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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1893, p. 5

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______________ I I _____________________________________________________________________________________ 'who lrneiyre ilInConnec,(tîaut, but qývreýsi,ýindes l oluhli, rites: "Fo)r * 20 years past, my )vife andi 1 have 1used'Ayer's Ilair VIgor, andi we >attribute to it the darx l'air which she and 1 now bave, while huin- dretis of our acquaint- ances, tell or a dozen years youngerthan we, are either gray-eaded, white, or LalO. Wben asked o ii arg retained ILs color and Sfullncss, 've reply, 1 By - the use of Ayersflair Vîgor-nothing else."'1 ar- "In 1868,7,y affiancedt -~.~- was nenrly bald, andi -~ the hair ,. ,.~.s5 . Izept fali- hertouse Ayer's HIaîr Vîgar, andi very soon, it not onfly checketi -ny further loss of hair, but produceti an entirely nlew growth, which lias remaïned luxuriant andi glossy to tIis day. TI can recommend this preparation to ail in ,mevd of a genuine hair-restorer., It is ail it ta claimedt tabe."1-Antoia .larrun, Bastrop> Tex. AYER'S .4 SPECIAL TRAINS DAILY FORCHICAG'O. SINGLE FARE FOR RO 0U ND TRIP, &12,good to return August 21. ~Wo wilI ho pleased ta furnish any infor. mation desired, to persons- going to the World' Fair or any uimer Resor- Tickets et lowest rates. STOTT & JURY, THE DRUGGISTS. If you want your boune free from lites, urne (ar inseet destroyet; Pure Insect Fowder, Poiso)n radsanad S' ky Paper. STOTT & JURe, Tile Druggies. *'jHEN YOU GO TO MANITOB3AEUROE UNITED ST'A TES. or any placa in Caniada cail at ST'oTT Jup.-Y's Drug store for Tickets and infor- rnation regarding lowest rate5j and bient BOWMÂ&NVILLE, Aue,. 9, 1893. Local and Otherwise. rnwo gooti furnished rooms ta lot et oithr tagether or single. Apply ai STOTT & JUItY'S Drug Store. Mr. A. Hloaz was homo from Toronto. Mr. Geo. Glover ta home from, Colu m- 'bus, Ohia. M[r. W. Bovd, Toronto, was in towa lait weký. Mr. J. EL. Rentier, Stratford, was in town lait week. IMrs. Metcalf, Montreal, ti visiting at MY. A. J. Hook's. MVr. and Mrs. A. J. Lockhart and Mies Lottie have gane ta Chicago. The front cf Mason's double store bas been renewed by a coat of pa int. Misa Marie Paul bas fione ta visit bier sister, ln.A. Minganti, Chicago. Lovely Parasols solling off at reduced pricos ai (Jouch, Johuston and Cryder- muan. Preseistingx the pastor with a free tick- tt ta the Worà' Fair tn the latest fad in .church crls Messs.s A. Btgo, Port Hope, and F. M. Gowans3, Cobourg, were guests of Mr. T. Btngham l1asi week. Rev. U. P. Talling, B. A., of London, ïisited bis miother and brother bore laat, week and bas takea bie mothcsr ta Milton ta visit lire. R. White. Mir. WV. Robbitis of Toronto passed !through on Jhis bicy cle en route ta Hast- ings; on Friday aud gave bis uncle, Mir, ýGea. H. Webat1er, a cali. liro. T. Bayle, wife of the cashier of the Dally Cal], San Franciaco, Cal., ta guest of Mir. Jos. Brittain, of Her Maj- osty's Customs, "Hugheaden." The laws oA Ontario provides that a persan takîngý up %ay estrayed stock shall Sgive notice of sncb taking up by publish- ing a notice threeo Urnes in a weekly newopaper. Our aId friei, Mr. W. H. Elford, of (Jarman, Mlati , formuerly o-f Darlington, in upboldir.g i reputatïun as a borse- mtan, ho ha.-ving woa firat prize on a 2 Vtearo1d beavy draughit flJîy in Canadien bred' dais at ile VV'innpeg Jandustrial Ex- ibition. At the congregatiorîal meeting of tbo Methodist ohurch Thursday night the following members were eLeoted by ballot ta reproseat the ngregation on the 0f- ficial Board: Dr. J. M. BrimacombeC. M. Cawker, J. 0.. Vanstone, F. A. Haddy, T. C. Jewel, M. A. James, jar. licLears. -Girl wautretiat Grand Cenrai-Se adtv. MIss l ?la Allen bfas been vtsltiag, ai Port Hope. lins. Audrew Jaclkson of Ltndsay ta vistttng bore.ý lira, Moffaît la visiting ber sitor Mrs. W. P. Prower. Mn. , H. YcClurag was boute lasi week frcm Sireetsville. lira. Thoa. Deacon of Windsor ta viiti ing lins, W. Windati. Miss Wilson of Newcastle ia visttingy ber siter lira. Home.. Mir. Aif. Hligginbotham of Milton a peut a week ai Scngag camping. Mir. Holliday of Anrora te speuding a few days witb frienda beore. lira. Dr. Hillier was recently negibter- ed at the Sturgeoti Point hotei. 11ev. J. W. Totteti anti family, Canning ton, have gone to the World'a Pair. lir$. W. H. Williams, Prospect i., bas been visiting frit-adsata Cobourg. lir,,. Hibbert la visittng lirs. ([kv.) Ga. Warren ai the ratory, Lakeflelti. Misses Maud and Mabel Mason, Peter bora, are visîiig at Mir. Thos. Shern's. Mir, W. S. Orutision, M. A., LLB., Toronto, ie guesi ai lins. John Sîmpaon'a. eïr. and lira Sheridan of Toronto bave beeau visitiag ber brother, lir. F. Fl'eury. Misses Maggle andi Hate Anderson, Toronto, have beau visttiug relatives ta town. Mir. anti lra. fHoward McLaughlin, Lindisay, ware la îown ai Mn. J, 0'. Nos- wortby's ast week. Mis-a Smith of Belleville anti Miss Sykea anti Mn. Gliddea of Oshawa spent Snnday aitlira. Hanson'e. Mrs.-J. Keaobie sud chiltiren, Jasafe and Vennor, bave returneti afier a pîeas- ant sta3 with fnrienda lu Western Ontario. lir. W. F. Allen,, Mr. Gao. Farwell, Mn. and Mre. J. B. itobel anti Mn. J. Mitchel loft lasi week fon the Wold'o Pair. The fimanciai resu lia of the gardon party at lira.W. liclurlry's Tueeday rneit exceedeti $20,. h was a very esjoyable social. Mn. John N. Kit-ail wil soati have att mauy madials for seling SinIzer sewtng ma chines as an a)Id arm-y vetoran hao of a huntinet i lgbts. 11ev. A. C. Courtîce, B. D., of Mont- real, bas basa viaidng bis parente at Port Pera-y anti preacheti in the Metbodfisi church Suiay week. Mr'. andi Mrs. John Nichais, Uxbnidge, celebratedtthein golden wctiding lasi week and lins. Nichols wore the samoe costume as on ber wetiding day 50 yearseago. Thc Jarvis St. Baplist cbnrch choir ,nuder direction of- Prof. A S. VagtInlu tend ta produce ai a coming c,nceri Spobn a grand oratorio, The Lest ludg- meut, wth a selecteti chores cf about 80 voiccr. Any persani taking up any astrsy animai andi neglecting te cause the. saine ta ho advrised sud apipreiseti shail ho hable Io a fine af $20. The estrayaýl applies ta uy perntnl pnopety whicb miay ho found inl] ike mater. Mossane. John Joues and Fred. Hoan of Bowmsniville, have beau aitUe Aiblon f-or a-week. They spent two weeksata Sparrow Liake 'anti will wtnd up their outtng wiih a staiy ai WtWndeimere sud Pont Cockbur.-Gravenburat Ban ner. Mir. J. M. Briiî,acambe, D. D. S., wl leave on Fntdlav ton Chicago ta attend the International Desntal Congreis in counec- tion wiîh the (jlumbian Exposition. -Mr. Pinel wti attend ta tbe dental wante of the public during lis absence of ten tisys. 'Many wiii regret ta, learnti iai Rev. W. F. Allan, 1. A., bas nesigaed the psoaeof Newcastle Preabytenian cburch owtng to the delicate condition of bis wifo'o healh. A special meeting of Preabytery waa beid yeetenday la can- aier the matter. Mir. . Allan intenda going ta Colorado. A great andi pieasing ai traction on Pro. spect St. the padt month bas beathe flue appearance matie by lins. Alex. McMlii laa"s flowers. She bas agreai variety sud hundretis bave adminedtlkIem. Our thanka are due for, a vony heautiful sud large bouquet piaceti on aur table hast w eek by Mrs. Meliila. TRzEËLÂDiES DELrIITD.-TbO ploan. ani offeci and tUe perfect aafety wlth wbtcb ladies may use the hfquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Fige, unden ail candi. tiona make it thein favanate reîuety. It ta pleasaut ta tho eye sud ta the taste, gentie, yet effectuai in sctitig on the kidueys. lit-or sud bowehs.11 The eduton of the W. D. News wüs a passengen on the receat excursion ta the 1000 Islands anti ho la very watbful at-or Siutply apply SwÀvsrE's OINTMENT." No internai mediclue nequireti. Garas taiton, eczema, icb, aIl enuptions ou the face, hantia, nase, etc., leavlng the skia clear, white anti baathy. its great beal- inig anti curative powens are poasesseti by no other remedy. Asit your tiuggiBt fan SWAvsrss' OINTMENT. Lyman, Sons & Ca., MoUatroal, Wbolesàale Agenits. C%.hildMit, C.ry fopr excursione'ts from Toronte oîoC or, on Moutiay Aug 21 calline Pai Whîtby, Oawa, Boa masteille ani.d NL'ewcaýýe t t thte Porer '(rantidem.e to Walcla for.particularf!. Dr. Paton's Lecture. Wbea it became known tUait te voter- an misaionary anti write-r, Rt-v. De-. J. G1. PateiD, was ta lecture bore mur-b inien-st- was evinceti in the3 intied ivisitani ýSt. PFaui'e cburch m-as weil filleti in the aften- noon anti crowtrin th e evening of Fri. day iseît. Th'e aflennoon me tiing al 3 p. m. w&s unden the auspices of the W. Fl,- M. S. of the cbunch. The eveîtiug ieet. ing was ai S p. m. and ti nctuiaity ma ta titie enn 'began hy prai8e foliowati by reUtdtng of ýSeniptur. a by f1eV. \W. 1F. Ailn, ewcatl, ni dprayar ty Rat-. 1D S.Houck, Euîikden Tc chautmnan, Mrn. J. B, Fa.irbainn, thon introtiqet the speiaker in a few IpoinhtfÉ senicnces ai " the 1kov. Dr. quiekl'y muateti ta the pu'!-- pit wtth sprightty atep, for thUe vent ncible miasionat-y la poasu-seti af remanrkable vigon anti vîlality, and ti iosusl ho ie mombreti eha àba)rtiiragon 80 years of- age. TUe lecture was full of glowing det!cription sud was bristiing wiih, graph- te accouais of tUe itiais anti vicissiýtud3es of the missions ithte lou4h Ses Isiani anti New Hebrideet, sud turing tUie recital the audience wa boldin Lamatirfe8t atten- tion tbncugbout. Iu appeararce tUe Dr. bas a vei-y venenahie face, bis hein bhang- ing in long wbite, alîken bocksa ven bis shouldens wbtle bis heart ist also anowy white. At times intieuatiras ho wai claquent, but ose nover bait intenezt ta tUe mn, as with powenf ni ninglug voice, dlean onnuncistion anti Scottish accent, which ha stîl presezves, ha told tUe 3won- tierful aiory of bis mission. Daring the atitreathe Dr. ahowed soute of the ldaip of the savages. Afien a reolution of thanka anti sympatby waa moveti by 11ev. C. Parker, tbemeeting cboseti with prayen by 11ev. R. M. Phalen, B. A., of Bak etock. la addition ta those whoý3 took pari wo noticeti eu the piatfrn Rot-s. L. Phelpe, G. Punkie, Leslie, J. Lidtiy, W. S. Pritchard, R. M. Pape, J.R.Real, R. lioGulocU anti the pasion, Rot-. R D, Fraser M. A. It may ho urentionet ih ib Dr. Paton hUs eahiseti $25,000 by tbe "ale of bis hiognaphy anthe whole of thi4e aum ho bas given ta the New Hebrides missions. The collections wbich amouint- cd to $52.53 wibl also go ta Ibis abject. A lai of peiais anti sateona seliug off[ai about baif price ai Coucb, Johaston andtj Cryderman 'a. The balance of thoir sum mer gooda te beiu soIt off at greaily reduced pntcea ait John J. liaaon's Dry Gots anti Jewelty sione,conaitiag of Droea Goodgs Parasols, Laisandi Gents Underwear, Rose Gioves, es-c. Cali sud secuneasoin- of the suas. AIt bougbti is tacoasitienatia dm11 seas. on of the yaar Richard telle us he ta busy in the repairlng bioe, which proves for it- self thai ho is a tborough mechanic nti tUai it wouiti ho wise for any ona wtah- lug ta have tiroir work doue weil ta beave'it with hlm. The West Endi Hanse bis yoeao t tUe Booi anti SUoe business. TUey ougit ta do a nushiag matie, baving s greai combinalian ectablismot--Diy Gooda,1 Groccnies and Boots anti Shooes. You cun ho sure t(f Jtting finat-ciasi gooda frout tUe altirehiable bouse. Rbas IT TO THE LiaIlT.-The mat who telle yau contileniiaily juat wbat wili cure ynur cold istapnescnibing Komnp'.s B,,asse tbis year. L'a the prapanstion of ihis ne- mankabie modicine for cangUe8 anti cofftis no ex pense ta sparedti t combine only the beat sud purectlngredienta. 1Hlti a battis of Kemp's Balsaunt t tUeight anti look thnough it ; notice the bright, clean i look, then compara with ailieermdis. Large bottles a' aUl truggitt- 0e nt 1. Duning Juiy anti Auguasgt bargaing will hi given la ail kintiej of sumnmen gootia ai Couch, Jobnztou anti Crytoienn'd. PltcheMas Cýae±QrLa, Ta tiake rout for uew ;uoda rtav ho- giniig ho arrive we are telang ail aur en1tamer gootia ai prices that wtll dean theui outint a tort titut". Don'i miss t1ue berg-its. John J. Mqao. DOK'T LISTry7N 04111»ýta tUe dealer wbo is hein on bigger pr ofi ts. The ,;tiig that lie wants you ta huy, wlaen you ask for Docior Piercc's Favorite is't"usi as got. Proof of tIsi ay. The djil reredyfor tUe itioli1." If it ever f ails ta eef or 1cure, ta1nî:1kirig Wuak womcn Stroug or suffeîingwr1 orun weIi, yon have your mnouey back.- Anythiug "just as good," or as sure ta bîiîg l.elp, couid be, and Would bc sold ini jusitUai way. Titis guaranueri tedîcine is an invigorating, restoratîve tonic, os- pecitaiiy adaptcd ta woman's needs anifperfcctly harmlesseilanay con- dition of ber systeirt. It builtis up, sirengihens, regu- ilaies, anti curze. For periodical pains, bearing-dowa sensations, ulceration, inflammation -everyting tha's known as a "female comaplaint," ii's a renxcty tbat's safe, certain, andi proveti. 1Evcryîliing catarrîhal ln lis nature, Caînrit-seiticifand'tiail te troubles thiat corne from Catarrh, are per- fectiy anti o Mau1cnt l cret by Dr. Sage's Catan ri Ruedy. _No atatter ]îow bat yout- case ai- of bow long standing, you eau becetareti. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS' Cer-ee y J. MeXurtry, every Tuesday FLouR, P~ 100 ibs ........ $1 60 ta $2 30 Wi.&, Fall, V bush ...O 0 00naO067 Russian, " . 0 00ut 0 65 1 i Fife, la....O 00 0 70 et Goorie, fn ....0 0 O 57 fý Colorado il ....O 00 0 O62 R.Ya, I ...... 0 00 0 50 OIATS, et......0 00,fi035 BÂRLEy, t1 bush, No. 1.... 0 00 te 0 42 Il ri1 la2X.. 0 00,a 0 37 12 ai fi2.... 000 e 0 30 i3. .. 0 00 l0 25 iTwo-rowed 0 30 aa O 30 BUckwheat ' bus!'......O 00 O 050 PEÂ.s, Blackeye, V bush... 0 68 fi O 70 il Mummy " .0 03fi 0 60 t'Small, t ..O0 0 il O55 'aBlue, " 0. O50 el 0 80 BuTTrR, beat table, e l... 0 00 fi 0 14 C.RndKEN, v lb .......... 0 0et012î, EGOS, Pdoz.......000,ri 011 POTÂTOR)S, Î ibush.....O0 0n O40 11ÂY. VIton ..........600M1 00 TAMIBS WANTED.-Any nuxnber ofj J .4Sping Lamba wanted for whiclithte higiotes prie wiIl be paiti by HlUME & W'îri iT ti-e Pecples Buitchers, Bowmanville.t C ALVES WANTED.-Ten Calvesaa week -wanted for next four xnontbs by HUME & WIGHOT. the People's Butchers, Bowmanvilie. .5-tf E stmen oaa WAIYTED-'-£indrgteady mempaloy. ' mjent wi.h %us as maiesmsen. E.xpeience not necoessary. Haztisoe outfiti and the beneflt q? caver 25 veanse erperience furnisbed ervery muan. uCAoico speciai hunes anti contrai of territory. We have over 700 acres of chatce stock and can, give you mauy arivantages. pur mode of securing rand rotaining salefmea ts rruverlor. ,cail for our rma. SThe trial -wil coat yoI& nothicg. STONE & WELLINGTON, 3,2- 3m. Toronto, Ont, e outat tree. npecial lunstru 0 dons ta be4,nner-s. Write titis wPek for terms ta E. 0. GeAHÂSI, Nurseryman, Toronto,'Ont. 82-Gam H OUTSE TO RENT.-Thatdeial bikdwseiin or. Cotre iand Concess- Clnpmd by Sire. W. 'druce. There are eight roo mc andi every necessary convenience. Good GGsrden. APIuIY to JOS. PATTEUSaN, flowinanvilleor W. È. CLEMENS. T> roue, 32-tf. F ARM TO RENT. -8Onotesof lot 20, coor.3, Csitwright. For further particu. ï. rwite ta R. C.&RSCADDFN, Toronto Jcnc- tiou. 25-2m* dG RAND FARM FOR SALE OR TO %-W ENT-150 acres inavail. soutlt 125 acres i, 1 ;t 5, anti 25 a cres3 of north g~ lot 6, cou,.-3. Dariington. Fine brick bouse, stiaclou3 barns, Ppiendid sol.excellent water Stramr and wells lire w ooci on premi eF,. Two Biles froin Bow- nianville--reat cita cee-sale on easy tera, or ';ill re1t for a îrm 1-pio ugh possession giýee butcier brvetreidrt osession given lsàMse nx _Appt ' Ma". JANý'E WIOHT, HO~SEAND IJCtY TO BE 8SOLD)BY PUB3LIC AUCTION, on Ltbs-rty Street, Eewmanvaile. on the 9th day of SEPTEMBER next the bouse andi lot iately owvred and cccupied by the late Dr. William Allison. Lot contains about 3,1 acres of lanti, the sie ta take place ai 2o'ciock p.m. on the premisep. For further particulars apply ta MR. JACOB POLLARD Or ta MB. THos. Di.NGRâm or the undermentioneti Ext cutors. ROBERT COLVILLE, GEOEGM POLLAI, WNIe S. COLVILLE, WILLIAMI COLVILLE. Township of Clarke. ONTARIO LADIES' COLLECE, WEHITBY, ONT. Strictly first-class in ail its appoiniments and educational advaulares. Provision matie for alil lU teacbers* certillcstes anti for Un. iverstty classes through lte freshman. sopho. more and part of junior years of Taronto Univeralty. The literary staff comprises the largest number of University a poctalisia af any Ladies' Calloge in Canaaa. TUe musle l, fine art,elocutiou andi commercial departmente are eqaly well sustained by the most gifted vrofsaor* Physical culture lea taught by a apeciallat from Boston. A new gymnasaim and ail kintis of out.tioor amnusementq. Pupils bave the apportnnity (,f hearin,' the great artIsts th it visit Toronto. .App ly f ir Ja'ornatie1n ta 32-1> r lHICI LIAlE, TlU P. VOTERS' LIST 1893. Municipalîty of the Township af Darlîngton, County of Durham. Toiela horebv given, ti I bave L'trarismitted or delivered ta the par. eons mentioned tn sections 5 and 6 of The Ontario Votera' List Act 1889, the copies required by the, raid sectioas ta bo 20 transmitted or delivereci of the fiat, ruade pursuant ta said Act of al] pe3rsons appear. ing by the laat reviaed Aýsseasment Ral of, the raid Muniipality ta ho entitlped ta vote ta thp said Muuicipality aM Elec- tiens for Members of the Legýislative As. sombly and at Municipal Electiotis; aad that raid List was flrst posted up ta my office, Town Hall Buildings, in the Town of Bowmaavilie, ou theo5Sth day of Augurit, A. D. 1893, and romains there for ta. spection. Electo)rs are called upon ta examine the said lisi, and, if any omissions or any~ other errors are found theroin, ta take proceedings ta have the said orrors cor- rected aocording ta law. Dated at Bawmanville, Augusi 5, 1893. , WxINnn, Clark of the' Township of Darliagton. Mr. L. N. Vanstone, Toronto, spent, MVIDSUMMER POINTERS- NtIesor las, 25 cai; aTrnag ES,501 Sanday ta îowr. i ns saas ecn. ebt Ot!, à' il net ten Mr L. N.tteveneorll B. A , Peth, I-ovely JpnseCh;ina haîf pnice ai thu raardsarec nate'1 îasf 0114'tOlce spent Sunnay bera. lte "Biý 20." Mis3es Eîhel etnd Ina Trkb;lcock ae AUil stades% ofKlsoniine at R. Wortha, BRTS visiirg friecucs ini Cobourg. BomavlLiýNToN At the Mange. C okgvitIle, Jnly 22, î Nt ý -rio ýtho e irt R1ev. A. R, Liuticn. \ BA, BD., of Mr. ad Mr. Hary Nt Tornto, Dnn't forgest Kirby's nos' paint a.op.a n viittd relatives in t'- w. this week Do u u o br.IHARDI,îvNear Enfi4ld, A-itg. 5, the wliîe of Mnz. W. Bruce accornpankd Mrs (Dr.) AI! co'ors of prejarEd Paint ai p M5r. Reuben ilartijo, of a sot'. Worth .. Bowmanille. HNDERSON-In lArlvti -ug i.1,tUs Houeywel ta Prince Edward 1Is-iendls \VI"0 Owavle wxiteor \lr. \,8. W. Hoaie tof a s b. week- She purpo6s rernaining thre- for T'ee West End Hante for Boots and- a year.te. They keep the be3t. yARIo ________________________ i__ B irb and Annealed i Wre nt R. Worth's DARci-GaAV A,,t S; P Uý's Slcn"e, Jaiy 2s, har-, store, Bonýt-nville., Uy iev. fi. Dl 'iaserM.A., AMr Tho3 Ditrota, Noiet mkr.anti Mr,- ltararet Gray, adirt ùw'natie Notic ta S okersC11 and ses the nheàp Wall Ptspar IELL-BuîNGrAm-At lte residencGo f lts3 WIen yon want a pipe and want it frutu 5'.%u lai T. Shierin & Co's. bride's uncle, Thm9s Bingh toi, 0Circh at.. Bowmanville. &iig. 2, by ro3v. R. D. Fraser. for huitt monay juat coute t-o lte Mo th Prooi Carpet FeIt and ail kinda M A., Mr. John Ireland Bell, arhilou GRAND CENTRAL, Botvmanvile oÀ Building Paper ai R. Wortli's. Iowa, anti Miss E'la Janre lingham. elde-i daugh er of Mr. Gilbert Bîngharo, rarrmeriy ot A large stock ta choose from. Tho "Big 20" je heatiquarters for sport. Tyrote. in-ý!geg'Ode, wagong, velocipedep, etc. NoswoRriiruvHANE-At ,hi3 rttsidenco 0f 0 tUe brides uothrr, l5uwmauvil e. Aug. 2, by Ah-oit 800 nolls of pre-tty Wail Paperi 18ev. fi . A Biîkey, 1-lr. James Noswurtny, and A Delghtfal Excursiion. t1.b-3 soid frout 4. up-wards at Kirby's. Henry Haney, olydune f U lt Aaý&y clotb bou,,ht at Mason's ClotbingHerHneEq The S. 0. E. excuririon te Niagara or Dry Gooda Stores cnt free of charge. DIED. Faflaaon Mond'by was 'a every selse a T1r. Jennings haa; charge of the Biot MOFFATT-Ilu C!arke. July 26, G',or, e Pýrcy. aucces. The weatier tho' du)l andS eaid n t h et n o se. o f comarville -,,nd Marv 4ft, t.ageti 5 chifly ini the moian.g eleared tut.î a kkl. he earieta helfetEn o ,3eras, à months. igbtfully piesasant day. The people turn A genutie Elgine or \ValtbauL warvcb HErNDaERtIN-lu BINwMInV!l, On Aur. 3rd. Georgie infant uhd rtf W it tu anti Minute (d ont well frout aIl the port Pand s0 ili ai nwiud, acrewr bezels aud sc'ew bnek Heudemon'ç, aged tUree days. pieased wore tbey tat1osnge om fr$7.50atid fuily guaranteed atPRîcdard's. ________________ plaint was heard from aulyone. The D. The pleasanteLi, cheapes , nio,.st iud 1 IRL WANTED to do house work and 0. & P. Ca. Baud waïe egaged ta add mf iobt E ffectuaI coueh mixture n. the G in CSfebeyttore. GRAND ta the prkasusre cf Iho outing. Every- imarket to day te "Magnus Expectorant'. CENTRAL. Bowmanville. 32-tf body roturneà ti love with th,, steamrer Coucb, Jobustoti antd Crydermau n.u "Gardon Ctly." hata a modri excur- nounce their usuel aunualsale of summer 1ANTED.-A Ytumber tf active sion bo&Lat stunder splendid an 1e- oods. Don'r, fail 10 ccl and secura some W yonamenas apprenticec te theuboulti- ment. CFapt. 'Murray, Purser Ki]ray and oftUebigbarain. die. R rne a eeauce eu the other officers in lnge are very et- - Laîler Slippers 30cts; T qveed S ippers rANY, Oshawa. 28 tf teutive to rheir duties wbich inspiJres con- 2Ocl s and iSce; Boots aud Slaoes very fidencu aî-d belpa ta niake ibis 110W1 cheap ai Meson's, Buwtuanville, during HIWEIFER STRAYED.-Froua lot 25, steauter popubin. Capi. N. J. W'le, dulI el n Cal aud sec t hem, a con 4. Darlngton. about miitte ef Jnly, the afitible business manager of The Nýi- i aRcarisi o wn aca lilt Jersey iterr risiug twa vear,3- Color, agai'aFalle Lune Steamers, of G ToWkadoutoyn art Jc. igtbrOndie anti fawu mixaci. Rteurn to &ccompauied the party on Ite acurïouHo selle a lady a so'igold 14k Egin ____________________________P._0._32-___ anti matie himeoif very agretable. By watdh worth fifty dollars for twenty-five Cl W STRAYED .-A Esmehi li,fhi red ttc~~~~ dollaros.ieEdto vry This ta below 'lte lowesi City C miicb cow. uttesinz since Saturday last. dnîtialy rf ouse t-a he owan rîcts. Senti informatian to JouN J. blAsoN,, Bow- vil: cladies s-ne very fine lekiî.The ht odru h h-pWi aes avlu Gar-de-n City mai ai Pm aittouonaico Wtudow Shade-, Etittul, Mixe 0W SRYD-taed from loi Siîndy ant duri tho aftroo ti 'llor'Patis, Gýass anti Kaleomite ai T. Shenin Cr)w-ia5w etrilg huldnds f citz..,I13 an 's., th le o'ti stand. one door oasaiof one year O:d, on j uly 20, 1893. Any informa- eouia h.nrp tfciiz-is nt m îitssabstone. t ion ofliter whcreabout,3 witl be thankfullyre- cons ptpe iîpcted thobhast which ceiveti by lte untiersigut-t. D. J, GînsoN, m'éa ileminateti byelectriciiy. \Ve hou. 0tie tiozen beaun:îfiil îspoous wtth BÊOwmanvelle P. 0. lieve we are safe i scying (hat n11exun- tla hai e ngravei for onue duihir anti eiia boi ever before b- came s ýo ptpulur %i)fvyfivo cents. Knirns, Foiks, Nap- A GRAND CHANCE ta malte frout wit.h lUe people of ibis d!ti t' has tUe km R Jings. Casýtors, Cruets, atc., equially Uanadi5rte $25 Ver waek is selling aur Harý,dy Gardcts CitF. She will prob.ablv convoy cheap ai Rickard'e. salaries or corrmissions p titi weekly. COMDIe. fin busitiesse hfte SUCCE being prapeni y ira net ta conamercisi usages. A thon- ough course in practicahie aubjea-ts untier expenienceti office-mon wili put ambiùitins yaung mon anti womea ia possession of Information tUai lias a ready damant iu the commercial worlt. Etegant illusiratý et circubar Ifailedti t any atitieas. éAppiy ta SPENCER & McCULLOUCH, PRINCIPALS, Hamilton Business Collage, 34, 36, 38, 40 James Si., South, Hamilton, Ont. MUO RENT. -For terni of yeans, "G(xlen 'L' Dhu "-3W0 acres, 2 miles traut Whitby-5 gooti buildings aud soli. Admirable for stocký or tiry. Chance for golug extansively mIa Toronto milk business or stock raisiug for umanican manketn, Hea with capital onty Aead appît-. J. H. Dw, Whiibv. 32-tf- REPRESENTS ihe Fedenal Lif As- sociation; sud tUe London anti Lanca- shire, Commercial Union. tUe LancasUire Pire pnsurance Cas,, and tUe Steaut Boiler andY Plaie Glass la. Co., of Canada. Office ai Worth's Hardware atone, Bowman ville. If you isa really goot andi reliable Watcli eaU and sep thosc Walthlainanti -Elgin VWatches being sold away down' ini-prie an'd fully guaranteed by0- T. N. RIOKARD5 Waic~maenJeweIler anti Optician,' Vantaty Rail. (P LU G.) .Xo other brand of Tobacco bas ever en= joyed such an immense sale, and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cnt Plug and Plug Tobacco. OZa'est Cut Tobacco manufac- turers in C'anada. MONTRELI. Cut PIug, 10c.-~ lb Plug,l10c. îl1b Plug, 20C. AUU ST CH EAP SALE. Mrs. Poneastor wllseil lier entire stock of Suminer Millinery at LGREATLY RED-UCED PRICES through August ancLthe remainder of the season, in order to make room for Winter Stock.' Special bargains will bc given inl STRAW TIATS in ail coors and shapes--7prices ranging, about 25 cns The public ar e cordially in- itdto eall and inspect. No trouble'to Show, Goods. Aill Hats coloredd reshap- ed, in the Iatest style. A 1..-. e-.L 2 I- T r)ýTMnfv ; t t t IL

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