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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1893, p. 8

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iRONt>. V (Oonctus&from, MCe Neqw. Mrs. Benry viBsiîed frionda ilich city < la2% week. Mijss Ada (JoerýnnBewmaay-ilie, lias bàen visltiiug aI Mr. T. W. jackson's. Miss Mjaggie jlreo of theNestifH off on a fow weeks hiolidaYsq. U.and Mru. <Ge. Corfild, llack- ~ ii, woro recent guzebta abfi le Northi Mer, . <borge Stanlton and Thomas s mlby, Eotypel, were in towa lFridiay Meis. cawkor ",atàdauglt2r, Ohw:B Visiloed aI Mr. M. L. Traveleo's recontly 8; : is( 1Mter Charles Temblyn is at StonY lise I7Ale camping with Rev. Get), Edwards la arA sens. cese Reri. \V. F. AlIan, NwateproaChed in the Proesb,,'eriàn churcli -Sunday. pr Mis M~iieMartin, Tyronïe, lias bLeen viligMra. Staîker. W-3i MissaRe1becca Thoî-nton la visiting lier ICOU tcrl. Me. R, H Warder, \Weodsieck. kne Mes, 1lohn Debsen ii as been vis3iling i to friendi in Port H7-ope. D)c. W WV. Dickey atedthe races, te at !1ochesýter ai tWeek. aut Yen liardLy ceallipbt i, î d8cne liel when takia,, Carter'a ILittho Liver Piub; UL n thy rerdy'-'YsUa; ne)bad e taý;a'l troulbles from îorpcd ivrrara re1ievod bý cf thleir 7use. I'V Me. ]'a' lsot hcgViiti sti " Mr,. J. Fox eL ecenitly. i MisLizz:e o ws, Prdaeïs liig u aIM.S. BLobo'sVIC Mia oly HocSlabsbeu. ,in visitcg et Mr. B. Soir.. e MatrGodlfrey Hanb ,Toronte, i e rl t n IMr. J. L. e's.a Mci. R. C. 2McCulloLeh, Buffio, N. Y., e la home11. Mrns. Jî.l'crisiDaepo! Iowa, is istn os.Ar'rog Miss Ethel Fcst(ýr,Bomnle ba be-en % tiligat Mr,. Ba3er's.a To 1h,--freo frein eisjk ltadache, Ibilieus-1 YO neýs, couotipatioui, etc., use Corter', cli: LýWle Liver Pilla. Srctyvegectablt ie] Tfiz-y genitiy iitiulat. ibe luver anti fzes r ihic tomnacli frein bite.C Mýr. 1D. F. Waish ias heen opoined Cletrof rae ouaet f A"sossor. yo Air. Wým. Browin, wife aud failny cf O~nSoundi, have been voiin is Pei bm~tlieraý, MesEs. Jmsand îRciard f, BtfU«wn. Mr. Jas. Lintoit, Llk efluld, visite.!lier. P% 1mt week. tiq Tua E NeTnaspia.-n aler lt 1,Bas f hopela not 1ohsateiL uf Con il ae s so efatal, nulos bspregresi* ce a1rr*.ted by use c ott'o Eiobsionl, ja whicb i iïCod Ltver Ou atiec as paiwaable fi as cOiSfi. li Mms.John Wdeland sou Ruddy, %'ý are ruofLcating at thbe nrthoeîii lakes. Air..DLun. Paltton,ý Torcinto, vislîed S ftelenqhqlintown eoehi]. Misa Lizzie Wasen bh-%2 ~,eiaaed 1O a4aliefe .S. ýN. 14, Mla,vero, foi oi aï or . sa~fr 0 ene eo C AI L 1f t h s zi l 4l-tj retank W11 be a plomaant oXtprib."'. They givti poitive relie-f. bc Mr, Band Mes. M. Ljravelle are spt ný- ing a fow weeks in Parry Sound. , Mes. Thos. MoMýurtry, Mra, Haddock, BhmavhbaniMïa. Saranan d%.~gIee Acora, aetTue>saoy eek For a sagish auiJ îeeoid liver, nothing eaui surpasa Ayer 1a1Piîs. Thi*y contait. ne calomnel, nec anï-y aujeial drug, buti &~ com ose f thei active prinoipisos et the best regetablec tatoand thoir 8 use alwaya reL"suitsl nare eos tie pa"tient. Mr. an-iMNrE,. F. L. Anidrus aPnd dangl- ter 2%MaIbel, anti Miss M ary Green vi3ittd friexnda in Lindaay last vweLLe. Yir. Geo. Coleunani, iplcyeoeia R. FýlstQr'8 Carrnage *Workýs, whio oharpea iucL areow teeth la tho blak-smith sheLp, W;a truck in lb. oye by a red-iet toowth,t cutting and buriog it eeverely, Malariai andi dise atlmospheric influ- r ences are beât cointteacteti by keepuuîg t tho L-looti pure aad vigo-rou& wth Ayee'o t Sarsaparilla. A ittle caution la this re Opect rnay preent seri;ons iiL"s ataI Iis aeOson. Ayke'e Sarpaparillia b thc bestj iui-lie year rouund imedictinela eisenm - -4 A Remnedy. Peepareti speciailv foctle expectet imin vaion (if Ariatio Choera. Af 1r haV1rag bzeon thcoughly teFteti and tis Virtuo aný net thinIkntil 0she wts curoi, thaI cisa- ordered kidney u irO tlie s (t)f tle hroabL VaLnt!ne Fisher, cf Ciig ivoed last year 'iras cured cof sciat-,ca cf hhlixteun yars sadnbyh. sane rm tdy. [lie tee, fo)urt eut aIs% laIe d&Y liat is kitineys had îail lOngýb0een ih- cause cf hies affocinga. These are cuti. anome cf nmany ikûep epieiicos liaI arc UILS BOLIJ CH ALLENGE f HO iS HE THAT CONDEMNETH.V' HE ASKED. artit Nor 1Heu-Dr. Talimago oturns Brooklyn aud OCCup11ies 010Taor scil uiit-Whly rani Exaitedl at the 3viour's Deati,. iltOKLN, ug.13.-RPev. Dr. Tai- igeo o-da chose for hsshet A Ai Challengee" Lthe text being omn i4 Wois file that conde,ýmneth? I Ch isttat died,yen, athrthti u âgaîn, WhO beven at tergi ad or Godl, Wbo aiso maketh inter- sion for us." -Thiýs is thle last Sermon 1 shail ever Sah, aid Chioma vanls On tho,- th of June, 13.Thre days ttr ard he expired. 1 IdO flot hknow what itort was. but 1 know thant ne nm ml cheose a better thliehog~h ew it ws thie iast time hoe slouid ever îacll-41han the subject found in thiis Pau! flungis challenge of tie tx thie feet of ail eccleïiasticaI and civil thoritv. Hoe feared neitheýr words nor (ns,5 eiit or lbell, iocletian.lw Leou nted thiousandcls under his admiin- rati on, and the orlfbas been f il iof rsecuicn ; but il thepeeuor Ftho or couid' net affrîgit -Pari]. as it eaie howas physically, 0o1.1O, ne.Io,1Suppose hi, was very uc( 1 ealk elled b !Y exposuiro and ma-, %amet.Wo h biecaulse ho wa-s l-ack--1 1r_ ln sensitiveneo's? !No; yeu finla th1 ost dielicato Shadles of feeling p)iayinxg _and outInhs letters and sermonS, ome cf lhis comimunicat ions burst bute aý"Is. What was it thiat lifted Pauil into is triumphiant miood? Thie thoigli t of S avieur deadl, a Sa-vieur riseni, a Savbcr xalted,' a Savieuý,r initerceding. A1, ile heorid bas sune the prauseocf cinceos Alice, Oniee hlld biavinig diLd ,fa conitagions isess-se-aS ia the rnwhiere aneother was dying,. and tlb. tur . phiysician said te ber, "o mus, it breaâthe l'le breath cof thiS child, or >ol vo(urseliwill die." But seeing the ,Ili 'lnourning becau1Secof ilb. death cf lr brother, thein rothler sîeoped dcwn, ïid in sympathy kissed tili tlù one, aulit the disease, and prse.Ail the orld sýang tiio heroisra cf the oelf-spacri- ec of Priniceso Alice, but I have te tel ~u tat wen ur race wa8 dying thé odJesus stoopoid down and gave us ïle kisa c'f His everlasting loe, and ~rised tat w migt lie. Il is Chirist îat clied2' Can yon tell me how tender-becarted aucoffld find anything te rejoicf3 atinl he horriblce death ocene cof Calvary? ýïe weep aI funerals, we are sympathelic 'heai-%! we sesa stranger (die, whlen a iiurderer stops upon th.e ocaffold we ?ry fer bis departýing spirit; anmdliîow suld Paul-the great-1ieai tedl Paul-find nytbing te h.ý pleased with aI the [ncral cf a God? Besude tha.-t, Christ adJ only recently dîed. and the sorrow- ias freshi 03late emery cf the world, nmd iow i la thefresh memlory cf a avienr's doath oeuld Paul ne exultant '? Tt wSo because Pauil saw in that doathi is own deliveran ce, and the deliverance ft a race froim stili worso disaster:; lie sw the gap into which !hbe race must plurige, and lhe saw 1 he lbi&'ding lands f Cb~tclos. il, Tas gluterig steel n bthe p cf the executionierO eipe.- his sight kindled mIe oa e" zen lieuvenwa.rd. Ti over Mlle crosé3e of -- groaLn of Christ bis own groanci f etornai tortuiro eaby Anothier. Paul oaid tc himoeif, "flaýd ià Dot beia.that Chirist rolnnuteerd i n my behiaif, those would bave been mv mtiauled hando and foot, MY gashied side, mny crimsoni temiples." Mon cof great plhysical endurance anvE somietimecs carried very lieavy burdens- thre huuldrcd pounlJdi, four hbundre, poundsand tey havJe Stili said, "Mý Strength i t yet tested ; put on 1mer weî >i." yt after nawhile they %ve eomlled (Jte cry oeut,"Stop! I 1can car-3 ne~~~ moe1Btt uden of Ch ristivaý illimnitable. First, thero ' as is ow. burden of hunger111 thirst, and bie revmaand( a thousand ou trages tho,, bave been 1heaped ulpon Hlmi', aud onite cf that buirdien were the sorrows o jlts poor old mother. and on the top, o thiose burdenis the( crimes of teufliar ç71wbec re exe(Cntiig 1H11m. "Stop !'" yy0 cry, "il is enoughl ; Christ can111 ear n, moe"And Christ says, "Roîl on mioi bu,,rdn5, roll 0on Metho oiis cf tis on tire nation. and aflter that,roil on Me lb Bines cf the ,i)liaLnited earth, and thoen roi on Me tih. oins cf Ltha fo¶air tbjonsand year pat0far a those sias ha ve been 'fe: ion" And thie angels of God, reoini lb. a"",I presence1, cry, "Sop!Hoca1 beaï ne ore," And tho lood rin tb tlb. nestril andh ee e ory o "EaToulgb! Ife c-anendrone more.-" Bu Chr;i s1 sys,"Rlon a1 0greater burdenl- roi onth ins of thle next niet(en buIL dved yoars, ro _ nMothe osins of ail th - -ceeI -g _1ages, ro ïI q th Oagoii wrecer e bingup anyting thiat les narti. horeo oftie oa; &bUts Pose Smometn ue et bail: Wa" tween Liverpoolti New York; il ca net bu fonnd, it cannet b. fetcbed u "No,D" sayB (1oa, "your His Ilia caest ine 1.lstlL of the ea." M Ationtic i Aitl ao machinlery ever faý inra infouncirip cf darkneso, a Christ1that dieti." 0Oh, trîulîphant of Chris'o ntrcsson thougt! But i muai' gir. yen tje seconti cause cly frientis, we MuaI have an adre- et Panl's echilaration. If Christliati cale,.1A poorlae lmpe utoe authone st11ii Io grave ire nover w.Oulti lawyee aI aIl. We must have oe u have gotten eut cf 1h. The grave WOnLIiti -IatIe successfuily leo prese11t oui:cas have been oaonddrinai as tihe Con- j before ýGoti. here islie? Wouo is ergeie tuing the Rela cf Terrer. lho? Thore 15 only eue adrowcleiaHIl %&beeCuaIscame up0o1nly t de thlb.the univers.ltaz anpeau conr causa victimsoeut te the ocaffoîi. 1 dc et before GAod lu the great tribunal. wouttatehoancients ried V y cm-SomeLtimles in aarthby courts attorii2ass balmoal cf the body le resitî the dissolu- bave sPeciaites, ant i ee inian succeets tien cf death. -better un patent cases, another ilu moue- Tho grave is Ihe tiarkosh, deepest, anc. es anelher la criminal cases, ghast-,liest chasm .thial mas ev-er epenet ifC ant iiîs successes generaily depeu(is upion there b. ne lighit froul the reauectioa li-s stickiug te that specialItv. I have tc thteu sramugm il; buthmCluit 111 yenthat Christ cia de uîanyF stayeti in the lonb aIl Friday néht ant i jtings, but il scealis te mle dtat is a11 Sahnrtiay, il Salnrtay night anti aj speciaitv la te lake lte bod calse part cf Suajday ruoring. Bfe stayedaBO 1cf 1if'.10aluner ant i peai it beo ee Ct long lu lhe tomb that lie might fQt il for 1 util Ho goto eternal acquittai Oh!: us lma we gothere. le tacni t tir "iremusé have iIa for eue adrocale. WIJoiO nighlts linlte Ograve,se liat BHe ,,'-Bt,"sys rsome mon in 1h. audience, oaw hoir important il iras le have pleuîly ail tuat la very geeti anti very true for cf hight ant iBe itas flooded t ii lBis 1h osewro are iie the kinglim;1bunt own gery. boir about hieecf uivbo are outside?' 1 t10s earîySuntiay morning, antid r TowIua,"Couic ilie the kinigdonii; staer. np te findi tegrave of e crn ot f die prison bouse intelCt findtho iorniaig oua giitig thOe w5 glorius sunlight cf Gad% muercy anti andti lb.abrubsoare sireet as the foot pardon, andi cemaenowm" crushes themn. What a beautifUxi place Il tas"b lb.die tdays cf lhe Riga cf, teLe b uciet in!o Wonter tb,]suiti netTerrer, le yeae 1793. Bntietisanti treat Christ as iveli irben Ble was live thoý-usants hiat persheti under lhe French as lbey de norint tc eiii deati. Give 9guillotine. France groaniect - wih lbe lb.mniliilary saile te the soldiens irbo tryonniea of R-obiespierre andt h. Jacobini stand guardinjg the deati. Buit iark te Club. The bot gronp of sufferora bati lbe crash! Ai earthquaket Theo acidiers badthIbir lcoks shora by Mojuchelte, lie fiaok as Iheugi they wmesdeati, antiprison barber, se thut Viteneck migfîl b. lbe tonta lte dccc cf ChriMs t'. 1mb)bre lt e îteen kuife c f the guillotine. opins down lb. hWl, flaug by lbe arni of Thecaris cme0 up te lb. 1Prison, lb. an angel. Cone forth, O Jesus! from pooe r roîches irore placedtin he b tb. darknoess li ie tsunilight. Cerne caIs 3anti druven offl oiard the scaffolti; forth, anti breathe liepeuni. cf bt <Se tboy moegoimnglowor dibe Joseph'agardon. acaffol ti ece mas an Mioutc l lb sreat, Christ ceaies forth r-aiant, anti as He andt ten thie shocIîc ieamat e stops eut cf tbe excavation C tlhe rock I thIe cry, "RobOsp)iere lias fallen ! DomVP iolch down intotiluo xcavatien, anti lu Sl Ie Ja(cobins ! Let France b. freet! tlie distance Is. others comiag Jbanti- But nbe armnet seldiens rode in ul on m-bond, nitroep afler troop. anti 1I tese rescuans, ae Ihat the poon irretcelos fiat i2.s1a lg 1procesion cf lie preci- un the cartq iore laken on lo tie scaffoît. eus deati. Ang îhem arec un aira ant inhrribly t(ibed,.But Ibat very inighl loveti ones-father. mollior, broîben, these monstera cf persecution %vece soîz- sister, coipan chideen, cOning up et, anti Ro)beqpicprre peisiet under ont cf the excavation cf the rock, nadtîIhé verY guillotine that lie bat the bot one lias stppet e1ut imbo lb.rearetiffer othoca, aIl France Clap- Iglit, anti I arn hewMaldetanti I cannol ing their liandstwih è: joy asbi untieroandt e acene until Ises Christ Ihead collet bute Othe executioner's bas- wavo Bis bond overIlie adivancing pro- ket. Thoen lb. axes cf the exciteti cession frem lIte iracl,and bhear Hum cry, populace Nvere becarti pountrlinig against 111 aun the resurib-ton andt l hf; b.,ibe gales cf tbe prison, andtihlb poor irbio tbeievetl inMe, though ijha mre peiýouers maîket eout freo. My fruents, deati, yet shah hlir ie." And thonir . i.latle avocat cf aIl PRebe-spierreS ; lil1la notice tiaI the long dirze of the world'e the tyraut cf tyranlsg;it bas built a riOn irce suddCeiyý stops nt the archâýngeiVbouse for: con seul ; il plots eue ct about cff"Cne frth t" il bas aheen us fer the sacri lce, but, bloss- Ohi! iay frientis, if Christ bs-cl net etdbc CGod,thisa niornung wea leae tlleaixes breken oo theb grave yen anti 1 cf od'e gracions tielivecaxuce pou.ding -oult nover ceule eut ef il. It moulti aanahi8 e d of ca, Or prison. Doliver- biave been anroîber case cf Cltiiot, e Cor- suce bias cone. Liglut break"- hicoui day iattenplting te sioy.-at-rau, ,,'Ieself HI lb. msrds cf the prison. Revoltion! lain It moullt have ho / an- Revobulion! iWeo~ n ahouai, othercaseof Jhn Bow grace doos mach more abonnd, at .,r le fee. lte sa~ sef miz&n' i ia reigned i nIoe dati, teven se 1119. t 'Vould Lave beeuî hand grace may relgux utoe eenal lhf. t iii grappi., ,a u doai auo ie- thecugi Jul Ctu'Éist~urLri'<ld 'te bI-aok flag Nvoula bave tes-ted cius trathi -4, ,Savioiir deat, a Savieur e gr7aveqsuantimausoleiuars off esein, a savieuir exalieti, a Savuoe e anti bell meultihave cenquereti tercet ilgt î ~ e cf eaven, andi capturedt tue ramipa_ O f Gtanti Satan m olt b ave .A cornle tu cOrenati(_l n lahebpalaces of d HIeavenaanti il oult have been tievils Two]uflpuipils ah receut exaîno. on thie Irono ont sons cf Godtahale ,ý:1 tulngeen. P urIMu-C. B. Adair, L. A Biody, Net no! ne! WhIen Ibat tone mas W.uil tnse A. J. Colenmn S. Fais- roileti frornt lh. doorf Chnia'a graveilit lEJlb', N.Lander, L.R. Milier, iras bau-loc ti lhsnob a force Ihat il:R .MLra A cî,a.G cret l AaH M te grave doors cf Chiris-PLT ilrelA.A SotM.- y 1endeau, and ccir tne teirnit i la y a 1fhotuias, E. Wigq. '0 boirer wbere Ged's childeen labo a oies- i UNoRLîEviNCý-W. A. Balu (pcassed .y ta afbennoon uap, teIoaup leiiiGernuan autbry>. M.Dingle, E. Gut>, mulgly invigoratien. "Chrst Lusruen. EUt zzewoed, J. C. BMî,lus, hI'.MGll, n Bang htut lamp aong Il the tmbs oc (pcetiiia Germnan) iB. Underwod My dis BAgit Corr my ocirm oI- rJErÂrNC Laxi d. t ing,-plalce. Cbrist's suffuring ila onted; His avens ïs done. The darieteolFr1- day afternoon cf th;)werldsisory hc- CcJhso ndCyiimnau ceres thie briglîteolsuady orning .(nu nce ubîutnllannuelsale cf smmor eofus surrcîoe. ,The Gondi Fe- gois ot',o t at niqtros nl d iy cf bitt er rnncabconsli4"eas- f ie 1b gbaai. ter of glenious transformation anti resue-jAlocfpiuandatesahngoiI I- 1giev yeb thirti Cure cf Pau's ex- about hiaîf priceaI Couci, Johinslon anti e iarahbton.,V hoace tire riglit bond Crydernaai'p. >l more thon ire dote ie L t If la accident _____ rsor batIe "rcnust,bose One baud, ltl h r- be the bf t, The lefI liant beiag iiearc.iMLLROK ig the beart, 4ir may net do nnuu cf tbe Mc. Chat les Argu fCvnfl f .n violent irric f'life 9it that liand u f ,vn 1 f g miliGtntphysical danger; but ho mie bas Mbiseper lt oek anti ouck a sIca. L Ile iglt irm la play bas the miglti »heaktug Ihr#e cf Isalis- .A. young ilest of al earhbily wcapoas. nla -lagea son cf eh. Dorit Luncy cf Coran fu wu An MuIl lagnagestlb. ngili ant isf reina boy umcmon Sa'inrtiy lest andl the l.symbdo f sîen l nti pomer atibrý;oe bisrighhh arm - --. Misa H1oirdben je houer. lirom isot aI lie iglit bond etlartdMc.C. Wilmol are lunlouve tdis sSoomenl. Thon me itave tne em, 'IBs w, ek risthg frida. . .Ara Natîroo ie is a right-bhaaima." afay-ethe irashbýaso ise mode abreak ilutlb. apaedaq a1Wsinln righîtlbai man;Marsh lin niprbaoa belya i oe s, y N ey sNleoa'o nighl-banti taon; and t oui . Rae 'f Clarke tomnabipwbici. r-nom yenrbave the nîoaning cf Paul irben u Cqusmu "o hoieak fChri e Hro is at ti.Nie & W bu auubsmriie i atbod f o:.2 5 0 gi i... Mt. Samull au id Tho mean Ho l Ibe frst kost c can e t mclih anaccident L, - ee W HIeavenl.Bli as o igl teuait thee. iat camle LeSt Adojubs liie. fla e e THe Bo f beunivorse t CeunI is U okii aa nmowili lu uboh;srn aab1. Ilbu id moundo : lave luthe fe-et, tire in thc sudey tiropdet tiir'gbbt foi onal t- buds, oee lu.the side-five Conti. ] y ho sîtriICnmca way as nectcî o yehave3 coutet d og These are nol brelýak ny Ilmhs u;haif lb. vouluis. Lok ahtlî.seo R(e voltada bhi e temples ; ci tira un nie ýne Lev r- ti ee an f e? -'te and dep' don becl and amc wa: fli r ejatenice. tr-agedies irotc udti anti nervui ýere ia o ,aimaancl sa the Lord would not ferget you ant ilme Perliapo Frau-l said sme :es " wonder Gocl dees net f rgeue down ber. in Anlioch, and ila tha p-i;o ,and ia tho shipwreck. There iare se many sailors, c mavwayfarers, se ) Many prisonero, se many heri-rocenmo," Posys ]?aul, "ebp God mlay forget m'e. A.nd tho I am n su vlea sinnr. oirI wvhipped Ihose Christians ! witlî wbat vengeance 1 mnunted that cavai ry herse anii d(asheti up te Danascus t !oh ! il WHI itake a nighty atorney te Iead nmy cause and get mne free.'lut just a', Otalmomen thIerecame in iun Paul's F sul oometbing nîighitior lina t5e snroCee jtatdsedbssp te eitsf1r tetisoff bis, bat, 0o relia1up luit aleýeve, anti shows yo>litducar cfa aveut gthellat Bals 1Blufftr' ai.1 Sent Moalan, zen tan buadmira- ifo Chshsiou naM cîpieuousth% fireChrits oîhmae o Civary-sth WalVerle f th aon-emutds play oiy a sniali part cf Bis out. Wounideialil over, lot Hlim sit atI-lài-i ighl haut cf Geti. H bas a igit kf sit Ibere.lBy lte roqucal c f Ced, lus Father andtheb unanlmous suffrage ot ahi Hleaven, lot IBirnasit ltere.. Iatueý rarnirw, mien lbtheeemet pmosu by inecoets cf spiender, lthey1avr!l oi ,ah intanti about,0"vbery tY A fouti c1use cf Paul's (exiairahtion: Aflon a clergymnan bans pr-eaý-eic a ser- mon in regard tot b.oies cf IBeavonr anti be, aplentiors cf lieo cene, an agap moman ctait: "If al thal la te go con in Ibeaveni, dan'. kacir mt is- li beoemenn cf miy poor heti." On1y .friands, t-rç vver ilii ocB Oo ay Ibings going on lu Heae l a,-m ýve sematies wO.1IteQd il lU ÎI~a~I1J, Qaiokh, Permanont'7 I~eMcr. 1. ~ ~'Venk~ess Ne:-' - anti ail dci i ~: d 4 c-.:~s f cm c irror, < - or lt~.r cxc. su, tIi resulis c f ovcrwcr~ Fulbstreng'h, dex Clo- f/1î,~ \ mcnt na I tone givul ~ avrryorgan anti j etti~ ~i W~ Lu. j cf 1h. ho y. Simple, S~t4î ~ f natural metho"~. Jm- s'- n. ied 1I ni Pl rý 02 L'-ather SIip)pera ïücts; Tweed S ipperd O0cts aïd l5cts; Boots andiSho very hoi(ap at Mýýason'8, Bo3wmanvil!e, dnirirg duli seasûn. Cal!, and seco them. KELSE-Wbywouid y nubeiïete a ninister's word soonier lial any othe en's. WmrTSuE-BecaUuo ho is suppost t proach the Irulli aad tehi the trulli ? Bat uhy do you- ask the qriesýt'eni Woll ho. canse the R.ýv. A. L.Sierpsx of the Moletodiat Charch, '1 have beaCued cfÀ the ut poînfu ad dîstree&ing casecf pilee cflegstn ng by MÂcnc ýPur oIo, ni een wenid ilte ai!l Ibus ufflicteti tu Ijo.J8Uupu1mfhtL*wouia .aoroevç.,, disease if hoý could b ho pro..eeted agahxust jnfection wih i he fu&ei-cis *l thheigl cf( imodem i îooiscnup lion cauon ne rgcr he o uegaedd as an il- cu-rable dise-,se." LiG iane exagperaiien le Fay that Kemp's Baldain. when taken in lime, lias sâred manly froin consump. lion. At aIl drugg;stls' c ani $1. Pure Indian Teas imeoorleti direct, ais Mnrdoch'a olt s'and, PETER .Mupinccu, Call antiPoeethie cheap anti pcetty WalI iPaperesaI Kirby',ï bfore buv ing. Ask our Dealer For ER S "Sole 'of Honor"9 (TItAnE MARK) CÀINADIAKN MADE, AMERZICAN STYLES. ELEGANCE AND DJJRABILITY COMBI à. T. FOSIL"ER & Co Hé'uf urr~ ockÈ that is at prices that wi sell summier goods particularly STRAW ,and FELT RATS, CAPS, TIES. SHIRTS. Coi LLiARS and BRAC a Il wiIl be sold cheap for cce As I have' a large sýtock on hai arn determined to clear out above lines to make roorn for, goods and as I have already c rnenced with the repairing of' Coats, Jackets, etc., so if your ment needs repairing fetýLch it al( Now is the time. PRACTJCAL FEURIER, I3owV MASON bS LTHINC ROIHU ilAS JJJST IZECEIVED) New Scotch Tweeds in Suit Lengths, New Canadian Tweeds, New ilalifax Tweed Suitre , Shai W've stili lead. the Ordereci C Trade, both iin workmansb.ip a- See our Tweed Suits at $10 to ordei See our Black Worsted Suits at $161 OUR SUMMER SALE: Ready-macle IJats and Ti Boots and Il-#- challenge aIl comnpetition. TîHE LOTHINC HOUSE. T GOJI NO-'W IS YOUR TIME T Asisou usjüom ait the end ofe ach seascru, we have now ,cexnt cdt eo ell off the balance of our surnxaer goodsatM GREATLY REDUCED PRâ.LI iRemnants, otda and ends cf everyth)ing, ]?arasols, ctc- Yo-u w surprised at the wonderfully Jow pices. A spo-cial, bargain in Ladies' Watorproofs, 1i une itt25eci ones for a trie mere enly about ' f cot price. They wiflK , short time. Ladies' Summier Vests 3 for 25c. Extiaordinarv value in rerrnanb oe F:F4inpoI P -ENAL'0 TTIN SIIIRS-oy-fine 0dwver 2,ou reerîcer othier specialtics at, ver y low- prices cluriing th( ~ jiilti(rsId) Be sure andi cali soon. Bffaio, KY. 1JOBN J. 1\ d ý ï'ý, 0 V; -0- 1

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