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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1893, p. 6

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~POIHM~NT ~ERMAJESTY 1J1~~AIII , * * ** *striking contrast with the l'nit- 0 0 0 a eelStatteg ]Banks. I\ Jhy ona Fai1re AmaInst 105Avgki vsauaSNLGT Woftle Rossons. SwOAP ,la perlaatly pure, sud couains nie Injuri- ous-CIe'i cals Vo injure Y wiý, iViev ynnr lothsaor i you7r bnd.Greatest t came la exercisEd lu ifs mailnu.facture, aud is e your t be White, as Snpwc wiIdo by tise public thisIVbas o Vs rgest Sale of anly SORap in thse World. s t yeoRn b avet nover trledt SUNtIGHT SOAP, ssk Vise tai se et1Vwbat tbey tbinkotI, thotr IV abr 1.nsof. lse st oir pe ofe yenudtý 'ercitea l'. ho aies Loua Labour, Grestar Coulent, snd wilI h ble er tissu tbey bave ever beau before, when yen usaS ordinarY seap. Is That noV tise beat aay te de- elde tisa motter ? First isy eoquiring aisat tise exporieuce s ig Viose was al1roadyi usele. ISecondly, by a faim trial yoursolb. You are noV committadlu1sny aa Voluse tisa eoap; ail we agmr la: 1Doîs't 1Itelay, try iV tisa nexwsiut d o ee 0oe>o a THE CANIADIANS[ATESfY1AN 81 par anuum iu advanca, etbarwise $1.5). Subacriptionnaalways payable St theise 051 s publication. Advertiaing rates unleas by c n ract, 10 centsI par line, nonparia Seast insarb onu,sud 5 cents par lino oais subseqasait-in se tien. Locale, 10 cents par liua M. AJAMES, PublisEO2r STANtttDARD BANK 0F CANADA. (apisal pald up, SlOeOO5.Ust, $5) ), 10) This Bank ia preparodt t do Legiti- mate Banking in ail its brauches. Faî-mer's notes discouateci; Doposita receiveot and Interest paiti on accounitb cf $5 and upwards in Savings Bank Departm ont. anîs sd Collections made ta Europe UTnited Oltates, sud Canada. W. J. 1TONE S; ct'i esteds Genraisboanki nd Bsiness Bowssuvlieocy.ý,ý-l Fr m-tlymadeaatDurrentr1aîe n a pd1on cf Grat Brftainth U ietates INe Made fortargesor sraftlsisnu on i iopf Canade aTesisud Cassill ais golvead aivintaesgrenanilbaksorteNthsd st, COLeste udsaalabCTI toNS- a h Canr ad Tis lascl a dva g ou. t E. L. FORTT, G LiRo. McGtLL Accouotantý M 9aagi VETR[UNARY 8SUît.U."ï OR'ONO, - ONT. Offie.-I'ost Offije Block. Cella hy telegrapis or telepisene receivo ina e lMate attention. Me S r s. HO'NE cUTYhv ?urehiaaed the Connty ni Durhama for tho beat îre Fonce la this ýCountry. Tt la 3trong, aly ha-ndied sud ornameutail. It wviîl nt be injurod by enew, hast, colId fir wndas. Il wiIl tura Horses, Cattle, Sboep, Hoos, Doalsud Poultry. ti las net work- withcut ba)trbs, sud wll net iu- juue stock in any way. It la muoh trougý su ad more diuralble than auy barb leute- ln1g, being cboaeiy woveu. Fonce put np sud Farna sud Township righ,'ts for sle. Apply at CENTRAL LivE- W. P. IU C'arke P. 0., haviag bnught Clamse T'iowshi, la prepared to ut up tance. r ~ISALE l; c;AmLDa.- tI b s b n s t. e Notwithstanding tise lac, says tise N ew il Vork- Poat, diat tise Canalia banks bava o ispertant .connectionssud large lutereats lu ii bis counitry, sud tisaI tiese yîpatisatic hi f1eet ni tisa money atringencyliserelbas; been 1 anmer or leas foît la Canada, tise suispension a f tise Commercial Banîk ni Wlnuipe la tise rn single bpnk failure ils tise Dominion dtening t he present depreasion, againat 1l05 lfafilses ç if national hanka lu tise United States me- enly repurted by Cuusptruller Eckels. c Jpon beiugsked te, what ho attributed tis i triklng centrst Me. Walter Watsouniof tho brancinlutis a ity ni tisa BanS ni Mont- a reaI said to-day :-- c "lAs tise beat minda in tisa United States 1 are new witis practicai unaoimity a«acribing t tha causes ni tise American monotary criais c amgely te tisat experimnsut lu hi-metallism 1 tmbodied lu tise Slierrnan Silver Purchase i Act, tisera can ise no indelicacy lu my say- c ng tisat I tberouzily agrea witb tisem. t Llndoubtcdly your sîlver legialatien basa seau tise principal reason ni your present finsocual piight, sud quite as unquestionahiy your steep tariff bas been s subsidiary rea- IV xvouid ha rashs ta say that Canada liad noV suffered lu seina degree iroiuthtie troubles wisicis ber nae neigisber's politics have brongist upon tîsat neigiheor,iuuierlock-- id lu interests as tise twe corntries are; yet nue aufferinga have beau inisitesimal as copareS witis youra, sud wisereas brin- edreda nifyoum bauka bave, cosete grief, nlyS one ni ours, aud tisat bý nonacansone ni tise most important, bas issd tisa slgiteat difllcul ty in Seeping its deeîra open sud psy- ing ou demaud. Neverthelass, tise situation in Cnad migstbave beau ise feonse p laasimîg werc lut1net fo)r eue iairable haukiug systent, sud. per conltra, the finan- cial condition cf tiseUnited S tates would, in my--judgmeupt, ceraimiy ho mucis lesa uaaatiagfactory tissu itila h you lisad enjeyed that samesystamn instead 0f tise grestiy la- borine system. wiicis yen. bava preferrad Vo adopt. "1Tise Causdïan aystem, lu, a word, is tise brancis systena. Tisat maos tisat tise isankiug business in Canadala concentrated in s few bauds, sud that tisese few banda lu n few leadiug contres reachis lto tise me- motest partsni tise Dominion, anS do tise Lanking fer tise eantire country. 1V ms, in ntber words, s centralizatin nitisa banising business, aud, tisis 1,ing tise principal,î am tise more surporised tisat it bas beau on Vo- taiiy neglected in tise UnitedStaites ; ior altisougis cantralization la goveru usntal mattors is tise Ilbete noire" of moat ni your people, yet lu mattera oi capital sud huai- nasa few people have carnieS it furtiser tissu ynu. especiai ly ni laVe yeas-alwaya ex-, copting in reicrence Vo bauising. If coin- bination ni capital and management bas bee aunaSte be se useissi sud se profitable in se many etiser linos ai business enter- prise, wisy would it net bo s gond tising for Americana te apply tise saie metisod te their baukiugsyta It is tisa system of Great Britain, anSý if tisa BanS oi Eng- land is sncbi a miigisty power in tisa Sonancial world, sncb s bulwari nf tise busines scscnrity ni the Empira, it laý because VitJias ba built into poteney on the linofnitisis policy. Tt is alan, in- a bass dlegrea, tise systea i-io France anS ni Gar- Iluiauy, and tise-ra, ton, we eud tise greeajt_ bana--iseBan nifrraniceC, Vi- Gm an u iscir le-"~ foe tr tse saverity ni Vise stemus may ha sueis as Vo causa tise heavi- est anchorg te drag. lirvceV a country lu any degrea comparab)le to tise service tisase Britishs snd Continental banka hava ceuSeraS Voteiseir respective counîrlea we do notVfSud, sud canot expeet to finS wben Vise banS capital is sîmnat infinitely disintegrated loto separate nits, 'aud ita direction Siasipated into as mammy indepeu d- ont bauds. IlTsa bans ni Canada area a iandful, operating tisougis dozens ni branches in tise Dominion sud outside nfit1. Tise bauka ni tisa United States are legien, sud noVone bas auywiseme a brancis properiy se called. Tisey bave «'cor'espondanta,' but oais corre- ,pondent bas its ewu affaira te attenid Vo, anS la maiuiy looking sfitar its ovn in- dividual interosta. A branci baýs but eue intercat te ceuserve-that et tise banS ta wbicis it belenga. Tt ila11sardl 1y uecassary te point ont te any cla-iited busiuess manVise i)mense advaaag e s onitisa brauci saystcm, nt any te tise baniik stlise in- selves, but te tise commnnity. TIisa tsre m ainlaadvsu tsges, isowevem, may ho e n it ion - aS: (1) tisa augmentation ni capital by coni- centration ; (2) the coutrol of tisis caipitaIlIy a single gaverniug body ; (3) tise niai.- tenanica ni immediate, 'direct, trustwortisy1 sud fuIl informsation as to, commercial anS finaucial conditions at ail points ni opera- ian. Tise importance ai large capital in a banS ne eue doubta; tisa £125,000,000 ni Ithe Bank ai England speaks fer itacli as a factor lu tise immense influnce ni tisat lui- sitution.' Nom canu t bc questioned that large resources under one control eau b'. botter appliad te safeguard tise finenclal autuation wheu stringency sets lu anS panic theeteas tissu as n equal raseurces under a number-and especially a great num- ber-ni separate coutrols. IV maybhasaiS Visat- it Edependa upon the quabily of tise simnglecentrael, sud se it doas ; but sncb cou- trol la net lkeytecome imb incapable banda ; tise teudancy ni vast banising institu- tions ia halo tue mnit capable sud at tise samnefinie the meat conservative banda, as tise exampie ni tisa BanS of England ilma rates. Tbe third advantage iseront lu are an great lun'this respecttiatosofnitise miat pepular subdivisions nio pe inl iounded upon it. That tise humaýn iauily bave tisa longentt iar ofniiy specýýies ni animal is a wreîl knewn fact, b)ut wbly they lest it oves most ni tisa bod'y la a suhject for mucis curions conjecture sud seus t ~ last it wonîd biave 8aaved miYoat-of them sund ,ae prevented ln tise buisinesý;,oýnmmiuuity -great part ni tise alarm sud ipanie eauaed y tise iailiug bankais? Standing alone, i. otising beiid tiseni but tiseîr own Iiliia and, lu anme cases, very slend(er resou rca,p Lis ne wonder tisat an mauiy nf your ilati-P tutiona have auccumibed tte traini.k IlTse Canadian ayatem onglit to hea adopt- e0 dia tA UnIJited States, Thareocught te o4,l in New Yens, a gr'eat ba).-nk, with- a capital ~ of at lest $100,V00,000, sud wil- branches in every importanit city in tise Stctes. isa C ifluence for gond wonîd «ha speedily faht. r lowever, I do net axpeot to e eé ue systeml adepted haro, isecause tisera are tee miany v mon in tise United Stat es who want te Zit atE ho iead of s bauk. Tisera la s ot sufficeient willinguesa te serve,. Illu wisat I bave said about tia lacS of combluatinsud concentration lu tise hanS- ing systaîn ni tise United Satait muat net 1 oc supposed that I overlook what baýs been attaiued lu tisat direction tistougi your clearing bouse. Tise isance of cleariogf liuse certificatea seemed to presage a stop towards our system. But tise dogrea ni co-operatiou ohtaiued tismougi tise clearing house is a very differeut tiig fmomi, sud au inadequa-te substitute for, tisat genua e consolidation sud solitdarity on1ii ank nl- tes-st5 which are tise cisaracteristic ni our syatem.", JOHN BULL' S1'OIGPILL. [taglisle and A eaatemlvsau Ith ,New Sontit Wale, lllas Tise following extract, irom an addresa lolivered attise reeent au ii eeýting by Professer \Varren, tis- ert iring president ni tue Royal Society ni NeswSentis Waits, tise leading scientifie association l Asraasa lias been sont te us by a croapond1e1intl that far-off country. We kno)w uotisig ni tise circumatauces udrwhich tise triais ni locomotives weramaiide, la stat- ed in tise foîlowýinig quotation. lu~~~~~~ rercettie oiigstock onIlts New Sent is 'Vales liu,a, Pr)ifesser Warren asaerted> "thstduring tise îastyvear anumbiiler ni englues isd beau intýrued ni e xcepti on ai power for passeuger siud freiglit setvoe tiseobject aimed at bigtisee Pücnicai working ni tise traffle over tihe iavy grades and sharp curvea, isicb woerecare teristie nf our railway, systolu. Formorly two englues were epoa for pason- gar trains, wisereaa nuie engluanownot oniy dîd tise work botter, but affected a very largo saviug lu workiuig expeusos-. Twelve of these engluas were upade by tisa Baldwin Englua Company, A rcansd 50 by Messrs. Bayer & Peacocis, o ni acisester, Eogland. Oua ni tise englues imaSo eby tise American compauyiwa-s caretuliy tested on tiese teep grades onil lu 40 isud 1 lu 30 betwcen Picton sudMttgogou tise Soitbernlino, sud tise min,-ajnusuperforai- suce durin g tise trial conasisted nif isaulîng a train weigising 156 tons (lu addéition te)tise weigbt ni tise englue sud tendler) uLp a long grade ni l in 40 at a apee-d oniIulueteen sud a hall miles au heur. A trial ni eue ni tise English englues was made on t ise Sontier- lanS bauk, Iliawarra Liia, ivîsro, a train weigiig225 Voua (lu addition te tise weigbt nf tise angine sud tendý'er) was biauled np a grade onil lu 42 at sa ýpeeo et tw-,eoty miles au bori. T;ise ordEiary Ioni), ti 1seeenglues over tsothe a linos w-as 165 ýtouansd tise apeed attaied daily on tlise lin 40) grade tweuty-two ,ada alf mlles an iouand u tise 1ila 3Qgrade tdise speed bIo teeigb- teeausd a ll --n1I!ýilesaraier ~- aîa THE GREAT 0OCQFIA N liE. Tise great ouean race fsrm o Francisco to sqs iql-a d (,.nc,v iI 00 mils- -vs -. - ,an)t bas beau won by tise four- mnasted barque Pauera-., niof 23,,S fions, Cp tain Maxwei, lbelongiug ,te -Mr, J. D. Clîik, oni Greenocis, wisich vessoýl wAs towed loto Qnaeutou Harbo(,ur on Mondayugh at nine n'clock. Tise Peumoura lit Sat Francisco on'tise24tis Marcisist umwmk iag tise passage lu 114 days. Sise sailedi1 witi tise Bewden, ni Liverpool; tiseLoches, oi Dundee; tise Lord Temiplemoýre, ni Bael- fast; aud tise City ef Atisens, nfi Cagw tise captaus ni tisa comipetÀig veai atak- lng £50 eacis, maýkiuig a anun (i £250 ',ie winner, tise second vasal saiber staSke. Thus Captain Maxwvell, of tise Poumr,ýlýI wina 20.Tise passa3ge, aithougis sgod one, ot cpionolaastise voyage blas b1eau frequiently acýomipliahed, by otiser výsessnuder 10j days. Tho-ra was-a iresis breeze prevailing ail daiy rinm tie nerVs- wet, wi cleir wea.ther, butt isera waa 3ne tise coast up te NlolldayviîgIst.Catn Maxwell atates that ha(ad anexcel lent run ni 40 days irona San: Franic to) Cape Horn, and 34 days imom tisea in tieEq- tnr; but isad a protrscted paýssage irom tise Eqpuator to Queastnni, hsi epericedJ iight vwiad nd eudcalmas, le furfiberreot is mn eau somo e aiiitise Soui Atie, but vws ot ntlulse proxiity te hu, sud it luine way impedod b is pmogreýs. Afflar ts fiatilynt he ost igst nr tise ot1ise co potiuîg veasebs, su! did neirt 8sontise alor 'wards. - A 91eepy Litt, rl cooe- A fiunny nidproiessor kept a sciwool fer liýti And het iniupwititheiin *l piayý-t ir imc sudhe woiI1îdut mmid their ni),se;,, 1Whlî inluis littiaechoolmona with its bead S1 agaluet tise wall. Was a bcd ofsscbproportioo it waa big enoasqi .GLIML'SE 0F SIAM.- Ill 2,nl of'e the W %bigctelant No Ptelng B5111dozed1 by Fi-asa1e. 3Sîarn, tLhe land of tinsel and white ele- hants,-poor littie Siam, with France r nocking at one gate and progreas at thse ther--is a fit subject for national peresia. ThIis curious country, ail glitter and tinir- land horrible odors, is a veritable curjo mong nations. Thorigh caricatured in coi opera -and alluded to in commercial anrts, as a sort of second edition of China, diamr in lreality a sure-enniagsempire, wits eývery elemeut, of indepondont existence but money and an aggressive ruier. It is ne toy community. Bangkok, its apital ani motropolia, is a city of 800,000 people. Part of it floats, as many thon- ands of its bouses are bujît on boats an- bhored in the River Meua.. To the oye of tise touriat Bangkok, which is Si am condousod, presents a picture of filth, indolence and priests. Thore are nore priests to thse square incin l Bangkeok, than in any other city lu thse world. In fact, the priesthnod is a sort of cumpualsory ser- vice, just as seldiering is' in Gormany. To uarried menî ii offers certain advautagos that are aven more alluring than Dakota's divorce laws. As there is a strict ordinance agaiinst the marriago of priesta a benodiet -though the instantaneous workings of an autoniatie logislation-ceases to be mar- rîed tie moment lie takes bis orders as a disciple of Buddha. it la doue with neat- ss aud dispatch. And as thse priesthood' is nt a perpatual bond, a disciple cau re- nonce hia caling, resigu, as it were, at the end nf a year or so, and resume bis gc- Zinaintance wjth Lis spouse whenever hie pleases, without auy more ceremony tisan attended his first transformation. Then, two, this double acte I religions systemn is attractive to those chronically tired in body as well as in soul. A priest is exempt from the advance of importunities oi the dobt colloctor. He bas no fluanclal standing wisatevor. But Lo bas a lieavy lieu onthe ianesnithse rest nf tise world, for bie is a boggar ni the finest stripe. He is no haphazaîd aima aeeker,, but a system- actie leech upon the religinus charity nf the people. The clty la &îvided inte districts whnm has a regular beat. Rice, mnney, jowels-all drop into bis fia>t. HIe la neyer filled yet there are anme priesta in Bangkok whn couldadvaoco money to the Gnvernment and yet be opulent. Next tn the priosts Bangkok is iiîterost- iug for its temples. Soeni o them show a lavisis prodigality that seems to warrant the description of Haggard. Gnld bas at anme tilme or otiser flowed tismougla tbat iii- srnolling hnle lîko saud. Jewels aud pro- clous stns bave boon pientif nI since tise first white elephaut waa captured centuries ago. Tise Kiug's temples, inside tise palace walls, are marvols nf glitteriu g gorgenusneas. 0f course, His Majesty might oasily pay tbe French demanda oi 600,000 francs by sacriflcing an idol or two, but by doiug this lie would torfeit bis prestige lu Siam as suroly as lie did thee ludividual who sold a white elephant te a circns man anme years a.go. ' Tbe King is a progressive man, and bas instituted many reforma, amnuig thom bcbg a sort nf ustural leason in zoology. When hie asceuded tise throuo bie tsngist bis suis- jec tb tisat tisoy ware bipeds, and not qusd- ruped,'sansd lha immediately reacludefi the aucient order tisat ail sbould crawl on ail fïours ini the preseuiîe ni tho King. Tho K-ý Jing kuows a tising or twu Iabou-t taxes. Ho could give 'pointst'O a 'rtmany comisin.Ab)out the, only objecta noces-1 aarY to hbaroexiteclotie- i. -3a ise air adtise dirt. The2 Sianeç are inveterate gat!Mbler, udntcr e is ane ~rmno u.srevenue J uni o 1ro i-thss ýtive idttytfpy a mjrt of tise royal bile. Tise pople aýre aýîie -lelsae of tbe Kinig, sud wok for lm a paýrt ni eaoh year. Tise blinese zareIsle ouly nu)(es te es3cape this labor, and t1ey ave to pay a poli tax. Tise Chiniese ctroil mso thte business interests of Siam, and are raipidly swallow- ing up the commerce. They are amarter than thse Siamese by far, and marry Siamesa women-who are far prettierthan thee Mon- goliani danes-and settle dowu in tbe land ni the whit-, elephant for 111e. The King bas oneoqueen and about 300as- siatant queens. Tbe latter are ail under 2or 30 years nld. Matronly miaturity la nt appreciated lu Siam. A place in tbe great harem a nt a fi fo job by any meaus. Tise King bas first eaul on the yonth and beauty nf Siam, and believes iu rotation in office. Hence the population ni Sîam Il iargely sprinkled with chipa ni tisa royal hiock, sud1 tiniy rivulots nf royal blond flow ail over tise reaIl. Thse Queen l is ali-aister fin thse !irg. Varins genealogista have tried to figure out tise possibiliries ni this reltîou>ship,but they bave one by one given itu l espair. Phe Siamese ie'wale costume is simple. Mo\Ireover, it isaturai. Some crîticsthink that it, la ton natu.ral at times. Tise woma ni thse lower raukalý weara a sarong and a Tnrish towo,-l. A ssroug is a sort nf rem- uantoirom a boit onicloth, mereiy a kind oi drap a Otis nt -tilormade. It winis around le rwat several tiunes and quit,, Thon tis tlL.wei comos lu to shiald tis houlders. Whensre la an emorgency ni work or ni teperature the towelis sacriflced. Until achl becomes S years nid the limit ni bier rilliuery la a bit Fni string tied about the was.Thîsenouagsecouomy in thse anidsd savaslauIbls 1- - 1 Il - è #ý9ýZ$ CW Purehasers sahoulo o othe Label onthe BOX65 and ÏPoIts. If tise address la net 533, Oxford Street, London, they &re fipuroz ed, welîl revolutionize tisa metisod ni Secorat- iug buildings as at presont iellowed. Tisa moat imiportanut icature ni tisepmoces latlaat it lsasppîied lu as simple a iort,aîsd atasain- expansive a coat, as consmon bouse paint, anSla as readily applicable te insida walls sud ceilinga. Fronta saanitary -pio view Vhe new mediuforma onue ni tise m imprtant advances nf tisa t;intes.Oc apie iefec otn siS te haab- souti netmucO tieghin2 nafestd b tamiporafure oerIcsmicaL,,Itlaipavt tn damip.anS will admitni nafiite si52',r.tin cmbfegaofbeamg.Ia sudI cilinga fisua treated cao ha mondiýeraS, lueP fmm disease -aer5t*±,bv washi£,, wit cida. Active Voloanoas in EnreOpa Tbere are tisea wel-Suown coures osf velcanie action in Europe--nantely, tisat oi Itsly, ta wisicis Etna, Vesuvius, ucsîn, sud Stromboli beloug, tise Isat named bc- ing lunumore on bass constant sctivity ; tisat ni Iceland witis ld ; aSd tiat of tisa Azaras. As s reanît ni tise volcanie action lu Icelaud sud tise frequeut aruptiona wbîcb taise place lu tisat country, '2,490 square miles of ifs aras are covered wltis lava, wvisle mny of its ice bfilis are tisa subjeet- ni vebeanes frequently euittiug muS udn asises. Tise most terrifiaerupl-,tiei n lu e- lsuSý is tise present century threw ont a lava strea)s 46 miles in lengtb sud iaearl v 15 moiles ia breadtis. Strombeli is ln uscbeonu- aVtant euptionu ht iV ibs bvenu ususd tise libisuo itlise Mediterranean. Tisera are njeariy 350 volcanoos lu varions parts ni tise world wiis stîil! bava eruptions at, longer or ahan er inte-r v ai, nifwicis 200 are on tise sisoru ofi'lbe rPacifia. Antrali istisa ouly land portion nifVise globe wisici ls sn Snowa volcannes. Thora are 116 velcaunes ou tise varions continents, tise remaludmir baing insular. SpinstqrbOod- Mca. Booedes-"l I am an gli Itisat Sant'a gong Vo ntarrv an nid maiS 1 'Cause widnwa are so acît-aufficieut snd nverbeariug, anS youug girls are se isoity-toity. But elS malda ara Slnd ai geateful, anS wiihing te pleasse-, ___________ Tise fine wiseat wiîli maure tisa farmer sud tisa Er glisb sparrow f li ceopsa Germaus are mire tisa Vwice as nuer- n usilu London as Freuchuen. Tisa mnby iu tise contre ni tise Maitese SCros-s outise top nf tisa Britisha aowu la tisa a tone tisat was givon te the Black Prince by King Pedro ni Castille sitar Visa battle nio Najara. Henry V. of England woma 1v in is iselmet at tise hattle ni Aglucouet. Conidarable attention lias beau already Srawn by financial anS otiser papors Vtisah abodan isy rop ai thia yea, anS tisefilu proveS -prospecta nf exportation on accout n Vise shortage lu Europe. Apset frointwisaat thora arc nef many agricultural staplea tbat exceed isay la importance ; but uotwitb- standing tise enormous amount nfitis pro- ductian, it bas litherto oCcupied su excead- ingly amalspaca la tise inroigu Vraeefi Vie country, Formauy rossons bay is n.t liSe- ly Vo prove a leaSing article oi expert, ai- Visougi ion tisa prescrit soason at heast tisa condition ni affaira lu tisae lS world seents te Warrant tise axpactation ni a profitable markset for nue entica surplus production. Tise coat oi freigist, en accunut of Vise sisip mcm aif nequirea, must always imterlere witisah exportation of bay. It cannot ha compresseS tee mucis without greatiy inj ne- ing its valne as ionS for isorsca sud eltte, anS banco mucis care must ha taisen lu pack- ing it for inreigu markets. Anotisar ima- portant drawback te tise exportation nifissy is tisa consideration that iV in s enop wisicis, as s ule, can ho mont proS tabiy consum-« aS ou tise fart. Altogetiser thia mattan, tisongh apparen tiy simple, lin sureounudd by Maany comsplictions, sud la wotisy of very ,careinl cousideration hy siippers sud their 1backerns, BETWEEN 1TUF LiGiTAS. Love 1 my lbye ! tise asectspîsalor Lait tise werld an heour ago ; Tise maiden miion,ail shy sud sIeulde 4wooning ii isi ervid g$ow. 'Neatis curtalus drawn, 'ie èý rtlis il Tise wooiug sibilanits fi1) O'er hiaud sud wivofin keeý ,tryst Your constant apirit speedax L leImyine Iat evenîng 1) iwsîng, Apart sud loue, save 1er vq.Tr drel 2jelvioryP ai su rserit. using Into ûnue Swift, Shiuin.g streamli League(s lby hindreda uumirbered, parte Fýrom o. yes wau wlth vîgîls vain You, 0O>L bal sd suie !ase Ana)wer, tismoh for tismob,, îoy pain. Loea! my LveIweird fancues tisr, iuîg- Ast tihessats ssn& risp tie ae-- Hope aud boding, joy sud lnging, Have their miner toue for me. Y<surs may be God's calmn Forever, Sale fromtoucis or jar ni Fates, Far as star-sown aspace eau sbever From me who expeet asud wait Love I my Love! nu peeple dirîftiog, Somiimer duak te valiey fila; To tIse leaning sisy upîifiing Ptaveront bowx, ise altarad ilia. 13y ise meanalg huis of vn By tisa mirrored depin deep, Be yonr boumne or estis, or iseavent, 1 I Sno ue promiseS 1tr>ysf yen jkceli Slavery bas beau abohisiieSl aline, if eau neyer h b2MoIltisdlu ýfac, 1eor slaves bava ne mnasnsnporin t salves anîside tiseirmatr'ius. member ni tise Siant('eeua lse flter bis servantsi or ',hif'sW thie1 prison witbont ai y kirof ni tial or peur sio e ircbg nc--srv-.Oua mominlg 1I' te cali uipon on )mVis ablf ud ea lOt ligisteneà ni tise Iosaao- Wlun beau te Euiropeý, anS wh,)e ue at m-11Y loto serions trouble to ryio eiuauqtLIIl s sert oi womsus's nigistamovmeoinluSi I nasSe my way by muatke oa hpua bis grenade wisere viaitora cr not euc, ed, anS I tonuS a slave fatnelowVl tise gound lu an iu'gtoisus S e i p)P lu wisiciu he o n'sitiont sove bauýd or f wiile anotiser Slave LtortureS b, it-- aevera streises of a huan dai tisa w ni s member ni tisaeanIun order fi lumm te coniess te came miadeed. GaiS te tise ameonut nif$0 h00,00s-Il engageS in Lendon for expert t New ?c wisere money was casier ifr or nme dssy nl 10 par cent. Reports iront western Ontario mudicl sericiuisa îortage lu tise, appie cap for yea-r, sud thse prospecýts are tisat apple$ hoe botis scarce anS Siear. Tise total qnsntity of cea, oeo sud fuel exporteSl frea ktise UniVomi Ii dom uvas 6,450,077 tons, au sucrassqe nf. 537 tous oer flue firit quarter ni l12 ni 28,484 toua over tV ise Seat qurter sf l Tise average Fncoû Vise expejlrteSIfte 1893 wss $2.36 ; inlu 192 , $. a nd in1é $2. 93. Tise growtb n I' "bue anS csr 7aq - illustrated tise otisce day on, tbb -,'n thbe Saine. Two fisisern lu anPhaslt go an altercation witis a wom n gage wassiing a pondue ou tise -abome, splas ber witis water, sud fieS Irointlber weati sriaisa. A amnwd coiieceu, tise cry raiseeStisat Vhsewonîan baS beaudrown sud scanad by tisheato if tiein jola, twe fisisermen attemlpted to escý,eapo tisa river. Tisey wene fiuaIly arm"e seaCt.aoe Lote caneof lsý murdarad a wom n sd ber baby for saise of the ring worn by tisa iormernn bavitîg tbrown àtis'e adesiintütise wa sud If required 1a iltie ealergy Sý fle Po to saetisem frolnt tise 2,OO0peoplic w* followed tsm ogt ise stin Orde lynci tiseWt- a'& tel-.s i te Eas4tÊEnd UGr ai n D epo t The undersigned desire to thank the farmrers of WVestDuhr for the liberal patronage extentdedtit us duringr the past seas, also to reminti them that we are stili in the -,iarket and prepared to pay the IIIGHEST MARKE~T PRICE -Fou ALL KINDS 0F CVAR SEMGRAIN M4SBED8 delivered at our storehouse, cor. King, and George streets3., or at Porc Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian anti Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bacs. Rock Sait for catb anti horses, anti Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels whicli we are prepared to sel1 c011mE1A1à' E'0 -a GAsEEa- Ail kintis of Luunber, Woodi anti DRY CLEPAN SCR-,EENZED COAI, a7'ways in stock. XVe invite inspection anti guarantee satisfactioni. MoCLELLAN& COU Manufactured only at TiSomÂs HouLnOwÀ'S ESTABLISIMENT, i ,78L~mW 2 E'0.JD S E?~E2 T.JCDI>Or 1 heteentis Potugea overument sud aBritish Company fr ayng sud nasintain- ing a cable between Liabon sud thse Azores, with power te extend the communication te England sud America, was recently aîgned aud ratified hy thse king, sud tise cable will ha laid iortt witb. Indestructible paint is saidtn be o long- er autopia. ACGermnanchemise bas lavent- ed sud perfected a procesa whicli, itisla aim-

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