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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1893, p. 8

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(Onene frem the Nvews.) Mr. wm. MePliarson, eof Toreutois home. Mr.J. L. Rewe le visiting frieulds lu the ctv. Mi'ss -Kellia Ruthe~rford and Mrs. Jones Gamsby have been ill. Mjise Henoy, Brightonf, visited her breLier, M4r. J. G. Hou'eY. Mi.Wn, pope aud daugliter _BsrthP» ,peut a few weeks in the cty. oeu don't L-now htNv nuch bettar yeU wil felif you tsk oe' araarls t, wilI drive o of that tired feeling sund make '0yen strong". Mjiss HattieO Cmstock, KndlUle] st inz lier uncla Mr. E.l. -R2nwick.' Miss Alice Mo seNewtonvilie, visited at Mrr. A. Poliard's recsutlY. That tired, lnudfeigaddi headache le veïY çdisagreaal. a0 w cf Crter's Little Liver 1Plus bef,)o re tir- nud yeu wili fiuid relief. They neyer, failt b do good. Mire. Win. Patton, Torento, lias beau visitiug lier siter Mrs. . A. Gsmsi-by.1 Mr!. Vw. p. Flet1cher preached at Brougham and Merklaim Surndaý. Dr. Utierf e Golden Pille are highlyl recnieuedfor rhieumlatiem,, neuralgia, pain lu the bsk aud Bide, "St-Yitu5 danco, and a Il nerve and bloed Ldîseases. Tliay improve the complexion sud restoealest energy and nierve force. For correct ing that tired feeling peculiar te womi-en they have neaqul M,,rs,. G. H. Lintoni and dauglter Ivyý -are vistiug friands ln St. Thomas. Miss Lydia Tourje lias returued home from Scgetgl. Te mak-e ene feel as thougli life wse rorth living, take eue cf ate's Little Liver Pjille after etinga; it will relieve dyspepis, aid m'digestion, give tons snd vigor tIo the sybteni. M1r. J. C. ThompGon le atteuding the Worl d'e F air. Mr. D. F. Wah lias besu reasppeioted Aseesser of Rates for thie Townsghip. THE BEST DET5VINSMD touad f urisolicited lettere have raached the ma.ý-nu-factuirers cf Scott'ei Einulion from those cuired tlircugh its use, cf Ce)IJnuptieii aud Srufuleus diseases 1 Noneecau speak se coufidantly o! itsierate as those who have tested it. P.ev. W. F. Allan, Newcastle, preached in the Presebyteriau churcli Sanday. Eider WV. Percey, cf Stouffville, preach. ed lu thje Chritian church Sunday. De sure ard put a bc;x cf Ayar'e Pille in your sthlbLfore travelling, sither by !and or ses. You will find themn cou- v7eulent, mfisc'u, aud safe. The bast remnedy for costivenlese, indigestion, suc sick haahand adapta e! ,0auy Clj miat e. X~iý Lucy Alun is viiitu friands a Camieroli Mrs, Richard LudiLow, cf NwYurk, 18 visiting lier couaiin, Y- - fhaPppe "i 111'T' TO LOOK BACKWÂRD. THE PAST SHOULO NOT BE AS THE WATERS THAT HAVE RUN B. Youiti Shoui'd Not Spen)d AUi ts Timie lu Gazing 1K. the Vuture-Dr. ýTalmage Sevïing! the Scythe on the iearvest of Past tdvaiitages vand 1rast AAversities. BrtoOXLýYN, Auguet fi, - 1ev. Tir.t Talmnage lias efhosau as thie topic tfor te- dayv, a panioramia of reiniiscýences iappr- pýria.te te the season, thie taxt celectcd1lie- àng psaim 3 9 : 3 : 'Wbule I1 was nmuein the fire hurnled." Hiere is Pavid, the peablmist, wýith thle ferefinger 0ethie igfit liand againest his j temuple, the deeor Shut agalnst the werldC eBngagedI in contemiplation. And it would lie weli for ns te take thae samne posture efîsue, closîng. the door againe tf the world, avhile we sit down in swevýet solitude te contemiplaIs. In a semaîl island off the coast I onlce passed a Sabbath in deliglilfulsoiue for I hiad resolved that I wonld havaeone day cf entire quiet before I suteredi upon autumniial wvork. I thought te have spent tha( day la layig eut plans for Cliristian wov(rk; but onta f tIsaI il bacamne a da:y cf tender rein-iscence. 1 r eviewed siny pastorate ; I shcok Liands withl an olàdedparted friandi, 3w11111I 1Shaih greet again wlieu tie crtio f life are 1f ted. The days cf imy boyhioed cami-e back, 1 Iwns tan years cf age, and 1I was eighît, and I1sns five, There. ,was but ene lieuse on tie islaud, aud yet f rom S'alibati day break, whien Ihe birdl chant woke mne, until the evenlng maiilt- ed lute tha bay, frem shoee te shore t1Ie ,We fltan theusan(ldICmemorieS, anld the groes were ahum nwilhvoices fthat hadl long ,ceased. Youth le sapt tee miucl te Spenid al le thimail) looking forward. Oid age le apt backward. Pol in xn-idl-iife and on tbe apex look both wvays. Il wouid ha well fer us, I thinik, howvever, te e4peud more time u eu in ene.By the con- stitution of our nature we spenid imeet cf the limie looking forward. And tise VVastILImajoity cof peopl)e Jivýe net 8se inUýcj in the presanit asini the future. I flnd that yen mean te make a reputalion, yen miean te establish yourseif, and the adlvantages thac yent expect te achieva absorli a great deai of your time, But 1. sea e Li arm luinthis, if il dose net imalie yen discoteuted with the present, or dîsqualify you for existing du1tieS. It le a usefutIhing semeitirnes te look baick, enid te ses the dangers wve have escaped sud -te ses thé sorrowvs w6 ha ve Fuffeýred, and the triais and wanderings cf ouir earthly piigrimage, sud te Eumi up Lour enjoymient9. I mean to-day, se far as Godi may help me, te stir up yor imnemory of the past, se liatin uthe re- view yeun may be enconraged and hum- bled, and urg e te pray. -ITiaere is as diapstludFlorence with a fresco by Guide. It was covered up with lwo luches of stuccG unlil our Ami- I ercncan nd Enropean tartiste wenlthere, snd afiter long bu r iemioved ltha cever- nrc 7-traed hef,-es<-. And T arni Li hoarti, ad oilol - ,r, or seit C oumath hiave Put down lier gray Il JAi1ow li the Valmey, butf homs yen neyer WiiI. -Have yen thanked-( God for yen reheaed ai[ thesebls cences? Oh. thlank lýGodfor fater; Ihnnk son for a CWriet tihatiG(od for au early Chiri; ut whlich yen Ivewre tlnglit Iiiank God fer an ear!y C I bring te mindiaucîher lie hitery cf yo usf e 'i avheu you01set up yetîr owuI The days paesed aieng ila qu nue.YentwaisaMt at the ing aud niglit, uud tked plas for tWefuture. The ii, caîst aif air in your 11f ebecun jeet ofmursual cnsutaion menit. Yen weeCse) feiýt yen never conld ha onie day adak clou over your dwalling. and g darker ; but out cf Ihait clos ing suesenger of God dlescai curuate auin irîtal spirit. feat started on au eternai yen wsra te lad them ; a ge in lseaven's cornet, and yet eternal.ages At lgit ;un ,watchilng tIle star7tinig eut cre-munin-,. Yen rejesced nsiyen Ire responsibility that ilu jour i imlmortal treasure was place, ed and rsjoiced, ndn wept a ed, and prayed and rejoie and -woudlered;3-yen wer'.'et plication that oyen mugit lea 11f e intotise kingdloi cfC ivas a traeir lu your carnest Wa7 a double inlersetbout Thee asaen uadditinal yen slseuld stay iaire and and v;hln ilu a faýw mentis ,was fiied With the musi c inuiglter, yen were struelk the fac ÉtLthayeu lmd a stnP( sien. Have yen kept dtatvow njeglected auy cf tisse dut homi-e as sucLIC te yen asi Hava those anticiations be God heip yente-daY lu Vont mrinlecence, and let Hie m'l your seul if jour kinduesce requited. God have imarcyc on tie wrinkles cf whose fil Phe stry cfa chuids sin miercy ou thiat nmotier, who te lie otherpaugs , li a liiqity. Oh, the mauwy sad sounde lu 1h1 a the saddest souud tt isIec the breakiug cf a mrothier's there auj tiare wlie remne that home they Weraun'If Ihere Ihose wlie wauderedc early home, aud lefI the n- wlth a broken henrt? Co remiiscance te-day. I l ndanotherpe intluY, tory. Yefou tu n eue(da. ths wreng road; Y-n could niglit; tiers -se ',juI o eeemejd te sýob through i lieuse, or theougi jeur j Our shcp, oce you % 1thaï, %word W-13 I"Eteri Ah, Mi il is your firet trou!ils. IHowdi an O eto il? God cmotdyn ier- o aeba a belter nman avec cmose. ~ \ u hve eaua better womanl eversiince,. si;~ )ï te arcfte clos.inig g'm cfth nIO. Youlhe y eherd the luigo i lu opiue]ig gate cf heaven, and your faît au 01ue irresistible drawlng haewsr.Yen 'Il hava ea'u pri sudlier cf heur vec Od - SinICe that nîglit wheu tlie 11111e oenafor t-- he isat ime put É3 arme aIround jour aur iý nek si, "Goo-Ait, ppa go li nht, mamie. \,eLle iinievl. nb- BuI us cone on ivu te)y eue te- atteýr soe)irosv. 'Whal ,ve z;it? Porliaps1 youil wa siknss. lTle c01-1trado ier. thta ,orte îlot cf the i-atCes on tise redl stadi st uel Ue. Tirougîs tise long, 'u d (veary 'd y s y e n c u n te d tk e f zu res in unj- tiheCarpýÀeltho te flowers luintheival lu-papr. hilshewsaeiness and exhans- 111eý tien !I01,Ohse burning- pang ! Wonid au s il vere"Minîxg, vonld God il ash sv ere gt r yonî traquent ci-v. h it; Btynaebetter, perliapse av l-li. 'es H v ensa ks G esi Iat to-ay voix ny- ; ca e iet in the freshi air ; that yen arc i, - i, 1dce te hieur Gods iname, and tha t sisGodpiea', te imuploia ,Gud's i, u elp), ansi 1u is GodI's for givenlese ra-Blase tie Lrdsho healeth aïl eue dis-, dec- anesnsd r(eeameti eue lives frein dis- erapt trucS ioni. sui)- Perlhape youc lads sorrcwwss a fluan- nhciai ,nrrs 1et. Icongratulate liera semaI cf yeon jiiour lcaieprofessýin liera or ocuain u ratîppirel, on a lime. conmodions sidnaeert gyen why p ýut your iansl te seeme te tutegoldl. iful>, But tliera ara others cof yen w1vh-,iralite0 Onse tho ship ou wlici Pauil sailed wliere twe àid's1 seas met, anid yeni ara brleen by the wvill violence cf the w-aves. 1Byvan iu nadvissd Mis- inidor-eent, or bY a conijoncîtion cf un- foeeavents, or by lire or sterîn, or a ju senselees pune, en aye beau flung foiIr headIloug.,-,sud %where yen euces diipensed D be? greai charities, now ynu lhava liard svork lied? te make tihe leisuds meet. i ce- Havýe yen forgotton te otisant k sdfer spn ýur daye cf pcosperit,aud liaItiîrough ni 11voue trîýilsosma cf yen havemadil- -eut. vestilulsîswhich ,vill continua afLset- the -isulast bank cft* e wc virld lias explodelan,,,d hava lietheciver .und Igold are imoltan xi flees lion cf a burniiing werld? Have yvou,amtid ail " cf y onrlesspn disconragemeuîs, ferget au1y, thiat liera was bread on jour table tis Sbut merniig, aud Iliat tiare sahbe n ehel- ýr le ter for jour iead fnom tlie sterm, sud Are thr earfrjulune, and blood for A re la jo r a nsd 1lit for m your eye, Arnsd a glad sudi glonicus Irlumpliat ne- liaI ligien for- jour seul? ,o dis Pachap3e jourILasi troubla was a lbe- that reavement. Tis e-ert w hicl inluchitd- heesil wae yeurreu, the parental hlie-ilheurt, and ivîici liasfbenau asource cf ýre lun lhe quickst sympualiy aevec silce, lias ep at snddenly liomalient foraveýr. Ansi Stint uow somnetlimes , wîenever il ueua a- îkiug uoyanlce sud wihont delibaraticu yen or siay, -1 will go andi taî motier," tha andsi tienglt flashes 0 o yen,"I have ne- Yen moie."Or the fatier. wvll'. v c3s55 to, enr, rbut a lheaci a. rnes n oig NEL EVT.FOEYTHIN O ,inucUreSc ;Ta (d that is at prices that wiil sel, isumm-er goods particular]y STRAW and FELT RATS, CAPS, TIES. e SHfIRTS. 1COLLARS and BIRACJ ail will be sold cheap for ca As I have a large stock on han arn determined to clear out1 above lines to make roomn for 1 goods and as I have already c( rnenced with the repDairing crof J Coats, îJacket-,so c; 0iiyour g iment needs repairing fetch it aic mmd -31stienisia s your. ~tn.- rieai e; mind r baud su d!igestion îý l mesn - rlar- n1d 2-afeet as eneet lpe ilutL spath'y, as ir a 0011153 cf Lemlbray'8s Kidnley houle, yenJi Curae. w i usale, by aliltudose liere s Cana'. UÊV i es lnde jwl ou p-a, 'Jno mmuuien , u Mr. aud Mre. Wml. Nwan, Toront, surrcuins iehs nuc - .,11 eu-~ have beau viaitiug Mr. J. A. Jeroeme. frlitci r, ioisi stdpas-rees v.. onsu g 2sseu ef hsboiliugsru c nu- erassrmos S ;.. figuration. M4r. sud Mes. Ben Davi,OsCainge lappy homYe. Wve are net surprissd tisat H1ava jeou kept thlose veive ave vYon1V hava beau visitiug f riendF ianee. fByreu's heurt was n concentration et been a beeieGod l eui? Tis T,)AuseLIHROJEis t Sambro, scn, Wlen -we heur ]his mother wuc aban- day kslu h otc ec n tr N. S, nunce n, R E. art cite ds,and tliaI s made sport of uis again for isenven. 'StrIte-cay ins jeu. fdlowe~~îitiotl adeuitBnrockluirmitj, and cf ton called inlm tIuýse slrted then. I rousjour soul by that Biocd B'itlers lias doue uma a lot cf g3odi,lamae brai." Ha ewlio las vicins parentsreiscue -was ick ud wak sd has ne pp iats, oldfiglit avery mli of his way if lie But 1I uselnet spensi anj esore of rny 1 ws sck an wel, nd ar noapptit, voud, llinitain ici inîsgritj, andi ut limei in going ovar the ad'antageso tg but B. B. B3. made nme feel smart uan rai is oects od l oe lIjuet puit ha iuen etrog. ereilsvirles orewidly Hava. gantsîseaf, ansi I bins tlieni up lu jouir knowniuauy lives wonîla ecsaved. Prchape yonr sarly homie was in tise nemery witis1eueloiDi Jarveý3t sonlg, Mc. ,Rebt. MeGill iais e one le Toronto cily. Il nsiaj have bceau uilite dayesuc sraas sig. raisotlise Lord, wiera li eantenad 1ho Homne for moe- %wen Canai Street, Nv York, wvas uevfarei-ou omrtlssseartîs! a ableq. luptcwn. Tiat oid hlise iunIlie City i'raisa the Lord, je cnowloil spirite of Suuse3ïrR WEAKNýESsu d that iired feel- Fnaj have beau demolishesi or changed Ieisuani sute cloras, and it speee litse sacrilege But seme cof jeu have net always ha(i iugbeccf ppeitasudnronsprotra.tevon-for tiers ivas more meaiug luan eeoi f e. souse cf jeu ara ulow su tien are drivesl away by fHoodl'a eea islai plainlieuslve, l inhai sxsUliuse. hie cide..Othars haklt ttsir troublasi rilla, lite i e liston e fiaoruig sun. than tiaore i lluthe gran 'i auion or a veassgo ; yenairea are wreck cf To realiza hie benleft o f this g1reaf mledi- turatesi caîhledral. Looking back this w-aîju once svere. 1I mutst gatier uip dune, give il s trial sud yen willjoin tlie xnrning, jeu sas il as tiseugls h were tise Sý),oeows (if jour pasi iife: Efini lsw nunry o! sulhusiasticadasirens cf Hood'lysena-i siltiaig-reeml, where tlise sîsail I do il? Yen ev ay lilimpossible, Sarsparila. oved euesst by tie plain lamllil, asyen ave iilas ce any troubles sud Sure, efficient, ea-sy- Hoed's Pille, lie motiar t the evauiisg stand, theaivrite. in iii 1juS tta twoiv Thaey ehould lia in evary travllar's gripbohr sdssarprip oaol - ie firsül trouble sud Ieisttobe sudevryfaii mdiluechsî 2e ox gthered mbt the skies, thin plolting As he yen l arecw îlting along lis Ï usieschief ou lhee liber or under tlie tabla; cîrAt sd iers lias be)en nmusic suthe M-s. waters aud 1Miss Hslfsrty, cf jour fther syiha flrm voicie cens- dsacyen nucouscoobilj finsi jour- PhîadîphaPenn., ans viitin)g ibeir mnauding silence, tIsai lasled hlaîf :a seives eein ce lti sssic,So when1 cousin, Mes. A. Leigli. Ohiue oi Výr iea HoW vo CUR.E A CRN- s eu o! , those wruegoed dayel If jeu hastsniadtseba.The ais-wsfnlc tIse saýiet thinge lu bis world te ou cuur u nera 'a"hajo as"" laîY ; ,it -0the Ns ll - ~a scotiing salve te lieul 1.If euw-recr eumaa ie ou s;jeu eul1o Cocu1. De) net use aidei or other catiwene luhetrejorfir vsansiiltcrwbiie, nifs wia praaraion, ad o'l cul s hiole lu your aîways rsasiy le p oteie. Tise jear ndeh visf rom H Leavansud boot. ;BI ie imly te appiy Puitnam'e wasoee ounld cf frolic ans iriI. 1"Hait !-" nd yen haltasi; jeu groa\V pale PVainlese Corn Exîrs.eler, sud lu tires c, ur greatesi trouble va au Aprlil jeu cenitoctasi jour lireS orew.Ye daysthe cen eau 'be remnovesi witbout shower, more m sncina Ihan showver. ihasind de httise fsusi oiljour clisik's pain. Suis, safp, Ipainlese. Tata only Tie heuart lia i net lbeen ransactesi by chieat was au u1Lnhýaaly 1flush. YOLI PutEam's Cern Extradeor, troules,, uer ixadsicslctuece isoten i is 1itilcaunot ie anjythshng se1rions.ýi Mises Annie sud Ethel, daughters oh sud ne lamb Isas a ivarmner sspos et uslncdts atd:ou I,' . , liais the home in which jouý)r cidodabout Ithe craddls. Yen (1d i nt heur lboe Dr. Jolin Tiomipecu, Omaienie, ara vieil- nesti, lead ; bulle v ite trut i ing Iliirunucie, Mr, Wn. Thomipeen. Peaeynwe rogi pl iafiaslies ou jeou. Yen souikei lîs eeuuntrj. Yenoustand non't-day in liber. Ohi, if ye onliiti oue srong. A. Remedy. mnemery under theeCi tees. Yenclubissi stouli and ' hava sycenchesdi tIe echilsi h for f ruit thnt was net (quito ripe, hae- trous the destroyer. Yen weuit te jour Preparsd specially for thea sxpacted iu- Cause yen conîsi net wait auj longer. i1001and sud e aii Gd, nv y child! vai e f Asialia Chioiera. Af tan hayi 'lu Ye heur tise brook rumibling alieng ovarl Gosi, cuve myi chuldi' 'fis wed ces vas io lia sodadit iru ndtepaillas. Yen stlpugal in mb rieei tgeiug euot in dartules. iYensaisi, -I iss tloneghv fsts sd ie vrtia ud urrn'wlere ju ate nhieshiirt cannlû e ase il, Icannelt bear il." Yen power proved le uow baiug placed sun the leeves shoulesi le Ihe lazy exen. You faît as ,,if jeu couls iont put Vhs incises linsudo f île drnggiste. Astk for " refrÂIgîteli e swallOWs frcm lt10 ierf tare evar the brilgit ajes, neyer te ses them i Chiss S'spo f tiesarnm, sud tata juet oesegg, aud ugatin spartie. Oh, If yen colidhlava s---- ilenc,ç e jur Conscience iy eayiugîial ,taetsa111enaljoraini Juet iiu, New wonsîads ilu biack sud thleywill Dntt miss ItL Yentata rn it l epjt agave, In'giadiy colore. Cali andi ses hem .tlem ai aýt gain eut of tlie very b ictitfisailie yen wo-,uldhave (doue iti Oh, if jeu clid Msao's Clolhiug Stoe, Bowmlanviiie. old weil feteissi up. Yenl go for lia. iet jouri prepecly go, jourli hRese go, cows aI nigit, ansi finsi lian wagglng j our land '1ni jeur eoecue o in AYard cf lPausies sud our Nw rm- emiaetrullebrsOtimsgiadly Yeu wenld havGalahowed them te juiotfor 25c, combinas baauty sud ln lie ds nud îuc;y strees s ju wlis depari -if yen coulsi elj have kcepctlia blg valua. Sensii for bleus -stamlpe sten jon ware homne again on tIsaI cool gras, oestleauuce. ______________or ilu(lie lhall of lIse farm ieues, t1eosg' But oesdayftisaeare oes trous the iLESý ! PILES I ITCING_' PILES. wibstliare wIas the breati cf liew heavens a clil asl thtiswept over lieo Sy'srrvoss-Mcisture; intense icigmown liay on tise blossoni ot bssekw'heat, iedroomi,and(- instantly ai lhie, liglisIwanl ilchiug Yeng;majshavalujor inol ow ont, ansi there was cdartuese - thuet-, sud hiuing;mee ainigh w yse by iautifu-l plantesi fenerbrought i rsrty, imlpanletrab)le, shnsidevin. 11r1k- crtig.If alonei e oc3utinua 10tum- trous ucrees lie e es, but nons cf them 1 naîs. But Gosi sud net leava yenT ors fcrmi, whdh cf tan lleead dulcenste, sdire lu jour seul 2o0 mucî chacus andsi le. Mrcj spotse. Asyen iero becom-iug, veey soe. SwÂYýNE's OI.NT- mi-emiory as lie elsi ivy ansi 'ellew -sun11- ah)onIt lepuli hai eup te jour lips. God" MIEYT tonStei itching sud lleelinig, hieals flowar tIsaI toosi sentinel aiong lie gar- s aid, '*LatIt pues," aud fortiw-,lthi, ausby ucrtion, and lu Most casas renmeas lia den waik, ansi lie forget-mei-notSpn-liianifaueantrcpws tanr. t druggiets, ce by mai], for ing hdau-ekMidi the long grass, put juite jouir sansi; il was ile cup 50 cents, Dr. Swayua Son, Phladal- The fathan 'Whoe uses le cone lu sun- et God's consolation. Ali~a zs yen pilfa. Ly7maui Sous &Co_, Moutreal, buiunt B i ledas it down on have semetinis1u liftate heasi of a wîoîesaîeAgente. 116 ~ cli ~nd w e esweai frem wounded seldîer, a, orsiwiem Jh îi% Mag have Louie te Iiisever- ili s So God >ts hie s~ m jl Lslaio, hesanids of the desrt rv g acrosthe place Which oncebooe ke the garden of Gel Anid .brahiam nourtus for Saïah. at thie cave of Mach- pelali. Going along y our path in life, idencly , rgltbetore you was an iopen rave. reoleiloed dwand tiey saw it was cni1y ia feW fee't depallaa few feet< wide, but to)x-ou ît wai a chiasm down ,vhieh went ail your hopes and ail your eipectatiolis Butt cheer up lu the-am of the Lord jesuis Christ, the CHore. e s jenot goilig to forsakze youi. Did the7 Lord akIle thatL child otof your arms? Why- Ile is going to shielter- it better than youn Coula. 1He is going te array it in a vterobe, and give il a palmr brandli and have it ahl ready to greet 'you at vour corîýing h m . Bed te rk ' ieart that Jesu.s3 heals. l~othî- posrtunptr cry that jesuscmpson ates.Besd the weeping eye froml lviiihIt1ie sof t baud of Jesus i Vpc aaiy the tear. S-'om1e year-s ago ITwas sailinz cdowýn the Ct. John Riveir, ih ete H n ad the Hudson coingiiiled in one scelle of beauty anci grandeur. and while 1 wils ou the dc of the steamer a gentlemnan pointed out to m le thepesOff intersst, andc lie raid, -A.1Âll ts is luterval lard, and it je the richest land in ail the Provinces of Nsw Brurnswick and Nv Seotia." Wat"saîd . S"(10you rn,an 1bv lu- tevland?" "WJ - '1 1 ell,"li a id,"thi s land is submeilrgsd( for a part of the year; spig freshepts Comei dowil, and all these plains are oeverflowed (lwith thè % water, aind the -waters leave-s a ricil deqosit, and wLen the waters areý gone tie Iharvest eprings up, and there i le egrandest liarvest th-at was ever r-eapedl." And T. instantly thoughý-lt-"It je not thýehegt os the ChumrclI and it is not thelight of this worid that arc the scenes of the greatçstprsrty but the son! over which the floode cof sorrow hiave gonei, the seul over whlch. the freshets; of tribulation have toriithieir way, thiat; yields the greate-st fruitsý of -îghteous-' neýs, ind the largetrest for tiime. and the richest hiarvest for eterniity." BIss God that your soui is iii'val lanld. î o r ' i " ' .i J s t " Re~tor;d. Howto en- ,,'-) ~ aUndevel oped! 0%Orane and l'arts Uf ~~ f tailiog Home0111 at 4 ment-Benefits i n a day. Men teetify fromi ÎFO1 States and 1, oreign Counitries. W'rite them. SDescriptive Bal e-- îemm~fflK planatinn ad proofs mald(sealed) frc. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BIfalo, VjY.- MASON58 CIOTHINQ HO fiAS JUST iRECEWVED' New Englishi Worb.tedl Suitings, New Scotch Tweedls in Suit Lengths, New Caniadiani Tweeds, New ilalifax Tweed Suits in 3 We stili lead the Ordered Olot Traeboth in workmanship and See ur Tweed Suits at $10 to order. See our Black Worsted Suits at $16 to or(4 OUR SUMMER SALE: Ready-mad,,ýeCI( Hats andi Ties, Boots and Shoi THE- CLOTHINO BOUSE. Tý 0E05 r, NOWIS YQUR TIME TO]1 As is our custom at t'e end of each season, we Lave now ed to sel off thîe balance of our summer -oodsata GREATLY1 REDUCED PR] Remnants, odids and ends of everything, P'arasols, etc. Yi surprised at the wonderfully 10w prices. Aspecial, bargain in Ladies' Waterproofs, 1 lino at 25c. ei ones for a trille more only about 1~ of costi price. TI,- wil shiort time. Ladies' Summ er Vests 3 for 2E. Extraordinarv value in iimnnts of 0 -TODWR Y- 0OTTz r GEINTS' OUTIING SHIRTS very fine and very dieêp, ous other specialties at ve- y low prices during the 7act Be6 sure and cali soon. JOHN J. MASI Leather Sippers 3Octs; Tweed" ýippere .NEVEU E LECT A UoL.-IPr. Ani 2Oots sd l5cts; Boots ad Shoas very Flint i3ys ia the Forumn : It is probî hep at Meus Bowmauvile, uii thas a persn wth fi u iherited tende ill seascu. Cali and ses thicm. te consumption would neyer develop disease if hae ouldj be prc tected aga K LSEY- ýýIWh woldtYi Il ieVe a infeCtion W ih the tb i iif niiuistsr'B word sooner than any other1 th e iight cf modem idiscevarië-ocons w .na n s. tion an no ]lonIger lbe ,reagardad a s an WLs-Bcualie is su,- poeed to, curable direase." L is ni)esxagpera preacli the truth and tell the truth 1 Btite aytatKmp.Basmw nt why de yeu ask the question ? WelIl be- In time, lias aved any hemu consti cause the Rev. A. L. Snd rp tr of tlie tiofi. At all ruggistî' -)Oc and $1. M eheist Ohurcl, LeaingtDu, ssyePure Indin Teas impoýrted diret, "]1-hve be, cured of the incet painfuL' Murdech's old stand. PrEInIMu.rDj sud distreEsing case of piles cf, long stand- agent. iug byMAePîxove, and rscoi- C n d suee the chep sud pretty 1 umend il te ail thues fflltd Papera at K rby's kbtfore buying. Ask Your Dealer For ,"Slole of Honor"e CANATIAN MADE, AMEIRICAN STYLES. ELEGANCE ANI) DURABJLITY C( L it ai Lit

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