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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1893, p. 7

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As.for Babe, 50le was growing to, be a BIuB i J IM . great girl. Eight, ten, twelve years paýssedl. --She was just budding iloto maidenhoodl, aidi A Ske1eh From ]le the schools of the village flot affording op- Bare brown hills reared their lofty heads portunities meet for tire requirementsý of atgainst a miercile;ss blue sky. The July s nUraham, now a ricb man, whom the toWn- beats flerc6ly down upon tbem and the wind ship was wont to speak of "one oî,ourmonst _4 blowing acrosstheir tops sent up a cloud of influential citizens," it was decidied that dust in the air like smoke fromt somne wîtcb- Babe should be sent te a finishing achool lire in the hbis. Dw eoi h nc down at the bay." This ain't no place tbrough which Blocody Creek dashed and for her," Graham conffided toJirn, who was; tumbled its red waters, ha!f a dozen men home from one of his trips and hanging werg wasbiug ont piy-dirt, the tbumping around the store. IlI ain7t anything my. roc, of their rude cradies the ouly sound self, and roothers a pretty plain kind of à hat reached the ears of a ba woman at woman, but we can afford to give Babea work in the leanto kitchen of a littie hut good send off, an' by hunks I'm going to doi near a growth' of manzanita osome distance it, " and Jirn assented, thinking in bis secret up the hilîside from the stream, heart that San Francisco, and net, Babe, It was near the noon hour. In a few woulci be the gainer of the ycong thine's Thisworl-reowne Soa stminutes the mn would throw aside their advent " at the Bay." As for Bable, she lI'is ori-reownd oapstads t te ick and cradles and go through the process weptand stormed, and vowed the gnich head of aIl Lzundry and Household Boap, both known tobemt as Ilcleaning up"-,vashing was good enough for her-she did nlot want for quaiity azid extent of sales. T, theoir grimy faces in the creek, -buttoning toego0to the city-away from dad and Used according to directions, it cdoes away the colars of their hickory shirts and slap- inammie and dear oid Jim, and the spoiled With all the old-fashioned drndgery of wash ping down unroly locks with their hardeued pet wooid have won bier point with the old lUy. Try it; you won'tble disappointed. paîros. preparatory te ascending the hill folks to the iength of remain ng at home SU.NLIGHT SOÂP lias beau iu use in to dl.inr. Tis muoh o(Îýf toilet preparation, had not Jim, though his heari yearned ail Vindsor Castie forth past 3 years, anld its usually o-mitted in the average mining eaînp the time to say to stay, used all his persua- maanafacturers have beý,en specially appointed in those eariy days, wvas reiigiousiy observ- s:ive eloqueoce to induce bier to go. ed at Blal Gulch as an involunary-half- Sn bable went Ildown to the bay," and 6OAPMAIMRS TO THE onconscions, in fact-tribute to Grahamn's three whole years passed before Jim saw QU~mNwife, wbo bad accompanied ber busband to hier aeain. She was graduated by that the goid fields, and, followilig bis shifting timne, and had come borne a flnished article, fortunes fromAiggings ta diggings, was now se far as finishing touches could be puton NTEED cooking for the outfit hie had led up into by the fashionable seminary at whic sell PUR Â~ ~ Bull Guicb for the purpose of deveioping had studied, and Jino, corng down fromn ~OTAN iQ certain indications ha had -discovered while tire Sierras, where he bad been for over a on one of his niany prospecting tours. year, nmethei, suddenly, one aiternoon, in _________ MiALS Outside the but and just in sight of the the main street of the newly char lered city lean-to door, tbough at a little distance, in now cbristened ont of the oid name and "71, ýý11_ ýthe shade of the manzanita, lu a bedl impro. boasting of a fair sounding tbie, met bier, vieed froro one of the miner's cradies, a baby unexpectediy, and stood and gazed, witb lay sleeping. The wind that swept the down-dropped jsew and wide-opened eyes, m(onitaiu-tops died awayîto a gentle breeze gasping onlly, "Oh, Babe. oh, Babe !" as as it stole down into the gnlch, andi brush- the dainty vision greeîed him 'as of old, aud ing over the baby's curious crib just sol tly seeinedýaI1 unconscions of the change years kissed tire littie face and lifted the golden bad wrought. carie from the white brow, ail warm and Poor Jiro. For the next few weeks be damp with sleeping. It wafted thre sweet iived oniy as lu a dream. Fair women beuc perfume of the manzanita down uipen the hnad seen before, for ltle litilet nin tife tiny s'omberer,and the baby siefaintiy, gulch was getting te be kuown as a pleas- AÂwsrded Il GoldmoMau lMtnrning sligbtly on its side, with a faint ant sommner place, and for tbe past year or ______________________________mormur that migbt only have been its so bad been visited by sommier vcto motber's namneor might only bave heen the people fleeing froin the coast and tire trade THE CANADIAN_%SIATESMAN answer to some question projected rnte the winds, but tbey hafi been to Jim as thouigb baby braiîî from the spirit world. Whîo tbey did net exist, until Babe had horst ESTABLISHID 185 cao tell the thoughts that crowd and sweil upon bis astonished vision, a transcendant in__ l these littîs beads se fresh from 'the ail. revelation of womanbood. He ioved bier $1 Ver a11nnuila advance, otherwise $15).soul? The mother was busy withiu the as a believer migbt worship a saint, and she ESobsoýript ons alýIwy3 pala 19aftàotol-j)e bouse. She bad just comle to the lean-to was bis balle, whooa he had saved frona. tbe Publiationi.Avetinraeunes yO' door and glanced ont toward the cradie in maoontain lion, for vebomble b-id siain many rect, 10 eet Per lina.nopeleJ lrtiaa on, and entsp3r lne eacà subisecuaat îfl the shade of the mauizanita, taolbe sure the a wild creature tbat slle migbt bave soft ttn.Locals, 10 cents par une, baby was ail righ', beforo vanishing into skins a plenty te furnisb forth bier neet ini MAJAMES, PtiWlisber the otber room, on soine errand connected the old camp days, for whomble hafi carved' à -K with the noorsday mneal. The littie sieeper curions toys witb a knack iearned iui s was sak, she decided, and went on about eariy, seafaring days; Baba whom bie had s ZA 'P', ber buasinessý. Could sbe but have seen wbeat carried miles over the bills in searcb of O F C A N A D A. was iurkingon the other s4ide t he azaia wiid fiowers ; Babe, who bafi gone pros- toaiitalmald Ss, CO,ûjLs,~ ~ (ouid she have seen the gieamiiog, yeîlow pecting with bim "'for fun"~ in da1ys gonie eyes, the long,tawny body, the brrad, cruel by, and wbo stili treated him with the This Bnoii s preparod to do Legiti.. bead aud red jaws. Did no subtie, instinct frank freedom of cbiidiah years ; wbose n of bier mother heart warn ber of the soIt, fatber and mother stili spoke of hlmr as MateBnkn in ail its branches. veivet footsteps even then creeping around Babe's Timn. ls it any wonder that, forget- Farmer's notes discouted ; Deposits the bush, brincing baief ni eyes, the broad ting ail tbat separated tben, lbe loved bier received and Interest paid on accutt cruel head, the red moutb with its bateful witb ail the strength of bis wiid ontrana- ltcf parsi ainsBni fangs, fleurer, nearer, 'nearer the ilîtie mcled nature, a love in whicb ail the years $5 nd pwads n Svino Bnkform Iing flnsbed and warm witb sieep in of bis famishefi boyhood, is bard, barren, Deprtnet.the rougir iner's cradie l toil-darkened nsanhood, were forgotten as 0 îe 2A IT S Cioser came the lion, and yet the mother iast year'sleaves are forgotten.' Js~îa sd oleciosraels Europe iooked net. It croucbed for its spring, its For six short weeks Jlm's dream lasted. Uoitd 3ate, anCanda.head lying fiat on its forepaws, uts tilTen he met Babe erre pleasait eveing 'TI"moving gentLly froro ide to side. Down wiini the biis vwitbi young ,Dils- 1V. J, 5TOYLS. below tL ii er vwere rockingtheir cradiles iey, watcbigtht snrset,adbj1e bi ______________ Age"it an'd éeammîog d1reams cf waîba dîeam asovr.It bad lneer realbe BAJFK t.nes te. r. Was oherc ino power l in bi re2aro ; ffd!IOeen iiwildest fain'"Vy 1beaien,[nopor ou earth te()save t'le baby ? 1ad lie ever thogh f ae s i on Coninus t doa Gnerl Bnltng usiessAnpherinsantandthe prowifig borror He ýwas stilBaýbe's Jim, grîzzied, unkemipt, Bowanî f~l Aenc. oud bave srnwben, quici as ont of uniouib, vwitb rairol in is ,walIk, grotesque, it s vwnkind, stronga tog a a etatodfgre nbs1nd n rss 1 foI 'loiethIdfemce ofîtle weeka an sprang and _a qùeer twist in bis tongue, wiie b is ailre dtetaledatrent aes. o.n Ptbbi iýndashed1fil 1aitb!ecrouc!- liîeart wss as innocent and itender asa giri',ý3 tot aintere uioeacsa ar depot iing brute. With an au'igry sniari the lion and i speu hasgrifqas tht rowin aciln payabe e adtrndto imeet theatc koiy to flnd bis augry ba.And DckAshley vsat- - EXCIIANGE ibroat ca ibtluan ioygrp 0ver anid ingthe sunset witb ae over the woroied, tht lu-ioted filhter Jîmturnied "aid(]t uckot up the lmonoi- .r ueh!7tajcd sotd aulDafsind iupon guropo seekinotefruet1 bimself and tfear thte frem U ta iarcely beedin-g thlgreetings cf tht Un GrSa esaudCaua,loG(ld ,Sýliver and bis ad versary, tht lastter holding like grim yonng people,. He wýalked foriousiy, acarce- UaiteStaesGrenbcksonhîand soîd, deatb, -witb on bauad at bis foe's tawn-iy y iû uwinig wbere bis focîsepeteued CU L CTU Sthroat, wbile the other sougbt desperately The son set over the nmutis,-the dulsk Fr nptiv )iacL n uat,-urrn,,î rares ýupoait,,p'îrt for the kDife bie had net bad timet te druesi deepered to dark.ness, and it was far it BfGeýtý1riltain. the Un teji 'tates anc the before springingto the defeuce cf thetcil thte ntght wben, spornt with thIe btist L-rc0 c ieo Oanada. leeper. iad totn is seul. be tu ned bis Iootsieps Te1gr~pI Tiaî~fIf e bad "et a moment te tose. Alicadv toward homie, Ife r'i; ', "aed1theguc the u-&sterrible hind ciaws bad ftoa bu. and crcled the townu and c Liimbing tht bilh Maefor large or sumafli-,fins on ail Part of 'lotblng ie osbreds and piougbed great for- 'te wliere stood !lus modest litIe cabin, lu Cnd.Tis j% cup - iudvunitlgomte pesn iin l Mianil 0ou or NortIhwesýrows in the man's bared flash ere the which be still iived, with ail1 the old in- liau ts u>,d- avaii âle ai oncea a tht aearcbing baud grasped the bult of the ing surrcundiogs and simpiicity, bie was ,I"er p1t ticla!i-rs caai i3 eur. courted weapon andi piunged ih deep ln the snrprised to find Pick Asbley sîttîng in the E. ) u. FO PI, .MCGIL, savage breast beatig close te bis own. The open doorway, eviduuîly awaiting hlm. .&cutn.Manager. struggele was seau over. Up front the gulcb "Oh, Jim,'- the youug marisaid, 'I fournd the minera carne runnîug. At tire fisi your bouse empty, and was afraifi yen. ad Sound of str ife -tht mother bsd rushefi fromro-gene off on a -trip. I was jost.going away. tht cabin and seizefi ber chiid. Tht men P'r giad yoo've tome." crowded around the baby's deferder and Jim ferlled birosuif to gret t is unwel- witb rounds of admiring prefanity accentu- tomle guesi wîîb a show of cordiaiity, and ated their appreciation of bis deed. You striking a ligbt lu the but, hade hum enter rtme'nber what a baby meant lu a mining Young Asbley was evidenîiy embarrasaded, camp lu tht golden days of Califeornia; and "Jiîn," bu sai, when yer going away, it was net alone tht baby's fatherwo again 1" "Ter-morroçv," was Jim's short wruingSailor ,in-î's bard baud and swort reply. "Prosp-2cting ?" i cve r to for!et bis brave deed, and when, still "Prespectinig." bldingthetnowawakened baby in ont aim, "Jin," pursued Ashie, fl ot uoticing, iii ~ ary Grahamo put tire other araund tht bis eagerness, tirt other's manner, II ani Il I~K jsy roîners neck and kissed bis bearded maoutb, te go wlth yen." I ~E - ~ net a man felt that lie baf got more tilan Jîmn was taken back. L .'ILî N AR Y bUR t*E 0à 1. >bis due. "What's that fer?" hie asked. As tht mfen,.gatbiered uiong the rougb Dick busitaied. At lasi "I mighi as wel OIUNO,- OT.board that, spread ai tht back cf the cabin, tell you," bie saîi with an embarrasseri coustitu.îed their table, tht whole situation laugb. "Yen îhink as mach o'Babe asany ~0fice-Pct Ofiz Bick. raciveimwas reviewed ai iength. Honr sailor Jiro of us-excepi me, I guess., Weil, I love Oeis b tee~rp ortulphos ad tht day beforu broken tht banlie of bistBable. Id dit for bier to-night if 'twould doý me iae-îratîa.pick, andi remumbering lie wouid need it be(-r any geofi. I waut ta live fliber, auy- that. afternoon,; had knocked off a hite -c-way; but tht oid- man, -be suifs-at meb- 1q~'WR~~-PI1C.'fore uoon and startefi for bis lent, up thtec-use my bauds are white; says a man isn'î ~1 Ni, PsI ~'All'eefirhiliside, to set a new bandIt. THow, catc.h-gyoed for anythiîrg tbill be's earned bis way "la ie hbouses. Iiabt's latter had becomu a ru-1pa,,,ng . k, feaedAhy wta spectablu sterekueper andi was rapidly ao. 'eîik"b akdAbewi cumuiatinu moi-e weaith than pick sud sneter, "thai Babe 'nd have you-,eveni when I shovel had ever yieided hlm. Onu by one ye'd nmade yer pile " A 913% Ve,ýi,, N CA tht comri-ades of tht fi-at camp cf Bull 4uith Tht young mai ookud upi surprise ai RMe 7r drified out into othur parts, butBabe's thtue ntdoe."a i as, ptomised Jîro stilîl îngerefi about the old place, et- to bu mny wilt," heSaidsipy Pjcaaîonaily going off cn pî'cspectiug tours, Ovtir gin iu is innermosi seul Jin -once, even, fer a year, buýt Lalways, cominig fouighî bis baitie. BaLbe's laiglc THE.'CQOKS BE ST FR!IEND back te Babe, fro whom bu liecoid neyer kepft risýing belote hlm andm would ceint LARGES7 'SALE IN CANADA. her te bu wholly separatud. 4tbeeen hm tsud Asbhluy jua8t wbun bui GC(h i ý - le "., , mo,,st udesirtç toe seel bis heurt againsi tht 1At lasi, wiihonit buk silence, bu ai-ose and wenite- the fituptace cf tht cabin. Talkingis p fictx,frcm tht wall, he loosen- ed a e oup1e of atones lu thterade huat aud lifted frcmi tht plate laid bai-t a smail, square lid. F'Irein bneat this te took twe dlirt-sta1ined baýgs aud brougbt ilium to Ashley. "Tbert's tflteenuthoni' ibere," bu said. "Ta1ke it au' go tel' Gr-aham you waot Asiey sa'ed abt made ne miove te thceptalnazing gifi. "Itn'ît ake your money, Jim,"- bu gaspud. 'I shall net taku it. Lt is't rihi." "a on"said Jin, britfiy, 'I'Twas in the yirîh. -'l dug it. There's pluuty mort. L've get enougbi. That's fer Babe. Yu kmn give lettûr as a mariage sttilumenlt," aud busmu gri-niy. Witb se muiet aistake tht younugmn was miore than ruady te be ovur peusuaded. Beiuwitb a tcndetloet's ignorance of iwbait thetiwo bags really represeotud, bu biad a vaigue idua Jin eouid easiuy pi-oduce as maumy mor'e, il uecussary. And te hlm they mreant Babe and bappinuss. ',God bItas yeni, Jîin," bu said laier, as te took Ilea',ve oif tht old miner." Keep yer blessin'se," was Jimn's gruif rupiy ; "yu may uieud 'tin.' In tht ueariy gr'ay dawn a louely figure luIt 0;ei tile c'ablu, equippud for travel- lin'g, sud wendeld its way up tht moutain trail, Balbe's iJini had gonu prespectiug. BRIEF AND ILITERESTIIIG. Tt average weighî cof men in Englanfi is 15.51b., and that of womun 12,31b. Theb total number of nmedicai studeuts lu tht '20 GuiinUversiitits doring 1892 was Tht head cof tht rattiesuaku bas buta konto inflict a latal wonnd afier being sevei-td Iroin tht body. , The totaL .l mberof dentiste in tht Unit- ed kingdcin la 4,1ýl7, as against 4,S96 for 182,eing a deerease of 79. Prison ers in British goals doing "bhard" sud "Iht " labour do not receive tht saine diet; dht fi-muer are allowed 5itl oz. cf food daily,. aud tht latter 4î oz. Thiere is, alung towur ai Caerpbilly, Giamorganatîlte, wbiic sitanids 77ft. îu bight sudi is ne less than Hfr1 t.ocf tht perpunfi- ioulai-. Tht we'it kuowni Towur of Pieu leaus L5ît. in~ 1801 t. Slupeý tht Couqunes t thuru bave boen 24 wars btenng anad France. Jo tht lasit war, betweu 180,3 sud 1815, it is usti- îiiud e('bab tht total destruction cf humait lIfe s.utnmîedIo 1,200),000. k h stimated(l l tuo f the 5,000,(00*in- huib,1itants 'in London ever 1,000,000 are poI--iiingon less than Elt swuek for each fi ily -wlIie over 300,000 arinl cbronie poverty. Tht ha of Persia dots net possussaa railway train of auy kind. Ht gens about Persia in carnages or cit borseback, sud, aitbiougb ixty-ltour years of sgt, is stili ue of tht huai borsemen in tht cont-y. Tht olde.cretudwruu la tht siaatesi bird inthe vworld. Hall a, million livea are dily dupeuduent up-rn ie eJfficincy Of it-on and steel wil-e res. T'hei- Nwure 750)(,00fewvei-pigs bred lu Gi-e)A 111tlOi 189)2 thon lu tht pruvienad la - tee r stars ýi fi-cm tI scorl box w;l Tht' ste of 1Gate ai Tht hase80afagtup frein theit huads, Thtý averagu leugit oi it is about an mncl sud a lbail. Tht -imber n)I- telrses importud te Eeg- lund las<i year was 21,026 valued ai £425,- 336, as gans 21,15, value £4316,128, in 19,and 19,404, valut £336,496, lu 1890. lau acbh wing of tht ostriet 26 long white plumes o,tew te aturity in igbt monts. Lu thtemaltstese are pore white, wbile thioateof tht fumnait shade te ecru or grey. 1Uthe short leatheýr>s a te plncknd lai- tips, sud tacït wiu ýg fumrites ic75 cf-these. Tht tait letusare ef a deuýp eld ivery clent, and 6a of 01-ese have a coeyrcial value. M issFlrîc Marryat's nuw book, IlPar- son Jous, s tht sixtietb work of fiction wbicb i he blas written in àce ste began lu 1865, wenty-igh nurs augo. During thusu twuoy-eghiyeuirs IMisMar:ryati as also heen on tht stage su ad on tht plaiforro, botb in, Eng-ýl aisudAmeicu sd bas doeta gi-eut 4eaLtof work -,ou tht ýpre-sa. M E IAS AUR&BEIT'S EYE. Un Ique S ;Krg i al:1tO9e';iltion ut a Teronte Castoria. "Ctortcia lacis excellent miediciue for thil- dren. Mottera have repeatedly teld me tel!tg geed effeci aipon ttir childi-en." Du .C. OSGOOc, Lewehi, Mass. 41Castonia la tht tusi rernedy for childu-un cf which I amn acquaintud. ,I1tope the day ta net fat distant whun mothers wili considcr tte teul tutercat of thei- childi-en, and use Castoria in- stead cf ttevuniousquack neatrumswhuiet au-o desttoytog their iovud eues, hy forcing opium, morphine, seothing ayi-np and cter hariful agents dewu thuir troas, theruhy atuctiu them te premature graves." Corway, Ar7 Castoria. "Cutora a s ~cilodatuin l'-n that kuewu te net." Ir. A. AeiaM. D., lit Se. Oxford Six, iltooklyz, hX. "Our physicians iu thactildmcn' .ý ment have speken Whlhy cf t .t L ene linteir outade practice witiaCo , a and although wu oui- have amouroor medicai supplies whist la known as tc- .s produets, yet we cre fi-tu te confesa ttc. a muis'cf Casionsa has wen as te teck ev-ti lavor upen it."1 UNsîran iesprrsA..L àiDDipEa'sÂAu, Boston, MaMo iALLEN C. Ssriirn, Fses., Thse (entaur Company, T7f Muray Streetl, Nowm York City, FRSL'y J. IGlNBTAM 3T 1 V4v ihA Eaus tEdGrnDpo The undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Dîîrl-î 'n for the liberal, patronage extenduud to us during the past seaion,, also to remind them that we are stili in the market anti prepared to pay the HIGIIEST MARKET PRICE ALI KINDS 0F!cCOARSBE 1GRAIN &esUDESa elerdat Our storehlousecoi.King and L" Darlngtn. ~ -' a ri C 40 seil etetsor at Port Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEA N SCREENED COAL aways in stock, We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MoC(LELLAN & CO. Mauufai'tuu-td.only ut TsomAs Hoaie0WiuyS ESTABLSHMENT, A Tý,tonto spucial says !-A young lady " e-'l- frin aoitea toi-mut puýpi of tht Blind * < A Iostitttai Brtýtfor,ud auunusual ep'uiupurlrfieutpon ber right tyt ai St. ý Ii~al's oapi)taMlooa Saturday las. Tt1c corn-,cthe siý trong bei-ny membrane Wbich ferme thth front part of tht eyeK. aibti-elwise koown vrias thue rystal of tht tyt,-11 Ina teaJ. of buing transp-arent was perluctly 1ý coi-oe, ua icm long xîsi disessa, sud tht opraio cusstdin remnoviug tht cenitral Purcbess àhcl',t patrt s:d instertiug a piece frountht cornes if th' adârea s tanet 5f .A hesl -iy rti was securefi by tte sur- g e n i c h a r g e o f t h t c a s e . Il B u n n y " w a e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ btîc1iloro)formed sud tht pottion of1tht cornes ruquirud rernoved. A eorres,;ponding Latest Gordon Story. portion cf tht opaque cfte patiuut's righi We tyt b4cving buen remoâved ithe membrane The aelh newspapurs report a remark- Irïte tabtit was iusurtud. able initview with a Soodanesu youtb, The wounid beulefi witb tht new piecu in aged 18, who tus ai-rivud ai Dr. Barnai-do's pae, avery i-are resoît, as athougb tht Cardiff Probationary Home. He said :- ba,,isiit mben ioften tried the invari- "My5uine la Yozuli Mabza'ouziu, sud1 be rsul tiuibas1heun the atougbing off of tht was hotu in tbe Semat contry. My father foruiu conus.wusassolduer ai Khartoum. Tht Mubdu's Tht pI cratin'.betl snigiuiet ci-cps killud my fathun, moter, aiter, and whs 1tcïiro t i apetane of tet.yonger brther, and 1 wae stahttd in tht wm tg mprovethe apearanc of th eye- ecksud l uI ooadet for dead." (Yozel , ,t onl y tas 'ibis butu accomplisluu,hbut the s howud thtstar luIthy tht woiud in bis snttonlu hare bs ope ibt tt vsinueek). 'II remembur having seen Gen ersi Four dsys bave ead. snutt pt..Gordou's head buiug carried about Kblar- tien, sofficluni te wvarrantiihe atatemunt mouni by the Anab soidiets,, sud the CGieura s thlati i waýS in everY Wuy ý7Sueessî lf. body throwu ont cf a vindow. Lt 1wss lent lt iý inndetstaod that' tht pattent is se o'clock in tht mernîog, stiiutewn was well stsedthai ste cdusires tht lefit yt in gi-est uxcitemeiîti, htMudissoidiets ttiede, in tht sanint wy, bt las buta rusa ng aboutkIllung al of us Lttey could advsdt uatfrîe uelpnnsfind. G entrai Gordon'sa heud was placed lu Anlottiti rahbit wili bave tg bu Saiectedl for a uIe covered witb isoýmu kind of spirit. to tht sttc(ond operation, as tht rode1(nt t'hîch pi-tati-vu h as a ti-opty. Tht lat ume I ujlc,ýis uye te science wus echiForormd saw Genural Gordon's baud it waa fasteued yîtlet.hlui this net te a long pole fixed in tht ground -...~- ~ - il tht centre cf Khartoum. Tht bead used A prisoner in tht Moniania peiitunîiaî'y te bu lowered duriug tht day se that people ai Deer Lodge la quitu an artiet i,.,wod(. couid set tht featuires p lsinly, anîd aut night Mu bat çui-caved upon asinîgle stick tht buada h ILwas puhied up te the top of tht poe. 1 ni ahi!iu"! -esiunt nItht Un1ittd Sýrtts, huard tht Mahdi died ai Kbartoominitu andi thtlen ase iesaid ito L lent. mouthisaiater tht fait cf Khartou?." Piteher' CaZtra A Shower of Suigar Plums. A correspondent wu-itihg fi-cm Lahore tô Nature, says:-"IA_ frieud cf -mine writes me Item Ptsbhawur about a very curions phenomenoni which, 1 think, is wortb notice lu yuur colusnns. Tht manseon bas set la ibis season tai-lier than lot somu years pa. I.fe days ugo in a village named Dadluzai (a tehsil in tht Pesbaur district) tain fll, precedefi by a wind sterm, and witb the rain came a abower ef hailsionts, whicli lastefi for a few minutes. Tht ese ciouq part of ibi cn-ec is thai tht ballstanez Nhuiî teobed we;,ru flot ut ail celd, sud wbeaa put lu tht mnoutb (as is tht n-ustorn in thIri bot country) tasatud1;ie sugar. JIupm forth« er told that hsi aîtnswr xtml fragile, aud as so as they reached tha gi-oud tbtIy 'broke in pieces. These pee when e-ained lookefi like broken sticks cff cryzîallisud nitre., My informant Liusied ilium, aud was strnck with their-pority sud i swetess, A few pieces were aise sent tui tht Deputy Commi'-sioner oI tht disitrict Tht phunomenon bas been duly ruportud lu tht îeading newspapers of tht provinc, sud tht Akbbar- ' Arn bas noted it lu izs Iia- iug commuern. Dsetonfolbuman h:odies by iceditAl stdnt as been p sciudance BC tO What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Piteher's prescription for Infanýý-- and Oilîdren. It contains neither Opium, M~orphine n c ether Narcotie substance. It 19 a harm:css substituta for Paregorie, Drops, Sootbing Syrups, and Castor C _f'. It is Pleasant. Its guarantco is thirty ycars' use buy M~ilions of Mothers. Castoria destroys 'Worms and ai 3 feverlshness. Castorla prevents voxiting Sour Cut- o, cures Diarrhoea and WViud Colle. Castoria î?eli . teethîng troubles, cures constipation aend ilatulcLne-. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates thee stonnaczS and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cu-;c toria is thse ChildreuPs Panacea-the Mlother's Prient-,

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