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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1893, p. 7

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a ethOroughknw1e1 eorthe nat11uril :a whb goruthe o0petIonodget ind nutrItion.andbya coreful appUcaJon, o wimanï heavy dootcoc,' b Is. it lbY the iudicious useo ofsuarticlesof dia' that a 3tronz ü e)nugh tare3i?, eVery tendnyt Ijsea8ýe. Rundreds ,)f sobîle imaladies ara 8oatag roud u redy a atacirweee Lhere> l-av eaLk pit aa saem a fatal shaft by keeingorselves 33weil fortirfl vith purçe blod av a rqair, nourished Madle smpwith bhoilinz Water or m1llk 503d cnly ilu pacleets. b)y Gaee ltlthias WE n IVDA JULY 12,189 DIR. J. C. RTUU .1/ EMP4 ER 0F COL,,L () F PHYRICIN 'Oftic2aandRedna Enniskillen. 71, ville'~]eio for the Ontari ai lj"vat Rneys loan6 1 Pt tha lowast rates. L ÏCENSED AUCTIONEER FOR the Cginy Dfn)irhalii. Sales-tene IL( L . 5. .J-1Ç s Bok seehmeior assistant vvePf1oVndifrom 9 p.71. Night cailis t riecedrcyopoteDiiSe.Calis ly egrhoteeoe l receivelprompi,,t adttntion 17 1.yr FF~?~I E4f I OGJNBOTHAM'S 2LB1OCEK Jlowanville. Night calis ans- wered from one door south aio Dr. Boyle's. AI) caîS bY t0eegraPl ortelephone wilren lve promppL attention, il If 1. '1. IV. WU AUCTION-'-EEP, APPRAISER, Real -3v-stIate Agent.bowianv-ilie, Otario. kalce atteinded lu )aey part ofPrvn. A. A. P1>S11, AROITECT. Plans and Specifica. 1i-1 preparojd for ev-ery cias of buiii îngZ. SPeeilatteUtIon gren ro beý,atng bysta end 1holwater, and 1taeaiayaragmns 0-fice: Girrio Block, WhîîiýbY 13 -ly R.PEAT.E, T"Lallor Ge7tleme n'S Olothes Made to Orderi J.M3 .B1RIM1A COI3 )E iJENTIST. OFFICE :-Rear of essrs. Elo-iggibothiam i& son's Drug Store, (dlown s Cieaed, yed Presed nd elpaired hy T HO0S. PAT Dyer and Clothes Cljeaner. Oceâswarratet be as no one wiill 1.znow them [tram new wheu doue. Corner ing and Otario Straet, Bo manii MDENTJ SITRY,' NTALIZED8hopl heurderi-Fgnedl who iaýs been carrying on tis tiornibnies uconnection witti as'sDry Gocs Sore for1 a numiberof year-î bas comnsenicid or hýimieliet lits readepcc-Ring S.,hs,rherelis prepared to lneaee gants' anýjd pys uits an ail the latest i ad ai iowe 3t pie.Foc thome who ,wsh to or4er 1ls it, hwill ca1rry a fit lino af a 'losln al than ,weL patterna. Give him FsoabeTailor Bo --Nean ville, Nový , 1 1892, BOyý)USýE PAINTING. 1 am prepare.d t xecute ail orders for ~.oee taitiu, gainugglazing, paper- lhanging and dcoa isuluthe most ep- proved îtïile3 a.-d t moderato terme. W Pa ~Patty and Mixed Paint a in ail ehades aiways for ale. Shop opposite Young & Oo's firet clase' grocery sùore, King St, Bowmanville. Orders may ho aiea left at Youing & Co's or et my residence, 8uenS. AT ALLCRTAPEMIOS AND CHANCE or urr.Soldby il Du,.îsasor'y nia Ircee censsi bxe, 2.O.The Cclery Pill N.~kYi~ ERVEBEANS are a newý dis. ccet,, ue the worît caes Of Nç,reas SeLt,3îtViorand eakuees 0of body or mm1Jd caueed býy oser,-work, or the syerors, or e . c Ose f -j L lein Y ab. soueycrsth, net obsinee cs e w ,is aother TaETstsTT hae file een ta reli"v;e. 1Zold dug. glsseJ 1per tiluro ix fr 0,5. (or sent iy m p.o tIVmy unutterable astouishmienlt, leaîïed point iýsasimple ane, b)ut thse Inspecterr warth au effort ta find ont, and for that Ob- ot~ ver in front of mne anddliberateIyy knoc- hfat overlooked it bcecausýe ho ad Started jeet we ail went up to tise bouse dvnws f1~iokF ed the Nvhole thing over. Tise glass silsaah- lith the suIpposition) that theseý country- "Tise Ctwuinghams jained' us, as yotu A. CONAN DOYLE, in lHarper's Iweexay. roilt led abut juta everycorur Iltle rooml. matter. Now 1I make a init -ai nover bav- door. Il, was,-of course, of thie very firdt "You've naona it now, WVatsanot," salid hoie ug any eudcs and of folinwisg docile- imlportance that they should not ho re-1 caolly. " A pretty nmessyoi,"ve nmade oai i hre rfai t 1y laneads i ih inded ai tise existence of th*s paper; "Watson would tell you that 1 have the carnet 1" very first stage af tie inve,,stigajtion 1 foîind otherwise they would ualurally destroy it only jusl recovered from a severe illness," iltoPedi om ofsinadbea amyefoktng autleahace at the part without delay. Tfie Inspector wasâ about lia explained. IIIam liable to theýse suddeu pick up tise fruit, nesadn for somne whichh ec paedbM. lcdOu- ta tell them lise importance wisich we eit- nervaus attacks." reasan mycmano desired Ime ta-)taîke nlighin. lached ta it, when by the luokiest chance "Shall 1 send you home in my trap' "tise blarqe upon nmyseli. The othiers did inAtdenow I mIde avery caref ni examin- VIILFU'IA asked aid Cunninghsam. the saurse, and set tise table on it~ s 'Air(!ai he cornuer a aer cb fa xrt - fit, and s0 changed the conversation," Well, fiiice 1 am bore, there ils one agaïu. 1Set "tlS1)lîtalt s twsat Goad heavensA1 cried the Colonel, point on which 1 should like to feel sure, IIHila !" cried the inspector a where's once cnad sonitted ta us. Ipt oas augig oyumnt aIl W'le cau very easily veriiy it" he got tavoyreiakbl dcmet.Hre i ~s.3lmpathy was wasted, and your fit an im- "What is il " Holmes Ind d saip,-r(Lvydc metInlPueakn "Well, it seeesta me that it lei ust pas. W"att bore a ntat"said youung sible tiat the arrivai ai tis poor elow, Alec C uinniglia m.i " Tise fellow is olffis suggestive about it al ?'igp oeso aly tw l Wiliam wa na bearebutallr t~ a- ead inmy pinon.Cam wib m faher II l bas a very irregular look," said thse a]y doue," nried 1, looking in amazemieut WilaYont eoe1n . fertI n bad seenwberoieio.bas ga wh i eta." this man, wbo was foroyer coufouuding traceai is bugir ntoIb ltue.".Nly dlear sir,"; cried Haîmos- "there mle witb samne new phase ai bis astuteness. appear tb take il for granted 1tha.t althoaugli They rusbed out oai Ibe rm, leavinig thse cnaIbIh ia dob u iewolha hl an art which is of ton iseltîl," said the nloor was forced the roisher nover got ins)enýir, tise Colonel, and me staring atcirilh ba te wriîen ubytwon persans d tho. "Wien I recovered I mnauagedl by a bK su.~~ eaisaisr arnale waordls. Wbvieu da yu .~ device, wiich bad perbape saine little menit M Ilfaucy that is'quste obvions," saîd Mr. "Pou my word, 1 am iuclined teaare, tenti 1ath tru dtaai 'at and ta'ada ig, iyt e adCni.hml Cunningham, gravoly. "hmysnwith 'Ir.Alec," said the officii 1,1 mY rtthwod1wevs ha;Imht Alec bad ual gone o lbled, and lhe wouéà hoIhe ffeth iis illuesqe,!but il s"emi toe ourta coar'te lem owith th weakanes womrie i Nhte word'wel e' isi omgt certainly have beari any one iînoving ire tliat--" 1reaIi uatefldt.welveyu iinlanly copare lthte'twle uo h about." ~lits words werae clsot by asude rcguz11elnt vr riaeay Il ae. naI have been l"Iex-. U ES 5r "Wbere wae ho ~~~~~~~~~~~~~silting 1"scream "o IlHein I! Help !Murderaitoafuwrdwudealeyua O, btrn , @ R UE 3 WhIewas moingie ydesn-om" Wt lri eonzdteviesay Mwi"lthe isutinost caufidence that Iiýec laiuîed. Vontains no Alnmi, Ansonia, Lime, Illwbichokin idw is restha?" om as tsa ti riend. I herusised ady'learu' ead the 'aib'are writt-esju is e IIcould see that tou were cominiserat-ilPopaer nijuat; sî- h or ir iri, h rang),er baud and tise 'ia'in liseweak. sng wt eaenm ekes, ad * ..ILLFTT. -Toronto. ont, "Tise lasI on tiseleu, neirt ny fatber's." or. ie"om u a ie adig Ts olmes, iaugiîing. 11 1 was sornsî ta cause "Bôoaiyanr iamps were lit, of course?1" cries wbi!h lhad siuuk down loto a baairse, I "Uudou-,btedly." su.tcll isuig aefrmts om 'iy Jove, iî's as cle-ar as day 1" cried tise1 you lise sympaibetin pain whLcb I knew Coloie, "Wisy an eartis sbauld twa monthtouf.Wetsnel pai a. "There are some very singubar points whlicbI we hlad firet visted . 1 in, riat oter il)scba fasliin " gether, and baviug eniered lise 'oraam sud ber."saiEomes sîîig."Is itloer- and o11 njta [ibe dressiîng-room hi eyoud. Tsebuiessw abdaasceon the dress.,ing-gown thanging up belud traaordliiay ht il aburgar-and iluiîga weebediuavr ie lbsusy etbed anr, 1I eunîived by lupsetling a tsaile buriar aud ase ai tisa- mon ;,Io dsratdtrise wbo ishadlbad 2some prenion7s- expersen- ieprsr ietgre oaiSbenIo2(loîimes, ts erie tisreb veawsta engage thieir attention for lise moment, shouldd I_1ehele beak ia a bouse a-, a:you"ger ltcijg bis IbroaLt with balth other, b s tri h ual b1aud u 1b d lippdlakt xmn iepoes limewbenlie nuldson roi tis ligsi isaIbaus, wIile tise eider soeomed ta ie twistL-doeea su avaneIiadbrygitepproee, Wel, i coure, Wie aewrentan'iHw oyu e Itiaiv , shave mrdeed et an 011ars tlwaai tise iamîywe ,sill afoot . .iga' i i wj. luanintat 1is Nwroaitie "A, mVLIl CIolthe ti ne iihws sIba xetd nae "1l Ho m e i beeen a col bu.Irea s ahahi wa rn j , w o wri h n t' a h ig i thei, w he tie twAû C un g and H1olmes Sîaggered la birs fotvery pale leaer." as ere cou mle,adwodIvrybe add ana -we slisouh uatlbave beorn driven aud eietygreatiy exbaustedave niumigist edulleil brous lise mor la ask you foanauexpianation,said young Ars iee oIsetr, i ap hanacter aiflise ne lhand clas compal-,red with btinyu rmtadfinii, A Mr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 Aic u sl orie ia iee. nwhat ch arge0" Iaoer.But we have more aasured nos- i a eltsIyugmnsgi nm man ad obbed the fbuse bisore \William Ttb it, b ostse ia frspoan l I e x. 1 Ibroat nuw, and ltise fatiserlbas twisted mily macnehlm Ilsikisa otasrdntin, ao u eag ei oamua ine IbI for ib attn iou o wiw Ifondi is yernage ie a came ta tisei the u0oon thet tiseiman wiln Wo b ut w a efoulad the p lan isar- c net h o -so La h ai w t u fny ha d h y s w t a iis ranged and mi;ssed the thinge w:àihie h bd iTishe spctrstared about hum inlise- Ibe sîrongen baupld wnate iai lus wol irs nkow al about il, you ese, and lise sudden AN taken ?" wilde ient. "Oh01, came, niow, 31r. Hou.n leaving biaules for- the othIen ta fil up cane r1nbou-e secîîity1t complote AN* "Il depende au wsal lsth na ae- os, saîdhe ilasn. -"T'm sure yau dolTiseebak er atlas ufci:dispairimade tiseui perieclly despersile. HLPN said Ho)mes. "Vonu muet remiember Ihat ireiymant"aniyen u se tisaI tise second muilan baid a, " a ih akwt i uninga- weare daigwithra burgiar wbo is a very "Tnt1uta ; bais aItiseir faices !'" cried squeeZe ta'it !bis 'uate'intw, h anatrad st tisemîrrieb N IF LJB ER M D peclia felow su wio ppers a wrk ome e'cl. 'i' pd ise'ta' howing tisaI tiselatter csue ewstatal nulIagsSuperseedes ail other preparatîcuý for tire cure of onuarls of lis awl. Looki, for examipie, Neyer n- hstb ave I sceen Slaiaincrerweaas-aywrlen ie a wawa i son was a parient demon, neady toM entai DeisltN-vsFetaln e~e ai klite quer lot of tisings lho took fmain obesofaigîilI onisurni ourtenanes.albs od is le ndoedly tisman bu nwoud bave g orta hie relves r. isen i tufa,~upe~sIssasdIietlr Anîon';s-wývisat was it ?-a bIal ai strnin, a Ts 'sr musemdnmbdaddaewb lnedts afi letter weiglist, end I damst kuow whati then itb a leavy, sul1i exprestion upon bis "xels-l1 riod Mn. Antan. Cuuningbý,amksaw Ibat tise case acraînat hbu feie, D euhs, ec.Tse lrs os, sLiso p-,É-. in' zis e ston, e lot al heat an ma pt ie, prpines,, e ntThese Pu.ila ossemouga adde and d e." sranýmr ked face. ffis Son, an the 'PLB0 very su1perficiai," aasd H imes. iasS f îrag h-la-yt al Sean aIts,ýedmtae a icaeteii, on 83 trsic uiLul trarte ai " Weii, wo arc quite- in your hands, Mn, other chia rpe i iaijî-t,"eoenw owever, ta o )int which breiset aoveyn.I im ia eiaessea hyr h eu-o sn as H es,"aaid d MCuinningam. "Any-dasising ,t-Yle Nwb:iis bad cis ui l, i iipnase o a ieaar Wiijam bad Secnetby iolbowed bis îwo u td u nlss c sdwt ra uci am. n aw r iltise privais practice of an sîninent physielan. tising wiinh yon or lise Inspenton maVy811g- and the eroily oaiPa dangerous vwiid batta l outionaia' us gelrm imstrs ,on tise igbit wheu tloy made lisei17 isv act primariîy on tise nerv e oltres, ,ncreasiug goa il imoaýt ceftainib honou." gbeamdin ib Iis dank eyes aud distorted bis wrýnitis 5ol.e wsni ia senbaut arid spn n.Aconsad8av01,iustieVUiai Frce, promo -tiiîg uss-,nsila'ion, lERrâcfr- Iu tise--,final piano," sad Hm, " sad"m ,etures, osieabeancay yexper'ts,. Iunoragthain juerta is pe, proneed, ulllltpner lîg he ie, hu pLîntogauoriisg'lss. shoubd lileyutfe anwr-uig b upso sl ahubt, sepping cse ee c ailPlace as insu in hi3is red-traea xcuo alv lnialuo a aeb rgitle.prbx rtu ot frein yourseii i on the officiais imay take a ta) tise dor, lie bew is,whistle, Twa ai catie wt-ilt oeabecniene ay thein. Mn. Aabwvr s agr ssdfrSco o s8.e utIe uebeoretby oî-idagu1 up1 hie cùnsýtables cme a, tisa caîl. nrslcses, benase tu issîli sud pisiý8- asis apa ia aiwI.i~ utrMd~iaC. the sui, nd ,!d iese tIirisngsainna ibe doine Il was a sînroke aif p ositve iins ou hli, rcviOt toa pramIPîby. I bave jattiod owu file -- 'I~,part taseO ute ugay cr isicis was - fonîn bore, if yeu wouid uat mind siguiing Yi e-e:'ýW.Le'he anulaiug the ountry-sîde an opportuuily COE' IITNH ONOR il. Ffty ound was qulle enouli I J1..J i piansibly getting s-d ai tise mais wism CrsDr u otOn4OI ra tbougisi. ' ".4, lie ieaned. William wss docoyed up and applications requirod. I wosld wiliugly give fine isnudned," Cf 4~ 4. Je~ez~g;w t iot u sdîe ml a iewoea iaid tise J P., liliïig bo s-p aif papen and t he note, sud paid a littho mono attention ta COOPER'S BUNION C1JURE, tise paucnil whicb Homes banded ta hjmi. delail lunliseir annesanries, It ils veny passible cures Bunions. tarts and Males, Swoller Tiss sc cotqusto norre hwve, h th,. ~ iat suspicion uigisineyer bave been Glands, Tisick eNeck and Sin uDisealies of s "Aud liseacinotevet"hI asked . iy pailese. Dan't be deceived. Ask furion op Iwcoý-'t ltiser lhome A v." 4. ,L bker's sud take no ather. 15 sud 25 canto. Ai "IYou 5 s oubgi: Wiee-ea fbaI c- - Holmes piaced the aubs-oiued rits, t artr one au Tuiesdsy m iloing an) 't-- paper beforelus: Dr. 3Betier R'eillinie CzeBras-kv tie, g<la lemipt -iisa mae,' sud s-i an. 11, was a-, il, - Iis ý;very ;munithlie sort ai Ibing tisat ï I was pane a Ie mîsiýtake, for I L ibave lîwiseiyHleswub el ay slip o0',oobeelwenyonutg AlecCungia, the kind. l was bhisspeiiiyta ha an- WiifsaK anud Atnule Moirnio cunteas a ant bt bs acol liussbat < ~ -< jTise rnesuIL shows tisat tise tnap wss sis-APtM -P shaken hbu, sud tais ono itle innide -_I ulyhald.Ian ur isIyo ana eogsta Iisow nme- t ho -ie - lfalau sua beeligiste-e i t l Ihotraces 3of When -p-u ses su Advertiseen bislie t1h1 fan ous eingblineli.Ho . Cnulue. fnaVie. luce ho e s-tns o1,01,1id lbereaddy s ui'Isee n'a sud lu die sls Nî 'a * tI' iit-- -1 -Ai 11,11-1-,L1 ueu-ngs urse s-oa a ugn. Th-e sol os1 geulleusan corate i uistalsue, Ibowencer, sud, Iisnded tise paper hanS ta o 0mes. "Cet il pniulted as so as passible," hoe said "e I thiiis yaur ides le auiexellent one." Hloluses put tise slip ai papînarll away inbois ponket-boois. "udIl, lied ho Il realiy would ha a gocd tising that we sssauid al ga aven the busý -o a geth-an sdniaise certain tisatIbis rtier o- ratio nibunlan did ual, aller aIl, carry uy- tbîug witlî bu," 1Before eutering, Holiuas made au aexant- nation aiflise door wbich bil beau farned. Il was evideut tbst a nhieel or aînong Suife isad bea3 usbnaInusd tise lacis orceod bani wiLb if. We couldi see lise marks lu tise wood wisere il isad been pusised lu. "You dont use bars, thon '?"lise asked. "e h-P ave neyer fouud il uienessary." "Yau don'î isuep a dog ?t"i Yes, b-a7t ho la chained on lte otiser side ai the ae" "Wben dtis te servants go la hed '" "About b, "I unders-îaud ith Williamn was usually in bed ssat isat houn," "Ise sigulan tisaIau titis, paricular iglist hoiesould bhave heen np. t-1, shoisald hovery glad if van woulbd bavetise, kiudnes-s ta show us aver tise isausa, Mn.1 Cunuin>gisan." A stoue-flagged passage, witis the kitcheus hrannhiug sway Iraus il, led by a ws-oden stairnase dirantly ta thse first faoronfai îe houzo. Il naine ont lapon tise ]anding op- pas-ie ta lhe second msore orususeulal staîr, viiis cause up frain lise front bail. Ont ai tise ieudiug opened tise drawing-room sud several bodroouss, incucbding tisase ai Mr. Cuou-n,hi ansd bis sou. Hommes walised slowly, taking keen note ai the archistecture of lbe bous-e. I nould telli mus is expres- sion tisat be was on s bot, acent ; sud yet 1 could uallinbe least is-nan in wbal di- rection hie infereuces wera leadicghius. "My gaod sr," said Mn. Otunninghsam, wiîb sanie imipatienced, "Ibe* is srely very uuue-cessary. Thiss- uy room aI the end ai the staîrs, sud usy so'a is e onu heyoud il. 1Ilbave il ta yaun judguseut wbethisr il wsas passible ion tise thief 10 bave came up bore without dielurbing ns." "You mui try round sud gel onas resb rscout, 1 fs-ney," said the sou, witis a atiser maliciaus enile. "l5ti1mu sut as-S yon ta humour me a 11111e inniber. I sbocld like, for examuple, ta ses isow far the windows aitise becimooms coommand the front. Thsis, I us-derstaud, le your sou's rooi, "(lie pnabad open tise dnoon; "sud othaiDt, 1 presumei, 18 the dreesing- romu, ju wiicbhoe ast Fsmoking wben tibe alarn wss g,*ie. Wisene dastIse indawov ai suat boIs Out ta-,) Ho toppd eraie lise bedmoous, pnised apen tise door, sud glauced round tiseotier chamber. I hope tisat yon are satifieuaw," said Mn. Cunninghiam, tartly. IlTissuisvon ; I tisinis I bave" seenai tisaI I wislied," -Thien, if il hs resliy nenassmry, w.e au go intomy maou." II Il jt isa ual îamunis trouble." Tise J. P, shrugged bis soniders sud led tise way juta nis awu cisamber, wbicis was s plaiuly funisheit sud nammouplace raom. As we moîved anrese tin luthe direction ai lise iuoHolmieb tellbacS, until ho sud 1 wieneIsle laý i tite graup. Nea lise foot af tise es eada diïsb ai oranges and a carafe of waten. As wae passed it, Holmes, sud i,." r1: iay as -eh velîus roet14as-l, udniiie;bt o- uatis -u- sirsong baud aIet ya ret,ý--Aý Wli!vu ? Drap bnooee-aanked appiae- Ho at(unit uI wthis is h an sd a n-aonepTi tse ùtiser, whinb atfll notas-ilst vomver wxiiulthde yaunger Iman was l tseigihuily, abluiougis tie tl'a be baIun b ant ai conking 1Lchteled down upon heIbe ý lÔtheir cisigT we eau nsay îbs tisALellne faon wass--yaung usimian sd tise otisr e5 ad- Kýeep tisat, said Hlomes, quielly put. veunod in yesrýs, witlout hEig posiîivoiy Ling, bis foot 4 Voi. Yu wl ld l4erei. lîisl aI tisa triai. But Ibis je Whst wo "lExcellent !" cried Mr. Antani again. rcaly aned. Hoisbd p autle ruml- "Thlene is a bIsrpoint, itowener, ed piee ai papier. whinbl is subtien sud ai greaten inteet. ITise romainder ai the shoot l" cied lhiseTh)ene l somnetiin ucmman hettreen 1nspector. i tese bauds. Tàebe iog tamen wisa are :Preciseily."1 bloodil'elatives. It rýiy bhoiat obv ions la " And whene was il?" you>11 tise reais o'a, but to me tisere are "Wisere Iwas-suire ilmuetble, l'il mako ausua1 poinits wlisinh ldinate tieseani-re tise wisae malter dean la you pneaeiy tbiug.11 bavenoa dtanb Ial Ihat the Itisinis, Colouel, lisat you sud Watson famimans-serisus n -an be tnraid lu tisese migisi roîurn nowsd ni e Iwitb you îwa speniimen1s of writliga. ,I sauy11, ai agalu in aunIseur at tise funllî"siTise In- cou,gvigyulsiaigrnuteîw spectar sud 1I muet bave a vord wiiis tiseaimyeamnslai bep'e. isr prisaners, but youwîli nii y sceeme bci oe tuweulylisreeofothedunanswls ai iucisou-îme."waulbc f limore ilntes--'st ta expert tisu Sienons lb-e s as- go-d as lIs-s 'to yau. Tbýy ail t ýleuedta eintisa i'rd, for abot an 0c'nonIls bu rjoined L n ipresiou iup-on imy mst i taItbe Citu- i l c Ib oluis min-oo.l wss niniais ,lislad wiîtenUlis otten. snilmpauied ,-yta bulberoldeniy gentleman wbo wss-iulradued a sa to ise Mr. An-ton "lviggIsaIn m eistpws v7i oi hase() eefte.neuaith -a o urise, t) ta eat!u i u the d ils ai tbe hoZi 'se a 11),ei' [ie ceie o t cr i su b ae basvian futisey wotdelp original burgia'ry. us.1Iwont up -'a the bouse w thtie u 'II wisbad 1Mn. Antan la bc, prosent whle Ides1 n-îadIissuimbmter ta spectGan sdsaw sîl tisAI was la ha soeau. " baril lenatur Fi l Tie wouind u2p(a lt-ddew i insu se, :as youi," aaid Homes, "fri swaua ý a s a%!e l termuewith sabodutecof ise sbould taise saieen jutes-esb t (le- itde. 1I l taille. isut sirsid, usy dean Colonel, tisIdue rdfrn ovratise distasoce you muaI regret thelisour tibal you bis ua seing aefn for ar.Thise-wtse sucbstansypetel a- ISm. Ib na wds--ila-ke ing onile cîoauses. Eni. Onls-e nantnary," an-s-vered teCal.-dandy, her e tore, Ale uninisusba onel, carmIy, e" I considen ilt te groatest idwe i al htls eamon Were, priviloge ta bave beeýn permilted te study sc giu ise iselaot vastired. Againi, your imetiods of worisiug. I coni a ti alsv tie s-, sn gee e'atiepln tisey quito surpasa miy expoclations, sud wberp'e Is-o in bthe oafi. At tisatI ians uterîy unabie teacannaut fion tblat p-iit, hoevn, l isappeus, Ibere la vus_, a1)r)adîý1id1tli, aItise1e bottùm. , As your resuit. I have ual yet seen tise ves' tere vwes-e wmiaindications ai boat-marks tige ai a new." ashoottlIbisdie1iJWas absaluîely sure ual I ans srsid tisaI my explausîiop uaýyýy ul titbeCuinuiýngisains ad again lied, disillusion yon, bt-t ils always bec mrybutiaIbrhdnoebenuynsu n babilae ide noue ai my merisods, aitiser bman upon ütie- a neer t ail. nko f rannimy iriend Wateou an trous any onie "L- lo 'escneaa e-ho migisi taise au intelligent lmseres-î lun"And uow 1 isad ta cousider tise matuve lisoni. But irst, as I amn rather ahaken by 1o tn snuai arilmea sale t tiseeasn-o tise kuocking about wbjch I bad lu tise isofaltslvthreonf dressing-room. I Ihinistisai I sal belp tisee oliual bunglary aI Mm. Actau's. 1 myseli tas s dasis of youn brandy, Colonel. undorsîaod maoin souietising wiih tisa Col- My atrenglis bas- heen ratisen tried ai late?" ianl!tolId us tisaI a lawsuiî lad beau gaing IlI trust yeu hsd no more ai shose nom,- ou betwýeceyn, Mn, Antan, aud the <Jun. ous sîlanise '" ninjgiasse. Oflcourse it instsnlly ocnurred Shonlocis Holmes laugisedhieprtily. Il We Itomq ethat tisy bad brokeuluitayoun libran1 eiU couse e tat ain itsturu," saad lhoe"1 îtith ie inlui Ofai gotting at Saine donu- will iay sn senount ai tise case belone you mont wblcis uigisî Sa aiimportance lu tise lu ils due onder, sbowiug yeutiste varions cse." Pray intenrupt use il thora is auy inlerence car' be no passible doubi as ta lhie jlt-en. wbýib e ultpanietly niear ta you. liane. I have tise cl1earee:t ni- n pon baji " 1 j ib tise blighoszt ipniu in ol tisein presel asIate, sud if liy cui& tise amt ifol deection ta ho able ftavbans iud s Emuigle ppc~'n~fnt nenýogu.ze-, ont oflas nmben ai fade a'tely wassiluttis $rang, box ai usy slcl whijcisare incýideulai sud whis uvial -lhoy wouid nnouhtediy have cipled Olberwise yo Ur euergy sud attention. a ur, nase." muet bo diesipsted instesd )foi igcon. i"Tisene yon are," saîd Homies, ssis-nlýg ceutrated. Now in Ibis casee liero a s"Il was s dauigerous. necisleas attemp, es- ualt lieseligîteet doubt ilu rny mmnd main wbii Ispein ta trace lise influence af yeo',g lise firet tisaItishe key of tisa wiole matercileû. Having fonind notising. Iisey triailtol muet be laaked ion in tiles arap cf paper in divei t suspicion by miaiiug il appesar ta ho tise dead mn's baud. iSu qrdiitsry btirglary, ta wbicb end Ihay "Belons gaing juta Ibis, 1 wousld draw carid off whiattsnen they could lay tiseir yaur attention la the fant that if Alec Ounu. b&nds upn. Thisl ail nisan estougis, but uiugham'e narrative wuas carrent, sud if the tiserii waa miunb tbstwats stili Obscure. What asaSilant, aller sbooaîing Williamq Kirtran, 1 wantad, ahove al, wss ta gel the msing bad istantly fledi hen il ohvionsly couild part ai thtiI note. 1 was certain that Alec not ho ho who tare lise paper fmain the cdead Lad t ouoti e deAans' aud, sud msan's baud. But if Il was no, l t ho il msîlim$fsL certain that ha mlust have Ibruit il isave been Alec Cunninghausin aself, for hy luto dise ponket ai hie dnessag.gown. Wisera the lime tisaI the old mn ibad dee-endled es ould, lie have put il? Tise oùly ques- several servants wene upon tise sconoe. Theotian was wiseîber il was still tisera. Il was True Philanthpo,.py To Ti- EpsvTi. -Please infaunus your neaders thal 1 willal u rae.ta ailbsufer ens lise means hy which -1 was restçired ta isealtis aud mss-ly vigor a-Iterya of a onul-ring broin Nervous Weaisuess. 1Ivas rohbed sud se-mudled by the quatcks uuwe 1 nearly ltfaits iu maniid, butIha.ns-s ta isoaven, I1sus now eal, vigarous sud eIraug. 1 have uothing la ousul ad no schseme la extant mauey froin auyoue wbamantever, but heiug desiraus ta, make tis certain cure kuowu ta aIl, 1 will send free sud coniidetial ta auyone fulIl par. zticulars ai j ugt baw I wae cured. Addresei w ith stampe Mut. EDWARD MAJRTIN, (TeacbA7ý. P. O. Box 143, Deýtroit, JYIc' The nsiiways ilu France oempmoy 2-4,080 v. amen, the mnilfy ai whous, lowene,'- i,-aes-ve a susal um imereiy for apetnsu sud ebnlsiug gales wsr oads cross the tracis. TIE"E L tKP IROUTP Ti THE SWORLD'5 i'AII VIA PICTURESý-QUE MACKINAC. Avoidth ie ises-it aud dus-t by traiueiiug ou tise Floatiug Palaces af tise Deits-il &, ClevelandI Steauni Navigation, Companý-Y. Twaý, new steel passenger steamers bave jue5t heen built forib is Upper Lake route, nosýtiup'$100.000 cacis, sud are guaranteoti ta be tise graudest, largeat, sales-t andi fasteet 'tesmere ou the Lakes; seed 20 miles per hour, nunuiug lime belweeu Cleveland, Toledo anti Chicaga males than ,0 ha)urs. Four tripe pen week batween Tol#4&,4etroit, Aipena, Mlankinne, Pelas. key anti Chicago. Daily tripe hatween DoIrait anti Cleveland; dnning Juiy sud Augutdubie aiy ervmnn syil ho main- taieti giiuga 1sylgit ride acrosasLaiete -Erie. Du.1y servicebtenCeent an nl-Bay.- Fimt-cass stateraom accommodations ant i enu-, anti xceeti-1 iugmy ow »Round Trip Rates. Tise pals- tini cqnipmeut, tise iuxury ai the appoint- meute makseetaaveling ou those seamers- thoro_%7y «oyble,, Send for flima- rated anphiet. Adî.ress A. A. Scisantz, -. c.A. D tit &Clevelanti Steam Ns-v. Oa, ero t, Mini PIJREST, SZlC~T EGT. Sold by AitU seaa-din~gee *-~whene yan will fs-nd a --jLîass assorîntent ;vhich has heen bought fiarcash, cusqe 1lyIain pro. panod ta SalI aI toeprices s aiA otsacs- fies qniality. Amnican sud Ouaia il always in stack., Please give mea a cal! sud you wil 'be welcome wisether yau buy or ual. N. B. Ellios-t';s Ralier Flour kept. J. T. W lL LI1AMS8 TuIrS PP -1ýER -AND - "'Tho la ies, Jou iiai ion Monthly, will be enýtt any address $ 5Ouly one dollar sud fit teetsn i t. coulats onthe two papers. I i Cal sud sea sampie copy af "The Ladies' Journal" 1l is- a publication that will iterel- every woman in the land. The ,gua issbcrption price oi Th Ladie,' jetsrnai" and tisapaper la S2 pin yuar. You gel -tisetwafor H AVE FU nonathe kid- ecf thesyt m necYsa Iare lan "Dola y 18 trul.Dodd's dngru. og Kidýn y Pi//s ' c rn td1 kdno prompt >o/ief" tra-îb/os resit 7 e bnt, lnBcd BlPood], of disoase is Llyspeplsia, Liiver 4 iratcusdb a paitad duitodre hd- tmot ag 5'MZ11t hen theI igh t D!1r, ! tr y s ae a fiaboesî n h lthy ciy D-oC,"

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