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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1893, p. 5

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- I _______________________ AFR1EN eakscibrouglinteaBoetibbay (a)Rg.f of tbe beneficial rasoîlts be bhas received( fromi a regul ar use of AersPille. He aye: I %aS feeing ick anld tired and rny stomnacli seen(d ail ont of orden. 1 triad a mnmber cf remiedies, but rne seamned te giva e, relief util I wïs icduced te lry tie ld relia- Mec Ayer's Pille. 1I bave a tkan enly ena box, but . f(eal Lke a, nem an. I tbink tbey are tbe meet pleasaint ccd easy to take of zanytbiing I avern sed, being sefilnely sugar- îeated that aven ,a ehild wll taIre thn,. I tange 11po0 aýlI w;b10are i ecd cf a laxative Io try Ayer'a Pille. Tbey will dio gccd.'> ,for ail dîseases cf the Stomaeh, Liver, and 1BoWiraistake 'Ève r' ose Efýfec-qive 'OU iequirin1g a teilet or bat h ÇiI1 -find the niest varietyot iave ever seen at our ,tore QIO spngei~ neessty in order tkeep comrfortable this hot weath- qiIf you want a mýl1 and sep, ou en.Prices fromi le. to $1,00. ST9TT & JURY, ny place ini Canada c. uy's Dnug s3tore for Tick tion regading, loireet r, TA TEPS, ýt STOTT sudC lefor- and hast Slw eanadw ia±tmux IBOWMÂNYýVLLLE, AUiG. 16, 1893. Local and Otherwîvse. Next Monday's ExouLreion. The grand pleasunre excursion uext Monday by the favorite Èteameor 'G2rden City"' will be f romi Torento. te Cobourg and back ie Toronto, calling at inter- mediste ports. Tickets ar 3 very cheap. Sond for your Toront-, fniendes te cornei dow and spend the uiay. The heurs of cçjallng and price of returu tickets are: Toronto,. Mllloy's Wharf, 6 a.m,., $1,00 PotiblC ticket-ady aud gent-$I.50 'Whitby, 8 m. .....75 cents 0O4hswa 8.30 a. m. Ç Double ticket--lady and gent-$i.00 Bowmsanville, 9, 15 .... 50 cents Newcastle, 9.45 a.m. PQf t Hope, Il a. ma. ........ 25 cente jReaohing Cobourg about 12ý o'clock. l'ýtturruig the boat leavts about 6 p. w.1 I w i ll ho nice m oonlight on the lake if ,Fariners, seo. Mr. etaf.stock advt. Mrs. W. R. Knlgbt cf Bowmanville isi at Mrs. Wakeley's, Lindsay, Miss Orocsberry, of (Janî)ingten, Was guzto Miss Cottoni last wVeek. Mr. and Mrs. George Rice, of Guelpbh O4ent Suniday with relatives here. Misa Mincie Truil of Orono has b'.c hoa -uest of Miss Ethel Foster for a ýe Mra. J. B. Worden and dîaughter Vida are visiting her daughter, Mr6. W. H.ý Perkin, Rothsay. Dr. Recid sud family, cf Bowmauville, are occupying Mrs. D. M. Grsbaiu's cet-> tage, "Vaei"at Mount Juliac. Mr. and Mrs. -T. -Ruddock, Miss V. larron sudc Misa Waddiell have returne-d !5> their summ-er sojourrn at Winder- more. Han semae one a gruidge against the éditor cf the port Hlope Gxuide, aud wantEs te double him cpi He, fias been p-renent. cd with a cucumiýber two feet long. The balanoc, cf their summer goods le boinz- soi1-ff ïat greatly reduced prices at John J. Mî--ýon's Dry Goodsansxd Jewelry etore,ousisticg: cf Dresg Gooda, Parasols, Ladies ac Goi2tî IJnderwear, ilose, Gloves, etc. Oeil aud seonma sonie cf th-e THE .1sDLGTE.,epes &nt effeut and tha icerfact safeatv vit.hi Ms Bnîa rgo je visiting fiende in Port Hope. Oaseare spoken cf as tho mont predluet- ive cf the grain crope8. Mondsay Aug. 21 wll ha Coboung's big- ge2t day cf the Eeaseo. Mm. Wn. Ailexauder je spendicg a month in Western Ontarie. Miss Maggie Allen bas beau guet cf MmIr, Fredl. Ccwau, Onhaw. Miss Peardon sud Miss Wenld cf To- route are gueste cf Mis, D. Gilbert. Fridnay next, Aug-ust 18, bas beau fi ïed as the date for Port Hlope'. civie holjiday. FcuN.-A emaîl sum cf nmcney. Ap- ply to J. B. Faimbaimu nt the pont üoffice. MisesE. Secte, Cambray, and Miss 'M. MeKay cf Linden Valley, h iva beau vis- itiug relatives haro. Mr. JaF,. Courticp, cf Tomeeto. wll kueowe sanong the ligli Sehool boys hera, speut Suuday le town. Mme. W. A. Tom cf Slioaheba speding a week or twc wth hem oten Mmn. Wilbum, Odl st. ,1r. A. Younie, Mrie. Yonuie, Mm W. C. King sud cbildren returued lasi week frmcm a pleýseant outieg telaMunkýoka.ý Miss Aggie Pollock, Port Hope, sud M IeM. Stceeson, teacher, Glanallan, are visiting their senit Ms. êMille, Cbumch St. mme..Juo. Van'Nent, jr., cf Solija, vis. ited st tomne Villa aset waak, havieg e- gaéned ber heaith since hiem eceni illuese te undertake the jcuruey. Allen Tramrer, Port Ilope, on Wednie4- day nndertook t0 bawmmr a cap on an oldeË-ùn. Thoe waapou wae icagd and "everal buekehot entered the boy's ammn, tpliutaning the boue. Rev. W. R. Johunsto)n, B, A., son cf 'W. E. Johuston, Esq., laie cf Graftoce, wae oýrdainedI and inducted icto the- past- oral charge cf antngih ned Wye- bridge on Tuasýday, Acg. Sili. MnI. W. -R. Brock and Mise Mniel Bnock., Toronto, sp'sut Sunday at MNr. J, B. arm'. Thay lef t ou MYondsy acccmpauied by Mise Mauda- Faimbaimu te spend a mcdli ai Stcee(-y Lake. MUiss Agees KE-ox cf t. Mnmys, the talauîed Can-,dian elocuticuisi. was mcma- ried ce J1-Iy 20th, at Edinurglb, Seet- land, teuM. E. C. Bsk a gentlman weli.kuewn jelterary cirles thora. Rev. C. Parker preached two vary ex- cellent sermcns on Sunuday in* hie clinrch te enusnily Ilargo congregatïins. The eveeing diseoumao was ou makieg wiL!s sud though djiscuesed fom a sipitituai tandpoint coutaiued muoh ifrmtof a practical uhartctem and waei lir3tenied toI with close attention. In the mtter cf the dis,%ppearanca cf deceased, eferred to in on meat isse, the Cobohir,,eWeîmhI nives tiis fiLdiiig cf the 1 hiave l in teir Pcý meseures. As Iand Measures efilcama ara e n icelokout for al effeurdaedagainel the Aci, we recommend the Gïaiu Thmeehern te sea that they cornply wihtei iiw. Few people ha:ve auly ideaacf ithe quan- tity (cf fneight au jceýain tea,ýman cannaes, the Beaven linoasteamer 2Ma iposa, rwhicli eai'al for Liverpool last, week camied oe cf the lergeet cargoes thiat aver Ieft Mou treal. Amocg the itemis wera 125,C000 bushels cf grain, 10,000 boxes cf cheese, 26,50 tasko f foeur, 405 casas cf bacon, 125 tons of hay, 37 large legs, '250 stand- ard deels, 30 cases cf fors, 49 cases cf dlocks, sud maey ther articles bauidet 220 head of caille. A Toronto lady favcmabiy kucwn te semes cf cen eaders, Mies Kate F. llag- aty, formoerly cf the ProVincIal Modal Selicol, Toronto, hae beau appointad, cut cf 40 applicants, mcdern languaga special- jet in tho WiUnlipeg Collegiata Institute, ai saslamy cf $1,000 per auuum. Mise Hagarty le well known te tesebemee Ihroughout Ontario as a mo,3t efficient muemben cf the staff cf the Toronto Nor- mal Sehool. She bas dovotad cenider. ableatlime tte letudy cf Freucli sud Gemmian ie Europe. The foliowlng neFoluticu wae ucani- nicueiy pAssed by the memnberix cf the Disciple Cliureh: Thal, whemaas Brother Bernas bas tecdamed hies resliguation as pastor cf thie ehumeli cwing te iargar fields cf ueefulune su ldgreater cemnpatl beieg offered hlm alsewhema, it le hereby reoloved that we aceept the masiglicu; sud je deing se) we winli te placeou record cenr appraciation cf hie labome lediIrde and te tender cen brothercneaes -wiehee for hie succesje any future field cf labor lie may select acd ouripa_ e i that the Master's ichen-t bleneing may et upon sud fellow hlm asud hie estim- abe pînorir thronghout the reïmaiinder cf their lives,, and wheu iifa'e work je ended t'raitho ewemd cof the faitbful mcy ha their portlin. The Chlinesa psay their docton onlv seo long as ha k1eepe them je inhaalîh. They helieva in pevuiu ather than cuing diSeasa'. his is noeud anad oeaof the s-trovngeetneommecdatiio cf Ayer'e Sareapenilla, a maedicina which neot ouly cres dieea2eeebet prevaute them, The West End flouse heeacue mb Ihe- Bcd tand Shea busieese. Thay ugit 'te do) s muhieg Iade, havinig a great combinsiion etablishmcnt-Dry Goode, Grocanies sud 1Boots sud Shoes. You cen ha sure ( f gettiug flnst-claee geç,ode from the eld reliable lieuse. fÏLexnIT T T ~R LIGHT-The mari who telle ycu conideutially just what wili cure y"i.,r coid jeý prescribiug Kemip'e Baisant thie year.DI the prepanaticu cf thie ne- nkable Inedicine for couglieandcold3 niq expecea je àSpsaOd te comn oc ly Ltha bast sud punasi ingredients. H ald 100k t i£gh t;notice the biglit, cleaýr lethen mcompallýra with othenr oeadîes. LArge boýttios aaIldruggiets 50o c . $1, Duig July ard Auguet greci h argalusn wjll ho givalu e-Ilkinds Cf, sommer Lgoode et c Coc mJheon sud Cry d 0 m an's Fine Pleasure Trip. Tho excubiion to Cobcurg by, that splendiid stçambî,at "Gardon City"' next Yonday, leaving Osýhawa ai 8.30, Bow- mnanvilleaet "9.15 anId Newcastla I .4 a m. will beocee cf 'he beet pleasura ex- cursions cflte se ason from thesa ports, sud the retnu tickets ana oelly 50 cents. -Jeat îhink cf il-a mac and hie w-6f6 or at ycueg man sud hie ewaeibheart-fcr ouly $1.00 eauejov a sailion Lake Ontarie ie eue cf the hast boate, sea the grandeeti Fonestems' parade, aed hear the ficeet munic fmom l wo cff thebest iitàar.y bauda iu Canada, besidles srpdieg( a hiaîf day ili Cjhourg, cen County towu. Yeni eauiest your lunch cu tha boat before laudicg, leave ycnr baskets and waps on the steamer in eafety,. ses the big demonetra- tion-al for fifty cents eacli penscun for the whole day's pleasure,. Cona aloug aud have a good tiime Cobonmg wharf is close toe centre cf towa. Mise t. Dowcey cf Benlini is vieiting Dr. J. J. bae, Whitby, was in town Friday. Dm. W. E. Tl ey bas beau visiting ml. a.tives et Mitchell. Mlien Leuisa Fifa cf Patarbemýo je guest cf !&s. G. F. Humbar. Mr. E. Concher ije apandicg bis vacq- tien je Lastere Octario. Miss Kate Ellioti le svis;iiug fiende ini the viciitLy cfBaktn Mni. T. C. Jewe]ll bas joined Mmes. Jewell et Windermene for a vacation. Mn. M7. Meaec hts retunad -cifrom s visit te hie daughita rn jeBu fYalo. rh ethditSunday Sehool auni- versamy ' vwillI ha haid e Sept. 1l.. Mn. E. J. -Nott, Torouto, W,13 lu towu ovar Suilday visîijn Oid fins Misses 'MI'ncie snd Gertie Hie have beeu visitinjg fiindsjeCoin tg Mmî. ïsud M M. C. Fenwiýck ara v1îi- iug hie brothler, Mr. M. M. Feuiwick. Mme. S. Engliey, Lindsay, has beau gue i.atlhem fathe!r's, Mr. Il. W4,Burk. -Ur ed Mm. T. G. Bmown cfÀ Exeter Mmses Etta sund Sophia James bavc beau visýitieg the Misses Mcore, Býrcek- lie. Mm. P. C. Tebilo ck is viitiug relat- ives iCn an(!udatîeuing the Worild'e Rev. R. D.Fmsn M. A., and fa-mily are eejoylng the cool breezes of Lake Misses Effie &sud .f8esaia Knight, ard Mn. Aihur Cake peut ,Sundsly in, n sud Mrn a.d Chri8ie of ,-,3visiareg at Mr. u M,ýanlde Efliott, Bowinanville, are vis3it frieudla iniPort Hop)e. Clarke Agnricultural Fulli Fir will ýf e Oono on Fridey and Saturdi Se p te mbe1r 22 od a i ýd 111d- W--,learii oce goed authoriîy that ic W~dIsland, Rica Lake, hais been pý chased by a eyndicate cf Amiericace. Mr. Deuais Corýkery. the leniord the Hiarwood hostelry, has senred po essieu cf the Lakeview flouse, Ui.rwoý Rice Laike. 260Cm 30r0 Qcustemers wauted at Shei & cOýS' ., Rd's Bloc k, King Streat Eau Bowmianville, te take away wall paper ceai price for the next, 30 days. The officiai board cf the Quean Stm( Methodiait church, Liuidsay, have oxter ea unanimeus invitation te Rev. J.1 Totten cf Caunington, te become thi pas3ter next yeai- 'NU. W.Y. PLHbbs, Presidant oft llebbe Hardware Ce., Lendon, and Vi( Presideut cf the Dominion plate GI! Co., psid a visit te his uncle, N' S. W. Sandlers, lait week. Mr. Caleb R. Mallory cf Cabourg, life.lceg Refermer sud father cf Dr. E, Mallomry, ex-M. P., Coîborna, and A. M&Illry, Prea)idert Patrons cf ledi try, dioed at Coîborue recertil. Rov. Robt. Aylward, B. A., foruterly Cuboumg, has resiguad the pastorate the Congregatîcai churcli at Laudo sud iteutds toeneter the miinistry cf t Preshyterian church, it is said. Rav. 11. M. Phale, B. A., cf Blac stock, occupied the pulpit of St. P'au church very acceptably Sueday mercii aud eveniug. The evening ermon iw esýpecially for ycuc)g mec aed was a ve earflest sud practîcal discourse ýfunl souuid ad1vice fojr ail yQueng people. H-enry Dolittile, south cf Columibus, w iustantly killed oce Monday mix fie was driving a spirited teain attacht to a rcnuieg machine, aud they rau ov tha end cf a Io-, thmowing hnm te t] rou. The drive wheol fell on a i stcce, broeakitig a sidae ut, sud a brokE edge cf the wheel pierced bis head,kilhi: him je thoa prasence cf bis two so. I 7 wîli ha remembarad ibg i-maury in Boi inanv:Iola4a the exhib itor for soven years cf Pove's hay fork, at the Fa f airs. Nplýtioo to Smor. Wi-en yen waut a pipe aud waut. it for littia m-o-y juat coine te the GRA-ND CEN-TRAL, Bowmiauvile, A large stock te choose from. H'UW TO C&TML AU Sý'KIN DICSES' Sirinply apply "'SWÂvYNE's OINTMRSx. Ný,o internari madicine ecirei fln,- ibitaute cf the united c.tuetiesl ably law-abidinrg, there beiug p)ri>3oners in Cobonrg go-Ialad eriens cifecces -Wonld. rieetina of the Laies' Aid cf 'diat eburcli Au--' 9 Ih tha an- ce cfi f ficrs !te'.k place aq fol1 sidet-Mrs. P Tizabýilcoek; idenit-Mme. Wr E . Tilley; Sec- Is H.FaL rvll;Treasurer- eadly; Manag"ing coni11jUte- Vanastone, LMme. J. J. M1ascel, ~.H;ggiurbothartýn, Mmes. W. C. ticg of tha Epworth Loeagua wass the has sttuddof tha 1undaer tha e ,lemhip cf neîd1oiud sed v. C. Parker, -was cf pleasuma and poftto ail The principal features cf the are a taïlk on the topie by Miss trumeetal by iM'iss Tslly,rcaad- a e an ad sol' by MNi. H. Ra.-1v. Me. Parkenrinade aP.few pr!ate oirenkBeon the suhjact. lUMMEP. POINTEIRS. Japaesse China haîf price st )rget Kîmhy's uaew paiet Bcp. usea himi. st Erid fousae for Bonts and 'ey keep the best. id seo the cteeap Wall Paper i.) at T. Shenin &C'e ig 20" le headquarteme fer spcnt- ,waigonp, velocip)ees(e. 01 relis cf pretiy Wall Papens' frn m c l. nwrsat Kirby'e. tit hougbt a INIMasvoe's Clothing ode Stores cut frueacf cha--rge,. nwing bscharge cf th- Booft riMenit ai ihe WattEnd 1Hotise. ts ! Rac,iate IWe have a lot r'Ei rameseite cf W, llpape- ha t ,i ct 'bî20 .C-,1i1e ( -oU'_hl ;iini'x C 1lr1-0 te thal day is "Ma'gnus Expectoranit". s lady Li sol>d d -,1 4kEgi r tijli lfryFo lien for twe.ty i-re T7?n's ii below iuhe lowest city, Li1w9Sbade1,fo u une, tý , mixd mlake room for newv ing ~~ w teatv arec ler eods ai onices goode ;snoîv ha- selrii îog a1ou; tihat wili dear John J. Msoll. 1 o the 1000 Islands. njuzber cf îickate mil ha sold ait for therundtrip, barIls $1asd ra, tei e 3ý5 .ýcUjt, cote50 cents. oise who have liume thameeau ba ýbt but thet 'bhis aquise aniy tiro- p in C&ýad' .Tha Carmions takes cf tintie, aold 'isits evany lccaliîy ised, md- thus cijnahes paseau-rr oy t ha înany s;g"ti Lt thefulleet Thle voyagwe ije ee to e ha mamam- Au excellant orchestra wiii sa- y 11h0 excursionsund Lho,!e Who go mssured of a meet esatiefactony trip. nF ON -TUEf0 TI7S)I- is tho e Qst place te) keep th0 0, ol-fashiouad pili. Just le 1 as von get t insu&e, it bagines rloulie you. What's the use of ering with it, wlîeu YOU en more hchp fFrm Dr. Pierce'e isaut pellets ? 1. 'hse tiny, suigar-coated grnules T'O!C permanent good. 'l'ey net Iy and naturaily, aud thena'ýs no tion aftarward. Constipationi, igestioný, Bilions AttICksq au lerangenmants cf the ivrsom- îud1bowele ana, prevantad, ýved, aud parmauenfly curadf. hey're the smallest, the asiest take, aud the lcheapeet - for 're 9'uarranteed te, giva satis- ion or youn m- xoney 15 me- îeà You psy only for the - yeul get. Noîhhag aise ur-ged the dealer, though they Iniay bc, (ýv for hilu tesali, can ho " 1just -oodl" for yQIu te bey. Llough Ibis iscoeidn I aduli ,aSe. the yeam iRiokard talle us hoi jebuav CHEAP HARVEST 'XGURSION Farm&ies, your meen, broysad girls hae worked bard duri3mg harvest tiî,me 1:,idf could apeit a div's fun Tra themo to a ticket for tha e ..r.ont _Co- bourg 1uext Mna-ni .eac'h. They wîil Ï , itup to Y u a a in. EvFý. >ýrybomdyj iba3terfor) z leUs ot r ecreuat iln. Tae olidayt enoyth , szvI o the Laetelast, b mt ad che 1 at x I so cfthis Bso.N>fa f a-i- liess-otlike cossug hoLkC. exetto raac.Ph Iowavieo ter- tun trip b ' v9o'ok p. ini. Corneanduc britig your family. Mr. Fred Gïiffe cf4 Cleve!aîDý, Oiis bere. Miss Louî Powers and 'Mi jas Lau ra Park- evisited. NiaLýara FIl 1Mniay weak, aud visited s;Ince fred, near N ,cwc s- ICI On Thýurblay lest sJrne3 Maýrdn, cf Omnwas rýeeilg '!1i!,g'esfrocïIa bcist et the pes.k of Mr. Uenrderson's new barnc h eci ertaySlippeî aidsidIiieg down. the reo.f feil ta the qroulid, a dis- a'eof htcn2.5 and -3, feet. Sir-trige t, ruýelaehawaoeiosvurt beyoui a s1evera sha!kic)g up, and ineîaeyra- sumed work'. 1 was cured of a reveme co!ld',,y MIN- ARLDS LINIMENT O o, N.S, R. P. EIO I eucred of a tribeSpr un by MJINARD'S LINIME1NT. Yanmoi'uth, Ný. S. Y. 2lýA A*C. I was cured rf laýck ryielby MI N A RD'S L1 N 1M E ST. Ieglesvîl~e. TJ.W. ReLs ~ ff Iith 2 entus; -Marniagem, 50 innerai erîls arc nrlnte41 et thi onidce P, IrT kS. Prtu~-n Prllgtoi.Avg 10 hc wifa of Mr. Arark Prout, eaduh:r unriw11taka place hrdI 7 o h cteteLea vo at '3 p.rn. forBowmvauviile Gl IR L )ANTED to do buewr n asset n Confetiona""Soe.RN CENTAL.Bowmuvile.32 -If COAT LOST --On Base Licne, aast of C.TA", atation 8owmsa ville. on Aug. 7. a m, 's àdark c at. Leave at STAEMNclc ad gerrewarc!. 33-1w V TANTED.-A -iumber cf active IF youmiý lenas ape Tices te amud jng !radaý. Referenceq s ttoe earacten requiir- cd. haOvAr MA L LEABILE iROýN (COM- 0AY shawa. 2-tf SElIFER T YE -. lot 25, Ds, ..IJ, 't e ILCII COWVS jAND PIOSFOR. atnd sema" te comae in psole sud tý,Yweuty igds abeutg hrcea mnnhs cold sad feur brood sows1 il) ig,; aisa Yorksh1irebu ýr r la o for Fe rvice. ,Arply te J.,.Meelf1ot, B . Vanin4ton, Biwmauvilla P. 0. 3-w A (GR1AND) CHANCEtouaarm $15 to $215 pan week le sellir z cur Hardy Can1adian- Grewn NurseryStc. Hiet salaries on commissions paid weekly. Crle. le outti free. Speecial inst'ruetiena te beginnans. Write thîs week fer terms to0K E. O. GnÂiAÂj, Nursenyman, Toronto, Ont. 32-6M fl OUSE TO R N.Ta eial &Z-brick dwelling cor. Cere sd ouces ion Streets, Bowmvin.ilie. forisma re c. cupiad LbY Mrs. W, Bruce. Therue ar -e , egb rours snd eveynnary cenvenience. c GeedGarden. ]py te Josu ATEyN flewmanvjhle or vW. B. CEENTyrona, 32-tf. LIAM TO RN..-0arsc o 0 1 Y ccc. 3, Csright. Ferfurnenp pnticu, larsý write te . AIL A ETironto June- (RA-ND FARM FOR SALEOR-TO '&TTEN-Oacres in ail. 50db l1-2,-) acres cf lot 5, sud 25 acres 3of uomh ý let1; 6 , .3, Daningron. Fine brick he,à,,c juebana splendfidshleclniwîrtraanSell or wîill rani for a 1l> m-Ipll o-eso giTea star bar vest--raidicg poas ngie lai Mercti, exr. Apply ite MRi. AN Wor Gel preilises on ce IJ. t±~SnescfB - flOUSE ANDLO TO BE SOLD Y PUBLIC AUCTION,ý on Liberty S'redt. Bo0wmaunv;il. on the 9tffh day of SEPTEMBPER ex the boeuse sud lot lately ouvced Lnd oceupied by the laie Dr, William Alsen. Lot contains about 2,1 acres of land, the sale te tak.a place ai 2 o'cleck p.m. ou the prcimiseaý. Fcr fanîher particulars apply te Mn. JAc3ý,B PLÂDor te MEt. Tetos. 3i:Neià-m on the undermentioued ExeccutorB: ROBEET COLV1LLI,, GRene POLARD W-M. S. COLVILLE, WILLIAM COILVILLE. Towuship of Ciarke, 321id ONTARIO LADIES' COLLECE, 'WBITBY, ONT. (CUT PLUGI No c'iler bado Tobacco has ever en= joyed sticban immense s-ale and populariy iii the sanie period as this ttrand of Cnit Plug aud Pliug Tob)acco. OZiesl (Cid' Tobacco iaua. x x COFLFA P SA LE. Mis. Doncastor wili seli ber entire stock of Summe-r Mlieyat GREATLY REDUGED PRICES thmoughn(gut d he rei,nider of thie eason, in odrto îmake room for Winter Stock. Special brgin i ha given ini STRAW HIATS ini ail colors and sae-pie ranging aboLut 25 cns The public araectr inl-. vited to cali and .inispeet, N o trouble te Shiow Gos atts colored sud re>shap- M IS DYIU ~ DONCASTER. Ssin businese lifo je argely de.- SUCCE pendent 1upon bQie!g pro'peri y tmau-ed in commercial usages. A litr. ougli course in practicale ubjce'Is undoi: expa:rienced cifice-n a ili nut Iaibitiouî young moancud momen in, poýseaseioc c Informaion that liase a ready demaud ini the commercial worid. Elant illuetrat.. ed irule mila bacyadmas. Apply SPERCER & MCLOJH Hamilicu Business Colaege, 34'3,38, 40 Jamnes St-, Solli, Harlnilten, Ont. 0TDh sud ceni f yeî.rs,,(lGien nDi "-300 atcres, 2 miles rom Wltby-. on dairy. Ctance for going axtausivaly inta Toronto mllk bus3iness or stock rmais-ug for Dmemîcan iman&kert, Mac wlth capital euly AIeed rppIlv, J. H, Dew., Whtt'bv. 32tf. TREPRESENTS tha Faderai tifa An.. ..LLnclatiou; sud tha edn and Lanca- sbire, Commercial Union. the Lancashirae Fineý Insurance Ces.,, sud the Steam Beile nci, Plate, Glass les. Co. or cf Cnada,. office i Worîb's Hardwvare store, B-owmaanl ville. If you wiishl-a really goodl andi reliable Wat,,h eaul and see those Waltham and tE gin VVatches beiîng sold away down iïnprice sud fully guaranteed by r FRINCIW

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