"J ( i Fors - I actncou bpp UKu ing bu cornpreleoud fiee oiiy uf compresaigrvi~ r ohv ibtscn NERVE BEANS ara Foe aelady f0 send unplbr card wbau cali-' Sbewed Pofatoes.-Sliescolfi boiletid hefo. )io-nr asCe elgte-A'ALh ath iy1ry. L u 1 F3N&170 &lnuw cUi>e ingoupmin rauster. , bT. ser-Htmefunlt namroon orvex.tHwardcJameasn. ear ceseos cf yeutb. Th..m Raosdy on the su d a h ert edig tothe tab mle e, taLl hihwoke bre looel uesie ciUnfet 1int ca ses theen o gr on esud conditon worthninrc SkînaV ae od' Kcie tEAN bava t.i 1aveu tureli ud t moase s h o s l ietto Sito,"nane ssou ara t tha lauudny rade. oroggourtiny cIra Pi/s are usas', te~o the ce emsx e 5 on e or aieu. H wad Jmso. labenokatan ak u ienyd,, AS.Lui odnr ' Sold tv ail Ugo de i se s et hyjr-îiio c I t,,;anr nes1 i ou. a anyin wh o r a i se a rider, MF u t h e on te erbx cis fo re2 trown oloor au ecom Dr LdAcondthionCc Torse t.aWrite 1C Bowi~anvi1 by SoTT &Juyrv - g-fasthenasmoor bhastomer aiinna is i t eîyjneiaahegroanot. b a hetrehutatiweediidt i oe c flfi ie d ey a ll r, ý A emoc al u ae n ryfor itc r'Cstjur ea5h1i HOUSEZ L .Fr etemn aried Lly or R IN IPEJTB opno st whether the boit was natural (~RTFU~ O F RTN.-yonng lady wbo has bcen sone imel in So- O riiil a city ~ bve is r hr adres egrae A wonderfui vegetahle is the truffle. k Nhit Gust? on a visiting card. Kah'iisas le The Place For The Outbreak. bas no seeds, flowers, leaves, stemn, orroots. Whie e he'wll an wit te lor, For a lady to bave her reception day en- Trained dogs hrunt for it in Eiigland, and And bri,!lt the heith, and ide the inuoré Y som Europeanrcerntfetherained sow 1 ~ R E K F A S -~ U P E R .T h e c h a ru b e r s -s p tle s s , f a ir th e b e d s , g r a v e d n t e l finn o n r f t e c r . h s ast E e u i e i s C e i e i n e r r h i e r v i c . t i s r i e d s w Jaws rhi~ ~oven th opeetion of igesnl Wih piluwssuf ttir eary eade resdentslu asmai sububan own ISesue l Pr tgpîtae a risis-A Util mont ago anf forerperodeo lawBy a teouhkmowZedge or the natur Teitlme, 0 wannwise andf air, putrteinrn ofit osnaltheuirarin ordrvevrAIge eeiafrtetyoeyas o pril fmdcn Wnat guest cornes in thy cheer to shae' to avotjd c eofion Powei carhas been used in the famioy of Mr, aselMrs and n'iti îo . an by a 0 ref l appl[catou tt v i o fu i n r ,U0f o t g a d o e i d o t e 'l e p r o D r te 3 0 , w e l - ss e t d c O m i s . M r. T h e t a b l e s h in es w it h s il v e r s to r e . F r bo d s t s n g e w o î a e l n i n o e w o k S p c a a y : T ehie s a bes , f S e b y . U b e r b E p s a s p r o v i d ea d c a r b r e i À t a s t 1 a b l e w i t h a eau t y F odr r r o f o l O ;r th e o s b a c f a f m l t u e " i s b s a s n inde se s p a t cblf r o r n T o p e k a , p a e n s f r e vi n et e b j a i r ef Mrna d.r delicately flevorel beverare which rnlY Sers The iinen draping tf ai niwhiteth letbac F aiytus"-\ raa8'Iza l,ýLoldspt fmTpkprnsofwevcide. usmpany heavy dotjir' bills, Lt ii y the WherecrystalglasqeeeCtchthe ight: Esrnond" on ber card, or for -,be ldstIanf., wbicb says : But few peuple are Jndge McKinley, of Dulatb, is a lucky ~eiions use of snob artOle5 of diat thet a 'What guest cornes by this way? What guesi daugbrer of a 'yoanger braucb ro do soaaetarpprtinaebigmdefrmniineesc.Hswfe asut constitutionn my b3 Qradue lly buat ne until Withiruthy beaureoushuome sbalrOtst?" vero tero are no single womeu in thieoIlr arevolvtion in Kansas-one that will at- bee n aiterespt. beba, iwill pa ce strong euough t0 resiet evory tendiaY t0 disease. Huudred3 of subte rmaladies area Witb tirelees stepshe goos her way, branch. teimpt to overrideail law lu the effort ta in bis court. Unlike must busbands, it flat o aoui s eay nai ek hoevr Sil fer use, eIand m day ru day gthe tbe "tar'lng class" that wbicb tbey il in bis power te prevent lber from baving tbore is a weak point, We rn y esciPpe M'T'Y IHrbu,,at nkn rgttes~n About the Hbuse, have not ea.rned. Thero are men wbo have the last word in an argument, andi if she a atlshaftb koin' 0nrselves well fortifiai Wh'ero ovening's "be ery hearth-fires shine; w ag1 on iclogeoghnKnsstraizwafisssup akileeuDt lyht frile."-Cien SrvcGaz"ffo.' A traveler, weak, anti sad, anti pour. twu incbes apart makes a very goud borom 1 now ibeîing doue. Last nigbt a gentle bier Il , but aisu fine lber for coutompi. a tl ini l ok t b ocers. abser i tu uth h g ett pes eroeold r. Rang tbe broum, bandle do n- man wbo came to tbis'astato in 1854, wbo A furgettul bride, in W asigon, on JAE Ir. t., -teeti he h hl h luo e plisses by: wards. Nails may ha used in;taad cJpatiipaedlumauy u tbe early struggles, reacbing tbe train, discuvered rbatshe badl lsts. eIandoa. Enziaîed, Yot, wistfl, StRilsgze ho turned srosand wbo bias tbe réputation of feeling tbe lofttlber koye un the bureau. The best man 4 Wliebre bright the lovely hoaie-iights bernetisew. )fan /â a asi:hrie akt ,i os o hm n Ala! n eys hfi he 0 kuwA yard and a haIt square o casetblplse utKaia sn re a asii urif akr i os o hm u ~ ~The Likeness 'neath is garb of woe, linon wili auswer for a breafi lotb. Kas "W are lumibering over a volcanu. Few was escor ted to rbe railroad dF pot by tbehé ""~'~'~ Bttuberhom thrayrn atil a gond snpply ufthtese in oorder that the peuple soem to realize wbat is going ou entire bridal party, wbu sang wodding . - ____- - A ues wlh uen stp, hn assti may always be sweet and dean, and nleya daîly tbougb there are some ubu oli nelodies before the train started, ru the Thirongh open fluor, through srateiy hall; use tbem for other purposos. the eofoauu bedy bnbodgea marsretu the yuung couple. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 16, 1S93 An atigniteuec o clMost al bouse keepers use tbe baît doz was tu be foanf inl every serriernent. Al luI the manufacture of kuives tbe division PURESTSRO G S, E T Hde wnlirb hla ir-or es tgest. enmadebholders ru rake tbings unr t othehat is unow heingdoune by the Populist of labour bas beau carried tasucb an extent Contaws no lum,Arnmonia, Lime, < ovunt ihhiihrlaetgus.0, but une bouse keeper tbinks hitraionilsnot the accidenta ount- htuekiei ade ysvuy i-Popaeo ujIjrat D...4.MTnTi,-[Violet Hastings. av 1minîs oeranii is ________________________________or ____Injriant DU. J. C.MITCHELLan old apron bung at the side or tuckzed ç.,_nme of modemn politics. There is ton mach feront artisans trum tbe moment tbe hiade RFM PERfftOF COLLEGE 0F PHYSlcIÂN ALtlePtene nder tbe apron string ls mucb mure con- syeem iu the movemants ut the state ut- is forged until the instrument is fiuîsbed ' Pen Sireauns, Ontario, enouoer, etc. veniOt than tbe ordiuary bolder andinm(ch ias andi tbe leaders ufthtat party. 1 arn aud smuotbly wrapped up for markeet. Off, ce andi Residence. Ennlskillen. Wheu the ubjîdren ask tou many quas- mure easy te keep dlean andi une doos ntot i n asnseau armist, but I sec all the ue itralaisabs ie ept D BILUE sif'soN, tiens, or insist ou knowiug evrytbing, do care if it je tovered on botb sides wit, idece f a conepiracy to wreck tbe the number ot ministers andi servants she ARR5ITER, SOLICITOR, ko. MOP RI hapten.Sfîa ara awkward and bard apple ju;ce. toueStIate, if possible. The movemeut regard- bas. During the sommer slle drives don PLOCEs. una-aoi ie o hasairs, King StreBo w'a- ta acb, ho patient. Tba îllar vr- Wbatevras had ouriug the militia is but aportionut ha 5fmWidoCereameococ sd - vile. oliitcr tr te Otar Baittbiug aud will net neefi te ask i o u in tbe list oli uîedicine-bt ees Tose t g g n.Gev. Leweliig, the other State breakfasts at Frogmore, usualiy in a tout on »1vteMmeslone atth luee raesRammbr tatcbidrn ae iketrvelrsthese wbouaperfectly new is trifling,sutbfie ohcrt eaing papers otfhepa thte lawn. Atter breakf astthbequeen duesblir P .C. in a stranga country, they thirst for knuwl- tutility f t saviig tbem'agaînet a possible an'd ils imust influential mon sîl seem to be moruing's work in anuther tout, ail dis- ý de bout tbeir surruaindiaga, sud Yeu, errand -lite cbemnist's is very apparent. gnided hy oua impulse, sud are wokn aceltrsndbxsomgdw o JOFiNSD AUCIONBER FOR' vilesre a native ot mauy years, sbould ha Nur ebould tac ks takon up wben you re- vitli an uaderstandîng that is net more bier from the castie. JJnring the murning the OCuunty of Durham. Salas -attendeti courteous enougb to hoý kind. Whe lic ittle muvacarpets from the flar for tle ariuaa chance. The Go)vernor bas bieau -squatr- two mounited grooms are kept riding ho- 0.- grasp the thing yuu wisb tef teacbt, remem- second use. A new paper ut tacks shouadilu the State. Not only bas ho, tbmnugb sagas sud lerters, sud ahout 1:30 the queeil RORT. YOUNMG, V. S. ber that 4eildren are ail lett handed, sa f0 ha uted wbenever a carpet is reLaifi.bi subordinste officiaIs, drives hack lu time for luncheon. Sick Headace uirhiv i tetoblsmi FFIE I TH WET DRfll~4speak. Tbiink iow you wouild have ta try The dlestructive carpet motb sud uther DRCE THE STRIltE___________ dent te a biionc sao fthe systoii,,e-aeh as O FIE INBluck.WheEbiSTlDoRHAMst sd try again Ihetore gttiuig a tbiii rigbt, uredacions tues bave greatly dîscouragad the innthe coal mîners now su prngross, but Tre Pilathrp.eaîiu, PaiIlti u , hl torsu vNlNw lcwee]ia e i bn AcaIlls ndd.Bepatient pariautauomzugh eeig eih hlias in.vaded the penitontiary sud bas rpi bsi e fcund from Sa.ne. ru 9 plia. N ess atif youtworeofeft-handed. Be witpir- remarlable Suce 4,li ,lea u n ring et reeiecedircctly opposite Drill Shedi. Calîs the chilfiren, for notbing ilasu resttul in abegosfrtasvn aa"TTH EDO -la ion yu h tlegralilor telophosie wil receive pronit u nose as s noisyboy o b ufsor ht aogyasirm g iprdnielioalmo whobarieltmh o thr ToTEETo-Pese infum yu attention 71-yr9 uetgrlavin hihevrfin s upuairuhcuefrme bor nsurrizeal hsewooereariers that 1 wilI mai! free ta ail sufer. A.C.iVNAN~ s ishivus bsyfugreaysi~on ~4o.Ddyuoe oieta ualteors the means by wbich I was resturedf C.tin 0 ssuNmory uV.trubfma ssys read.y-mnade cothing for iieo,woml- Iteadache, yot CARTER'5 LITTLE Lîveci t Otig sagy suddblîdea l tbnstanug toabola'pardons the criminals had beau guilty ut beal th and matily vig ir attar years ut are oquaîîy (haboluCnsiaion.cnint d'"FFIOE-HI OGINBOTHAM'S home as a 5weet little chilfi. teoucnd ispen s rable pi-bg ta udgcoss offeniss ansd tisat they have coma snfifsing frum Nervus Weakueqs. I wasa aniprevoutungthieauuiog couýipla int i urM ne door eoth of Dr. Buyle's. ty ststrmulata tee rom hiver?,osud roguls1ie te theboel Ai al ytlegrphr uiponlihreoie .rugs sud rag-csrpots wereevoived ilu have the struugost boifi? Take the entira I nearly lob a tlînlumankjnd, but thanks Even if fbey onlycr propt ttntin. i Ohld' Psmtpatqiet cotîuuity. 1 bta sd yon will flnd this to ho the case. t0 heaven, 1 am now well, vigorus sud L._A._r.______Onefa____________________ patientns isThon, f00, ibose psrdoned are the unes who trung. I bave uothing ta oeilisud nu UCINE, AW. TOL E Onltht ie utanmothkep ml fier ut lasons lea Ibave fthe moat influence witb a certain clasa. schenme to exturt money from anyoue ý UCtTONEER, wAPPRiSle, Otriosi thatshcanuAsoctiopnbr ild thru renraThe Weekhy Menu- LTh1e public admiission ut Attorney-General Ehom A: i estaeAet omnll.Otro ls ae oiation twith otbefchiîutdren c ertisuekuuf Il I wtill e end h slTrfribis d, isnssiu onpI&lnr, ta leened in any part of Province. is inevýtabIe : su la the gond thus learned, (Corn Dodgers..--Mix s teaspio.-tul eacb Little that thu State le unabletoenforce vvilluteegdeiruslumae c er fr ohd bu sînînt iceee s to 80 is the evil, A writer in the Jennes utsugar sud sait witbsa quart ut granulafefi the probibirery law, sud thar the towns thiscaincr a oal ilsn u otn tho Lir gl'duose oasnt !ýî A - A. NTMiller Monthîy ssys :If la bard for lber, curn ,opsl, sud ecald witb boiliiug water anidcities should bave the saloon rayonnes tr esansd coniideutialtfi anynue fulIl par. home, sud lieuse sehc cocotry tberni-výil Sud RCHITCT. lana ud Secifia. lien wee Willie's vocahalary la enlarged urnfil a peste la furmofisufficientîy stiff to il'order tf0 liesn taxation, sud bis final ticrlarsut j ust how I was curefi. Addresi îheseîittiepiîîlualeisumsLusS byI ' bad patieinly shapempresdbng withe damp thoy wîll net h hiug f0 o itIiouitben los pae d gf.o evr dlas -f bilding. y adwords wbich mu at ie yun- retain ifs s ewiLbout srad gwben ocuinH ha eiral ttodit-Btate i il e Sp cll tt nton g. on ru~ o ti g y a n taught hil m,; w en nex -to-the-younlgest p ac ofi upon the grifdle. M ould witb the tenit tha f 'niimu er live, sd if fe nation M uR. EDW ARD M ARTIN, (Teacher), et bt alr nitaiayarnemns a a obig oe -sa a spîsymate bauds loto cakes three or four luches iundpt a policy by whicb fhey are unableP..Bx13D itMci (iic:(iueBoc.Wuby 4 y had insinuatefi that "lmatema doesn't hove dismeter aud hall su inch lu thickness, Io supply themeselves sud their tamiliesP.0 3x13 1TA'I1. 1r4 -. hlm uuw fhashe bas another baby;" when put a bit ut butter about the size ut s pea 1 witb fond, these peupla will bave iii, sud A pueumnatie buînper, fu be usefi un trol is thebie ut se mianyilives tSar bore 1ewhere IDE A T , Taî 1JL s àtruggle la tnresbadowed by Neilie's gig- wbere each cake is tf0lhe piaced upon, the ss'.igmon wîhl reaurt ftauything,' are loy cars, te knock caraeles pedostriaus ont we mnako unr groat bosaf. Our pille cura it Gentleumen's Cohgîie oOre 1ng announcemaut that une ut the neigb- grifdleansd as suon as mltefi lay the cake tut "ý - t euttorancea lu a State paper. I f uthie way witbuut sariously bnrtiug rbem, wbile utters do net. CithsMae oOrer if'abysishm beu"ghe gmlyIwgepnif. Fihi the grifidle iu this manner l b.a part ut the educafîng process Dowbas beau contrivefi hy a Baltimorean. and4eryeat5 LtLe. ivroPrt ar ver' isîl la defiofi because the chilfiren duwu the witb cakes, sud when fhey ara hrowui on goirg ou intarrupfedly. Fuhiowing this a dose., Thet' are strictly vegetablo sud du j s/ e, relF A dofYorI * ihi t tbacurs te ldeotorde muaerd lue.W net gripe or purge, but hy their geurle acion *.X.il11~jJV sre lordurhvet otussds. the lower aide place a mal ito uteier -estè aeu r ut eig i tpleaeoail wbo use tiîer. lu viass sf25 cents; Ahi this, ad more, must ha oudurefi hy un esch ofthtem, turu over, sud gentziy cPintpauies o cali'ary. These camipaniles five for $. Sold evoryse bo.re, or sont by mail. comipasaing love au nu mre provido that with a kie or cake paddle. Ater 'eing Lo w wens fhey are musteredi lu sespor tion hüBb a ik egv irCsoi. CABll 1ll0 C11M C1,Iz a11 7 ork thîey shall coma unt ut daiiy contact wifb fuuefi ou the grifidie sud browuad nuely utf Lie -Nationa1l Guard, fbey are fully pro- 'il bn she wss a Cihld, she cried for.C'astoia.1 8 11 , OFFCE -ilea ofiNlssr. ther chilfiron fofally unharmed flîsu that, on hotb aide,the cakes c'eh tastref arefi for servi(ce, or wilIl eaU by WeusebH îeMieLb cngr Csos ofbtey abal pesa througb ahl ifetawithouf acars tuj a bsking panr sud f;liuîsbedilu&a ot oVen, radive thieir arme s ud acoutronîeuts. The aaetonatra IJ~~gnbotam & on'sDrug od miciorseul. Ail selleaud o i ore couivaniaut 0they can ha hakefi s inoftflhe Goveruor lu violatiug s a - -ltofolivten ab s-heeau sud sei enfirely ou a grîidIe or pan fliavn tenotutthawrdffaetersotSncb dodgere eau lho bsked lu 3( or4OinRs e Sto (down stairs~ ~ ftle possible ill for the s okfu the ini(pn- tsbt are sweter sud le bnhkf C hla be neit. ahreu lne 'I'o e -1-I r c~l ;..:--'.M E PS oGr pishoulfi ho nuoderatc au as not t. oh ForheM.Ah.N VILLEcl te... gesthndthey lla 1e lecÇfe , ý. u te omisio-faillure by Almon For Th Mothr. scrcb te dodera, ud fby msyho fuuefi l ofcrsu ha aeuf. HitLa it'le oi T- Fuikerson, out EIklart, Inifi. i01..a.dvrie nth ft Genits' 3lthngit j a-rxialy ue that t howay toe ifuecearyetohrwnthoin "led, aý-h t file ligeN' Bilt EVE I malke cblîdren approciato their home is for Corn Frifter.-Toculsecaîsutfcura add ko.Should the t-veurelfor brisudli grm abutmifnoalroqimNT ayLIE-uVu rEerIT Ceai, lJyed, Pressed sud Repsinefi by tbem tf0bat e if nuw sud thon. I"It limibers unetetupuret eeotmll, to eanadOgeroom. TbuRt ifONTIOyon e r yoquu, ant Mdîcin TT ~ ~ ,~ onf my mmnd," wae the reasoieune lhutilogirl hitrscpulutsit udfeu, rpDeryasg frGbe hinPatent, nb eiga £1 ~~~~~~~~~~aefor ber foufnes for viiting around fi î akuplofwder, eandb tfmleur rla vr ionwud aetei eovl o te Tu AFROT 0 il 0RD. lA Tnwr are eda teu a gave hbaigpodreou VIA PiCtURESQUS MACi ïNAc. ~ songbe reatves su se wa igh t iff hatter.lDrap tfils Carter hy spoontuls actiûosoutthe Govern'r show if fobclio s _____SOLINA STORE where you will tend a DyrsdClte iour he n m soda lerdus alénut eoth iinto boling lard or drippings sud f ry thie fnticon te remove ox'ery officar wbo la a Avoif the heast suddfint by traveling firet-claesassurtuient which bas been aýoda warrauted f0 bc as nouDune will bw ea dren aongodrs; sahiugwitb rsamnease dooghnuie. Derimocrst or a Republiies. Wbare coim- on the Floating Plcso h eri bought for cash, cousequenfly I am pros- then rou plansdoe, uohbrhlen sd syarSbiz oenswItbteir Rusk.-Take ut the bread ilonge, wbeu paies -have s prepondersuce ut members ut Cleveland Steaam Navigation Company. parefi fo sali at close pricesansd nut sacîl. Corner King and Ontario Stroci, las, boesdtas Seoeeo u eradytaf0 orm inoblaves, about t he sîza of1 these parties they are heiug disbbsudf, sud Twu a taipsega taesIaefeslaiy Bowmanvîîo hlfrn hehgbrsu or enbhu han sd work loto if hait a cup ut/hem comepanies are baisig organizefi in juet beau bull for tfils Upper Lake roule, Atnerican sud Canadian oul siways lu ______________________chan__ celaaoutthugiet ;shegives them idealm 'sugar, hait cup butter sud f wo eggs; thair places. 1I111reference f t he milifary cosfiug $300.000 each, and ara gîsaranteefi stock. Please gîve me a calsud you wil troue bar own pute sud lot ty character. flavuýr witb nutmag. Lot if risc, severai peirtîiuu ut the aboya interview the (,orne- to hoc the grandest, largaît, safst andi ho wehcome wbether yuu brey or nof. DA L S Tl 4bahy's mind le easiîy drawu fronm au times, thon moid into amalli bisuits spordatcommetsasfollows: Iiarsy ats taierouteLkssee 2 * ajet, udaIrr elingttati ru nsd lt if isa f111 ffittaon minutes be- evideut t hat Gov. Lewelliig désigna reor- miles par bour, runuing time betwaen N. B. Ellioct's Roller Flour kepf. thcug fore auppar, thon bake. hy ebudgnig the National Gusifi g0 thal if will Cleveland, Toledo andi Chicago less than j .V Ilthgelo. Kchep s chi llewnsy aid wt' avesuttuf b busfrtels oa Ppulist fonce, ammefi for suy amer. 50 hours. Foîur fripa par week befwoen gef nomehof ee hw blit ising. goucy. If Was onîy a tew daya agu that ho Toledo, Datroit, Aipenu, Mackiuac, Polos. haa.1ig11haafueii ;bth Lemon Je iy. -Sosk une hall box ut gels. namref thea Colonel ufthfie Third Réginment, kSyay nd Chicago. Dniiy tripe butween a- way as net ru arouse opposition sud un until if la diesolvefi. Add oua cuptuýl ut that, position ahalha fillefi by élection, Angust double daily service will hal main. T H I11S PA PE R tampo. - ugan, tir it together sud pour ift inrut,, the offic thrIe regiment heing the elec- taluefi, giviug a due lighft ride acroas Lake Sick beadache ta vemy apt f0 occam lu cuufuls ut bolliug watern d thon ad i te tors. The Guro r alndsad ,w Bi.Diysrlubfa a lvlni-AN achol hifirn fumiesiiî lnwad uerjoies of fhrea louions. Have oebiln f the het companios lu the servi-e, onandfiPuf-in-By. Firsl-cses stutaromt i* hoouka, fom imperfeet digestion ur truinton wafer in a veasel one the hack ut the store; sihîy ru reduce thé corumanti, but, as uew acmoain nineu nieca !îI~ .fhVll 1-A N E .D itbe exorcise lu the open air, sud nuf la- lt if bil atten the gelarîne is put lucmpnr were immediataly onganizeil, the accy omm ouin nd n uatesdTe pia.JUIeJ UUILIA C LI ND NL D.S.fraqunuly fom a combination ut these un- Al ton adding ftlielemnon juice airain and esoigio is hsndly acceptable. The ;fiai eq unTr heiupunRat heupoîn T he L de ,J u n Orauae u fee oyl Cllge t entl ygienie conditions. A child who sufera pour imb a muid sud put if in a colfipaefimaistlssddwere cumposeofso uipu oamnsmkes ,tae luxng otheepposteaes0-TR O Surgous.Ouralu. re ick beadan ches sholshaprmlytiinfedluueuceste.b itetYoung monin thee towus lun thuoughly 1enjoyable. Senti bue illus- A large 36-page Iilustrated Fasý_ VFFTCE ýOPPOSITE EXPRESS rlivfitor aceuwblaoeinlene. Tutti Frutti Cake. -Béat tua aream hait wiei they b ad'their bead-quartere, sud tratetipamphlet. Addrass A.A. Sohantz, ion Monthlywill be sen t to VIALZD I.Ahspa follet dicsle o hn a spny ful a cup ut fneah butter sud twn cupe utpuf -wera buth DemecratsansdRepubcaeTh G..ADeri&Cevcu roma.an ad es YITALIZED AIR. ~leausing tboroughly tise skeusandbair. ,Fo derefi sugar, te which adifi ib well-heaten! questýionutf polirics had nover beau raisofi. <oD~r ~SIL thispumusedisslveouahaItteapuotulyolke ut four oggs, s cup ut swaet mi, s The o )mmtissions issuefi f0 the new uffleere _____________________ Ne-w Tali r 8h. in atut fwsor. Ir jesaisenrecurnmeud- rablespouafulot coîfi water, th.- wel-estu h aehengio ttoiyf aiseF0i N ew Tal6,ý-S op d or sein washiug -ouf a- bsby's muutb, whitea oft fwo aggs, sud liset uoal bren cmaieshve wer maen thf ou wbota r keepin it fesh ad swet and reveni*g fnlytreue edollar osuda me wteanP FO utsîteîait volnc l priausiaea fn1.pra1e5*-cents for tise îwo papers. .Ic The underýened wbo bas beau carying on the infliction ut a sure moth. If 'sas par- au extra haîf cup of fleur. Bake lu jeliy, onhy lu Pupulisf rauka. No meemutsuarinesssudinoca fmpoe opy o the rilonng ebSneforn cuncrof ei ire tct autisepîle sud dielutectaut, aud mixefick iel o vn on aeu oacptf nl oceifrh nw ou a is Msso'e Dy Gr.daStor fua nubar t aawith glycanino or honoy ir is useful lu thnust hvethe tins well greaseti sud siightly litat leaders. Laat wintar thé Adjiutaut- U E'.~" h o ra teeldenc ,9 ugSt.,wosr, w bore lho n peparaf isess amdbfr orn h atria sol 8lake gants' asudboys, suitee n ' te oti-werodCoer purug ie bffr m enera sllckad for $30,090 for military pur- UR styl a"d at, lues-e fprîcas, ForItboe wlateehu eewmaw r5 e cent hem, Wben culti, apreati between each poses, 4the antime aniunt bu ha available at wn o hî ,~ toe boneuf with twn chilfimen nf six sud eigbt, layer ut cake the tullowiug mixture : The au1y rJime. The Légilature appropniafediI sapbiainta ilitrs "Wisb touri-er sus, lhe will carry s fullino uof kau avbadasisri-l-efe btse w gs eenb82,0,l oueuneu hc ie ur h aua uecito nuu Ts BWpesluailIb uwet pttra. Grobi ati la qti euci f sud wilbe cnt ahe card pulvýeenizetiso bu maeos ut iîog s in edcnsqubeege wis.théen ance R 0It ad5e publnricat s io ht i papere t pnmîetPetoneo he liarenomncastu1t1hehstrasisceetly toet av Ceumtnin las 0 ae t h sand tla d nc ni l usan d ut aunoyiegtth or d ieu l e s t ry f n u a a m ladeeovwon . his ba b eu ee ed xpeien theT lan d.E'r B S T auun-faed rimalayr rfusot1foohe an rde giea y 5utenugWterD-,e ecnganSabuofmel"Oihe