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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1893, p. 4

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fLO NG IL;FE] FRSAPAR 1 LLAj lnrkieriy, a Mwefl known bîîesn sboro. V a., acuda stiins tcstîuîIîIyt Mten,îY leg, frouI the k ie tc th ieitl a slid sra, llîtegaIn toe>~ ;ceei''î stîîi Ae dby Dr. J. C. Ayr & C., Lowveii, M es thr wiIcure yot FOR SALE B 69 King.t t s I MIDSUMMER WEDDINGS. ')Put on the Lord Jeýus Christ," Rom.i 13: 14, frorniRev. Dr. Momnent of Brook- Three very interesting eyeuts have lyn. transýpired wîinii the last few weeks. M,ýesar2. Yourig, John Mlomeut, H'amil- BEL-BNGHM.ton, Giffillan), Jao;k Btier aied reveral of On Wtdaesday eve ing ug. , 1,the 1the laie amng-hm>'i rs.'lat res8ideuce of lMr. ¶hsBuighama, Church ing,one cf Mr Groar's f vedseho we S, his eIÀce, Miss Idla Binigham, eldeat respcet fully aplk flot ic f!,rgt the pie she daughiter of Mr. Gilbert Biaghaml, was prcmîised, are frquenî ared wekoin VIS- unied n te bnd ofhol merimnyitGTs to Excelier Camip. The la'dies- pro- w itb Mr. Johin 1. Bell, a partnier in the nouince said cem e eth oftelbr flr cfMosrs.Brttan, aid& C.,ately furuished and b-ssý ianaged of theý Marsball1town, Io w-a. Ilev. R. D. Fraser, rumb ile r. If thic boys continue eaeting, M. . e rformed fthe ceremony at s îx _ighing, and crackLing joke-s as they ce ck in the presence cf a large nrnb(r .,ave se fer the,, wili neeui to ta1ke a feaý cf relatives and friendsi. TÉe bride wss bo(leýs cf "Fat Reuc-r weu they re- prettily co)stumied in whit( silk withl lacetu.F.WO.. trimmiaings and ctrriedi a lovel' bouquet EX U SO C E, cf white roses. M1issa Magie Andeison E C RIO E H FS of Toroente attended the bridle and was be- coily attired luin hile ilk and caried The CoLimiitoe who mugdth-e S. crimacuo roses. Miss N. Jenikin, cousin O. E. excursion toýeNiagara Fells Aug cthe bride, l adc oe.m r. 7, are exceediiugly vra'eful far îh3 tee Thos. B.r.gham cof Toronto, brother of the alstifaction expreýssed hy Ilhe pii bride, ably suppoted the groom. Af ter paters and for the ruany k11inld üxpreýsionî ceegratulatioe, the wedding guestas at of the district press. k aa -a groat fi- dowu te a spltndid supper served oun thre naniciai succeEs as wk Il as in every octhei in 1an. A few heurs was spent in social r»espect. S chat and other amusements after which We quota a few paragrapha fromr our .g Mr. and TMrs. Bell lef t by the express te exchianges: gi vi8it Montreal, New Ycrk and other cities Oshawa Reforrer: The Gr-nCiy in the aast. They returned te tewn Sun. aa ntetea dot, iii Marked contr olt îg day evening aud leave fer Marshialltewn with the Carmonsa, a d t hur bàita of c to-day wherc they will reside. Mrs. Bell thae ilk. The weathier vas beautiful'y ri eceived a very handsemne assortmient of finle and the sighta att the Falls were ail presents which testifyý of the igh,1 esteem seau with satisfacion.Nt a ieig hrp in Aich she was heid by hiernumereus paued to e omplain cof, ce te mîr tt.e tri] frianids hiere. She wili be much miissad -it wvas onaet unmnixed pl(aasure fiota in St. Paul's chuirclh einu, the principlbgd iu eed ,U sopran3o inger in Ilhe chir and .su active Cor. . S. No. 2. Wh Thy 'e Mises woker in tire .P.SC.E. Lynde spent a. very e;L3iyabl imeon - IOSWe,-RTY- HANEY.Ithe excýursio te oNiag;ara in ihe ic dat of Therme evenirg ,a quiet weddiuv teck 1menýY et theîr friulnds. place at the resideuoee f Mes. 11 Haney, Or-one iNews; 2Ail cnjoyed a ver y peis- Centýre St., wheu hler dag tarHis- ant trip. The ecrsowhieh -was Lydia Hselýay,evari united in merriselagly tndd-waweIcnductedL 1 înh Me.r. C. -Nosweorthy, mer 1antlf'he "Garden City" is ail that is claimied thîis town. !ev. R. A Bii1key, R. cter cf cfhbe,.% fiist ciassl boit iu evaery resýpect. st. * ' hue,1erf --d ha- i Vindicator: The excursion te Nirigara niy, and iterthe (grueste had prikeFal ,il l on Monday devqîita a croci of tha eddiugspper Mr. asud Mrs. Ns.frcm town. Fîve bsnad1 clwao s %Awe r wort.hy teck the train to8i[c(rtheîrhenýey- dewu te the hoat. mon t Nagar Faîs ad ob~r lac1. hrenicie: Anothar fine jcurney w A large corapeny cf fi iends er a hethat1uItheCarden itv eQen streati.on sd gaive thiemr a lîght royal sil- 1d.asd on te the faill cf Nigaria evvr tii. off. 1ue,,W electnric railw,; "ou McudaY cf the JoHiNsTN-ELLIOTT. wraek This ttnp waq ceond1 uctade d iv On Wecuedrýavimemning lest aucîhier the auspices cf the Bmailesors o hapy ven tckplace at tha esiene ngn ,ad Mwai well pstronized a cf 1,e. Ja--. Elliott, King St., E., wh-eu NwesiBowm-nanvillP, Oý,hawa, a his second daughter, Eve 1.. was uit.d Whitb)y. , a ri age wtihM. C. Avary Jun, , Newcabtie cor, cf News: On Mud >y third sou cf Me. Jas. A. ohso f the Ag.7 h, abouit 100 passeuigera wen ýY flinm cf Coueh"_, Joihuston & Crydlremani. the Sons of England excursioln te Niaý The ceieriy te k pl1,e t 8 a. m. sed ara. Tha Gacdani City is a fine boat an( Waa perforrmîdlby 1ev. C. Parker. 'Ple made goodimiie ou her tnip; the iss,ýi bride was îrtfully aitired in a travel- gers wGee al delîght'0lVd ith her. flng suit cf daîýk brom3n wipocrd aid wss1 Tyrene Cor. cfNws About te:t ttenr-ad by bar ,îisttr, '"ss Kecto Ed;it. persous from aizornd here teck ii t1ha t Me. Jehn Gilfilfin as2astud the treere. cursien te i elest MNdoi(ay, r i 'Che(* bride recived ma V5'i~~ spak vary highly cf tha trip. sents. MVr and Mes Jo' ionotori Cor. of Na1ws: Thera was LLE. ing a few Weeks at9 i,ýsiOW'sSO ScEt-Nn(GSYRUI'has d. by millions of mothars for tIren while teet.hing. If dlsturb- ht isndtbroken et yeur rest by ka J suffariug and cryiug with pin g Teeth Eaud et once and get a f "1Mrs. Winsilow'a Soothiug fer Children Teathing. It will ,he p3or littia suffarer imniediate- pend upen it, mother,thera ta ne about it. it cures -Diarrhoea, ýs the Stomnach suld Bowels, cures ýoic, sotteusý the Gumsansdrce- iflammatinsd givca toue and te the 'ihola system. "Mrs. v's 1otin yrup" for childeen lei pleasant te the taste snd -ii tha tiou of eule of the oldeat and best hbysieiansanad nurrses in the Unit- asP. Prie. tweuty-fiva cents ai Sold by ali druggists througheu.t clii. Be sure te ask for "Mils. wVs SoovnicSvur." 22 17 ta get a' 'Sunlig-ht" picture. 25 ýSuulight" Soap wrappers r bearing the, w crda "Why Dees au Look (>id Secuer 'Phan a Man") E os Be, Ltd ', 43 Scott St,*, Di sud you will receîve b4 Posea ~itrfree fremn advertising aud uni h1 framîing. 'PThis is au easy deorate your hcme. Tha aeap bont m the market, ansd it WlIl sat le. postageJ to L'eud lu the ýr, if yen le.v the ends opan. our adî1 rasa carefully. IuPLI dI yet lives lu igoan'ce &X fat ha asi, , rpia- il of the EACUISUARL es fèdintn ~iI e t. rest such~s cipnl A i aspeedy, rm:ctad yscasand aloe ai ies fa"L..cuTIcuRA *Works oeran7d its cures off tor- riidsfi*gluriflg,nid hUMil i - .*4t*o~ aetwee.)te the usont ")letof0li ______ jsiioaautifuI i campinig gr ud .- -1 ucest v Li ~ BOwMAVILLE A.UG ~ 1M:3. pessîre reacet la si(qusted about -hee fr these prs erbd a e CîPcy!p. OOi "A1 BOWAN LE A4,ý miles treta the village (,f Cesraa. Itla ligbted with the steamuer Garden City miîdL. becomliug moeapepu ar evary je-se and aud ha! ofcr su crew, whe spare nu j WHOSE EXÇURSIO~ 2 jutly e, for it is vary fialthy as weîi as 1peins for the eomfort cf 'heir 1 a3sanger4. e inihefilba n ls infrmaio etplasat rev stuaedon1 cif with a renjiz-edt frem this pjart of ie ceuintry. We may say for tue atsouy beach beiow, se that, high suddr,'hcemtecf ang etaatoa hfosa who cacat uwta h xei-w no ielake breezssd h iw COngratusittal ilonthe suceesa cf the tnp evos !sanl'rcîvdby ui ýi,1tec obourg nxtMeuday wiSplan- i a wayunteqiialila t suy othar pon( shawa Cer. (f Cheroniele- 'Phe usuartiie tc ure oce sed beoethe S. . E. excursion aud -k cgo.Feiu bndn u m vlaboat excursion te the Fceus o~ux Weanss býaLuecsue nru5l the steamer enagd y tha Editcr of tha ecstchitng ha5 beau enly fair sud ie Mndaiy was ne exepioin-gneat crow4, __________________ ladies neani te ha011t theemaesaSsuceesd fh spolu.great weathar, pkret tma AMBS WANPD-fynumnber cf rHE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W STTlibuahrli- soite h prt .hdthe pleauireou oui day cf 1 --ASprtng 1Lamýb3 wanted far whichthois îith nis sema eo ther respousýila ctizens At present thare aire ou tise ieIand sýx ix aking the excursion trip te Niagara 11ails highest pride wiU b') piid by I's &il in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ac thPaaeet ti rvt n cms vz: M. .Moment, Oroneo, asd in cempan wlîhBrcs., udy et t ho People Buateliers,.uewmiauville. trprise, sud n;t unuder the auspices of prywt et;M.F rnlsp eemr"sdJmse H TT ~ AVS WAN'PED.-'Pen Ceives a ýýÉth to, ndfrind wth ti.t; 1r Bulr, AN. 'ime la slow in writing wrinklea I we wne for ie-xt lour miontha by any Sciet. ver lo% pric 01Oakweod, sund family wis eune lrot.nt; (onithea brows of these worth'y sud ex- t-wmanvme.Itllr t'le tikt-nY50 cents e-a do neot ex- Me.D D avida1) ,Luidsav, sud tamn. Bwavle - -reraadorniatsnsd none ou boardt peet te make muy but 'wpilitoud to iiy; Mr. J, Glhi an sd fsmily, Bowmrau- atrdmr uî .riyit h î a gethse peeple who (,patrenize this pea-vii:e, wth eue tant, ,mud !,-t but net ld0ay's enjoymeuta bthan they. Mytheýy mentith ws asu slsen. sE-pYeie oy axuriu vrypssbe aisatinlepst "Exeioýr Campiý" wiîh thrce tent, e hafasnsd ceabla mioilders In-essary. IHandsomie ontfit aud thse beneflt ura s tin hem suid aîgist-cam-pers:-J.A, cf public pnio.-Editor Geahsm t cfovi 2 rvaesexparianca fnenished every -,1(Monivau o terlnnywtte joy, 1A. N. Mitchell, Cal. Onoice apeciat ine11 su.d control of sudlei fuli alua or thirmoey-wetherteeritoey. Nw. hava over 700 ases of choice prittinig. W e invite th(e good people C. IF. iitcl, . C. H ar, FredJ. Pak- sek a d cr ioyu iln d atgq enjoy'Preu cce, erry.Our m ode of ec uniui g a d r taining Sales mien J ot thia district tecole ud a day's eanki',eýcF .VTer."o ra wl ouin,-ndvinssileFreiliet triny a! utuee cannas.L'f ha Ars. Albert Toijýea, Orono, is visitingll 5yuotig xsmcuiiog toeurTegSTONE l& WELLIN~GTON, tee demtonistratien iu eue Ceuty Town. mnembers cf 'ExcelsioerCamlp' have MeIs. jas. BrantOni. TorntoOnt We'li try te nake it pleasaut for ycu. throg iujoyed thismaIves with foot- Mer. sud Mms J. Il. Butler have beau bail1, b i e ball, boating iishing sud ganar- s peudin'g a twdy n ohse. 1, l 1111 f TIsa reports for t ise lest ycaaeof the banai isicatn mseet.Tliay have Misa Ida Clark, Cobeurg,hs enI W ft Caad sowtattia narie farmiera are er, Pine Peint, IndEan RIederva, Wl Mre. 'P. (G. lLyley sud daughter, MIigss staggering undar a fearful load et miort lam' Landiug, Peout's Point, Mosquito Violet, are -isting at Peterberosd 000 b.wlwntdethHmpe gaeineteusa ettlemet, aud Frogu Vaiie', in a b-ody.SturgeoiPint. Woln Milis for whjeh tise hleighat casht 'Ph. boys lhad au extraordinary strnigLie :l,. Chaqrli iPerNýw York, l iai-piewl .pid smr uy1 n %ih a large fis en oua ot their pleasur ing Lis brother. thimyahl pss e faressd te < TheGaruttfae cctaiiug134acrs ecursionýs. Je etthe boys 1a(ttetd Me . 1.Caeîwel, 'owvn 'ressurer, laboyet ha iddle mon but thiay rush te of exclleut iandI, iyiîsg ihn thraa miles te hr 1>tiaolna ram thea hoat te the sedn mni lh Ibis sens lu the tieiwî hi el esnil u et Pot Hope, on 'the IRice Lalo Road, fas~hc a oigthe boat at art otws.bigyu olwrcht eb eu -Wes SÙ] MIteayndremrtaee fmayfe umayhus hnisabîlnsatch bebweeanthe paloters fstured- -yen iwi1 fioeail te jene radvaut- nearly $7000. r. Wm-. Giddy -%as tIse about' haîf way out tise fias shiekened suid blacksimitha cf tise LupîuCa'; age. Always a good et ck cf yosu purchasa-r lt$82ipr acre-a ioss of iniaaniy paed sud tneated the lad te au imprenitu nage Worlcs, sutd lu favof e the hsn-just wliat tise fanersarat, whieh eM000. lu 18S78 thea owner repaatedily ra- bath. 1nmmadiately the others fulli et ro- aiha li .echsliged for wo l. With thanka fusd$5prar. Ti a htteveprud 'the-lumoustar determinefi Madeeîf St. churct fo % apr,1.TivngpiîmcthIlIl have decided t o r ent- av rc Itrei n ue bdin National Policy bas doue for the fermiera. if possible te diveat hbu c(f its dorsal fins large tIsebiln. servant, .-Port Hlope Gu1ide, lu whicis thay were succoEstul. Tisalinge Mcýt. Robent M achie ar.iiy have D A L R ________vertebrata when weighed ou tIsa hay 1beau speud0ing a tew dax s Kt "De the D, TPTLOR Bec. Gao. Kayves, publishier et the Col- seaies tipped the henni t-4 pounids 1 boys Hall," Lîke Scugi g. the sumrr ie 21 H3m.-'ý berne Express, mainde serne rathler uulwise Soma of tha beys have baecema exprt re1sidancacof Mr. M. D. W iliaii (et B ,w- - co mmienta on July 27th on the cemmaiirisi sh tsnce they cause. Sh ee'tinlg 20 (,Z jmauvili. vaine et the CobeourgWVorid, and %vas fregsansd snakea, ara tac's te whlicbaj Ms icEli ut wii ba bea vists Sh.aV T premiptly sme with notice et action fer of tha3 camipera wi'l tastify. Why dors ing iMiss Amy 'Watch bas returued te lîbel hy Bre. IH. S. Suielgeova, aud bas tise "Be." b:3y exihbit sncb au intense Beilevilla accoupsiniad by Mlisa Watch. is clearingf out ail11 inter ,Ince.rmade ample apoiogy, referrîug te dean?. for tomnatees i Ou Saturday eue 1Mrs. F. L, James, D2îroitcs, has whicb tIse Woridsasys: Thoe publication of the mioat'. popular ou the isiand, Mr. J. beau viitigbr imothar, Ms.Joi. Reýy- Sok o as Vns etti ploysdtapamn tcS A. Mountjoy, was, te tishe orcew cf tise Socuoolds. ýV n remeoves the 'casîýms bcli betweeu rte crowd, uln&veidabty called home. Mesr.. W. Ilt. Kizby nlud Misa Ethel 1Neyes and curselves sud we say te biii, W. hava wtuaase-d enaetftisa mat lhave beau visitiuglat ive unip .etc,, at cost and mnany "'Sheke, 01(l Mal; but dou't de it again 1 turions storma that have paesad tiscougis Miss Ethel lawkay la visitlng friandsthn sfrblw ot It doast psy"' this section for forty yaars. 'Th. wbnd a t (,I,,)no,. t__________________ _____________ bews a'rrlflc gale sud had net the tenta beau aecnrey fatened they would have N _WïCA 8 l'L. A nîce lot of newj Veil- THE DISTRIOT INVITED. beau' tomn te places. Surronndiuig grain Bey. 11. M. Phalan, B.A , Blckstock, bas bren serjo ualy damnagad by tisa hall callad on Bey. W. F. Ailan on Meud1ay - jstrc.vd -It la quit. the thinig fer churchaes, sab- sdwnd. W. hava hezrd it tated but - Me.susMc. A Lckbrtbav ceuc-edng bath Seboils, temperance sud other sec- ca.not hvors octisa trullis tat three cd tremn a thrae waek' holiday at Mrako- Neit door east et P. O., Bewmi-anviliae iaties to hold annuel piaules er excursions, hailltores, rnelted, made a aunfiient ka, .M. aud Mca. John Rauwlck ore TIse cheap excýursion te Cobourg iuext supply ef t wsbig water toc eue camp.l visîiîg friands al, Petarbore..ý.M irs. D. Mý,ouday aflerds, suei snocities lu this dis- Sncbi a large q-u,-ntity ot ram f ail that de- Aga Lno ....Ms triet s finieopprtniây teenijcy as day's spite the exactions et those resusitatinlg lîlu la aojoeuriiig e qT orcuont.. Misa rm=3:F-3 CD-Ulm asue o th Lae ad o se te l, 1ho omodiiesiiepsýry orVisitera; Misa Alten, BoýWManville; Mr. - sd returu te nis Nit finecents luaAl. pfaua ntseLkadt aeta,îg pual il-,vth akmmdi tie ucesss _r o and bsrs. t rued fon. Toronto. h e n o wýî. ilicant Forestel-' parade iin Cuoerg îfoýr sepnhar okdoBtetbwe iiu e.A emmuTruo ie ,vrsdynwil gas by reten ail 50 Ocents eascii. Yo iII ah b. welccn a md eMc mao' au iaMsssAln,'eot; rMe, sud Mes.JconsoxOGOD i5tilbeu sud thara wvill lha room on i loeoe wa twhicis kiudy attaby s PhmacNawburgz; Mrs. Ogdel, 'Iowo;bu moe n ine b Oa mnisia B rin g y u r lu n ch s- th ere 1 noa haie n e er m.i sion f ils h e ter. P r y B i, G u ' hnu is a l g s ether expauise. On Sundeay davottoual services werea 1Cebourg. ---------------- ____ eld lu Me. Sweetwani's reaidane te Lovely Parasols siing off at reduerc-d appropriateansd nmalodions hyimus by ailt enie lî o slbmw btchk3 prives at Concil, Jmýhnto n sd Crydar- sud p:ayee by Bm . Mmnwu were tin wlnd, acrew bezala5 aud Sctwasc fffntrested te a grand yet imnple sermon ou tcr$ý7.5Oand fulygaatedaidt'0 Mnn'sLimtCusCodtc f .1~ J! ~ Th"e Grand Central is seeiing Eome vaery New Butoiler ffirin. choice aummuer drinks. FuIl stock ol picture framnes ard meuld- .Mr. CGee,. Joli and Mr. Reb'.. RewQ,.r ing Very cheap at the "Big 20."7ave bought thei old establihaiMet Remuntsof wees sd od Catabusinies3 frein Mr. W. R. R. Cawker who aRenasofTwleedshand o otataaus 1has fer mse many years cârried on a sue- Clothing Store, Bowmanville. ,coesai3fl butrceigbsn.shr.Ar Joli has a hor)ugh scquaintauce' with Readar, jeu ad yeur lady are cordial-1 the meat trade ard the higli charactar of ly invited te attend thse great cearing theà Town Hall11 Meat ffeadquarters will sale new lu progresa at Ceuch, Johston be f uily ustained. The new proprietors &- Cryderman'a, the fashionabie dry -wilî giva caratul sud prompt attention te geods house cf the couuty. ail ordars and are detrminad te giveast- WRÂ,T SAY ~TEEiYInlupopularity in. isfactien te ail oustoemr Cashi wiii ha creasing. lu relliabiiity tha standard. paid for hides, sheapaskins, ta.llew, poul- la fact, the beat remaedy for summer cern- try, eggs, etc. lJighest price for good plaint, dai<, dyseutery, ceamps, caîves and iambs. Citizensg are requested colic, choiera infautumn, etc,, is Dr. Fewl. te give Joli &-,R1owa the niew firm, a trial. ara Extrsct of' Wîld Strawberry. Ail maedicine dealers sali it. Miuard's Linimenti raliaves Neuraigia. At the clerc of each geason we seil off Mr. T. N. Richýard la showing a very eue remuants at very low pricea. Wa do beautiful catbinet sewing meo,ýhin-seme- nt waut te carry over one dollar's werth thing new and werth calling te see,ladies. of ummier goods. Now la the tim, deo Vheni funaral carda are printad at this net wait for a month sud than be diaap. office, ne charge la made for pubiishing poiuted because soeaea ase has sacur- the notice et deathlu inTuxSTTaSL ed the bargaina you might have had. Wheu we do narr nÂt Élie a rsai, the John J. Mason. charge is 50. WHEN YOU SBE IT ON THE You know they are good. 5.5~I5?SM ~ MONTPSAL. 1 P Vrjest I have aceeded to the ,vlsh of manyýï of my eus- omers and have ciecided on keeping E have secured the services of that welI--knowvn BQoQt and Shoe man MR. 'WILLIAM JENNJ-INGS and have tluhe best cstock of Boots & Shoes that mnoy can buy. ý-,Everythinig is niew and trom the best mnakers. Our aim wilI be to give -VALJEO We are stili offering great gains in our DRY GO department---we 1m-ust b ave r for our al impnortations. Produce taken inexhg aill goods. 1 11 ý il MI4 Man. M nd

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