OUCF. PUBLIC SOHIOOL-S. no -=-~---.~ The season of idaummer examinations a.] £tO MÂNILE, UL I , 89. s upon us, hence people are thinking and pe _____________________________talking toeely -on educational inatters. ni A vury great deal bas been said in praise ENTRANC.d EXýAMINATIONS. of our Canadian school system aud yet it p -seems to be far frojm perfect. Onu par- s. Last wuuk Insuýpecr Tilley assured US ticular featuru of tlie systeno. is thle ini- thiat -wu shld bve the_ resuits of the creased cost of educatig a cýhuld. A it abovLe uxams for public;ation this week quarter of a century ago the, rtr rd uated fromn an ordinary conintry schoo' l and ove made the aunouncement accord- into tbe teachiug, profession, neyer hay- iiugly, but just before going to press hli ig had the opportunity of attunding any th informs us that bu hiad (1yerlookud jthe other institution of learning. In thosu cc reogulatioî wiici, asks tikat~ the results days tloe county boards of uxaminers is- sued tbree grades of first and second class te not puàblished util they are confrmed1 dbrificates respectively A, B and ýC. bi by tbe De partmunt, whi-îh hu considurs a Iu April 1868 we wure grauted a Second -isu regulation. _1V.elI, ibure mFay bu Class Grade B by the Ontario comuty ai orne wisdom enxeloping the r.egulationýt, board; in the followiug July ve obtaiued c a First Class grade C by the board in but to us it is imperceptible. There is Boovînanviile. lu 1870 ove wure awarded altogether too mucb departmnental dignity a First Class grade A-the highest pos- thrown about the Public Schools . If sible hy the Port Hope board after with the explicit instructions 9furnihed teaching for eightuen montbs. XVe !Èctaught school for ten years, the last four the( local examiners, such experieuced ed- f which our salary ootted $700 pur an- _ btrgasDr Tilley, M. M. Fenwick num, 'as far as ove know, the bîgbest sal- and Jas. Gilfillan ace not comptent to ary uver yut paid to a Public Se' oolB élecidu on tloe restilts of tbis juvenile ex- teachur in tbese United Counties for purely Public Suhool work. During uthese amination, it is a great pity as oel as a years ove prepared very many pupius forJ humiliatioù. 'Dr. Tilley tlinks it i wis- the iigli Scbool entraucu and for teacli- d.1om; Most sensible people wiil considur crs' certificatus, laving in this respect, it absurd' nonsense. ,Ctndidatesl, .who we beolieo'e, a record uusurpassed by any other tuaclour under similar circuinstancus. hlave bonorably passed sbould know it as (For a verification of thuse statements we soon as possible. Wbure there is doubt, beg to refer any doubtful reader to the lut the naines bu with-held until the De- guntienien under ovbose inspectorsbip ove partent hl decde.\Vhy keoep 100 taught-Mr. J. J. Tilley for this couuty ~artent hol decde.and Mr.E. Scarlett for Nortbumberland.) successf ni candidates in suspense for sev- We do nîot refer to, tlese thiugs for the eral weeks, for the sake cf a haîf dozen purpose of bo'isting of our attainnounts or doubtfuls? The facet that this foalisb of our accomplishmeuts as a pedegogue; reguatin i ovelooed y 1 o ianybut as an uvidence of the training aud the i-eglaton i ovrlc~~ke hy 0 iauysmall cost of the educatiots that the Pub- boards is a virtual coudemnation of its lic Schoîols afforded away back iu the vidiculousness. The ,Oshawa list was Sixties. Our cducttion sud equipuoeut publishud in the local paper last wuuk, for teacbing did not cost our parents $10 but her isnothiný bu diappiýtentoutside of the books ove uged, because we buttixreis otoin bu dsapoitînntwrked on the farni in the sommer snd for the Boovuaville caudidates, because ýdid the cliores ovhert goiug to scloool in our board lacks the nmoral courage .to the ovnter. Anod our experience in get- ",ovurlook" this nonsensical regulation. ting an education was no isolated case- We epet, t i a ryig sameto eepthere were bundreds of Public Scbool Wu epet, f i a ryig sameto uepteachers educated and trained in thu Pub- 82 candidates in suspense for a month or lic sebools, wbo never spent a day in a six weeks on account of the low standing Higli School, sud for aught ove know of a few dullards. "The parents of many were uqually as successful as the average . o thse ishto arrange for seudingtbum teaclier wiho is turned out îînder tlhe pesa- ofwy o iiese iHig col n eu t expensive sud round-a bout machine open, and if the résults are kept from The Canadian Public Sebool bas under- them f ti1 a few dsys bel outhe SCheis I gongreat chaniges itloi ite at few - - -- -- - ,.,,i,Lb ,e,.t-. 1 dçead1es. The old log structurc witlo ts degrof euaigtoo muctili, but oeeis great dage0f not educating at I! by trig to dlo t0o much ili a limited erio-bysc'iterng u eleforlîs over too) muci1 territury At tloe presuntt imie a Public School pupul to secure thle desideratum 80 rnuch1el ough1t afterrnust ncssr' v- pass the fligli School etac xmnto.Ti i should be tuderstood, eawonot b obtai n- d( wv(it u pa s g a fair- pexcentag e ini ail atudies ndrtaenby tho atu(enit.; and as many of the latuter caunot afford tbu timue toprpe for sncb1 a course,. the consequence is aIs natud, the piopil uaves the sohool wvithi but a fabint know- edge of the practical ruquiremients ofa business life. 0f course it will be understood that we aru writing f rom -the stsndpIIoiiit of the country Public School rafher than of the graded schools of the towns aud cities, wen the pupils baive the adIvantaiges of a Uigh School course witliout leaving their bomnes. PROMUTgý EXAIHATION8. 30W2%ANVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. JuN. IV TO SEN. IV. Total niaiks, 680. Hlelena McLean ............... ý55à May James.....................04 iNelle Hall ..... .............. 499) Edith Freeland ..... .......... ý462 Donald Galbraith ............. .453 Jessie Dunhan. . ............... 134 Edith ]Meader .... .............ý43 Kate Murdoch.«............... 412 Nea Adair,..........1.........410 >Williu Colwell ................0 Arthur Goard........... ...3 7 Leah Hutchinson .........39 Nellie Mason................... 3'79 A-Ibert Tait. ..- .................37 Franli Knight ...............7 Thomas Diclienson.............3ý72 llerh,. Freeland................3»7:2 Louie 2MeDougali ..... ý.ý. .-...76 Edith Go'ard................ ...3Ï51 Harry Park s.......... ... . . ..3-"48 Gordon Beith ............. ....45 Kate Holleubeck ............ý. .4-1 Mabel Wulsh................... 42 SÉEN. 111 TO JUs. IV. Total muarks, 5i73 A McKowan .......... ...... 413 i Wallbridge .................404 F Mason......................387 E Muir ....................... 7'à I Week.s....................3j7 0 P Tait............... .ý.. ..369:) J McLean.................. . 35'79 F Chapliný ............ ......3)57 'A Lyle................. 35 A Succe-sfuul Pastor. Death of Mr. John French. Re.J . nithe_ new pastor of 1 Deceased was a friand of Mr. ,Digo>ry theQues Aveniue Melthudýit cbericb, j li3ne, Bowmanville, and ovas wellknoowu Lojno,, alwa- bcuan, xcel ticnl-1to mnyCornîihen inre ibsdistrict.1 ally brillibi tudVnt, anidi as cains t ail tire faire and markets ut uorth ter gifted wilth unusuitl po-wers of do- Cornwelletr bas been ne more famil- qune, Furty.-tw, yeare ego lie was jar figure than that of Mr. John French. boru near Soliia ini Durhamn county, It was with deep regret that the neove of where, (duriing i3uatly daye, he attend- his cdeath acf the ripe oid age cf 8o, wes cd the district iclocol, (now known as receivud in al parts. 'The dacecee bs1 Baker's.) Affer passing threugb tho Co- beun for years past the luading figure and bourg Coihg.iate nstita:e, et 19 yuars oet utbority on moorlcnd farming. Hie cge Le enteredl the Lvethodist University great iuterest in the saine and knowludgu in thbat town. la 1876 hu secured his de- of uverything th at pertained te the moors grecf B. A., haviugsetrved for. three, gainud for hima the reame cf "King cf the yuars on circuit work. 11 Moors" and It will bu difficult te find bis Mr. Annis' buriversity cou si, wgasct- successor.I Mr. Frenchi las enjoyed per- tended with admir-ble suce- se. hn ishie ct bealthnp te the very last, ludeed concludiug îear le deiun(,istrated. bie bis peet for robuetuesesud viger cannot scbolaEtic attaiuments by carrying i-f sev. bu excelled. The fuaerel took place on ural prizee. 'Hoi was awarded the Pun- Souday ai the parieli chur.-h sud was shont prize for elocution and composition numurously cttunded by t riereds fromn and another for elocutinr aleote. Lu ad-, Camoilford and the cdjoiuing parisee-c judlging the former the literary coistruc- token cf the eeteem ln wbich bu wce huld tie as weul as the deliverance was takun by eue and cil.1 The Ruv. J. Parker pur. into account, wkhe!e in tha latter excel- formed the funeral1 rites. uececuof visible expressiin was the only Dcvidstow, Cornwall, England. criturion. The Coo'ey prize for ethics .ïd ','ô fira-à-'7-' n ph c oeeN~ 1tîhAr B'rm. a1eeo recured by Mr. Auufr. The subject cf flies ketch was chý-,sen by-thu graduat- Mr. Geo. Joli and Mr. Robt. Rowu «iog clase ^in b is year to deliver its vale - have botoght the cld establisbud muat dictory a e rsp, business from Mr. W. R. R. Cawker who Subsý quit to graduation, Mr. Minis bas for se trany years carried on a squc- was ordained in the Peterboro Confureuce cestual butchuîing business hure. Mr. and was se tled for onu yuar in Picton. -Joli has a thorough aequaintane'~ wiîh Ou leaving t! iî feld of activity bue assuni- the meat tradu and the high charactur et ad the pestorate c f Spadina Avenue the Town Hall Muat Readquarturs oili chuircb, Toronto, now the Broadwray bu fully sustained. The new preprieters Tabernacle. Since then bue bas labored wlll give cirefulan ad prompt atention te in Scarboro, Allandais, Alli ton, Barrie, ail orders and cru determined te givue st- St. Thiomas and Chathamu. Il was wbilu istaction te cli customere. Cah will bu in the lasi m4'tioned place bu was tende r- paid for bides, sbeepskins, tallow, poul- ad au invitation mo Qicen's Avertie try, eggs, etc. lliget price for good cbercb, Iu Sptembe r, 1877, 1Ve. Annis calvus sud Iambs. Citizens cru requeted was maried te Louise, youngeeit daogbt- to.givu Joli & Rows the new fim, c triai. ur of Mr. Thomas C. Watkins, the well.' kuown dry-goods dealer~ of Hamilîton. Cerrlage Rugs af the West End Ilutse. It is to be rogrutd that ibroat trouble ____________________ ai present prevtnts Mr Anis froin acet ively enterirg ripon te ibeiof lis lne"ornt pasîcrate. With rust eii cro, howeves' , T r nt Dusiness ané lie cxlectq s50'0 to bu ail' t' o opy hie FALL TERI own pulpit.-Londoli Advu3ri.c Varnuir-DeLisseflbe- n Canaeda's The Pecîpuea Rights -J'u rnel cf Suward, Leading Commercial School Neb., ceuteins e vry guowing report of REORGANIZED. the- nitptias cf Hon. C. W. Varnuni, MANAGEMENT vepbtw ut Mro. A. Vsrýum cf Darling. N '-~FACULTY ton, f r' m wbich we obtain tbese particu .EV kars: A quiet but iery pretty weddiug c-N E EQUIPMENT cuired a, the r, sidience of Dr. W< odward METHODS on j uue,3tthie coutraeffiug partiobe being Largest and munt coi-àpIefe %1... r..l.ti '1 i..T..,h oaf thmn it,, aind:1-li Onuilylthe Scaîs HRerinain. "Amuong tji ue may testýictia1s 1lil See in re(gard to ýceàrtain m!,eîines peroroi- lug cue, iasinig th booc, tc."riteas IIE{IO HDsoN, of the. James SuIilx Impress ime more tian.noy on case,.wetyyer ago, a4t heC age cf 18 yas 11, l d 1eiings come nc01 mly legs, %whii 1bro1ke and became rvunnlng esores. do micoigood, aiud il a fcared tua iceboe woulcl be affýcted. Atiat &A My god old mlother ure e to (try Ayer'5 Sarsapajiiia,. Iltookt1iîrec botties, ftle sores and 1 av nfo¶ I4 e troubled sitîceý. Or.lï Y the scars remain, nd the niory of the past, t-> remind me of the good Ayer's Sarsaparilia has dne me. 1 o weigo two hundred ad twenty pouuds, nd road for the past tweive years, liave noticed Ayer's Sarsaparilia advertised in il jparts of the Untd Sates ad always takec pleas- ure in teing what good it did for me."' For the cure of ail diseases origiating ln Impure blood, the best remedy is AYER'S Sarsaparffla Prcpared by Dr. J. C. A7er &Ca., Lwi, a cures others, wiuDI cure you ORENT.-For term, of years, "Gle T Dhn "-300 acres, 2 miles from Whitby- god buildings and soi. Admirable for stocl or dairy. Cliance for going extensiveliy m Toronto milk business or stock raising fc nmerican marker,. Men wxthl capital onli Aeed apply. J. H. Dow, Whltbv. 32-tf: d Shorth and Collegc Mc, SEPT. 4. F IVE GREAT DEPARTMEHTS, BUSINESS ENGLISH SH[ORTHAND TELIEGRA.PH SPECIAL PENMANStIIP Tanhrn n aeoaînant snnnniala*a..