DAA~ EFORE TUE WORJ 11 frorn Canso, Nova Scotia-a typical fish bototecset that will stand almost -~sea and wind. She is fnlly equipped m H1er Mag'nifioeut ?ossibilti3 Beiug .&c- setmain sait, fore sal, asid jibs and ha ognieciby Hr Ehibi toti~ taper to lier spars that makes ber a perJ orizd byFair. àbt Otepicture of beauty. A sister boat of t Worl'a Fir.pretty craft was sliowu in Lsndou luin -- et the Fisheries exhibition, and at the cl A Clitcao Paper Celbç It t .Ulc i eu1 of that exposition bcame the proper ty ssFceseÎVe Shoiw." I1 .R. H. the Prince of %Vales ar f now f c The Chicago Inter-Ocican, coritining' itsapaLothrylfeeetow u a ofarbcle ontheCaniîai dipla absoutli of England. seres f atices n he anaiandislayet The display whicli Canada makes in, Jackson Park a ys :-One of the most Horticuttural building ie one nf the in prominent positions on tlie main floor nf the iehrie buldig, csîof isec eterimportant and attractive in that interesl TIdepartment of the Fair. There are th 0acete, lise been assigned to Canadla, se Cnde orsdvtdt riv Canadian court occupies au area of 8,0aa Ctalsdi wicuetexhibte. eto futal a square feet. The exhibit is lirgely madetalsan iexhbs.Teoali fromtheperanen colecion f te fuit 1isteabout 9,000 square feet. ' csp f h emnn olcino h ri exhi*bit is itnated in the south eul towned Boap stands at the department of marine aud fisheries at the the north curtain, sund je realty a nvcgni 7y ud Heusaehold Soap, both capital of the dominion, under the coutrol cn ipaociyn eryoehl Let of sales. of Hou. C. H. Tupper, wloio jenuw in cen ptdinoay thcuding.eartyoe-heif tthat portion nI tha building.tHebenag. to iretios, t das wsy Paries ag ent for the arbitratiou ri1ua.Cinaýda lias a muet artistic aud weli.arraî tshioncd drudgery of wash lu obedieuce to tlie urdere of tlie minister e soteto odltesadonmn wont be dieappointeýd. of marine every efiotla umd ocd asorThent of d teteaudomiruee OAP has'beau in use lun eliow the extent of Canalase illiruitableie aigTre , w ord anada somnirees )r thse pat 3 yeare, sud is fiehery iudustry, sud the rasult is tlie eplen- exhibite frnm eacl province bave seital eý beau specially appointad did dispiay that is attracting se muoli at- sub-beads giving the rame of the provisi tention lu tise Fisheries building. Captain iu wli mlitlie 'pecimens axliibited we tiaR ~o~Collinus, chef of tihe departuient of fli sud go QUINfielieries, was onuet the j Lrore for Canada grAn.itrsigfaur nrgr o at te ùique. lsheres xhibtio in on-splendid display of fruit is tîsat Canais don, Euglacsd, lu 1883, of whicl isu royal ouly excels in the variety and quality oft higîsuess the Prince of Wales wae the ex- hardiertruits peoutiar tn a Nerthern -co edutive liead sud Sir Edward Birkbeck, AMO 1~o itry, bu t her tropical fruit sncb as pa now a Britishroa commissioner to the Columbian exposition, tlie lieutenant lui trnnhcsl kona legre ~MtALS charge. Captain Cllins at tli'$ t'me prov- the Dominion of Canada, are of that fis cd hbuseli not only au able juror but a firm uyclaatrwibtonepcsts friand of Canada lu tbe severe competition in the firet grade of fine fruits. iwhicli Canada bad to couteud witli Aithongli the destruction onf the C( et that exhibition. Largely tlirough Sterage warelionee by fire li graatly1 Captain Colline' efforts' the donsin- paired the exhibit unr sister country liad son came nutl-no the comptition Irjilts of lest year, aveu yet bar dispîs: ? ~ wit tbrtytw gotd sud ixty sive sdb all means the largest ehown byane: s This Bnk le ipreparodto tedoLeoiti- mata Baniu1g in ail uts branches. Farnùra's ni -,os discounteti; Deposiýts eeceived ai 1 Interest pai on accounte cf 85 antid parsin Savingys Bauk Depanîcueuti Ihîolad udColetiuenade ln Europe ______________ Agent '1nine o na earlBakugBsiness ~ewmei A enny L'cal! anf uere aln edcrretrte. paabeodand, UUted States audCedaleGdivrd Ueleddta1ereentbac ksbouibt snd sotS. eOl là,àECi TIONS Prssiymaea aucuPlr2'1',ratas upoc ait part c1 mlea nitUL hUn1lteS States eau thc Maefor latL rge on suIli sas ou attp'ast or Caeadc.Tinte s1espuialby adu-arutugeoui tu pcrsn~ ivin in'4ailob)a on the'Nortilirvsi, it in àkas 'l!f1-u&c autableaet oua etthe O ruer pansilc L e a ai tire bank. ~. L FOITT, GItO. MnGtL.L, Accourient.Mars age s. Case-l taegrpeor tetephona recelve tac MsaI-rs. HONEY & Me-,UiRTRýY have purebeage-l thse GCentýy cf Turlsam Ifor tira biesý Wire Fane s nirC iu,,;try. Ihioj otronLg, casily lautitetianti oruamentat. Tt wili net ha injureti by anow, heat, enîti or winds, ht i li mm HIorses, Cettie, Shcep, Horys, Doge andi Pouitry. hi is s cet work withcout barbe, ant i wll net je. jure stock inueny way. It le muoh stron. er sud more durable than any berb fenc- iusg, heing eloîely wovcrn. Fayýce put up anti Ferm andi Township leg]e )nr sale. Apply ai CENTRAL LîvE - W. P. RICHI, Clarke P. 0., having »ought Clarkei Twe ilepreparedti i t uo netnce LA"r à --, Alu NCAAA a nomban nf bronze medals. So it la now gla State or foraigu country, sud oeeupie lu île eternuaifituess nf thinge lIai tha about one-sixil n te eantime fruit spaca.1 deaeninacut pnasided ovar by Capiain Col. addition to the inconvenience of havinga lins et thc Wontd's Pain ebsonld coutauna measo f presenving sund rncwiu îlhe dis most raprcsautative axhibnt nf the great play nE fresh truite by cnld etenage, Canali fishiug industry oi Canad, t ou3t thnu h île fine ail tIc freel Inuit wlicl EVERlIrlIASE 0F TrIZIEtSTILttFG INUSTRY, ccc' etnnad for uxemnination by île juronso Ou île attractiveansd substantjaI inn- awarde. plies in tle Canadien section ara arranged TUE PFROVI-NCE O OITARCjO. anr i mmense numnber of exhibîts rapresei. !ie province nionf nob ail means ils iug avcry phase nf île fieliusig inidnetny ni tangeet frii-growi n-, anaslun Canada, las ihaé cnuusiry. Tinis cfeamuolînimcrapdagylreeiitinuds fiabanice ni al kinde are filluldupilnîe ugh ehvaîci a epîe lun a freel eS-tt antstr pyamt lat m ?, emuet eîiking sud )9 btta ,ciVenionse kmnde nEofpni- appearanca, penticularly under tle radiansit sae Inuits, inciufliug 8sirawhenna£rie, chai- cicatrisa liglusisnluhîleavauing. Cormuai o intnis, goosabas-nias, rasphernias, peacias, fiel, justeas preparead u edyion markat, pune, epples, peane, grapas, etc. ara groupedsnaond un larrals, boxas, sud I lisacanten of île court le a epiaudid kits. Onme tisis e reniclarty notîceabie diuptay nf fruits inn'n the government about île Canadien axtibit lu ibis dapari- centrai axpeimeuîal isrm ai Ottawa,whîel ment, sud in thie respect it diffaesi£om tIsa includes 130 varieties nf grapas, thirty-si-- exîhîts ni soîne onitls neigîbons. TIc veietias nf raupbarries,fifîy-sevan varietias Canadianîs slcw thein aconominal sud nom- of curnansîs, founteen varicibies ni gnose- marciel fluh in theavanysmstybn of barnale barries, twanîy-eix vaiatias nf plume, aud sud packages in wlich they pot tleun on forty-fnur varietias of charrias. île marketinlu&Il qoaresnofthc gtobe. The province cf Quaban lias beau mone 1 Iera aren faucy bannais unade soely succeseful tIen eny ni île otisan provinces ion exhibition punuanses. Ail boxes, tins lu keepiug op a dieptay nfE mccl winter sud r1intats cntaîniug edibta fiel dinh apples, ef whîch tIare ana ovan saventy are cxhibitad ana in cvery respect île varieties. [sanie as thosa usati by Canadiean ficher- Nova Scotia's displey nf the différntu men un preparnug thicr fiel for tle hoeansd venelLies nf applas fmusa île fanions Anus. fonigu markets. Basidas thc large variuty polis vlcle sbayond citiciaru. Thousandi nf aconemin fiel are sciantific collections ni nf barrais nf thasa appias anunually findtil sinnlar fielinu alcohol sud dry collections ni way ta île Engl'si lmarket clerc île3 crostacca sud invertabratas ni machl inter- bring île ligliet pnieus. est su-d velue toe turlants. A vary lange, The exhibit froru British C(olumbia et- wall-moutad,and attractive display ie that tracts a great deal of attention bacause of cf tise stuffeti ecimns of a] uosi every île immense siza cf the apples sud pears epecias ni fiaI pacolian te Canadien waters. whicl aea xbibiîa td. Terne iesIeno a grea Thay are net plasten caste, but tle real vaaiciy ni île emalanr fruits, sud es-a, skine of île fis tuffad by skilbad artiste. peasces ara aultivated lu tIe Canadian TIare are alse moutd epecimaeis ofai- pnovin'2e on île Pacifie, mailsud hindi destructive te fiehl lue, Prince Piccard Ileand, the Nonîiwe varyiug in ize freinsawhite wliaia ci 2,000 Tarnitonie, aud Mnîsitoba have ail cradit- pounds ceight to tle tiuy weasset ni e fw able dispisyseof île emaUlenfruits. once. Iu île vagetabla court lu île North Appliaucas for taking fiel ara avrycliana pavition le e splendid diepiey ef test yaar' arrangeti on ehialde in attractive forun, iu- vegeaeis conîibutati ty ail île Canedia: cluding hlor, fiuas, flies, nets, pots, provinces and île govaruaut axpaniccutal saines, rakas, trape, daine, gaffe, tetc. TIe ferme ni île Dominion. This exhibit la$ diepiay ni canuati fisti is quita ius keeping ettract9d tIe universel attention of fermier8 witls île enviable reputaînon whidh Canada vieiîinsg TIc Pair, whlo express surprise e a las lu ihie depatmaut of fishiug inusetries. tle axtani sud varieiy nf wha Canada l Tisa axhtit 0f fih entle sgeod, ilorlghs net to show, hti se elenan intanasting feci tIsa lange. Fiels fenii7ars, modale of feu cening rhls is île ouly exhibit nf vagetabies sil h sud caumnig esblishsments, as well as dapanimant nf horticulture et tle expusi- modale noflshisg boats ansd fuil-rsizad buas tiin. andt doras maka up au axhiblus ilat la boîli Tle dine exiit is the seuil ding con- oceditabla anti attractive, sud shows iliet siete nio s abeautifit irophy coouîining unr neighboru ou tha nonîli lave a weatî in sampies ni native Canadien dines. Chocir fiqhiug isdustry tiret la wortli encoun. Is île central dome le a very beautifoi aging anutiprasenvin.g. suad etierically srranged dispiay nf tropical Amossg tisa Init-sizeti boats whiclî au- plants frou îe privaeansd public lhotbosse lance tire iFItarance of île courtàle oedthe provinceaf ni trio. i - ,c--.r ,.-c"' - . '-~c-~ nir'cc .5rp' - - - c-.,. -. IF CANATIA 5 Dt5PtAv JR Flu ANO PîCitERici ing i TE RASPORTATION BUILDING. any Th Canadien courts ara situated Ou il. ritti min cnr fluor annex sud west gailery ol eas AtheTasorainbuilding. Ttîcy couipriSE fect a "ttacaeaof15,000 square feet. leAng o, ther thinge the exhibits cousist 1 8 of caLr couiplere, chiltèd car wlieels, foi iec til Canada ce uoted by semnapbores eud n7 O if dlglt yachts sud vessais, sud a work. )rme ing moda,7l of the Chignecto Slip Railway, ,he _3ici lauowbeing coustructad ecrose tli th straits of Northumnbarland, whicli ouuacl tetheu ans f Nova Scotia wlîtlite mail soi,ýt tendý . TisF work whcn complted wil tir'. eliten thec Ocean trip between Montreal irea Qbansd otherports on tle Lower St ge- Lawrence river sud Boston sud New Yorl Irea by bundredeýJ of miles, besides avoidiug -th [ha dagro 3 hores ni easerri Nova 'Scotis 1fB using tis railway vesscîs wil e abl to eau ilirou0Lgli t'19 Golf of St. Lawrenx of ecrnst-eris of Northumberan sd, dowl iii the Baly nofuud-1,y, sud aning iie coastso 11g- Ma-ýine to Am n prts. Thc Chigneci itl Stip railway i,; lie nuiy work of its kWi uat ever undiierrtaken lui lie wold. Millions o lie Britiei sudCaniadien capital have alrcad, ate beaepenftt in the. utarprise, sud the wnri ce will 1lkeila cýe ompleted lu thc course of ra few iýyeasrs. TIc axhibit nf car riages,wagons c-arte sud trueke is fairty gond. Particule. Lis ieei semanifasted lu tlie splendid ax nt ùlibiofsleilus hidl Cnada shows. thi WUVVTER Av1EHICLES. ETC. n1,1- lu nule cut th courts is a beautiful mode re, nE le iaiglipresauted by the wnmeu ae'rn Canad as wedding presaut to H. R. H. th, Of Duke o',York asid the PrinicesseMay. Iti s agnfcetspacimen nf Canadien worli lom manehipý, a shows tîse perfection wbicl the sitraontry lias attainad lu th is lin, nid imnfcue The diepisy also in clude am a lre-axhibit of spnrting sud pieassor iris aunes, fnldJing bcats, snw elioe, tebog Isgans, etc., for whicli Canada, ase the hemi notf prtmn bas a world-wide re pute tieni. nhare are sîo large photographes c tIse tpgrp iaps of touris ouesané pleasur-e resoe ui!,aIl partesncanaa. lr the aiiix of the Trnprtto uildling is sfuilÏti-standard veetîýbnt[ed tratin-of the CaainPacîin ýýrailway. 1lIa antire train le boly n Ceadiazn manufacture, the cars beirsg nmade firom u atiive Canadien woede. Tia_ tai le aaid witli uniformcd offi ciels, Wuo x.ss sucQLntant attend suce and ever ready te7 give informstion tn iuquiriug visi- ~~~~î tosonlea eee pecuiarity about this exibujt, ud ilat is iat the train was net bilt for exýhibitionl purposes, sud is au exact typa e tha regular trasueiF on the Canadien A BELGIAI4 A'13ASSADO-R. -~ ~ ~~~t Pec-ssAtLisisi ent lRecord4. A deiguihdguesu t the Queen'*s botal, Tonoutei,lest week,1, was La Baron,, A. Sd'Aulia-n, no Extraordiuery, and N iietar Pbauiptaniiary te, lis Majasty tise Kliiug nofBlgin , wh, accompansad hy îhe tc arusdAntaMiss Buck, sud 51 ~ ~ ~ ~ , ilre ttnansOso hiie psvy teTokio, '~saas bfSîao t ar~p ie 71 iaa-tive coutry lu thiat dis uauýlt land. H(3', baus bean u l tediploasati, evc of B. gi'nru fo-r a numbaer of yas. lu 1881-3 lia hed chagefni Blgian affaire et MWashîeg- as ton, sud froru 1889-92' lie cvas the Balgian iu Amblas,-adnlu iBrazil. jHa bas beau sec- unc ret-ary ofem sia in viarions courte, in- s- ciudïiis t'hat et Couetautini;Pe. Thse Baron- La ee d'Anaethau lis 1ite:r nf the novelist, h Rde Hggnd L eaaiu of Belgiant Of affaire, îlie Baron seid hiescu0itry ruade u wari:kts display cou'tie Cniet u seiliee uautr'16 ty of BaigiorJ hcin i 1u);ted y-il the greaLt power'. ly g L lie jsc possed ilirougl egreLt rirn y- gttiuwhc a enided ilu tiadition nof g c l a illion 1VOters -ýto l il 1ni tl 'enild 10 elccet membaesof tIc ei- far r eJied t ,rugIt ocf vntiuig ou aveny maie2.5 yaei ýage sud upwsrd, sud officiais in d thýe ampoy onE tha Goverumaut sud citizens t olding degrees from euy of the uni- bvenýiiie,, 'ithonue or two nîhai- epaci- Sai cass wcre entitled te twn sud in coacases thîce votas, but the number cu- e.joyîpig thase spaciai priviiegts wus vary id emiaîtlu iini'psris9nuwith tle total voting population. h t'as fa very radical mess-- cure, sud ad tle entire support of île Kiug, Wlo wb a Le grat favourisia witli the pao. >r ple, sud in coetond witl al gopular movmb te. Habelievcd tisaionue of hie firsi dutus~in Japan would le tediscussa it iravisinu c f the commercial treatias witl e-lte ziîlnr-î, but lu ail tîse mausiers ha 1 e wcsl st iii consort witl the ailier Eure- ir peu powns, elgium baing on thc mosi 'Y fredytrs with ail the nations nf the wotd RgardAing the Congo Frac Stite, w ich y taywitli île poware wae C) vurî1a1uelasdr tue protection of B.lgium, t1w îlïolicýy onisicountry wae to an davalop tht tatc, as toa4ccora in tha centre nf Abri- ace a miodlte systca o f goverumaut, whicb ,n mîe xarcisa- a heneficial influence on al îlie nihoru trihas sud tend toe etab. lii1h h commrcenEthe dark continent wîîl ti tainother nations. Mauy Belgiane, lie eLd were shareholders in the Canadien SPacifia riiayad Canada was fevourably kwuto bi- c.unrymen. This wm i firect viit te Canada, sud as bchaldonuly ilbeau aa w hers utîe dounr.îr-y, le wscld y-1Ht ýle o exressloinion upon it yat, liii pro)posad olsîg cani ulIyas le travel. lad aierai scrta isacontinent, matters that aniiiglit h ;,a-,niîpnrtntutbearng upon I ~ulwar snthome bLy tic B1'ridaI8 C ou ut. rie rmainer jiuedetha vasaet \1onî Vide. __________ Igie mouthýL!ly h-ig ,eoer ,0 fet j lei Wha s Castoria is Dr. Samuel Piteher's prescription for infants and C>ildren. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Iareotie substance. lIt la a harmless substitute for Paregorie, Drops, Soothing Symlpa, and Castor Oil, It is Pleasant. lIts guarantee is thirty yeaxrsI use by Millions of Mlothers. Castoria destroys Worms'and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Cast-oria î7elieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatuleney, Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomachi and bowels, giving healthy and natterai sleep. Cas. toria is the Children's Panacear-tlko Mother's Friend. Castoria. IlCesec-ian a excellant medicino for chil- dreu. ilîthars hava repeatadiy to elSofuat ls good affect upon their chidran."1 DRc. G,- C. OSuon, Lowail, IMass. "1ýcastontla îl te bhast remedly for clulidrn of fan distant whanuaotharsilcous-'didarln intaeet etf tocîr childre, aud use Castor;,.- u- stead efthîe variasse qusck nostrmmewhich are dEestroying thein uoved eues, by forcing op!ium, morphine, soothing synnp and othen buntfui agents dosen thisaI'throats, tharaby sendWug tharu tepramaturu gravas." Di;. J. F. XmNcnEUaE, Conway, Ar' Castoria. "Ceestoria gto e siiritadautedtochlilrrethat 1 recomnd Il asoperiortouy preasaition lanown to rue." IL. A. Auasisi, M. D., 111%S. Oxrfounît b3., Brooklyn, N. Y, "Our phys1iane lua1,1ts hidau depri't mant ava-sii n ighly et their xpc--j ana lanthcir OUtîldepractce('13 ', Csiob anud although we ouuiy bave auong nr mcdi'-al eupiias whatis Le tuown ase naguler products, yet wu ara3frac b c oups ' tt tha tuenits cf Caetonla bas won use tanlok aita faver upon hi." UNITED Ho5pITAL "SD ItSPEN5AnT, Boston, IMass. ALLEx C, Samr, Ise -hE, rentau-e Compastv, 'ri7 Murray SrstNew' o, iy FOR S ýALE BY J. 1HIGGINBOTHAM & SNb) ffV1ANVILLE Toronto Business and Shorthand College FAlL TERM, SEPT. 4. Canda's ROE0R G A !-,ED. MANAGEMENT EUIPMEN J---ýget ndmost comjplete ~m'1,'l~ mr je o n eTr is locatd ý o ra o Sattefatinuinurauieoi /Et elSON W FIVE CREAT DEPARIMENTS. BUSINESS ENGLISH 1SHQRTHAND TEIJEGRAPHY SPECIAL PENMANSIIhP It Teacherq ara amiisant eeiie EastEnci Grain Depo The ijndersigned desire btlîthank the farrners of West Duîrham for the liberal patronage extended to us -durinog the past season, also to reminti them) that we are stili in the market and prepareti to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE ALL KINOS 0F iCOASEGRJ, delivereti at our storehouse cor.. King andiGo rge streetss., or at Porb Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FREýISHI of Canadiau andi Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bagrs. Rocik Salt forco anti horses, anti Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barreis which we are preparedti t seil GE~ZEIAJED E'OI~ 0AS11 Ail kintis of Luruber, Woodi anti DRY CLEAN SICREENED COAI4 a7ways in stock. We invite inspection andi guarantea satisfaction. -MoCLELLAN &C