SPIKIU -G~ THIE CUNS. hronght te lighi;- tte curi, bsld conte-,sien s ____wouid bc read, witisne expiantion of boa' iiy "Ttc regiment will be annihilstedl," eob b a ritn;admn olomA ~ ~ \V s ervd ttc adjutat, coly. And then in ýtheir ow u opinio s-aliltostile, al agantet au 11 i, \~ttc sanie imusevabls toules, tie asked seule, me.ts 'j onleete pase hlm s biscuit. Te isave bebsud nttiug but ttc namenetfma, J'jbDe yen tbiuk 1 dent kuow ihai?9 Do :aseslt-svowed soward ! Oh, agony ! bitter fisa - 'yen imagine I tsar geting kllled to-mos- agony 1 I e >'row? Do yen suppose 1 'waaî te live on Lrwandcred whercver my bliud test led 2 e /ater wtat tas bappened? It's thc eternal!use, wrencted hy tormeute that God alorteup " diegrace of ttetiug that's cutting me," knew ttc strengtet, sud trom whishthiere vii y soutd tc Clonl. eeuedne human means of escape. Thc r-s " osce te C)oneosaly to, rmskdtt eavy rain-sqn.ale meansd down ttc village cev r I ~ sen ior m aj r lu asy p iloe p y , "li îd o s ut e r et . T tc l ce, w t tb is snîed , ican - W ua aneYe eprsuhl hrc rtry, eli,ý. Oiy ths dripping sctîles wcre sei for wty, I godou Net a seul w-u eoe-ye.Tee aigm u noise U' /,leIt hbeind ne caQe.",11 osinary rounds, salnted m h s ene 1/'Thi ist eaaskaded iner othie i spesi. Noseul iniertered wtt e. Nt set ~~~ ~ blaze, Ttc major wae cpsasan's son wtoeeadgbre.c I ~ ~ fs/7jtj hd bcke asd trus is way fr-m tnth> Ttc thougîsi came: Yen dis oniy to gain 5 rau ka by eheer sud lisrd fizittiug. lits comn- a wreatii et craven plumes. Wty non pass nse mandiug ffices was s noble et ttc old se-awytoserscpedeîvuih l gime. le had boped sud rcasoîîabl.y6 ex.te knewuno more-sud yet lîve' No oes' Speki hrogh heBoothbay (Me) Reg iter, peened, that tte previeus cu'segagement wt)ilsfonyun ieadnwcln ~~psak'e tisronbrigadettcday , wifi idstroîn yen ne a new lesduaco- of Vth benleficial resuts te 'tas receiffed frein Wou! gs sî rcd; u eVs r neabs talttc wosid, te ci s rsgo- ert use cfAyes'rilCs. Haesys,- - I fiasco had failen ail tsc moe-c terl-y. nterly tepelese for yeti.n 's'a teI5cg scinsudtisd ssd ~r tcnaci Insec scd astongt tise very stars ilu Trtc ^ethlloght gained. Icssy h t reely nea',a %oeus"dal st of eider. 1 tried s nunster their courses tai been hattltuig agaiist sal. f dr1ttcd'ad,1Joliblaskuese ut my prospect J a-is_i-,but nons seerns's te gise me Evcrytlsing had gene wrong. Ttc tlIsus tsslosedfne spot of relief. Iun my walit- 1y --iluitIwas induced tetrytc nid relia- a o us;tttisl nam leslge te, sud Ire Igradu allv verge euarero bis Aylr's riuus. 1 bave taketn oly oe waiit fuck was tte greatesi crime, told anti nearen te tte euter cnrdon. Asau f -i bex,bistlsel lil:e a newaen. I ttini tey nothiîsg in oui laver. Mauy usn tad ces 1 knew the wosds fos ttc ntghl, sîgunn are tle sssst pîsasantanad cay te tae sof fal lejs,sud panis had seîzed thc beels andc couterigu bot. I culd pass ttca anytting I esel' useti, being tso .ieIy silgas- oethtie resi. Whist et us linlated ttc i-nu pieke S.o Ceteil tbt even a chistîwit testt"u. 1 cannet bc se id, tut inte rush of soins ail F rte ad arte twa d tt sctecdIl urge upon i ai!wo are in reeti cf a laxatisve hbaencarrssd aîeag, tes v(excepî, per-outisk irn etfte basletddmy autg te txy Ayer'5 ilts. T'sey wirl do goo." taps, eue os tiwo of ttc eider olhcers)i e-feet lead me.'lu onuc more patrol tup ai exr ai dseaeles o e kos S sd7,!ver, sistiiug vcry stnenuously. Ttc colonel, down I tiîk my u'snd vwuultd bc m ade Iup, suBeer , b urssiug -,,itshame, tall goen ute report. au dafier ihat, whateven sîluse ttc Fates Wtat prscsciey hbeais said te* tins we deired. But as send feul on mny cars, taini, '~dîd nont knea; but we gusssed Wivioti anmesd net uuususicai. I was dully consciotiSe sccuracy, ltteugt tie dtd nt repeait tcé et sonne new ecteme tegiuuiug te trains it- Preparedby Dr. J. C Ayer&-,Co.,IoweP, Maso. detaîl. Ttc gien' of lis interview w as that sel I 1cianged my patht-and watlked fast- EY VYtise regimieut was te attack &gain ounte er. Dose"E-f ec Lîàve morrow ;,sud, if uaaicssful thon, once Pî'csently ttc cause of te 'oanuddlce mono on the day atter ; and se on ill utheis tecf. Afield force, au auvîl, auJ souýple bride wa saeu.of griusy fasriens, snd s halI-a-tIozcn troop ~-x ~ ' Yesterday tise nsÀng bal been harly ens with herses. Ttc cavPlsymef w-esreet-s '~' Fideri Ele A ossile. en t-day inwas as ites n îsg on ttc greud, wsîerngtnitile l îs IR E"- E tbhe dealLDe -7sbrinig ls ie tt ttc ýýdetenses lîad beenauaiting their tissus. Ttc susits wre .UJscsis u t odnsdLca mr hi rts.TcAsisn re.sa "l, s weatiig, swearing7, doin tc Pire, Commerciala Union. edasThe sca-iiais L'ir Insurance Cos. ansd tisa Sleam Blier and En.,ouqt srtillery was mouned there new wesk c tricesTheir tuuiser. Itva a1À P1laie Glass3 lus3. . ofnI anadaL1. - te have demolisted an entire ssîîsy corps queer enougt groop, sud I gazed at It fer Offie at Worth's fHardware stLore. eownsao sdvanciug agasis it trous ttecpen. îssîy umine es, seUH uctabîs t's trsincttc E ville. Tise deduction. was clear. Tise ta-fest gauzy ides tisai iad reantmated smc. T re ZTm r mm ffl :-crriuse,' will turf tailisomenjnse; sud il u on.eo tcfnre who had bien fnttng asc arnsy, whist was tuetaesii tcw dilstg tco te a tind hoof, chilled thc i. %nd ret4uru te 'is witla five oints lune- i.tese lîad, durng ttc latter part ofettise.irotn d is a sain puddie, sud hunsiped up I vo sd enwil e y etrsmtia aupagî, ee mrethnone case et ttc torsesafei'ock on te hie apron again. GOLuENB)X 0F0) Il hChat ino wv!in.An cxasssple accordtngly wasfte ~satd y ou lu more money taone mentisisuie usade. Oni corps tad besu singled out Tise fellea' picked up salssnmer, toek as anytàiuges lu Anaea,. for the coudigu punistusest. We aves uilifreu bis mntit, sud drove tte nail ý doousd te usarsutonu thse uorrew teoeus su- Ifiret' geutiy, sud then ssnartiy bue 9 W KINY, 8, S ,yaruguth, H S1 dtia. " There vicions une," swoselise. "IJe O f course, ttc mattes bal net be6n u ~tishat pkthog the vent in a inatter et -so ai headqusrters. There tise wors rau: sconsds, but witb these four otherse esid nlrgitcm"ran eau "li motn inteapit ctt, thou'lt nitrid ibyscîf of it ituas uny1 men w hus aJOss1smc. E' elaS net taken ais whatevcr costi. Ynt vek. VV ssuoleIl -honrColon,"aisd so 1strode forward. ssecess.r" Haudeese n 1h ud tise benefir wili again bave tisehur ra oer25veraexaremIefu- h" I Five louis Ior ttat bamuser sud a score1 ef n-e 21 vssesxOniscCfcris'ds every ýo1l BBit, suusuedl up blnntly, i was lmean. eOsoice spe'iat linse andstce trOl t o f -ls1 tcrritory. We have oves- 750acres ot choies ltemoeirls ha1hvead.W tick sud eau gin-veneu111%y adnantages. ail unsderstiund ttc ordet ofthtt lettes sund The uilitsary smilla dropped the boi Purnmode of sessîrios' su retiiuC salesaissu these was net a usan luthse regimnel'wto trous hie lsp, came ne attenstion, sud sslited. te ulrpeorios. Gall i f us enla. risc trial wiil wolid hesitate as moment su cssrylug out> But tie looked at Tue queerly, sud answes-t Cntye O~NE &WIILLINGTON. 'isesissre. Escla privateseoidier, ech cotis. foldsctetoit i 12- 3mn. Toronto, Ont. ces wouid mardi Witt fisus detesussuation lsad. Very likely excitement tad made use, -te marci then lis lasi, That gises ttc case look se. O NAR i 'h E~'O LL inl a nu t-st eli. Ten louis. There le, tte u'oiey, lu But ttc securs knowiedgc thaitîshers golJ." WIIB, ONI'. would te ne ekuikers aleug this road te ex " M1'T offices, tht itus are yeuse. esutien did net pacify the clouel. Itauiy. S1leietitlerd tt~ndes Sud edca l-tiea in al its appooltsflcuis thng, it insrcaeed is titternees. h wauld off short, wold have been bettes. But1 andedicaioiladvna'sl3i. Pros-onba mae ma- iung-atetcî usmemory lasittc îloncer. time was growing uanrrow, sud 1 muest tacl foSath tly fi'-s'--" rttras lIs mai eTT. wttofered. 'fisses soItlbent nails wu i Iverstiylasssth:lroeh ts Iýre e11'mailsopisuh wsrot.bd e wltb oltdarme seieîypup Ansd noas teottcrive r.1 more ansd pan irt je sii v - 4ese &Toute sudlslirvoes,ýfinskssigtisfnse The u' crssntwas sif t!sd Icld ne(ilt i T5,,,,-sty 1The lite, try. Etaff eosnnnls's tise,s s,-ýa ~ ~ s a stnek, Ist giii p-strei, am, su anL s' ! - 7llege v1 C,,u>la." Tise'sunsis-ai. #~esst -utnaisnd -ncmasreal ep'tmn ~se eq I ,sIl sitati by ?7tise mci gtte have tis petînt f saî ttc rea Apply for infraion te é'Mrs. Djoncaster bas just ,-opened out her Fali Stock of MILLINERY and is now showing an attractive dis- play of Mat+.ýSq Bonnets and ail styles of head-gear foi' the cý"i[Ig season. - Cali and see for yourself. ~-iasdyecl and re-shaped in altela'-est styles. 0,er takeni for th~e LON MRS'ý .)DONCASTlÈR, Kîug Sf., Bowmanviile. ANLED U t V 08iE APIÏCT0N a OF THE ÇÀ ~~ASUR - e(ieçltlýfe iit e. iwudadcs-2lo-ig a se OiteusttCr, t hai pcc an't ý12fýdý Icaunot epea whtt any masnutcugis - wCr b folt. ath t actaiitewto seie te)55 lta ia Mysef Iws trttcout u o fap.rrd re1ssbr ) Y eace e d e aLw1ýa y t ttth a a wa!lasdîy itese mutSî., ele.Iko and ypito t r ts,:n ius uthi tsefoýr 1tt1-wordly ruertatss mle se e tcvillaýg, ove sriswhists wese being se treely dcait sud eutercd Vthe water tîsere, finig' icilIa aout. And titc igtt gsecIdler with!oui as me. I thint i t was s sinlIcegaets my be;ing disturbed. But the angsy umsn tîat a idel usy ctoking passage. 1ýi canoiy ai t t1 ttc end outhtes table singledlm u nrcle~'Sal ia is tn uet 6 iase, pelisape becauise mny nutward saim ndu was terribly unstabie, sud that onr eu o listlessesas Jai-red upon hlm. larsded ou s chance eddv on a trtp e oal crs>f Tired Eu gencf" l"ie asked. 1 lay these for fulliytait anl tour, iieleuî-ing ttc A itiieel."te a sesnry trcadungpasi sud pasi trougl at' "At, I catii nderstiand it. I uotcd yensth lst sus ic yards aaaay, unabie te moue al stivsty to-day. You bave uistaken yenour t hi Igtee tegi ulcal n vocation, mon slier.Von sisouisi Dot bsn-e heg, net only Irons caution, but ttrssugi ac cerne itte almy.Yen etould have teen eteer ltc'piessacss, umade usy steatty vway 1v-lt a professiocal sunueier." til turtiter aieng ttc shore.ur An nsws troe ouusyteune.Bss ceFour batteries cooumandeJ ttc approasut- tL epi it thers, gave a strug assd said notiaes te ttc bridge. I an- e ocnu cuber pis1, 'Dg. Wh aiuse ouldfînitiîr wsugîing te. flaut, to eleuci-a oonvesgiasg fisc; taao, 055 wi B-a th ilsenec %5" vas an iîî uove. u 'nyatovs theutes, were iu a direet flse witb l an-redhir frthr, nd iethrw a't 'yit, se that ttecàcuseway could te swcptAr augeed husturtersudte tre t1me su trous sud to eud.ya i""lanbtwsc asnor ha sînu s It wassin the lower of these iset tisai Ilu Do thn onîdeud&ginuse. cln.fnud myslf-ty wvitlroute mmeInc a"nuet spoý De you ethnt oss sii an e"lluih-gay. Ouiy thon My scus3s seeined te rc- 1ttc ,d tonctoepwr fyesto-morrew, untme 1 a yninarnbar, Eng'une? Or tad 1 bttes han-e ynu tan.uft s.Ica yngi u nten w cufcd te somne stesdy old soidier ?" On-rtsad wasettc roundback ctu.se o a Lu' A duzi ofnet t otter otficers sprang te sty-ps sundler. I crawled fartises sud liook- Ai ther tetian its gsaaîy aui, or c-en d dowss thUne, Six mors guis lioed sac; teais ee itu a iis gwssssite ent, tilacîs- tirougb te night, making svn nail. ca nunstber ittonated ah. Tha oidmJor-Ttc sainwsas ceuing duwAvuin torrent-,ya theirsepetesesan; sendhng up spu fincd. Ttesre aers smen "Colonel, wc mesal allowanccs, burt> witlsiu a dozen yards, aaketal sme, -d 1 " yen arc going te far astht tce yeuug- that sud not before, diJ il flash, upon reii ter." t 'my fsrîier'e hainser wacýas s oles d Tise colonel ecoavicd round ttghi-lipped 'weapon. Foo! ibat I was te bsiug i for a minute, sud thcn lue said : i dit 1'r ust have hec-a to torget that "I sus nqui te capable ut cosndgtii te fret clckoisuisd awalnitise redonbti.u regusen o ioi seep wtiusnt naecd-My lite? No, pais! I dida't oouu t that. t for adn-ise fenstriae, -,But ih would uscars oci euie gu'n sptedtii I Liet on heabrdinus 5maor. efe tuaily, il se muct. 1 drewas i t, uoua Liu.Ramard, yuhar yquestion,'rI e easss u kitf s frta r preeunse ?Mssbave te clviity to teeminn-an ntedm oeh,.( s ' ? Pieane afresis. Ttc rigbî ntoughtiwas tardytu Durngth rintes eit came. 1 Jrew off muy tout. Il wasna j uin tcuiute' qeplte I tad bsec n i nwe sny.hdu tdte thiuttug ansi atiug-tisat its, writine 1 0,ned i usal y my cOnsredc ovele gtop n ud handed tise colonel a slip n eahof.Tt'tr'g enl ol u pspcr. Ou h 'acre tise words: byvns.T-srugsw iewu( "actnowiedge titat 1, E. Ramard, iu« rieet5te a calter'e s atiet. tenat ettit twety-secosd ~' - Thon I got te 'wort. Ttc guise we tii tenat o thetwety-scon - sam J oaded anJ prssued. Ttc ineks wene con-es c coward. >EtnuasE RACARD. cd wth leatter aprous. 1 nscdinuefo li e 5ad it. caution ; crawling lite a cst, crouchiusg lu IlTtsre, sir," I satd, "l thudly aJd ttc Jeepest etadows, stopping, mating detoure - dais, as 1 nase forgesten sn-lat it i.sud ne't for mere lite's sate, i"" it udersood eu please teave that bebiud with tte haggage buts because lite asas wautcd fer wrt yetme ,wteu wc masot n-usrsow. If 1 do nt do usîdone. b botter work fer France than any usarilu Thea cen guns wese ont et action, auJ ttc segment, itilis uy wish that tis paper til tise nigisi was dssk sud the Austriase e te pubiatcd." Ttc colonel nodded grlusly, were ignorant tcbiud ttc cutstn ot rsiu. sud thon trnwncd. ** AuJ then on to ttcupperttcry. s " Hase I your permission now, sir, te *wfuegtgn w.ihdrw- romtheroo?"Thre 1 sphtcd, sud ttc ightt egan teu t A retusal wae raming itsel-I conld ses gray. Three more, sud men werc stirring.av Si ; but the lewering faces asouud made Î gen rectiesesud epran Lopsniy ai suoter m him curbh bis passion, sud te nodded agaiu, Ttc ais was filled wtht stouts, asthut tt but reluctauti. îg powder suseke, sud crastes sud thesredtu Iu ttc dart, wct air onisi le, sud xst te- flash et sannon. yo,î fore, dhd 1 reslsxe tnliy wht I bad doue. TIse'Ffenct werc advanchng te ttce torus suth Ttc screcd on te slip et papes tad been ttc lu tise weî, gray dawl Bott fiauting bat-si epasus of the instant. h 55C5imediiteume uons 1 teries, tuily maunefi, tad npened upen thetc omue o.sa usecîsansanty. 1 Iad 1 tiieu ; but otite guise wtict tad direct CS tad ne plan, n trace et sciseue lunusy headl commuan~d oe t bridge, enly eue spots. su Iwhiiet I wase sribtliug. Ttc word-s and j1mIttce mas et artillcry, ttc wind ne fthe piedge were su ees-ptY toant, usade in brougtt yclis, sud natise sud bubblin g W ttc wilJ tope thai I eeuid hold ttcm gessd. strie. And thon ttc cagies cause ttreugt li But hew cold eset sa ibing h,- dnne? Ttc the susoke. There was ne topphug tiaih I ust fusions, despesate courage, by itsel, rush, au, wouid avai uoniing. There aould bec Sneaw nnd1asef uon su- thousnd men sround, sact te ttc tul as rades, fighting witt a caw-tacted f arriers brave aseI-fos ne onuee aumarct tartber isamuses kuewiug uotbiug et order er ses- than datt-aud to do "bettes werk for sou, ns bew these tîtinge cause te pse ; but 1 France" tan sny et theus! liA, ne, ttc teancd only by su insane desise te tihl, sud jc tbing c-as iuspossible. Witht iemn I stouid tili, sud kili! AuJ thon I grsppled witish --tllisudausugs-I nIthema -sonewonsslI asan who-wa i s-nggiig -off-wit-t s -flaTl be branded infamous 1 Ttceppes ni t__dwrii- ittist-acr-eo1-lug,l Jl ýr1 soed hlm (dowa mie it, wbilst beav- shod teet tramplid madly on hth et us. sd afterward there was more etoulhng Jf cteering, sud usigtty baud ciaups te- 'coen My shoulder biade3, aud th-- eld ijer, whe gave me cognac oui of s silver a--cognac wtlet seemine nhave heen idiy oerwatescd. And thatisjeail I rcussusercd tili 1 woke p n ttc stiernoon trousnthesofa in thai lijage lu. Raveille had seunded. Wce -.tered under arme, an tce rol was be.Msuy diiinot ansaver. AuJ then: " Sta-.d ont, Lieut. 'tamard1" aid tis5-coloel. I advanced sud saluted. "Yen w-,iil cousider yeurssif under arsesi, ir, for Jesertien betore ttc ensmy. Pres- nl y, yen a-ll susseisser yocs sword, sud î,po5i yonsself at tes Iqu asters. flac colo- e1 turned d 4 xisanged seine w'05s w'sitit e tile, paie insu near it, wto st awk- srýudly ou a white stiion. lie resu med: j te cuspror tas considerci yens casc,eir, (infrnss ttc arreen, and eidlers yen te te td ed the sauts." Tise coloeli pused tisd coutinusd: "4Bif as s reward for yens gallauny, eus coiss[siouo 55 civti ii te made ut1! sitt prome'ion te tise first vacant msa- joity, anJ you subi aise receive a decora- i." And tinI was or-dered toe drsuce gand thse empeser tira nsferrsd s Cross InsLegiosiitrous tus osan reasb te usine. 'Captaia et titweny second," Ise said, 'thn rt nsy trotter." I isres akel fr tIsa colonel's apse gy. 0r1 i~glss and niSe[iprent Orflice POP Yacttàiug a51 us urigin was s royal spert. î-h tre Engil.sls yachstesmen lu tceinoders ese thtt terni was probsbly K,-ing 3bsisIl., ttc il Mersy -Mýosiarsut.", "4I ail!Jts e morsin.g witt bis majeety lunua \tbiychtsý or pieasure tests, veesels net Lno n mng ns tili ttc Dutot Rast India Dspnyprecnted tit curlees piece te tein," wrctc Evelyu in his Jiary of Oc- tubei09. Thepresent tothekîngfsrmtis Dn1ts'h ltradling c smpauy anas a smabi sloop- rtggd vsei. But 1' ttc king ws nit onl a -ctsan ; lie 'sas also a designer, and dra'tt Ues of ttc lamie, a tweniy-f vs tossr uslt ai Lambhetht, sudraceclilte> ghettc Bezau, a emabi D>tsh-huii Vesseloinging te ttc Dote et Yerk. Tiiý ce as a rnm Greenwich te Gravesens sud baek, and ttc prize £100, wticis ws wo ytheý Bezan. As ttc stipe wes aeîged sd soustrued, lu different conoti, ttc race mns atirly dlaim te hvý possesed au' international stasacter svtil Ïto, tise tact tisat the royal uwuess steere( tei rî santseit was cbcàsly au sinateni W0ýi th e death cf the " Mcrry Mon art aea bill if ttcinteret s'tactiný i tl- tt port, sud usauy yeans eiapscd te for as h w e vived as a usons d"uocrati, sud,. 1ppoar tenus.et sisassement ty tih Cel'rik !liarbourqWates Club su 1720.'Thit sýib etîb existe, hsaviug tecouse the'Roys Cuk lb uttc ycas1739 sailing onth RvrThauses srecnrded asaspepuli spfor-, auJ lu 1801 ttc existence nI a socitt eto genlemen te mentioîsed wlso gave a ai] s ers ccp ta) te saîlei fos aunuaii lunthe v ciiity et Ludon. Cews ad becoms a favorite yasttin reýort towrdttcclose oethtceseghtceîn cevur; butý yachting reccived its greates- hspin; s lbv ttc ungautzaiion, in 1812. ofth r 600 lu183,of whh aoit ou $.225- pes tôo., ttcmagusificeul eun Ti. Tt nnual sxpcnditure, includin ýu;,i--tvcauce ot ttc vesseis te estinsate .eary$1,000OO);,auJ whtle St le scarcE sossîible To salcuiste ttcenuster et me gdnn store lu connection withttt hibuildiing indîsetry, nhi)scempioye tI the anagemnrt nI ttc fleet an su inbýer net lees titan i2,)01)min. A" ttc present time tiaseta ssrcciy sin 'rcat Britahu or the Uuited State seyaohting is possible Whidt. docesni fit lesse uyacht club ht'se3. Th erh'îcau Regiesses shows upavard of 1ý3C hie steaus sud ssii, aud tthenus ber eexedscveuty. Ttc ion-eetoft? utta spread te every land. Eset saiime nations et Europe, fro sdnto i Laiytas onsor more yscl te etoîttc firet magnhtude. A sofg the inibiani eensefettiis year leseson it le ecaraeiy uecessary tsIttc intesesi in the inleruatien rivlrybateentise UnitedStat t ýceuse ttuuîouglaly popularizi' , an indes qamng itna cuthusstsaud admi a ýil classes, brous the youngeter in h sigý ged-yawl to ttc miliionaine if h ataqtesinu cruiser. Tisai yacisting ht tlo)3tiIts stasacter nI a royal sport wu y racing a1 Cowes tisis sumuier Prneof Wales' Britanna sud the Ge :iaee' Meteor. -L PtiiadeiptisTRc Sruid Love Trag-edy in Paris- 1littile cxcit'-menitbas teen casisef et ttctheistie pepuleus quarters et Pis a traghc afir hun'tiels a youssg nm- 0)ed is tather's mistrsess auJ usas ciîul as weih. Soins yeas ago nl dî of ibis family was left a widower, ar long abncrwards tie teck into bis servi 'o a. s ittîs oves 20, whe ep"'Jtly s cdttep,,irs of musttress of th e tatis et. 15e sou, Jecpiy Jisgust-d an ni sic et thinge, asud Iearirig usueoves th i- liaison migtt cvcntnalhy prove vsi rimeutal to bis intereste, frequenily1 uein.gtatcd with hie fates, anud msdulgý sc--;overlunthreats wbisls appear te te dsscd iun tfs mhsýgiving lu tise mind s evn.Proteste, hsowcn-er, werc u ,ling, toi- ttc couple cosstiuued th de ý,o ett, ttc fathes tcng uudleterred1 s 'ear tiat tisese menaces wonld te- p e eecttn.Ou Sundsy usorning, t ieug insnsd s frieud usadetheir wi eo ilse soorns uwticb ttc won as eq'p nsd avite ttc son was stabti -ýtihe fatuser. attracted te ttc spotby h c, rusted in. A desperatc etsugglee ,Iud but ton tte inter-ventionuoet igbersit te probable thai the nid ur fnd ae aien in hie ici-n. As ih le s esapcd'itit some trtdling injuries, b i usit-Vese te lu a veuy cîlitisal conditic Jl ïLntie tope is sutertain-ed that, ste v Fte pestos et a churet in tte Stiste Listsgon 'aten s boy stiole a ride on - 'assisýter et a lecomotive on au east-ý hiroel. is coscience recsnthy prick se sdlic bas seunit 5e ccusýpsuy- ý., of amna e te age, an-it itse su ris lan 'iy lic ad ce as- rit- sy ne- ced sve isy ut the vsy vas ing ses eu. te ian te but an, wil1 of tise 'ru red .45ý- st. TRÂDE AND OOMMEIB.E. Wlsat is Transpirlssg la the Bnssiases - - Wold., SASAPA IA 3025 head of cattie and 10G sheep let Mon treal for Great Britain lest week. G~UJREDl~HR The Britishtoitttie market ik not împrov- WJRE YOU ing, and the prospects are wiii net for somne time until shippers stop sending hait fattened stock. Gond prime stock is scarce, and ks in good demand. Butcbers cannt get the quality they requtre. The visible suppiy nf wheat in the 1Uit- ed States and Canada ki steadly increasing, _1, the figures for Octobier 14th being 65,239,- OQOushels as coipýýred witli 59,091,00) in 1892 and 31,000,000 in 1891. Last week alone it increased close on 2,000,0c0. iu view of recen facts bearing on the supplv and the markets, the bearish element is in- - creasiug and the bottom prise may nt - have been resched yet. The debt ot Canada has dlecreased $2,2-30,- 691 since June Oth, wbsn the total net ~debt wae 8211,679,973.' Tenyearvol'. t îtub;c1incs te gve hl. Canadian hank learins for the week nre ele es uac i"ttr aggregated $19,39-1,904, a decrease of 1 per o S cent. as compared with the corresponding c ec.sv"-odsy useususa e -_011317, -1 'Ilb le h (said tliat 1, wsek nf last year. tes, wsvessld o,. die aii l ountieiglsbre The exports ef Canada Ie Britain have t tli t>cýcfl l~ i ldl0 ieii, I1svoiiid dlecressed in the past laine mnthe is18.4 per nbc'rteable, to xalk, becass1 "vs seS ,ek and pmiy A gsthiernug ormed and cent., the contraction bsiug lu cattie, trot-ýs cid in rnS5' "l. 1 iturt iu3 fsger anud steep, whest, chesse, bacon and fisb. it ites ,I1tl)re)v out piecss ct boue. if f m3"t1ssohseas te brea.kte skiii, t Tise shrinkage in the stock ot geld in the Nvsa-ncs is 01,gse'. 1 f jUnited 'States Treasury stili gese on. Tise 10to losetaets 5 but notiiing has reserve, which is now but- a littie over 88 dosej s> se xos'l Sgeet as A3,01,10 tiessîpa- r> l'n. Mbsar'ese MsIIasit as>1 r'-eg.- millions, is over 111, millions short of tthe "T. D. M.I,, Ls>, 3eu sum Iegaliy required. Montresi ks promised a new industry in A 31 0the manuacture of glus entireiy out oI ?repardby ýL .. ..yr . ., Lowei, Mails. toue. Tte prospectus is out for the fer- msation of a cornpauy te eperate nnder a Cures others, wL11 cure you aIprocess patented hy Dr. Scbweize. lu gadditien te glue, it is clsimed grease is I ottained in pusying quautitie's, wb ils the h oue nmeal xii conmaud a bigb price for (s1 iefa~o ta~en ,fertiliziig pi po'ses. Caret ciiquery bas led ttc dilcvs * There is a brisk tracle in hay being donc Crfliqiybslc ote icvr sin the ueighborhoed of Ottawa at the.pres- ustbr r efwrta iee Apo-âe -osit time. It is estimnatsd that about 10,- leon .sbt tl nexsec.Awse 000 tous w111 te shipped front this distriet io The'is Coutesuoauegvsa ite -~~~~~~~ duigtelusdwne,000 tons et them,. Oe is in the possession of Mme. ywhist arc destined for the Bos;t on mat ,Ket, C laitte, w boss graudatr en iad cl sud tbe remainder for the Englisb market. pscked it usp at Mrng.At oa critical The price ottained by shippere wiîî average moment Banpatest -rted o (ff an a galiop, raboat $9 per ton on the cars. adtewniboi*or'bsbtt i o lu I discussîug the state ot business moral- e stop no pick it up. pity ilunust iviliz9d cesîntries, not exclud- Aote l thais' he Inaiesp. (jI ing dru owu, we otten tsar unfavorable Gem. beside Napoleon's tm tteIvlds 4s osents upon tise now too prevain custom> This wae worn on the 7tb, 8tls and 9th of .. for, managers andi bnyers of large industriese Fshruary, 1807, at Eylau, sud in le the ýt sud ceuspanies te expeet sud take a coirm-is- identical oue represented in the colossal Te sien np su g oods et enly kiud suppiied for pisunure efthte batt>e ty Gros, ne bc esen ini le useius thc bus uses, for t osdnctisg ofth Louvre. Dsriug tne peace wiîich suc. Jd wtich on the beet sud mesteconomicai un1es ceede t battie,Grswscmsind ir tisey are supposed to he responsibie. As te paint thq picture, sud lu order that tbe extortionistsofthtis sf555 are gen Usrl weîfgree heEprrtit e athi paid for their services, the asking 'or tin.nutce , th bt as given t b Lg ing, or xriing for their commissions su paîter a.accepting them s lnîotiug short et robry. Art tbsldfiti tGros lu 1835 it wat c I lts meet obvions thai seet ame uts as, arýe under CisLglaýss cseupon a woeden stand, -a dsrd niis manuer ougbt sither te te- suit a ed yaci mn h s long to the supplier ot the goods, as part of pintr.sffet o r 2,07i i 50t"Lote Dr.l al bis legitimate profit, or esou ghtt et topreexute tteous Phil se sown as discount lu tavor of tbose wto ipp. Tclteate t aese6 ar py forthem. As s natural resuit, a ý1tuneral et Napoleon, ordsred ite be piscsd my anufacturer or imerchant sslliug te a croes an the smaine ant tiseEmpsot i. firus whoss umanager wiii, te kuows,cosesuteeodtewraI usl ri expeci bis fee or lis equivaient, l likeyltz. 0f the remsiniug bats, oee elongt, te pruteet himsefaccordingly y increasing te Prince Victor iNýapleon, sud suotter ti su bis luvoice amount. Nor s te fahy lo-ttc museum at Gotha. tý gether on ttc side o et tculpieS. Ttc st maniv-cturer suad rmrchant frquntly su- ho couraý-ge, sud îu tact provide ttc eiuews etof o ver H"fttV'Years es warfor general ud sseaQ rbey - NLS S10'rIOS rtJP iu fmte, we are cou1vînced that bul, t (' a com-l1'X j- -, 1ib fi'h,~~yceelvswudcia 5s. aaî et ynUr esi y . ecttc emanagers and ed of Cuttiuý-g Teeth cdalnctu e <'f t taver maitactrersbottie -of ,"MsJs W:Ilo~ Sohn eseapity'that bso-called mrerchiant princes rliuettfor niesfeerimda~ et sud be supprters e unr chrches, s weh.- D peudupn , ieritt îln st asnd esunIpotety feotonld hs show em- mistaken abo t, hlureD ahoe ose elesade bufsiesysuthues et wit- regisate abtt S tomcha3.Bocsre re slersluandolbuint es turan o a babe r Wud CosheSofie n i ttc Guns sn re. g porter. dusse hufflsmmation, sud gives toue sud s.aT cids nergy toe ttc vit se sysiem. "mrs. sueanr Brî Winsiow's Soething Syrup" for childIren he The heath otirds depends]1argely on what teeting je pleasînite the taste sud je the d tbey cai, after tise matter of cleanliness, Presriptionoe n eof e the oldeat sud test ca draughts asu enncu bas heen settied. female phyaiciana sud nurses in ttc Unit« Fesdl theus, as uearly as possible, whai they cd Stitels. Prîce twenity-five cents g Swonld est if Ires, sud remember that wbat be .S. y i rgiistnuhu es te food for one species le poison for anoter.ibte Slbya dugs hrgol ît Every cage should coniain gravei, cuttîs: tbe world. Be sure teaSk for "MaS, se bounesud crystal Sait. . WINSLOx<VS SeoOTsrNcî SsaaUP." 22 17 0 A canaryshoesiduever befedon temp sesd. Rieai merit et sny klud, can net long bo et Feedl vegenaties sud fruits jndiciouely, but; coucealed; it will bc discevered, sud te svoid snear and ewectmcats.j Do't negleci > sotising eau depreriate it but a man exblbit- of te provide ttc dsily bath, baving it luke- 1iug it timsel. In may not always be reward- m werni in cold wesnber. During a severe cd as it nugtt; but is Wil slways be kuown, 1t celd opellifIsmlgtntecociitted; don't let ttc littie creature suifer for ttc waut oet dean 111LES ! PILES 1 ITOIIING PILES. ',s wsier te drink. SýITM-OSUO nes thn te If yen bave tut eue bird, bang a lnoking- ~virossoeue itneicin ai glass wcre lit can sec its reflection sud sud slinging; moRt at nsght; werzesb es"skte."Abird gets louely sud thieseratching. if alluwcd te cniuem rtý simple device is a mrcy. ors torm, which often bieed sud ulcerate, id For winter, fil one snnny window wit becoming very sere. SwÂYNt's OrNT. r- planits sudliîngtte bird near that'it ray i mtsxT stops thc itching aud bleeding, healg is cnjoyasbit et sum mer, even ttongbtcs nîceratio'n, sud in moSt cases reme ses th4 [lie tempesi rage ontaide. tumnor3s. At druggist-s, or by mail, feA la Osse more "remember." Tise upper part> 50 cents. Dr. Swayne& Son, Piladse' is of evssy room te m aet w arm cr than ttc p i . L m a o o C ., M n r i et part 'ce inhabit. How et tenwc stand on5pa.L anSs& CeMueaj etr table or chair te arrange sîsme pictns-c sud Wholessse Agents. B.couse down psctiug: il I bad ne ides itIt iLtle rcaffirused that Prince Bismarck ià wse bti up there." Rýemember tbis sufferiug trom paralysie, sud that te ile in wiseu you srwing yvonr bird cagye. jan apattetis condition. ALL MEN Votnug, eideor miuddieagcd, Who fin& i s- seives nruss-ne aan sd extaustewh. arc broken) dowu f tom exceas os overwork reeultîcg in useuy et the fobbowhîsg Syra- pieuse: jMeuýal depreesion, premnatuse old agee, lus nfvitality, iosetfmcusory, bsed drease, J-mueseof sigtt, palpitatieon et tte beart, emissions, ak of energy, pain in ttc kiducys, teaidactes, pimples on ttc laca aud body, teh*Ing or pecuiar acusa tien about ttc scrotum, waeting et thc organe, dizzines-", epeks befose te vez, twtshing otite muscles, cyclide a"d ess- wtt se, baElifîshuee8, deposits lu ttc n rLne, boss et wiii puer, tenderceas et ttc scalp aud sphue, wakanau fiabby muscles, da. sire te eieep, failure t,)b este td ty Wees, censtipation, dulluese f ethar-ne, hoFa ef yutce, desire for solitude, cýxchtaàbility et temper, sunken cyes, eurronnd' J with sre ail sysopteýme et uerveue debilhiy, that l-'aJte in8abity unhessesur-Jd. Tiesýpring or vital foi-c3 taving lot itis tension every funethen w anesein cnnesequeiics Those 'c-to îhrounghabusýe ceminshned iu ignor lanse, isay be permant.ntly cured. Send, îonar addrs sud 10 centsîns lu nspg tes baook ou dize ,eee pecuiar te manu, sent eald Addreps M.Y.LUBON, 24 Mac, donneil Ave, Toronto, Ont., Can?,da. 36-'ys Hie wbo eau taesadn-se s lasousetimes uperto ein 'ise eau gise hi. (wrsppcr bearlng thc wordo " Wty Deet a Wosuan L)ot Old Sonnier Thau s Man") te Lravas Btos,, Ltd-, 43 Scott St,j Toronne, and yen wilreccivE byposi 8 pretty picture, free trom sdvertteing and well worih framing. This je an easq way ta desorate your home. Ttceeal is the boat in the market, aud iW will only ceet lc. postage te eend lu th« wrappess, if yen louve ttc ends open. Write yens sddress canetuily. Ttc titisetfmarquis wae firet gisculb Richard IL te Robert de Vers, Ess eoflx< tord, wbe wass made Marquis ot Dubliix 1386. "liOW TO CffE AIUL SRIN BISEASES" SiMply spply "Swayse's OINT-'aENT." No internai medicine reqnîsed. Cureg tettes, eczema, itcb, aIl eruptieus ou th« face, hanide, nse, etc., ieavîng ttce kiîn clea r r e y w bhite sd h esihy. i great heal - .'g sd urat ve p w e rs are po eessed by ne ciite emd.Ast yensdruggiei fort SWAYNES OINTIIENsT. Lyman Sonsg8 Co., Mfontres- Wheleeaie.Agentsi. FOR theremoa ôr fromcisildreut or adulte5 use M. 8MITH'e, prompt,, -chablUe-a sdPîsassulý, neqnirng 1n-1 aller ,eseicine. >leverfialiiîg. Ls.savS nrio ad aller .ffenls. Pice, ý>oeari erea' Qx