FORSALE'BY 69 King St, BOWMANVILLE CLARKE FAIR. The CiAe Twuhi ali ExhLibitio)n was a splendidl success this ye ir, tie cday being favorable and the attendence large. The heýrse ring was the great attract ion there heing several good carnage bei-es ownied in the snuniipality. Ail that is requiredl is a god trick te uake thiis patrt of the prograin a succeas. The Board of Directos shonl manif est a little snore ambition and raise the stanid- ardl cf the exhib)ition te that of a Provini- cial or even te saXorld's Fair. We dont mean te make i, a rival cf the Industrial at To;ronto) or Columbiau Exposition at Chicage, but te thrm ow epetition open te the whie world instead of narrowing. it down te a townIshiP. Tise principal exhibitons et thîs fair f or ycans have won honore away trona home ,nd we very inucis mistake their pluck if they do ')nort feel able te cope with ail- corners. We dispise tise selfishness that chrateizsa coecniui exhbibi- tIen, lutishe cse of theCne fair as nelw cuutdoiy residenits of tise town- sihip can comipete and a few diayg sfter- wânds, the Clarke people cenme over te thse West "ehn"and DnininTown- slip e biinand c ipee( arinat the, whole universe. This is net tiC, kinid of bravery the Clauke peuple are capable of showinig. They eauodlerwn in a great rnany ways aginst the world and tbey ?shiotld t once remeove tise berniera froin their fair and ask every nation under tise sui to enter into competiuson witis thecm t all thuin exhibitions. Xhat say you, worthly Clarke pe'pie? CUiapinana inos, J frison, 2, u. -) yI'L010, Geo Gry, Chapinas Býrus. r OCi,Ccap- ianl Bros, 1, 3, J Mas n. Foal, T WV Underwood, J Mason. hainnBros-. GEE u vroaxF.-Brood Mare, J F Osborne, TJoiin Morris,, Chapmau BLros. 2 yr od, A A Po(wens, M eConuachie Bros, Alex Hen try & ou.1 'yr oLd, T ibson, %N' Ulusenc(e, John Buk Ve. ,F -T JF OsbrRe P talssî, JMorris. Bros G Hl Linten, T W Jacksoni. 2 yr old, G L W addell, S B3 Dobson, G H I Lin- ton. 1 yr oI,(], Madus;on liali, Wm Shlep- perd Foa1, T W Jackson, MelConnaichie Bros. Two year old enitire colt, D) Stev- ensý. Span besvy ratJoseph fHenny. ,Span general ipurposFe, Joi llnny, Allin B'ros, W ttt pa arna;ge herses 15ýý handa and oves, A Dig.Singe carniage herse 15,ý hands sud over, A fleniry auid Soui, A Aag Polsd. Under 15. hadStaiker Bros, W Colville, W Wad- dcii. Saddl ereA Plad W Shcpr- perd. SPECIÂýL -Style and Lspeeci. Wmi Coi- ville, Staiker Bro8, WmWadell Si'l s',EnDuseo-I WMeMillail, Staîer -Bros, "tiewy"Riclis Ricis- ards',"auuyBo" DcarÂ~-owA A Powers, R Bown Heifer 2 yrs, J M Cbb Adc, APowcrs. Hefr1. yr ld, A Pow.r. R Brown. leiffçg caîf, R lBrowul, A PoensBull caîf, tAPowers, ilM iso. ull 1 year, R BrQow, HlGibsoi1.Bull 2tyarand over, J MCohcik 1oLr --Bull, Il W Rcuwmicýk, S M Billîngas. Cow, Thos M1 Gibsoii, 1, 2. Hleifer, 2. yrs, NY S «yamsby, D) J Gibson. Heifenu 1 y, IH \V Renwick, Tho)s 3MGis- GRAD,ïE.-Cow, ROsoreJlin uten. HUeifer, Jas Browul, 1, 2. Hleifer 1 yr, Tf W Underwood, R& A Col vellI. Beifer caîf' A A Ro'.lfe 1, 2 s IIE EP. Ll,EETE.-Aged ran, VBcbrn -Alun B1ros. Shlearling ai, W C Bak humn, Alliai Brom. Ram lamI4, AMliri Bros 1, 2. Aged ewcs, W C Blackbuil, Aluin Bros. Two ýshearliug ewem, W C Bieck- humr 1, 2. Two ewc lams, XV C Black- buru, Allin Bros. Srn-ePrnE.-ge ewsA Tamblyn, G MUitchiell. Shealiug- ewes ,Tmln Two lambs, Geo Mitchell Slietrftig ramn, A Tamblyn 1, '-. Ram lamis, A TPamblyn 1, '2. s w1 _NE. BERçsaIIt.-BanR & A Cuiwell, J li PowîfBar jpig, Allia _Bros. Bnood sew, J'as L Powers, A 8ab 0-eSo Pig, R & A Ccli5l Allial Bros. A-,y LAfiQE ntE.Bodsow, John Buckley. So-w p J Powers, Carnet Pal. lOULTIY. - lu poultny, Jas F (Osbotne w-ia wade Il firits and 5 seconds; Ed Bîihe 1 trsts nd 13 seconds. Tiseotherwinrswee Julia ijixon, MI.JE Littie, (Osborne, jiRtie Davey, B'oweui. In finle arts thie Miýsses Osbornec, CclI- ville anld Drurmmnrod weî e the winners, Thle fhuit ehbtwas Samaller thail 1n3aa but the qnality -was superier. Scea fui exhhliýtors were _Mrs R OhuCee Beer, W S Gamnsby, R r, Allini Bros, R and A Cow-l1X HChialinT G ibso-n, A Tamiblyn, WV S Gamsby, J Buckley A Rolfe, Geo aiiifJnot)WaddIell. Domnestip manufactures were about as usuel mand the awards went te Mrs D J Gibson, Allin Éros, S B Debson, Mrs A A Gamsby, Mrs R Brown, R Ard, Miss Osborne, Thos Little, J Waddell Miss Hall. The winners on grain and seeds were, spring wheat, R and W Hlarris, J KivelI, sr; whcat, white, WV Cooper, A A Rolfe; f ail wvheat, A Tamblyu, Gee Luxon; twe rowed barley, A A Rolfe; six rowed bar- Iey, W Cooper, Thos Raîney; peas, black- eycd,John Buckley; peas - hite,TRaýinley, A Coiville; peas, sniail, J A Cow n es, white, Rt Moon, A A Rolfe; cats, black, R Ard; cobs corn, in ear, ycllojw struuig, WV Xaddell, Thos Gibsoni; timiothyv seed, Robt Ard; heans, W Il Chaplii,G Lux.'on. SPECIAI PRIZE CIVEN nv Mn. XV..T. LOLo RTý , Mfý. P, P. Red Fifec Wheat, A Roife; Smjall es J A Cow-,an. Murnmy Pea-, NVH Renwick; blcrydPeas, Allin Br-os;Sirod Ttarley. W Coer; Wite Oatq. A A G Covilo. ents desa.igcase, Ettie Colvihle. Colar. anid cuf box, Eva Simp- fon. P1aint ou lace, Mîrs A Toungen. Wneath, MssBella Staîkier. Ornemnt- ai paint,NMiss MMillon, -Nightdnress, boy's, Miss Ettie Colville O,1, b1ss G, H Linton. Beadwork, Mis Tis Vinson. Cniosity plant, Miss Cifford. A CAPITAL .ADDRESS. 11-oJhnHekiu, Q. C_, of Tononto,i wss gneeted with a very 1.1rgebsu liel-ca &t ula, n Suniday r veî.ss-g where by, epeoe l'uct ha dehvvred s ou "Cht sead tliseG, spd a, ciseau fo th age Dr. loakýin i s uolin Butter Mitchelta Cernera, or Zioin, sud oremiocf tise peopla who kixew luiilhindesired L;o have him viÀi the soction ani dgive th"eit au ddrs.The Zion .cisurci is unîdear- gigri-suova ion sud ten'arcieot, e useh meeting wNa, heici st E dac. Thse sarel editice wai jpeckcd tetise daers sud se atteritivaly sud earrnstly déii the jpeople "1haug ou tise lips" of tisa speaker, th.t a pin migilt ansathiave been ieerd te dr-1p At tise close, in a fe3w eppropniate v(oîd3., M\r. W. Werry expre.sed tise gieat plesisure eiiiwhich hie alhaJ itered tfo ise worthy speaker si-d the ce ugrega1ion heartily ta iettijiapproblati. n sd 1ocrec. . SteisenWashiuigton asBised lu tise divotio)nul exercises. Dr. HisiseiowE-dlhts sulience a pocket Bible thqt lha boUaishb viile eugaged as teaciser ta that sFectïùin,"j ý etrs age and readl a peco cf peatry îinacribed on tise fiy leef wbicis he coinpesed st itie e R3-1 spe-ctisig the discou ir-es weu eed ouly say that it was like ail tise ether dîsoi e thait we have he-arc;Dr.fcksdivr ineaveny saure wortisy of tise niin sud cf tise subjeot under cousideratien. MUauy passages were citad froin tise Otd Testa- ment ewiich foratold OhieVats ceming sund avents ta bis life sud tise speaker ieft De doubti mihatevar on thsamins f bis 1heasers about tise Holy Srituesa coutainec inl the 03d Tetameifnt hiug iu- epired sud propisetical of uiauy tiinga ne- cordad iu tise Naew Tesgtamneut lie urg- ed bis hearers,- especially tisa youn.g, te maka theinselves famiiar with tise sacred truths of tise Bible sud te neyer lae isani- ed te conifes Christ anywhoe and every- rhere. Severa4l citizcns of Bow-unvilte drove eut te Sainia te heair Dr. HoAkin sud e: iighiy were they pieased with tise dia- cunrie, that e wish hait beau expnessed 'tu hava it delivaed in oea f tise town chujrches, sud we siuncerüly hope that Dr. Iloskin cânebh3 pnevafled upon te nepeet itin iis towu a a arly dateý Any clotis hought at MTasons Clotbing or Dr.7 Goods Stores eut free of charge., Ca'l an i seetise ch3ap sud pretty Wîail1 Papers tKi by' bforebui. Minard'd Liniment Lumibemman's Friend. After epenîug as11 ro-itilsr Mrs. Colemlai gave a býible r:eaotiogL Mrp. JJ. R ec 4ucodaprny.ur vice. NIrpý. Fie 1I(, rI0 sepru Sid read a ý cry iteeanIL, d ,s ad1 Milîon ntrducd lse tehs s, ui paper. 0O1e of Iis* erv iicas tevents w,,s IMis. T. E. Illîggîs h Al1 tkonher Vi 1i leIb VTis Weld'sY Mr. Fitcher gýavo a i-ece addra-ss Mos rel, dc ,u t ctseQ-e1 Drawer. A,, Ihe v-siug t1session' church was i ictiy fil cd. Thie pros was: Diinl X'xieRev. J. Reai adr'-s cfw1~mef tise NW T. U., Mss, Mouenit; o .A Keen welc.nvild the dýeegaes lubc of thse Preshbyterian: chu-Ch; C. ('. A strong, sonrg; Ihegrea iti,19of thise B Teisiplars and ( n f -le î nr replied to l'y Mis. NI, Crydermiai Bownivil <;cngs 1-y Ii.Tam Mis.Hggibhs, 0. A. Ojamishy. Mrs. (Rov ) Real); cientîfletepe instruction by &is Baghin; a Iý 1pape- was gîven bhy Mrs Andrus; 1 W.S. Piitciiard. ý-. A., iwnn gave a splendid sddrtaa on('i' le \W. C U; the clisr furiishedl exc,4li lt mus q lia Oron.o ladlies vosy hsia tertained the viiting delega-tas at lu constsnd tes. 'T'istîe ion 'mm te over $9.00 It's 'rther tOO muc1h for --tise ordiuary, bulky pili. Tee te take, and teo 1mac1h disturba fer your poor systein. Tise 8miai easiest te take, and best, are pierce's Pleasant iuPellets. 'T Ieave ontaeh tise disturbtne, t(oyou miore geedi. Their i, constipation> Itîdligestien, Bul Attacks, Sick or Billis Ieadac] and ail dleraulgenents of tise Ji stomacli, and bowe(ls are preveni relieved, rnd per-manently cu Tiseyre gaa teedtegive >satis tien, or yeur moucy iii returned. A. COLD EN "il F 5~D"iS qui( vured 1w Dr. Sa, Citarrh Remiedy. is Catapnisal ied and QevytroublieI aIIs ausedby Cata Se is cataris 1it * Tise preprietors c $500 ieai IsIfor case which Ithley cannet cuire. kJý by ail druggists. New Bulci nlg l:urm.- Mnr. Alir ci Gniey sud M-. F Humber hiave fonmied s paýtnershi[ Wilt carry on burin ira as cenura( buildtr3 a c gnealcarp'ue~ are tisoroughily skilled sud 1pis werkmeu, , ivllng au iuluale kuosiw of aII tise dodtPis (of thîir uios wiii endeaver te givoc osInplete S,4 ' tien in ail l efst-' te( t Tisey treprepared ite udcent ;kea sou work onr rpaistssg inthie ca'patîtry give estatals, sud wliere a csa supply mtril.Corresp-ondence be acldnressed te Culley & Hu imber, tractersansd Buildens, Bowia.nvi]! they muay ha seen personally. Guiley lives ou Centre St. sud Mn.1 ber con, Quies sund Outario Sts. Oel sud as tise cheap Wall1 frein 5c. np et T. Sherin & C's. 200 et 300 cutoeerswaut ed ret ', &Co's, Reid'îs Bleck, KiUng Street Bowmsnville, te take sway walPs' ceaI pricesfer tise next :30 days. Ask'for minarl's and tlse neollih Na. RCHl Alin Bros, Geo Beer, F P Doncastera W. 0. T. U. Bnckcley, 1). Steveus, T WV Jackson. Thi poultry- exibit wojuld be a credit to a The -Ith annuel conventiou or the W, couny shw. mnaChitiiïi'mprne no AGIRIULTUAL iPLEMNTS. Durisani çounty was h1eld i e.Presb teaachurch, Orono, on Vednebdy 1l2 Double carriagq E Piinder, Rl Foster. is. when therc, waq, a ftir a",udiýh Singe carnae R Foser, E Pinde. CW nta.d a very euccesdul Suîd inereir ter, R, iFoter, 1, 2. meting. Tho hri unonuf the cejun There xas flot as large display of plants numer80 active and Il 1h1orary tuel and fiowers as we hae seen here beoe bern. Regu'ar m-etiings have h) uenlhe W S Gamblsy and Geo Býeer w-on the chief avelage arendance 30 Cash recel prizecs Mrs A A Gamlbsy, BlirJ Brownl during the ycar: Pot Ihope, ý71;- and Mrs E H1all also won prizes. Bowmianiville,$4 12; O o1,>nt repi The prize wvinneË(rs for v<eeAle wvre ed; $ý20 was sent te the Poica r NV Glliby, IlCLW4 JiD B ' urer. Publeicmeings held 9; Worne W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " SGmbWHCplJDaeRJournal takai, 47 copiie;nuirpo and A Coiwill, A Tamiblyn, R Ard, J A 52'.h lwr iso eo Jeromoe, J W Chiapman, D) J Gibsoni, Geo 104 bouquels di-vnibutcd i e ilj Beer, T Gihson, J Millson, A A lfe, fruit, etc, Lteraturoe di8ttibute i,10 Ma-s A A Gamslby pgis; mnost (f the curhe are ilss'g i The dlisplay of dairy producýe was excol- fmented win.saveray% petis sh lent, the butter prizes feIl to Mesdmes be, cireulated; literaure and cocu Rý Browni, 81B Dubson,Jas B1>rown,R Ard baga have been stnt t. lonîhermpn s rmeered fruifthers olfeMrS J Buc Msme localpapars sPped wtth ite Pickles, Mrs W S and Mrs A A iGamsby. iMnet. Mrs HROsore capturd theeboneypries. !The nwo pieseect"'d are:Prsî The ouber wsnners iunthis depad t-Mss V. A uolman, port Hope; vi were Geo Beer, Mesdamies R ozlufe, N Frp l.Fet1 n3, H1all and Millor, JRArd and Mis o 'ilpe;ietMu.R FeL Nd, Bos Brown. ville e e'.Ms J. H.Ml Oronoý;CrsoyMs ru' XVArmnstroug woni the l1aruca.spinzes;, Hope; Trea.-Mrýs. TP. Il ar,Beî J Waddell cabinlet work, WNVH1rris a"d R vin'. upesintenrd ,ts tcf Dpru Ard fiannels, and on crpets, mas, knîitt- --Evaniigelistie', Brs. "\Wm. Cr-y.3e n ed gooAs F Waldon, Mrls A A Garnsby, Rl nwwinanvle;Fuir wùrk, 1% Js.. ,Ard' Mrs D J Gibson, W Il Chaplin a1d jonam, Bowriraov V; Sciossitie te 1 rsJas radlley were t'le winners. aceMr.F. 1' V, B .ghm nl B'-.; The ladies depatment contaied a very vile; Franhisepht io s m n ". 31 creditable dlisplay and tce prizes weV(re Neada, Bowmial1ýil!r; .ivr1le w.t awarded tuoMesames A A Gamsby, j Misi MI. A Býunu. r, ouîvl;F Waldell, 1R Ard, T Vinson, D J Gioa er misson. Mse lo ch, .hArru11 N F HallI, W B' Allini, A Simmnous, JI L Lumibsrrna!-M'a. i;. M 1ï, O0e Reowe, A Tourgee, -.1 BrownIR Brown, NrctiaMs. R.. K S ,. J, Ilo G Il Lintonl, E Hall, F L Squair,, ilD1 Sabt a'h osracM i s. M. Cr3 dt rw Noble, and Mlisses Mýaggse, Etoie and Bowmanvîlle;Ilygiee hei s'y, I KaeColvll, ADrnuod B Staiker!, P. A. lenry, Bonnv SIve 1 Gent'S fUit 8'2 500 25 00 50 00"20 00 4800W 18 50 38-00"'1400 18 00" 750 r Wa!ch, 45 00 " 19 0 Il 4000 " 17 00ý 25 00"Il12 CO 1i22 00"Il9 50 '2000 " 9 00 zeWatch. . 7 00 " 3 90 L eày 1' S)t1i d Gold Walt-«' hana or Elgin Watcb, 40 00 Ladly'ii14k Stiff'd Gl,30 90 Lady'Osilver Watchl..,. 12 00 Cleokae, 8 dey,Cathedral gond, haîIf hour struke 8 00 3 00l Wes EndIAHou3D OeL Has moved te, Nead's Blok, avïing foundI it niecessary inorder te mect the demnands of inreasing trade I1 have made this chiange aud am fitti-,g up an opt.ical parler for lho purpose of t,,rtiný eyeigh,inLfet shall spare ne patins te acconmmodate thosje who) may favor nm3 with their patroniage. My gooa are boug-ht for spot cashf which enaibles Me to al the very has;t go )ds at pricea which ne cne cas underseIl. In the folIlowing p-ies bast the firat counrepresBenltsthe prices et which gocp hve beenl sold in this town, the second nmy sligprice. Gent's American Gold Watch, $65 9W for $260 We have received our first shipmient ~ CERMN MDE and we invite every lady in the district to give us ai c aIl and see thern. We have imported more Ose6 day, str 'ke......5 s5 largely than. ever this year, and wo Nikeaarrnest...... 2006 0 !ýO ay without fe-ar of contradiction SilerThmbes........ ,2 that we have the finest assortme-nt, Pie'kle Carýtoîs, On ts, Napki- P, R îg!, Kuives, Foltks. Su -nnamM sud R5h kil nia"t bo)th in price and style, in this part Jesrelry sud ilSpec scl s tequatIy se X c j L- L1 a5sthe aboya. of thel country. 1 epa ýi r iil.- aud e gaif)g th Oroegil y done, no) char-ýe fur t-.ting e3 ej3ght,every accommodation f rf,ùnn s s ,will gu iran'te3 to Iuaiàü the .Y,,ilaIfp-1tect F' any Optici- an or OcuUst tieai make it. You will at on3-e see tha.1t il w-II bd to yu adyantage to cail on T. N. 1, LUK A RD, WafchuitaIker, J e~rand Optician, Ricçkard's3 Cash Jewelry ar d Optical Bouse, Bo0wma!nville, Ont. P, . 8- ear i îujnd Sw iass atohes are dear at a.ny pr ce anid a bill of exp-ervse to those who carry thezin. GET YOUR PICTURE ITAKEN. iWe haie added t0o r stock of inat.rI- mnets a Yi ry fine Hawkeye hand camera and are prepared to take aniap shlots of picnic pir'iea,, residinces, or animals at -,hort notice. Wei!il go inito the coun- try if desired. We also tske photca of cemetery plots at very low prices. Drop in and hv some good cabinets taken oF voiurseif at the wel Lnown gllery. TAIT &00., Market squnare, B'owmaniville. 22. la The Ladiesi' Uin; Journajl f,), Sep tember "oenaRighs andWrg' are dis,ýussed for iheý firht turne rn pritlby the Rev. T. DoWitt Talmageo ver his oignature, and John Lambert Payne con- a delightf ni essay on *'What its Written in a Wonsaïf's Face." Mre. Burton Kiugs)ac ham a helpful article on "Tht, Conduet of a Gueft." Palme: Cox gives a page of his inimlizable3 "Brownies"' "Wheu Oboasing a Bone," by Agues Bailey Ormbas, fand "FurnisNhing a MoUdeýrate Hlome," by Hlend Jay,arv both helpful sutunran articlem, foliowing c'o)30 in initertst on ?idsf bMaria Parlcia's p4per on "Op)enin,,g the Winter Horne" Pab - 1bshed by 'Tise tJurti8 Publiehsng zComnpany of Philadiphiia, for tes cents per number and one dollar per yeur. (hre iu f avor , ç.A rcen and aroma ûoF 5r-noýklPn [obacco5 as îhi ciýar. ranRb wilih t'ne [trîe, a v- n3ciq3ar$ in c0m"n rLn-,on. f. PACE ~TOB13A C'00 .. RICH MN, VA., d i MO N TPEA L. C A- F OR tise resuoval of wormiS Of ail ksnds fom childrezs or aduits,' u1se Drè GMITWs 0 ERhlgi WORM LOZENOES. AlwvaYs prompt, xeliable, safe ýnd pleasant, requiring no after medicine. Never faiiing. Laeno bad afier .1..,c 25 cente Pei' Fox T 0 R-ýEN.-For terni of yea, 1"GIon Disul "-300 acres3, 2 mliles frein WhfitbY- good buIld1ngs ani eoil. Amialot, tork r dairy. Otance for goieg exrý-enively ito Toronto m'ilk bbusiniessor stock raising foi ssnerican rks-. M e wsh capital only A4eed aPPlV. aJ. Il. Dow, Whitbiv, 32 tfi SREMEMBER we con sider it no trouble to show goods, Don't, forget our B O O T and1 SHOE Department WVe keep the best. Highest price paid for ail kinds of produce. JOH-N MoMURTIR.. BI GO Sý___ TIN GOLD and SILVER s eu'OING LIIKE -ýýorhfor $10Ô Evrting going at Raif Price, GoId and Sîl-ver Watches, C]ocks, Brooches, Rings and other Jewelry must be turned into mrnoy.-lI, Core ad see the goods and prices. Thris is a Forced Sale. YV MRY--"THING MUST GO. AYNARD THE JEWELLER, Big 20, BOWMaDVilleý FAIL OPENUNC, 18q9 L aay 1 es dacket8p e mým