Don't co)ust on me1 can't belp you. My teeth are chauperin- Nwith terror andl Hv ass -e Sand %h SPun1 ry legs are doubliLg under mie ,tis very Po; rte iiî n yard of th-, Bostwick : You can screarn I s'po-e 9"1 far tcy:ung g rýiwere mitking and talle- Oh, e,1cndth." ing eely The autrmn evening was "Wel1, you do the sereaming and l'Il do c gêsin r t1hemi andlalr eady in theshadows the chasing. Rushcdown the stairs and of tharn it was quite dark. scream and screamn-and bang the door, to, The girls were Rose a-nd CassieBostwick, and jus, shriek: 'She~s out-she's ot- and their laatchattýer floe their she's coming cdown stairs' And you'Il see parents up on a journey the%- had that moro- what a beantif ni lunatie 1 will be-it's a ing uoderaken. They were also speculat- good thing I have this old dress on-and1 ing as to when thecir brother, wbo had only one shoe. Now make a rush-and dr'iven themi to the station twenty milessra. distant, wold be bacek. They were bright, Rose's over9traioed nierves were hier best capable girls with littie timidity about tbem allies, and as she fiew downi the stairs, it sn thàt the facet that theyl were compara.- vas the easiest thking in the world for bier tively alone upo)n an isolated farma did not1 to give one piereing shriek after another. trouble themn mucb, Especially was this!1 They resounded from the narrow stairway the caise wvithý Cassis, the youn ger of the througb the kitchen, and for the moment two. Sel,',-reliant, and fulil of resource, she seeaied te paralyze its in-ates. As sbe wonld bhave la-ughsd to scoro any one sug- burst in upon them, Florence was transfixed gl4ptin e tbonght of fear. She was big midway of the table and tl'e stove, witb >tonig, and to bier life was a grand the platter of baii ber baýnds-tbe baby SIcand ber sixteen years had been onae lmbduo carad h rm unbrokren Ilgood time." bad arisen wth a bewildered air from the At the house their yonnger sister Flor- table. As bier skirts cleared the door, she ence was pteparing tle supper and enter- turned and dasbed it shut and fanog ber- taining Ibe baby," a boy of three, wbo self against it sbrieking: "She's out-she' between the fallingof evening and the pangs ot of ber routa VI ofhnnager was growiog sleepy and low To the mystified Florence there came êpirited. bnt one solution to ber belavior-frightbhad Out froma the kitchen's open door appe- overthrown her sister's reason, and with a tizing odors of coffee and frying hani stole wail she rnshed towards bier, crying, "Sbe's to gret tho two girls as tbey camne towards crazy? Oh, sbe's crazy V' the bous3e itb their brimmiog pails of IlWbo's crazy?~" yelled the tramp. frotby nmilkz. The baby now wildly terrified set up a IlIt smelîs gond," said Cassie, Il and im loud wseping, while from the stairway hnngry as ra tramp-" came a succession of blows and aogry de. "Oh1, Cassis, why did yon say that ? I've mands that the door be opened. A moment just been t ryiog not to tbink abont tramps. more it was forcedi ajar, and a head crown- I - -Alys feel1 creepy when l'in about the cd witb a mass of tossed hair was thrnst barn after darle aoyway, and new-" ont and quickly followed _ by a baud -in alI"Wtii, nE sying that won't briog any iwbicb was clntched a gnn., pong. «"Sbe's got toce gun-oh Florence run to " They are positivey the only things in the baby," cried Rose. the worldî that Fim afraid of." "Who's that ' demandsd the apparition "Whthenl,Vin not afraid of themn. And making a rusb toward tbe tramp. suppose one shouldl comnealon g, snrely tbree "Here keep af-leave me alone," bacle- great stousý girls ougb lt to be able to take ing away apd wardiog foff an expectedl blow. care of themsýelves." j She stood before bimi, tall, strong and Oh,1) Cassis, dear, please stop talking agile. --bout themn. I feel as if rue wasý stepping Iwntlaeynaoe btd o on rny hesiAs. Let's mun." mean lncking me into tbat roomn? I am non n ï( spili the mnille, not much." more crazy than you are. Wbat'stbis?"as, The kiteben looked se bright and cbeery sbe stnmbled ovar the bat tbe tramnp bad as thes'y enteredl it, tbat Rose seemied to leave put beside the chair, and into which be bad ber fears outsidle witb the duskiness, and deposited the ailver a.poons from the table. by flhe timne she had strained the milk and "Oh, I e, you are 'ail in league to robrme -Put it away, shle lad forgotten that tramps of my gold and precions Stones !" and .xisted. catching it np on the gun sbe gave it a wbirl Cassie had gonle upstairs to make aonme wbich sent the spoonis glittering in every needed changes in ber toil.t, the baby ha! direction. Thienadacn upon bim she reviv-ed from bhis tired uap and was taking t brnst bat and gnn into ibhe face of the at ratber m1ourofi interest in the prepara- 'belrrified man. Witb a volley of oatha hc tidons for supper, wheni Rose, wbo had jnst sprang backwards, upsettîng bis chair and î3tPpPed to aski him wlieter lie would have faliing uver it. ,Dny lioney or preserves, beard a stealtby "Oh,doo"'kill him,Cassie,don't kîll him." *týp Ipon- the porch. A moment later, the "We'illbave a merry time ;" gailydancing door was pushced lowly open and a man about him andprodding him sbarply with 'walkeed in. the gun, as bie tried to seramble to bis feet. IIond eveinig, ladies, s yonr pa at "Keep off, that gun, can't you? 2"lbe htome ?2" yellIed. IlCan't you hoid bier, you scrsaming "N-nio, faitered Rose, trycng to setîle. idiots?" and liaîf crawling,, balf pusbed, be to be1-l' stifatinwether ibis dirty gained tbe kitchen door wbî3n had stood looking str-anger Pigt not be saine new partly open ines be entered. Leigbbor vh-110 l (!cossa o lg-tm e uai- IlWbcre are yuîs going my pretty maid ? Mpeýs, or wbether nie was bher one iorror-a Do't you try to get away," shouted Cassie tramt1p. as she flitted ligbtly after him. The tramp IIAny of youir b!gý brothers in -r' with staid nt to answer lier question or to obey 1 Tather a joclar mnannier. bier command, but clearing the doorway "N-n, ar."fled wildly thronghtdie dnsk. "And T don't seýc any blldoglofn "ers your biat-lil tre it atteryo, oud,"ea1ded. seCalled1, and a sbarprepoirt rang ont on 0,r11- sglie is ded, eplained the the qjuiet, eveing, tben ahl[a stîhi. ~Iml.The tb1ree girl1s stood! for a miomjentin1 the Stats a gond tb11ing. Will the dorwtcbiog tbe dim ti eleigar man e nsce 2"ticmcaow ini tbe direction of the biigh.« Is there apy - wuPsete -44 Â bnl wiebefers invit1c, ii l- leave forlm esgseft ppraohrtenityf- Before the sascold answes thebab,,ys sir eICsiswt ati.sfied aie Jèé wasaîn br esclr. "O'h0, Cassie darlilig, you bave -(savsd 0cýr 1Vhyfer b le's d, onrf." lives," cried Flor-ence,figigbram -~ ' Whee'sbe gnesonn 2"aronnd ber sister. "He's do on the tars, so's my mover IlI don't know about that, bot L'ye sav ed --and ny birother bie pnitted yem on-and the apoons anyway.", lie wo' be home 'tiI ' asieep-and be's "There, there, baby," going to the still doin' tu bri' sme a drom and put it in mny affected boy, "ldon't cry any mors, ister bed." Cassis was just making a dirty nid tramp (Oh, how -Rose longed te shake the bnhp : as really dido't shoot hisu, she svas 'baby!)juat playing te shoot.,' "W cl, then, ladies, sinus yen are likely I "Oh, Cassis, yen splendid, brave girl, to be alone, 1 think L'l stay and keep Yon how did yon ever bappen te ibinle to go 'cspoand since yen press soc te, I wilil crazy 2" asked Rose as she looked over ber saay te tea and a pend the evening. Don't shoulder f rom the door which she was go teo any extra work for me, thougb ; it al barricading. loka very nies. ,I'm rather bungry, se o yn Well knew somstbing bad to be clone, 'may dish up that bamn at onces, my dear." adta ctopdnem i a This te Flnrence, wbo bad obrnnk almoat doing Ophelia the other day up ini my room, inito invisiility behind the stovepipe, and s a npatcaddd' nk whý se11Qî lue t th spt.«"'e "u-sweetly pensive maniac ? Now I hope yon aliy a vcry fair -petite and P'm sure I w;Iii girls iili neyver again make disresDectfiil e is it. ", 1 dw>cemments upon any littie private theatricals Fietosed ie at ownbeside the chair of mine. If 1 bact neyer cultivated my wlhich 'le drwp to the table. dramatie talents, what would have become With the ligbit fallir- ng feu pon bis dirty, of y on 'd like te know 2 inoen ace, R'ose ne that ber greatestIt was Soule tinse befere the tidai wave o Dinsad s beQr br.Wib br osa i-excitement subaided suffiien tly fer thegi'-is ~naxsile5~nriflber, ahe, startsd toward, to settie cdown for the eveniïng or for tbe the stair f? he fet t!% hat asut let the baby to go sleep. Again anjd again, they i11trepid1 Cassie know and find out whit as etbought tbey beard stealtby feotsteps and adyieear yoiu goiiin, mYdear " asked although the door was lecked and deubled the re are "Yon've ot gt I ocked, they drew np into battiss une wlsen- ahitapaupciuay ever the autumn wind shook dowu a shower - sybigcoss or uncle or anytbsng of that of1 leaves upen the roof. knd upstaiîrs thaFt you arez going to eau tn Juat as the eock was on the stroke'ef, tCa, are yen?ý" egh, a pisasant aocnd camne fitfilyt Oh, e, tsr i e n paar btm teu t ias a'softly witled tune, aud oerliser" ae anaedte gaap. She tIse'cheery cadence toid of a mmnd free frorsu o-0Id, net hauve tolid wbIy she aaid I"goor is-.npleasant doubta of welcnms. at,'snlssitwa~memteaeseofiaity ",SurelY that can't beNsd back already' ývlsaeh blad overtakzen them al. b'. aa-'t tf'trtbore 0ntl', ..AdRs Another sienc dsicated te thoUgbt. 1"Ip haelong 0anted na vil t toasting fork PRns."r rolling pin or sonîetic!g artistie for mny 'lysa." room ; 00w I shalebridrthes hot, !'ni gein tabe erazt7y. L'm gcing to hoies and gild thse brur and bang it cp by ,cbase bim off ýïth fanrin. Ilong bIne ribbona mat wlsrc my waking Oh Cs is, encn'tA. Hl'ae gr at~ orba eau ret upen it us they open in the big imudntwrt i. ia f o1,,otlatetalk rnorninýg. Ah, ibis bat wileve-. have str- aOLihEou1,?go-,L, Iis n cie," rm ing memorfiesfor me, friend Gnr e, ying 1 1theyounng adramatic3.lly. He leoksd at bier a_ oenthen beirst loto a heart- hangh. "La aie razy, R>se !- IYes, sfhe's tle dearstatnsd braves- lonstic in the wnrld George," ansersp Rose. LADY ABERDEEN. A Ianisaai' TrJiute From thse Leadtug- Unicsatst Journii al l rpad. Lt la certainiy a remarkable circumatanice says tise Dublin Irish TTmes, sud worthy nIf special note tisat is tise very criais of tise sisarpest political struggie ef our hist ory, wben menas minda mighlt he expected te be abaorbed luntish eiiese ft tie heuri, et- tenien bas been relidily everywhere given tn maitters cenuected, withî tise exýtension ef our industries.' This we regard, net giving to it any politisai significence wbiatever, or aeeleing te cee the Iactfor any partscnlar de- aigu, as prool that the heart nI the people is seund, aud ibeir instinct in favor of labeur sud effort as tise ouhy truc seurce of advance te comîomt sud solid presperiîy crIditable te tiseir forssigist and intelligence. 0cr; columna have for seme -weeks afforded evi- dence of tiisan tise spesstaneus welcome given te one of Lreland's best friende, Lady Aberdeen, in ah ibhe towns sud districts wicis aie bas visits'h, in tise sentis, west and nortis-west of tise country. Tise cen- spicuons sincerity of tise endeavor of tise ICouteate awaken a larger intersst i Irish cottage industries, sud, tea tir np tise principal peopis hocaliy te tise dnty of su- cocragiog tisa, and tise latesi exemplifica- tien of ber desire te cs evemy opportunity for tise purpos, bmigitly cro Nu tise wark in wbieh ase bas se long been eugaged, sud complets tise signal servie wiiei was rcudsrsd by bier Ladysbip at Cisicago. Lre- land freim end taensd is stirred in tise cause et, industry. Tisawe ceusider -a noble record te bave tise task of m igand wlîstever our future May be, Whetber our ins ti t ution s are sh ap-,d Jf or us î ine0 way or tise anotiser, tliebisterian must aey %i heu writing tise chronicie of tise tiau tisat, amid tise strife sud anger et decbate wbich separated nman from mani, and i ldce- troversy to tise pitcli nf exaspemation a- movement weuîfowad gracion,, useful sud kindhy, calcclated te bave at- ing anomal and meterial effects lu whicb ahi classesand men of all opinionas must sym- pathise asuae. Tise benefit bestowed by Lady Aberdeen dcurine lber tour bas been tisat of impetes sud inspiration supplied afresis te an entemprisewbicis otbsrwias migisi bave.îagged. Lt bas bad ita '31,-Ck sud difficuliies. Bct tisa have netev- corne thse sanguine isopet dsansd patient euergy ofthtie neble lady whose presence evemywbemsbias led te tise revival oI sncb bandicrafts as arc acitabîs e tiste varsensý locatities. Fnaim wiat bas appesnsd dîring tise jeuney nI Lady Aberdeen, sud frein tise iseslhiul taue of the addmeaaes preseut- cd te ber, sud tise wehcomes accorded te ber sarcesi sud touchiug replies, ws augur a better day for our' manufactures, wisicb r equime for tiseir devslopment tise educa- taon net enîy of tbe haad- but of tise mind sud heart. Tiseme must be crEated, firaitishe stmoug disposition te sterliug werk wisicis bas been tise greast source et wealh te otiser peoplea. Tisere must iixt, be tise thismi t sud endurance,susaifc tion witb usoderate recompena, wbicisar tisefoinudation virtuesoaIa i1.icg sieon. iVe have getse fer at ayr ttianka teý Ladýy Aberdeen's exampleudtslesn ef bier uauiiusas te o guz ia tî!e foateing sudn enseuragiug et tise home inusris tlreiaud meinan, osud hew îis outh e puIs om sd h ssalleî nset well ageiog wm1 roll on, gatissming StrengZtbi, until there will corne tise time nI lookao ig back wiib thsesMost ungrateful recoliection te tiseearuies' start, sud tise primitive acta et selff-denial ont et whicb se mucis geefi ne- suit bai apruug. One of tise beat nI tise addresaes pmesentedi te Lady Aberdeen was by tise Herber Con- missicuers cf Drogiseda. Il Youm kesu per- ception sud appreciation of tiese all ansd defineas despîayed by our Iriish yeuti (tbey say) have bsec treittul of tise mosi happy resuits. Many au Irishshorne bas been kepi togetiser, sud sudreda offtisest cf tise boucsud einew of tise lar4i bave been able te obtain a means of liveibood whicis but for your lebors tisey wacid bc obiiged te teck in anîber sudluss sympatheîic coun- try." Tis kili sud deîtness catnnot bc qcestioed. Lt needa instruction sud guid- suce. Lt is a capacity sud littîs moesin snany places wviere s bere are banda ready for even delicats werk if irained. We do. net expeut tisai wiîii a very short psriod ths miracle wiil bc wmeugbit of utiliscnig tisose quahities se th&at proftit my be gaineýd sud tise centincance oI tise locail inntny guaranteed. What is quite clear already is ibis, tisat net asaingle speechî, visit, ontlay, or effort ta teacis, bas been lest wbcish lias been put fertis by Lady Aberdeen or by etisera. Tise proces of education bas goeno more or leas semi- ouly, sud wisai bas bees inlutisadircîetn w on neyer wili be lest. 'i bu gospel ef ln- dnetry is universally underaîeod. Tise diagrace of idîsuess as well as tihe mfaery of it, ha comprehended. Whiat new csshy ws bave taesuersi% t'ne trectabloees of tise wnrksrs, as te time spent, resnunematiou cisimed wheu an efforiis new or yotng, and a markeet may be usicertain. 'fis fruit et Lady Aherdesn's visit in eue way usefuilîy oi de'v want te," wlmiacd Johuini, get- tisag ready te cry. "My sî,tisr wui wisip me if 1 did, because IdVgsi ail ver soer." To ilmnteLuo eirl VitIs isc- trIc igawel neqîsire su initiai expeudýi- turcet et tleet four millions. AGRICULTURAL. 1The Aultumru Miiker. t la nus tee oon ùite beginin look atten tlIe cow tisai i"3s seentu salve in tiseeriy Autumui, sud ses tisi itseis lu geod -con- dition, net fa4t, sod et tise pmôiper tiome put iste a smii>," loi witis otisera in like con- diýtieni, en(tiings mnde bome-liles te lber. Tise ides that aa-1i niliken muai ha starvsd suadn d te mautre ses"fresiseniug," bas lest ilis holil oun i1Wwei-inîommed daimyman. Tise cow oftçu aicle.ens ibmougis ack of vital forc, sud tise hbeeithy cow, nutnitiena- !y tedl sud cared fer aitise tume, la rarely a victini oft icknisas. A. 00W needa full stremagti, uibis chý annois cerne niber tisai frarngod ýlcars sud fesding, thongis ibis lest abeuhd net be lavish. A cow ha more leely L,, have trouble ai the urnme of, cahv- sngc tisoug,1is egleci', allowing bier te be- CI)IeeChilleA, or dmUcLvissd in e havy .nain, tisais alhi alerCauLses. t la betten to be on tise a;ide of teay warmth ai tisai urne isani te allow auiy influences tisai wili -pro- ducs a chili. Ses tisastishe cow is net in a contip tetl condition atter tise cail ha drop- peti; do not show lier te drink at wihi al tise eold v-ater aiseite'enta. Better wenm it te senîs sectent, sund stop tise grain ration until tise uill flow sets in, aud tissu bc twe w ceksata leass in getiing lien to full grain fcsd. Wý'isle tise ille is "becemiog geod" tise grain t ed isondbc cflilgisi cliracter, qui te as3 mucli as if tise cnw was an dry leedl. Cows aoing in tise Feit sbeuld bc stabled niiglist e uasifor a wsek aI ter eaiving, sund tise oaid Holanden wbo tiid a biuket su ibtesuin iaddtien, waa net wisoly wrong, as lie receguised the gresi law of!irnotlienhiood ai ibis period, sud tisai i; unUornm wsrnti. Adorumqt of 1WRual Homag. ILt is aà patbetic sigisi and fila eone witb piuy il) cmssîog au ai pen prairie counatry, asud neot very uew ai that, perbapa quite thickiy setied, gnd roct ses e frisndhy ires spreadl- iug ila branrches wi thsioaptablesiselter and s lioe, On0 f sels, , in moments et indig- nation, ike stamipiuLg bis lent sud awearnang et tise uelecýt, wbhicbl sal apparent on eî'ary abandi,to se trincs of seme e inid for onmn sudi siselten, for thieir iility, fer tenicing ud fulel sud( for tise Iruit sud iunibann sot.No lawns witis reatfu grass dectied with flowecra. Tise pipa and liesushave tise p)retemrence by oecupyang tIhe frent wbihe tise ownsr sud bis famnily tales s bacle set. .li ahil,;suai uiglisorboods ner advic is tisai sa)nie progressive fermer tales tiseisd te Set, a -gond exemp-le te set tise neigisbonisood hall ai rolliug te aidda tew nI tise civiiizing touches nf1'i at sud reflomeni found in trocsa Wisy dou etail ahierersd tiseoccepants of catadges iintise village indchge niose lrequentiy iii tisa luxurlea of vlnecovsmsd trelhises ever tisein dloors sud in tlieir bacle yards? A Laiie-covered tindus ceats but lttis if made et rogihsticke, sud oesai tise batcle deer maires a convenient phace fer doing tise auudny werk efthtie family, net te fi remtoved freinitise kitchen steve, yst protecýted 1frma is isesi, shssdsd freinitise sel if hî piae aud yet iviti a gond circuilat*in of air ceelea by pasaiug tlismeugis tise leaives. if tise useful la tise main objeai, ht rnsay be Cevcned witb tise viocset tise graýpe or tise hep, bütotetwblcis7 afford a isafy sasde cduringise bhe teýs sasn, and býots b:iviing a commrîercial valus for ieir. Wben ibese3 are pmvidsd for eawee suld wbc\ amuameu%,ýt is a prime objec-,, t.,ere asela 'p vaniety ci plants te chosem:from e, wt, hen, somietirnea lenow,ýn as tise h.uel, S \1tiese lnstiýs, tise ivy, Virginhi creer qe iii1r ~eare ah.11'isad.wooc cd výine tisa t ult a ine tolsagl b", tise lisoteaýt ys -orne, sud aonme v bave flowens oet diffenrent colons, a whi.iis cre very fragment, Tise hum Mdhavinse sud dînusme vline eacis yssm, andl tieseeassasoetlisae nn Lhamy, tise neon floiwsm, tise balooýn vine, tise sealet rmonuer beau suid swest pea may be aewu aiong, theni as annuals, or tise'contre- isens, tise pcedunial cismatis sud tise cheami- tius s plants bloemiug tise second yeer, caoi be mixed wiîh tise woody plantsan tise imlisaute give a grester variety sud impart spota ni selon amoug tise green foliage. A indUýs oet tiis khud is fins snugi ton tise fienit (ooransd with a seat in it s fermer sisonîd td more crmoînabis sittinugtisere te reat afier bis dey'a wonk was doue tissu 1he weuld lu tlise baru door or ou tise harn- yard fees iicb are favorite eting pisses for tfisesetist ari n y cisoose bsiween tisen sud tiselitobsu, reskung witi tise odora et several of tisa pat, meals ceelesd tiseme, er tise paler, so e sudeniused ceptiA " n aoe- casionrs ofl cLmrny, as fun:erissu id wed- ding, lu ;13wiiilas ha egenz)cra1 feeiug of bein)g oui etplace ii i haa voking cloîhes, an if lýe ascîisaned isem e Sengon bis good issisaviar, w i ha prdnctive nI any. Lsising but a se1se aIf reat et r o ao euiow- yis wit ansiiorngfarinier. Oas et 0 tise grea1teat leaka an thie average famusl i ýs e uncsa darnage doue Io tise am ingimpýinients tismeugis expoauîre te ai kinds et Iais n umsniy cases tise lmaetisua prnodnced exceuda tise neces- sery 1wesr wh ý,1ile in actuel us, I1 beleve eue ointrc e s smeof a seif-iindet(r wiiî de1 tise mahia ore iîîijury than tismes onei mian iso pnýrs Lissmed a nsw birnderonu chient cuttiug poperiy asud beine a penr- fadrgon biainres. 1 toole sÀbocl i wom',sud sisammersu ad cIeed tise guards aiibty sud be mas pessd te Ses tisacte drangbit on Itise tar aa d saae ssct one thimd 'aisie tishonk an ws as dean as aoidbedeird Another pislate keeep tisenis WC[! thgtend, ud ise ean)g arts lloie.PS A e ishi ssy ecna ebransd mue'- subsequent deiey. A went nI ohl wilIl cans amone weem, perisapa beating, sud a short- lived machins. A brother waa ence called upon te repair a mowiug machine sud actually bafi te dm111 eut many efthtie oul boiesa wbeetbey badl heen gummed sisut. Of course tise jecuahawere mucis woro sud tise boxes requirsd te be baveted. Lu tisscceto it might hi eaid tisai thoe wiso desirs te baerecnemicai mayscure their owu lnbnctiug oil by making a amal dersinin tise top efthtie veses in whiicis tisey patck e ir heg's lard sud dnniug tise annîmiier carefclly dipping, off inte a jng or bottîs tbe nil wbich will ibers accumuhate in a fe-wmenuisa' time. Sonie hnusewives cal! it waîer sud thirow it eut; but it is lard nil, pure siunnaichterated, sud oesoaItisei bjesu lubricauts for teninus achiuery te be obtainid, sud seccred lib is mariner dosa notitecosssitate tise nitlay of cash, kand ai tise sainie tme tise fearmer kuews thet ho la using nil sud net somae mismable combina- tien whiih dealers palm effon hini at seven-1 ' ld its acinal ceai. Do net dip it off on ion, warm a day and do net distumis it mucà~ in tise proesssor more or hesa of tise lard willi be mixed with tise où. a six-gallon jar et lard wiii produce by ibis, naturai proess about two quarts of nil whacis will go a long way tosesnd aasiating tise machinery te run smooibly. Plews sud otises'tooha baviug acnnriug paLrts mnay bave tisa parti ouled wiseu s3tomed away tom any length t im,0u wili tisa be preveutedl froan rustinig. t is teal tisai dosa net scout propely.-[Oisio Fahi Feediwg Hôga. Every fermer sisould begin te feed bis blogs hy the firai of September, as it is muais ca sier te feiten tiseni in wsnma weatlser than Jin coldl, beidea, early perle. mosthy bringa the bigist priese ho marketi. Froa tise prese t i~t6e ioprK le wli nan d as bigla pnioesaibis f ail ci;sït, tîsenefore every fermner ,heuldl use ail tise tasilities iin bis power te fatten tisen as sosu as posibile. The grewtb ef bogasbould boe mede a rapid as possible during warim weaitlem-. t aisouhd mbe enPn e d bý-,(l"y every pork nais:,er that a giveii anut t feed will prodce, langer resuits iin suimier tissulu w;inten. Lu wintem a larger emount nI vitality la cx- pended in reîasting ,tise ceid, sud tisemfore ais in ofs e! d is required juat te sus- tain the ayatem in bealtlîycenditinu. At final feed lightiy et grain. 'Give tises ail tise pumiipkius, sqnasbea, sud reots tbey wili et. Lt otiser fsed la scarce, let tise tenmer cemmience cutting cp green cern ton bis hoga by tise firai et August, on even sanier. lt wilh be econeomy te do an, natiser tian te let tîsea go witbeut tilli h is ripe sud tissu feed it te thissfLtyn wlis te fatten yotr perle rapidl1y, de net give greai quantities ot riais fo(id, gralin, etcU., ai once, but give regular fed oI a amiali quautity unihiyeu give wisat yen thinle tbey will est np dlean; but as seeu as tisey ueave any ieed lu tiseir tronghi, yen souhd net feed thîsa agalu until tbsy have fluished setiasg up tiseir breakfast er dinner, as the cas may be, whîsn yen mev give tisen a nathier, diminisised auppiy, leeving tisen appanenily isuugmy aiL mesl i ure te et wiLib reliis wist is given te tissus. Too muais feed ai tise coenuemeni et faiteuing ila asbad fer swiue aimýiiproper food, a aiunied growtis buiog ,-tise neticeahie reauli inbeidan breeder aI experniues' knows tfisatitai ns almioast as maisi, if i more, to fetten et sîunied heg tlissu it la wortis. By tise mkiddle of Sýeptemïber tlise Itteing pmo1esa sbld illbe omen in gond sar])- est, and tise work. Compheted halons severe 55'r S stsii0, as tise mle, we blevthat, are kepi ani epen Iotasiisent two busiseis e of n - LL Cern gond, dry peul ~ayfermera wilh tbmrow he os ea in a wet, filtîhy peu, wisene tbey stand in meud up te thein kussa. i;isa moesthissa af wasîsd belons tliey est it, sud wliatîisey doeast doesa net do them 3 mucis gond if tisey donit bave s comforteblet pisse te aiesp in. t wiii scamcely he cedited bow anuchis l gaiusd by cooking tise fond of fatteningt isoga, and il tisai cennt weui be doue, tiser fond may bie greatiy improved by bieîg1 soaked inmiile or water, wistben ii las first1 gmeuud or ueed wboe. By so deiug, if tise saking pmoccas continues long enougis, tise foeod wiih become femmeted, sud tissutise animnais wili est more ef t h,sud f atien mors reedily tissu on tise reset.article., Englisis fermera net enhy feed their boga a variety of feed, but bave it eoked, or Pesked tilli fermenîed, sud finish up hy giving raw meal fer thes ast fcw days te berden up tics fat1 Lt wihh net ceai muais te rig up a ciseap apparatea fer cookiug feed, suid we lenow tisai it mii npay anany timea tisie cei. A wvritr staies tisatibe tnied tise expeiment 'If fssdling e lot et hîogs ou raw wheale cern sud( fonnd,( thiaievsry pound etofperk made 'ýivit tise maw food ceai 22 cenits, whiii evury pomsl ud aisby feeJiug cookef!i meai et bi !4 cenit. Another pint seisouhd ne,,-t b fagte nsd tisai is, i sai tise Log exn oui; bu prefiahly fe1 u p te e certain peint -tisai le, it wilh onhy psy te conýtiniuetise Iattesiug precesse long as tiseanmai will eai snugis te lsy oS fleslm sud fat raýpidly. Wiscn tisai point la reached nothiug i% gain-i cd by goang tunilser, sud tise cure oid have it tisen. Il tise feïrmer hvsue eneugis, ise wilh find it pays btrn e'si bis fat bogsa sihy te tise curer thiss bhtien hinisehî. Tise total ameunt of beg land lu Irehas is ~ ~ ~ ~ h '28000ars ieavemrage delis a,,I sul rialis bo,-g i, 26 fi. lu occerd auce vith tise d sOfettise MnsFederatieýn tise great a*,Iibe oftise hingiai cea mierawas nsnnatd o tie ŽSi imoat eft tie pu..t iad thiat 3000men are direculy afce by tisle si rke, MALTA. HOW it Was Acquired by Ditain-Th French Garrison Forced by Stz'vattion to Submit. Malta, by situation aud physiosîý char- acteristica, fallsinsan 0aturally with the Eoglishman's idea cf England's maritime ascendency, that it reqiire% asme effort of memory te recaîll ow c-omparativeiy racent an acquisitien it is. It was ou September 5, 1800, that, after the French garrisen, with famine painted on their cheeka, bad inarcb- cd .proudly ont, the besiegers marcbed procdly in sud England formaîiy teeli pos- sess-!iofe Valetta the beantiful, This city la an cailed fnem tbe neble La Valett.e, the grand master wbo defended the stronghold frmn the- Otteman invaders. The Maltese, womeîî, on the occasion ni that carlier siege, net only tended the sick and wounded but belped te take their places among the fight- ers. The Tunrks were aided by an Algerine flotilla, thie Dey of Algiers bsing thse admir- ai ex-officie nf THSE PIRtATES of the Mediterranean. And it was one of the soienin duties undertaken by tise Knigbts of St. John topnctectbhonest Cbris-, tian marinera frani the assaulta of those murderous freebooters. The Orde.- was settled in Nlalta in 1534 sud the siege just refesred te teele place in 1565. Terrible evidence of the determination that icspired both assaiants and defenders waa afforded by the mines that they prspared for ech otber's destruction. The Turksa, never dreaming that those wîtbin Fort St. Elmo, 4W0d ùs~eiv-d their tactica, laid their mep. î'Ihe Chriajiaun 'mald a cottotermine, so tha~ wben the outer mine had been spruog, the Moslem mcsbed tnwards tbe sxpected breach lu the walis only te be b ,lewn te pisses. Seven huudred Tu.-ka lbt their lives si TISE EXPLOSTOIT whioh caused snch a paiei that the aggres- sors were rendered powerless fer miscbsef till reioforcesnents arrîvsdanid thse Knights were relicved. At that tiane the Ture was tie foe, net cf a nation or two withi which, lie might be at war, but of cembined Cbris- teudean. Ail thse sovereigos. of Europe, therefore, show d gratitude tn the Ruighss and their brave master fer baviog repelied tise common snemy, and tbrongb the gifts contributsd the city of Valetta sprang, up as if hy magie. But time wrougit a wondrons chanige. in the relationa hetwssn the Knigbts nd their neigbrs on sither aide. Tise King of Sicily, attempting in 1741 te make geod i bi dlaima to the severeiganty nf Malta, the ,Grand Master Pinto sou git the belp of bis ssc,îlar adversaries and the wnrld beheld TITE CURIOUS SPECTACLE ni the sworn soldiers of tise Cross alil with the warriora of the Crescent te humnble a Christian mouarcb., This flagrant mnuo- sisteucy seemed te ludicate that the raison d'etre of the order had ceaaed te exiat. But a later generatien witueased a revival ef the old spirit in a most commendable terai wben in 1783 the sartisquake striclen Sicilians, widewed, orpbaned, borneleassud bunigry, were selacsd, bnused sud fed by brietbrea rnndfui of their vows. The Is stage nf ail was &tiready at baud and it is te beý rcegretted ftiat se rsnowned an order ahiouid bave been effaed from the list n'I dlynsties by thýe treatcbemy of fis wn cisief. Tt vwas by,,au immense'-bribe tisat Von Hlompescb, grand inaster, ïanwýortbiy of the wnme, wa1s tîtsd locltoeaurrender 'bis fertreaýs to tie tirst Napanoi. Tt w, s fonn'? - rnncdby i French cdi" 'y ý'1 " ' ' ',1 "' ',sa'W55i siatpphiy to log or thleir own gn naine. Neit yet 'bas tiseterm I rprabfi mac couic to an sud by whVlich the wes,Of Malta solsmnnly vowed te cemmemorate the trsatment wbich tbey bhad received1 from itbe seidiesaon the first Republic. For a bindred years tisey were te dresa in blacke sud wsar the hood of shame -(faldetta). Two years did thse army of occupation wait in vaiu for reinforcements. At the sud et that tume they were starx cd into serrender, as already. mentioned, by the united strengts nf the British and the Maitese. And they bave, rcmaîued united ever since. ANTIQUITY 0F THE EUMib,. Devises For IEliggWate- fHave Dccvi Kaaewna lnl Ages or thse l-d. Machines for raisiug watem înay be said te be as oid as civilization itseif, n-nd tiseir inventien extendase ofer beyond writteu isto)ry that ne ans cen say wisen tise art of lifting and distribetiug water, began, says a vrriter in ;tie Eogineerung Magazine. Egypt, the land of unfathomable antiquity, the ohdest civilisation af the orienit, noeted iot oiy fer ber magnificence suid power, but fer knowlsd,'ge, wisdom sud engineering akili, under,-tood sud inmade practical use 5t snob important hydrauhlie ieî'ices as tbe syphon sud the syringe, the latter besng a remamikable ivention sud the real parent of the modemn pump. W hether or net sysinges wers ever fitîed with iiîhst sud outiet valves, thus making the single-action pump, la not keewn; but bsllowa consist- ing cf a leathîer bag set lu a frame and wosk- ed by the feet, the eperater standing with eue fot, ou ecb b1az, expshling tise iuciossd air, t1ie ebaasdag hein,-,thlen hifted lby -1 string te el it witb air, iingies the wu of a valve epening inward, sud it is difficult tnlrned,àinîo -sy channel cf s-hrnuni (lergy vmeýn wresot all owdtsaryi anad tili 1517. ilies eve-ry day.