FOR SAEBY YOUNG & 00.m 69 Kingr St., BO>WMAN VILLE. TYRONE. MisEtteù asiton, Wüstover, Ont.; MR'r. Sothsa ad iss Ruby scotherern, Milibroekl; Mr. Il. Xelh, Mr. Thos. =bina, To3runto;Mis arrell,Whiiby; Re.lsecouch' Albert Volege, Belle- ville, are amronv' the week's visltors. MesaFra. Th1o.Ryau and Chas.Sannéderm 'rot£3 for rdek steachecra oerfiflcat e t the rEccent e-,xcaus. May thiey be succesa, fui. MNr. Gao. Blair, TUionili, Man., visit- ed hia fathcr i-aMr. Samuel Bond asat week. 1Mrs. samnual Binz-nam sud Miss Jessie inteud accor.npanyirug- Mr. Abram Youuie a nd party to the popular summierrsrt Laite Windermere, MuakokaL, this weeok. Mr, J. \Wilson, sr., 18 viitirug bis sons ia Torc-utj this we£,k. IDENEZER. oral summ,-ers pat oa student wth Dr. H[oig and la wolli kuonwn h ere, lhas jual passedi a hi2lhly creita,9b!e examinalion before the Detroit 1Scbool of Medicine, Obthiing 95 )per Cout of s poss8ile 1001 per c-this lu spite of having had te absent himuelf fr% i eesdurng the term in order 'Lu vlil btis mnother who was Wi A few weeks afler, sud wthout pro. vions peaatoho 'ont up befoe the board cf icersiug druiggists-, for 'Michigan and obtatined 80 per . sud a icense to3 praclice Pharm.acy iii that sate. A t the oxarinetieus 65 ouly obtainied the licenso out cf 152 applicaute. Erneat la a clovr boy. rontc The Icong-establi2hed and widely knowvn Toronto Bus.iness anid Shorthand College, at cornier of Shuter aud Yongle Streete, was rsoild by the executors of the . M Crowly e(State, sund is nlow undeh prýiucip)alshtip sud managemlent Of Mr. Adidiaon Wiarriuer, anl expýleieced selc countant sud a leading cbusiness ecducat or- The institution is undergolng thoroi7,e'h rec'ganzaton.Plumnbors are improvinmi the saaitar-y arneetmcroieand cabinet-makers arereolin adou Iargiug the vatrions departmýeInts and ecptiipiug them witb nmodem aud Speolal furniture, arud painteis will follow ý-themi to decorate both the interior anad tro of the College buildingu. YotAoly will the Toronto Business aud Shorthand Coflege bo ono of the largest and mnost haudsomeily eqjuiýppedl instito- tions, but unuder t he goverinmeut of the jnow principal the p)atrons of the Colle'go and the publio have a guaran tee that iedlucatïonalty it wll be second to nione on tho continent. Mr. Warriuer accept3 his new position Dot without amrùple preparation aud ex- perience. Hi 1 founider and principal of the Collego of Commeýrce, which bea his name,aud iB conniected *with a leading commercial col'ego 'a the United Statep.1 Rlis nsme stands for thoroughness, high standards, progressiveniezs,. 11e is sur- rounding imwself with an entirelly uew staff of teachers, ail recognized as prom.- inent iiu their profession, and somie enjoy- ing a nationail reputaIilin as specaIWstL No expeuse la 'eing sparcad,,o maké this the ideal intitution for business and shorthand trainiug!. I has rive fiuel1y ~equipPed graduating depaýrtuients. Thel Fali Sesision commences SepIt. 4th, for wvhich msny studeuts are already registe-r- ed-le«f Junie, '93. 1 was cured of Bronchitîs sud Athme by MIADSLINIMENT. Lot 5, P. E.L1. .A IVNsoE I was cured u es, er ttca heu, mîatisLru byýMINARIYS LIL NIENT Mahone Bey JOHN MADEr. I wasg cured of a severoly spraine!g by M1A SLINIMENT. e u Bridge water . JOSHUA -%ýWYiÂNAR. TA UN TON. Mr, Thiomas lbat avaebehrelt week. Mrs. Duncan Blir's funeorai Ws well attend ed. Our tlaers haVe reaýign1ed sud a 110W staff wili take their place. Mr. A. E. Rlebry sud famity apen.t Dominion Day i Port Perry. Mr. J. W. Thompeon, of Trinity Medi- ?al college, Toronto, l3 viaiting old fiends IN ousnssIl bui lî.nd1ail the tný.1 - evis f m riy Car* or .tatr e E R m E tG1. C l0 2,f 1c,.Y , rickeSr. Mr-y vile J4,'/\ lII Fy R,ýe8nghIdl jal , J' cvesaîý r . g 2-andMj Hichs Ber -asamsc Lther ir, Ka.eC, Eminson. iur"ewim (ký).bic.s2,Maïi r Cole, Jr.1'[ 2- ifi 1oole, exlanation VprofCLiicS mih.I(st E LE EIGll CBo, Bffal, 1 LIRepotofarke Un. ion Schoo' Ju o r -Oer it Âtln. ary vile. r. -May o, N;Sm 1]- 3hi -Lbbie Ci bura.Eva Brow f d, dC HiFis Bera Sand uer Brrwt Noru),rma Aldena Barrabiîg. Jr Katlie Ce, t Emma Moti sfrer i eo boumDte, ond orrs, ninterater Jr.alk Pt. bit 2-L curRo es llarrI Frn r own, Jensnde Somie m ith. Ptil Ethl C ow3 ili Brown, Frankl Liennersunçý , Annie R-yende F'or Ovrr Fifor Year been used by millhons of mother theBrchpiilrenfwhle (ft ehing. Iad fed1,1 atndightme brke nf ou et ule hiid suff I>(erig(ndcr ,1 w bte of "MJ. .B Wie to's Sou I Syrup" for Cild Ieiing. Ltm ly . Depend un i, xnthersther mistakeabo ýn ut it.Lt acue trDar W andCole, sftes t ers.a me aliett and Thos. Vin* wero homie lest week. Iooký bore!1 you know how vou3 your wife le, and you rIr on Pis wî'l relieve iv rot be fair about it and ic Adamiý, Bowiranvilie, wlo tLiig here has retuirned home. Mrs. Frank Wlimoof r(t hors Smnday week. 5C5 ofaic u prneplyrvou headahe. (s P'À spedii coect irregu is -e Plstomaoh, b re ud relariand thentest- sud most ivrlable cathartie se. No 0onOE3ahould1 be without theui. Ir. Wm. ePhersoil, Cauiniugtou, is ttinig his siters the Misses McIPrherson. dr. sud Mro. Wm). Dundas, K(ig nshipï, výs!ted 'Mn. Miez r ecentiy, dr. R1. T. Hlodgson, principal of Our ocl is spcndhng lis vacation at Guelph. .1ARENTS M\-UST RAVE 1EST.-A Pei- t of oneo of Our Collegegs ays: "We ýnt many sleeplesg nights in consequ- ,e of cur chitdren aufforing fromi colds, this nouver occurs nov : We use )ttV Emulii and il qutckly rehieves mo1nal y troubles." Ira. (Dr.) J. P. Shaîv, East Torouto,I itd friende; bore recentty. lisMinri6ul Lnnas recover-ed from Lisrs .M. aLd Win. Long were in lton- last' week sttendîrg ,the fanerai heir brother lu- law, Johni Juuor, t wvomsen who iîs week, nervous î,nd ( pess£, and who has cold hauds and t, cannlot feel &,iciset like a well per- 1. Carter'.s Ircu iPilla equa1ize the cuiation, remnovo ne.rvousnees, aud ýe trength and rest. NiS M. J. Watson weA home let M'r. sud Mrs. Il. Simipson snd family 1'viâibing friends out of town. dipse Youug, iflariposa, la visiting lier er frra. 'S. B. Deblaon. Asc sR u MD$ n J-EWEI~ UUE oiavi DR-,ESS GOODS-suitable for warm w'elather-. STRAW RATS-F'or Gen.ts, Ladiles ad iid e. Large variety and low piicrs. COTTON HSEYFs Black and Grey, the best value we have e-ver hiad. We import our Rose and Glve-nd get theý best gOOdsý procurabl at the %we'st prices. \Vo arecetan ouCali Save monýy by buyýing, Gloves antdilose at our stLore,. PARASOL-S'-The- largest sale we have eveýr had. Rlave repeat- ed ouir purchase twiee, and can now supply o wt first-class new goods at cut pices. Look out for bargaiss î e neyer carry our goods over fiomi one season to another. JOHIN J. M ASOÎD 0N. AM' CLOTHING HOUSE IIAS JUSTIR ,'ECEIIVED New Englisli Worstedl Suitings, New Scotch Tweeds in Suit Lengths, New Canadian Tweeds, New ilalilax Twý,eed Suits in '0 Shades, We stili Iead the Orclered Cothîng Trade, both in workmanship and prioe. See our Tweed Su:l )p ln the mornlug as tired as when SeorBakW woit to bed, be asaured yeur rKidneys3 ver are out of order. MIl y[E Lo.y snd Livr Cure will remlOve the j of ail tlbis trouble. Try it. as llaI Momlenltlhas been vlsiting, ýd lu Trenton. re. Il. W.Renwick snd daugbter have vi&iting frien4s ilu Peterboro. r. 'Wesley Newsoime, Albert College, vilte, bas been) visiti1lg his sater, JVe cIialleufge A. A. Powora. mia's wife sholild algqys be the .,s ~especialty to ber hueband, but if TH LfTHU141,. HOU S sý wesk sud nervous,and uses Cert3r'ïs PilIs,->êe aunoit b, for they mialte fe4l like a diffcrent persuil, - ~y ST AIN A A T a7, and itheir buabauidia ýi~y go 10 [ster Ge-tÏ'dwards, on of Rev. Il la a 'well kD-evu fact that for seve] ý,wrù.Pet'nrboril, la visitin2 vous a aood Shortband (or Basinî teSits at $1 6 to order. 1SALE: Ready-rnade Clothing, Hats and Ties, Boots and Shoes. T. GEO. rMrASONp Wm. Radan -,Tndcated. erai Tun M 5 VicoBE KILLER C48SL I C E S S E T T L ,ý 1 1 -À A V E D I C T P l 'R aand a1'jthatcunr owu gr, uo nh Fair ila lu be heid ,a s usuel sud ou011 h w re ef suhi largez acLahs thap ever. T1se Toronto As- u.. ~ oioiul edrd soisio l eprdigaanti er'TeMse rck, Adair, Rlenry, Lauder over eue biunderd rcuead dliauslimi- Bain sud Thomiia4; XMosans. Linder az.d provemew uteabraing now sables, new AdCIair and the Giee Ciab,gaee satisfa-,cio. cattie shoes a opoe mitem of draini- 1MissosLik did hersoîf sud aubhJects in- ae, uew sidewalEmsd oadways et. fite Justice, sud 1meuifestud rseyac- The additions being mae Ithis year give quired elocutiouerypowers the grcouicss1awondeifully csgdS- p-arauce, whýi-ch wil be a surprise te visitors of former years.The now SAbe aud caýttîs aheds are being coustnucted lun lhirough t'hem u rm u uth a "EL E R witboUt havie g t stop out of doors This yesr's Fa in tbhe namerous at- tractieus talare su be prorided scemis NUTRATIVETIM CNERVERST0RtM ikely tLe draw boetter tIaerer. Those Lu ail respiratory troubles snch aï of our readiers wodeaiýre a copy of the spasmi, couh, beonchiAl, irritation, Plie Liat eau secureone by droppig e phthis, aud aýstinma, Celory Iron Plilla pot card1 to thàert,- Mr. il. J. set a5as s hearrtuic and euriebec of the HILL, blood corpuscles, siupply1ing non'ý force te the norvons systeun. The July numnber of Arthur's New Druggisansd deltro, or mail Price Homne Magaine is the bet of thse yesr 5 0essxfr$.0 h eeyPI fer, 'which ta exceedinigly bigla pr-ise 0 et., Toiontor.50 Tnte li, Lt wuld o imossible lurecommaend this famiy priodical beyond its demerîs, sud wt-e are certain thiat every oee n'o -If yen n'eut te buy or soit ab farin, reade nube will becime ra regular advertise ln the Toronto 'Weekly Mal,' Subscriber. A samp1e copy will lo sent Tlhat paper reachea 100,000fermera fer 5 cent7. AddrýeFs Arltrr-'à ýNew homles anrvweksd your adrertise- RaeMaaieVrildtp, s eunot hould imýeot the oye o!s a)mo oe n'ewantla purchase., dotieet HumpreyOuesasnotonios herse cfIsàcdasear e nened iu the Toronto thenas areested at Shau]ýnonvile ou 'Week l al'r zFioCentsa Nwrd for fSaturdsqyV wile lu charge of a _horse a-fd ahnetinoTetyC t awr trdianad Buildur hum, cr. Quc 0,su pensgons' uy. SI. sudiçlMr. EH Ltnu Sts. Ahbott, ; aà isýuged itstille frou caand r î ulirmai schfrîged. uctube dsste Juiy la te rusteof ofaec. i r t Airsa 'fýlihe T e-,Clo,î t l as'rP, corting, diy a sing, lcta :1 sud spee il.anid euonuil cýured bi' tho TCurUErsl 1 sud rodesf. Itchi ng Skir for Yea oud'd k'rtts cure Sa irver ia. 2ac. by mail on receipt of pnice by C. I. d&Co., Apothecaries, LoweliMasa. r. sud NMrs. Parh-er Smith have been iug at Mn. Richb. fiugbaon'as. n. Fred Rutherford isla hom'e froua hem, Ont. r. Wallon Woodward, Stsrkvilte, baM d the Ruddock homestead. NIVEIIsAL TESTIMýON?1 cauiot be dis- cd, sud the case fil yet 10 o be ard ii nhich Puntir.Vs Pain-lePs Con Ex- -ton baE failed te perforua a perfect . This with painlessud rapid action freedouti from sunoyanco durng use. greal cern sud bunion cure stands irelled. Sure, saf e, painless. Bowane ,rauds offered Is substitutes for is et cern curc-Punam'e5 Painlesa Cern :racter. . .PoIsolN'& Co , Kiu 1, propznietom 'Crse ne cîther. Urs. Ebby Cooper and daughter, e; ente, le visiîing et Mn. T. Rainey'a. .Uns. (Rer.) Gea., Bron'n"sud deunber la, of! Msdoc, hpaereturne-d home. fise Minnie [all and cousin Mis sjl Hail, c!fow n iI, rspndîung- aouls etthe -WNonld's Fair. Ebo njumeous testimonials recelred ce Dr. Butier's Guidon Pilla lu the motrank (if reliabie remoediai agents, pleaseid te leara that Miss Methe Lumley e! this vi!lagFe hss been placed il, a verYC fine poition as Stenographer in tle firmr t o! Rteeve é& Woudn'orth, Baristers, t Selicitoro, etc., 18 KZiug St., E.,Toront'o,0 by the propietor cf Benken & Spenee'su Shorthaud sud Business3 Scheol, Te)rouitD. A1 achool tisaI bas qun-h s cunnection witha the busineis public as lu find situations f,)? ts graduates le cerLatinly a very weighty lever bn deciding where te taise sncb a course. We n'lsh Miss Liurloyt every SuCCeas lu ber non' vacation iu life.i -If.1 Dr. BuIler's Golden Pilla have esrnied1 a great reputation n'henrer cempioyed, As a nerve tonic aud blood builder they &e unnivalled. They increase the appe- lite sud ipromoto s bealLhy performance of aIl the furetions of the body. A thon- ougly scientific prepeýration, thC e urn f ail te effeet a cure if directions are f ahIb- f uiiy caried euit. NLIotbing harmaful ilu their composition. The muaIt delicato system ill be beuefitted. A sIt fer Dr. batbo3r's Golden Pilla and take ne other. AIl colors of pnre-d. an at R, Worth'e,Bwsnvl. Cal sud rcee the cheap sud pretty VWail1 Pepers et Kirby's before buyingI. verdict sud a comnplote vxniscaton trom, the charges imada by Dr. Eccles ine an article plisIhed ilu i the "Druggiatis Circuler" inSatrne, 89 attaoklng, tihe microbe liler. T he article sttett tht the micro(bekiier n'as compounded of porious drugs, sudihai auy patioe using it world ade of cumulative poinofIe iou, but the toatimnony .ýhowüd that il fu an entiseptia gasiimpregneiited lunwater sud eontsiued nu drugs. One of the charg-es mede by Dr. EcéIG3 in the 'Druggista' Oircular" wss, that tf the microbe 1111er n'ere takeu internally in large doses it would bc fatal, but e brught forward twenîy witnosses n'Lý6 prored liaI t n'as irot poison when taskb iuterusly, ceo n the largeat quantitiêgý They awore liat they lad laken, soi-q4 15 gallons lu 10 gallons internally pertoAsrangiug fre.i tree imoths thzee yeare. One patient, s lady, ht5j taken 130 cgelins of the microbe killen and n'as- cured. sud le!ft lu perfect health, She lad been bedridden ulue menth% wi4h infiammtory rheumatism. sud s lest ber sight. Yet she n'as Lat coUY completely cured. Reor case n'as regafê. caThe verdict o! $500, concluded Mr[. Radam, is setisfacto,Èry ini rien' e! the faCt tisatcou the trial no ij ury te the btssinéZ3 of ti e Bad awun Ccmp .iy n'es aho nn -,l >" the jury, couvinced o! the libelous ch? acter of the arIde attecleing me perff-. ally, rend eed sanoiniiial verdict fr tIl%