,~ ~ay~ ara o ag,)bil wlruda l o egive hie. tu -bbc plublie, 1makes Ibis a zuthouiized, ,nifai snitemlent te rerý ou I wa nle vcal, oid mnymarade isiptien. îtire dorhor safti îat1, fodsor lc, and zail o ietgtbu t trîtean if1 i dl Cet due, Iirolf, ha able te wak.,lbecrarîsa I 1was su md1( puon. A itîriurie feriureil andi -Ïs sarsaparilÏla Dz- J. C. .8>r & Co., Lowilî, Manss h1ers, w ll;cire youx noher bM4& .UnG. 25 & 261 orticulars at STOTT & JURY'S ?AST T(AN I~ACCOMMODATION. GR",'D TRUNK .AILIWVA.Y. GOINê RÂST Qr OI?4Q WEST ixies ...0 7a iExpress .... 6 ('ia i ?asçxnger ..245 pwp -Potnseer -.8 9'ûa m ~segr.7 07 p mni sener.f9 p m iprss. 5SPMI Exoress.4 12pin UXPreas..-... 10 57 Pm Express... 830 pm WHEN YOU GO TO IRITISI! COLUMBIA, MANITOBA, URP U N 11 D S TA TES. )r any pliae in Caauda cal1 at STOTT Fuiix's Driu sore for T1 ickBts avd Infor- nation rega(lrig lwetr.ýttq ard best BOj Av ,LE, AG. W-, 1 8e3 and GOtherwise. ýi cf Niagare lias beau ri8it- l'melanid'fi. W %ashingt'rn of lHaydon iVis- sunds lerst waek. ýi Poster spant lest weak with rclativcs lu Oruno. 1 Temnplare held thair aunual ,itargraan Waduaesday, Vanstona îlapnttiug in a roil wter rI a nha 3roller er', HTault. Ingarsoli, and Chicago, bava b-eau gusta Tait. ni cf Mi'. H. Meader fal jute twaýýenthFe plama on Menday ,edl b>- soiueboys. Sthe Wblrby Chrenicla that Ad, Mi'. W. Mutch, was the t harres a l asieicinit-cf Mri. J. J. Fintey bas te seo, N. Y, end Mr. E. t rpriso acccmpaniad bhlmt Utend the races. MisesLilran O'Etara cf perinteiudet of thelA &liFruia -huiidiug et the eBitiosChîcag'o, waa gr :0e>- Lakeý, MmKeunoti,! 1, and af:rrasharp stru sekiuoouge which wegzhm ~uces. That-'a tha klin heuld enjo, . TEn LraDELTQRTf nt affect and tre perfE ,hicli ladies me>- use t izatiî, Syrup cf Pigeý,Y ens uuakea htheir favora Spleasant t t bb yeaua ntle, ye' effactuel lu dn.eve. liver and bowels, turned te Syra. Gralm cf the Eni te Rochiester te Mrs. Alex. Boyd of Toronto visited her~ parents liere lest week. MissaNM. Curtis of Port Hlope has beern guFet of Miss Nellie Williams. Mlies Nettie Sherin hasý, been viaiting lier sister, NMrs. Mason, Peterboro. Mr. S. Dewar has remuived hia famnily te Oshiawa, Serry te lose sucli good citi-i Zeus. Mr. R, Gliddlen cf the C'rand opera Bouse orchestra, Toronto, was heao iat week. Oshawa base bail club arranged] for a match here Saturday week, but failed te appear. Mrs. Fuller, cf Battie Creek, Midi., and Mý.r8. Hoar cf Cobourg wara gueste cf M-Nro. Kirby the past weelk. Several who want te the Fals on the laRt excursion jsay thiy'ra guing on the Garden City next Tueaday again. Rev. and Mrs. Jessqe Whitlo-ok cf Port Perry called on soe friands haro asat week and received cordial greeting. 0 Ur tewn council are advertising 1*1 Toronto dailies for parties te comae to Bewmaavilîe te eztablish facteries. The moonlight excursion st Tuebday evening on the Gar3en City was largely patronized anid ail enjoyed the sal. Only about fine went fram ii era on the Gardan City to Rochecater on Thursday, the excursion beping insufficiently adrer. Mr. W. Allen cf Chiathaiin returnied from, the World's Fair with hie father and lias beau spending his helidays et home, Tha Omnemee Recorder announced ils own deabli last week. The aditor eays: '"TIi Recorder is dead. It lived lu tum- ult-mnay it rest lu peace. We are aorry te hear that Mrs. Heal, Port Ferry, wifa cf oui' former worthy townsman, Mrti. James fleal, fell dewn the cellar way a few dsys ago and broke an ar., The Allan S. S. Mongolisu, asailicg froni Montreail, August 2î6th, and S. S. ýinomidian, Saptember lOth, will eachi take a lic.ited nuaibar of Steerýag pas- e)ngars. M.A. JMEAgent. Thara la likely to e a achange ilu the mail routes te tha north a-nd east cf Osh. iawa. The Irssprctoýr le asking for tendeïr, for a dlaily dilirary cf the tnIals at Coi umbup, Raglan., Foley ai d Teuniton, by ene ýarrîe,. Eiifieldl wiJl be sýupphad from tha C.0 P. R. et Borkûroiu. A sav mBg cf expanrse and a daily mail for the offices înintioned are the objecte in view. Evavybody should look eut for a uew swindler Heo stops at ahliuse and in- qoires whetlier the family lias lest any chiîdreso, and if theaneuwer la in tha af- firmiative, tr;e age, (tc., xill b- aiskad A eh. rt time aif»,ariards ho pins in au ap- pearAnce wlthnoume as rt cf a fraud certif. icate confaiuing the informnation given, and demanda $3 for the saea Bis iea la te frigiten wu)meu into pniying htiti e ameount.-Ex. T heýr-je trouble in the east end cf the te noabo a cow. I'ist le a rasi- dent;u, tho town aud Wus Ja cow. M r. Le',T<xe i ei t;r n ~Saturdey avaning ud seeîg tecwon the street thougî th ar oaal ouldlee better in pouud, seolie teck a rope and pLaced lb arouud lier home2f and put lier there. Dy what autlioriry lie dld se isnerit known tu us as yaî. NMr Giat in bouird te have satifacion-Or N ews Cor. Our wortby yonng towusmen, Mr'. J. B. Mitchel. manager of the manufactur- ing departmont cf tlie Dominion Organ & Piano Factery, la receiving the con- gratulation cf his many friandi on bis growing renowu as au inventer. Mr'. Mitchel lias receivad a communication fromn The Parisian Inventera' Acadsmy, France, etating that lie liasbeeu elected a "Member cf flouer with award cf the Firet Clas Diploma and, the Great Gold Medal," THiE STÂTESUArN joins in hearty congratulatione. The regulir meeting cf the Towul Coun- cil was boidIAug. 14, all urembers baing present butfIir, Galbraith, Braverai me- quasta weretma.de for rmsln<fdog ta-,. A;Ither aionth's keep(cf Jîe. Car- ter at the Cenerel Hospitel w.isagreed to. r MK, iutroduced aby.lawfeýr levYing r atenad itaurnu' deb, etures fo)r coaoidatru h ondb.Ra he tima", The 'lnfctrr'Cummnitiee waa inatmuctedto ativertie luTorruto Glu)be and Mîail ibat the tewu will assýis- liýb-rally iii theoralsbe o f indus- trias. Mlesars. A. Mitcliel, J. Rueunigk J. MIclrntyre, Joe, Jeffeýry, andý L.Mri, of Florence INightîiualo Lodge, wera e.t Ni.e~Feuis ttendig the meiteting of Grand L,,dge, I. Oý . O. , asud gîve a very ecuagnireport cf dtesad cf the Order. About 400 reprasantat ires were prýteent froni varieus parts cf the Preriuc'.» The total increaseé of meni- SSin F'raniciseco 'I'm i o(P roa'baoi tkicg Hood's rt Rooni cf the Sraaia "I'm 80 weli" -after takiug SColunibian Ex. Hooda,. MrlB sure te gat Hood'o. nast of M-,rs. Wi. Duricg !Joil> sud Auguat greet bargainq vmIl le ii ren lu al kinda cf siemmar goude whila trelling ilu et Ccnch, Jolinstoni and Crydera;-Qn'z. i b. Raid hook- Althougi hi.sels laccuiderad a dol! seas igý1e, lalsndàa on -cf tba year Riclkard talla us hoi3l bus>- ad 17 pound, 6 lu the repaircrr lin a, wliicli proves for lb nid cff unwe selfthet hea stHorugh me.hmensd blet it wo'dha iiseforan>-oeewish- en,-The pleas-inu, te ha ve th-eir wurk donawellto leave'it jet safet> M wihwih hM. he liquid fruit HOLD iv vo Tua ,LIîon.--Th mean irli under ail ceudsi- alayen confidendaely just what Wil cure Mt rEMedy. l your cold lapmesribig Kemps BAlsni id te the abse, thia year. Inuthe praparatien cf this e- icUîng on the markabledndinie fui' cougli sud clde 11n0epese m p e Zl bine c0l>-Yblia lAs uene into bVit and purart irgrediets Bid a s., Tliey oglitt botîle of Eemp'a Balsani bu bbheliglt sud having s greet look Lhe'g ; notice, the briglit, clear nt-IYi'y Goudae ,tIn compara wlh ohe r remdias. id Shoea, Yen b mgatîles t ail droggissSO c d 1 irat-cîasse od A geu e Elgin or Watbarn watcli, se. - tAmniinA . crwbz4&d gnA ar,,nr 1 The Fore8ters a,, (Jobourg. Eigh Bohool Notes. Thie D. 0, & P. Co. baud went çdown te1 Theo111gb School opens %Mondaiýy, Aug- Coliourg ,ou Moiidav with e Foraersen ust 28. and therirpayg was varv u'uch praised. î The çjtncinwon by Mr,. C. Erereott B mavlle Coi rt was n le cf ,ihe lai' est 13 OWPBsinc i'. I. b. Biôwn, Ced ci in the, pri e saon andlrd by tbo baud V,,lîey Parul, Datligtoni, at the recenti mnade as fin;e an ap)pearan-as ,,4any cher Dprmua xîsutosi ra court, ec lîig fcorw teunifcrmc-d cyrdî t te inias iit1mai 1)ara ýt Satia; bretli au The, Royal Grecnadiers' baud f ac irn te ha parenr anÎsud nemruos1 lieaded th cessi-nbut the) famnous friends. (is basbeon a brilîbaut ,',recc1ýrd l3rl cf Hamten rta bAerrt. Tho r,o- ducwi1nually aIl alcng. Be p) s-0dbis esesionl we uhaali h wS eL- EnîmIaulce te the Higli Sdcol ar 12 yer-Sr pacted, iherere esthan 350 Fere8it. of ege,, sanin t the bead cf tue liat, erg ail to. The cetîzena of4 Cobourg lie being euecof ithe younge8t if -net the "did t1hemeelves prod" in addàinz tote, a oungte-r0o- these wh, Vvr(te. Owirg te attacivna f the ir, flua old tcwn, sund bis youthful years hoe wýanet sllîowed te King Str-etgare eue shoeaidea c f a attend schooýl for blirea years. 1Hathen Parisien, thorouglifara on a fate day, lb entama2dBomail Iligli School, tajking îeckad sg a sud net. The s1bope were is Tbird Cless Cerificate at thoened cf open iud the wiindowsa were artistýilly the first term a; hie Se(,cond CluEs Ccrtifi- drassed and thousanda cf yards cf munt. cata at the enrd cf hie aeceud year. and lu,, and numerýous bacuanrettas fio--ated sudd uow lias taken his Fîrast C2as Certificete, fluttered lu the bree)za. The crowd wa8 Ibeiu-« the only eue te ýpesa ent of the ftive immense, Iu addfition te tha nearly 700 wlio wrote. and lkn the firî;t certificate wio went on the steamner Cardan City, cf this c'as yet obtaiuad lu the new the G. T. R. teok lu great numtibara cf igh Srhool. Mi'. Browlu we baliera lu- axcuralouifisa, sud the5 town was alire te nds talugi terin Pet thae Model SdIooI with welI drassed people froni tire cout. e nd thon teaching for eaf aw y, ara. Wa ry districts. Tho rcsir was te hava bave lio deubt but ha wicl nuake as sucj- atarted et 12.30O but it did net b lava the casaful teacier as suet market bill a quarti' teo' oclock. Tho The resulta cf the Deparmnrtal Ex.- crowd was vaîy orderly sud only a faw eminaticus are as foliowF.: drunke ware ron in. Ouealy r-amrked thaqt she could net tuuderstanüd what a PittiRÂy.-Kaiiîl A. Argue, H1elen nica tcwni1ke Cebourg wantad cf alaven Beibli, Florence Contham, Forauce Cob- ber- roomei an d grog siopeý. bdick, Cln ovil, eth ancestar, Alberta flancocir, Wesley Haucock, N 1,or- man 11eatîie, Isabel Lawia, Luttia bock When you waut xnote paper, tablets hart, Berthe Morris, Violat 0Oshornie, Charles Sâunders, Miay Speriing, Florence auivelopas, etc., t.ry the GRAND Tilley, ClIare Wiliama-17. CENTRAL, Bwavil. Large JlYZiou EÂIG.Llwll Ellis, variety. Beat qoelaity. lPrlceg îow. LMir)nie 1Haines, DonaldMcul-3 ~ENr.itiEÂING.EveattC. Browzn. 'MATRICctÂATION.-Emily R, Fraeland. Miss Tyler, cf Toronto, le visiting Miss Tlia follnwing comparative sttaamaint Wordeu. shows the numnber cf candidates who pat- Mr'. Jos. Ruebottoci& lis returned froni sedýý etho e chools namad: Port Ferry. Miss Nalbe Jolinton la visitiug friands lu Port Hope. Mr.Deubt cf Port Peri'y mas iiting Mro. GCo. Hooper.j Mrn. L Deymn, Chcaolaguesýt at Mr. Thea. Kirby'a. Miss Dinigmau lias g.ete Toronto to attentier. ýMi linry eanige W- ~Edithi Walker, Port [lupe. is v;ia- it P-g et Mr. Jue, Claumenc~ 's. ispeuidmur t'ne wek çith relativeýs ilutown. Misa Edîth ClatGuelpb;, ila liting Mus. TJohnriTrewviriawd r thi' rfria-1n ds9 in town. '%p. Chias. Ruîper ard twu cbildraul cf T,, cube bave beu reiîng t I'J . Miss Ntl TaIMaple Groe, i8 vl8'ttgl- her siaitor Mem, S. J..Tcm, sougug Street. Rer. W. F Allen, Newcratte,' will sel! ~hie fumiture sud hu thl flecta-, Aug. 29,h et 1 p.n rrden ePr war nalfamnýIl> uoe the tai,,thneb aranCt teCoLon g rnd bs&Mnd..ý Go ou the excursion te -Niagara Fi te next Tuesday ou the favorite tae GairdaruCity, Seo adrvt. Miss Lacs Ciarke. cf Newcestle, ia tek- iug Miss Wiso'pac,-as o "eato utha 0. P. IR. offIce and le guest cf Miss Word. en. Mr'. and Me Bunuer and i'. sud Mrs. Jea. Jeffery atîecddt ha wedding cf Rer. W. A., Burner et Pickaring lest W. ducada>-. A amal ad. lu thia journal wiII usually de it. Lest werîk ie adreýrtisad a lest ceet ari ney foound. The semae dayi thie pper wa issuead we fondc the cot and thi- claiment for the monay. The country directl>- uorth cf Port Hape suIféed raIfuc a tread ua3 hall istorni Frida>-. lu Port Hope the hall accies f-lIl as large aa as ýrbise, but in Millhrcok eosd surrominduricunry they thay we as la!g.. ap, aeons gs, sud could ha, gatherad uap with a soe. Times. as>- a miedticinie, is 1»r. Pierc's Golden Miedieul Discovery. And,bcas cf that, therc's smehigunusuail in the , wývyof selling it. Were every other me-adicine c f its in euly promises, titis 15 quarani(ec(. If it ever l'ails to benefit or cure, you have y, our mou.ey back. It's ftico onlyguarantedr,ý-eedy fer cvery i, ýs(leusecuscd b;)va dsr dcred liver or impure -blood. Dys- papsn, iliusnsstle imost n- boru 5 kii, Scalp undScrculeu affections, even Cnupin(01, Iun-scrofnila) in i ls eurlîcst Stages, ail are cuired by il. It purifies iand enrieies t'le blood, rosseVcry o -rai julte healtlifil action, nud rstcres strength and vigor. 11buldn up boîli flash1 anid strenjgtli cf pale, punly, Serofu- loua chid(re2n, or te invige rrate and brace up the systemL after "Ipp, puiemnonia, fevers, and etheri pros- tratinig ucute diseuses, nothing eau aqual the ",Discovery.", Yý7ou puy oiiy for the good you Meni's summer (lesta and Vasts elling ofat, ccat prica et Coueli, Johustoni and C ydermasn's. Minard's Liniment je thhe Beat. Bowm Whitb O heir n 'r 3 NAMEOF n SCEIIOOL 3- E. B ~ s, '1 f f O "0 15 55 B anrulla. 17 3 1 1 y.............15 5 O 2 a.............12 7 O 1 What to See ïn CObloag-o. The probiem, ' wnba't to Sec ni Chiesgo, is one t hat wvill v ex eve'ry vîsitor. There 18ý eancugh te sîe tie ketep one bosy for six mtue1th S. 0f c ýur.3e dth great crd' Fair wiII cdaimi the !lar2er par-t ot one'S lrme, but the reaIt City of C il --ou thiu 1 -sswondaerful swxy yasago, thea sýite ,f the cdlv vas the a ntf lv; [ifty le: r, ago Cuicago waa a .ýbu-sy cuuïtïy towo. Twenty vodd years Cgo're, whe11 cit o 30,000 poýpulation, it Was nDeariy swpt fhemn existerc by thinc IsIt awful tire ever krndled; to-day it iLE ith hme of over a milin nda half cf peuple0, and)lA o.nze cf thefe really gxeat cities mn the worid, un 'illissI eigChicjago, arid nIone should fait to visi, thatot won- J derful scene, the Pao om f tha great Ohicagýo, as it sho ws tr uthfully and iupon a P(cale of grandeýur neyer beforea ttemýrpt- ed, a ma-gnmileent bird's eye view cf the3 entir-, city, while the gre-at tire was ut its hieighlt. Before th3 iobsqervera lio enaarly .wo squ'are miles cf smoking ruiefici. va thosan bizin buldigaand top nImss amany refuges tryilig to save thcam- as gfrem n awfuldeath. -NO oaviaq- i(ing the Worlda P air eau alle! rd tu0 pasa3 by tia akbJsxiito.Isloca- îi;e ou Mich-igin Av. ea'r Mds St., brin3ga it ,-itl'lïleasy walking distauïce of ail the principal down town hotels-. 200or 00 ostmer watedat Sherin & 's. Reid's Block, KngStreet ,Eist, l3owmialville, toetak away wall paper at cuet price for the lnext 30dayq. The balance of their somnmer godal boesold cd? at gr3aatly reduced pIrices at Johfn TJ Ma7un's Dry G oodal and Jewelry storecuna'-iitiLIg of Dras Gua aaos Ladies aud Gants Uuderweoar, Iluse, Gloves, etc. Cal aud salcur3 alocf the il waa cured cf a severe cold by 'MIN. AIDlLINIMENT. Oýx fo rdC, N. S, R. F, 9EW-,SON.' I waaq curedi cf a teýrrile sprrýIin by MINAD'SLINILMENT. SYarmouth, N. S. FiEDCousox Y. L A..C. Pot t Pari'>-......... 16 9 C 4 29 I wea cored ',f Bilirekryïsprîlas by MJNARD'S LlN1ME'ýT. August Weddling lavle J .Ruoms Opeacf thýo3s pleasaânt aventCs cf whrch tia ublc r'joie t her, ranaîra ,~ laires aof Rrîhï, 2., cants; 51arreag-cs, 50) the ubli rjicoto hrcea e .'i Deatbs S eaceu Insertiona tha residJeucaof Mis. D. eras, at -Caï ilEEA 0V ExAG , Ls e s eud,, on We.drasdsiy al tarnuen. A t 4 i fnricrdpr nnad !tssc ni Ler, W, A Bousier -;f Miniden a! d Miewloizzia Leavrnawere united în iwed- ITS asset- Suovuîea-esrEniakîllen, Â~,1,tha leck b>- Rev. J. R. Reeil cf Oreno wf fMi'rs.Shrmi.o! a san. ed lo', Rer. J. T. CaldweIl, B D., cf iti R l-T urketou, .&og. P21.the wife or plc.The bridoawaa uppcrted b>- Miss'Mr Albert Raftsm, of a eugiliter. '3~ . Laavens, wbile Rer. John Blin ueoy LiffOrd acted as 2raomem-an. Af t MRI -,J cîýeem1ontuhle lewnthe paty b~~ab.the aidsa !the fesa etwhlci wre brahere, Mi'. \V, hitby, Auýg 10 ïbyRa.. wa c girn a waddiug fata Vihie2r George If, Naûwton. of the c prnt e hea3t cf friands cf the c-'et .Stnar.Port Parry. ilnd iles gJeanioe ldeat in, carties'. The Young coupla le 'vt. of Mr. .J. K. Gorden. 3ritr th - t by tla unight train, cai'yiug &tth c rasidance or thlt ~ ~Jb-mt ishes cf thi i umai Tous fi'iends. Mr. Bunnet. ,c. rince P.mo bobli well kinowu aud highuy esteemad ýfkt'ia e ... lu thus localit>-, sud ie ju,Îin th moi- a. nd Jusie Lckhart, 4aldea3 t dsoghitar .cfRobt. u isi c 0-t111a alolig asudhappyLockhart, E'.,S.Helans,WunshTi-- tudpr ship), Ont, jouruey tblroughli1f a.--Pickariuig NawS. DIED. MIDS MME PONTER. SrvE-InBowmnnville, Ang, L-, Charlîs MIDS MMERPOIN ERS. Silver, agad 51 yesrs, 10 mouthd. La> aeaeCiahî rcie IRL WtANTED te do liouse work and tha "Bg 20. ristintuConfactionery Store, GReAND, Don't forget Klrby's new peint sbop. CENTRAL. Bowmanvilla. 82-tf The Wee'ct End 1Bouse for Boots sud IIANTED-A number cf activa Shoc. Tey kel- thebes. Y oung men as apprenticas te the mnnld- Shee. Th>- aep he hst.Ing iraea Referencas as te character requin- Cal sud sea the legap Wall Paper ed. The ONARIÂO MALLEÂBLE IRON Cutij. freni 5c, iip)et T. Sharin à& Co's. PAY Oshawa. 2-tf The "Big 20" ta headqoartars for sport- N~OTICE-If the parson wie took the inge geedaj, wageneq, velocipadair, etc., _L wr cniohrarile ro r Ab >ut 8,0,) rolla cf pretty WaeilPapars house will returu, the auna fort.hwîth. thay wiîl kisea thernacîves trouble. TheÏ are we ll tob ha old f rom i4-.. iupwrards et Kirby's. k eWn. MUs E MUTTON, HigiL Streeti. 31 3w Mi'. Jeninge as vch!arge cf the Bue-,t Sheedepe, ýrzli1ent etýile West 1-,Jd Bouse. 1 E],P LOST-Ewe sud t-w ,r lmbaU. Lovýyal-Praosaaln ff ar KuadlogWe Ilm h h Jot ti a -nd l e kwith 'ihe weis slreriiG Ctswold. pric'ulaseColJcston nud Cry'der Ifrmlation cf rer haahecw1lil bara- mpn, warded. Joli,;Leu, q r,erd. 3-f T'einnants li Remuns IWe lare elot SRYD-tea ri o cf tih15 years areT,narta f w5ll paper t 1tS10\V . lot. orsin hi 5w wa wi îl i et coatr. "Big 20" oee ear aid o,,n uIY 20.1893 A,,v Thec pia, tscepe i~s n market te da is M r iEpitran Gý o te rckar d'aif yen Iwar.!t swach Hoao ela aMld csuld g-rîti14k Egi Paiuta, Glrassnd Kelsomiuet T. Sherin) & ho'.,îlo<d stand, eue dcci' eaat et Oni', aCcîstîre iiýssbadegedfe cea dellar eu id t wean1!tir cvet. Kuires :k, Naýp kin Riega Crer,"resC ., qtri raI> cleap et RIckard's. Te malte rom fer rew geeds nuce-o ginning te arrive we are saall-ng aI or s punier go0jA! tt pni'es th'It Willcle or~' ut in a a,)toui tu. Dou't ms th~e hargane.JohnJ. msn. 110WOI TO CURE ALL SuiuN IIE8S Simply eppl>-"wYusONMS. N',o internaI madicine req(uired. CeresI teýttar, eczemia, itcb), ail eruiptiona o-n the fawce, bandaj, nba, etc., lening thoa akin cier, whilt sud heaili>-. 1t,3 great heal isrg sud curative pcwera ara poussaaad Ib>- noc other remedy. Asir yuur drug(giaft fer 0INvixsOî-rrxasr Lymean Soins& Co , Muntreal, Wholesele Agents. GET YOUR PIOTURIE TC We lave ,.led tu ouri' stock cf instru- menta a vr r>- fine Ilawkaye baud camerai aîîd are prooared te teke snap sheits cf ehcrt notice. Wa wiIlgo juoteh~e coun- try~ if dsrd tinufhewhee~bots iilbe thaeik-oi e Eowmianvilla P. O. ~4ICH OWSAND PICýs FOR and Berne ru o ao t u n .I teu pg3 about, 'i e Iumnlha l rd!e Inr~d - ia ptg a , Yw sY b.en si e r f 0(e1Vice, A1iply P)c .. , i, o 8 3 . Dari4tu.Bwîvl, .t 3- A GEAND 1CHAN-CE to ae rn -1 '.5 $5per ïweek l irg car lla'z Canýadiaý1n Grown Nurse-ySoc.àtih, qsalkLrivesor cmîsi tu it weeklr. OC ul. e U ourit tree. SpecL ii.&;F3 )sli eieee Write this week fjor terre, u IlL. O. rnÂ, Suirieryman, Toronto, Onit 3- IJOIISE TO REFN.-That desirable ---brick dwelling cor. Centre and Conces.- iun "tLreets. Buwmanville. fir scorne turne oo- cupîed by-M rii. W. dîn-rce. Thorea re elghr ruoCs andé7 erY necessary cunvenience. God aden. Apply t o Js. PATTEPSO,)ý; Bo wmanville or W. R. CLEmENxs, Tyruile. 32-tf. G1RAND FARM FOR SALE OR T W RNT-50 cro3 iil, soth 125 es of lot 5, and 25 acres o!Fnordi ý lot 6;, c-on, 3, Dalnlo.Fine br!z i hans, spc[oui barus, splendld soilexaellant isater strearu and wells fie wu-od on peie.Twa mil-,s from B ma4nvilte--greatt cha nce-sale on easye terma, or will rani for a 1 arm -luhpossessio n giron afLer- harvest-res,,iding PssssO giren lst Mlarch next. Apply ta Mms. J 171g Wi', un premisas or tu D). Burcra StMe of, etBw- an vlle.3G- tf ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEfE, WIII1TBY, O-NT. it3 appo IntruanMIt-3 Provision mada 5tesan ,-.f,,Un. (CUT PLUG,) (PLU G.) sýale and popuIarity ii the same pcriod as this3 brand of Cnt Plug and Plug Tobacco. Oldest Cia 2iývccosmnjs GCHEAP SALIE. Mrs. Doneastor wili sùouhe entire stock of Summer iMîlhneryU GREA.TLY REDUCED PRIcIbs tbiroughl August ai-d the ren2aindtcr Of tbhe season, in order te m4iak room for Winter Stock. Special baîgains wil!l ho giién in STRAW MATS in ail co and sae-p ces rangring ab1ýý 125 cents. The public are ecordily la- vited *t,")cuit and in-speet. tr tieteshow Goods,-. ~Il Hats colore(: cnd 'l St jRKS, Toronto. MRS. DONCASTER. SilubusinesJ"Il QIIPPE~is iargaî>-* ougli course i precticale iaubje 'ta unden experienced office-man ivili putzembitlbtw yeung mon sud w. mon iiu possesion»!f information that lise a ready demanci n the commercial world Eleaet i!.uustràt. ed circuilai'mailedtouan>- dtirasse. z A te SPENCER &MCCULLOUCH, James St., 8S11,1, PHeruulten, Ont. PIIUDhri.- acr sorm cof years, TDi celts roe l2, good bidnssdcl dial re or dsiry. Cirauce for eoingexanivi Troreuto milk buinstir tokrasi nmarloan uMake. awibcptlu Aed appîrl .H.Dw W b. 32-lM EPRE.9ENTS tbbc Federa i fe As- Ai socistiori; audithe Lansd Latnq- sbire, CommnercialUin h acsrr Inesurnce Ces. acftha SteainBoilIer , Plate ~ C Gls .Ce i Cnaa Office et Wert'adware stere, fw~s villa. Ifyou ish really good awt reliable Watclh eau ndsee thdoý T. N.flRIQKA.RD ~~ alln rd Opt,ïýi l iy f ir Pl