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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1893, p. 6

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*Dgestion arc ail intfimately connected praiea-ll" nearable. Thouzi the fact is often igntored,. it i- iievertheless tr i that. a gooc complexion is an imipossibili,, withont good digestion, \Vhich i tnrn depends ons good'food. There is ne monre Common cut- df indigestiori ,thai lard. Let tii bright heusekeeper use The New Vegetable 5hortenirU andsuibstitute for lard, and lh clieeks, wvith thiese of her fanii17 wiil be far more lik'Iey te I " Like a rose iin thc- snow." Cem'ror-iN-- is dlean, delicat, 1 HOUSE-OL-D. .- She Made Home Hlappy. "'Ste made banc happy!"' Thesa few wards 1 read Within a churctyard, writtcn on a tone; No nam,', no data, the simple words alone TalC me the stary ai ttc unltnown Cdec. A. marba clumu lifted igt its se'sd Cloe by. iuscribcd taouanettc world tas known, But ah!1 that loaly gr-iva witt mass 0cer- grown Thrilleurfr morcù-th-tswb1-arritcs-tG "Sha made hame happy!" Ttrough the long, sad years The mather toiled, and neyer stopped ta rest, Until they crassed bier hands upon liar brecest, And closed lier eyes, nc longer Minmvith tears. The, simple record. that she lif bebind, Was crandar than the soldiers, ta my mînd. -[Hlenry Coyla. The Perfect flotisekeeper. The art af the perfect bouse;zeaper lies in her conccalmng lier efforts. To the uniaiti- ated lier work seans doue by magie, so ssnootbly do the wthes af domestic man- agement roll alang. If there is a jar in thc kitelien lier first effort is ta smoth lt quiet. tres ai erself. There is nothîng about lier af th-, restle3s spirit af Molidust , 1'the tîdy one, " ' 1who is anon and %non, sir, frisking about in a axtirîpool ai bustie and coufus- son, and always dirty undor pretanca ai baing always cleaîing." Neithar is ste 1«iînpartinantly niee," but an air ai confort anti rastieluassanad witbal ai perfect iree- dom, parvaâas lier hause. Ste doas net aflect that stately formality wtIcb is the aurait mark ai tbe parvenu, nor damand frain those under hier tisat servile d.Eiereîîce.l that is ouly required by perszns unert.î ofa their places. Wten Captain Duncan windaw-gard en, it stould at once hae- maved and kept away iran the-othars, for in respect aI, contagion, plants for itha mosi, parLare like poe. a&-ered I~fu ecte41 by surraunding conditions. The bail tri'e- ment nsually is a severe cutting tact, au 1 if the plant bai. large ane, the sal iuually will te iound împoverisbad. AMter cting tact, repot in a smallar-sized crac, po- viding goodl drainage. Re-mave alises stuuld ttey ha iound, and aiter waabsinig the branchas ttorougbly, the plant nyh set b A witb the otters witbcutijrn until signa ai actual naw growvt are fia- ticad, wben te suppîy ai water mnayhlu creased. Occaýsionally, duriug ttc wýinter, tut not ai touer than once a wcek, tomn and growing plans may ha greatly bn fitcd by a watcring ai weat mnîure iatar or amnonia water in ttc avent ai ttc former flot being readily att'iinahle. It is a greetI mistaka ta apply sncb ta -plants ltaI are uuteatty or ara resting. About th E Hanse. Naver allaw tbraads, tairsansd ttc lika- ta reneain tangulad in thc troon citer sweepîug. A naw iancy is for rattan furniture painted a palIe bIna,ý witlî tce cuarne tat 'Io ean ttc broon dip il savaral tirons inoa a pail ai watar in wtichi aminonia tas% beau pourcd, rnsa in clos n watcr, sha'Ka well anîd dry ini the sun. It il aah-important, andsdeS easy ta ttoraugtiy air the beds hafora ttayar made. About once a fortnigtt, aitar te hava beau stripped, ttc ticking stould ha well trustcd. Ttc cardinal tale lu a kitchen la t dlean up as yau go, and if cttende t ti is suives half the labar and fatiucok suffar iran wto pursue te aid todf tav ing a grand and compratensiva e u MOB RULEý Lynch Law in the Southera Statea -A Goveraor Wh) Sr';flea tà.e Orims.3 Co ha Tried by Lynch Laiw- Souttern saeiety, ai least iin sons ai the Statee, is not tthexal-ordered systeui that law.abidirg people like ta live an rwt under. C'viizatiou appears ta gall ttc proud spirits ai a very large element ai ttc iug justice is too conventional, too slow, or toa uncertaÏn ta suit them. Tliey frequent. ly dispense with it, and punist witbout procesof law such offessders as are most odious ta them. The news irom Louisiana, Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia con- tinues ta abound iu incidents tW--the sus- pension af law and af nagrras by same irritated white citizans. In Roanoake, mot law was deciarcd and enforced through. out the town long after the confiiot betwaen the civilians and the soldiers, and nu other, iorm ai authority dare raise its he&.In Savannah, lae Sunday, a large crowd that thirsted for the tlood of A ,1.N TNOCENT NEGRO was baffied in its mr.urderotîs purpose oniy bv thecP adrnes ai a-detective. A hainaus the chain ai circumstances necessary ta ljuk these two facts juta the relation ai cause and effect. Lynch law appears ta affiord aeercse ta hair-splittiu g intellects, if thc deliverance of South Carolina's Gavern. nior on the subject is correctly reportad. The axecutive afficer whase legal education fits tîm ta draw nice 'distinctions iu lyncli as well as in civil law, laid down soma prin - ciples that canno a luta be valuable gui de- posts ta the future impravised caurts that cîtizens ai bis 8 tata sa readily resolve thon- salv es into. Hie admitted that lynct law 'la somectimes abusod, and uttared a ward af warning a2aingt anv tendencv ta degrade Agea ofTrees. Eln, 300 years ; ivy, 335 years ; maple, 516 yers; laret, 576f yaars: orange, 630 Y--, cypress, 600 yeas ; oiîvce800 yeaEr; walnut, 900 years ; Orientai plane, .1,01)0 years; lime, 1,100 years ; spînie, 1,,200 years oak 1,500 ycars ; cadar, 2,000 years; yew, 3,200 yaars. Ttc way in wbich the ages ai thesa tracs ware ascertaîncd leaves no doaht ai its carrectucas. Iu sarns fcw cases thc flata bas beau iurnislied by histori- cal records and by traditions, but the botanical archealasista lhav e a rasource in- dependcnt ai aitîser, aud, viten carafully used infallible. Of ail ttc formiai nature, tracs clone disclasa their agee candidiy and ireély. In the stems ai tracs wti t bave branchas and leaves wtt nctted viiv-iu aIl exogans as the batanist vîould say-the increasa takas place hy r'acsofainauannuel desposit ai wood, spraad in an aven layer upon ttc sur- face outhtecprocceding ana, Iu ttc cariier periods ai lufe tracs increase mnuet faster than wtau adult-tlîe oaa, for instance, grows more rapidly betwaan ttc twetiett and thirtiatb yers-and mi hancaid the annuel daposits cousiderably diminist, se that the strata ara thinner and the rings proportiouahly dloser. liane tracs sacoken lu rata ai growtt at a very carly peridaiof ycw lbteýr 10. The Oceau Telephone 1'osible. Prof. Silvanu3 P. Thomipson is anc a thase wto balieve that ocean telepbony is neat only possible, but that ttceIneans aif attaining it ara within aur grasp. Tale.- phone catIes foar thc deep sca will, towevar, raquire ta ha made ou a différent plan firn ttc axisting telcgraph caties ; that la tae say, a single cunductar ai stranded1 copper insulated and surrounidcd by an ican shaath- ing that conies tetwcan ttc autgoing wirc) sud ttc watcr wtlct serves as ttc rataru part ai ttc circuit. The gaing and return No other smoking oac seerns to have supp1ied the universal demand for, a c(ool, niild, sweet smoke like the "'OLi, CH-UM." ie nalie is now a ions ehold d an-d the farniliar packa ge b as bc-~ corne a ineniberof theic¶lyý v 1 IDOTD,)- t'on. The 19--al mô4e-ofaýo ý' 1 -t 1 -i 1 -t

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