èMIRAI'U L-,Oý)MF 0 TI NG. ~'By thoonghnowllgeol th3 natlural Rud nutrition, and by a ocireffri applif-ntioon n V'ia e iuerops),rtieso e wail-s,3ieotad f e.M. Eqsah5,po1 ddorbaaIs lable3 wlth a u1smany bha.ydot,' Ibil. I le by the 5udiojous use ý0o' suchriclsof diet tht a ContPittion 111Y bha gr-a l !Iy bukltilP untisl s'trong enougi:h tO res3i3t eveyinency te dise,_L linreso subtle maladies ara floatiig arouud usreidy unatcckwhorevor there !0 a weak point. W7e vam escape m anv a fatal shaft by keeping ourseLves, well fortiflai with, pure blond aad a prain rly no7rilvd frànie."-"Cisil Servcecr cazeue.>" Made simply w th boli ne water or milk S odnlY in nackets. by Grocers lab.ýIleI thus JAIES EP'IS & Co., îonSopatlsie Cheant 1515. 1Londion. Ei sut!d WVEDNESDAY AUGUSI 23, 1893 P, EMBER 0F COLLEr4Y 0F PILYqICIAN VS --n, 7urzeons, Ontario, Co)roner. etc. û0flto, mand Residence. Rnlkillent. 74. D BURE Sil 6Nb, «B 1URFSTFR 'OLICITOR, &.MOPRIS rOC1K. upataire, Kinue Street. Bowusan. ville. Selilltor for the Ontari Bauk ' ifvartt Nonevs loanel ai tha low33t rit33 S. £. lUJNKIlNG' LTCHNSED AUCTIONEER FOR Àih1e Connty or Drham. Sales -attendeS x cn shrtest notioe and lowest rates. .Address 0uucP . 35: Rfi T. YOUING, V. s. ftFI CE IN THIE WEST DURHAM %- ews Blocck. uhere himself or assistant mil ite, found from 8a.nt. to 9 pm. Nlghi oels .t rcsidece,lirectlyopposite Dril Shed. Calis 1ly tel gr-oph or teleplione will receive prompt stîel~on171yr A. C. iVANNA V. 1S O FFI CE-HIOG NIBOTHAM'S n-e LOCK 'llowmanvilte. Nght cals ans- wered from one door soulli f Dr. floyle's. Al cals by telegrapliortelephonewill îecoive prompt attention. i1lf L. A. W. T*)LE. UCTIONEER, APIPRAISER, Real A attended iAgenyt, o rvne A. Aà. PONT, AROHIT"JECT. Plans and Spe:ifica. lçins prcpared for evevy clasa of hltldlng. i r (1bot Lwaler. anS 10 eanitary arrangements Oflt'ce: Gorrie Block, Whitby 43-ly 'En' PE TE, aio Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. JM. -BIIMACOMBE DENTIST. OFFICE :-Reatr Of Messrs, Higglinbotiam & !S- ol's Drug Sto-re, (dlown stairs), Dyer and Ciothes Cleaner, cdawnrracnted to be as ne one will kuow them from naw when done. Corjner Erng and Ontario Strs3ts, Bowmanville DEN2,TI STRbY. C. ARNDEN, L. D. S. GradnaLýte o!iltle Royal College of Dantai Suirgceons, Ontario. OFFIE OPOSTE XP-RESS OFFICE. VJTALIZED AIR. New Tailor Shop The lundersigned who has been carrying on1 file tailorin)g buiness in cennaction with MsnsryGo-oda Store fr a oumber of years ca onsmeneed business for himself ai big reideuca,, King St,west, where he is prepared W nma, e gant' and boys* enlia lu ail the lateat ptriap,, anS, t Iloweet price3, Po" ihoee wbo) Wîaýh ito order Puit,,ha will carry a fuît uine of amples li ,l ibanowast patterns. Give him Fashioniablo Tailor HOUSE PAINTINGO I an prepe-,red to execute ail orders for bouse 1painting-, graining,, giazing, paper- hangirtg and deoýorating iu the moat ap- ProvoId styles and at moderato terms. Wall Papeni, G1ei, Putiy and Mixed paint s in ail! ehades always for sRle, Shop opposite Young & Co's firat class grocery mtore, King St., lowmanviile. Orders may be aioleft at Young & Oo's or at my residanice, Qjeen St. 1-mTHIOS. KIRB. AT Al,-- Onl-ICA', PERIOOS 150 CHANGE OP LIF F. oldalbugt',ry uai1 pice50 reUý $2.5oýThe czle-y l'il% mnErFEBANS 3are a new dis. -rrery îthate, cre a eetrses of Na vn ei-ily,Lost Vigor sud Malodrestores the B ~i S ~ s f bodï r mnd caused hy oveýr-worïk,1 or tt ecsor e. cesses e of t.Tl taaab. %Outn crs tilmsi btinmt2e caes we.al other ïdis t a $ p r, k ,-, r i x fo r . rse t ail on resipt 'o! rc l"iie for pmhe.SoIlSin- owsnaoeliloy $ýos1T & JlCJx5ý MISTRALI IN LARRIKINS. Organized and Terrorizing ltow- dies. They 'Made Life IJnaafaIl Meibisurne assit! SY(lney-No Anerlesu 1100d51551Cen Compare With Thali- An Inigaflas Prortictlen Pacieliar te the Antipodes "What'a the charge, sergeantV' -"Roit- oua an' disborîlerly, yer Washup, an' îar-r- rkin' about the shireetl V Rnce the gen- eraily accepteS enigin o! the terma. The au- dience in that dingy Melbeurne Police Court took it np, aud it bas doue dnîy ever sinca, suppiemented by the older but synonymnus term .o! "Forty. " The'Larrikin is assan- tialiy au indigenous production-as usucb so as the marsupial, aud as peculiar te the Antipodes. No langt2s of tima could woid the importeS article ie the species. Ho must ho native homu. Amaruca, centainîy, lias a flne collection o! mowdies, but noîhing quito resembiing the suibjeci o! Our sketch, No country but Australie could produce hlm. His anceatry, the climete, the short lînura e! labor, the command o! mony, sud perbaps above everything tisa excessive consamption o! méat, ail combine to maka hlm wbat ho la--a terror to bis feilow-ciîi- zens, sud'au evor-iucreasing sud tîsmeaten- ing problaus tu the anîhorities. bo increas- ing sud so tîsroatenîng a probiem, indeari, is ha that th3e wiseat heada in the stata are beginuiug te despair o! ever reciaimiug hlmn aud turuing him brous hie evil ways. Short termes of "soliiary," 1the triaugles, EVEN TUIE ITANCAN'S NOOSE, bave ail beau hrought repeatadli m lu- effective action upon hlm - Imîsîsre hlm in a dismel coul on a diet o! bread aud w---ter, cnt the flash off bis heck in sîrlps, do any- tiiîg but break bis neck by a judicial fll, and ho will ha worae when ho comas ont tban when haentera the jail. Lu thsadock, a more barefaced youtb, ho will openly defy magistrale euS police, jurigeand jury, encourageS by the open admira tion o! bis penticular "Ipnsb," wbo tbrong the court ont sncb occasione. AnS wua ha 1teithe respectable witness wbose lotit is t etîtfy againat bbcprisener. Ho l spotteri," ho- comas e marked mari, euS ventures nover niea inurequenied streols abter dark. But thora are probesaienel larrikinsansd amateur ones, anS it reaily is difficuit et limes te say which is the worse ni the two. Wben the sous o! the upper classes go on tbe'warpath they do it very thorougbly anS very-disgvraeýefuliy. Possihbly Ibis, in meny cases, is aise an outoome o! haradity. AnS these young mon wbo live wiih their people in greal bouses, aud go cldSilupurpie aud fine linon, as a rmie escape the pnnisameui thair iideeda outille ihein to.Tbey ARE TOO " wELL-0iJNNEI'TZI" for the prison or the la ah. Admonition and e fiue iuveriabiy meais thair case. IlMy word !" I once beard eue o! thein yeni as th3e constahievwas luggiug bim off amidat a volley o! bricks euS bine mataI from .hie comnrados, IlMy word l you--rap ; my father's a niomber, aud he'Il make you sweaî for Ibis, sea lf ha don't! My nam's--; andi you'Illosecyeuî billot, rigit enugb." AnS the policemen dropped hlmn as il ho were redl-bet. In thase I"well-connected "casas, I"exces e!aiaf sîls is tie pioe uisually put in by tibeir aooit.The moguls lion Uba'rri- kp, ,vrithing under the iue-tiiledr-st, complaluis at, thora is (1ee la for thse rich anS entother !oe rte penn. The 1bandaý lu wiicb the istiorrosma trie streets ara known as puhe,"anS eacb eoetakes its namne fmom tibe iocaiity lu Wbic-h its mem-n) bers, lira. There is, forisace te ,wbe cen proudîy point le thair record o! as leasl Ibrea policemen snd two olS women boston ute Seatb at their banda during the peel year. Tbirty Larrikins will slelk a policeman, or " trap," as they oellisim, ,upon whom they have a Ildewu," bal! the night, LIRlE A'PACK OF DINIIOE5 abter a strayed bullock, until they cao corner bilm o ' lu s9ma onely spot, wbere, unlese help co mas swiftly, bis chances ara very siight. Th3e staff in sncb a plight is a poor pretection, anS whenulema more Iban usuaiiy Sariug outrage la committed a maso- lulion is invariably tablaS in tise Assembly 10 arm constables ounîght dîsty sitb re- volvers. But it is nover carnieS, for iany remsous. At oua lima, wb'sn the tnibes were even more numamous than lhay are now, a gang useS to number about 40. Rance the designaetion atlb in use. Boot faclories, composîr.g rooma, etc., !îtrnisb uever-faiiîug recruite for the Lrri- kin army. Pausea susauy street corner o! a colonial city atter 8 p.m., aud yen sssey sea our type-crowds o! bim. Tail sud thia, with pale animal face, conetsnbly smoking the strougoat ebtainabie tobacco, dresseS whoily in black, withbIlbard-bitter" bal anS white iuen, ho takes the pavamauland passas obacone remanksansd commente upon the passors.hy. Ha loves fine ciothes, aud will rob hie employer teoebtain thous "talon 1made," as againat the importeS "alopa." Ris tronsers must ha beil-bottomed, sud nearly bide the higb-heeled boeots axcept au inch o! poiished tna. Tiiese boots l'e likes ebod wlth brasa licol tipa, se tbat as ha walks tisoy go CLICXC5TTY-CLACK UPQ-s THE I'AVEiENT. Ris cnet muaethae!fIte shortest,&nS tbe miore braiS, buttons anS por-ke'a ho caa gos ripou it the baller. He seidomn or nover wcars colora. A black sort o! cioth known as diagonal wor8ted la bis clînice, sud bis linon imuai ho very stiff. Ris mother doua bis waesing, anS woe bolide bon i! bis shirts anS.c4liarsaet0, vot ln tobisliiiug self, ha -will attend cricket and football matches for the purpose o!. hoot ing7 and j ýe er. ing at those who do. But a ChiLlnaan is,of ail men, a holy joy to him-better even then old womon, unprotectad girls, or a solitary cons tabla on a îoneiy beat. If ha cen but ge l "John " and bis baskets or little cart fulil o! fruit and vegotablos coruered off,tben indoed his cup is full. To thnmp the allen,1 and jump on hlm witb the brazen-heelad boots, and mash hlm imb a pulp with biýs own sticks, until bal! or whnilyda-i roaily, docs nol matter s strbaw iwicb-and to consuma and scator bis stores far and wide, is the iwork of a varv few iniutes for an aveorage "pusb.", On Suuday nighits hae galbera in groupa aI cburch doors, sninkiig and expectoraing on the stops, and SGP.OSSI.Y INSULTING THEUEHTPPERSý as ihay go in sud coma ont. INoîing lu ii any part of the world cao approach hlmi for languaga of the vileat, which ha uss habi t- nally and loudly. Ho bas alan a ýslang o! bis own,unointelligible 10 outsiders, and mainiy. consisting of transposai words. At the triangles be bas beau known 10 take bis puriisbment in dogged silence, but mwore !requentiy bis sbrieka for morcy are mxç witb revilinga on ail 'eround him sud prom-, ises to arnend bis ways if lbey'il ]et hbi go. But ho nover dos. Thoy bang imn to0, somaetinsos. But that producea in affect onbis feilowa. Praseitiy an Actwil be-il itilanot, aiready-passed, onabing magisîrates le imposýefor certain crimies long Isirms of solitary confinement iiaîdi- tion 1 theba t. Those wbo know wbat is moant by Il soliiary " lu tisa colonies are bopefol that it may aet as a date-rrent,wlhicb, flogging certainiy do-s not. And tielatr is by noineens a nominal orpructy performance, înasmucb as it of taeave ur LARRIKI' N S B 'CJ WITHOUT ANYSIKIN, worth meutioninrg. By tbe sida o! thbe Larrikin, 'Arry iunlits very worsl moo, l a gentlo, ceniai, civil, inoffeniiýve sort o! crealure. Thereis, indeed,nomai-ninre of coi parîson possible, batwee 'n the tv.Oru typaý ia tho aimoat abuormai produc o (f tfelie land. And in bis blond stili lingera, pr bapa, tha criminel leaven of theni, ra- javenated aud nourished by its ecpin alîy favorable surroundings. Naturelcn ditions alona would render il impossible for 'Arry ovar tb approach the Larrîkilin l vice, or precocîîy of evil, or utter diaregeard of ail law or morâiity. 'Arry lives undor cloudy skies, breat'haýs f9g sud amoka, sud doas not, as a mIle, est hearîiiy of butcher's moat thbrea or four limas a day. Ho aiso ai dinoes feels coid.1 The Larrikin inhales an almosphiere like '84 Perrier Jouet, cen g t a god dîner. rof tbrea courses, for sixpence, and if h a os nt care about going homo allerrnmg around tise "acrootins" o' nibts h can aIr-rp ont three parts nf tha ear lu ibon h greaess comfort on the long grasso! ark or public gardons, abaded hy ihic'k foiag from deletarions inoon ordslw. Noet that1 ha often does an. Ris ciothos ar e too gon to ha treateri in sncb fashinHoebve that kinà of concb te the unemployad. Lt is juat possible ibat a certain precentage o! Larrikin may-bis very wiid ces saown - saille down inoa STAID RESPECTABLE CITIZEN. But I am afrairi that the proportion is sadiy smnall, and that lu the ov erflowsngf colonial jails bis future la to ho mýokaS1 for andi fouud. lHowevor, Wa ara yonng" yal" and parlbapa some ncplaln may hbhoty i uponto sL-bdu1e "xcs o nia spirite" whic-h l"hlm t ise gainssu th" tcri-scia'. ý very g idway ibili-t catcilhunlmas Il e firaýs nîp of ! arrikin- paria amissud sv t fos cri ni e1Irs. r-an s '~ 1m. A - hos More se o f t" iLPlu ar Tw enty Mcountryofiftoie worid i8 Rnssia in ikuropa. Lt bas 2,0, 000 of borses. The United Sttescma .next wit's a horse population of More thban 16,000,0'i0. Luproportion tn ihe numiber nf inhabitants the United States are fer richerilu orsos ibanlRussie. But iniib1al proportion the United States are lun b;ru fer surpassari by the Arausiîs Rphlc where, according t0 the latest acsil figuras, thora ara a few more horses than people. The counîrias of Westernau scuthoru Europe are thinly'popnlatei wîth horses compared with the Americani cou - tinon sund Russie. Ltaly, wîth a human population o! more than 30,00,000, bias ouiy 72,),000 horses, but it bas ama twice as many Mules and doukeys as horses. Spain bas oniv s few more than30, 000 isorses,or about oua borce to every 6ýs people. 'Most o! the "aaies f Sat rid on donkays. Iu the UnitecdKigo of ,lreat Britisin and Ireland thora are onîy about 2,000,00a borses. The Uiedl Statas- is tihe Most populous moule couury in11)tisa worid. Lt la also, by muy millJins, the Mst popuinus pig country, psssu ver 46,000,000 of swmne. Ohîld Made Druuk by its M)thierý. Just imaginea imcîther adminisieiug in- toxicants to lbar six-year-oid abuSlu ýansiti- dient qcauîity 10oudaugerius hife l This wa the offenca for ,wbsch Charlotte Goat, (39) got a nrouth's bard labor at Worsbjip Street, London. Priaunar was seauluni Kingsiand Road drnnk, sud on flic pava- ment a short distance lrom ber isy el o! six, with fixed eyes sud rigid limbe-,. A min named Beiubow took the chiu n,and; An nueninna individuel bas calcniated' that during the course of avery yea,,rraly sevatsn the British Islea gel no le>es thian £300,0l00 lu ips from the public, The largeet waves are seu offiCaes ýrp betwcen latitd 51 . n lnitd105 W., ri'siug to 46 t eeýt lu bigbt, and q letlong from creal te et. 'rtt e n nvy fo e, IT-EMS 0F INTERE8T. Tho ailwy , panies of Englend and Waiesow i.oer20 square miles of the sur- fadde of Cooot ry. ~o arI.aitherto unknown port in the Argentine Rapu1blic, exported 100,141 tons of whalst May. The United States have, for each 100 miles ef railway, 2Q locomotives, 17 passen- gar cars aud 714 freight cars. A latter mailed lu London April 7 and remmatlad lu Ilong-Kong made the circuit of the world in the fast tima of sixty.two djays. -At the baginning 7of this century d andies lu the Germian army Nyore earrings and aicor7ed theiir fingers wth as many rings as lhey could coovveieutiy wear. The luminous paintinga said to have bcen comminou amoe g the Japanese 200 ye-' go were luminons on)y lu the li- agination of the travaler who invented The lý a aBnk of Italy, lîke tbe Pillik of Englanid, manages the finances of the goeruma t tis apracticai mouopoly nandbias br icesluevery large city. Lbaoa scountry which we alway8 aocaewth arctjo snowdrifts, icebergs, et, has 900 specias o!fiowering plants, 59 berus suid over 2.50 species of mosses and lichens. Acoloiusaniiy is txi'ica as common '.n Fran ce uow as fifte'en yeers ago, and the ilumiiber o! passons placed nuder restreint on a cotsnî ofril btas încreased 25 par cent, in tise lesýtthreeers. Among American towns three are flve Clice(ros,, thiree Tullys,six Catos, savon Ovids, sixVris nina Hor-aces, tan Miloa, seven ictr, caeu\e Solons, tan Piatos, fi! teen aomers;,Jdfour Scipios. ~udywas a da(y of amusement with the ')fours1! SOO. According to a calcula- tiono0,00of them spent each Sanday lu sutm mer ilu the, suburban mus and raaorts iu gti:ng r1d o!"',12),000. The story (o! the nvitinof melleable gasbya ý,Rmn lass wuorkar in tha lime el Tib rii ndof his bain g put to death by thle emp eror: wasaa sheer fabrication. No sncb glass ivas avor inveîsted. 11 A sra near Tuoson, A. T., petrifles aLil soIýt subst4ances tbrown into it. It is ini t he gr-eat Col)orado potate baetle beit, and at' the lime of their migrations thousende o! them s trike tise water and are converted lnoo olid atone. Im partial writers are q uoted with sayrng lhaite golI contained lu medals, vessais, chinsan othar objects prasaerved in the -aticanwoul make more gold coins Ihan ihe wboie clf'the present Enropean circula. t iol. Rambles lu Epping Forest. Thora is any amount o! deligbtfttl wood- land scorîary in Epping boreat. Il la .O1d World forestry aitogeiber unlike OUo wu. Thora are glades, bdre like nid Normen churches, and groves like goîblo cathedal neyes. As for foliage-there 'wera neyer sncb massas of sbifling green onîside of tbeseilaleds. And the foroat is alive with sissging birds. Thora are great populations o! uigbiingales and from the neighborîng fials the isrks moîut ciamoriug. The forastisl set lu a preity country, sud yen cen reacb n bal! an heur by the train. East LoWdon, lbongb, is bond o! goiug down by n. Oua dees nol sec lunumerabie waggon loeSs o! hard-fisteri, slrong-voiced townspeopie snoving conintryward from' our Ainerican cillas for a dey's onîing. But bore the sighl is common enough. Part o! the pleasure nf living lu Engiand cornas iu thaso roadsansd jaunta, which everybody takres lu eue way or another. Iu Amnerica wo would prefer eieclric cars, sud by sa much miss the fun of the fair. But then we have not the goodro a"i, and if wo baS thçm, we abould stili ha witbout the snug ina. Lu England thora is always the inn, sud th3e moat sud drink, sud eue or a bun- dred sud eue jaunt wiîisout taking tbongbt wbere lie cen munuchasur rot. t is a very ceîsfetntble country, sud you woul! îbink sa if you could sea tIhe East endors making for Epping Forest. The firat Bible was printed lu 1450. Ovor 4000 edilions havo beau prîntad sînca that date. Up 10 1881 the British aud Foreign Society hed prinled 91,000,000 copies. Swizze-"1 It's sîranga I meat Joues se rarely. How do you suppose I cen arrange to sOO bim otenar ?" Bronson-" Borrow $5 o! hlm sund youull ueet hima every day.'t True Philanthropy. To THE ETsITOR -Pleasa inborm yonr readera that I wil i mil free toaal suifer. ers the meaus by wàîh Iwa reatored 10) health snd maily vigî-r eftar yoars of suffring frein Nervous Waakness. I was robhed sund swindlad by the quacks uutiî I neanly lest feitb lu maukinri, but Ibauka ta hoaven, 1 amrno0w welI, vigorous sud fitrong'. I1have mothiug tb so sundn subeme to extort money from, auyono whomss avor, but being, desiroui te make tbis certain cnrs koowu b aIl, I wiiî senS freeansd conÀidential "te anyone ful par, ticulars of just how I waB cureS. Addresi with stamps MR. EDWARO MARTIN, (Teacher), P. 0. Eux 143, Detrmit,M ch Every pessenger trCin on the continent and many freigisi tratns are now equipped PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST< Contaiua ne Alun, Ammonia, Limne, Phosphates, or any Injurientl E. W. OILLETT. Toronto,. ont.. Sick Iieadecise asi eiv ttts 7rube ni denti 10a bitions saeo iesses nba 11i zinessa, Nansea., no ins, 1,e a a reusankabe succes;,ba beu sowinbucn* IleaSadw , - iCaTus LiuLvua PîWid ar eaqnally vatobl u onpation. enninL and prvniglsasu Tn opaint. whii< theyase crecfilSsod r Btsestomacli, stmlthe liva 1u egll the bewel5 Even if tbey ('1y1cure 4ce h;ey-.41Jl onioi nctea thoas& v>s s ,ýuifer fromt th i, itressing comipluint* tbnt fortuuslely Oteir goosi es o unieund lie a udthsewooce ry thHi u wifinS th-2 iese uil ilsalaiiibu 50 manyv w,,,sthat t5sey itn1ewi illing ,ý to Se withut iheuax ButL after ail sick bo'aS Thse 1imperial canal o! China la the long- wt." irorKer aa r-.. eai-,Dae was iatheharle of semianyltve2 athere!1owh-lers est luin1the world sud groatest lu point o! iniventeS as necontiy as -1859. we make our grteat hoait. Ur pftcillecrail - 2,00stile, an ilwhita oisons do nob. trafi _. Its iength i ,104mlsad tCARtTERs LITvgTI..1TVER PILTae ey mt ýonnecta torty-nne chties situato onu ils aud very easy ta tek-e. Oao uop' sk 1bank ls. t was comploteS in 1350, star 600 a dose. Tisey are stritiyvegetabtend do year spnt u is cnstucton.Whe Bay ws sckivegav lir Cstoia. not gipe or purge, butt hy their goutta acti(7,n in is cnstucton. henBab wa sic, w gae ler Cstoia.. pieuse ait wiln use tsessi. lus vials ut 25ce-uts; B',' irrigation 25,00J,000 acres are maSo Whou ebe was a Cild, ehe cried for Castons. fva for $i --SolS everywsharo, or seut by Mail., rsti!uil lu India alone, Lb Egypt thora are hi h eanMis h lntaCto*.CRTZIECN oKw rk about 6,000,000 acres, sud in Europe about Whoiisioha becauaisse,se rgveto uCastoia. OR 3M&U ol C., 11ev cg. 5~0,0.The United States have juat %luh aPCideisogv heUatni.L 9LII~ ~ 1IPo bogun 113he work o! improving wasta aras, sui'd haiveairsady about 4,000,000 acres o! Tise cuntrie reisiichesal in borses fýSbonS tck aeArgentisseeuSndUru- i8ssSweely-" I boniglne lfthe voile Àiay:Ansîiabas 1 te 13e mot aenServis 113ie that are en thickiy Sote can sacl -Ltet relative niusuber o! piga te ppu é.se, sud iooýk like a, igbt lun il, don't Il"1 îln.11e poorost iilu herses is Iîaly; lu cal- Miss TartViy-" Oh, ne; it aimoat Aconceels île, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e Potgl-hesoBlii;l ea orfc. h you scea an Adv>ertieemesst like this A ge0grap a"epr esraes 113e Fer- T 1 PMK l C T O 5 WOLD'è)AE - N 1 ~ ~ ~ le portin ! h ert' s fo 'o 6. - t PQ d tiusa,Suitosîobw:a, p,(lvin beo Nvgto o~ec,01 î3,0100, ran 4~,us0,anS Polar Two new stee pssngr bonea ave " snr o îlfu 4'gîu,4,8800 suare miiles. js eubltfrIbsUprLb otfirt-cea sas rîmpunet which bias ea Tho ,so unpuese o!-4a beaus or log cojha acs- csig.0,0 ah n r urnedbought f-r cash, cnsqe .lyIam pro- urteyetemmiued by 113e seuse o! hearnugto ho the grandes, lnai, satesi t ae taenetdoepicsaSoelaci a "ne. iisa eam should ha appliad te oa fasteet steamers on the Lakes; spaed 20 fica quaîiby. _uS o! 113ebeaus, wbile 1the ether la sîmuck rmlles par boumr, runuing tise ýýbaliveau AsnrcnsdCnda hasasi wit e amam.If113 snudisdea ~ Cleveland, T'oledo and Chicago baesIban stock. Pleaso g ivu me a cal andi yen wii d.istinct euSd sharp, t13e bem is sound un 5o bouma. Four trips par wecký betweau ho welcome whetbîar yen boy or nlot, every part ; if duil er enuffied, Secay has Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackinac, Petos-. sýet in somewbere in t13e intanior. bey anud Chicago. D&Ily tripe between N. B. Eliiott's Roller Fleur kept. The City o! bondon bas no park within Detriot anS Cleveland; during July unS J. T. W IL L IAM S ias bourerandu yet the iergest recreetion August double dally service ivili bu main- grounjd opa,ýn te Londoners la under conînol aineSt, giîing P, igstrido nomross Laie o!113e iP ty corporation -n ameby, Eppiug Embe a.Dily servie-z betweeu Cieveland f1 T ' A ~ r f F Noa, itb its 5,60) acres, on nearly nulle mnadPut-l-Bo!3y. Pirst-e-lass a a ernom IM fs . sqaemiles o! almostunubroken woodllandt--O'rnmnditics LIan an d Sexceed- .LL.L foriing onue o! tbe moat extesive anS susly low Round Tr-:p Rates. The palaý besýutiinipieassuna grounsdain Europe. liai equiprroul, 13e- '-'szuryet Ibo appoint- AD Kezanlik is hayon-i ail dispute the sîveot- monta nikca ram el n'b-07n thirseacrns ,i ' T esîýýeeling place ou eanth. t lies on the thoroughly non3b'e,. Perd , f; lsu- rhefL îîdileb. .Journl." uipper TuinSje, neen 1the foot o!fh Sspktra lad pa.mphlet. A r- k.SCS ÂA _iJ VtLu:L is)sa.valboy full nt rose fielda G. P. A, DltOF k R C e-I S lik is 113e cia! seat o! tisa industry in sItar CUý.1 -7 _'-à e! roses. t lekes 20,000 o! the rose that I'd iike le ha out in e yacht, A laorge 36-page IUu3-tr-qe,iI g iow lutaee boiad, hy disî,ilai, IbTese risys wbous theeweather is becht; Il onthly. will osen1t, tu as_ muýtch gcaunine sitar'or elleo! roses as Witîs the wind lu my teath, any address ocqusis iin wigbt a 50-cent piece. e AnSd113e oceani beneath, OI~Y J Y ~ A P Jobnv Ras, 13e sbniqer g - es by 1 Iam sure il wouid toue-h th,-,igi apachl.FO îiens o!f Ibe union arnsy ta confedereres nyoedlaadf1te e1ism:ine 113elaie war o!f113e nebsilion, is saiS D ce~ ntsfr he ilamaudhfeen te baive originaleS lu a coloquy bleau'--e'n pik. 113e ceufederate soidier objecteS-luCaludseaapicpyo to hr-ing Sn'oad by the union soldiar as a Jolînny Bull in allusion te the countenauce The Ladies'Jo r a givan bîy Great Bilain tate 3ecausa o! the Journa see-eiug alates, but aubuitted te Jobnuy ,Io ~5 t la a publication thal wilb interest 1:î,! wit out Proteet. FOWDE E' U/rn every womau lu the lend. Thu hü,ýry f te.Nloqu snk dnce seTise ragujar subse-ipluon prie-c o! "Tiue 113seak theny eil13e eqfl sake S auceseort~ slourâal"* and bhts papur la $2 par te aaskis 13e ailut of nake o! il srtsyear le ougai tiseLwo for 10 ca-,rry petitions 10 11e higiser powars un thie aystam io! sonial ivinilies, sudd Snring î!1ie cebebLratieof oth1e anake Sauce, which Sn ibastaini ned ays, s groat number o! serpenta en your mouay anS a ddress te Ihîs offi:ce. arle c2Ap-tured, prayed le for ain sud thon tur-neS boetacarry 113e prayema o!f113e PURESTî, SR N~T ET Indenste 1e ig ligbtuiug suakes, wboae 0EfesdfoustnssW- usti' nrsetg on' heure eis lunt ie ntunder cionda aboyathie uss.Acana-qals O, isSalSoda. sumi,_its ol 11e mountains, sud who in tom SI yA' rr-snDr~gsa cry tibo etit-ion te 113e rein goS in th3e ~ ~~ O t.s 'i- Il tia generaiiy bseuasumneS that a con- nia ia ie lapsad, say roos Ibreea te niiina mlinut.s, frmuth1e lime whon 1the lon eft the ighl aide o!f113e heari, tra- tehS 1e whole systam anS thon ,,ain C tau ete 1esterling point. Professer i tsîsepeiiments make il appoar tbet t113 te ii mucb shontor than that. Doeso of fullytalated tests,sys 1 ýîs ieheAe S-,Uici PosorDailon, show Ihat 113e blood co! "ackhe d fthe 8scrwon r ncan matkes ia comuplote circulation once , iseys are in Dol a y la's evey iltente wabyfiv sconsaccndItrouble, Dodd'e5 dangerous. Neg- inigie le pbysicai conditions o! thesu- r Kidn c Pille §ive lac ted kidney jeot epenimuted pon. ,,i rrti~ Th ýà û,k u i8 nquetioablyan E 4-poptelie. troubles resuit 113 frc'ca auqetoai uEg 75 par cent. in Badi B/no c,IV li'sh îinvenlion, ud ilsfinal recordeS appear- D ss P, fdsael ye pepaia, LVuer auoi s 140 i n13e ofgue!Heny VLLl. ýý RAHaVa<Dfra oea ly Cernplaint, and t lascbd as "s coat o! velvet sema.- rs aedb wblat ahaped like s tnock, embroidered ail ~ J 1 ldisordered' hid-. t he m st dan- rIL ', g -îneye. go roua of ill, over w;ti tfteS golS of damasak." The .IIU _"Mgtawll rit.D-aae waat nt as aiways beau a garment o! - r t av Diafsces aci minr ouidnaion u appeared anSd dis- i heaîlthyf city Drocpsy." aippeared ecacomdhing te1therequiremeuts o e!0DL wi hiolut sewer- "Thfie cibc u en tlisa vAryiug csue in esmier limes, anS e a as ond isae canne1it final baSàdoffiiai recognition under 113e raign c'i hlt wonth ?t. ofCbarles-iI t was inul666fthatPepysmakiles - 5eT kdn, . aeyr meuienlef the weýaistceatiluhie diary; Ibis C LV'"Scngd hyoe Pi r s. dtay 113e bing hogane put on btis veat, anS d ses gairsi pm'ns o!f11e houa !Slbylearseoreofy sitof S-rp lords and ceuniumuvaraiug a long casock Lr.9L.0A.,S cf P-iCa. e, rnî Wrtea coete hIe2bodý," etc. okaie ilsyalt Pitcher's Castoria,