J M.A.,Vic-PrsidntsDarin~on.Dr' UI visofors Luihe Vo-rIdes l'7air w- fil 1 LIIIne journl. tj i il e we nave il- r "e vTp BWAIN VILLE. (chairman) Rev, R. L. Edwards, J1as. E. Mr. J. C. Vanstone took advantage Beacock, S. T. Ferguson, Robt. Taylor. Mis ne . h lenryouno TQsYer _L rnak tp4 aîn.M r - Pwer, Gibson -1ooay-0- 'd MalcolmChicago nfter doing the Worlcl's Flair. DJi~ ~~~U~Peter W~r~ig,1. B. Barclay, W. Swain. in the cheee cornpet<ion as wvas pr W. C.-e2sl hnicago promis'es to ha the lst, andth ada - Pends $6, 000,000 more- for :ey ailsiually t1han for oread. and one r i raiy ver aectrmai sd f.oh, o n~aW. . tobnsn.s rd. fAir. Aunes was av, ry imgaý support our cauýse. N.OGo .LnD ln l bbln vr mh~t ___________________jas. Huniter, . Gc. iloey, Ilalph Sttîtt. oe naroermakba sc BoWMANVrLLE.nuonouio wssdlah 'SUJBSORIBERS' .ATTENTION! West Ward-.-. MeMurtry, J. C. Van- Ontr mno Gveomecr 4at xact - - a~~~tone, F. R. Dunheam, .j. Perey, P. C fortunate intlje'tînc Every aubacriber who will obtain for us Trblok .MTvsMs ed.Ary nessn Yun a 'v!r on atalne ubeibr o TEMiss Bunuer. tîe f h aner Province: STATUEUAÀ' for 1894 ab one dollar, and North Ward-J, D. Keachie, L. A. W. psy r i rberow subscrh1tion to Dec. Tola. J. K. Galbraith, M. A. JamesC. Mr. N. Awirey, M. P., Comisé 31,l~t4, illbe adea rasanit ,l the Dancaster, Dr. McLau ghlii, Mrs. W. for Ontarjo bha% been utrn Toronto WeeklyGlb front the date the Crydermnan, Mrs. Tole. tctKom eeertngpea ordter is rec, ived up to the ead of 1894. South Ward-T. Kirby, chairman, M. everyone ansd te further U oaaa'i Thiis Jffer holds good înly during Nov- Lockart,W.Todgîsam, W. R. R * Cawker, este, which halhas donc imout oa amiber, is made toîincreasa Our c reulation, R. Bih, U.P., Mrs. T. C. Jawail, Mrs. Pttrsonially opesk i ng, Io wAe filuch t s.nld is olia of the best We hava ever made. J. Grîgg. Awrey, 'who did evrtigin lusr Wa have nl e gets,. Al o0rdara muet ha Mr. IL. Knox introduced the subject of to mae my visita te the iau.dii. 1 senit or retoM A. JAMES, STATES-I finances in a practical speech, wheu it wasla eypaance.Aiwh MAlfi;,BwmanvilJe Any attempt decided that each municipality should ha- our good Ontario Comsioner wi 1 to d(7efrai-ududr this offer will be expos-' comae responale for the following that hie roomt was a meat0 deiightfui e.amounts: ClarkIe, Darlington and Bowý- dezvoua for Can'adianas at the W' manvillo $60 aci Newcastle $40; suid Fair, while bie tact, geniality, The *Word'a Fair âwards. Cartwright,$30, a1id it wiI bcathe duty of patience at the hatvy demanidsada aach chairman of polling sub-diviîiu to en hlmt neyer for a moment faiied What a shiam are the modal awards ou guarautea thae, due proportion, which Mr. J. S. Larke", the ütlaer coiiiii1ssî snantiufaictured articles at the World's Fair! amourits to . nearly $10 aach. Saveral cf won golden opinions for bi is indues AlmioFt aIl the exhibitors receiva bronza the chairmeti pledgeod their divisions for affability, and hie readincs te mag maidals, aud the judgas wera instructad $10 eacb. things comfortabie for visitors. Th, not to m Pike comparisons on the exhibits, Brief addresses ware madea by Rev. R. that Ontarioolhas loomad up si)ma but te report on the spaciha marita, of M. Pope, cf Newcastle and R. Moment, amid the States of the, world hias aach. 1, wouid hac a uighty poor tbing- Orono, af ter which.tha meeting adjourned. beanununoticed. 0f tha woil'k cf itatii thîs aïge cf aniighteriment and TEEEVNJn MEETING Charles Young, who bias been official1 proges t hbas not eorne special menit. The Tcwuvr Hall Ivas wall filled in the representative for the nsa2luu.iif cat, Tbei3 no différence in the thousands ev'uing and thie best cf feeling prevailed. lie oehxgla ied C cf m adaswarded, ail being made, cf Mra. I. Momient,' P M., of Orono, Vice- but too much carnot bu sii cf hie s, brozean cfth sme iz sd dsiu.Prealideut for Clanke, presided lu the ah- work among th.e naturi exhîliit, o Somýie sh'-ewd exhbittins, it is reported, sauce cf Rev. .PFaa.1e .s uwedec hmfo atetic biava li Franged to hava their mnedals coat- Pritchad, B A , lad the devotional exer- or bis steadfast enthuaxasus and un ad withl silvar or goid se as te giva the aises sud Mr. John D, Keachia lad the energy in making the euc.cescf Gin fimpression that they received a higben sonz service.re first address was by -nown to ail the world, MJr. 'ý award than those wbo display bronza the chairman wbio made a vigonous appeai done great work for Otî.brio liane' .iiedals. lt is stated that the diplouxa to the electors to drop ail panty allianeces aolid, honeat work tha', carnies wî that accompanies 1abmdlwl emd n nt o u pabgmjority on Jan. and telle every tima And there is thia defect by naming the particular lst, in favor of prohibition. ohrmnteohrofca rp e 6,SLcâcpoitsofexcelence or advauce- .R.ev, R. A. Burr es, the uew Disciple sentative cf Ontai-iMr. F. H1oi nient" possessedl by tise article, but these iister, sud Rov. D. S. flouck, cf Enu- Aunes cif Wbitby. who bias accomplis diplomas are ail alika too, aud the ingan- lakilien), daiivered spirited sud tiîneiy ad- as mach lu a double way. INet onlî ios lraseologist wiil no driuhb so fil out dresses, hae laboured w ith serns-3 ad vigour lii th lukaao edecbehbto Me~ r. F. 9. Speuce, cf Toronto, wbio was fitlld wth Mi~. Youn, but ha bas, thinic that ha receivad the ighest award. uniable to get Lere for the aftaruoon meet- ceed-d in naking a 1108t "f A meric 0f ceurse,ail who raceive the officiaI place in" was on baud for this meeting sud wondar if thc're a many Canad ans cýf brasa receiva the "bigbest award." 1alectrified bis audience by hie thougbtfaul h and hoping hs, f a, oh The -wordiug cf the dipiomas wll not bhansd practical address. Ila reviewad tha conutriestnay be bouud by 1te ), pubiisbed, se) thar the exhibitoDr only iny temperatice iovemant fromt its inception cf friendibip. Ha s) biibb'cs ovar know the "speciflo pints" of bie axhibit. less than 65 years agro, sud told bis audi- eutbusi anl utail honesty su ari cr The prîncipie cf compeition aud awand ence that lia fait sure cf seeiusg total pro- helpfslt)es 1in hitever ocurda about cx oprative mret la disragarded and hibitiou the law cf this country before Canadiau Pavilion Or lee aetlal the ther principia cf "avery card draws m!auy yeara Hae gava a lot cf usaf ul ad-dlanaycihmtah lsmu a pnze-no bianks" obtains. Tha enter- Vice for couducting this campaigu and heat (f men-iteçucif cbservat;ou th prlingoffcias aen uae poviionforcloadwitb an earnest appeal te the men Americaus,-fal!iai lova witb bis i suppiyiug eveny viaitor with a '"diploma" te act at the bal' t lu the beat interests and siraîgbtforwardness. 1 h 3-d at 50 cents each, said parcliments being cof youug Canada aud lbar homes. mu-a bard kean man of the ivorld, oramutdwib i thaofiia mb ZmAmerican writer-siy of Mr. A cf bigla l itha he rtfsudclebi o Tca fcrradr r iseetd"Thae young man, droppad ie tfhg f t lu affe t, aat you (th vistr) lu p foitcairaters willariu met al- g- , a 'aFar i oigmore had beau ou exhibiton"at the Columblau able a list of the mnembens cf theafluse Canada thaus wdl ever but indensti, Exposition cf 1893." This nadai-to-av. cf Cominons, 'uhicb bias beau prepared Ha is. u[icunscisiS]' i. 'îsa wbo ery-exhbiitor systemn did xot apply te live fer tbcCa nALUM.xAc for 1894. Iu soeatste ln the muetha cof thq raut stock, as ama other deartmeuts, but it ara given the rintmes cf the members, naiecfhetoe- what a bloomiug farce the awards te man- with their politics, the dafeatad candid- Wbile tha3 farnicrâ of Caua'a soil o sfactnrers la. Ne woudar the firme who ates, the number cf votes thay eascl re- prou eters (J x.tural tînoducta Io speut thousauds of, dollars lu making cx- ceivad,, the malabers' majcrity sud the broiqght great credit and benor te hibits that raally lead all others ln their population cf the ceustituauicy. This Country, the utunufacturena, teg particular casas are raging ruad. Aud te poitical cbart %vi hainvaluable to aIl coddled ciasa, have takiis a veryorî add te their ira, it la said that these bits wbe care te foilow tiseo fortunes cf tise position; lndeed, wa seidus hear miin cf brasa and hill'lsv figured parchusent uext seszion and e3pecially at the comnig made of any prizas that ba-,ve cornu th will not b1,c distibufted tili rext yean. general election. way. It la thet farmers wbo are maL; LosMr. htie Grayof Elburn (IMIS Jýmie Mairshailiof Allanýdale, . adai, we:re ;pres,,,t ,unn1wissickneLss J depth and hlpd o ender y care h'llm; thEs. , ýNth the aýged parents, o are i C2ja ý'aa, psud 0on a ctunt (,f 'r healîiseîde rUniblto A-tend Che eri th tha s rrowitir wife and ghter, are 'eft to ni,"ursi a ]Iltîg ther, dvo ed hilabatid and i idulgent er. '4L f uneral took p0-ç i from 'ihe l M. E. chutch, Wednasdzy aL 2 p. aacd W, 3in chairge f ibe Masonîo or- Who ')With the *-M1. W. A atteijded in4 dy, iL llhoo cf their departal brrth. ReA. m white couducted the ices 11n a Yelîyable nianner Th, flor. ilerirga 3 Weýrou- amerous and beautiful miletly to d1 the lova and respect in ('11h depaiUted waa hield. The rf- [2m were iinturred in the West Sida (3ery.- Batavia Harald. ~I STATElS,-AN wan-,s five esuvassera nce-onGe aach f. ýr Bowmanville,, Dar- on, C0 arke, Cartwright and East itby.- Must be responaihie and huet- Bgpay. t-.. plenty of sitting down and flot much exercise, ought to have Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets to goj with it. They abso- lutely and permanent1y cur;e Constipation. .One tiny, sugar- coated Pellet is a corrective, a regulator, a gentie laxative. Th'ey're the Emallest, the easi- est to take, and the most nauZremnedy-- no reaction afterward. Sick Headache, Eilous Headache, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, andi ail stom- ach îinc bowel derangements reprcvented, relieved and Agreat mnay medieinles Ilre1ieve" C atîarrh in the flead. That useaus that it's . driven froiu the hcad into thie tr and lungs. But, by its m.il, soothing, cieansing aud healiung propeý,jrtius, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Eleru- dyperfctiy and perniaileutly cures. GOLD and SILVER a flIOT CAKES. $2.OO worth for $1.OO Everything g oing at ilaif Price, Many things for less, GoId and Silver Watohes, CI]ocks, Brooches, Rings -and other Jewelry rnust be turnod into rnoney. Corne and see the goods and prices.,> EVERYTHING MUST Go. MAYNARD THE JEWELLE R, Big 20, BowmaD-Vile. AMB WNTD.ny num bar of A GADCANEt aefrom ..JSprinig abi wsntd for wh ch the t~ 5prwe asUr u ad Iiet price m'Illb3 paid by HUME & NiIOHTCndinrwuNrrytoHiea the Dope's X3tcher8 Bowmanville. slre rcmisin adwel.Comnple.. te o.taflfre. Specil nsrcton e ginnerjs, P1 LVES WANIED.-Ten Calves a WrteIis weelc for term3 ta O. GRAHAM we wnted Ibr nexi four mnontha iby Nurseryman, Toronto, Ont 3 2 -6x HU E & WEIGrIT, die 3?eopes lutcher, RomnIue 5-tî Minard's Liniment for oale everywhecre. -~ W HAVE- THEM. --~ WE HAVE THEM - 11, i i SENSP&Tià r - -% -1 q, GOING LIKE This i -c si a 1 Forcedý Sale.