; lie eesuy tlei s a n teof Goti antid itifr nuuy m d is ol ots oet afarnily ot seven sex, anti slortiy lies suppressionsan ai fom et e ae fa ha be bog ttolg tby ie o - 2 7 u yt e b i d n n l i te e s tt b e a t i ew , c h te r e l ic m ea r s ast e u g b u ile g w e e lî it e al e a n ti s a- m et co n e n i a e r c e lt i i c r r steamers are dspatcied tramn Montreal at say, "Cient tlie trackl Nover liefoue lias been white ini Got's partioing love i tter es ett lhoe iant Drwliterte hgirl cau t oaku sthbuldingf bae the pbletiantite- mifsongers, a.lre y that n e a ingc sed dis'liglt ou the day f saiiing, -and Bai Item came up tiuese stops cucli gooiesa anti Andthieseul ttat lias wantiereti off eianrmte at rthr ybe.we low cheeke. lu tbe case et mcn they effeet anti that, et over lwo thousant cases ex- Qebcat 9 alita - pSutdayi. ,consocratien," 1tfhe au t, a nti oe n ckte te iery . tfa mile. W ie he léwas abut seven years a radical cure in ail cases arising frornt mentalarninet> lu net mare than a hait a dozen steamers with a c wliinot tcpa eea, Besido Hum waa tlie publican, -boweti et bell, liaseathbeante fil nditwcerne liackk r xcsss f ntetue. lierry amlfatbtbctrce. n i Rimousiti or Londonderry. tiown, seemingly, withl a baton lis bouse, lbrewing lier armis areuruti lis onit, beareal t eantmentati, ai t waseprry are oaoruexcesse e nue, utca ie fstarniytile aIl RATES 0F PASSAGE. lieart. Tluey reacleti the enclosure fer 1cat ensvt-yth nryiutol te arflteleti h ail hs il r a ugivgperdiie. buacele ae t scor e ae the dus cigewership fi the midat et tie temple -the savetiMr agiin pyiinthal the rosy bloom wae restoret Tayheyen ,ýle ad irscoldte ceeminttineniy life-giinureties, l at i oiymatie us appbe re attrhe f The Bs' S. S. pa'isi e6n, $61. $753 usy oneoe o r h nd $93.t0erek ni sinbogutelereniebngtit-cutiijretcm cogeetmaon tlbat boeen r camshe Tic $11, 13 ad 16, oîir. xtra claa icabins Pharisee gees close up te the gate o fluie Bt ay eiooeynar lrwiresueet. Ulwards et twe yoats ago the delijate syslem. They act tirectly on the cmiso eehdsoeit le ers fts0îwo porin( CODmn50 a5)$0 inl$8 Eoly et Relies ; lie feela lie is wortbv te ee htdo tmuytewt.No, dreati t ofi t iseaso was again laid upon blootisupplyixg ts lite giving qualities yann i otgestsaebti e retu. Extra cie catin firthroepterions standthaerte; lie aays, practically 'i'ain Iwi bewilinw'te.Iwîltk er, ati as the ticoase developet tire syrp- assctniltabriexgntatretptsttttistaeiteroecalyi Bs' Sard0ini5a n8Cisia$150 e ud $70,se boly I want te go inote the Hely oetjthe responsibility et saying that if aill osclaleittteiils ane uporter et alorganie lite, Iu this way, a single case tiat tic tisease Mas acquiteti $105, $110. $130rintu. Reu$70 lies. O Lord, I arn a -,ery goti man;, this audience, insteati ef leing gatherot i s ,i, k on te meS.diat iis' acsuelo l 1 ecening Ilhbuit np," anti eing y otact. A theorywhicl ceorne te pre, sallor stea er.5-$3 l 6 $0 'M. a rernarkably -goot mn ; v1y, tloire sa seri-circle, würe placet ite hy site hra atcs1h erosccer nisupit wtiielacking contituents, le alann h lepers thinselves tiat mes- sii eon . ~utad 30aS$3 rpiidays ix hie wek 1 eut ahsolutly inethiug. un ene long lino, tltey coult ilhmatch a1ce h e 1aymce ib osat onsrici anudirot, nonrishee lie varieu nte r tece gnsip the apreat $35 rinr tckts.$6; cilirnoetweeii 1 and l'nse gooti ; 'mvery genetous lin y rtgiutthrougb tiuat w ide open gale oe t irguiat miovemonts. The tisease matie organe,stuaicghetecivyinte t leusaesemtearlietiprei 12 years ttau are; infants. o tward tree-Pre- con uct tward tIe p eer,; j1lhave n erMercy. "Wiusoeve, wliosover." 1Iom ne o hi uein n h s b h vdnescrdb h o m sin y $ M. J mEs Aget, il yn a ly iihuhe c m e a ue o- Oh, this nuercy et God-tm ete is o lne nefrs aet ontwir andi nt il Ithe irnunale tiseases trom the syter. anti the general belif that a flsb del muet ri $3 o anil ypec aly wbav e c n oue r ra titi s - t ln o glte ttoinil ; there i e marreleui in e t rte cn tu rm tyD . r ilim ' iktil aes It e l li h asc nd r cue eti, bea s lp r m is ra ie, co m o ipl ce w r t ie pn - at e li toe at! t ml t t e e U W li r s P n iî o a e D r.'e -iW iloxe ia msixg the f i , r e ' tu l,î ran in a ec w a ry us e ofrs , is e a st er, li2a i, 'bo app net e c rIe p te u ear I n eiC faci e aeuuo fg;u hoc cue Iiei Thaesiîs canebeoesIo otce w a r, r n te l rti ink} B ar e ln y s pers asterisveet, ame ,en s e stairs beside me." it : ne angel's wing ean fly actesa 1. ofet tbe parents througi lie columane et The mind Ihat Dr. Williamns' Pink Pilla are wiom had. caten ot flsb. The publicau weut clear t t hi thr' 1 pesti this aualysis oethhe pntlicanl'c Trnpi Mr. Donaîson lias licou a soi- nover soit inbnîk, or iytlite tozen oethlien siteethi-ncosr.vs a aaton praye to rberatitn1ta e s ,eierf tfTho Templar since il starteti,anitrt niaytae h fossbttîs HWWOVSRJTI ID 'Re '.Jate th St m ac he gofe t th eyeto.lsefa a , Ilt net expet auiy mercy oxcept i b teeycntne interrct tis i bis forai is îrying te tefraud yen antid Liver a.dBaWes, itno sk couiti gt, forho it ullLnwortîy v) te ild iiieatiing fer if. Hodit net toit histtonn.Wheu hosaw in ils columne, eboultibe avoitet. The public are aIse Thse Ves'aetoiuç nmi bwAm uve a.cBo .nicV near thé sacret place. Ant' i)the ýiblù ands t gtiier. as some do, saving, "If!Iterfre!he sceant ot rernarkable cures cautionet againat aill otier so-caliOt blooti Hhimaiitsuinia Their Flans. theSe r t1 fS U iîsh asle ho fr of tn ig o î l'in te ho saveti, 'il ho sared; if lm teefe , 1 1, Wilam 'in ile lewas builtete anti itou tnt esC, plut np in i.niiar One strougly mar keti claacteriell o ine - 'laod and remaVees 611I m- opposite ide et this enclosure lih, le lest, l'Il bliesot, and tlero is notbing forrayea p u ttmxta anti a once ferai intentedti te eceire. Tley are ail ruon ta togs anti woîre3 le hheir ekillini pu-Iic tame impie ta is lieut, Orientais le l~ e i) .e" Ho kne -la 'swrl uoc~tuî il o is daughLter. Il was iiainwoemkrOoeh ra -îaîn nirnii iwu garni iu coupe the wo.ïzrt. Scrofulou oe aeaytiobeba herbreasta. o , -- c- sigfo:lectî o ing before a decietimproveufleut poenniary atrantag tmle otiruorpcs Snbawfletinntai li e on bsbea, , i stc f lh ext, "Got o ociu ws oed nt bt .~ wog. 'titi errepuitation achuieveti by Dr. Williams' Pink describoti by an Englili traveller, wiîo, lie beinaIlepeuntdicabrectiashewi- cries, "Gt e mercitut tomire a siinr "j ý an ci Cha ir. <> tO -- ille Ask er teierfor TDr. Wli.h wuewti bistelescope walchuitg a hrt Oh, wtts tiere ver a groaý7ter cntPink tes ryir lIfoinranti.f or Pale Feople atwsnaLclrseni refuse ah t nlleefooiIn alarge tielti, obser' The incons-e that wfhti tat ornng oti et Il l ra r ialtt~-iie~t th, - rè. causeuefîîiîtd max, andry - -Àt - , - cd six wotvezvtniycrcrtu o the llupnhlicuni's prayer floahng hile 1"Lod, tat tectet p r a e ri ltluo f L opd ,c a . ( î o i e ( ) n p I y f r o n t e i îh e r s p r a t e l i , Vl in g n e e t a t i e n a r y . o u oening beavonts: Nbile thie etre eper. I'" dýif Tlion wilt, Tho i o mmntin the neighorbti. Iià Issý th larsed[- nliscutuntoscanst make lnue ean;" sîkinig Pt, F hsiËri l lelie aeacts oethle case cm drs;al5 et i, o s xboxes frcetsîatlyaounidti ie enter etige et DYSPEPS lA. BILIOUSNESS. ttret.rt.crept ar- ~5i CONS'ý'IPAlTlON. HEADACHE lips, anti rolet down inte bis arroganit"Lord, cave mie ;" the- publieicu, "Goidner 1tic notice efThle Templat. One et $2.59. The price ai wliÂlitthes. il r1h tetaueely naic hoc SALT RFîUM. SCROFULA.. heart. Woraiipping there, tliey john be mercitul te me a sinîter." Bîut if yeuIe staff was tîspatceet t ascertain fuli soit makes a course eofttreal0mexit comoparat cerner, while lie sixîli crept tirougi I-IEARI"BLIRN. .SOUR STOMACtÎ eaclu otior, anti go ide byite de-wn tire ceaie up witl irth p et yoîur ffngor ani prtuas,ethat Ibey miglil le giron tote iiely nexpouive ase comparedWîlh ether îurrow lu lie middtftetield tandi there 1DIZZINE.S S. DRaPSTM stops, thue Phai-iseco-s, -recet, tnp ut tie gale etfnMercy, il wili llot lepuiitebenlefit tlîeusaiits oet similatro reuies' or medicaI ireatimexi laytown unobserrecl. Wuexail wore tbus HEMTIPSKIN DISEASES ucriti, satuirnine - the publican, witi bis openu; yen bave gelt t have tiue eanust- 1lY afitt persona. postedt teirst wolt suttdenly seuebila- face siiniug wh the veryo et nes eofthtle warrier-wlio, tefeahu'd antif ncagn heatlp-s rv tWedument fei0i atieet Cn.Doaltisen horneteat i8isLot 21, soie icagn ieaieoott yen s maxi ued imort fenhs llie Od otton Growing in Africa. uiem rugit across tic riglut fildî, wiere lieuvn; fe "h tli pColti 1-, Minto'fp. A liantiome snistauu W ~woultiown te lis lieuse justifiet ratier steeti, anti wiligauritiettet ist poutis lafrc eiineat ag elliu h rwn tcoîlex in Africa bas uuiey were beatet iy anoîber irehf, -urb hiuni Iue tiir,"ah liepalae gle.Yenhav ge te ir, atîccî the liri't et the family. Ilie recoîret machi atlen-tton hn recent yoauce-iasedtli in a fresi direction, wiile the an eo th . I pt Iitnlca ' ry r hre lae ao te. et h e n rot ah havean ,a seeru , îtheuirutiiitesouth serylia couseTemlr epeseutatirve anti bis fruenti were ant is noi attentet witliauccess. A i-fil rat hanuter iay town te test. Ne sentier tae nlysis, uit1 iscvrt nte - ' u i hefuthsor a asn eýeirt very cortialiy by Mns. Donaltison, cular report in huglanti dos- rues lie cul- badthle trighîtoned brt reachedt he urtb- 5~~t5 eC ,tc .e...s~..Béa t i iret place lia lie iras persuadeti et bis geteffcth iomuw'i andlesei iana weeplainiet that lier inabanti ias absent lieatuinetfcotten wlicb .sbe utr rote bepanIa psru r O"'. t~O~ ~ te thie sintuilness. Hoeiras an honiest maxilegnsticwiiioralieienots te thee har-iuug driven te tue eeighioring hewx et taken in tiue Britihproectorae'et Vils, wolf, wio again turnedtirera antitook np APT ~ - -Amateur:,was a tax gaîluerer,lhe w-as an officet et tirenm. "ll 'Outrie îlIîCifriearly iu he morniug, anât Iexi it on the ceast ef Zazibar, lu East Afrîca. the pursi,leigbspatgaemic st tie Goverumeut ; the puilicana iroe I ore to in fut enn e Imitbae iwy tote epleastait tirawiuîg roula et The earliecl attenuiso e teby tire aelcaipeaaeyt nte th MI. Cieroteavcommuantr silence in tiue audiory, fer Lt-e bouse. Afttr a litho gencral prelimin, Ge<rnans, but ewing te poor labor lhuey 'base. îles lie luekîcas, lerrifiet unIe- I îîs.~s -S n-the.udrnmentoetthe state. 0 ore i ioatt ul w e veutiruev oe ause ar3r cenrversalii, iereporter appruseti taiiet. Recently, bowovor, systomatto lepes rore triven ftemn cerner te corner ef Oie0.'0~,, e f o o a Mca.sDonaltisoneretaibewobjeetdet luis eau. She ework lias been tue. S'mpies et w rk luare uhe g: tpau ii tn iid at xait eautifl they were sorr ew al uxpopular, because -,I"ý intdo otebetfisal h ra li il tpfe n xait il Hore. eeletin ttine lke o ayth inth îe great srice. It is h -otuseou-xsstler .OLfctoIadwiiness be hpe oEroeat runcte "thîby creurteti ogetier, galloping in oreiPit- py then i taeat ike loier uix e aene t bs uent cr ingi on liSer -altierctinang ite, igIbe Ien.gripetli Eufpea andt cotuen, t aof fetmr it otiyhte - - , honrabl man; lieb-atun efi'- et n luo rayOt TiepsuasesoottccalokisIsie a nItrsrxi- proentalstg eupThetsoiis dtiedto ùi [lss cuiah inume, bmdtev ntera ft 2; pe e n etteotiaylirrig aittppeeoplecui loke ton. ou grl icier enas'l antom w-rie chuerytoit ler taesbtTda xet eEgat tbrn ekxto h rs I ~ ~~oedlyi tat nho e ttuetmpiruttli sa reuetcca;yu theh svta hrlteDnitsn ni u iotheIlial hereray Isrly ctona uu~anPtlei, a el tirecitet ol providet Coplteî cie et iet Is vrydeîlsMercyisnen cauolhosMer SSunefcalbvryl a lleadtotlie, baugtxew in hcîe goi ernua einvti, cut i ontcu atgat if ook theyntas sucriebi s - ixilrtu hoet is tiken seuln. 'Gti h mrîflIf-onaeIvt aetauapipii osasmuethve ee a reuns' retar Ite rget fra wl claeptut mir tocmihAm-rtialpsbespti - iesa i e ie an, ainetax Byiratrecens aasinna.nGtihomec"i' lhom asics.Iminr .s, watîso miti rben- at on i e t v erysutabe.Peuianderculytrdota ofl nes ry Enu'roidbY, ood urv!,truhina;nl-i- re alnt erove lluhart yn ae a An teb cacirtic et Ilie prYeims îyger y Iad e paishe tld ler-Stables ,"Ibral exetsl cmtoEDglad t hîe Tecke neoan tionet mokpes, Paitixg, nt errybanc e Hoe Iocea-uuulics. o eauvon acios, u cli-- onfdene. l ac anet a cryees air cuinesttlutacho.I oîislot e d Iba ted lw era tusetfrnîieiy8 8 "tiestantasules eneue sing asth tin. Ne lcLe s ouilee miic t ~i5I a ou hm ebandie Iswtande ingtei in 1t o n w ucw sgon h el i Cue kep m brds att ac uitlIsa3e tffrulPrPw . Soti le Se slu 'i meaniAuuanarredeei l p a bsatiull il ~tiicOdglu tIe intaImii tam y raumed asotacm h maie rcrc; ie ckd hmotron chol nt tnet teiop mllerrarel hosuonsfuliygrur onhu Afn 'cien hytelî inli crueearfome Ereryoe wbo ents $. diret te et -al ltos ue opanre tie we amkthe at ori. xecintl.Atiteyn uwii i bue irbu yoaseun ao euces, heenugilhoachne tblcOepiytipuihmntcnssetiasrul offie fo on -yer'ssbccrptto irii ge Get ba achieve foryeursatrtion I ne, e mat! laI Gti las ponidtetrs ofuitinet.reIsm hsaveo lac my wn afechgoth maret, ut he geale ex-muinhetppes tmamkerstctogre boi 94.00. demonsrations, ofepd's05olnfp-ssandyamOterial yloweringt c saveO autasmokerso th rena cntwoff. Thee pomereloc- whcubcnve encl omr le lo-pjacets i cies otant herifoet atist rdulie atlnt ee o veart fial? fu1smmtmobrtelle Dr. nW ilkiiams' gosfr aieuei nda n sofdrae oktehnt n cri $lI~, tui iii ak s m clbe ntttl lin lintIb rok tstesh w ItI u I von -e g res a ela ati wl e s 1, o acas gua for_____ ____ ____ ____-wtes i ssi bler e srngs pp s t i gith or an occdiOui ~.-- -~-î.-u i cemig, eul ixto hi lirakers anti iysuuatt ioscmp io PickPilla a.tilshaasene lon laiiI toi uowhabitrantiPope1UrbarViII ant .eseual 1the uie ne ore tertuucomnnercual1 "Û ~ ' ~ ~ ostlilaliuoxt. lmy ~ emec~fh l tre asinserW"Whil" Itonue, anti cIe couit net talk plsinly. iamioo monts, micro theeemmailon mol-now xo -heunids. At e ithall in theiermien, miii yen net utter ilHcoeue oocoe a ratlkov li ie n Iepu oo ouu Coe LIdo mut say auutii, but utter il dawi ilim_ r ýeqat cumer, moe. l a a ote etstpt elitu ttatosofeoii'so ___ lajusl lie way me lave treatedt hie o eithearcinsfeedbsu c a~~~~~~~ I~~in tiue deptfis et vont coui' consciens- ilma impossible te gel s serrant girl.cpeirppo.Iycemtioudleo RoetL u notsm ttl ev ea î,lm ituge hmord.iu1tic Clusuinhle count at lhixigte, bep me, andt more laion in thousants. I lavaecu -" a CH L -A MORBUS nssLest.te gosal hrn hLm îl ba taexigeoi cre t u; H galeresil eesutî tlretghithu porsilrditneetet a groat teal f attention her- they more docile, attachuet, ebetinil iA Q P a # loir mifIsosudaexc llent healîli. T Rv, sAil, D Y ~ o 1 P A blas ciolliet us; IHo lias shelleret uic, anti go s i Iurngetiese uLes, sigh f wuit tandexsll ntlt."h. TERia rteudt u ithhotisantisil, o13e191ci I eun . Uonoquity as 10 how Dr. Williamsc' Thèeequeer people lare oniy cite faut- ,-benetuctiens; ond yet mramyoe us hure liav-e xyu ail uttetît il? 1\No; thero Plmi Pilit camne le lie uset, Mci Donaltiena love toc ants, muce anti serpents, antideFa DtletES'nnIG yN PsTNTSoer iy~ ine-onîl etCOPYRICHTS, etc.1 gis-en ig o ur lires te i o- e e s u la i utu leet0i; ee - itliaI le celeicaleti John M arshall case babil et spcaking le Yer m ith Iheir leatc Fet,nf ,,nia onuand freeUundboen t ,t û Arc ethueusBeri-lia ietuati ue ionlu1 iteril;teeliad t nter1h.sebepodotin Ie eumplr, at ceaîleou iegroet ntiIbernIeeheu ti ah MLNN CO. ii iIOuiWV, ais rheR toril. 'cViy, rny trient, trio Bible Ot oySitt cn i-e01ofu el t uci comrment in lîcir eme Yer ha their itiet-f et rorp r e rya~ent ucoen c otmus pies 'n ougtes. 1 tful etcoxfssion, anti I do netint amy- I lied. les, he begins te buealhiueil unr.faiilyas mou as in ibe neigihboad. whmm le3' t-lkin l iis corical nature, tiepublicby anotî e giveonfree of chargein the lietibdyis pardoniet uîxil lue lias cooîfesed. No heîu-img et tise hent yeh, neotrugHm hynie ui ii oego o me i3 r iprtt rairo ich"' -Név nicees, mmdietaone teteofrmtienistheae santi eongg forire(!me 1 Li '-e c r S- W haît ictDid s- t" wlcoofess tear yct. but lihe prayer is begi-iiiiug-uI 'merouiseaeadutoc -- ie fntadn-snlnigfrîko P m5ny transgrssionsuicnmto lime Lo u iborel, Getho tmerciful ho me L a snut.' gitluem a triai, anut Iset Septen'ber foot. - tdd sih a Wea[ rditTe uý, tm fa Lacieacl circulation cf anys ctenltie cpaper in lhe -i . Wlalusîu saal ca 'ocisai uîs'etif IbonI-llr ivuuy j'c e lefirat boxThe improement 'Tho Dekos seem le demie neareel t ahi7lmcm SDIooidlyilluusraîed. No inteligenlt cau~se I aui .axssi of utcleaiilips." clt, for n n tu liail the les ,este o bt ,o bel asce uîlei nipeople yot dîsceveroîl t laI terrible ei u,ýma ~n tnho o bcWitlhout it. Weokuy, 11.00 -'--- ~~"~-' Wluah dit Ezra s yl'uruiiitsre tttl.eejan nyon-nseul ;dor so -sic mas ducitedly btter, le îumanliîy, île ape. ys'5.1sxnots Neeet U 8c., ijwieme-c e ur lieut. anti ont trs- be meciful ho nie a sinner, o memnbrmuaa.§1Boot1NWre-u'

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