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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1893, p. 2

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Looet t~ the ways of lier 1aou~liold.' X et., Solornonis right; that'swhat the gond housekeeper everywberc e~r'eo.. but rtartleular1x' i-i ('on ada. t-. 't.--' h. - 14,rs bOde-rM rs v(À Tf(' I gios oCfeh rthax O ern tae an/i uthle ... ds, wrea-buy a-e oflubme- coc pm/lfrry peuP, in n îehadrpier of iviisaio ina/id.theý h1allrte of thes Nt pple. Ringing shunts andaxe-blows son leso unded hy every 1itmprtntwr anid 4fore ithis tuiiit of strngehuanl mer near a- tame onie of tiler. Urawii gfrom my point, i i, î tthe "etreothe 'd: wa ai h ruwiha ei th akandseatedmjyselfupon a, Tt-StrIeam feaaig ae to a ()Ooily tvlt For an hour intefailig lighùt, til a mre exýten/I"e/I between th pools, an, the, traliling mu n /,-- i water-graxs stream in waverinýg srn z -L J,~l- Th1 Bu'aa, abst s1 ff STA STILI SIMES rattesutke. hat a th a OTIR N~7rnw STOaZK - fClothis, ;Twveeds, ortd am Siinlgs of ail kinds, for mien, yothsiý 7 ZI7 i m - f r if t.. ,t,. 4- '---t I --c k- *s~ 1~ -----------------------t---- - - - r -. -....- k------ s- -~ ----i --------~ - ~*t~fl*-tt:~ t - t. t. t - t-.'--. 't. - - ~ t - t- - - L.k~th.. - fliceBowniaviii - rtiilerv alor, -r, -- wtt- -s- t . -5*t i t-- t t--- -""t---- t-t-t--- t-. ttt* -. '---t .----t- -"---t',- ,.~..t "t t-. - rnlMeiurav s ianev an'ieSLver Cr wil iv n meiae eii ndEsec ÂCue I ake care that you> drafts on' Yourj5/sysical endurance don't corne back toyou sorne day nre n fands." Tke viakd4n I f Pure CodL ver O;I&Hypop-hosphites CONJSUMPTIOP, SORO0FULI, BROCHT.SCO(IGHS, COLDS and ail form.2 ofWasfingflisease, ,IZmas t as ]aaat/ as2Iliîk. Be sure y e e Sgenine as t/are aretoor imi- Prepared l, bySZmt "rBwn, 1P1B.ellie hieridirg in her bugg, near Iron Mountain, Cal., Mrs. Kmeesaw what she thought t- he three littie doge playing in the ruai. She stoppe/i tu ie ýýj their antice, wepa nmunt8ýiQuese sprangi .Lom tt:ez, a tanted wo paws 0on the buggy. Sus truck the animali un the head with lier whip, iashed ber horse, andi escapeci. The " little dogs" were young In St. Ju>îý's Coleg e, Oxford, is preserv- ed a portrait of Charies L., in which the en- gravers lnes, as they seem tu be, are really microscopie w>ia, theface alune contain- ing ail the book of Psalms, wiîh the creeds, and se :eral forms of prayers. Sovereigiî were first issue/i on lst jduly, 1817. Prex'. cUsly gol/i guioctes were in cir- culation. ihese coins took their name froin the couie--' calle I hy that name, on the West Coa'tî 6f Africa, from whence they were originaly ntrtt,.Iuced i itu this coun- try. .-~-t.~ t. i pu 1 - nhu. tarnotbne xpeOCCU O Lthey ,do, this. siey ar'e terme/i " bank tise ýbejet horizontal ac that it shoul/ ai. beaver," and such of them as 1 have seen ways keep goo/i time, and eve es 50 appeared to be much smalier an/i uf darker the inferior make of mcsreymd color tisan average Specimens. watches wbich are nowadaye manutacture In régions which are seldom disturbe/i an/i soi/i for $10, $20), anid$3 in sucb lWîrgs thse heavers move about, cutting trees, ré. numbers. pairing dams an/i iodge-builciing, /iuring The changes uf ol, thie vraiosM the day-timne. But wherever the lumber- temperature, the diversity of hiitçily of man has estabiishe/i himself, they have atmosphere, ail greatiy ailect the ging of ii taken aiarm, and appear on!y àat rare inter- watch. In/ieed, if is oniise uetperte-ct vals whiie the oun ienup. waîcth whicis neutralises the ad(verse ini- The best finmes to sec them, are very early ffiuen-s te the greatest /iegree. As a mte in the morsing, late in the evening, or- of fact, nuo watch keepi, perf"ectily correci upon moonlight nigis. At aIl times they tiiiemai even the best chronometers n1-eo are exceedin giy sby an/ i dfflenît ut approaoh lunhservatorises and on board sbip mut ili taking aiarm an/i disappearing at tis ligis. euite ccording to tables which iare kepi est Sound. to fix the variations to wiichail watches have ambushied beaver mure tisan once are 1iabile. about'tie waters of the old fur-trader's "A watch shornld be cen/ reguiarly route, ipland from tise nortis shore ut Lake once a year. If this precaution je nut raker Superior. Onu experience tisera I sialîniot ni mothse uldécompuses, gets mieiWitl suon furget. the particles ut dust wisich enter t ise -rkq Wiile working qnietly alcng a small of the best closing watcis, beginis to act as a feeder of une ufthtie lakes which spangle tise grindiug material, and wears onit-thE, worlk- Caribou ranges of tîsat part uf Canada, I ing parts. Tise best watch wi'l he ruiine/iln notice/i a smaîl branci, floating in an ed/iy. une or twu mootise in this wvay, andý wili ts heavier end showe/i marks as if it ha/i nover keep such good time as eor. been out wsth a gouge-ciseel, The 3tream ___ ____ flowed tisrougis a desolate track, wiicb was 1 Maeiu far naPrsHtl slimvisite/i cave by a few anerng A Yrtesi-une rc.urcune at tht tte Tis hrnchha/ - ver apeaanc ~ vey Dhislipai r ut Pris. bisort- kbeng ressîycnt, ai las eveningw\a", ap. Ni-.a-t - - ~lumermn wuî besttrrlg.arrive/i at thehe, anienga-ge/i room'i, Silnty- ovn p tea cn/ esttering their naines as M. and Madm loseiy v r of rd iluth bni s nieeyBauher u Vrsills.--Botis were taIirlv foo-t of waaer. I soon /iiscmovered toi u-wl reean/i look trequent wailkst- tines. Af se-r olioiuwîng tise streaml for a gta.Eryi ieatruno ie1t coupe u hudroi yrdsb fun/ thtitledtho youn£g man went ont alune, aui dlip', tu ani openiug in tise woi- reappear, an/i tise noxt morning tiseIni baavr-ma/iu, gnnîn lod, oen braking open the douor, foun/i is Iu tise centre of tise upening wa" a gou/i- d / oyo i upno yn nts size/i puni, doubtiese tise home ut the beaver. ised. In tise ruum were /iiscox-eredl a new1 1 reeolve/i te attempt tise difficuit task of ciarcuai-burner, whici, ha/i evid1ent1y been ereeping npoîî theshy creatures, an/i sPeeng use/i recently, a five-chambered revolver-, them at work or play. Yard isy Yard, silent fully loade-/, an/i a strong curd, wvitýIl a rui- as a lynx, I crept aisead until b resache/i a nxing noose. It is suppose/itittse',cuple wel.malle dam. inten/ie/icuînmitting suicide tgabrby bmmdiaelyaisve t ws asmaî ~ the inhalation ut cîsarcual fumezýs, buit thet connecte/i witi tise upper an/i main pou1 byiesuefiled tto i ihtofh man aniotist EL channel perisape twu yards wïde. Gi aný-corhe, arrife/ihtita siist of he ompanion'sl ing along thie cisannel, I obtaineci a Soine-.corpe, aatinere e min/ian/ etrid what limite/i view uf the ripper pool, an/itd e wybode eetp ret eaw that it woui/i be impossible te creep fuirtier witboast actually going into tise Large, long, pearly teetis belong tu senti- wai (e:. mental, imaginative peuple; ma7li, short, AsIblooke/i, b îarkesd a lazy ripple on yellow teeti, te those ut an unpoeticai tutu theupper pool. Presently a roundisis, darle Of min/i. object glied acrues tise fiel/i of view an/i disappeared. It was neither dut-k nor Pneumatic tires are being use/i on tise duvet, but the huilet hea/i of a big beaver. wheels of an omnibus belonging -o-tise Creepiug noîselessiy te a cunvenjent tree, Giasgow Tramway Company. Tise tires, I slowly ruse uprigisa an/i scrutinized every wtich are about 2ulin. in diamneter, can incis ot tiseripper an/i lower pools an/i their wthstan/i a pressure of 1871b. tueis qeara connecting chanuel. A couple ut ruughly inch, an/i are protecte/i against any riek of constructe/i lo/ges wera plaiuly visible. béigpuneture/i by sharp stunes or ornser- Moving aboust la the water were two round wîse, by several plies of canvas, with a1 hea/is, while creeping from tise shoure, seeem- covering uf wire-woiteri netting. Tiseý îogly upon a barely submerge/i log, was a omuc is s carnies 12 passengere inside n/ pîump, hrown animai, like a gigantie must- 14 outei/ie, an/ isj sai/i te be a very: oomf orc rat. able ~~~~vehicle te ride in ,tei8,e t raflearly tihe innocent recluses supecte/i nu being musante/i ou tise winide seatsý dlanger, an/ I /etermined to get a chut at aiit h ufr pigwii uîe ra nceira-e, - oenIy -ee- irrrnt2 iaicomjpanies of t-eworld- is $1 2,O00ý )0 new lfe insurance wvritteii in tIýscon 'Y an/i but $1,000,000,000 in the whole of e British Empire. 'l 1600ý the wurld had in circulation 9,000,0ý00 gul/i, £102,' 000,000 silver andi paper ; iii 1890 there were £840,000,000 ldI, 'SO ,,00 silver an/i £771,000,000 pper -Cmuney, a total of £2,402,000,000, ï1ïs inc!-ludes the î roney of Europe, tise nited S tteK and theu3 ounies of Great itain, Fran,-ceanid Spain. No aconnt ise ken of the wor,-thiess currency uf tihe tutli Amcrican States3. -Nut vesy long aýgo a London newepaper none hat a jewcler of Turin had deatu-g-buait formed of a single peari. ie eau: is of beateni goid, studde/i with m-iode, an/i the pinnacie ligist at the 0ow i l aprfeu;t ruby. An emerald serves Its uider, and it'le stand on whioh t is iuntedI s a lab of whitest ivury. Tise tii-e weîiht of this marvelous specmren the( j*ý,eeir's cratt je lees than haif an nie, buit theo maker values it at£100 The stu/iy uf the hair'upun human species ~res an extensive field for inquiry, an/i une hsicis presents rmany unsulve/i prubiems uf At our Store, s' IBEAVER flLOCli,-'Boninvl BIQGEST STORE, BJG&EST VARIETY, BIGG-EST VALUE. Everybody îavîted to etili and sep oii new bter ~~IDA TIS man. Mr. Sprouie was employed( at the asylum for a year as a kepr, aud ieftabn!)ut three months agu. They were flotnmarreý Mr. Sprouie came from Orangeùville,Odt where his'fatherijea farmer. Ms ahr has une brother in the city. The sad neiwsi was received by the yonnig vommn i vth hie deepet mnelaicholy and disi-es. ecesed peeým 1lo have barne a ,goreptaioaud LOVE AND JJBÂTfi. The SiOsrYOf a Masu iVIIO W1 IMI a Nssre ila te Toronto Latle ,,yluln -Ilis Ssieide la New- York. A New York special says :-A week ago Mr8. Townsend, a widow livinig on the sec- ond fluor of No. 347 Third avenue, rented hcr parlour to a well-dressed and apparent- t-Osus te mut puuuae t Il e - -t tO5t taryb1f lb, t-. .t, s-v, sudvs ons t secies is ýfounded pn .sensic ts peined,z Mrsi.;Twse/l tr Ird bas lu-st arrive/ia tise too ThIlat tise human ýfamily fhave tise Ilongeetbcm nscoea/ oceia nrne'u-.I asfùts aefo uîu - har u anspeiesut aimaisa'.vlî-no 1 ilnto0 bis rium0111 .tuuni), iisim trat1chýe/i fetheýrb wliht iaicl gs a If ctbut 'is tslt t osier musa t f ont on thebeda.Abtewihhaicr/ibnitsear tasoaeat isoivjea ubec lt ucs uron cn-go/iwatcb was tickin;g un ise mýantel-siseif. i varian-e Witlisifs ppu anme. RsaIl, jecu~ a/ a rili utf ine $1 bank-notes ia!ýy bcside. huowevýer, ts bird le muet warh;i1ke, like Tiseatricai peuple kn'ow t'rat oU l lans tise On tise table wae a ietter,-shicbi was iuten/- i- mo-t o? tiseJisawk tribe, ut wiii i i skin better tisan water. G enerahly, other e/i uniy for tise eyes ufthtie woman te wisom member. bts fighting inistincts are arouf3ed peuple dIo net. If actresses nndertook te it was a/idreese/i, Mise Martha Catisere, by ths egit ut a enake, wi ii, fasciatas iii get tiheir make-up off wsth water they wonl/i Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Ward Ne-. 11, in a way tisa- is tise reverse ufthtis, fascina. nei ýeu ft eoap an/i a ssrnh brus, to do it. Toronto Insane Asylum. tien usoýaiiy accre/iitad tu a enake. Tise jec- Tisey use/i once cocua butter ; now they use Nuthing is sacred, isowever, in tise eyes retary birdI in tact lives upon eniakes wheui cuicua oui, wiich is a better preparation ut ut the police. Tise seai was broken an/ ijte it can ge t tiem, an/i in South, Africa it le lise 3,iie tlising. Drug stores ke-p it. Some contents /ievoured by a sergeant betore evesi use/i for tise purpose ufthtinning thi nueber kep tfreis an/iseime keep àit ranci/i. Take tise arrivai ufthtie coroner. Tisis latter stated ut tise /iaa/ly pnff a/ider. Tle bird haeUcx car e nul te pationize the second ciase, an/i that the suicide was a Germnan by birtis, 35 tremely long an/i scaly legs againzt wisich if i(cocua oil yen will have the muet /ieiigist. years ol/i, an/itise victim utf an unhapiny tise venum outhtie serpent jepueles fl ut ail emuiliente for tise oul bath. bf marriage. Hoeisecame sliaistiy /emontei, Wlien tise reptile bas dune its hast tuj makte youu wanit fe see how effective ut le corne in an/i was confine/i to the insane asî mum iin an impression lapon those veryinosiv from a Lirai]wRy journey on a isot day, when Toronto. Ho fell in love witis a pretty legs,and is exisansed/ by the repeated l ýowsq tise windows have been up an/i yen have nurse in tise women's ward, an/i wnes hie whici tise bird showers upun it with its ha/i a m iuch henefit ut tis moke an/i soot condition improve/ ieho accepte/i a position wîugs an/i beak, it talle an easy prey, and as the lireman. Take tise muet vîgorue as attendantin t-ho asylum su tisaItee coul/i is swaluwe/i wise, bath you can devise or endure, tison sprea/ ibe near liser'. He ha/i not been divorce/i cone ,cocilouen your face an/i wipe it off. isowever, an/i tisatact tisat hae coul/i net Thsomas A. Edison declares tisat when haic Tise blackaned towei wiii tell tis. tale ut marry hier finaiiy cause/i bim teo bave To. lias begnu something new leho as nu1 pe;ace tailucre for tise bath an/i triumph for tise ronto lu despair. Ha camne to New York, until the wurk ie complete/i or aa/oe ohI. an/i trie/i te turget tise nurse, but in vain, for good. In case ise sucrced/s ha rcnover li 1795 congrese fixe/itise relative value In hie latter hae sai/i :-" I cannut lîve witis- wants to sea tise invention aai." I ut silver an/igui/i as 1 to 15; tisis w-as an ont you, or even ont ut your sight, haven't use/i a talepisone in ton vear,"s-ii ovýer.vailuatîun as compara/i with tisat ut Martisa, forget me an/i torgive this /iee/i." hoe recently, "tan/i I would go onit ut my f'oreign countries an/iase a rasuit gui/i wae Tise coroner tock charge ufthtie bodiy, an/ wy any day te avoid seening an ~~a/-s exported; lu 1834 tise standard wae altared tise asylam authorities were notifie/i. Tise cent ligis." b to 16, whiie -mong other nations t was latter, isowever, bas net bean poste/i. A grave-yard je rot a vory cheett ul place abiout 1 te 1bý an/i an olntfiow ut silver Enquiry at tt e Toronto aeylum elicite/i tor cuurtsisip ; yt tîcere cleîi tohoa ooi begnd/ contiine/i until 1853, wisen a ta- the tact tisat Miss ML\artisa Cathare jea nured-autbligasiborgcigustsie adu etwae mada tu 1 tu 1488 an/ il- tisera, an/i lias been employa/i in tisat Capa-aNorîiswuod ('oîetry as orî;,v, P-a., ver wa, inale a legal tender for sun-e undar city for three years, She w-as aquaine iedrectors have tfoi/ 82In1873 týisa stanýdard waeagaiin i aged witb HugliEban Spionle, an/i seoin te h-ave ereet at tiseenrjsca -il-o gth-e dx/ t1 tu 14.95. cborisise/ifeelings ut regard for tise yuung- word, ttFlirtin _le î,.tit,'cd i Il - ý ÉK , ýý -L- Ill uf tile- orëitI ii lco ý Slle..1, p# n uf ar ed hv ut th LS lhave imade bis'wayivtphrýongý,h se. Nor xviii it dissolve peais,-Su - â, kme

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