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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1893, p. 2

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(à ,A, SHORTENING. ~onthe street thrcugh the busy m A lady passed on mreigday. Wh, pusing at a grocerystre Stepedquiklyin at the open door. With bated breath and anixious mierl Sheý queried - "have you COTTOLENI *The grocer, leaving off his work, lnterrogated every clerk; gut nmne up ta that time had seen An article called " COTTOLEN E." "ýWhat is it?"'said he ta the dame, "That answers ta this curious name What is it made of? What's its u! My ignorance you'll please excuse.' "-You're not the merchantfor my di 1 sec ,you're quite behind the times. Vor COTTOLENE, I'd have you lai Is now the thing that's ail the go, A-, article of high regard; A healthf vi substitute for lard. its composition pure and cfcan; For cooking givo me COTTOLENE As f rom his st,re the lady fled, Thle grocer gently scratched his hea On his ncxt orek.r, first was seen, 4ýne dozcýe caes CO7TTQLLNJL" Ask Your Grocer for it. Made ouly by 'Ë. K. FAIRBANK & Ci Wellington andAnn Streets MONTREAL. r"à VNLOGýK3 AIL THE C'4PCOrD 8505 0 p rPin *OWCLS, K16NEYS AND I tAARYI HGOrýRûADUALLY. WITiICIUTW! iNr THES YSrSM, AIL IlSPUnITIEC ai', 14UM0R5. AT THsE SAM-£ Titis COR INi A sCIDITY OF Ti4E STOMACH. [PILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, iH ÀCEDIZZINESS, MEAPTU CONaTIPATION. RHEUMA1 DROPEY, -8K!iNDIZEASES. JAUP SALT RHEUMI, ERYSIPELAS. Ï FULA, FLUTTERING OF THE H gIERVUNS, AND OEN I DE!RILi'Y. Tksm AND 0AL COM'LAVIT eu'si&YYrLO TO T1- Diseases are orteis difficuit to rer 0F PURE NORWEG IAN CODL OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHrT OF LIME AND SODA, WM lrestôre a l1st ap e. te:I and cck wasting iseases, esp &Coughs and colds are easily kil!ll fe dse o tisremiarkab!e rc PALATABLE AS MiLK.Beu tAc enîene, 'ut l insak'tflofl 1prep.,seýd culy bjyBett & Bowne. Be'] is th latet t iumhnipharmacý(Y fort Of al the Symp1jtom indcating i 1-4'rnL Complainit. 1If You are trouCI Costiven1ees, Dizziness, Souir Sto Nights, Ïe aoc o1Y Feig À wiIgve irmmednts elefI and r e uo t ail, ugStore. Fetrboo' ediineCo., Lim PETrERBORO', ONT. Whiat thoe farmer's boy sgsfo last rowrs cf summer. Au interesting example of elecL applied ta fan work is nol in tion at a Scotch f arm. Thev the usual farmn machinery, such sq ing, sovi ig, corn thrashing and are here driven by an electrie mnt electricity je generated by waterp turbine wheel whih drives the being about 1,000 yards fromt 'The electric carrent is conveyedh grouud, wires ta the bouse and each aof which a torage battery is These supply the elçctriecucrrent1 ing anm -tive purposes when the ey 'î- working. The who nseion ji.,illnîniuaýted1 by electric au electnrie oo e r ddfor th 'a~e or dmstcpurposes. Il ~USHrDiA intelligent worker shovuld turn ta ler mu tar t flavor it and1 put it initOau anM HO S R L ýadvantage every favnrigcrmtaking panl thet flances ail lttie et -and aveulhenself ni every posi eti ne o.PeIt aniothfer panri fthe same sîze "Theila of Ths.' i iiplif.ying- her Nvork,, and doing it wit on the mneat and inide nf the pan set two I esofTee mare eaee. fltirons as e wight ; let it stand over night. Sh h ad ltti of earthly boeut. The position bais much ta dIo with corn- The nieit day it will turn out e good a fiho clinibed by a path s0 narraw, fort, aud a seat'should be taken whenevrer from wbich sn;ces May be cnt. Such wearisome burdens bore!I possible. A change oi position lje a positfive Ta the cameder th heaen'teMoor.elief in a lengthy task sichl as sewing ù INUREA.SED GAMt5LING. O And thO e wt aheaW rt rmbe apt ta be, and ta move the machine where ..&d said. Threwcro hearts ofhoe; an auteide view can bie hai, maltes a p1eaîe- Iranees Abandonlng Tlrirt for the, liaz ffay ' She said "There were hand nfii mtght; eut variety that infuses new vigor inta t he ards or Specu1atioîis. 1 badl ouly my littie chldreuokr h oooiyo oki h That callcd ta ne day audilit; wre.Temnto im'r s~e Th-e French as a nation were very free i cnld oly sootio thoir sanrnw, chief ceuse ai discontent, for now as af aid fromn the gambling passion before the ware Their cliLiish, heaLrte maltec light." II wiliing bande make ighit arn" ud the but s-ince then a great change has talten Au ceboedbr head In silence. easy seat, the, change of posýition, t'lie place. Htirse nacing has undergane e greet Alshid bld e fc ieam;eenisil'autlook uponà the wa,ýviug 1branche-sexso, but by no means in the saine E?" henautIroie lez ofgloy, tnd oddug lawrs endta isspate anly lproportions that bettîug ou hanses bas in- ' Afni iio'tio cam'le;feelings ai despondency that imay erirOp inc aod t etebo maerntth Aud sme oe tan ailliercaine! mSC when burdens seeni beavy ta be borne, jockey, who has doue 'the misehief. For- rai La sni ac ale br am!It is a sad truth that insane asyblume are mnely the French nover het on hanses ex- keepi "Dear beert. that had self forgotton, mare irequently recruited froin amng tle cept at the race course ; they went ta enjoy That nover its own bas saugbt, amr'wvsta rmay te msfiesetcl.N MF othbtin poi. Who keepeth the weak frenmf alling, taer'ieshafrsayotecls.tesetc.Nw atitebtigpoit Ta thc K7iug bath jewîels brought. Bot-the nionotany ai labar miuht be liglit- ges an in cales and wine shops, and the Lu, what buhs don,) for the childrni, ee ltalswrenaoably djistýrîhîtted measures taken by the governinent ai late 0 For the Lord Ilinieli wes wrought!" as ta time and spaco, and the pies. of ûX.- years ta noduce the evil arîsing ifromi this hi -- h~austed nature regarded. stteaithineaewlluwsYBsthe St. fIttI Ae ADifficuit Problem. The iew hauns ai earby morning in #am a mi ses0 iGae Fuil i B Too mucb stress cauinat be laid upon the wcather are more ospecially reireehin g thanl But where the betting le coucenned there meimportance ai keeping tbe heads ai cildreu any ather. M4auy preparatiaus ight hob is always a way ai outflauiking the aw andj Uns, nee frondandruffanddust. Thetinyroots Mode ion the day, and sanie valuable tune the numben af pensons belongiog ta the ai thse bain muet net be allowed ta becorne thus gaiued for that rcst,which goe faP~t h petite bourgeoisie and the working clase benefi 1'0w imbcdded in a crust ai foeign substance, if recruit the exhausted energies afi mmid and wîîa spend ail the tme tisey eau teal f nom the '"S one wishes Ilthse golden locit" ta grow body. It does nat need a long, expcnui\ve their regubar emplnyaient, ait te bouse oi bosutiful and luxuriant. journey ta give ane rest and new 111e and tbe sparting cafetier and mastroquet in- Persistent and daily bnushing with a sait ideas. Ih eau be mnaged by any suinny- creases rather than diminisisos. Thse cafe- brush is necessery in ordar thaithte glass ai tempored worker %vbo 'bnngs itelligent 1tien iiniseli, althougis hie business is ta the bain molyho preseeved. Iu tisis way thnught ta lier duties, aud by wvise man lt eep au t ai danger and ta make as much as " abone eau be iistnibuted tbe il, wbicb na.- agement lteeps isereebi happy, well and be eau firamthe atbers wiso are drawn ino t ture bas se bountifulby pros ided, and keepe traiig.-[04io Fermer. ît. is sonietimes enteugled in tise saine stoned in tise tiny seeke t tise roots ai tbe imesises witîi bis custamens, or allows the mS[i( bd ain tub uneeded. This regular brushing Iliusekeepers Bhoiild Remembcr. sbnewdcst oi tbem ta victimize bum. Tis wibinont only impet a slky appeareuce ta Katherine 11B. Joisoan givos santie bouise- wes the case with thse man Coupe, wbo tise hein but wibb abse aid greatly in keeping bobd ints that are very seasoneble. kepi a emaî,ýl caie and wine sbop in tise Rue the scalp dlean and free iroi dandruif. Yet, That there are iew servants sal tborcrigh dle le Glaciere, whase -excessive laitinluM et hisseaon i te yenwhen the ittle that tbey sbouid net inspeet the rfin-t uyaux-nsoderu French fanor ip" one are, or ougist ta be, paying out ai tans daily ta sec that nô liquids, arc sW;îleld bronght bua tb e brinlt ai nain. Like .a donne, digging n their tîuy gardens, or1 or food allowed ta spoîl and conitainte tlie Mante Canbo gamablen, broken down In W iashioning wonderiul thingsfe inmtise pile rest. banik and creilho saw ne solution but i ni pliýble eand, dust and dint, wbicis ne Tisat dîeh watEr, which is aiways illipeg- deatis ;and, having brougbt bis wife ta, the aont ai brushing eau reniovo, wibl flnd a nated with more or boss vegetable matten. snie ay Oai tlinlting, hoe shot lber, Slodging pbace upon the heed. ebnuld nover be tbrokvn an the surface, ai hie t\a ciildren and tho 'n isIss. It How cen iis bet hoe eoved ?"B tierunttebcdo. is tise horrible afl'air tisat bas miade them waeing tise iîeed with the beaten yallt af That abi tube and basins in bath roms isotteLing nuisance in Paris again e subjeet an egg ta wbich lias been added a littie and kitchen sinks and drains siouug h aie fpublic discussion. Thse goverument bas warm water, thon insiog with clean, tepid fluslîed wth bot wator on evory weekly bepen aeked ta take mneasures stibl marc dra- M\1i water,"niethinlts I bearsunioni yen exebaini. wasising day. cnsan in arder ta put it down ; but experi- Yes, 1 admit thet the ogg je excellent, bot1 Thet sulphate nfi mon (copperas) aod once bas proved thet when peuple have faîl- this nocesstatos a leisoions pracose irona chbnide ai lime, twa ni the beet i îa;iafec- en inta bel habite tbey are nat ta ho brought which tise wee onles invariabby sbinlt. A 'tante, are but ton cents e pouud, anid a back ta tise atraight patîs ai austere virtue M i mucis simpber method is ta, use a flue naib plentifful use ai sither in siolte and apen by legilation. The trutis is tisatishe sainie brusis warm, sait, water and tan soap, eO5e- drains during tise Sommer andl autuin ii nay Cdase ai p ople wiso fnnmeriy wero content cially if tise hein ho short.Tietob prevent that dreaded disease typh~oid ta toil yeaalryerdeigtenevs around tise little ane's neck, place hiii in a Mee.aIbuuisad utniy vr pr bîgh' chair if yau have one. Danipon tise Thet n banper or otîer neceptaecic franc in order ta secure ion theniselves a brusis, ruis e ittie ai thes soap upon it, then Soiivd uothing, no niatten how handsaile1vy i-tte independeuco, uaw flad ither that apply gently and sftly ta tise head. deorated, sboulki be kept in a ebceiiîg tiesruggle is tansvr c oeoso Thorongily cleanse aonc portion boforo apartniont. tisai their resolotiosi is ual equal tac B. pro- m dampening, anuthen. Go aven tisewhole -- ougodl an effont. AlI arel casting about ta eareiubby i hswy ftrwihrnefiind short cuts ta fortune, and tise conclu- in thî wayaiten lxichninseFor The Nursery. int hcsnaî fteicm sta tbononghly witis dean wator, using tise So t hehMsto he---reqst brush as befone. Dry an a sit towol, tison Did you ever hear teof a nursery card? n short eut ta this much-desired UVRapy a littlecoesmoline aud bay rani, rub- It is an Engliiswnman's idea, enid it is aI goal except ganihling, sither ai tl:e inanlt Sbing it welb juta tise ranis ai tie se\i. Tise capital onue. It ebuuld ho in every isquse aurd open kiud or disguised by phraseology YD PQUL heirnetual sving been saturated witb waer wheîe there are chiidnen. Lîsten taoti"s:îthat gives it a more repectable colo, IRC. wil be dry in a iew momnts and eau hoe h is a card aboat three foe'otbng by Iwo 1 N CUamIN arnanged as desined. wide, printed ilte a wall niap, intonANtaXPERIME-NT THAT FAILED. dEAD- If il is long enougis it eau ho bnuehed ta bang in tise nursery, ai course. At tise toýp w- .U RN, assume tisat fluffy appearancO se muci ai tise card is a blank spece ins whi,-h jr5 ta) et Germai vactory Workmu Do I~>Net ri M ougit aller at nresout. Cbildren wiub not hivnwitten tisenaineaudad 'lisfte iear- Favor thse CaIteon Systein. ýD1CE, ery wben undlergnn bi chd isssm sTotrrhe anynwudws aliV ieoxpoiment ai provîding ycenteens in CR- paaing wliraierlagseaying " istacdn.Te cfsafcais a vsi akî-e a e ad E A]RT, gay sprt "' Mlorcecasier thian aniy oIsliet ccdetsandaIsomoething bss thani cost pnico, apuloars 1lycn e been a laîluieii ot de ws~ T~ -t rsant a tie praticeni epains,,ite, btoten)imbehuri fine enni as tis buiteug - valsions, fetaiii, a5. e' Ids Acrigt eotfoitise Bn;iisIk î e, s n , t pli s, p!oisoc~ oîssa"t~, Maisleii, tise workmnen ah-. .oy~oea oaaifr'~ .~f stiyg, essîed this iv., ironi tise dîiing _halls v etc. aieteti f r e On ovet cdd bo --sae way.lic qua1tos figures ta ehawtha't oanc caotiiir'gti ~ .~m o~~ v n h0 bads uow bas o 11Vy (00 plseabsorbýenit cttoan ad int. k 1ijers ; auoten7fù,_ O woltmu, ard Be Moderte Tise idea speeltelar i teelî. Ser vaule ,arc ii wile et ka thir d, wiil-2 Q!itýl' - Tise bave wouid ho a golden nmaxuionatt h goan n ail a-erton Oly 30 (avail thoeieves of tise pnivilege. warkers iun every bine, but especialy so ion and wisenttise niaiseie t homje she is,ýiko- Manly cotrditay oqne are givon for the average isoueewito. Wstsrit ho ly taeo so iitee isa er wits idlaret1this s tate af affaire. Onie3fin wntes: . il ran "The resaItderpconfirmenaaur ofrst npples.aniai- 1w'M hrdthesvoriedé nd porplheingnaueilier and lshe is îîpes fTo ise Th~or e ru tise ocil paoucal legiopaion \Ve be1uis o Ieneda iorprompt por- card comnes iota play sud ite s ifuino$s iseluii thsa ci wokmc en isl aordod formance, cetsinly it wauiii 50050 tiat sbc proved. topportuoitytae iselp thonscîvd es ad iei li se hable tai overvonlt. Tise usuel routine opruiyt eptenevsaii hi ai is f ousewprk je ai itseli ýabsorhing. Tise own feshion. Benefite conferred or ou- mey moasureofa dulies Sooin-,at only full bat oaFii. fonced upan thiei, aithougis sccepted, are r unning aven, and it irani any causeotise 'Sevorel menue ion pieaie iiiluces ansby no nians iulbyappreclated. Tiseworlt.A work beconses complicated, an thene is anoy gvnwscshv enrcmeddandmoen regard tisern witis indifference, where- dvainfronitise usuab course, it muet aIfniay prove suggestive. Nmeas ail self-effort in tlie way of iisovenseot, neeessty hear beaviby upaîs tie endurasses for six people tise folowisîg uerai suipp!y 6a provision egainet ilînees and dîsAbiity, nf tise houeewife. A twa quart pot ai baked beaiM nesodze and btter anîd ciseaper fond and tise lite, W'asing, ironing, and baking deye, witisriedrIsbuln lapoed iilei mrdaucos more salisiactiosi aîd increases thi ttnat et a rpaigmeidozen cucumisen pickl 1es, anc dlozen ýn-i tise t1 sense of indepeodence. lu short, we 'L end alltise othen details ai evenyday living, a plain cake, a pieds i cseeea dze thint iit svoalël hoebtter te point out to LIV rnequire not only elillfiol and husy bauds, lenans and ssnis inuit as sssi teon. rkaihw i a ipoebi o bute dlean head ta plan, manage and direct Nunhen tira providesF,.or tise saie uoe iotsa ii ulyainuyt ac lisese vrosoeain n ydgestn fpolbofo raiaripinlenlefitsupon bu." Tise consul je inclined brieig onder out ni chaos. It sbouldb hie on i btter, igisencoecgteeen daisgn- itre rece wi),th ie cutonis aen sose a tflesh, a aioftise iousewiie ta consubt and layon utis, anec lscolate layer cake, ise cssp 1aiitifte, whtecuomansneofE pe li er civilstrengl is fretaal, and endeavo elnecp oni cabbage piek e scpot i, ind1ependenc ni ftis e mn. Tisey had been îpdt. so ta arrange bier worlt as ta acenniplisis il baked beans, a bali dounpcls ~ldi iehbt ihvn ierdnesbogs cd by a wilb tise ostease. There aremniny abas'- tnuegre ple iadze lr ythlseir wives, eidresi, or iniendt, and remt ey. savin.g dovices and each waman knaws ai haiîed eggs, e dozeni bananewýs and one ,Iseî tie dlrneor boum hnoaght thern freedunïi and e/o gered simple nietiods ofI relieviug îjred muscles, dozen ernons witis 5igar Nunibe sciey Tise caniteen systein, which uonii- .clrd and eparing el i an ads. wauîd allow in poper kan)iaunts, han -,ý-,tl-1 e e , iei oea nitbd adudd fflevlle. Bt juet bore, paradaxical as il nay wicbes, hrown bread, prpesed heel, aand o ethem a l a boy ad unidr n- lsil, seom, coûmes in a difficulty Mode by teSrtg ao otise ickls s tîio 1sien, a atghrat sfcutai andaie sr clagepansa, cottae e les o esaonoe ar asntiifi.e - ambiitiauseis ouselteeper lieseeli. Nat euon c Pe ja, pc ae n~~e hnenta i ateralsato.Ts ' ' 'tenit witis doing beroie work in anc djrtee- boispies, graZpe jeîî. y, brit, eoffec and upnir n ceaerl re dntufienta atiensecal efl tise tngislda it lu ap- loînonade. iiety ni their famaily aet dinnen, oves iougis Io toin si isa ete blsttncksof itinalu-eTh olwnargorpit tise diehes wore lese luauruous. Tise supply C a- 4 ther, and endeaivOns ta condense juta tise disis, est hotaken intise pienie basltey h acoisetergaisoýli h wakinz boums ai anc day, a anaunt ni Presseod Beel. -Bail four ponnlds af, beef nomifinal prîde, to wonkmen during work in Oi. the, cure o whijch o tta o edîstributed aenni v erene hwot ol ie iIwealhor je ais innovation lisat bas met At wnnlAND tiaes ugisvrytene le ebap itbdecide d layon,ahn bled -ith The washing bas penhape been doue with addinig popper and sait ta tasto, twa j.weil ao nîat, unusuai oes, and stimulatod b enticees e wbch heegpada ttas of ieliquid inThe Frog-Child. n' by in wil L rstwsbie Stir lise at oIson tasks are eeeayod iueîead ai taking bo eladte ai ti ncrie A ciild was harn in Birminighsam.,Eng., Th ueeded net. Tise hat suds suggesle vani- i__oa Septeniber 20, 1890, wisieh is la, Se put da nu srubig, is ceaig enap e-pot or pan pressing it eolidby and(lthiia neiibta tseageclieaiCn da tendng a tsa indws, isib met o u in iseave fo a horttue Sete siond ise itod ntaeduiugtisefCanadgan bar ligist- îated as tla admil ai needbal rost heîweu pane and bt t stand antil Àhi 1i hn ateSotch capilaliste in tise United se machin- tlise bheviesî tsts, is of great assistan i n iwovn iisqatlywbmalte 1TncIsey isld trasbwewy bonds ta tise oxtent aio e oie aif tise Il is aiarans uty 't a cr,-for, bonseli and two loaves, 1 50,000 ý,00P, yiebding, nttise average raie corn puing a hoai b oleepiinrti ser then alte lt e ndre ts on eisap Eil ca "l ixing tise'750,000r n.,Orn a a iay ebeof arehel rbuingand ts of n eareeinato stuboae ti nereese oned ch- i cosi bd i -ai 4-k pe. r enau anoual inceare ni £, cx îbem fizakt fat and usan eveuly. Stir inicen osegitd ry ta tise amount of about £100,00,000 W,6 B3RIIEF AIM DINTERM~ING. 000 passoengere. ]Tram lna l&Lna temnsdoa 501ma.n1Vgenenà1alnisc havy trais baveil, tise wenî-funbone China eveny village bias ils Iheetre Weetiser boeateiiGre niangow Larles Lamb wae an ilvalerale station mare aceunele every year,andtise Meteono- bagicel Coliscil annoanico wiîi pride tisaI t et bs iseviot etpenrcent. af thaso given lest yoar wune suic- mnil jegener a bievstally ecfihl. Three yesrs ega nearly 17 per )ut bis larlietsyOi'.Y,. cool. of the stanm warniugs wenet l"uI iy fon ntal voryîhauand nise iflbbed ;hbut now tise rate te allonta7 e ,ai fugleod arc iaroîgn bon. cenl. sec bi rts ail aven tise world exceed tise InlIolband it is eaeloiianty, wien iàhere le, ise by tbreo a minute. infections diseaeun a boeuse, ta notily tie ýbout hallea milion acres ni land chance lad tat intending visitons and tise publid id in Engleud eveny yoar.' generplly by lying a piece ai '-Lsite rag Yomen, on tise average, marmy boum round tise bell-bandbo. Ila mey perle. à atie U nited States e rd card w iti ti e w rd, :e erbin inbil tisn msi."lever " upon il in tIse case ai scarlot lever 2een Victoia nd tise Pnincees Loise nd a yoasvfiag in tise case aofrnall-po,> , very well upon tise piano and argen. is dispiayed. Irs. Laugtmy psseses ucis a large co- tin oanes liat sie bas set side a rectm wiicite place in ael. Wseu tise suspicionsin-iansoe a bahlonu welve million pacuds' wortis ai beethen eailinu( away to-Wand tise c lueie is jiqe- noquimed evomy yoan ta pravide hante tifled su tiiie tisere je eoneîb13iiigup, 1sisoos bon tise sisebitanle ni Great Tisere je, aiea, a langer praporin of pige iain. Xi aur stations bar tise Army abroad to tise humais population tlïin su ey oier ta isolds tise lergeet concentrated gar- country--langer evan thisei in Irolasid, a n, uumborng about 6,000 aficene and country that is popularly buit rnieteltenly ni aIlrnte and services, excepi supposef10htieUoeniispg.Te coantry af tise sbeep pn exceýllence, ià 3araly.e t b las ncr Aucýtralia. On that continenilthek(re are a line ar eslite sintah leysBrutis-ew marc tusan .,000,000 peapbe, buttisere es 276,000 postearde, 564,000 bolt- are 62,000,000 ý3eep-ihat is ta aj9 ke ts and circulera, 208,000 nowepapore, shecp ta e'ery ma1n,woniaiiand elisld. fi, cl 54,00iemclState eiave auly about 4,0,0 54,000 paeele. sieep, wsiho hugis e langer eiseop paopu&. ir John Lubboelt eays tisaI duingte tise n tisan tiat fa sy aibercunry except uy yearle l shes S d ente unden aissen- A usrliaid tise Argcn inere p h ic, j ion, ho bas noverais auy oar sin se n p nnoiosiately 50 greet a isumnh ras îlising lite e quarre1 belweeu any twn cevenal allier enîssitnies ppese. Bili2li .es beouoging ta lise saine cnr niliy. Indie bas mono cale ta h thh--nicl" si- Thse nioney valueonihe alcoboic drinks try-pwardsaf 52,000,000. 1ae ,ts sunsed by tise Bolgiana in tise yeen 189] Argentine Repabic again bead in tie nun- loulod ta neanly 450,000,000 francs, hem ni caIlle inpnoportiou ta buii b einge. leSh is abut e tisird part af the wbnbe hiflise caille in Ang'utiisa were sjie erage wages aiflise wnrltere. eqaaliy amoag ail lihe peoip, every 1111,111 iuch a tising as a Bnitish soldier signing waman nd cbiid waald have five catlle lia accounts witis a cross, so mucis in vague tate cars ci, and tisene wobi. ho ooengh tsm-s ego-is untaowsi. Every men is boit la givee a duitionin (iitefr t -lussota npelbed ta go lu cooi unlil le passes au million ai tisepeope.Coidedrnsli mamination aud obtains a certificats, point ai viow ai fannrnm ils ieAg The ondinery siniben of trains leaviug tins Repubiic je probebly tlsie mac suxtp dueoo terminus daily ià 700, witis 100,- tant country in tise -'-'v lSTAR_8TILL SHINE$I 0f C loths, Tweedfs, worsteds anél Sulitings of ail kinids, f.or men, youths and boys, were neyer excellcLd anc prices neyer more moderate. 1wo reasons why you are certain to be benefitted in .g at the old reliable Gents' furnishing store are that we only reiliablp goods and they are sold at lowest1 living )ur customers can depend on getting, well-made, good gand stylishly cut clothing at prices to, suit ail pockets lies of Ties, Collars, Cuifs, Ifraces, llandkerchjefs, etc If you want a suit this Spring you will please us and it yourself by.iooking through our mgiletstock at 'Star" two doors Past of the Post Office, Bowmanvilie. crobe Killer Enriches the blood and gives tone and strength. to the whole systemi icrobe Killer 1 Gives buoyancy of spirite, strangth »nd he& oalth aiera of 1IL icrobe Killer Does this, becausa its main constituent is Oxygen, Natnre's remnsdY. icrobe Killer Used in sickness le no experimnt, crude druge and minerals ara. irobe Killer 1 I the greateit toni.- for tired men and womsn ever proiutcecl. icrobe Killer Corrects all bodily disorders eas8ily, if taken ia tuie, use8d ireely. icrobe Killer Purifie& the blood and tissues by driving out the living, germe. ,icrobe Kîller lias no equil as a rheumatic e3peciflco ures guaranteci. ®r Sale by Higginbothamn & Son, AGENTS FOR BOWMANYI_ý-LLE. Prices $1 and $3, according ta Biza. ' H. RADAM MIGROBE KILLER GO,, LITEDu. auîd Ilree t i e ic ~1oi~ettç Slippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises. &c,, .4r tore, t& BEAVER BL9CKi,- unRfmlI BIQ&EST STORE,- BI&&ÈST VARIETY, BIGGEST VALUE. erybody lisvitt(t to euhallad sûr our pnew 15n>*,ç-twearýý.

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