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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1893, p. 3

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Dov.-n the street through thebusy way A lady passed on m-.arketing day. iWho, pausing at a grocery store, Stepped quicklv in at the open door. With bated breath and anxious miien She quferied: "have you COTTOLENE?" The grocer, leavîng off Lis work, Interrogated every cierk; But nýone up to that tirne lad seen An article caiied " COTTOLENE." "5What is il?",s.ïid he to the dame, tanswers to this curious name. tý is it made cf? What's its use? M¶y ignorance you'll please excus." "You're notthe merchant for my dirne, 1 see you're quite Lehhind the tirnes. For COTTOLENE, 'd have youkox Is now the thing thats ail the go, An ar ol f high regard Ahelfu substitute for lard. Its composition pure and dlean For cooking give me COTTOLENE." As from is store the Lpdy fled, The grocýer gently scra tched is h ead- On Lis next ordzr, first was seen, 6ndae ases GCO LJV" V~ our Grocer for it. MSade only by 14. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Wellington and Ann Streets. MVO NTREAL. ~5nie1~~ to eogg't~avenUesý cf, ýhG Doweis, ~ldesand Liver, cryJeSg cff Gradally without výea l' B teSys. tem, ail the impiiurities and foui hiurors cI the secretioniý ,t ti't s same timr c reetirg Aed" Z ~ .tc'Lýach, Con paio, R ns's cf tVIi9 Skir, Drops, Dimess f V1stir;' ' aun- dice Sat RhumErYsilDe1as. eo thecse annan o-thpe; imilar tiomplakintej yild te tEeý hiappy influanoeof eBUO5P"2 L LOD BýITTERS. Zr- Sul) je ai«u ac of ai'l the s~spoaidctn aerANI) Lîvs Cmplînt ~f yu ae toubedwitis Headache, Indigestion, PoR APEi TE 'TIRaIS FEELINGe, RHEVOIeTIc PA'Ns si 1esa NightS, Melanchoiy Feeling, BACa Aca, DMemýbray'a Kidney and L47ver Cure wi1 gie iindiae rlif and Esîsar A Caeeo. ~5oI at il Dng Sores. Peteroro' edieine Ce., Lisnited. pg 7ETERBO0O, ONT. Coughs Persons afflicted with these or any throator lung troubles should resort to that M1ost Excellent Remedy, Scotts, Em-iulsion-tý of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hylýpophosphites of Lime and Sd. No other preparatïon effects such cures. easuine prepared by Scott & Bosne, Balleville. SoId iyalidruggists. 500. and $1.00. The (Jod Fiabery. An Ottawa despatch says :--A gentIeý =nau who has been accompanying the Inter- pat~ional Fisheries Commission on itsrounds, 4h asjiist rettirnedlto Ottawa, states that invisiting the Cape Cod peninsula the commissioners were greatly struck with the decadence of a number of the old fishln9 towils. Some of thecetowns forrnerly fitted "u large fleets of fising vessels, but the induastry has decayed te sueh an extent that vs fewje-ssels ncw leave tllese ports annnaly.~ commissioners proceeded up the coast to Canse and Prince Edward Island, and Obtained evidence that the Lewis H. Giles wes clearly fishing within the territorial waters of the, Dominion, and that a numbor cf other American ve>ssels hed itîso beenu poaching lu Our waters. Ceudori bave been killed in Peru with wings8 cf fki ny feet spread. OROSSING AT TEE CAPE. the passengers were two me liedl studeots ADO A O D R returning home from Havard. AOne cfR A Wnte Exesincelaithe sata t' them dicd et the close cf the third day and ~~eithum5ser1asîd. ~ the other was dreadfully frozen. Land Tihe Duieier a rls en HiWr. "Whet ca;ýes? wes made on thse Nova Scotia ccast on the Tkep. fComne-.Che fts "Why, Cape Tormentîne iu New Bruns- fourth day. Most, cf the survivors les,, tih ert, myi oiine' fthe et wick and Cape raerse in Prince Edward thoîr iogors, tees, hands or lest. BiihamTi, oiinwihteget Island, te be eure"Anenn tae lese reua est soldier cf this or any other country ori C P goêerment-teaieples a irezuar ge might have baern prend to hold. TheIC T These capes stretch out te within nine intervals dnring the winter between Pictou, Duke cf Camnbridge niosb not cdaim te talce J 1 ..L .DVV S I O~ miles cf meeting each other, and tho waters jI NS.,and Georgetown, P. E. I., adistauce of rauk with tl e g'eatest soldiers oven of teo- 0f Cloths, TwesWortesa nà cf the Straits cf Northumberland flow be-abnfotmie.Tscrftasbltf day, but there las none amenu them who has es e~ n. tween. iron expressly for the purpese, after a a quicker eye for mistakeýs in tactics or Suitings of ail kinds, for men, youths Il IlVWell, it is an easy matter te cross cver Swedish mode], and is an excellent boa'.strategy, nor one with attsuler niastery cf tha linemiecff awelte e-," y. Soetmessh Sometimermoesn teshe leaia a-raiiweekth sorne fmorea obosweethee ecweran That depends, gentie reader. If if, la aun- passage, being cerried hither and thither by "The Dukli, " as lieis elways called throngh- n eenyrecle n mer tise yen can engage a couple cf sturdy the drlfted ice. 0f course this coceurs but eut thie army, owes bis intiniete knewledge prices neyer more moderate. boatmen te row yen ecroas, or if yen know Soldora, and the round trip lasemetimes cf these thines te an influite capecity fer bow te handle a boat yourself yen cen set made in a day. bard work.- Thait la a quality lu whlcb Le Two reasons why you are certain to be benefitted in yoir sailiand hooveriluaan nneir so. Buti It la in contemplation ta constrîsct a resembles bis uincle. Fnederick Duke citadn if the titielaho midwinter, how wil, Yenu get tunnel botween the capes under the waters York, and la resembled by the Duke o i traeing at the old reliable Gents' furnishing, store are that wve ecross thon ? There's the rub. Navigation cf the straits. Iu feot, borings' were begun Coniseught, cf iwbom Lord Wolseleyoreee p only reliable goods and they are sold at lowest living, in tise strais is thon stopped. Thse weather lest summer. The Canadien Goernmont sid,IlThore gestise ardest workinig ef is cold, and instead cf the gentie sommer 'bas engaged Sir Douglas Fox, the eminent ficer lu the ar.ny." Tise Cousimandelo profit. breeze tise nerthern blasta sweep by ; and Englisis engineer, te report on the feasihil- Chief bas Lis duties ne bass than Lis honors whero yeun littie craf t gently gilde lu suns-1 ity cf the proposed onterprise. -[J. F. Mol- andi privilegea, and the Duke cf Cambridge Our customers eau, depend on gettinzg, weIl-made, good mer yen now Seoc ice piled up in mountebuns lish, in1N. Y. Independent. bas over heen ready te take Lia share n uta osi i ire carved finte fantastic sisapes te and hewn the ono as of the other. No mattef fittingan stylishlyeu clothing a prices t si l pockets, loto caveros and jegged precipicea ; 10e Deveîoping Eleotrical Inventions e t h how arduons ezr continuons werk mey Fulli unes of Ties, Collars, Cuifs, Braces, llandkerchiefs, etc. spreed (eut into plains cr ground up loto The îndustry cf tbe world, wbether bcrkodh - a Office, Le bas' nover bEly. Rwbe, al echeuical, electrical or chemical, la based ahirk b is ipSrlpeï share cf it, or thrown on How will yen cross now? * yen ntsil ou the invention cf some inventer, and may Other2' shonîdors, any cf the burden that I o atasi hsSrn o ilpe stockan boat, ship, steamer, will ev4îl ye usthng. ,ovn l r eyyug s h aemySiscnld ho Lis. Indeed bis fanît, if aoy, las benefit yourself by-looking through our magnificentstc at biat wili yeu do ? Il Wlk over or skate b ut te etfct la ne volrth bbte rather th(e other way, leening lu the direc- the "Star" two doors east of the Post Office, Bowmanville. ever," yen ay. You esunot do either. Ailtonofthe great fa -ht igh, it th odnay oesoflcooto fil halsamne.The extraordinary deveiopments ten cfdoing febmefwtmgtwt theordnay mde cflogmoienfe. Sahthat have within very îew year a en laeequa av taebe deputed te others. I tel Yen bow 1 got c'ver?luecritybvshwtewrî sîs eon that the Duke's firat commis. It wes tho lest week lu January. 1ear- inv enter cen do wheu bis genis s l ed lu sien was tLhat cf a lieutoenant-colonel iu the ; rived et Cape Traverse by rail lete Mondey the right direction and backed up witb a tLgtDronsnwte8tHuasR Y eveuing. Ou Tnosday and Weduesday the good techuical éducation. There la hardly and tEst le nover did regimental dnty la weather was se very celd end stormy that any eue thet requires sncb -a thorongh any rankl ower than that cf field officer,bis ifwsconsudered altogether unsafe te at- scientlflc training as our electrical engineer s Ctaoac ith the minutiae et drillis M41i c robe KELii e r tempt te cross. Thnrsday mrornuug waa 'cf to-day, and thia fect la reccgnized sucre sssplY marvellons. 1Re bas a "orgeat. e flur, ud he ordwa gien a mke sd mre s tse dvnce. his yongmjer's quic2kneaa lundotecting tise eat Enrichos the blcod and gives tone aud streugth te the whole aystm stert. AÀ numb,1jre f peaýsengera had gather- iudustry, sud, like the mon tEst work in it, .hiwreng of acliouctrenmer ,adr ed et tise auly hotl: e t the Cape awaitîng ycung, vigorous and pnshing. Capital te înregnlant facnrmetL oe sM icrobe li .lier au opprtuity te go aven. There isae great the extent cf nssny Euudred millions Las certaioly as le dcees a blunder in tactics. Gvsboac fsiis taghadhat oalueso t bustie abont eLfft o'cicck. Drivers, pas- been invested sud la ceutinuallv goung un rAltftS rioin u aly mhabit cthate songera, hotmen-al areasatir. The for new sud varions applications cf tes robe K ijiler dil hbi taton baglzagels pilod np au the freight siedsaed science. wondera bew one ditrectedwith theoM crnelti.e tEeFpasseugors lu, aIl vllneties and styles cf1 Nothiug la tee good'or sacred" bore, and tudinous c-illa cf noyai ostate shonld Lave Does thls, bacause itt main constituent is Oxygen, Nature'à remedy. wvrappig-fnr ceats, biankiet ceats, long 'a thing that a year age wa conosidered per- fudihrinclýination, tise, eropportuni. coas aandashort jackets-are crewded loto ftect lias ta-day ta give way for scmethîng tytoil\4icrobe IIilIer n Liýberes ah leighs. The wbips crack, aud with stili btter. One weuld uaturelly think amali thiniga theuýt others only acquiro with M c o e K le bouls a-jingie, off thse herses galiop, a moile that it would Le s very iaky business te reinctance anal by seme exorcise cf force. sdisike8snoxprnvtcuedugadmnrl r. sod a Laif straigh t ont ou the broad (station. 1engage lu, but this dees net seens te hth t oddnt ik i hw h DuOcf lsdl ikesl eeprmt rd g ieasae ary) ice. We reacb the edge cf the moving case, jndgiug ires the case witb which Ceunaugbit, ga tblrougb the varions ranka cf ]/ o e II.iie ire. Wboa - Whata swinl sud crasbing capital rau ho secuned for ItL This us a cavelry slud *1finftry befere reacbing high aud grindîng cf ico, snow sud water away fart, because every ele3trical condomn keepa command. Tlhe Duke's firat commnission as la tEe.greateet tonic fer tired men aud women ever produrecd. ahead as fer as the oye caln reseh. Sunely up witb the timos sud dees not stand still. a ligbt dragoon was dated 1842, thougbho hf oulea teînpting oi Providence ta Problema rolating te meaannîug, transform- had hel(d- ,110ank cf brovet-colonel M icrobe IÇ.i lier trust on'a self lu the treecherous mass, ing, transmitting, heatiug, etc., have beau unattechIed five yoars earler. By 1845, In the meantime the ice boata Lave been pneseuted sud quickly solved lu many dif- et the'ag e of twenty-sîx, ho Lad risen Corrects aIl bndily disorders easily, if taken iii time, nsed freely. mun eut. And sncb boats ! eacb eue about feeî ss u efn eystsfcoiy e h a majol-general. Sncb rapld pro- M c b T. i sixteen foot long, tour wide, tw c deep and onîce' new sud thon, the inventer cames motion nel riontur Lrd wonk r witbout keel, but having instead a pair cf acroas a stubhano and lutnicae question, canld bave w,vou bLut the Dnke's great Prle h lr u iae ydiigetti iiggra patince ns a h rosidnoda aîdir hy na- fasteued on -the bottera. Hon majetys bestowerj twn trw ture la thaât wbile gaîng frwdro e Iiil r lapon i eetrw y for as t ho did] notar1e r ok ako eI fuily down union the tbxwsnts. The pas- i bas, it being tee important ta lot reat a qualify hiî'lself for stiiifunthen edvaucesnent Rsn qa seromtaaeir ue urned songera are distribuited among tEebhasts. 1 eveny new, depanture meaisa henan and in. by ma steint the very elementsaudgronnd.aiospciie;cue&gurated Our-boat Las six, besides the four betmen. creased business te those wbo are werking work of nilitaxy science. By patient an .d Fo k---t1ic r-Y,-N-- Nvv Q- A littie apening cf cier water shows an it. ceaselesapplication Le Led ta acquiro F o Sa e1 J JgiL.J.koJLL1tLJ. &. hSonJ.1 itseif fer a few intutea; oun frail craft la 1I lu tEls retegony ive have te class pro- kuewledge of dutios that hlld cerne within AGENTS FOR BOWP4ANVILLE. launched sud wo are aboard. Af ton a now duction cf electicity direct ; an eccu- ila practicalexnic. How bard tl:st Pricas $1 sud $3, accending te aize. cf twouty cr thirty yards a linge clnmp cf .emical wsy cf sternug it, which pnab. is evety efficer wcrth Lia saIt knews, sud ire us euceuutened. \Ve ae clnmp uposu it 'ably wlll ho radically diffenent irons haw perfectiy thie Duke of Cambridgo Suc-M 1Cn08 and the oaet la dreggod up. The pasaeu gens the pros ont way, elertrir traction wtou eeded manRa an minerr are tison placed tlînee ou each side ef tEe arly ovenhead construction, sudsa More ne- details abs ualonbigeut. I W M. RAa I RBsK L R G ,LM T hoat wtb two hoatiren ai the bow sud two hiable lamp, witb the sameor highenefficl- oce especia)iy atrucE witb thsis lu the case_____________________________________ et the Stern. Now every oeeof the coin- eucy than the presout makes for eut cf ai a amallei vratrol that shnnid Lave peuy pots ever bis head the leoped end cf deanillumination. Tbey pre very Lard te been watcbiisg tEie manoeuvres by wlicb a strong ieathprn atrap se that il- wiil bear, Selve, soeso f these preblesuis, sud they e- "dedglY Dan gLyson"gtîuod bis edver- on bis entonsi Leulder, the éther end cf the 'quine bath capital sud intelligent labon if aay'a f1:ln c11 the Fo 1hilas, aemething stnsp beiug fastened socnnoly te thebhast. -111gg sa eccmlabd ier ae te ety yoar8 lige. The cavair Off~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~j wog-vr u nln.Telsl rapitaliats willing ta invost moaey ilu off ic a eps u n ote scbte "ery ronigh. but up we are going ven a la t tase thinga, but haw siah tEhe invon- gther, su, ba-Th1 nne10tepnse la hntge mound; uew we are descending 0au the tEer iw wbere tbey are ? TEst is asno ttýsr lacîgtawiyeey o ent. i, 1b lae nc n Q c i liIt -othier ide. Ili a few min.utes wý e rach 5 prablesi, sud semietimea asý,lmeast as bard Lta TheDke e ferward alonie te sea hcw long 3tret(I-a'buut al.mle-af saniecth iO sle ve is a duffict lectnirial ane.This eh.the vidsteeo psted, thon rvodle bc adthreU ie îI'iew i peet he This 15 the chan;e for a fat spourt,>forl o tdeogb e adee wy"0L nseathe sethaiLtot lsrud es tl musi remeniber that we are ungfrJ way. An ongineor la very seldein aise tstamless li tfi istter lessk-ontu, lie f' 's~,~ life. Ail thistisme the irettharsususbusiness man ; lehomLesluf-act i netinie ta weuIl ImpIree-uscertain position by loaving meviug rapidiy wltiu the cntrent towsrd think about meney mations, sud imuai cen- t epen farn a enomy ta ponetrete._Ne the wide part cf the traits-cut te s05. sequentiy hoe ssecieted witb soeineue wiua ienmy wassinlu ih, but tho warning hîad C e 5 Il we get cerried aut thereoeur chances ef underatanda that part 9f tEe business, wbich been gîvivei, littie toa late, fer wben tho reachiug land alive are veny saugEt indéee!, indeed la very essen tiel,, if eveutuaiby tho etts psforward they fcundLysen's à r a -ýïl sud île ail know that. An sy thon we mun problen s la uccessfuily solved. cavslry ilu forlce comîung up tEe very ravine aven the glasay surface, 50500evmenynw I eeat eevertiieesatsinlu indscated by the Duke, witb gusas su in- sud thon tumibliig dcwn sud getting pull- titution of Lîgh rauk, i;ke the Frankliantny close bebiudertons. His ValiaesHi&c- ed np egain. Run, rnn my lads. Now ia Institute, or the electrîcal pross cf tEe loess has a reputeticus for excessive cautin Si tEe tîmo te show tEe mettie cf your pas- cauntry, couldi fll that part, if a popuiar s trategy sud tactica, but tEa s nseRtes ru k ,V lie,& . tuo.inclination were directed iu that direction. bis weak peint, sud as a critic of others At Our Sor, UEALVU5UM B>WOCK,-ag wmaniU "We are geiug tee lest," one treveller These institutionscorne in contact witL men haiertaibas ne toleration fon lack cfSt e, .'~ a I e gasps ont, cf joat those classes in question, sud the initiativ'eaorjf boldnesa lu enterpnise. In Il There is no tise te hse," answers the great benefi t that- would hoe a resuit (if car- erder te qualify hinssoîf fer a command lini~ <~i " '~'~c i<h head bosirnen ; "the currentis very streng, ne n>l e bin enesyrnu.the field lniader conditions that erenoer ' T' ST O R E ,~~ ~ sud we are gainiug but siewly." Au inventer, would thon knew exartly nealizofi, and te) make imseif iîsdependent One. cf aur passeogasisea groat, stout ses where tomuru wheu hae bas enytbiug eew Jn of hal' ersie put hisiîf threugb e11 E ST V A R EY captain. Belote wo stented hoe seemed un- the depantmnents mentioued. 1i ubEnlu ey course af lu militsry science the B IG G ES F~ V .~ IE ?S r rined ta boss everyhedy, But naw since we case that it wonld le te advantage te Lave reanit cf w i 8 aapparent in the ahnewd T 't T T T~ beuan running Le Las becemne qulte silent. the question ventilatod lu the eectnbical critirîsss hy which hoe sumra up theoachleve .EB I CT E S'J Ti. V Ai L U ELJ L. All at once Le exclisa By Juripîer, 1Iran press, when undoubtedlyaseveral uow peints monts andd binudens cf aeh nanks et peace stand ibis ne longer," sud tbrows Iinssof, wculd comae up, throwing futhor lîght on manoeuvres. Thene are few whe can de this down ou the îce quito blowu sud exhauated. the snbject.-[G. Emil Hosse, lu tEe Elet. la terse.r ani mono lorcibbe phases., Atteching Everybody invîted to clil aiid se Our- ne-w t114@1w ear Ho protesta that ho cannet walk anather trîcal Age, great imiportalince te discipline, Le is per- stop, aud is puffiog lueo s porpoise. We are Laps, soinethjing cf a martinet in tEst ne- ýT ~ ' T~ neow ai a full stap, sud what -ara we te do ? sport ; but, et tise Sainetinso, Lé bas every ,J,,J - ..L-. A-/ 'V' JI.î=) No words af encouragement or threat will To Smart y~ .rsib osdrto o h owo avail, sud we are. cbliged te put the twe y af PsiLe ,--oïii(sa tioe oxpcsrtaeen, aary THE SHOE MA-N. unudred son. sovonty peunda avoirdupois The éther evening au eccentrioc-look ing herdasipa fon tEe sake of more display. weugbt cf tEe brave'captaun ste the boat sud slovenly-dnessod cld man was, Sitting Againat reviewý,s in Lot weethen or aham and saet again ou the mun with our additionu-1 with bia legs cncssed insatam-cLair before figbts tEst nmuat necessarily have oxposed bn u E rdtosc hi aehv rdsc umtosc eal o'vr al freight. the fine in the ainske-ree o nse nfaIthe lead. tEe rank souam file te serions dis-comionts, ify The smoetb ireis crossed, sud we r oaeriîbtl Manchesten.ristig osLebsasstis aejnet 8suffened lu the struggle se far. Campe- lho -nover harasses Lis subordinates. lu he lups-uli-deg p-aid aguntronsers wore somnewhat drawn up the ieg, raith-u rightly. For tEst the tition bas been only anoôther incentivo for Thora is ne peràan more weicome un intecunsp rgu-lde wn wîulch Le cresaod, oxpesing te viow a brildinw sc ethi omne-o them tec pot forth their highest efforts, sud sny depantment cf the Wer Office than the -ste dy. Now kee ping u r boat iras lenut red, white, and b ne str ped stocking chief. i sedôuouece th uat we have in th Br!- Commander-in C rief. H o is in bis r o ns cvesetiog uw trowngofftEestansd uoticuug tweonrthree cf the company .tisE anmy of te-dsy a grêeteur proportion of ofteu Iransfeton luthesmormnig until six set f nom our ahauldera sud ienncbing cur craf t, coking et t sud smiîîng et oecE ether, ha h t us uct veny generaliy known, oxcopt distinuisbed officers desceuded Ires long night, and in tises of esergency hoe works penhapa twe huudbredkstsesugît0Wheu!e as- appareutly murh satisfaction : maso cunîgnstr fbspoeseviens period cf Englsud's military istory. smootbly under hlm ; aud, whetber ho8nn 'sogersndeny beak tinogb he re ud Grand patternthet, sn't it. gentlemen? attacbrd tisetotise staff lu Gibraltar faoor d dssth apiena, Gaughs, sud Han- orendor nengaged lu consultatien with goe dwninthe water up ro bis kueea, 5un- 1M11 bt thene's net ather like it i0 tEe sux monuab, Lefore taking substantive rank, dingo w- excoptioal lu this respect. trnsty colleagues. hLbas tEe happy kuack tii brcngbt np with Lis trap or hy catch. nee."ad J ý w er fe eigaclnldegýt= ,hwvehv ruh eo hwn ta i austeoiin n ing thent eventfthoweoer,;Lava brougbt ta ai showitg that hooveines tEe opinions sud iug; cs "" e-of dragoons Le acted as a staff eýfficer in the the front not auiy snob cenapicuons oxam- regards tEe feelings cof ahi about lus. Ail the-ide+f'ib bot sahn es hlihtcga runwt.hr_5 Ins ahna __hLda En enpise endtr fte-aslr -osiy ak i-h nm aefisliiul h bot'f aeTarmentine, a L ad pre- the ceuntry la ýextremely bani-ýn.Where pointa tEst seerned, in Lis opinion, ta affect hia knaswlodge cf sucE deteila la net merely The Shah of Persala iesn n hr ceeded te within s hall samie ethe shore irrigation la cerried on Chia wilderuesa is tLe meaI fa the army. Notcniously hoe formel ; nom is Le content te accopt suy teen dauehtera. Ris three marrie-' sn when a violent saewstern sarese. Tise smen made ta "1blossom luEo s rose." Tise lcw was oct u advocato for abolition cf pur- rpr rgthfre i ihu E os sv wuyeeclsldnen, The Porsian of- turned up the boat on the irafor shelter, bouses ef Persasucitios are bouaioubuns- chasae, t hinkin)g tîat tEe doon ir tu osortnchîgh e oqiny i rasniton aithat ficihav e er bok etcuinteeyiam suid were cerried eut inte the strait.sTheir ed, uupsioîed brick, sud have uo Wndows epenied f rio Ee ascemeity cf mo8e u coi rpsdc oe dictn-eeaah he rehr sdtasaosc oly f ood fer several days was tise flealu sud on the sineet. Thîey are usnehly mono luvit- 0111Y qsliainwsailt amse u Whe havo served nuden him, al been Shah, wLile tise oncles, great uoles nd blood cf a dag they hamI with tbem. Among ing wtbin tban without. jecîsti laexsîiuatien. But leaders by, teotimony to this lect. WitL ah hise ceiunmer10 CLi en ry for Pîtcher's Castoria.

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