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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1893, p. 1

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PglRM&8:-1.6O PaI Axvaa. OUR TOWN "ND OOUNTY FI Nzw SaunEB, BOWMIÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, 1893 FAL 183. STYLE, DURABILITY,I0 ECONOMV. nrui~~u ifoster sS es JOHNSTON # ___ itoYEMN 0*L 0 TnADE MARK IIEOISTEREO. announce that they have States, nd sutpi eain al-~i~ 0illcs oand comfort any macle in Can- .received nd opened out0 ado. ,kour dalrfor FS the bulk of their A. T. Fosterk CO-, Rock Island, Qu,. 0 Iau E"' hs la mi OeMaitTahIl e clln F on old friends bore lataly .... Mr. J. . FALL ulvlruminu uvil oY i'Manîtob...atMr.W. G. Sortbasoorcfiold tahefre, of .MrW. G. and tey e tend spe al " phr chssoed the MrmW.f Mr. J. anci speCiael Shrt, eof cup led Mr. .Fl. invitation to the Ladies of rosn Thur£day wswl tedýd althougli it rained ail the afternoon. The * stock was of mediumn quality and pricea West Durham tw examineragdfo 2 o$0aha o ie cows aud about tt e same in proportion for theidr sberb stocks.ofiLadies Young cattle., . .Through te rterrs of Mr. G W. Lent and Mr. R. 0. Short a weigh mcale company has been formed and Missesj ber* aud a pair of Wilton ocales erected, If the Postmaster would turu his atten- 191elJFR M A N A r tion as uuremittingly to the procuring of ar n u i wa daily mail we think it would be acom, A BusinEss LETTER-T. Milburx Co., Sir.-PItage ship- at once 'i dczen B. B. Bittere. Best salli medicine-tu the ishop. Sald seven botr to-day. Yonre tro ly 0. Thonpson,,7 sonbury. The above ample is buto of hundredca of imilar expreessons regar ing B. B. B. %# #mot gr# " IF~ UA NTELS' beyond qu 3t and mc FUX WORLD ÂFTERWÂRDs, NESDÂY. iNOVEMBER 1, 1893. NEW HA VBY. lice thure rerna te be a disappoiut. t w e-n your paner cornes without any a fuçm Our co'nmulniî y i thiuk I will ea few itemns again ...Everybody usj part e-rus ta ho busy with the gbînc, and the- root crepa. A number ýrawing their grain auj apples t,) the :e. Y. rîSullivan ard two daughtors, U'nion, were in the vicinity Sundsiy Moneay . .. .Mrp. Hcard, Salemr, is ing at her daugbter, Mss. Beïlamy's. W% are eorry te le-arn of the audden h of Mfiss Moses. 1e-r family have the patby of frionds bre.... .Mrs. Alfrcd c-aïlp,, Moutana, is expected homoe in rv daye.. ..Mr. Miartin, our teacher, visidung bia. parents at Weicome, rday sud Suuday ...Miss Addjo ers, Tyrene, is calling on old friond. 1le-isie wss around renewing old se- bE) HiEE.-DO you fe-el bine sud' ondeut ? Do pains rack sud tear vat serve sud muscle, and have you diiaaprointed in finding a rernedy wil fford certain snd speedy reliefI ,go at orca te any drug store sud aboýttie of Polsou's Nervilino. Pot- ierviline mover faits te selieve cramps, hoad ache,rtheueiatism, ýIiternai sud externat pains. J. iral, dsoggist, Morlisburg, wsiiLos: parties I supply speak very cmyf Nerviline, sud aiways pur- o Fecond lot." Polson'si Nervilino o-A in bottlesi at 25 cents-ýby al 'sdcountry dealers overywl-ere. fàEGailagher baibeen vis Itircg in ... ý Wbila Mss. 'B. Powell, sr1 ing- at Mr. B. Powell'. jr , ahe 'IOu nserieuBly ill snd stillis i. y .'.Mrs. J. Hubbard bias bad typhoid cPt la recoering ... . Mr. R. Ban- imbasri and cropa weso burned 4C;y no(rniiug week..Mr. snd ;Huulbut have been visitiiug at n... Vsitr.:Mise-Mfannin'g, e,(;MiessAM. Hogarth, Selles; Mrs. Iw),esman, Port Perry; -Mr3. D. Claýrtiinont; Mr. Ja5,Omitn Mr. and Mrp. A. .' M. A JAMlX l ICDIToR Â!-i,> ,rýym% *VOLuME XXXIX. ~U~ibE1~ 44 RIA 1>DQN.. Mr. Thoq. Cowling bas bought the bouse sud lot occupirra by Mr. Snell and owre-d by W. Trewin, EEq . ... Misses Ada sud Lottie Yco of Liitle Britain wese welcorne gucîts at Mr. W. H. Creeper's ...The lecture by Re-v. A. J. H. Sfrikeý ou the Colurrbjatn Exposicion guid social on Mouday evening were a success.... Mr. David Bruntiased anothes barn on Friday. Everytbing went together ulce- ly, Thos. G Iers, coutracton sud buder. Fer the cure of beadache, constipation, stornach sud iver troublesansd ail de- rargernents of the digestive sud assirnil. ative organs, Aye.r's Pilla are invaluable. Being sugas coated they ara pheasant te take, always reliabie-, sud retain the-is virtues lu anty climate. TYRONE. Mr. sud Mre. Ne-il Stewart sud cbitd. reu Moutsns, U1. S., are visiting the homos of theis youtb. lt je hopod that breatbxng ber native air once more mnay improve Msrs. Stt warý'sj health....Mr. Joeph Kelly, Biddulph, Ont , visited Darlirngton rece-utly. Boe likes the WEst well_. . Mr. sud Mrp. R Pollard, jr , are Ppeuding the-is bonoyinocu with îe-lative-a bore.. Mss. J. Mitchelh,sr , Enniskilhco, la visitiug bore this week ..ndeuts cf the Bible c'tafa we-re uuuch pioased, te have their tesoher Miss Etta Campbe-ll with theru again on 8sbbath AIAPLB GRO FR. Mr. Thoo. Kirk in c i s pring te bud a ne-w bouse on bis corner lot.. Mr. Ge-o. Cook bas saised hi$ bouse sud lai putting a atone cller under it. ... Mr. Jacob Sýeveus had s succeseful huekîug Ibee aset week--tiist Gf the season. . .. A few frîends had a pieasant tirne ut Mr. 0J. Frauk's Fiiday e-vening .... Quarte-ny servi-a will behb&d be-e- next Sunýav Mornifig. R-V. W/r. J0lliff, itoWu, WIli preach. .. . VisiterE: Misses A. sud L. Yeo, Little Britaiu; Mies Miry Cartis sud Florenct, Gibson, O hawa; hMs. sud Miss Batthe-it, Cte3are-a. . . . Fme-ss heye- shipped 4 car loads cf 1buckwhe-t a sat î'aek7 i R.H IN TÉE HEAD i uunde)ubtodýiy s1E cf the bloýod, sand as sncb ouLi'. 16 iebhood nurîii, eau (ff.,î',a CANADA WILL BENEFIT. Lt is a question if any country repre- se-nte-d ut the World's F'air will derive gre-ater be-ne-fit than Canada ii, thý, way cf a business advertisemeut. As the- bo)ys s% , v, the othor countries are "iot, in it" with Canada iu scaredly auy departrnent in whicb she bas be-e-n a compotif or. If the tarifi walls betwe-eu this coutrýy sud the UInite-d States were but re-movcd! our surplus products would find thecir ivay across the linos froua the Atiantio te îLeh Pacifie. A despatch te the Empire last wook says "The Ontario fruit show is atili oee of the stering sensations of thie Col- ninhian World's P'air. Johin W. Çak madnage-r of the Georgia State- Fair ut Au- gusta, lasting fromn November 14 te De-c- ombe-r 14 is se please-d sud iute-reste-d in the inaguiicent display of applos frout Ontario orchards as te soquest that s rep- resenitatîve, collection ho furnisbe-d bi for exhibiting te the bundre-ds cf thos-ý,-ý sud4 cf F3f 'utherners 'wbo attend. Ne-w York bas hithesto been tire pnrcbasing point for the- south of apples f rom îLeG nosih. but Mr. Clark is now openiug tup dire-ct comnmun c.tio!i with Ontarie grow- ors." We- gave special attention te the fruit exhibits sud in appies- partiecula sly, Canada eciipsed e-vory other displsy. The Countie3' As.esmeflt. The ape-ciai conamittee on the equializa- tien cf thLe asssment of the c'unties be-id a session on Morday sud Tueiday, which waý fhiowed by no practical resuits, Se-vîraI pr p qi d ma w vese bhsought for- ward as te afairer divîiixc f tho nassa- ment, but all cf them wrere výored de-vu. The Dubhu.rme-n claimed th.v-,liNorth- umhorlrid rec-uv d s largur ah%-e- cf the c uuty expouditnres thiba Duirinud fors that rera n sh'ord be- sem s(d for at le-ast a million del;'ara more, whi-h at the- present rae cfeue miii, w,-,ue!hoc t,00G ia taxai n. Ano;he-r pr lpositiou was alise vieted dop n,te appoint corrnulssioncee te go through the fw jcoutiosie, va'uie the land sud apport jeu the a-sessmeut accord- ingly. Stillîa 'bird acte-me veaisugý,,sied te le-ave the- question te the ceurî-y inuge, but tWs dirii ni rnett wiib f ivos. The commi te-e e-dj 'urne-1 t.) me-ýet agaixa the fi rat <av,, f ter' pih. a~ r g. , ,of DOUHE OHNTON& ORYDERMANI SFlrv. 18, 1893, BOWMANVILLE. 1T J WILL find the placco for it when you seo our FALL and J.WIN TER display of quality and'elegence. Our seasonalble stock Iacks rothing but buyers. They will corne. They wiIl be satisfied. Thoy wil buy at thto firest prices ever made for such qualities. Vis- itors are not asked to believe but are shown goods to convince them tbat, ive are o digthe ,trade in BOOTS and SHIOES, IRUB BERS, OV-EliSUOES, SLIPPEr-S, etc. If you wish te seec tho lateat ino-elties and newe-st idéas for the seasc'n corne aud seo us. If you wish to se-ce the very be-t in Standard Styles aud se-hable makes corne and e-e us. If yoi ýwaut valuea for your mone-y corne and se-e- u. Truth brande our goDois "oe-Qulity;," Fashion pronounceso them l'correct Styles." Economy se-comme-ndesou r "Lu w Pie If yeu want to enjoy the f ull purchasing powe-r of vour dolar sýpend it with BOUNSALLS8 MARBIE AND GRANITE WORKS, (EstabliFihed 1857.) Finished Granite Monuments in btock from $125 to $500. HANDSOMaE DESIGNOÂAND BEST MÂTERIALS. RED PETERIIEAD AND GRA,,Y RUBIS LA.W SCOTCILI ROSE, RED) ANU PURPLE SWEDE .......... .... BLUJE PEARL AND EHERALD PEARL........ 2NSHPMARBLE MONUIMENT.S in stock from $45 to $200. INý ALI, THE BEST K-INDS OF MARBLE AND LATESI' DESIGNS. 4WBefore placirng yjur order, CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK, and SEE WHIAT YiOU ARE BUYING. 7 ly E. R. BOUNS.ALL, Proprietor. Iji SALZ OR RENT.-fouae sud I RENT.-For terr of years, "(;ien X, ii fors ale or to rent. situate on TLDhu "-300 acres, 2 milles from Whtby- Souozetretnorh.The premises consist of good butIdnind sot. A 'alor stock a god bose wîh oery ouveiee-driving or 441ry. tJbanca for going exteusively jute obed, stable-,etc. Tue gardon cotains a ot et Toronto milk busines or atock raisiug fer the cholcest fruiL ef ailvarleties. lmmeodiaie iumerican marko,. Meu wîtti capital- ontF posesieion eau be iven. For particulars APPlY Aeed apnly,.J. H. Dw. Whitbyv. 132-t!- ta W. fFISnuhLIIGBowmavinile Ont 44tft ______________-________ f nquire o5f MWA Ja'ne3 for marriage- Minerd'eLiniment thle b~tfarIetrrilcenaes*. ei cf r e miýss' ere tbey, use it mûre e-r for the- diseasss s warm clirnatep., h ,e-y bouse, sud ho lu 1attacks cf siekuess. Miss Lettle lluntley, la the sister cf Mr. W. S. H1uiey, cf F Cortland, N. Y., a weIi known"car- pentes and builder. fier frauk state- ment betow eivesontly the absolute2, truth concesning ber illuessansd mas- f vehous recovery by the aid of Hood'u Sarsaparîlia. She says: "C. I. Tlood & Ce., Lowel, Mass.. "'Dear Sir: Twelve- years ago 1 eant have- ireinorrlrages anrd fomr yoar-s ago Drcm SO 10w tirat tire- piyslcians teidnme There Was No Hope J andi I sîouiri 10011die. I ccuid notbe7inovod 1, frem my bod. U/-der iny face viere napWcinsof contirualiy reddeined ritliiblooù. from my!IVY morîtir. I eouid eat uething ami Iîiad lne fi- suidt ie cause %vas irîceis initresomc D.A tins urnme ni y motir sain!sirexanitod te nmaltefa one more- tri-ailiaslxe if I woiild Calte iiood's Sarsaparilia. I toidirit wouid be A Waste of Money but nruding il wouki confort lir, I bogan talc- q Jing It. lIn a te-w tiys tire bieating bý'g at Silbm4e, I scmodt ec alti tenebt e tlio',igliitiliyfticy. I was se oick cotirl oîly ako e- oudrops of Sarsapariillta u ir. tri twe wocks I was able- Ce sit ui) a te-w in ii ites e-Try day. In s menthIlKcee-civ a 1k nacre-a ise roc=. Oua day I asked wia tîrey ere te have- for dinner, arnd sCd J1 vrantd ae smetlri- earty. My mollie-r v su hrappy sie- erie il w'as tire-M Firàst Timne 1 had FeIt Hun- in gry for Two Yiears s 1Irle-pt --i wtt ir ood's Sarsaparilla and ln sLx I -s a, welas evos iin ny lite. It i3 h( e. oe- amuna ourg t liaîrcd l 'l î'od or ouboded lxeesi l wasII.1 "kuow uuqostoualeaved dy Lt.P rM e r.Swer & Je.nlaga. 1 ei nw Hoods $as earbIa Has doue- for lirs wortlsy thre higiroît coEn- dence." Hood'*s 1ill5 ourc LIver LirIs I~ V-getble-Plusare re O fCI f aet t ee Peiti ~~(Lmatedctadfor. a efficient uird rerai aiily p1iryse. Tisey are purely e-etabI(, e-ntraimnii no calomnel, nrcrcryor minori1sub stance- c'f ruy kind. H Ioodtis PlUs art 1rpoîs Irle stoiade, liver, ant1i alieary ecnl. a:nti ure- Liv(r CenspLiit, Conistipaitio, ,d riray bo broken rip ard a te-ver prueouted e-' "enrptly taicing 1100e-s I'iils. W Hood's PilisT Parr weut te tise Wentd'îe ;lt.. . Mes2se. T. Swaiu sud ýr at Be-wdiey lasi ........ ow'an bas been confiusd te utÈ five- weeks with typboid ~J. Morriacu bas be-en slck -. -. r. Lumia, Miller, froru ne-as Midland, visited Ms. ent'y. 11e owne-d a Mili lu orneo yesnîs ...... Ms Sarah ue-îpb. wss bors for ber boli- ers. W. J. Everson, J. Scott, Miss Edge-rtrsu sud Miss df fri-ends ne-as Midland se r. Fowu, of North Cart- 10viug teý Mr. J. Bryeon'îî iposa .. .. Ms. J. Mountjoy, is mlovlng te Mr, Gsaham's Porteou.9, cf Peterboro, fer- twight, visited frieuda be-se .Rev. sud Msst. R. M. Mr. McOlung wose ai the- onys Preshyte-nian churcb ou à aiit.. ..Ms. R. McNaLy .8 3Preshyterian Mavsia wbîcb e occupitd by ie-v. Mr. [r. Tho@. Poole, of Cart- mnariied te Miss Anale ugegou"'ý Oct. 25th ... Ms. 3 was massied te Mise Emma tthe- same date, suddanoved w brick bouse. Mucb joy ,. John Watson sud Duvid ("laid the Lundation for ne-w built next eummr.. -.The lors s'e succee-dirg well sud miemrbers. Misa.Clara Pars gi oey are the leaders ai 1tn rwnpq tire prograru.. .Mr. esbuof Blacksteck,, bas to'rO !n Sonya and yl more li2 Neiv iear,. ...Ms. C. N. ug te orgenizoz a singing '.Coucus.-Tbcre isne mtrtke-s ks largoe a peice-utagc ses as Dr. Wood's Nosway In ne-srly ove-ny cape cf aShrna, breuchitia housse. tc., i,8 curative- offects are- 1asîortr1neuî of Ne-w Dre-ss the- noweat maie-riais sud kW sbowing at Couých, John- e arroaýt imrnsdiateiy relie- wgeu nc,(F carte-s'a Smart liaedonna Backacbe-Plastesa. 4o hreefroruin. Pnice-7)5 e- h' uisW.l iP--. .o-. *î. vr.vier tnrsee te istIiesinI 'CTE,-- T. tisi & "uis~i n Sept. 13 still bolds good. h u viite,:Misses Hedde-n, Mt. Vesiron; Mss. Colvilo aud sons, Clarke; Ms. T. T. Jardine, Otswa . . .. Mrs. F. Ruse bias re-trne-d to ehomere in Exeter ..Mss. (;Dyne ie convalesig . . .. Mr. Sbhe*rwecd Fuszlier leseriously ilit. .. Dr. GIeason of Port Tewuseud, Wabiugton, TT. S., sud the Mieu CrÇydernan, Bow- mauiville, vieiied frienit.,i bore recently., .Mr. Wilcock i l shihtlv better.. .. Mss. Wm. Elford le re-gaioiing bealth .... .Re-v. J. Liddy, the popular paster cf Hampton circuie, preached two excellent sermons bore Suuday. lu the eve-ning Mss. Liddy sang a heautiful solo which wa3 bigbiy appreciated. Visitor.- Mn. ard Mrp. R. Syivet. os, Foee-on Faits ; Mise Thonua-, Peeer. bore', i. gue-at at the Muphe.., . ..Mr. Jne. Yeuug, beadusaste-r of eus Public Scbeols, bad the pniviiegeocf su introduction te sud a beasty baud shako with Lord sud Lady Aberdeen whille at Chicago. (If tbe-y bad onhy kuowa that ho was frem Enniskithon tbay wcuhd baye- seok bis whole body.-ED. C. S).. .. A toboggan club is te ho oirganze-d here Saturday evoning. AIl whxo are interested pflease att. ud <at the side ?)... .The Ladies Aid S,,ciaty cf tbe Mtthodist cburch puspee Living a social inu te cbnrch Tbaukegiving Eveniîug afier which the Roev. A. J.* 'Har- vey Strike, Tyrene, will deliver bis popuhar lecture ou what lire s&wsud felt at the- World's, Fais, giving apeciat rý fýr once te bis expesieuce- witb tbe- Ladies' Congre-s. ... . Our acction-astahus s Ions tbis week by the nemoval te Bowmanville of Mss. John Gilbert's fami'S. The be-st cf reigbblors,, kind hearte-d sud friendhy, îbay vili ha very much miesed fnom the chusot', S. echeol, prayer sud C. E. me-e- ings cf wbech they we-re regular attend- ant-. We- wish r hein succesesud bappi- ne-sa linhuir ne-w home. AUCTION SALES. TuEsDÂY, Nov. 7th.-On lot No. 35, cair.. 1, Clarke-, Mss. J. P. Lovekin will ciffa fer s.le- a lot cf vatuahie- stcck, impie. monte, etc. Sale at 1 e'chock., L. A.! W. ToEr, Auctioneer. LN.ri.,V. . - Mss. S. Wa1d, wil tolt on be-n promise-s, Hampton, light, wagon, phueu'n, democrat, wbe, lbar. ro;, atraveuttes, barnees;hryfusai. tuse, grocenies, two hý uStis, lots, etc. Sale at 1i0o'clock. , bille. L . A:. W. ToLE, audience-r. WVxnNESDAY, NOV. 15.-Mr. W, Joli,lo 13, con. 4, Danlington, wiîl seli bis fanai stock, impie-mente, etc., as ho is retirin, from fanming. Hie bas very fine- bossýes, grade - cttie sud Sbéphi eoep.1 Site ai 1 P.m.i shara. Sielarge'Opost- ers. L., A. W. ToiY, Auctioneer. Engli8h and Canadian Jianneleî ta, a lavr. er tock aud good value in ail qualities at C ,uch, Johnaton & Cryderiï m'a Beet value in Black. Green and Japan Te-ap, GCfeee, etc. Quality unequalled. PETERt MUrRDoon, agent. A special invitation ia extended te the ladies to i1uSioct îLe immense stock of Ne- (' -rixiri Mantle3 at Couch,Johnston & Crderrnanp. Do you want a new ovi rcoat tîi fal 1 If you do be sure andea the splendid new goodq j1jat in at the West End Houee, Bowmanville, They guarantre a good fit. Lt is wonderful the cbeap Wall Papers, aleo Wiud,ýw ShdeR, Eimel, Mixed Paints, Glma ansd Kalsomir.e at T. Sherin & Co's3., theo nd sansd, one c'ocr east of IRsid's sboe Store. Minard'e Linimeint for Rheum itiïtir. On» ur-r----Yt Both the inethod and resuits whenà Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant andFrefreshing tO the taste, and acta £ enlyyt rmptyonthe KidnoyEr, ~iver andowegcleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head.; aches and favers and cures habituai conStipatioôn. Syrup of Figs is the ýOnly remedy of its kind ever prou dluced, pleasîng to tie taste an(l aca' ceptable to the stonnach, -prompt i its action and truly beneficýial in itis effeets) prepared onlyfor the most ]aeathyn aecale-substa-ncesý, ita >nanyexcelentq ualities COMmerldit toi ail and have made it tho nmoat lopular remedy known. $3Yrup of Figs is for Sale iîn '75Q botties by ail leading drugsto. -Any reliable druggist wio )May Bot bave i' on hand will 'Procureait pDromptly for any one whlo wisheuL to try it. Manursaotured 01nlY y thi. CMLiFORN1A FR1G SYRUPCUM $AN 'FlAfCISOC, CAL. LOMM TF. KY E. NEW TOUX, IN-X I êv# " &J Lw 1

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