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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1893, p. 2

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"Bv a thirau;,h ar d~~ ~the laws wli 'h govern th3 o r " mo .nd nutrtion. ani by a cir'f il ipc t'Io fine pr0pertie1 0' U3 3 1Cl Fops iýsprovd3d our brtk' ' ablé delicatcly flivorel beverare w in nsmany hýavy dotjc'h113 ,Ir, i 5udicious nen o' su,,h axticial of di strang enough to re3iit cowiry ton, disease. iondredi o oý ,ýtIte mcl flOatigarouod ne sreidy la attack there is a ek peint. We m,'e3c- a fata I shift by keepln- ourseivei ol with bsi'e hlooft aa Doil îr.mi'." Civit Srvrice Cazete. Made simfpiy with Soiin, wate $01l ~ Onin 0 pe'kets 'oy Groc',-s,1abv Ists. London, Eiigland, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 9, BIL. J. C. UMITCUFsFL, 'EV IER 0F COLLE14F 'TF pi aneI Surieons,Ontario..ooe O)fflle and Residence, ËEnnskilIen. B eEISTItR 9OLTCITOW &o I)OCR nuntiaira. 1zy, reet, 'Ill@-. POlicitor for the Onàtar:L Baul Ilsvate Mossevs loanett attha Io 8. C. HIUNKYLNC LICENSED ATJTTIONflI tle ConntY OF Durham. Sale Io on ehortest notice and lowest ratE cVITItis P. . IIOIFI TOTUNG, V. S O 1FlCE IN TUJE WEST D News Block, 'wlere himeilf eil te found from 8.m. toO p.m. Y telEgraph Or telePhoDe wili rece Mnention A. C. WANNAx V. s fOFFI C E-H I GGI NBO' JBLOCK, Bowmanville. Ngh wered froni one door eouth ot1 A~ Il calis by telegrapli Or telephoneN prompt attention. L. A. W. TOLr. A UCTIONEER, APPRAIS Es1Ftate Agent, flowrnsn1vlt kales ttezided in any part of Provil A RCIIITECT. Plana and S lions Prepared for every clasa El3ecal attention gven to neating £r.d hot water. and to sanitary arr, ClE'ce: GOrrie ]lOck, Wiîoby R.PEýAT.e, T GentleMen'o Cithes Madet J.M. BRIMACO. DIENTISrr. OFFICE :-llear of lligginbothamn & Son, Store, (down stali (JC ece, Dyed, Praêssed sud (jRa Dyer and Clothles leangr GctIs warrsnted to be as no one theni from uew when don Corner Kng and Ontaria Si Boxemanvlie D EflN T IS T C. HARNDEN, L Graduate of the Royal College Surgeons. Ontario. OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRIESS VI TALIZ RD AIR New TailorE The undersigned who lias Seat the taioring business in con Masou.'a Dry Goods Store for a nui lins commencefi business for hii residerce, King St,vest, where h Il uke gants' anfi boys' suite iu stjý-1e:. and at lowest price-i. Fe Wish to order cuits, lie wiii carry amples inal the neewest patteruk a eau,. J.T. -ALILT Fashion HOTIJSE, PAIN7 I amn prepared to execute al hous painting, graining, gis hanging and decorating iu th proved styles and at moderatE Wall Papers, Glase, Puttv Paint a in ail shades always fo Shop opposite Young & (Je grocery store, King St., Bow Orders may ha slao laf t at Y or at my residence, Qiieen St, 12-3m THOS. KI« AT ALL CRITICAL PZ PlOOS AND LivrE.Sc'd byallbî-uggists, or by in cent's, six toxe, $2.50. The C Co., Toronto, Ot. Nerenus Debility, ~T~'~TC~Falung Mauhood 13E NS eakesos of body' by over-work, ort 1--ý@ý-------- 1cesses nf youth.1 stlutely tures theo mot obstirte case-' WRESAtMXNTS have falled even te reliesi teoiss si si per pwaag, or six for e. or ýteofnipice Write for vpnePhlý lBo'siatsvilIo bY STOTT & J! HOUSEHOI~Dabgetor iffi ng opea-ao smm' LFESi N Ilepers shouid Sie left festering, unrelieved uabl fo kilingdisese-erme Tw orand unthought of, in the midst of a great - tlsbaree ou of c ora isoivefili afacity. It le nnt cieditable tisat snob a state TeLittle Arm-Chaix. Sre of 'vtraf sf itsaerniro hings as thattowisiis wehave adverted 4 jNooy is in the littie aun-chair; sround idrains aInd low pl1aceýs wi trhe The Rorrors o" Their Life flepicted S as linon permittofi to exiatSOln;bti .tsa.corerftm trsretis ont u-dbrs y sae a uc-wouid Se a scandai to the (inverninent and Andta hil irei ofgainthr, o'slgeb rarakin tisefalyc!irocle, The State o e ie prs Tisai are Unecar- a reproach to tise community aI large if it a nuns'Xt Sees Ilirougli the dusk of the long ago Pour a few pailf nia of coppepras at down ed bor inlin ilta .Uay be Slisowf by a wero permitted to continue, now that its d1«iga3t'3i The bloomi ofher boy'q sweet'face, the sink and tisrnugi tise, pfipesî, deluge B~rplno n fts lcsi xsec a eupitf n. iatiou 'An leictas eriy1 nf r.water-closets with it anfiscatter 51 iu ai WhicIs The cyI iiuseiltin ]Bombay. The "Mission to levers in Infua and thie , c Mc. With aulaugis that cheens the place. Ipae hr hr r aioos aI a encratn hssaeftig sewtiaSontirnes lhe olde a book lu Sus hand, Keep a cao of potasfit on 15ehh ovr IlE DOlAISALA. iast"hos ee a rts ninua hidb il as f hen ceg sthe Smtmeapn niaue the kitchensink, drop a few crystals into This place, caîlefi the Disarmsaia, je in- enablefi 1a reacis. The supýýrinbendent of e iy th, And the leson is liard to understanfi. et 1551 a Andi the figures liard 10 mate; the sjnk andi let the wator rdissol!ve il and tended for ail kjnds of destitute natives, this mission, Mr. Wellesley C. Bailey, who UOac tor But hliecs îhc nofi of lits fatisers liead. run away throngh tise ppswc ail damp but conniderabiy more than half theise .u supplies thle above facts, wii again visit ecy So preof ithe 11111e son, ~ adoj ar Afice heurs tlie words so ofteu sald, conrmaitesval r,'ae.nae u are levers, who live iu a part raison Canada, ounsng the antumn. ï W1h8csrovt "oforiulitpaper faits off, ieavsng of usat W3m11 ofero u iteone." - a colneofwloff Irons the others. To giva an accurate i fortifie 1 Tisey wore wondenf ni days, the dear sweet d0 ipdfnn-rwtsnvrossae description of the horrors of thîs sad coin- sourisli'd daye. of bine aud black, scrapýo tise Vfil, get a'motyn 5 omeiee oh ei The Clrk's Reveuige. oro ik When at cild, teth ssun tliair itePotaf cmnmi lwhwtrpossible ; suffice it to say that il raquiras A rallier amusing episode took place in V !Ie3 ora AU t Iaser ke 0sci the10 kise chai e raaend pot it ou with a wite.w-vash brusis. ino lijtie courage 10 enabie one to pass up one of tise parisis cherches in Lancashire a kled lia ShAtstlim bIîneelu he bus1ech'r. Work rapidhy, mixiuig asaiqnantity a aIrso ansd dowu thosa chambers of living doalli. few years ago. Xhen tise great world eanght tise man, time, and Ibis wili not, oniy ive the waiis Thore are to be seau wifeiess husbanfis, Tise ministor was going tbrongli the ser-P n ý t Andi lie strodeaway past hopas und f aars a bard finish but wili a thons as wstar- uiadeewvs iifrnwtotp-vc uts hni u udyatrnn Toisplceluth bIlesva.proof as a china our,. rna u aet ibu hliew when the clark venturefi ta ask hi if lie Batnw und Ilion in a wistful dreans. Soma day, wlian we IIniow a groat deai. have b~eu driven out of bouse andf home wonidkiiy cte sron hrtaso r' LiSe peturo ontni datemore tissu we do now, ail of tise piasteron 0) y their relatives as soon as it hocame isad got an invitation to tesaI ttise bouse . ~ - ent n'er apencil and sate. car walls willilSe made of ibis sort of m" 'knowntisaItishe fell disease bad laid hold of a [fIn. 1893 Af The lir ugi e lpi gd ,'oln if tisaIe notncath gairtrul ismou iupou tisona. Wre sw thorea aman and The minister, knowiog lho was very aux-PU ST SDfM C Thnhee ay !lir oa glf' pig hnw ihhv otriq rul ihwife, both lopors, who lbatsix children, inst gthougistlie wonhd play hbu a Yuth mulas-hir501 ui ut e rfaihing off and growing duapandi several of whom wera living wiîh their trnic8k. Sinstead oni horeighis ser- j ontae=neAlun, A. monia, Lime, The centra Of evenythîng. dicloe.parents. Tisera wora youug girls tisera in mon, ho preachafi for more tissu au hour Pheoshtes. o'. 9 ny lI;-ru IYIINMore people dia fmi a .relassness and wlionstise diseuse hadonuly just begun, sud andi a hall. 7t4. A Dstnpidity luase. tise oruh than fronti auy tinsryeîtbey waro doomed to dweii amongat By thisuire tisa o-id clark was at boiing Dainy Rons case. t itoouci trobbaokepthngsthiose who wero lu tise lasI stages of tise point. Thinkingle had baeen maIe a fool Aitangs amoa evmyne ikesa patt dansudbecusetis enmy acu COOOterribleinsaiady sud sec the stops by of, hoewss auxînus ta do tise parson one su MORhroî, thaeSainiacîs of the average lacs- with a roariug noise and lrandi:sised weap- whIich îhey, ton, mst descendi to the retumo. So hoe bawied ont freintise top of TL Bi-usabiouse are ararosd unattractiva; connîining ons, notbiuig is thougis ot il. A stitei rv.Oaopoal Irmmevr i oce r'cu 'en;b' us a ganemal tbing, a nicee'ooking bedstead, lu tise-saves nine, sud a it-ticle so arly grae.nng e iîhs swcaî f ace, s d , m r of " s vini11,I )o3s3l ntsc rse n omde3u unncssy uts osnmysave dnor'largo foas tise dseasa upon lhem axcept îwo latal paci't ' day, an' -cil sing ' noot." article of surniuor decoration. adDtunfrequantlyv unoanta ors pnlerbcjs eog otl Kunowing, howea or, that fuier' wivos bills. lar er pt opolier ack, jsi end nd bthil eyss)cos su ORad daugiters appracista nico suroudings, - e hthmft s eif u bsVt upoos es Ratne FOR ont owtot hr ro hie poor child lad Sean driven froi hem home Friand :"Wisy,Ei\ ira, wissl's tisa mat- s aloued ud o Ct g wthot tsaifroi csoiesummlet C6oo1tY. sud isaf wandered mbibt is, tise only refuge as. dîres bt iecaue tsa amd-orksug ane ba for lapera in tisa ciîy of Bombay. Iu tise 3: "no uoney t0 spame for fixing," I wuuld Ts adnro fod anpr iDsnsl hr sn top sa1 Elvira: "Oh, I don't knw, only l'm l__ ike to butisai ismow a room eau haie'made the ibrea meais aed il takes tis e ousewife separate lois sexes ; mon moman sud ciail- woried te death. I'vcliaI tisasanie girl sutt ad ivtn ya very salait.l ay argesiare of lier titre 1gabersud pro. Iran areail huddleb togetisar in colis 6x8 six eeks, sud ais eosn't îaîk about îeav- id ent1da Lu taaof i ystS, in a5 [)URIIAM I To begin with, a rooa i souid havesa iro- para tisa vegetaiboes or tise fiuit suLd berrnes; (tiseso 1measurol mitis s lape), sud in sie sng yet. dienes, i-ff--uhaue.DooîxaDsr a fp " Siset W asswer tdoerecilren'teae izeatu, Palu heS- j,ida,- ~li a 5her or assistant dominating cotor in ail ils appoiutimeints. il sie causùon fines tisasurplus i seis tisa ae, bm ieaar iulmn Ioear osnt odV semaIh ieoa tirmaint scraile Niî cle ileau this tisa "bina cm," sud busiesi of womeu. more tissu îwo i ono.mOhttiseinîlnvebatelshosa5uicurin Sheod. C alla 1;moeohntw nau.vh telw eive prompt fumnishi ilaccordingly. Green poasaLoo ofleni ose tbeir layon rby sgî u esbr Icuduturu wiîi my husiand." 171yr Unisse tisa woolwork les leady white lise wrong way of cooksug tisi. Mms. Lsu soif te dascibe evenyîising. One poor fel- or rea clor ilwil nt iokwah wth coinsasys : Wash tisa poda before siseiing, iow was spotefd ail over hîke a leopard, an- bine, snd sbouid Sie repaintel. Do not use tison tise peas wiii equiro no wsig Put other with groat swoileu handa,oua of whicis Headache, yet Cearm L5T1E Lvas PrI4' THA MS reaby-mixed paints; tbey are genemaly unu- tise peas inoas colauder shari iont tisalle wass aving freiy bled (to reliove tisar bualyi il cabts ans- aifcoy A sîsl eau of whiteJbaud, fn * icBoitli is tnmintes, thnsleai)bawo uww nod When Baby aras ieS, we gave lier Castocia. ta p rovnigthsneyngci iin.msh Drsol'a n atif gatofy. fe it wllbcsi en ts. -hp-bs tn . îîssl a sI)b1amma asa litlie lsthsre ldiaosdarsnit a tomalïi- r.l Bce'.sdhlagalnIlnsaiowiSekslieotsuad tisip"s.Bos if- razor. Sise was îappsng tise isulail oven Wlinsho was us Clsld, alie cied for Casiorla. Eîan il: tley ny ne 11ii so iemore ISsu enougisfom the vwoodwork in s a en minutes on outil tenderm; when nearly with tise top of tisa bhatte, sud tise blauk 'aen s sisboranie Miss, she lung tn Castorla. bedrooni of odinary size. If you wisis 10 doucadad tisa sait. Let Ise wster boul nlean- blond was fiowing freely. As you lok at paint youm recul, lu two colors, sud i ill y away sud serve wîtbout dmiing. Ses' poor maimed limbes ai1 distortel facees, tise Whasî she lîad Chidren, aho gave them Castorns. SER, ResI Se muchs pmaîier tisaI wsy, you wili also son wiîis Sutan, omos, satit sud a lithoe latter goemsiily weaing, a dit, hapelese le, Ontario,- noal a tat-coul tuba of binhe paint, soscisas engar. Old poesould Se cooked until expression, sud sluowing clearly ilut ail Auchetnthey their gooduosa ose unIeI Ie. vho sufer frei lj dsrss cmlui artista use for painting in il colore, loubar and tison ruibbebtbI rougis asieve sud brugituess has long inca gone oui of theirbu otaelter Iý (-in è1j Tube part oflthselead intosometiîg large. servedasas vegetabie. ar nutritionus hves, youm hcart t 1 drawn ont ils pity to- Russia produce Ill, 649 bsmtels of patro. besandlîttle aawh e lu somanyw;11Oisa Spcii-u eogiafor stiring il Ihooughly, and thisubut thay ara indigestibbe itl ise huthaiewambs hem,and you mjoice toise able 10 btele1uni ilyBtsitr aliSau Spcfcil witis oih until it is as thicb as cmeam. Mix isoken bSobre Isey are swalowo.d. - emo da vadplyloaiswasad' hy "vil, lont SewIilin 110wst hoitC tleill. 0f building. a very uitIle of lise paint fron tisa tube in Huckleberry Puddiug,,.- etwIo eggs'sly tender to the laper sud misose precions True Philanthropy. cystas Au hall a cuplul ofol nsd add Ibis 10 a witliont separating, addIbai Ohe un alfbal bood can cleanso tisai moi 1he still morse ýe angements. eaoi Ur ltie1a 43 iy s lpr ftefrisixture s little aI a plut of milk sud a abIjespoon. ý fulnimotadilpmosyof sin. Wesmtsamtee a iseatby woi To THiFEDEuîoR-Peuse inlorn iynur tima untiji spale, deicale ebadeofolblue is butter, oueansd a hallcups. of foeur; atan; s ebosbaausd saiiyroIr ha ii al ee 0 h uie- islbueioaylrsh5io 13hr a l r obtainel sudd your paints ara eaîy for tuoroughy. Hava oua plut of huckleben' manwitis s leprous mifeandl laughton ; su ers tbe meas sby wmiciol1Iwss restorel to ove maSo our grant -boat. Our pilla coma it oa, ries wasieî sud driel, dusi lisam well suchi cases tise love sud dovotion ni tise îa white othens do nI' to Order. Use but ittle of the Sîne paint. If theme with foeur ; add thoni mith one easpoonlul îeaîtisy oa ms evmouiind ed. suad mauly vigar sItar yeurs of CenE's LITTLELivEsi PILS aarery sisl are beudaI casings in lise moi paint tise cen ni bakiag povvdem 1 Ib pudding, mix suia'tiing froni Net-vous Weakness. 1 mas sudreay 5 tuka. Oao an~5mk ~ ~'I nitisaSi ud tse t b tsaI-I uikl î î îî AÂ HORRtIBLE LOFE. rSa u wida ytseqsk uii a dose. Tiay are strictiy vragoteS eInuldo tro t eut sdng adteceutre ofhe as qiy, turano a grcassedmouldadbe and ide y h ucsunul gripe or purge, Sbst Sy theus' gîe ý,action IVJ jblocks, blne;sifplain casings wilb mouidiugs steonenue bum. 1Prom the Bomibay" Gazette" we tako the I uearly lost faitS in nienkind, but lhatîks pieuse ail wlso use îles, Iu riais utl5ce nts; are used, thisasouldings around tisa casings Lemon Costard. -But île yolks of tismea folOwing t evn innwwlvuru n ieo-l sud t tbotop of tlisabase-Sourds iii ho eggs until ligist witsOnue ctup o f granuitel I "Thisalpons hoeare imea 10lira in tle 10lrn, i1 avenuow wllig o ousd fieor$.Sderylaoretb a. 00000gb 10 suggost whit the pevailing colom sugum ; sdd tisa juico aulgratdindoou one ist cf tise heaiîhy ; they are not plscedstog Ibaaoîig1seiud o ÂT2LlNf0.,TsTr. ni t isncis olbs, sud gire s nicer affect lemon, Mix two uIisonbis of flour, suldesany ban:. uley are nul care(i on;tlie 10atrt biou esiy stoayne ~n1 i MNessrs. Issu il moreofniIbheu paint is usaI. smnotis witis a listle colfi watemr, thon adl are ailowel ta beg, ta starve, to die s io- hor-svr u en ei'u o sae, - ~ 1 ~ Io Selecîpaper il vili hammonuzo in' color neoual of a cupof hot waiearisudeir untilrildelaurslotsmelsd bscrauuabout IlImhiel sud se sutable for the roos. Y an get penfecly siooth. AId Iis anfll t either religion, non benevolenca, nom an- frteansd coniideutial t-)a nyone f ull pst ' S Drug t, pretty sud servicable for savon or ,igbt tise oggs sud sugar. LUne a pie piste mils ligitenol seifishness tubes tisonglit of ticulars of j ust ho w I was curol. Addîresa O cnssroîLpaste and bbaae. Pll w ie utr sdtei.Su sit je, tise Diarmàal-a is e with staîps O rs),If tise capt ihat mas in use bore will flot baba in a modemsî ly qquik oven nutil done. ol lc lrfg pnfo aos ieaa DAIDMRO,(oce> IM R match in colon milS the rost of tise roouî,do Whon doue sud cojol, cover with s meinringue are gilad10t finI a refuge tiare rorri lis P. O. Box 143, Detroit, M Cà net put il dowu, but boy enougisblue denis, maIe of tle whlitee ni tise eggs sud Rsugur or sîreais, but Do propen 50150551l treaumeut i nYu e zlliet5. sucSh as ov~erails are mle of., b covor the f tisa wiiîos cý-f the eggs ~aopirefaei in oPossible sud tnoue is evanl attemptel. Tisey Prof. Barnard isas beueggdfrls buyu ecnAvti~un ic nigst o îe ie SatVbsnwil/,jyo1 a have n)o funitura ; even cookiug rtensilathe pasi two yesrs i lu otgmaphsng theisa iiy D N T ~ fbco;; i-nil lie ceai o tise S ~ Og~ose LayerC'J 1.0 cups sugan;iîte aei0epiya et byca.N y, Lsud expccte tisi e will om1pete is 1ýj by Sulrkea p bath, 5o iteaubc ut "ngeP W5tot' yohs E ey dave te ponl lni eftnd0ýýthneiicO ia eut iseeîoflîrce moreyoars. ibut if you reqaire asnyth-iug ýin,_ eriem, 5,red b canotd ,beiý,lt)as;f acgvl t eyoteI-'elapon Steple Dry Gonds,Pan -tdies chca iitisbtjý1eap adproîty ofnil,, g5, r t-n "o olnbasufaegrnb ai.Vr otnls i e ELAKF RfflTE TOTHE WRD. A~ Tilware, Gro Seeda, etc., cil at anAn tisaI alitse caiitional virtue of frotîx ;onue teaspoonlul c,"" pow a. îoasLe0 ire saigiso 0co o i lengsylishi, aI pneseut, in large cities. TI, juice sud gratel mmd lof oc range.Bake islseif S eing100heipls1s t lempi sur -________ wer- ou il f eA T wl look betten,, sud also lewre, ifput su wo tius, or fîhg, lise :W hîtes of tîig of ,use bn. Ifaoyone begasu n IA tCe fQUiMAKIAC.SOINsA SORtnEntwh ouhias d an dowu orer su oîuî <arpet or iesvy papon. two egga, one cup Esugar, jlosice asud grated istreat uIi nfottaenougb te Se bud Aii IIhu u a 5 rvln ougbî for cash, conseqnentlIy I am re wiî ~ If yubhava nover seau lois used in tisis inI ni oua orange. oui, tise silowanco of ilmea pice for flewoofi01ou île Ploating Palaces oi 1he Deîroi way, yumal' perisaps ho prejudiced againat ,Currant Drop CakLes,-Crýai.nue eup of is stoppaI for thne.elaya. Tis is douenes in Ses aiatn onpuy aaIt ali a lsepie adfotso ne. ~it ; but it is reuiiy very pretîy, sud, misen sugan, aud one-haif cnp of Sultan togeuisen, to chock tisa practice ni Segging ; sud 10 Two 110w Steel passeoug- steamers have lice qualily.s i sîecsl vra lIcree0 iv lad u g hsauI lrllasono oie exteut il hl ise eexhibition,.of just beau ,buit for liis Upper Labo rouie, Asueiun slCnainouoïY51 alditinuail tisas, lobks sumail tisaI tise soda dissolval in îwo-thrds of s cap of ai tilations in tle sîreet. 0Only those csig 3000 ue sdaeguîat e o Peusetgi-vayena bl uy 'ot.SI muh flitd nee antob -i- rnds, agessafest and ewloewehryubyo lt uninitiatefi moult1 nover guesa wisat mata- sweî milk, Imo teaspocunluls ni cemiWho are VOrýY sc ffitlloa a t eî egra ne a e peel 20B.EiotsRleForkp. nu* il it is. Sutanrweîî înixeui witisi wa ansd a bslf cups Se laken imb refge w; tse is are notreOmales 'sle" r o ng tLae; twe Yeoi, of course, hure sade% for the wisa. ofsiftedfifou, one-F iIÈlftasoonffiavoring. bal smo tol t ose;tsu s'o m iesprhurnin ieblen N dom'a. Tiin curuains sisouil Sie useI over Drop tis a btter su spooni-nis ou panesud told luai et1 go andî Seg, until tihon be- Clevelaund, Toledo and Cisicago hase ttanI .T.VVI 1 A M 8 these. White- muslu mitis lange dots isaepress aafew cornants on the top ofeachi cube. cos Sdnog 0Seamte.I a50bus rtis np a woek bemen___ v ery pneiuy nuies ; or, if somoîhing cîseapom B3aSe in s quick o joli.i ouly in the very osniy stages of lepmosy that Toledo, Detroit, AlpenuDaiytpbietw Polos-P T,1" isfeie.c -mcolnedcheeaecloî s sioul Vie eo'Com-li apn ustrealmeut is of suY avait lu retarding tisa eyladsrd ra eIe eonC:an olL n n nClvland; iy ripeblmean li e used. Tisese aonl Se long ael fult. Do hlf of milk wiîisiW t fuisnosaof progresnt the dsss;su ie a-uitiaD t oaul Ceau igJly n P A P K R ýJ n'aI use rings ta fasten the cumîins in lise sugsm, the tli in miIonIa li o,auýdif likefi newi îablSigaseaiaiym-Pgs nbebhysrid c w L aklean polos, Sut, tumu a hem about eight ischea au inchsof cinusmon sticki Bout four resis jectefiaI aven tise nueinstitution thtis a aineI, giyiug a îayligî d cosLb N mile ; aI the top of the cutain put a second eggs, maix tises very smoaohly witis two open te lepers shows ho-w uacesssny it is Emba. l)aily Service betwefnl Ceveland-ANl rnw cf sîiîeîiug just ar enougis Iminitise dessert-sapoonîuais oI cor'sîamch), stinmîng tisaI some propor provision shoul Se m comafa.dnaPtionsBayndFise-cusandtuemnol adesd first s tOuat tise pole can Se rnnin betweu the iso t sthe lima : iuon'ise Soiling muîk Withiu the Dhamsalstisare ara men, woi- s 'ThednLadiesul'mnu,îsudexcee1 S. D.S.lies, eaving tisa edge of tiseisem standing oor ts ithe re mb a par, aid 10 il one- ou sud ciudmeu. Tisalatter ara tise off- inugly bow RonduITrip Raate. '[hapala. up above it like a uffie. issu a package nI glatise that isas soakel SPrng Of the adults. Tisey do nIt, as a tial e'îpet, îl îuuron te teme0F TORONTO, of Dantat The top of ,tise dresser und commiode lu one-isaif pint oI coîdl water: stin alh o-er mule, Show igus of tise diseuse tlb tisey anresaouls makestrvlnu IsetaIeSMotIywi 1eS t shouniiescis have a covrn of tise wite mua- a slow fime til! it Iiickensq;tlien pour it loto about fiteen, Sut t gaemalîy laya bll of thoroughly enjoyabba. Seul for illus- A large 36-pageIii-trtedF,191 IFFC. lin, huI edwitis bineilesma. Tisese shonl a incuifi.thoraisoonem or later. Chilfiren are Somu to traIe1 pamphlet. Admesa AA Saintn, Mony addr, e s n Se maIe s foot longerusan tisa top of tise MarylalBsu.- d one teaspüOonfnilaper parents in the Dbarssals; no sopar- C.P. A. Detrtt&CeanISes a dreinsser or commode, harnosel on tise silos of sait to one quatlo[ sifbedIboom bthen mesS ation of tise sexes is eubomced omra ou (Co.L, 11t I c, E .zEý_ sud rufflel accoas tisaanIs, Tise raffle, ni Imo tabtespoonfuls of 1ardý thooghly mbibt ougisi of. Vat ssy 0one who, gslhimng FI ~~fl course, la Dot 1mIne, but sisoulfi Se tismeeor it wlîh thebmasnds. MsIx wi une u o orisnaith isssolution, csuwalbthmoegl nynedllrnshte thrmeîf inchea wifia, wmuh s ow- coifi waten bo a very si jffclou li. adling the tihe narmow passages betwoou tisa nows n of in false sithiug o "enin wîe galaiy viit slrI g'sud bueufi- ciosete in wmiuclthese lepers drasg oun s01.I15 ons'% rth scryu ,i palie fator tconte for errng 5e ugrao llwhi a at- ,.io=ng ibon, at the top ootiseelise.;Kuesd tau îiuuîosatisoneexisue.ce, tisainus upin iiitsci! ail that isCalud50aspicpyf boue "ei tise bann;eiserahshouxisiegcai îmbemoi yeara aise Se a row of tisa leatisem stitcbing across bot baml mil h a bis>cit stnor lsasvy most horrible sud most repuisive iu human eCl n ewasiipecý-ù ruecif aI hile ansd up thise silofnithecovar. oiing pifor funl t saînIII . suffarug, â1 e lataed Ilethc ad iîning separately, adfinisiel tise lougli clinuil ho ight and separation ilu marcy 10 future gnnîos h a is o ra iral the satwho t btoni toguelier ut tise corners, tb sure puffy, sud bava begun ito b1iiem. Now Mou anI wmsn wuts blair inibs wwssedli saulctotlt il 1eet a f it ine nf womk wien ils is necessary 10 wssh thora. foram mbosalairound biscuits Sy puîîing titI onuy île outies ni boues; rmsin, or YVIL1 .I e uer won thIwi iier enleliute' " f ail b n, f lFmS, t Toraglr uartion pif-co0f "TFie a. Gi-vo hlm MaSoe a spasb lso nitisae Sicaesilesia 1off piaces nif dougis asddnby t a snap Of 5ew yai< ~os ,~ rs T e erwmalute a. wid. is muij ssoul esirrl udnotplcetiss lo e .euorsuteare ie0oe e aud; nd t evewor eosLacies' ,Ieu iasd tisaluer ita 2 per aud mwhite mustin, tiuty iuches long by i ad piuchiug quickîy m isap. e sreliaoualterIso; udY..vem fw-ymd -tIc uppan Isul of tle caroiesa bousebeepen. lia previons adirees, le saifi: AIL. JdLhT 03h ,aIth îtyfrpy/ iea 'n' ds-Look b île celuar, s hIat thora ana Do -"Vos, gentlemen, wîeu 1 was as'boy I sala, sud ave ce tenfrto 10 île pCI -Ahai~~ ut ' r Teao Lest caseof nd - for talopg îl îruth.ny tise oalytb r sdoft-Arq,,~can~ ho mst cùïasa e voelabies or fruit ina a h-acaetlmsoc tsahff puig oî oe-a thoe andlosaeIae i goXdsae lor leda ntod u nI lalsrî,sep Ay îay lafi, shouued ont s miner su of ahi lisusemselava ovoroie.F 3aelthawhen the exis-ut w h are ormm cuel,, iopelesfail ' seasekidneyhaare Oodd'a KidnayIr thse erera or ez- serupe, acroli if necssary, Susî ont, duel ailtle audiienace, "and it crel YO. nar-mopognauc.aChor dwaii upoire tisa unwoi-c li.Reeds ashes fonthe beaten, thsthbave scaumulat- t wl pi h ne e. Sol by dru- el duing the wiutem sud hngarojnuln oaeijct uîehp l muigctS c gd hy r i/ au sent by mail on te cobweba, for tley are nurseries oldi- hF04 ArN apolaon's lamns noal acmoýsa tisaAlps, lion tc, great suffeing sud t10,..vat i5.y Se i,,ATO$ScoSy all dealers orsety l5'5iiion rcý jLsol ln-- eDaSsso ise wa lbdSle exIteîlte ni ftise - ra great dne n adst. lsisnot WAR E fPrliiO5a cents. per box ,cr asic for et. ~ ar sptsonth wlishofe1 xcit mn r on5,rEARin. . . oiîl &Co T-raA. s' cer off sud whitewsis ed Lime isa coal ouly $3,000,000. Insane, it jenont suie, tisat blasa wretched bo aldKde ak ~hiIrDî ýC :Pitcher's Castoriao MEMMIR'm

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