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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1893, p. 2

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__ il 'B athorani kiiwledgeo o,'the nfLtu7rs laws wit 11h gevero the operition~ i t isssgtli and nVt-' tiGn. and by a ei-efal application <il thei f!n-'p'-ssssrties ofVweli-sslectc"l NU21, ?r. Èpps has provide r arorelat laits, wrti a dlelietlyI îvoreï beveran whiih Ii59ysares lacmsiny ieav'y doctori' b!113. U is il' the !adici9uî use of such articles of diet that a cOOnstitutian maiy bs pradullty biiit un unti strounnoIghta resr5t every tens *aey ta diSe59se. llendr'-d3 of eubt1e maladre3 are floatag arouy.i orady in aitaok wherever there ta aweak point.Weavmssmn a fatal shaht by iieeping ourselves well foitided 7wett uri blond anid a iironarîr neursrshod fran.-' Cvil servicee aef Made, inply with biing, water or miltk $oid only n packets. iy Urocrs laisliei tins IeS, Londeon. Engasiî, ai ttcm ' WEDNESDAY SIaPI. 27, 1893 »B., J. C. SflTCUIIL1, EMB-ER OF ('OLLEG4E 0F PIIYSICIAN an- sd Suirîeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Offiee and P.oaloonce, Enniskitlen. 74, B 4]RRISTFR, SOLICITOR, &-,o. MOP Ris Pl OCR. opstaira, Ring Street. Bcw'uan- vil. 'oicitor for the Ontarl Bank lv&te PloneFs losnad at tisa lOwa3t rates 8. C- UNING LICENSED AUCT IO.NE ER FOR tieConnuty of Durham. SaleÇs attendei te onthhortesi notice and lowest rates. Addres (C'ITICZo P. 0.31 BOUT. TOITNG, V. S. O %FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAMV "News Blcck, 'wiere himself or assistant ,gill be found frein Sa.m. te 9 pin. Night cais et iadence,directly opposite Drili Shed. Calis ty teicgraph or teteplione wil receive nrompt atten tioni7t yr A. C. WANINAN V. S O1FJC E-11 1GGI NBO TIAM'S BLOCK, 3owman-riile. Nîgit calta ana- wered frein one deor Seutis of Dr. Boyle'a. Ail cails by tele- pli or telephone wit i ce cive prompt attent ýIon,.lt IL. A, IV. T 0LE. AUTONEAPPRAISER, Real Eales attended su any part of Province. PLCHIECT.Plansansd Specifica- A tion prearedfer every lasa of building. ;Specinl atten&ion given te heaîtisg by stearr end hot water. snd toe anitary arrangemeunts. Cflce: geBl3ock, Whitby 43-ty IR. PÂTTallor Gentlemen's Clothes Made te Order. J.M. BRIiMýACOi\li liEN TIST. OFFICE:-IRear of Messrs. Iligginbotham & Solifs Drug Store,, (dovwn stairs), Cisae, ydPese and Repaires by TJ,.PET Dyer and Glotis Cleaner, Ccods warranteS te be as noeoue wtlt knoie thera froin new wlien doue. Corner King and O-tro Straat3, Bowmauvulle DENTI STme C. J-ARNDEN, L. D. S. Gradlate f tise Royal Coleze of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VJTALIZED AIR. New Tailor Sb.op The unsderstaned who lias been carrying en o hlrirng ibusness intconneetion wtt Q'saoslDry oorde Store for a numberefyears da& commenceS bustoasa for hisieet at has reidence, King St.,wast, where hoi a rparers ta mnake gents' and boys' euita tn ail the latest etyles', and at Io West pnieus. For those Whot Wsh to order suite, ho will carry a fuit line oi atmples tnaai thtis ne >Vest patterns. Give hlm la cati. ity £ h Futhmedy Voh- elrrY cures thi obeýtinste cae incal tirer 5.EÂIME'I5 3have tails ,50trelie-ce. )oI by dmg- ù tsel pr r rariee, or six focr5el or sent by mail on ofeittt-e W~rite for- pampblcr. sou ta- BOWmlaIlVille by STOTi' & JURY. HOIJ'E'HO D. buttei- or tard, mix ait well togee, ,sud HOUSEUOLD.tastiy, add sweet mitk te maý,ke a batter us-et n'ii pour aud spread siowiy, net as Are the Childten at Home?. tim as for griddle cakes (experince wriI Racdaywhnth glw f srse fdesin heteacis yen). >Bake lu ai-ariser bot isrn s Bai ayisn ise iw hsnetfae n iedeep tnu,- liwiug plenty of rom for cake1 Antie wsi-onues, tireS et playiug, go tripping te risem. To ho eston bot n'ithbibutter. 1 tighrly by, use tise saie recipe for cern cake, -auiSî ti la 1 steat away frores nsy husband, as- ho sits in tise beat I ever tried, ns'n iefieida thse ea6sy chair.ngfii , Uda And -et te fr-om tise open doorway tiseirfaces, mneal ia place ofiisekwiseaifi fi-esand tair. Meringue Apple Pie. --Wheu ibe irat Alen l ise-siea lS hemestead, tiat once non, applea came tise foilowsng way lnas n'as fuît Ëietr, naIle:Stwvl Ringiug wlrlr gi-ins laugiter, echotug boyisi nga ise is receseemendo tnaîdwe- il rit", en tise applos after paring and silicin g ithons. We two arecn'aitiesg logetier; aud 0f t, as the Masis arnoo'is sud seaisen nitis nmog,, or shadeeve ceule, i o iese oelmnpo 'i h With trensulana voice' ioecaîls me: "1-t s yotlsstî oelmn etnihts nigit; -are tisechistIdren homet" appie and r'omoîe when ceid, li the Yesove' Inswrlsm gurt, "heyrr itcrisu d baise istil juet doue. Spread hoe lo!I n ago," nty," hy'e l over tise appie a tlrick meringue jissadc by- And-1 inutu nmyqîr s'ering trebte asosng se -whispping toa arif fro-th ftire n'iits -ettwa s-i0sdîw' .eggs for escis pie, ssveetenisîg n'tis a able- Tttthe oldmau dsoptosiumher-witlshis hoad spoonfut of pendered sgar forn crh cge. Ilponbis- hand, Fiai-or tbis w'trrse wvter or vanilia, boat Aird 1 tell te iy-. 'f tise m-r homo lu tise unhit it wilt starnd alano sud cover tisýe pie Botter Land, Hanse 'heý-e ns-ver a sorran' eh-rîtdirattisu- hree-quarters of an ishtisicit. setbacit oves-wrth tears: iu tise oven nîshil the meringue ta n'euI Wh e ic th silie aifh-oS i'on thein thi-ough s-l file suresesaer years-; "'set." hisouif itcalot' tooe asl fet Ilsnoff-y't mysarms arae eîspty tisai foudly pawfered sugar over it n'heu co],d. Serve fo1ded sevon, coif. And tisae sther ho-rn nttin nie is abSiot Caramel Cake, -Beaute a creamntï'a cupi star edinheaen.of cugar sud as lai-cep of butter ; sf5 a Sonsetmmes lu the dusl, et evenîug I onîy shah cuptut of sweeh mils sud tisree eps of Au y yes, aems fleur, inta ivicis bas Ileen sittef twa tes- fr te cin tien elfs bot;e aviio poontula of bsking peseder sud tast of ahl, Tise haies -uho-,impleS ingera les-t tise way tise wiite s et six eggs. Bake iu ibres dJeep ; o mv breant,- layer cake pans. Leesen sud aprsadl on a And tise beautifut ones tiseungets pase'ed ta piste siter isaking eaci cake. Maire s fiti. tie wai-ld etfthoeblebt. Wti ne-i cis lou cpm thons, I see thisu 1 i9gofttwe poundi of eoafetiuner's sugar, i-adieut erowes; dsssotved lu aweet creain untilit h l just My baye tha't 1gave te li-eedon-the t'edS werd thicit enaugis te îpread. Put ibis mixture us haled tSir üsfrs-t enb-oior utise tops oftwo 0cakes sud let it dry for iold snduriiave, s few' minutes. Thon oî'er tise tep ofthtie They fe11 l sud tise fiag tiey fileS for, thauk ci-sans filing apread rhickiy rneiîed cioco- God 1 floa Ês oaei-ueii-gra-ve. lte. Put your cakes together ; tise"n'ai-m 3Airatis sud thesisionislifthadan'ayonwings chocolats wilneake them stick. be ýtise ofi igîri, top oee nitls a boited ieing, made by cenit. Andrrgain wetîvearehtogethei,alioueiuthe ing togethrisomutil it "isirîs" eue cuptul of night. aunai- and saisaiF.cepi ut etf oiting n'ater. Tiey tell me hie mind te failing, but 1 eniile ah - i tefors; pour this boiiug nmixture on tiseboston t He s ouly back with tise ehîldi-en, in tire dear white oftone egg. 3 ou"i peaceful1i-5ar. - Blak llckieberry P uffing- 1 qua,ýrt 3And sti)l as tihe sommer susest fades aîvay rion sclbrretocp o oass AnS tise-neû ones, tii-s f ohplaying, go troop- plu'. otflaur, a teaspouful of sodai, a liait ing homes-taeiest,' teaspoaniel aosli a teaspeontul nicius My bris-baud callsfrosss lis cerner: " Stylove! mou sud s teaspoutul of clovos. 11ix tise have tie chili-cu camer iAnS I aser,enith eyes uplifted " Yes eart! batter tLorougisly, irst sittino2 tise fleur they si-oail at home!" n'irh tise sodsariva or tisree trnes. Tissu -[Margaret E. Sangster , aIf tise molasses sudsasoning, sud 1finalty o tise scekieborries. Steassr tise pud ;ding Tahy hl-nPlteez frein tirree te four heurs in s greaise c Teorn lsinPltee. manif, taking care tsartishe water is Oewil- Ciidren are too of heu lef h îotaily nain- ing eonstautly aroun f i. Serve jr vith etrucisdin utisoso amali ceurtesies ofi every- a isard butter aud sugar sauce i-aored day lite, wisicis go uo far toward makingeour n'irisa uie cinuamen or nutn5eg oreo- domestie andf social relations barminars. peol as yeufncsiy. Tisey sisauldbe taught,almmsh fremin uaucy, 1 Ripe Cairant Pie. -One cep ser, ýoe ta bs petite, toesunter sud teave a raom cep ripe- carrants masseS, tbr(eo desýsert pi-opei-iy, ta respect tiseir eiders, ho rensoe poonfuls n'ater, oe e abiespeonu i fur, -tiseir bats nutisey enter s bouse, te satl eate-n wth th ie yeiks of tn's gga ;bàke. tiseinseli-es quietly, inircad f airlrowiug Take ms-o tableapoonfuis posoderef suigar themielves boisherausly upon ehaire or suad tise n'isî of two egga; béat n'eu to- l ougea, ta close deers genty, sud do înany1 getiser, put ou tep af pie, sud br n'nl orluer things naturaiiy asaf pOitely n'bicis ove, rhey non' do asknaidyanu rdety, simply - -becsuse they haive nover been instructef elis ütiserwise.. Usgauiefagsaifrs rif J A ittriefhnme fevotefl eacb day t hiis eganltdsga n rsl ri, gloroncy gof 'ontn'ii si-sy brng u Oý ey ripe, or 1it it r1ot jeiiy weil sd ample returu in tise sud ; n'il, iu tact, bearn'tirea uecyeiiey. Misis goodfruit reus tise vory beginning, sinise a fruit sud coeur ina stno jar set imte a kettîs ebild wnho la boîng raîsgîitte ibc polit-e is at iot boiting water. Stir ireqoutiy sud str,%in tise sameisie iearnrng considération for tisrougis s cearse flanuel bag, n'rug mot et etisers, sud sois cniivatingunnaeifisnsis botn'as-or. Straru risougis <notlier hag a, ýnd ofearctr.Intesmeayao is hocootinapnosc-laýise ettie. Tisela rtbrira, D ib encouraged ro bhoronerly, te. do tîttieasplean ucsshodho",Ji offcesforitslfsuc asfolding up iratise ceres reie-ad ud iete geitly ini clotîses, or puttiug a bat er toy lu its proper sud wae hreo oubur.Si- pl'ace, is not enîy masteriig Oeeoaitie niotait use tise sequin. Ordiuariiy use equsiLa vatuabiofetessona, but is, aisesavsiug tise neghsu jisau ngr oi ie ne mois nmuy weaýry stops in tise preseur, ton minutes rans us fins-t ioiiing 11p, ý >rmm- sud bgrtacbi tastrer yesrs. 1aIdsuagan, hoatedin utise avenl,lt le a A 1thie ,wtoelon-,ss en tise part cottIlise tisu ire mnutnneasud peur int,- îtais motera fn' imoy wrdsfren dy r Biiing jeliy dnonib.Setegaslco day, train bayhiosi ouil ia iatsi.antcisudtyi Wisebitn iui ', ' o ef, t is he anîy est se breakathein. Wisen reafy te put away gine hOut of aIl avili ptm t'odace t plac 1 f "ae ttiaeppe uts gareýisipe jetty, Lsud cover wihsthiee or rss generation ot potisbef, gaefirane'e fover au tise insi e irisUte Wisite ef sual youug people, n'io boiS thisu-eidersý in re- egg sud turnef fon'n ovn' tise orsnea apeet sud coustdei-ation. aud are s jey w tise glass. tiseir parents sud fionds. Tise moriser w ho Carrant Joiiy witisont Cooting.-Pick .tise n'alks airer lier ciilinen, pictussg up tiseir 1 barries fram tisetms, n'ah ansf fiy tisor- ciorises sud teys, isanging up tiseir bats, oughiy. Press onsb sud straîn tise joies. Ai- feliig tiseir napits, sud porforiiug other 101v a Poundufe sugar te escis prut ofjic iittts duties for tisons n'ich rhoyaBhouif at. stirunril tise agri islepeitj tond hteismsetves, f oea thsenM s enlevons 1 sansofsetsu tise hisoun for tisree or tour n'rong ; for silo is san'ing in riseir breairs a y A Frnîch mthof is te set tise eleat tise seeda of soifistinesa, n'iich eaui navet' be juico lu a cool celtat' fer iwenty-fonn bioi-s. w'islly eraficateelA', tise ra f ttisaittme f ip offtise f ratil frein Teacis s young chiutfte n'ait uponi seti, tise top, atî-in,n'eigis sud sdi su equai n'\ýeigi andflapoîn ira parents. Let it bring fithos of fine sugar. Sir uill if la thirOugbýlyds bis slippers, cane, bat, et' gloves, sud mots- soivef, put intoa esa, and caver tigisty. Tia er lber work-basket, tiîimble, or book. jeiiy n'iich wiii tarin iin twenty-foulr ho-uri, Encourage h te perform nsay tittie offices ta a fins coter snd n'llt leop ricety. tisai coule nitisiu iii ponsers as a tiny çhltr. Elierberry sud Grape Jslly.-Take fou ir Jr n'sll ho prend te execute tiss maît peunnseacis ni ripe eldenhe>rries, sud pril commissiens, and as it gron's obier, hnitî i ly ripeneel grapas. Masi tise fruit sdd ee terni a fixeS babil et consideriug tise wauts hall cupifull of n'aier sud cot soit. StraiýLn et risri Imroemen f tsecha-ateristbrougls a jeliy bag, mesaure tise juico sud likelvtyote ake tise body more heanritut. ceek tiirty minutes ; add an eqîrat n'eigist Mind sud phiysique are loaely sitief. Noble of sagas, cook fiva or telnusisutes su md impulsees, higis aspiratiens, sud unseifisis seal. character are 1tuf icated by aisigtuest,n'etl- tG(rapo Jeliy.-Tsi. a msvbe made a n peisef usad, and stastie toots-tsp. stage, ticah ei green grapes a iviug apru Let us, theretare, cuitiv4te in enrechiliren l iariy délicatea haver sud a fins celer. Stenu' beauty of mimd aud pnysiqus. Tise yonng as for m-aruiafe, peur off lise joics, Ïsud inorier, n'ise interestinsutise topie la meat strainte r-ougis a fiaunel bag, mot iquceezing11 s keen, must tuf y tise movensents sud tend- or pressing for pai-tictes ofthtis pulp give sl 's encies etflier cbiidrou, sud take rimie ta cieuf yappearauce. Usie equal qatte hasch filera te ho petite sud orderty iunriseir ofetscgar sud joies, and ceeS twsuiy miini habits. n'hite tiseir n'ares bave tise pliable. urss: Green fox grapes mnay ho prepareut 0 nesa ai yoth. Let ber do tis an sd ber iiiu arewy u oscspîto us .en'ard n'il bc bots gresi sud certain_.- af f one teaspeontul of pon'denef gin ara -[Mn, Ktis Kringte lu Honsekeeper. bic, wiiis tieseugeir. Ceek fit teera inutes Quinee Jely.-Rnb tise quinces siti, ing 1h fer once, sud Itan' yon n'iit ha set'-, p aise 'siris rose vs; ne ie a v---lled ib pies-t. b1n'îltgive ionuuy reoupe : Put tu r.hon nai 'veceunitry i -ticnediaecet, but msecau) your mixiug ben'l osescupisel whitie fleur raiseo speali Corrnac,IFrenchb, sud Itlihais. sud tuvo-tiirds cuptul i fsnctcs-vlsat fleur' is' -af S oms very leapiog reaspeentul of bais. 1I e sae rienS we thoncisy acquis-e:, ung poîder, mix n'eu ; tiss adad om-Sait ne, suit've fer keeping oi-slves streng - u ptul et ligit brownu ugar, ena hostenaunu lrnîii ne urh fleusnii egg, adthnee tabteipeentuis of moiraS Cour nuhappinesaý. ~ ~ien~r~à> HEBALTII. Hon' to Bafihe. A Saris cooiing or simmulating accord iug te tise friction appiief. An antisority oni tisis sebjeci gives the iaiten'ug pr-escription torna ooletor sut-amer Saris:.,A fip ie ocool n'stor ; wvhite -,.capif tiskia iceda etecans- îmlg; eop dry fiieî îrrrisassponge sud chou crVith s srft towei. This sent otfisaus basa n'ioieseome effect aobifi-en sud is parti-. ly goof for youua motisers sud nurss 'io neef ta ecenemnize their srùreugts Tise batis taisen witi tise friction ot flesishi-uses sud ceai-se ron'els ih a stimult and sisouli ho tatlon'ed by rest or soie 1igiet noorshisnt te ceuioerasitishe exbaustive resalta'. Tisere ai-e 7,001 IjO pores lu tise bedy there wndon's of tise respirateny systemi are n'ide open 5f ton a îtimuaisrig isaths, sud if it il cunveîsienitri gobs-nus tie bant teh biS tise cary best resnits wiill hoabtainsi, A oatuap ot five or ren minutes n'it pie- veut ats attacis of coiS sud gire tise body tise senisation ef acomrulatef force. The sauirary valise ethtie spengo bath r-an isard- ly be es-aggerstef. Tise vital statisties of the city prove that clean people escape tise 999 is that incoîrveusience tise nnwasisei. Thc uppen exqnisira classes live sud fie, but.tise nder-crsr clasases are neyer n'ell. Why Gron' 01d? b finS tisat if otf people are put en a geed meat diet su tise way of arroug soup, iseet tes, anS animai fofd, sud oniy jusn suffi- cieut, tarsuaceous food sud lais asuagar ro mainîsin tise heat of tise body, tisey lu- crease wndertnlin uu cay sud, as tisey otten express it, feel tn'onty years ynger. Ttris is ouiy natural : it ta a food f oteusgy tise foodtisai builda up tisa muscle, narve, and coumtiturloual taîsssu. The rcquiiramenrs ef tiese ystein in oIS age, as s rois, are net very great, aud mare liai-ns is doue bys tating tee mucis food tban by ratiug too lile. Iihave knenpeepte cens:'deraisly over 70 derive tise greateat benefit framn a thorougis change in ujet. It scems to rejuvemate tison. -Ob couîrse, in old ugo cane sisouif ha tatoutisaitishe bady la not subjetef te raidchanges oethem- perature. iVien flie norvons poweor is de- creasing as tise resaIt et age, and the sys- retu is losiug tise pow'er et eombatiug coîf and strain upen its enongy, a utimmaing diet invigenstes, sud la cesiducive te main- taîutug coustitutionai sismins batter iban suy etiser. Any naturat death but froin oid age anS general Secay lu an accidentaI deatis ; tisat la, it iluefao causas n'iih mighh, snd even perhape couli, bave beau entlrciy avoifef suddt'amodieS in sarlier years. But, nf course, alhebseucrets ai atraiuing ex- tremo age are net aven non' n'thiu eut' reacis, and tise tn' that I have peintef out are but s vory ion', sud tisoaseot tiseon- mnst. Ih is tisa tuevihabie tan'ofni ature thatwn'amuai fie. Tise vital anergy tisat is implanted su tise bofdy ah birris is euty moant te suatain it for s certain number et years. 1-t may be isbanfef or n'ssted, made te Suri slowiy or rapidly. 1h is tite tbe ail in s lai-p, sud ussy bu turneS ont te littie eflect lu a luttle tirne, or carefnliy hiscanf- ed anS preservef, and ilsus made te last tonger and bure hrigister. It is a moohef question n'belier every iu- fîifiuatl snor at bintis giftisi w-thh tIse saine smoO'se et vital euergy sud et lite- susisin- ing powser. Tise proisabiltiy l is at eacis a s-he 0cîrcurnataîsces of tise eurîrenusent brens tise ci-aSie te tiseLerave fetemmaine is future fesriny. Medicine Amongr the Anoienta. As fat' back »autIse kun'ledgretofumari ex- ttends, freintise manuscripts t-bat hava beeni diacevemef, sud bieroglý pIisatiat haro brou If'ecipiserei, and oison evidenees etfn'iat existe- inlutisaSaris ages, n'e knowv riat superstition cautroltef sud gavarief te a tgreat exteutt ios n'iso n'ere taken li, or n'iso n-ors subjeen to fisorder or die.ease. k To illuatrate ibis usene buily ive viii take, ifer instance, tise nervona fîserdar tueivu as epiiepsy. La his pecuisr fisasetise sufferer n'as cousiderof ho nave offessiei some eont spirit, sud tise "goda et evdl, as tisey wei-e iegarded, n'ers thereforo tise euies ta n'isom prayers n'aie oti-e an sd gfsi rupreseutaf for relief suif meeersry. Jr n'as betievef tisat oua oui- nore evil spirits SaS takeu possession of tise eprtepiic, anS te driva ont tisesýe ont spirits brans the body n'as tise onty reseurce etfrisc sufferen, n'So reoeteS ro tisa many practicesansd iseluetu efthe time ta gain reief trosu tis terrible sfflictien-epilapsy'-r fits. As superstitieon eo ustroited iargely tise acta ni tise ancients, vnn.ous cures were soogist, sud lu tiseligit of tise scienrce of tisa proueîst day, tiroir us-e shows tise rificutous sud sanaclesa eharacter ofthtie belieft tiey en- tertainef. Arr infant n'io n'as afticied n'thliepilepsy n'as bouaiaroufn' iri sîrin&!s oui crusseS bettes of tire riger in order ta inîpant streugth te its nerves, sud te preveur stiacs et fits. Oison afflietef with epslepsy aie tise finshefthtie lieu, n'bile parents caussf Itheir chlldren ta sn'aiiow pehisios, b-'iieving usait te action et tise sienes 'ouid asiat lu grinfiug tise food, sud tisus hasten tise digestion af tise saine sud keep the stesîsachisnlua conditieos tisai nouid prevenitIshe origun ot fout- nesa etfismeatis, wn'li o ai n dicarcu tise existence et eptiepsy, parttcularly inte s Yeoung. If tise fîsorden n'as et long standings-, aned ail otiser efforts haS failei, tiseý patient w,, taisen ro tise temrple, anS supplicationesud prayera n'ere afferaf up by tise bigis priests, airer wi-cli pieces of parcissisau on wishl n'ore n'ritten prayers sard signed by the- pniess'-vers bousa ou tise suferon's body, - 'iicis 'aere wnufor a pariaS etofriuetnY fays. If tise patient receveref, rise pri sera sud tisir sources of pon'er n'ere glorifieS; Sat if t'ise cure 'ias nite ceef, hir as ho- lieref tisat tisa goda irere eflended, sud n'iteetfrens tise suiferai-r ther healing pow'er. Amoeug seine ofthtie sarage tribas ef Airi- ca, tise practice stil Iseif s te-day oft inug Ssumaît isole ta theatop et tise skci, sud ponring therein a sessît portioneof-nnu ist- i;-g oit. Tisane ai-s sf111 saraf e trîbes iris tiloîr up tIse cuaroisiob d7riuing fiuely paîrferef boues ai tisa bumaus body unixef n'uth ri-cf ne. Again we fiS suetison irausedy iusef, 'hich issproparef froî n iu- m ies raison freus tise calareibsansd griunS togýetsen n'stistire bai-ote ecefar, irbicis, niais- inte a thicis paste, ih ap,.eaf oven tlie ï-,eait oethtie suiferem aud a cure expected Ans'on«gthe smasgo tribes inte inteîioi, et Ai ica crisi'ti nere toun aby tuhe expionrei b& fiey ,the pac, cii revailedo sg isueso fai malo inoea saisvesimd upread o-ntise spine , as a incane of i-emosvsiog tbe fieea hi - anerien cure ws bisliereîd ne Se ,')tree sy nwearng va braiS et bans Vpim "Witre- is pewccredun in su slt atfirappel iinihe tisin of tise widess-, and wnnnarounuftise îvsis-tinluthe ftof-setaha't. Wliis tise fairecf Clriitiasrsty and science. irowverr, tfelic n reof superstition sud ignoranîce iras gi-raty reducefl, aud te- day, as tise resoit of patienît rcsearch sud derenien te a stndy ion tisa roetef o inu kinîl, cures arc periammef than are baseS on -ooiimo eisei-sanS tise WIs aobnature. TIIE LUiSS OF TUE VICTORIA. TIrilltn¶t Narrative e01n7a ilor. otse ofthtie sailorca the Victoria, am ed William Wisiteheaad, bas jîssi arrivod at Preston.In tise course af a ion gthyan sud graphie a'-couut of tlise disaster, lie states that it was about seveýn botta wheu ise ieardi tlisecry, "Look eut ! Semebody's cotriug into us." Wlen lie ran out of the mess- to'n tise iap h'onad struct tise asp, sud as lie gaittiste battery dont'se was hackiug oct of lierTisera was no great soîsce of sbock Nviiere ha was, sud even the basins ru tise edge of tise tables in tise mess- 5 recrm lid net fait dlowu. lîjuet appeared as tisongistise ram had met withhno tecishance. Ho h7eard tise comimand to close n stertight doors. They goit tis dons at bis side,wben tise bugle sounded s succession af G-s, e l ing everybody ta tise collision quartera. Wheu tise Camperdowu witbdrew ber ramin tise Victoria heeted over a litile ta star- board. Tisen there n as tise pipa to uncover boau, Tissas unhooked tise sliigs. Every- thingwaa n est orderly; every in was at I~sij~s bis post ; sud tise man witbhum began ~* ~ ~ siugiug "'fhere's anettiar threo menthea inI dork, lads," Tisey tisnught ait would comne -- rigis' witii tise fo closed, Thse sisip bo-P RE ES, L 5 gan to get oct of tise perpendieular, and Csuian lmAm a ie tiere wassmucis concero ; yet tis en otamon uAnmPopnta e,rnunnrs. stock firm ta tiseir places-, as n'el as thev ______________________ were alie ta stand. Tise ship thon gave üwo quick t inusa, as theugis tise buikiseais lýT N bad isurat, or tire gens on tise main dock R talion. There were ne fortiser orders, but one cried, I lîîrssp, lads - junip, my tlads." O Many of tise men, unabte e oid, suid off A M R tise sip inta tise water 1le had juat gat bis feet on ho the ssis awning when tise ship Whcn yen secý an Àdvertisemenh likO thit beeied over, audise bond himsif in tise waher, under tise graduatly siukiug sip. DON'T B LI VE IT He strucrsont dFsperateiy, sud mauaged te get away frou tise vessai. lHe heard tise bt if yau rgure anything in Groceries, doIlthtrabbiug of tiese crew, sud could sec Staplo Dry Goode, Patent Meducînes, tigisi abeve tise water. Ho ruse hoetise sur- Tiuware, Gardon Seeds, etc., cati ai face, aud saw the keel with tise fast'whirr- SOLINA STORE where you, Wult hnd a ing aerews disappear beneshh tIse wstsr. firat-css assortment -triicis habeers Ho isad got saine yards of., but a wide and booght for cash, cenaequently I amn pre- florces whiripoal n'as forîned, sud tiseigis be pared ta soit at claie prises and flot soac1i' fogisi despsratety ho was'aucireddoep do ws fiee quaiity. tollowiug the course of tise siuking isenclad. Arnerican sud Canadlian ail alwaYa in For s second ha wnt insenîsible, but cois- stock. Piesse give me a cati sud you n'ii setousuoss returned,aud ise beard twe bsh booms tike tise duli reports etfîseavy cannons be welcomo whether you bny or net. tu the distance, 'The w aters were vialeetly ÎT. B. Ei]iott's Ratier Flour kept. agitated round bises, and ho n'as fsst carried upn'arfs, whien beon'as pieked up exlsansted 'J. T. WVIL L1IA M S by eue of tise boaha. le n'as os-or twenty minutes lu tisen'ater, riesasys tise ien fief tise festis et eroos. The Others Were Eu8y. "Wh'at are thoso tisi-e s uipruref figue tisat surmonut tise poat-office 1" askada visiter riding rirougisSackvilte shreer,Dnub- - lnoftise jarvey. ITb:îss hi-e figures are stuck urp there to show uts tise port-office.'e L________ "But n'by, sud wise are tbey 9 Tise jarvey, resoivef net to exisibit bis ignorance, excisimed Tir tires's tise Twelve Aposties " 1Sick Head aciea-mirelieve attioheirf "Tîsose thi-o tie-- ?i'1 dent te a bilionss-are oft tire sy-esei acisas "'Av ecrs; sure yen wouidn't have thons 1i>ziztese 'sucra. Dri'aîiess, Dietrese atfter ail oui togethser; tIse rostistainside sertin' e1 rg, Pintetiesi le e le tnir or mi tis e bter akaeer AMD as tacbren19-4vî uerg Ris opposite. ?te-" 1 ahq l nuever marry until i meet woman m ho is my direct op-posite." She (eneeuragngly): l'Weil-, Mr. Duffer there are numbe,'s of brig-ht, intelligen girls in this neighborhood" True Philanthroiiy. TT rII E EITOR,..- PleaSie inferin YOUx readers that 1 wjll mai[ free toalal suifer- ezs the means by which 1 'ias restored ta health and maulY vigar after years of suffe ring from Nervous Weakneis. I1 was robbed anod swindled by thq quasa util f nearly lost f aith in mankind, but thanks ta heaven, 1 ans now welI, vigorous and stroug. 1 have nothing ta seil and no scheme to extort money from aolyone whons,ýever, but being desirou% ta unake this certain cure known ta al, I will send free and coniidentialtot anyone fulil par, ticulars of just heir I wa% cured. Addres3 with atamns MR. EDWnAR MARTIN, (Teacher), P. 0. Box 143, Detroit,M;ch Cut corn for fodder whexs tle ears are mature and finish before too mlay cf tise bladep are dry and leacised by raina. Wheu Baby rags sicl, w e gsve herCastorita. Whu hew à aU1l, she eried forx Castoria. Whbxî s-e became 31iss, she elung te Castorta. \5 heu she lhad Chitdreil, She gave tieni C astoria. Vessela salute Pach other at sea by dip. piup their colora over the taffrail in the et ip's walte. TUE LAKF ROUTE TC TUE! WORLDS FAIEt VIA PICTURESQE E MACKINAC. Avoid thù 1heat aind dust by traveling on the' Floatinig Palaces of tise Detroit & Cleveland Steam Navigation Comspany. Two new steel passenger steamers have just been biulît for tluts IUpper Lake route, costing$l800,000 eaeh, and are guaranteed ta ho the grandest, largest, safest and fastest steamers on the Lakes; speed 20 miles per heur, running time between Cleveland, Toledoa nd Chiocog less than 50 heurs. Four trips per week between Toledo, Detroit, Aip-rna, MTack1na cý Petes. rrey and Chicago. Daily trips between Detroit and Cleveland; during July and -August double dail.l' scrv ic( -ill be main- taiued, giviug a dayliit ride across Lake Erie. Daily service betwc£rn Clevelandi and put-in-Bay. :First-easataterausa a' --ons-modationa and menu, and exceed- ingly lew Round TTip Rates. The pala. ti'd equipinent, the luxury of the appoint. wienta hmakes tràveiing où thei'e steamers t5 eroughly enjoyable. Send for llus- trated pamphlet. Address A. A.Schantz, G. P. A, Detrcit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Ca., Detroit, Mich, r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o PiRnT 7lf kT5BE1 - Se5S loy ArrcL -- saut ' urxlrZz ts. H-eador'le, i-tiaxrrs- svîsLîvER PFit ai-e equally v-iaahre n uetipation, curiug Olncpseerutlit*s auing co1ispa'lot, whi( I rley aise cou neci cli s- of het toise acla ttiinnls-lotise'liver anS ne gulatelie boeia ELiu if thcy only cureS Ache they-'uShl' u0- rclaah .5 si ho cufféron ir- ti dsbi-5S em tt but frotunately tli odsn ûanfer liere, aud those neesew-htoswilfn tîrese littie pilla vi-, u eis wy ia tisey irili ur ot bc iliugte de n'irisentt lison. But atter nil sci er is tise hans efse man, lires tîratL ho r cwher& sic mcle aur gsreat beast. 0cr illa cure il; wlrile othere do mot. CAuRTE's LITTLP LsvsEa FiLm sai-c rery suiS11 sudvriyeasyttot. Onu ,ontisa pis niake s dose. Ttsoy ani-orilctiy cegetailo auddo îîet gripe or purge, ber hy their geitloeraction please all vlo ue ethoin, Inurls at 25 coure; ire for $1. Sli evos-ysierc, or sent by mais. _AND- "The Ladies' Journlal OF TORONTO, A large 36-page Iilugti'ateï Fas'i ion Monthly, will be sentb ta any adds.ess SII Only eue dollai- anS fitheeon aS iD1!Ucents for the rwo papi-S-. Cail anS sec a sample copy oui "The Ladies' Journal" It ts a puablcation that wtiil tutereait ev-ry wrnan je thse landi. Tise regrelsr sis 'xiptron prsceofut "Tusý Lad ieeý ,Jo S" sud tuis poper ta $2 par year. Yoa gsie tare for iSeuf your mnouey snd arifreso taets office, HAVE YOU "Backache the scavengers I mens the lid- of the system, noys arc in "Delay la Iý reouble, Doddss dan gene us. Neg- Kidne PIS give lccted Aidney', prompt relief. troubles recuit "75 per cent, in Bcd Bwood, ~fdiseasç faIs ysep ifer st caus0ed by Vnnbi,~,-i ~disordered lid- theJet dan- neya. gereus of "Mighta i te/i iglaisû{gese, try to have a Diabeteý rus healthe, city Di-epsy." ii FlôUt asmer- ,Th ah oue tige, as gôod disceàe : Ynnet heelth zvJln thoe xis u fhor& lidncya (ire 1D ef'sKidnoy'ji aie çged, they eeai is a, ed ef prce ýo cet eu, --box or f 5.i De. L. A. Ss-ith & Ca, loneuto, V r e leoCk C-Laller ilacy lIS s-j -J A {ll

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