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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1893, p. 5

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I b il a c Miss Marthla Peste je isi i.ltiv Big Orange demnonstration at Port in PortPerry. Hop t-da. ise Marlon Hooey, Tyrune, ,i 5gu Kin g treet je the popular promenade o! Ms%1s. J'as. Mlann. an1 Sunday nightý. Me onLyeliitn red Mr. Horace Wriht apenit July 4th et Charlote sud ocheterN.-Y ~ s ochettr N.Y IisseeeEva, Leana and Elna ýioaro Look ui the West End flouse adver- oklnaegetofh MssJn tismen luthi paar.Mr. Johin Spry now of Boston, M'ta Wm.fiuit, furniture mianufacturer, evsln i et, Mr. and MN-s- ihe sol edead ge 6.Spry. M .F. Petbick b1 rtrndfrma nr.Rbt. M\annling and fail pleas:aut visit te Peterboro. ýVinîiipeg are visiting Me. R S. 1UZ Mrs. A. Mitcel and Mise Minnie inîng. Mitchel have gonei te Romleo0, Mich. Mjiss Zefla Brimacomnbe visited a lightning Btruck an elm tree in front Hlope recently guest of bier unule, Saved er Lîf a of r. John Allini'e residence, Liberty et. . T. Grecrnaway. Mijs. 0-. ýWOOI5, of Worthamr, July 3. Peterboro Collegiate Institut e and Pl Lexa, saved the life of lier cbld b)Y the Mise May B,9sett bas been visiting lber lcSholBjdsakteeoni îs~of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. col,,td akteCuli <o0ne of my obldreni hall rup h frirnd Mrs. Illughr Caampijýlî and oth $9,OOfor school purposes. 55se was attrndced by our phlysicianl, ail a friende; at Milton. j .Jms !Nlson o npsd t tiowe tl ndrcontra's i.Oat Rev. McWîlliam of Port ooUseatheWrd F iigIt 1 was etrl ythecld adHoebsmedals for chee a h ol' irrtbînig, and on goilig to il feilnd it stranIl-- reined hIie pas'orate o! thre Presebyterian n apescrd9 ont'arte Reling it ba'liearly casrd rah. cuo wu oiihet.Mie3s Corb tt who lbas been visiting ~ealztgtbt be hul'5alarmling (Oonitlon ad became possible in spite oe the medîcinra Fred. Eoldaway, Port B)ritatu, had a sistere Mrs. W. Brocir and Mre.J 9 lveni, 1 reasaurd lthiat sucli rem1edieýs wud eeoe atwe ~dGa u fC ilbsrtre obrbrea e of no avait. Hvigpart of a botte oï borec tli atwe .d Hl fëlihsr.undt irhaort Ayer's Cherry Petoral lun the bouise, 1gave Hope)t3a democrat and harnes. De1 , a. tie cit treý( doses, :ai short lntertls, aidDigcl ani(iasy ested lts. Framl the iflmenit Rev. James Claad, Port Hlope, is Rev. Thos. 'Manning, pastoýr of Sb aIe lPectoral Vias; gvel, the ellut's breathiig being oatiaeicri attainlng buis j ub- bueMtoitcneTrno grew? casier,', and' ln a shiort timie, shie waIs b cangratulatedtrc Troto SaeP)ing ,iett >and brethiing inalratly. leq (Sth year) un the uinitry. 1mnarried Juty tb, te Mliies Jean McG The cbuld is nlitre Iad We1ltat-day, and I1d Mise Bella 1Prower, daughter cf Ward- >Or, Gravenhuret. ici hesitate to aY thalt,-yer's CheQrry Pe c- toai saved he'r Prewer, et1ood fire3t in the matriula- M. es Solery cf Toruto wflesci tio els f Mrs. W. SadereocklaitAweek. IN cfiKingeton Ladiga Colleie Mr. WW. Oliver, B-'. A , bias resignedfthe receve fanalpeig o * pincpahipcfBraaYtfordCo illegi"ate Lu.-cldkriedesutovii). le ry e t ai u.IteIlerssnehletBw The Beeton World office, with a ii rrepamedi by Dr. J. C. AyrS Ce;., mowel, Maa . ber o? other buildings, iras deetroyed o re Coucbi, Jouliston an(] Crydesmilanautri fire July 5th. About $00 worth pttoac, ur o nounice their lusual annual sale ef sanmmer propeity was, deL-trayed. _____________ - g<'ods. Do', failta cal and secuire somie A lot of waol Delaineîs and other ci cf hebigbagaie.goods ael!lng lf rat and uinder ceetp IT A" ' nd Tho arrangement cf out flo)wers upen at tne summier sale now coing on u IT the dining table forma the subject cf an Coucb, Jobuestan and Crydermab's. U1barticle in tire Ju'y GooD i SStEIG Mr. and Ms.Jas. J. Noswortby SH IL , written by M. J. Plumistesld. Crown Hlli, Devon, iEugiaud, vis SIOJLi UE~Go ta Riclkard'e if you irant a watcb. their nepheiv, ex-Co)uicillor Noýýswo Hie selle a lady e solid gold 14k Elgiri cf %bis town la-It week #n roule top fflb, m c-* watcbwoe i f ty dollars for twventy-five World'e Fair. dlar . This ii below the lowvest city Ke-ep your eye on the advertisenr prices. in tii newspaper and ae wich cf Rer. W. Kerin,,r, Prin,,e Albert, d an ai, tciently cutot invite yen tc hopor graduate cf Toronto University, and luepeat ibeir stock. bas beni appoinied G'aêsical Master of< The b;g of jiees valisd at $4,00 nPeeoro Colnigiat.a Iiistitute, Esaltry en fromi M.cdeFeldan et the Union etk N F $00. Tuesdaiy evening was found lur as Dnriîl tire thundereturni wich passerd pawn shop Wedniesday mrorniug. It over tiissection On' Wednesday lasl, JOP. been pawued by the thief for $2. 70r spraying thir treLes and Arnour's eidence, near Courtice, iras Jonathan Porter, the mtocký-mii 1 Èeruck by lipgbtuin2, sud Mrs. Armouir's Odbawa, bas purchahed the south pa ushes. H1aving secured bhe best, foot was pentrated and bdly hurt. Mr. R. Devera1l' farm t) the weet cof Pic John -Piscoe of West Whitby and bue inp Village sud will ttko poslsession riesii the mavrket, t-e ca n pas- brother William nrar Taunt on each lest feu. The price 'wae wonderfufly a ccir by ti e electric curreut. $,4,800, We welcome Mr. Porter asi tiveIy gu uatý u Paris Gr-en The Milton Reformer in a weli irritten family te our townuaip.-News. 1 ~~descriptive article of the lrading buiness113 Thé Oddlfellowe of Oshawa andV mil Welleboro te, be eff,1'ctuaI_ in the haus-Àeinu that lively town.o! 150( 0l seul by wil public!y dpeorate the gravý sais -Higginbotham .& G's druig store deae rtrni h no ~ [etrui-ction cfiect. s ilu capable, enterprising bande4, sud i2 on Wedneisda-y-, 2th inat. There stradily goiugý,abeed, increassnig its trade tbreý3 uew graves for Ombawa te dec, ansd growing i tbe popularity e! the thii yrar, imaïkîug a total of 241g STTDVTpJopJURY Alf's niany fiende in Beow- Wbitby will decorate 16. The 34tb suralville are glad te hear cf hie succeil!s. baud mli escoît tbe eoecieiy andi the DU~ISSand1 OPTICIAÀN. The Ladies' Aid Soaiety cf tbre Math.- lic te the cesuetýry. - ____ odet hurb bld e~ceefu staw- Mr. A., Yic1iois efiertaitied the, eQR1-ND TR.-ïX ery oc lint "'oo sdav bersof FlorencoNightisigale Lodge - ttOo1~, ~OJt.5 T~iy -çU 0. OF. at hie rasidenice, Liberty SI.,v 13 HWMÂN V 1LLE ST AI 01. prmî efetore o! theprogau ma re close cf the service last Weeslaydi: - te sngug ! Me J Lddyo! laptoi wahe m as lnfêtaled Noble Gri 5015ç0 KA9T c4ING EST er speech y Rv. r. Liddy, carnet dttchilde u heeirnlsxi Fxpress.......Exres 5 20 a ni by MýeseFrs. Meat-u sud Broirri, piano Mqrs. Niclbelaseerved a Depast tha;it Expes. 1027amiExres. 6(4 m ols b MssV. Ferr"u and MIr. Artb ur have gracedi a royal marriige doe Peesen«er.... 2 45 plas» Passeier., S a39s lnciu tabersi blidne passengar ... 7 iT p mt Pas4,er.enrr. ...29 ý)p niCorl ,,rioi-et solô by Mate2r Tommny lslu tabry uaudua Exilmess. 9 -55 p IliEj ,reý .... t 2 pniuBrown, recitatiou nby Mise VioLt Oobomne sud butter a la Euiglisb, cocoanut, el ~zpeae 57 p i Filxpes . 8 30 Inmasd sang by M.W .Ka~ e.C te, aimoud, baauua sud ci hem cakc Parker presided. tarte, lemio:ade, jice cream, etc W 1-EN YOU GO TO mAerlous bot regretfuliy true chaige les Af ter this part of the entertainuma rade by the Bommauville correspIondert hmrclesly honored hI' soea BRITSH O . EU];P1,Of the 0 orua Nowe againet the chrietianbrf b esveral so)nge mere s5uI UNITED ST3TES, citiz",nse o!iis3 ton. Hoe sys :-This Bros. Halpany, A. and J. A. Mi or assy place in Can.ýada cal1 at STrvv & wiiýkey busirinss cisdigrace te the coin- readissg by Bro. Geo. E. Maîyuar Jurty's Drug, store forTcktad Infor r. muulty, Pnd the quicker eocealled chris- humnorons speech by M. A. Jami ffl.tion regardiugý lowet rteýi and brest tiani people cf this laud fiud it eut, the 1vte of thanke happit l oved by B: rDutes. bet ter it will be for ail parties cancmnied. iHorns, econdi3d by Bre. J. C. Vill \Vues e do not nerd sny bac in this tomn any W"s tendered Mr. aud lMes. NTicd mnore t han we ueeded those two liquor lil-eir genereus hosptslity wben sl Ightestares thut eiosed on the fiet of May; sud rd their voles iisinging "Fer th l haouiny eascuwe have-thesu le tiat thre jolly Odd Fellema" sud thon ail chu Pcb peel d ot ado t3heir daty asud handa ad sanLg beartIly "Anid loe thasu Urp Syna" lu titre Scatticl faisiýnans BOWANU~L, ULY12 183. c Lr~oxEs.ltis very imiportant in tis merry c->mpauy dispemed abouLt 1i ____________________________ li ge cf Vast marei Alprogresa that a ramcdy be piessing «,, the taste sud te We ba,,ve eome,)t1irlg cheice ïtsi Local and Otherwise. 1tire eye, easiiy tak7en-, ecceptable te the f, t'Ginger AIe sud Soda Wi 1tamacb suld healthy lu t3 nature sud 1Large variety. Very refreshing e"Miss Ethel Joniesa îis guce.t e!of Mss effecta. Poseess!iug these qualities,syrup bot weather. Large quart bc ýýo- 1 p Fige le3the oe eperfoectlaxsLiva and 15, 10 par duz. Smnall ho The iracasirel,() hao &e 1sct geie diuiretic kueiru 50c. per doz. The beit lu Cat Tese sse toMss Tpbio! hcgo.r The choiceet famiiy groceries at W. H. GRAND CENTRAL, Bowwo MmI. R. J.Mcie Port HopespntOibomne'e. Dominion Day ini Bovnanivii. Don't forgat Kirby's ne;,v paiaut sho-. TiseWes!tl nd llolisa kuockse i Mr.R. NeleyLari' o!En, P.,Drap in and sea hlmi. oun ou HouserY and Glove5. was on ig ufriendeLe-a litweek, Mu'e to -p shirts andud sr,'rshirts "t Tha beest place t,16 reliable S Mr 1h 1 ulduh 'o ~¶rp ite Wet Elid hanse. fron P. MlurdicW't the old stanàý were gue2s at M21. J. b. Martyn ast TUrE STATESMNI tOe ni uW oiea Aot80mlea rtyWl wek.balance of 1893 for 50. to be soid freux 4c, upirards at K; A lot 'f prinfi tsad Rabne eselliug off at Bea lce lutto o t)1uy Giovesansd Lovely Parasols seIIling Qff sti -~~~~~ -rdema-. ar-sdAne 1a WraatR Wst m a -al. TIsebighet picepaidfor il kndetelle ye on otscentialiy juitu wiat Mill mlicurum o! f r prode hy W. H. orhamne. yn coBdi2 uerbu em' ass - . .- - - - ~b, .. ... iis yeau. I' the preparation o! thie m-A Re dyi)ru uy utAu sage ogmu iwil ha givein l hikinde e!f summe-,tr goode t Couci, Jobueton sud- Crvdermiaui'o. Dr. . Bulp.-'Es (4ç1eyl pilk5are ibe mrfosi Tes,-ie Keach 0i isVisiting friende xcrsion ta 1000 lelands. rdst~k.J~JPREENT the Federal1 Life Ag- soe t et ndliasama ii An exccrs-ioni to thle 100ý0 Islanlds '1e si o and theLada adLanna- be carrieEdd 11ý, j3 i o'tzirCoinmercial Union, tlhe Lanca.e EI ir c y teme 'arnoa' Insurance Cos., anid the tamBitrand Monday and Tuesday, Ju1y 2-1 aud 25, Pl1ate, Glass inB. , of Canîada. enci Mvýi e MWtiin aspndn a calfing at Toronto, Whitby, Oshawa, Office'at Worrh's hardware store, Do-,maflm- ,Y nChicago. PBowmanville, Pr oeadCobour. vle Norman Sherin i5 vipiting àIrs.. F. The round tkip onfly $2.50; meala 30 Çt5. iPeterboro. each. Will prooeedl via Murray canal aud J ll iViolaBidmn Otaa eBy of Quinte to Kingston and remnain W ULAN 1gL3, of hier aunt Mrs. J.d. over night. The 1000 Jlandi will bc SMllary Wdelof Orel-,-)bas g"orne çen ainîid the gleries of the early maorr- Ykkwt r. Ruddock's party.1 ing sun. This ie a very popular trip and Tho highest iarketprc wili o peid( 011ieonthle apple trees ba1 et u tgbt to be taken in 15y coryone. Bolat for anly quanitity of wool dlivere'l chad oIl r.0, , H lilassc eves Io wmnanvie -Monday imornïin2 at ~har ofMr.O. Ua1, arlng-10:30 Tickets may be had from j. one door eat of SÂa~îr dcBw Higginbotham and Son), druggiets. manville, 2.f Tom. Djvi&gLe, an oid Bowmainville now of Toronto, ecligo l S. A.. Camp Meetîr3g'. L VW S UI I Gec. MeGianagecr of the Ôat- The Salvation Army Aill hold four, ank, Fspent Saturday and Sund iy in days' camp nctn at Corbett's Point RS. DONCASTER commeneuii 914, 1",eueu1-1 '- il, 3Uibad State8 refuisetaL)ad sit n lydeedaies frea for -braediug W. B. Coucb a nd(1Mise33- an1, are vlsitsug f riends at Rcej Mýay Dimiblby sud Mis Mar-7 , Teronito, ara gtuasta of theMis aett. Farvean, aged "70, feu fuosu s hay netr Warkwoutis Mouday and lad. SS, Vancourier ou vviih impson saiied reacbed Liverpool WV. manu maà 's gnast o! hermomth- Cah. ne Pins 11 near Balti. ast mek. we.k 1 seamrscarird 4,584 2.58 ebeep sud 43 borees f tem ýai ta Grat Brisain., mg debeutures to the amonut of bave been eold to H. OLlaua& 98 cenitson tIse dollar. d. lias r(ach.ed 'ini fg f the a1g cf Rer. Edwamd BEc, Me-hod- lon1ary 'at Norway flouse. Pike, notad breader o! hiog?, L- il], niear Mlarkbsui, iras fonnd d-ad banard Tisnrsday evening. Thos. Heu-r, Mr. Fred, hLoar, r. John J-1urs -re exprctad le ao day for iwuh, okla Tsmothy Nowell, fo;r malsy yeare a t b3eme, ai.d an (,Id buusa is at thle point of dath at Brecto,ýr and M"s. Johu n ddckand1i Es rron will heave thie momning for aunus.l esumeFr euting ai Wîuidam- ayrYouuie sud lady,1Mme3 . W ug and family and Mme. S. Bitigham !augbter are goi-.q.,te Windermrae, ýoka, for a feir marks. s Lida4ouid, -Mise Idla Shair sudi Perry Dobeon vipited relativesi 1 M',yles sud MeMillaii, officers aud ecidieus of thse district, c-3iebrited mnicitans lu- clndiug Eow.msnville Brase Bandl.LiR frèemeute out the groiunde Fuiday, Sat- nrday sud Moiday. Na seliiugou Sun- dlay. Silver c fflection at gata te meat expeuses. Mis Parlas, in the Jnly Cool)Hou-E KEPNO as a timeiy paper oun akt inrZ in bot meather, -iîbincidenîtai refer- enca te precautions agaïluet coerpud kindred diseas5es. Sed2 Sunlighit" Soap muappeusý (w rapper bearlugý the merde "\Vl'y Dor"s s Woman Look (-Id Sooner Thau aMa) ta LF\vxnBacs , Ltd., 43 >Sett St,, Tomante, and yon iii receive by posýt V petty picture, fre frosu advertising sud weli morth framing. This is an easy msy ta dasorata your home. The soap is iho beet lu the mamket, sud it milI ouly cest le. postage tapenud in tisa wirappere, if yau ieve the ends ope-n. Write your sddrese carafully. Nottces eor 1>rths5 55 7icents; larilitgeg, 50 cents; ISeattis. 5a eet,caeh Insertien -but FUEF, OS iCÊIARG, wlsJeî i ile [sunerai carde are nrinted at thf iiseec Woonw HP-la Clarke, Juiy 5, the mife cf Frank WVoodward, of a sou. SEORT-lu Bommianville,. July 7, the mife of Mr. -Williami W. Short. of a eau. MARRIED. WHSTIT-HAwER-nJUI1tlhai thse es!- dence of h1ie bride's parents. by Rev. 'C. W, Watch, Mvr, Alfred J; of Buffalo, N. Y, sud Misï Lillian A. M., daugliter of Mr. bridels ftuler, Starkville, asâ Wednesday, ,lnly 5tIs, by Rev. A. Lesllie. M. A.. Mr. Albert J.. staples, of LeBkadaud Belafourth danghter of Wm. BallaghIAEsq. chiuuch. Bowantville. by Bey. R. A. Bilkey, Mm, Homard McLaughlin, of Osgoode Beall, 13airlsteur-at-law. and Maud, oenly dangliter ef J. C. Nosworthy, Lisq.. of Bommansville. a,ea, natioaluty sud any ciber ieulars o! al1 persane ini West Dur- a and Euet \W1hitby wbo are 80 yrars ýg sud upwards. hai falînIre o! James flv& & Ca., )odstock, bas bren tha subjeet o! de e in tawn this eera thie meek. it is sord that oue or moue a1 ojsr cîtizeus er by tIsa failura. ubseribers wbo cire us for snbserip n te TirsSTveat for 18S93 are me- stedt te pay usp at once, as evemy cdol- due us 18 ur«getly nee.Don't t te ha asked again, plesea. ['ha many frieude liera cf Mr. Bert. Lopcon o! Touante mis i hlm a long, ppy sud presperans miarrird lire. Hae ýs msrîied ou Wedneeday lait te is ce-o Co sformeuly oib is lewis MIr. G. A Il, Fraser, B. A., Professer C!asuies in the Utnivereity cf Colorado, CloaoSpiugs;, Col., sud Miss ýaser, underguaduatao! Tomante Un-i- rsity. ame çguesta of their brother, Rev. 1D Frascu, M. A., at St,. Paul'e MJause. Vise barn, staýbles sud ,ea3so! Mmer. c sreoa., ou tha hase ulne, a mila utf~ Pickering villagp, mare buuned' ly 4. About 'j7 buihala cf tbarley sud ,It i)o:s o! hay biirned. L'ssLs is about ,400, wiib iusuraînce-$700 un the Lîdigi and $200 on contente. The c mnpany o! Bawmauviile business eu vsho balthtie Upper Canada Fur- ýtire factory, grounds, etc.', a fair outho rg ) fourithe icmu are stili miakiug Tor S te o C-sIplisb somaitinig, but the C u nuil seeme te have eni- mly fou - r,i s tat thse towuîneedi any uew in- L.Arci-At the ible Christiau Parsouage. SeWport, Isle Or W'I1ite, Juue 1, Aurthu rd srick, tird sou of Bey. W. B. Lirc ,eged 2 ters. t7rrteted lsy J. llcllurtry, evelry Tuesday FLour,V#1 00 bs. ...$1 60 to $230; I WHEAT, Fali, V bush ....0 00 0 67t 's Ruasian, "...00O o (;5 o Fife, i.....0 0 n O 7 Gooido, ilO)0() 0 57, n Colcrada r......0 0 n 062 ......0 00 ,050 OÂATS, ,........... 00 0 O351 BAitîursy, V bueh, 1Neo.1. ý... O 00,,042 u , o21- 0 (0 0,, 37 n o2.,0 00,,0-3 0 rTmo-roweod O 30o o 30 Bu1ckmistVî' bushiý.......0 00 r,0O50 PEÂS, Blaekeye, tV bush. . . O68,S 0O'70 'i timmy n O0 o O 6, 0 oSmall, o ..O0 00-l 1O055 'Biue, 0. 50 0 80 BuTrER, best table, 10 lb,... 0 00 ,,0 14 CCîExs, iV lb)..........0 ( 0 0 122'1 Eae doz ........... 000 ,0 10 POaÂOMSe, V bush ........ 00 0 O40 HÂY, Pton ..............600,,7 00 TO THE PUBLIC. Owing te my retilng front buiinesi. and 150o on accoun nr or sieku, f desfire tahave als oatieanding ascouatlt i scUled ion Or liefare0 tha 19.h or20t'. inst. ai my hauie. Liba rty St., Suth. J. Riez, will receive ait moue' sud acisuomledge memitiu(cs an li, bebrdates. Tbankrng my friands for tliir e3teemedi pib- rcanage and favore n lu rpas, 1 remnain. yoers very truis', 28 2w W. B. R. CÂWKEB., si rile local Oidfellovsws ilnnt hoId a bM c dreo'ratiolu service tiisyear, but g ravea o! decesard brethrmen haiva tu deeorAted by a commutter, the tih- se ta tise memamry of the depastad1 etibren briug cof a moir2eneduriug nature un hieretofore. Thesa decortioni mare pectrd lby s large numbor a! itLzene 1Su'nday. Mm. E. L. FortC, accountanil cf thei itaria Bank, having eturued fuosu a 9 fiehinirý excursion on thse nouthemu ras in cemipany with a Newr York LsE- 1le cf Lassec Waîtou, Mr. J. A. MoClel- n, the nimble-finigered and genial taller 1.5 take to the matarinl the vicinity, SChirmnoug Laka, Peterboro, sud the 0 pondems are getting very carce.., - Ni. Geo. W. Jamnieson, principal cf ie e! tIse Publie Sebools of Vaucouver, ýC., gave us s au on CiMIond8y. Hle ýaying ai, hie home niear Tyrour. George noir a real typical Westiemnem aud eau sterýtn an auditrice for an boum or two bile daseiing th3 counutry, people,i iaunm, asud other cbaacierîstics o! thib ýacifîc coast. lia saye for mnauy years seme mVas a great scareity of Wrenl ritish Columnbia, sud Nature finally udartoak ta adjust nmatters more satie. uto)rily, sud George al'legre wIvth Metb- idiitie serloueuese. ibat girl baýbies haýve tterly predomniuatrd lu tise proportion f3: teQ'2. Miard's reiieveE Nýeumtie. p WETO FOR SALE.-A second hand cauepy top pliacton lu ged order- miii be sold vary cbeap. Ae)Ply te M. A.' JAMES, SAEMNolc.omnle 53 TAMBS WANTED.-Auy-i3 number c! -1-ÀSprJng Lambq wanted for mhieli thse bighiest price %will bepaid by huMe &WaIGs¶ thse Peopie's Butcheme, Boaurývile. ]Luxi & Waxesur. the Peeople'i Bitchiers, Bomniuanvilte. 5-tf Aý1RM TO RENT.--80 acres of 1lot 20, lu cemn. 3, Cartwrright. Fer further ps.mticu. lame write te R. CÂARSAÂnnii, Tomento Jinc- .2il. cen. 1. Darlingion. inuPa good ztate o! cutvto.Posseselon te pleir afteru haveet.r til possession April 1. 1895, For furiher par- ticulars apply te Jouir SoMzaS, box 9, Boir- maun 0e.7-w F A MTO RENT-100 ace lot 33, q2cen 9, Darlinglon. near EnfinId, Good hanuse sud Qetbuildlngm. WeILl mptarad by uaing stueamuoud mae'1. Watt, adapied fou grain o stock raiglng. Ploming poSseson aS seau as cuop is hi-ve5ted. îlpsssa Ociober la.Fo furiher parlculamiaplvt JOHN ARNUT, Tauuton P.O. 26-3w'. Has a large%â stock of LADI S' In ail ithe laiesL colores and Ahapes which she intends te sel1 at a great reduiction. You will deAo Ite eau t[and examine beforc purchalsingel, where. Orders tak,èn for thie London cost.migdn eodr MRS. DONCASTEI1. WOO L WAN F Du 50,000 Ibe. mccl wantsd Iat the Hlampton Woolen Milîs fou whicb the higbest cashi price miii ha pid. Farmeus euly J, %ve thair eyra bal! open, they are afuaid ta bny of the middle men but they rush to them wlth their mool. Be geeoible and buiuîg your mool where lb l4 ta be manu- facltnred-- -yen iii finid it to you adrant. af. Always a P-001, cko! 2(oed5 0on D.alivu TAYLO, traurd in commercial usm ougb course, inipracticable: expeuienced office -men muý yeung mean d amen ii lufommaticusthat lbas a r tise commercial marld. Bl ad circuler maiied ta any e ress5. SPENCER & McCULLOUOPH, PRINCINA Hamîilton Business Colla-ge, 34, 36, "jý James St., SentIs, Hamilton, Ont. Miss Shaw is clearing out al WiTntex Stock of Hats, Wings, etc., at cost and many things far below cost. A nice lot of new Veil- ings just received. Ir' yen wish a reQiab1e Watch ic sold away down 1

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