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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1893, p. 1

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'FUR8 :-L50pse Anuàai OUR T~OWN Â.ND OOUNTYýl WORI4D ÂFTER.WÂRS. M. Â JAMES EDirol ~jr» PROi'RL&TOE, Nsw SERIEe, BOWRANVILLE, ONTA AUG. 23, 1893. VOLUME XXXIX. NUM]3EP. 34 . .0..F.......... .A ........1'.W ............ pnhIpu NST$t&CRYDERMANYS UUIJI During' July and August; ail Summer Goods will be sold at greatIy reduced prices. Special Bargain.-s will be given li Dress Goods, Parasols, Prints andi Sateens. Men's Summer Coats and Vests! to be eleared out at and under cost price. Tliis is a geniie sale, as thîes-ýe goods mnust be sold and gol out ol' the w.-y fo imake rooin for our Fali takenas cash. G Î ýt 'y n ay e- Olear? Sale ;~OLINA. Mr aud Mrs. John Fietcher hstve turnied to their homFfe in saford af spendirg ttein vtcation herj . . . A lac of the Loyaýl CrusaduLrs will be orLeý'n: here ini connei(cticu iwiîli the Divilîon., Cýucillor Pascoe isthafirùt to reporth vest fiiaiie.. , . The miasons are puti up tlie brick work oin Ziou Suiiday sci . . . rMe Thos. Bakerfhas beeýn iLidiuî eëd. . . . Miss Ethlaueatias typi fev r. ... Miîss Velma Tylen, ilamptoii visîiig ,friuids h..... . .Mr. asudMc C. Laug_'maîd visitud friends al Newcar recently.. . . Miss Adi Pascoe is visit lu Toronto. .. . M-I.r.sad Mrs- W, A. T, speut. Sunday in Toroito-.. . I . n Mrs. A. L Pascfe, Miss Nora Wi su-d -everal ailiers took in uthe çexcnirs ta Cobouirg (in Mondy.... .Mr. G. Blkck, of Niagara Falls wiil preacli at Advent ch.urcli un S'unday next at 10- a. i..sud alsýo i:! the,,,fteriou. mer is oif great vi1ue.~ Green vegetab area, o ' din imodeýratioKn, But, tgood eten aud undigestud is, ti a NE large Extent, -asJpernicioua as poison1 very bad resulîs are sure to fo law. It huere that the ncso3 usi af Membra Kidney and Liver Crire lias proven ;useful, inrirlieviug the irrilsîed stonim and liver, snd preventing aumrnser( 'tes 8ilii Maim varied forma. hTt larc,, miended !a bu koepin lu thuase. New Buîld:ug ]D'rm. Mr. Alfred Gulley sud M. Humber have formed s psrtnecsliip a will carry on business as coniracto bilders sud general carpunters. Bo are thoronglily skilied aud practi wockimen, fhavîn2 au intimato knowle4 of aIl the de-tails of thuir businepssa wîIll esideavoy to give complets SatiHsi lion ln ail wuek etusted te the] They are pcepared to undertake s ny ni work or repairing in tire carpentry Tir give estimralesan d wlherc necossaryc supply maturialsi. Cocrespondence m be addressed ta Guilley & Humber, Co tractors sud Buitders, Bowmasuville, they iay be seau persousilly. âJ GulL0y Iiv-'a ont Ceu;tre St.. sd Mr. Huï ber, cor. Queeun sud O'ttrio Sts. BOWANVLjE. SURE DEATH TO FIES. Wilson' s Fly Pads Davis' Fly Feits Sticky Fiy Paper A.lNoe -e Inseot Powder, GTJARANTEED Chemists and Druggists C. P. R. Ticket Office., SOU NSALL'S MARBIE AND CHRNITE WORKS, BOWMANVLLE, OT. (Established 1857.) F'inished Granite Monuments in s;tock from $125 to $500. HANDSOME DESIG-NO AND BEST MÂTERIALS-. RED PETERH1EADA ÂND GRAY RU-BISLAW SCOTCH1 ROSE, REII) AND PURý'ýPLE SWEDE, ..... ......-GRNT BLUJE PEARL ÂND EHrERALD PEARL ..._..... FENISIIED MÂRBLE MONUMENTS in Stock from $-t5 to $3200. IN ÂLL THIE BEST KINDS OF MÂRBLE AND L&TEST DESIGNS. IWBefore placing your order, CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK, and SEE WHIAT YOIJ ARE BTJYINO. 74ly E. R. BOUJNSALL, Proprietor. 1~ARM1Q~ SÂL.-Air thaie aILIOR SALE OR RENT.Hosan .Jof 125 a97res or 115 acres elituated in -02 1.iI i acres for sale or to rent. situais en township> of East Whftby lIstcon, lots 15 and Ie.,'....~..... e ni, ..,,, i LbssLetieC iuiW y ha the sisten cf Mr. W. S. IHuulley, cf Cortland, N. Y, a weht knowu -car- peuter and 1butildler. Hlecfr-a"' state- meut beto)w i%-es ont y the absolute tnutii conceruîu Ig lien itînessanadc mac- velouls recovery hy the aid cf THoIod's Sarsaparilla. Sh naas: "0.I.Hod&CLoe, .Mais.: " Dear ,il: Teieyears, go 1 bega-n te have ieaeigsansi fouir year.s ago eae sew 10 tat lte pisysicians tbld ime There Was H-o Hope and 1 sitouisi seau dîe1(. 1 coid noll(t Ibu jOved fi uli IY besi. Under insy face w-,erc uiapklnsi A Wa b1-ýn,1itg il wc inigîtI s la Iev t iul "t"ly ('11Y take 0,tell ltwa weeks 1 aisevery day. First Tim'o I had Feit KM gry for Twc Years I kept on mitli Hoed'a Sarsapanilla andi imoitlits mas as weUl as ever ta mly lite. uatl has a day's siluness; silice', ur any Il rîsugu. If ever, a iiiuman being tiiaul« I a Lr a enldeci kuces It was I. 1 ah".Odt" arsap , i i 1lI, and I tai unquestiouably lSaved i it. ýjjMesrs. Sawyen & Jemtluççs, the well k drugglts of Cortîland, Say' ihat MiSs Huti s Iinghly respected lady; her stattemeni of v Hood's Sarsaparill Hsdoune fgr lier ls 'wetlsy the Ihighst dEouce." lHooc's ris cure LIvE ~ Ve~etal 'iis nr maedmuifor, efileitidn reliabhu famiiy pItysie. Tim puel vgea lcaiin Ig 1n0 calomnel, ucrcury,' or mnera[ i sb- r slhaee Ci iany kîud. Iliood'Is Pills alupn tise tomuehcl, liver, and alinu cinalndcure l'i'ver ('imnint. Consti, esetiuau nu givep. mon pardcusars spplyi W. F-AHLzicH Bowmanviile Oui 4.ti Best Value lu Black-, Green sud Japau ca, cafi'ees, etc. Qtsatlyuequalled. EE MUIanucir1, agent, dnriug, the vacation. Slie wsa reopen lier sehool ron onday rhe achool here did ual reo opsi 011d18Y as rePaira were nof co-un *. The Misses M ry sud Maggie lave Speut a ver'y enjoyable tiie 'old'a Fm>r aI Chicago. Tliey home on Tue8day... Tho Rev. Plialen and fiauck delivere< aud telliug diecaurses ta theti le .eongre-ations in the Presby- iurcli Sabbatli las... ,.. Mrs. 1). kwill give an Ai Home to the ,OPle Of the cangregaiiogai 1 he oc ou Friday evening, Aug. 25. ordially invite.... bMa.Brck, ber, Port Ferry; Miss L. Look- imauvîlle; Ms T. Gladman, o; have been guests the past EDr Mitchels .... Mc. sud Mcas u sud family, Master P)oubt, cry, have beLn vis:ting friend5 Me. F. W. liashmbenu foca 'ickering.. ..Mse ert i ýskey, Mr. Jeu0. Luehoo rtr heir vacation. ýEST REmPDY. Dear Sir,-I was ,rubled witb weakuase, ,as of ,restlesanue suad eptsua ýd B. B, B. lhe muset trenjgtbeu- eeeficial medcicin, 1 have taken. Misms Hesslip, '31 Huutley St., Toronto. a: Misses Biggers, flamiltan; Miss 1fisys, Toronto; Mies Mabel Solina; MibsaE. Gilbert,Toronto; lirane, Osbawa; Mr. sud Mca Vîilfred; Miese2M. furîbut, Par; ias OrieFton, Raglan; M4r. and rin, Prince Albert; Musera -M., . Fmwse, Salins; NMc. 1. Teu ';Mr. aid Mc.f. L. Paecou, .Mn. J. Niddery lias takena dilolan, NW.... 01e10 gl l welve jeme of preservd hfii eni front Mr. Jas. St,,ik's ceUse. MI. Jf. Ibsan lias stacted sclsool allendace.... We congralulate iradley onr, seig'lia Primary tjou At htb...T Patroný ry are likely ta b)3 ruvived i ere A baille for blood la what Hood's Sac- sparilla vlrooasly figlits, aud it lma lwaysy victocieus lu. expeling al the foul ttamIis sud giving the vital fluid the qualiîy sud quanitity cf perfect haith. Il cures scrofula, iiaIt choui, boit8ansd aIl other troubles causod by impure blood. Hood's Pille cure ail liver iilý. 2 8t. Sent by mail on receipt cf pnieu by (J. I. [Iood & Ca., Apothecaries, Loweli, Mass. Mc, -A. W. Carveii, .J. P., lias rituru. ed frai a trip ta Stouffyilansd lMongol. ýe ia. Mr. Redburn lias eetablished a. flaýir- s ishing carrage sud blacksmith's business Îat the latter place, . ý. Mrs. Ed. Thom p. son, eldeet dangliter cf lMv. Frâuk Brsd- ley, dieri euddenly atlier hýýoeinuCart- wright on Snnday week. fier cunisine ýt were intecnud at McOCeas ..,..Mise Gertia Davey gave a birthday party toas large number of lier lady frieude, Whenoyqd sthemieelves iîîensuly. . . r. Thamased1 a Moaaughuin- liasereturnied te lier hom sý afler a nonth'a vieil liera.,.. Mis8 Agatha. -Staple', (Orono, liase been sying at lier undies .. . .The ladies of the Epworth ,s Leaguei gave the pragrai ut thu luet lit. f rary Imeeting, sud the gentleîmen are prepariug taotake their tmm astthene. 1PONTYPOOL. ' Mc. and Mca. Thos. H. Wlmo vieiîed lu Ca,-van sud Liudssïýy rul.. .Miss Lily Staptes le vi8itîingý Miss H. E. FïeuaI a iriw".. .Jahn jWilson is viî-itiogng uCvn MiýssB Ferguson fea ntlicerhome iu L.Ine. . . . Mr. snd Mes. A. Marrow, Kîrby, speur.t Sun.- ,t day weuk liere .... Miss DorsaJHil te vie- iting ,Darlingtoii friendse.. .. Miss Tape, Long Sault, fa visiting M.Thas. fi. - MeNl. Roaeit Gillli asreturued afIer s bis halidupe in Ilie c runtry... MrNI. Thos. Pollard is falliar of a bouc1 tbaby boy.. . . TMrP. Callalisui took iu the S. O, E. excursion ta Niagara Falls, Ho expresses hinssaîf as being iglhly pleasîcd witli the trip.... .Mr. Thosý. fuii bias given the bouse ha IPrecently pun-chas%- ed f-r-y M W. aohtL coat of paint, i .pvig iraa., rae very muA... . Miss Miinnie Jartijeacu l3 viaiting friands Loth the me-thod andC resuIts whedi Syrup of Figsis taken; it is pleasant and refreshînrg to the taste, and acta ïgently yet prompt1y onthe Kidneygs' Liver and D-3owels, 'cleanses the sys. tera effectually, dIspels colds, head-' a6iles and fevers and cures habituâl is guasI uf ber friunid, M ise Kit2, Mr-. sud McaWestey Waîsl o PILES ' ITCING PILES, sud twýo sans, speut a few dayev Mss-Moueture; initense itchiug Feu lad wek . ... Mr. Pe,au, in"; most at night; wanîe by V1ance of Milhbrook visitud Cil .'If alowed to uautiim uue Ipin. liwek ... . Mimss MeQuadei, whli i îeu hleed sud ulceratu, frieuda buere. very sure. SwÂYsçE's OINT- e die itcliing aud bleeding, huaIsOuThsOt commendit sal tho 75à me-miem À JAMES EDITOR VOLUME 0 Pienic was 'hcd in Mr. T. love Fnida.y afteraoon. The trs lried toalae il pleasant ce-n but thu ramn rather Fspoil- îaon's eja)yment . . . Ms n sund K%, e Elliott, Bowminsi 7isiti)g frien ris heru. ., . Miss O311awa,spt a fuw dlys 11Y . -.-. Mn. O.Hezzlewood, acliud hure Suuday maorning. Awer, Maple Gra-veý, in the Miss Junnlie Sa'lisbury rtîncu' tuiliell Saturday .... Sohool day witli Mr- Franikîl noa of taffaiirs,ý ... iRev. Jas. Liddy are expeccd home othia wek Brimacombe, B,ýwmiauvilO itiug ai 'Me, M . B Crfyder. oscu hast week ta Mn. sud Kerstsk, a 'ldautgUier. Couil- ...Amarriageýabie yonng vilgelas beoip prcliaeing ;teuisîvely cf latu. EN DO)LLÂRS A. BOTTE-Aiiy lias Used Poison'. -Nervýlliuu, Ln cure, would no)t be witbout eu dollars a boffle A ga -th ils] weight in goid, sud( th-- best relledy lu- the wold af pain. l1t cures 1neuralgia es; tooilhaclie iu one minuite; 'ouie application; lisadeche in ils; sud ail pains jusi as rap- ul try ilt ta day? Ls-rgu bot- , eld by ail druggists sund lere. Use Palsu'e nervu pain T YP.OXE. parations are boïll- macle by îcf Tyccyse circuit for their ifle Festival. Oa Sept. 3 Pascoe, D. iD>, of ýSt, Thamas it 10.30 s. i. sud 6,30 p. i. effiient churccl choir. On 1,110 sunuai Harvest Home bs held sud th6, ladies atways -elves well sudj will fibis vuar. fed ta satiuty a meaetïing wilI le churcli wbeu Rer. Dr. leliver a lecture sud Rus' . C ýwmanville sn addrtss. Wu tuo mesuour friendg frai Bow-,r d athl! gboi~cicis GRAND EXCURSION TO NIAGARA. FALLS, AU G 29. The steamner Garien City wi!i taku an excursion ta iaas a snxtfcei- day (Aug. )L-aigCbor 5.30 a. in., Port H-ope 6, Niàwcassle 7.30, Bow. rmauvi1lte8, Oîhawa l9, Whuby 9.30. ýspeciîal train mets boat at Queu'nstoni laigpassungers avec toe cUti'Electric ilyay in fuîtview ofPad îe hifat- tractions oüf ith -Niagara River sud Falls, laudiug clýoeta t'heFal. euri, Electric caýrs leave Falls at 6 p. in. Boït le-aves Qeos!ýRon 7 P. m. Thus g ives ample lime at Falts. Tickuts oanly -$1 50; lady sud gent $2,).50; childrau 75c. flot wxater frue; tukü 3our osui lunich and uteuisits sud sue almo)at everYîhinug warth Seing wtthout 'auy fumrtt epense. DoU" nmirs«thuel5aýst eýxcurione; secure tickets in sdvance froui Farncambý,e'sj dn-ug store, -Noecat1t; M. A. Jm~ Bowmanvillu; Eyernou & fiawkinu'lhard- ware store. Oïhnwa; flawsue's du1 soe iWhiîby; WVasson's dnug store, PortHope Etliott's Furniture store, C,)bo1rg!. Mises Sltang,' Toronto, is viïitiing Mrs3. Foster .. ,. 1%1 s, AJin, Ozono, iii vîsi;ing, lier beoicher-law Mr. D). AUii. . . . Mise Viuy, Wilson is vi5iting, frieuda in Graven- hurfi .. . .Miss Eçva Patterson su ad Miss Belgiun, Peterbora, visited Mi. R. Bar-J rie,. . . àMc. Chias. WI has 8otd hiî handmiome young learn of baisy 'ta Mr. GTilmiore of (,>taws for $500 .... R iv. W. F". Allau will seil by se o Tuesday Aug. 29; ai of hieo ýusebold furniture sud ef- fects ... .Mr. Arthur Simm3us i. as reeoýv. ered frai hie recent accident sund lisru suîed wark .. . .J. R'. Birfet aipu fine tc f single harnes8 e taJaes ý8Fair' bairui, Eieq,, mendihant, Trao . Pr Mclntnali sud famîily, MisLs Fothergili and Mis rozier, lave been riaustrîp down thie St. L,4wrec taù)Q uabe Mr. Kelly, propriutç..-"<t".' Wiî lias taken opj AI al], -0 COL UMB US Miss E.-IRoberts and 1mother bave gone to the Wýorld's Fair. Mr. D. Il. Coates, B. A., and wifo of i3owanvllewere guesats of Mr. EK Cole. Riv. E. -Pauton of Stratýford preaclied ithe Preshyterian cburch last Sabbath. Geneva cheese factor,; shIipped 100 boxes chee8e to Ayer & Goý., AMontreal, Mr. M'm. Burnis of Winoi;peg is visit. iîog frienda liere. Mer. Frark Shepari wfho vlsi'ed r&N'. tives here lias returned to lamiliton. Mr. Walter McLaren haq aýccepted position in the Claremont Public School, The Y. P. S, C. E. officers e!ectled jast Tuesday were as followai: Pres.-MjiS3 -R. Doolittie; Ist vice-W. 11. Burns; 2nd vice-Juo. L awreuce; R-c-Sc-Miýss T. Mýaprtin; Cr-e.-rs m. Purvis; Treasuctr-Jolin ormyistoni. BROOKLIN 1 . The memt' erslup of Brokln ouei R. T. (;f T. -Lexc , d.s 125j .. Mr. John Camplin Wa" e 'gâtY yeaFs oidon Tues- day week. HIl o aW-sevei,.Y v wih lIeft the farm suïd scoems as he1arcy ulow a3 theon... . r E. Rob,-rts, f,.Yd cr-in-law of Mîr. D. ii,,i1iday, lias purichssed the dwelli1_ugLwýued by NMe. R.C. \Warren, andi at 1, ,-oùt occupied by Mr. P. Sco4t. for $1,40 ). This i& m Io w p ieu for so, fine a property, in fact Mre. Roberts re- fuased t,> take $1,50 for t1he proçpýrsp a faw dass aiter ir, lied bought it.- ,. . As Messrs. C.O.Ldià and B. F. CampbeIl were diving to the ulcto 1W- D o itie's ou Monday their bor3o trippod iinj. fait and ilîey werc preipitatu d hmad fora. mu t o f th o cart upo th " hors. Fora f"" minuites thero w s 'i generai s 'zm ' bteeil insusand b* ast, but bappily ail ilire wfro extnicafpd without inj ury .. .. Wheu M Ar. Wu), Doilon camea hure froini arberry, Man , iit wss xpeot- lie wagiftur a wifo sud ,ii n mIyeven- iug 11,v. M.Leggott uid ion and Mliss kznie B'iruett of this laeiniinar- niage. Mis1 Cora DeLong ac'edl as bridesuisid, snd à.r. John H siop of Whi tby as groommsmn, end wellI and truly wast te whol)e ceremiony eerried out. A %rery plea&asut ime W.3s sperit nt Miss 1*1hcî Gàrfst'e Party (on1Wedinesday lIst Afi8Eý MJggl, Rtosa is viitfi1g lier ais- D. Hedd .'a; Me. Jiestiao,8'r., snd Mr. J. He4rtlij, je., viaited Mr- HcaýIie, Port Hfoover; Mu8sars ,W. Pancoee sd H. Muson of Toronto; Misceà AdeIi4~Dincaster aud M. E. Stevens snd Mr. F. C. Hordey of Bowm~vîlie.. M, Ueo. Mise spent Sundksy withi Eufield friendaÎ2.... Clarke Wsilb ir, jr., lias erecfed s fioLe barn, NEW HAVJY Solcomnmenced on Moi-dtiy with Mr, -Martin, Po't flop.', asteacher... Mra. Thas. Powerhlas bteu visiti.g rela- tives in Oahaws,... NBre.Ja4. Bellamy bas beeu visiting at lier father's, Mr. J. fleard, Salem, ... Miss Clarke, Pick ering, is viiing lier Bister, Mrs. John 1-ot.. Mr. Walter Oke, Port Perrj, lias been viRiting hlis parenits liere. A Yard of Pansie3s and our New ?rem- iuin Book for 25c, combines beauty snd big, v'luc. Send for them -stenipG taken SUMMER GOODS

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