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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1893, p. 3

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GRATEFUL-CO MFORTING. a"Ythorongh know'le ol the natral P laws wh.hgovern tht eratorodigae'l 01 and nutrition eudby a cref(iaplicatio re the fine 1 tiso el-set3d C)oe M, Mr. Epps has"pý'orvded o.ur brakftasit 1ables with a delicately flivored beversge which mai-y save s usrnsny h-avy doctori' b1113. It is by the 1,dcisous us, of sucit articles of diet that a t aOntitutiOn may lie graduilty but up untl strong enougli to resist every tondency ta r dislease. Hundred3ao subtle maladies -are f floati-ig aroundius ready f0 attacli:wherevera there is a weak point. We may escape manyv a fatal shaft. by keepng ourselves wvell fortified wvitli porc blout asd a prouorly nurished trme"' iefService Gavette."o Made simply wth boiling water or milley sold only in pacleets. by Grocers. labnItet thust JAM~ES EPPS &t Co., IlemmioipatlaLc Cite ai lisS. London, En-aies, WEDNESDAY NOV. 8, 1893 IR'. J. C. MITCHELL, L/ MPERI0F COLLEGI! 0F PHYSICIAN 'd, nf Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Offiae and Residence. Enniskillen. 74. t D BVRKE SIMPSON, T)A1RISTER, SOLICITOR, &a. MOPRIS ,L)ILCK, u.pitairs, King Street. Bowmnan- 7iUe. boiCtor fr the Ontari Bank , lslwatce oevs loanod. at the lowe3t rat53. S. C. R1UNKIING LICENSED AUtTIONEER FOR Lthe Cennty of Dturham. Sales -attended to on 3h"res notice and lowest rates. Addresli Cc unmes P. 0.38 ROBT. YOUJNG, V. 9. iFFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM " JNTews Block, where himself or assistant vvil he fonnd from Sa.m. ta 9 p.m. Night catis t residencedireccly opposite Drill Shed. Calîs 4y telegraph or telephone will receive prompt atention 171.yr j L. A. W. F0111, SUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Real Esitale-Agent, Bowmanville, Ontario, ai ia nde lany part of Province. A. A. POST, ARCHITUCT. Plana and Specifica- ions prepared for every class of building. Sýpecial attention given ta heating by steam v r)d bt water. and to santary arrangements. Offlce: Gorrie Bock, Whtby 43 -ly Rm. XPEATETailor Gentlemen's Clothes Made to Order. J.IV.BRIMACOMBE DENTIST. OFFICE :-Rear of Meàsrs. 'ligginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE qGents',(lothingr cir ýd-,Dyed, 1ressed.and llepaired by Dyer and Ciothes Cleaner. Goods warranted to be as none will kuow them tram new wben done. Corner Kugndg £ntario Straata, B ilmasl C. JARNDEN, L. D. S. GraduaI0 o! lie Royal CaItege o a Ds-oal Sur geons, Ontario. VFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFeICE. VITALIZED AIRL NKew Tailor Shop The nndersigned wbo bas been carrying on ILe talloring busines1s le connec1tion 1 with Maou'mry Goda bstore for a numberof years bas ce'necdbsneas for hiruiet! et his residence, King St.,west, where he is preparel la0 makie gents' and boys' suits in ail the letest styles, and at lowest prices. For thos,ýewhn lv h ta order suits, he wiii ca3rry a fal 1 l!1ne of amples lu ai the newest patteras. Give ýhim r ~J. T. ALN Fashionable Teilor Bowmanville, Nov. 1, 1892. NJ±RV!. NFRVE BEMtS are a new dis. every thet cure the werst cases et Nervous Debitity, Lost Viger and B jEA N S weaknessm cf hody;or rmsi cautzed by over-work, or lte -irors or ex- cesses o! 3ToSth. Tt, j itemedy ah- inoltely cures the meet obstinrte cases when ail othcr TREATMECTS have failed even teretieve. Sold by drug- gte et $1 per pes-kage, or six for $5. or sent by mail on reoept f pice Write for pamphlet. 9oifi it- wmanvillc by SToTT & JURVY, TIS PAPER-" &NA~D - "ho Ladies' Jounal OF TORONTO, È rg 86-pà,gé III13tÉatedt Fasi ýýD MVonthly, wilI be saut to ainy address FOR Il Ouiy one dollar aud fi! teen l V 5 cents for the two papers. $11 Ca'(i aud sec a sampîs copy Of "ThÎe Ladies' Journal" it is a publication tbat will interest every waman In the tand. llhe regular subscriptiona prica- of "lh Ladiîes' iollnti Iud titis paper is e2 pet -s---- yoar-ou-gct-t-hà t-rw o- -,ed your mnoncy aud afidrees ta, tiss office, A NEW TALE' 0F A TU B. ol k -- b- "I bava userd rneny glost stance,'" eeid ai ny grnnd.nunt Mary, "suad I dan't believe ui n auy o! Ilem. Titey are rnoetiy silly and r( ptrposetasa, and evidcntly made up -, but ci tee story tiiet yen mey cati ets stoEry il t( yen like, -I wilil ell yau, ,for I-I tived el thcoughis i myscif." Tlien she told us titis ti story:-Y "Weli,deers,wlen I wes a girl, it wasu't C tle feshion foc bride sud bridegraupu tae rush away, thc minute tbey weca marriefi, from ail their kind frieudsansd wellwishes , and go wnndsring tagether al avec the d ,wartd, rctyiug au the tender muccias o! t hotal.kseperesud chember-maide fac their1 com!oct, eeeing ualhiug lut sîrange faces, t witis no anc la apeek te lut tîeseivas, teking, s il seems e tme,lla aurait passible way la gcow tired a!caecI other. No, if Ibay wenî awny ab ail, they taak sorn o! tisec waddiug guesîs away wittIem, sud weîst lea afrieud'e bousa-somewherc wilhiu a drive vary liksty-thab lad beau made warm and corniorteble for them helors-t " Wlie my cousin, Eveline Burke, was msrriad ta Dick Marchsmont, it wes arraug- ed lIaI lier two brldesmaîds, my cousin Norel aand myscif, giddy yauug womai, o! sarenleen sud aiglitecu, sbontd go witl tlern te D--, a coun~try boue betronging te lthe Marcbmouls, as I wes tld.. Wlieu tIers arc eeveral estntas in the tnmity, ail, axcept thc favored ana, are lapîta gel somswbat negiectefi sud becorne meru alors- bauses of aid p icturus and tapastrias sud tumber o! att k Inde Ibal woutd cisalh sadly wiîli tle mare moder nulture sud Sp- pliences o! the actuel tamniiy seat. TtasseI axtraneaus homes are generally presided avec by an ailia usakespar wlo graduatty gcows as yelow sud 1musty as tht parch. ment in the munirnt raom, aud ns ladafi sud decayed sthe taesîcies an tle walls. But lIere asetalveu a housek"eper et D-. The gardaner, wh-) is-d l in - grounds' sud neither dung nor delved, suit a iaundry woau wbo hsd no wsshiug laefia, gava il au sys uow 'and then. Uowv-r, Dick'e oncle, the preeut bcnd of the famity, wae enxiotts ta tend hlm the bouse for hie bousymoan, aseuriug him thàt it ouly want- ad 'airiuig' e bit, sud lIat Dick, bowever deserately iu lova lie miglitlha willi Ere- lina, would hae gted a! the excellant tiîhing affordad by tbe lake in tle park-sitar tbe tiret lcew dsys. "Dick, o! course, scouted Ibis tleory- eny pince woutd pease him as long et lie lad Evalie; but lie gcaefulîy acceptai the boan o! D--, as il leppened ta le cou veniantly near the Burks' sud w-ould ni. low hfin and bis bride ta lake part le Ibth leelis-ities given in tbair honor, and vet rach their lernporacy home before nigit- Isîl. '"Noral sud 1 who wcre ta go with lbern, rallier enjoyed tls idesa!fbaviug a ramI- liug aId country bouse ailte oursalves-for we hardiy caunted Dial sud Evelinc-4an aid roiaetio mansion, replets wilb eery saient discomlarî, la reverse lte seying ! We were s littie dieappoiulad when we beerd tbere wns na ghast, sud, îbough il wae in Ireenfi, noltltae recy rernoteet chance ai moanlightars. Uosrever, wa flateered oursel' ves we should eujoy aur 'baneymaon,' es ws persistadinlis rlling il, for we wsre devaîed ta each other, sud tle epiernersi attaclimant o! Oick sud Ere- lins was îsaîhing ta anc stroug sud ta3tin2 passion. 'Ne meant ta ha tfrienfis al aur liras, sud wa were uetal a aitxiaus foc the adev-enýt of lte deasement aI anc bouse- hoifi perty -wbo rotuuteerad ta carne down in e daty or Iwo, sud kcap us arnusefi. "Eariy ou the macuing o! the wsddiug day Ilirea or tour servauts were sent off, witls aur tuggae, ,te aksthe houe radv for us, andi aller tle weflding was over,ani 1he toasta drusel, Eretine, aud Dick, Noret eund I, gatInto a chaise, sud ewsy sýW went wilh tour horsesavec roade that a coah- man nnadeys wauld Ihial 100 bsd fac auythiug lut a country waggan. " Il wns a long. long drive. sud thanigh wa lad starlaf in i îariug spirite, ws pot dreadlulty lirafi, naltaesav cross, iunsthe caurse a! tour mortel boucs' jolting. It wae quits flaîl wbeu we turusd inoa sgbaauoy as-anus aI hasch trees, but on spproeching lte hanse wa cauld juel maIe out, agaiusst tle ced sky, the grant gausul bousih utfs trac, thal looked ce if it lied beau struck sy' ligblniug. I dou't suppose-auy eaiunS lisougît il add ltaItte drive was grass- grawn, île gaes nbltethf, le Irscuanett îlown-we wsra siot parliculer in Iraland in imbue fiys l The windows af île hanse ahane lika hurniug-gisses iu the sunsel, sa thal ai tfiret I tisaugllIlhanbose was an tirs. The hisît door stood open, il was aIl friand. iy aud iaospitals-etîf casual I* Our ser- vante ware ail hidden about the bouse 111e caîbita u intaeir burcowm, andi the hall mias ebsolulely ernpty s e cae in, but lley lsd lit a ceai goad pealt ireansd e gof Ihiug tan, lac tIare wae the mat dreaful att pervading ameti a! darnp about île pInce yeu cau oonaaivs. 11Noral snd 1 opened at least a dozeu faon aolh elore weltonglil af taking off aur bonnets sud palisses, or siltiag down ttîe supper praparefifor us. 'Nssteppefi lu look, out ai the svindow et the take tia lsy giorilyan ew lest away, Ils wstec juitl gtamiug green sud bIne under Ils taîtîairîlsîreeks af wilight. Itwas mean- eholy; lta stricteutre a ssmemsudhoty, the wasb of tle water weî mslenchoiy. 1'l'n rallier glefi thare is no gliosîl" eaid Nocah Iis camng 1, "'ouseuse !' I bean -,lut the non cameou thc test aIraIs, sud I neyer gaI ta sense, flracasericeso! aetonishiug sud Ipsrlectly dredful ebrieke rau Ibraugi theb neyer baard enylbing warac titan a pig'a equsat ar a lemb's hical but Ibis wee the ceaiîtiug audno misteke. It wes tIcyeli sve ebaîl be no wiser. Haevidsntty titouglit laecase aI Ibieves or nioonligîlcra, and I noîîccd s revolver sticking upanî to! bispocket, sud I ianey WNalter lid ane, too. "As midiigîl drew near wc werc ait ah' solutety suenut. Tisera was tiesa int sound CZc-en àrrenoC )fa man in agony; il wes evecy possible oi cid o! bumnaitnoise lIaI coutd ha evoked la )y terrar. Gcons-moeus-.ciet-tben ai dong the passage a streuga, lumbering T mise, as if sorne beavy thing weré baing dý olled or dragged slowly alaug. On il t( lame, neecer su nearer, sud thece seerned t ha b witb il a sound o! footetepe eud's t] iraeue, intermittent jiugling noise. We fi ulI lte door jar,~ under aur feet witli the sl yeigît Ibat moved avec the huards outaide. Dunr door was close la, the hsad o! ae UtIle ti ueaircasa-we kuew wbat must bappen ; r, we besrd tle bump, buimp, o! the îhing, o whatevar il was, beiug, ralied careiully s owu thesteps; we counted titl bmps, t bal seareedta beat anonc rvary hbearts. a Than there was a'si lence; we remomblerefi a buore was e door 1at the buttons o! tie teircase-not that we lie vec opened il; t it seemed ta lead mb ornfle eellar-and Norah sprastg ftowacd and balte ' dtise door s of our rýo-n-iustcad o! openiug il la s-e I what was there, like a lîtîle cowerd that ii lie was !I Il 1, 1cr en e' was no balder. W ba th E were sbîvering as e e ad neyer sitiversîl ou t the coldeat winter ntghî, sund aur tecilie chatterefi like castanats. lunlthe increased i glearnoai ur two caudies ns they dlarefi np c before gaimmg out, 1 saw ber pale face audt kucw mine was as paies becs. i 1 Ihlieaheard o! peaple's itair ticniugt gcey lu oua nigît tram fear;I supposa we were to youug for titat, butt witen tbei inwn came sud founfi us iyiuçr ou the bcd,E ual as we bad at lasI isîlsît aeieep in uanc loîhea, we muet bave lonkad rery unlilcuî te Iwo itealtity girls who [mad corne tIare1 ouiy twalve boucs beface. Our aId servant cmre in and seolded ns for nul goiug la lad properiy, and, perfectiy couaciaus o! auri ana hegone looks, and feeling as importent1 as pecesiriho have lad n long aud painiu ilunese, we xreut dueru la breakfast.z IlDick sud Eveline, whu had avidcuîly4 recard nalhing, woumd net take aur etary1 ceciously nu ail, but alludad ta fcied bene chut themselves utp in s kiud ai marnina raom ltaI bad beau rigged up for Evellue, sud we wandarad rniserably about tililtae aveîtiug, whau my oldest cousin, Walter,i aud bis wi!e Ursula carne dowu ta D- We tolfi anc sad story afresit, af course.j Aller aur short, uneaey eleep a! the night before we luoked ghnetiy enougi tet make îbcrn beliave we really had gone titrougli sometbing 1 Walter and Ursula haci beau macriad a couple o! ycars:aud were ual ao wcapped np lu Ihemselves sDiek and Eveline. They helped us ta make s thocaugh saac. One a! the coomas in our corridor lied beau mafia rea y for the ncw camnersansd looked as lilîle ghtstly s possible. The other at lte lac sud wns a pec!ectly ordiuacy but cheer- lees raamn, buiiî at suob au angle ltaI il neyer izot eny sun, but uat otleces-isa dis- agresable. For titis reason, anul aiea on eccaul il is close, mildawy amati, no ans itad ehusen it. 'The gisastly procession wauld apFear taels-act tram there,' ianghcd XWal- ter, sud lie aud Ursula volntgecd ta ait op with Nocali nnd nie tillt teelve o'ctc-ck. 'Ne ecceptad eagecty, sud et uigitt wa bad e goand tire lit, pteuîy ai canfiles, anul sat down ta have e juiiy sveniug. Ureula eres very gay, up 10 a certain paint, but et ten o'elock I uotied hec cys begin ta shift un- easily aud site teft off tsiking wttenevec lthe clock etcock the quectars. Walter, wlso I know tencied titît Norsit and 1, witî the impishcess o! scitoulgicis, hafi been takiug tem ail in, gcew costrincati o! our serious- nas e ital bis efforts ta teasa Noaai- site was as teasabte s choolgicts geuaca_013y are -falait ta sicit a single gmggie. 1 -tilas' il evecy nare luin y body wes uncovarefi, ceady lu quiver nI tha Éti shocle ai tIi - repented horrar, It wa like liarimîg asbot out twice avec. Ilt %a wecs ait quite sulent witeu it- l5egau ta strike usiduieLit. Walttac tooked gtoorn- ily ia Ibte tics. I tookefi aI Ursula. Site wsas very still. I said lu s low raica, 'Ursula t' She lhrew back lier head sud saiutefi deafi swsy juet hefore tae sroke of' twelra, but nobady etteuded ta hiec foc ax- actly ounlteelcarka a! teelva lte sirieks rang ouI egain sud againI ,'Nurait covaefi lier face, Walter apraug tip, saizefi s candle and operied the duor. W a su fotiowed. The noise appcoacied- thero carne lte cotin.y eound on ilie osk door and the metaltie jingleantd titan a rush o! cotd wind swept titrougi thet open dotr aud lait us mn flnrkness "'Nocah îcembtingly lit a match, sud ber eyas leil on Ursula, in a tIcs faint. Sie caliad Waltr, aud Ursuta, camn e t iC le, sud cluug to lier itusbanfi, and begged bim t0 stay with lhec, andi wouid nutltlhlm go. Tire noises bafi ceasafi. Watter swas fcearl- iully vexeaf ahviug huait preresîted lrom fllowiug thumrn tp. Titan wiith a caudie sscI we watked alang ltapassage, Attlte doors ware Int; nua nwiudoss waeopen auywhere ta accaunit foc titat icy bist, titatI was moreIke saitresti fromn s calditehu reh reutt, than the milfi airs ai s Septembar rsigbt. I'Ne made no mare inreetigatiaus afler that. WNatter bore Ursula tandecty sway ta hec caumn, ansd wa girls Icied taeisecp. UIow-eoutd wo 2 NexI day il was detarmined that arerything sitontd becn dononteclu p the rnystsry a! auir ightly disturitane and bafoco dark ail oancangements were made. Pick sud 'Natter sgsiîî examinefi the empty cooaaItIcheaed of the passage, and taeked the daac, sud Diek put the kay lu hie pooket. They toussded the wlie, thay souuded lita door ai tle passage, sud' lacktnýUoacbts eitr auj w a l' t cd lac yistne o esosbdrde 1yoli'. 1aclu." hePlar n e l lldfrmotîs, sud lu same caseseyeecs, beingi upatair * * *rendarefi stcoug sund aIls l sk by e Iew applicationsts of- eestte .,uoua instance- "NazI oauy ý 'irlr, hirng sont for Den- sasomdiesu i habeen danc ing aatue n1ie ie gardanar, depteeii hlm toc unnof tie sstreti was t 1'0wI1outofepC sudimta a nsd ly Ltwelve o'cloek.z met y ao ýa h-mtc wlgo litho gcoufa!wolkmn!, unatolitupe-itlegýw!clind tiîpssbefrhm ofî Pene ! it adXlLr, velfthte baud ais lkuses. ic -ves eia.'ewauuau werc nul slrictiy invil- enliEa nv THIE dtas-_ 1d, blil wss foui impossible ta keep us nul, embaidanefi as ave wera by numuiers i ine'anlaneouty, sud as a mearEs a! cela-. sud tlite eriolesorna dsylight. Erery stane bsigtIeaetleL)cda iad aÀ it îl fariug was remued, sud under stthough lte sweliing af lis lueeshsd ans l ai tm a heaay pins barrai ofa!suient ual tdisappearad, le exhibited equal estic- a ee, , was dscovared sud openad by s fîew ily with bath legs. strîl-, e ofa hatchel. 1Il is curious that rheumnatisrn seema " Noting else !ItI was cxptaincd ta ni ta ha the spacialty a! Ibis ehild, for it is lIaI it ,e whtite substance was quiclims, jaiea thea fluasse ube le ofleneat curefi et rF1)lcit will etryany human cemaic lin moat of the catebrnted places, wbers mir- daýýiýf stoybl imactes arae aid la ha wortesd, sud nisa aui o1d-fasbioried îurnîp waîob, socle as by fitl curaresud msguetic isesiers. genle en sa to weaa. Tise jiuglIiti, noise Onu niil, lalely, Rasa opecalafi upon ulg 1 ayoung ledy, at s housesou Notre Dama we hafi heard was abviously mafia 13theutl strasî Mantreal, who wss suffereng sesrely biuncli Ioys aiialeavae asaThed taefrom neuiralgia. Themethofi otîlechilde ou- a' i 1uce sent ta Dic'i uncte. sse ipyi asn h ete ln * * s tle young lady'seekislfor about twa min- "Dickea nucle provaîl ta ha vs-ra ucam- nias. fAter Ibiqshse put tle teatler in ttc iîuinicativa in te matter, sud iî evsa sow- slave, eud vcry confdan ti3âsek ef lte yaueg ed ta drop. But Erelîne, soms- 'âme aller, lady if il wae 1etter. Tise lady ramecrked iin a moment a! confidence, informefi i'orai tIhal as ltsechilfi gnssed tle feather os-ar Sinui e that the arateli re tse Marctuout lherceheck lihs pain graw letaend when the creeltsud certeint initats aviicI mafia il citilfiwithdraw il the pain hafi disappear- easiîy Ictaceahie toa smemiter o!flte iamiîy, afi whLite among thae103 s vre lava whîit hom e o! the persan s wha wisî la ha cur- opwieei abats lu tise houas wheca aId ed mua;t have ain sxtraardiuacy aronnt o! Mairomoutilvef. One ai titesesclisais lad fat uiltae teather girl. One man who beu roken open, and a itaw ity- made - praseuîed limsif ta R oaa la hac cured avas the attaer, teo conetderad ai nu interast, huuclacldadnsd hed thebe ouas o!fltae lod beau altoavefita rernain in a deserîad citeet pratuding savacal malles fram. Iheir lumberraom.naturel position. Othar pacsons ailI an "And didittîey open il V Iasekefi. cys mis3iug bava requestecl ta lis made ta Ye, s, sec, and ttc tamiiy ulink il ratIer extra- 4 "'An di ths tid on anîîiu ?î ocd-iaury that no, oue-iagged maun has n p- "Tisey ond papers reîating totahbbcpý1eansd caqueshefi tao eaccammoa ed awnur o! tle walcli,' avilI the lit camplemeul of ustur ai "Tusey knew blis nains, Ilicu9' limibe. "'Vas,'sasifiEs-aineporleîîtu)usly. 'I A Wealthy Woman, appeere thet lbelitad beau toutly murdarsd19 and ... She suîddenly grew cati. lFront The Toronta Wocld.)9 cent, 'Iarn ualgoingtolaliyou anytbimtg Mca. Mrtla Besant ha supposed. talac onc of9 more, You are lava dreadfliy curious i te eaitiast women in tle worid and iebr4 litýa grls an Dik bs' arteveaititis dus ta lac wn efforts. Site taudefi1 titmiagice, ud iellaspariclarly for- in rudis s uttle avec tbirly ysars ago s peior hiid"en me la rersat tsmity secrets.' woiusu, la sole passassions being a good gen-1 Il'0 f a discradilsîte nature?' seifi1, ali aficatiou sudsa light lînowliafge oa! medi-i parll1y, andi rudely urgcd hy rny beutked orne, acquiredotram hlec ftler, whio avas ai plisyicis_._ uoingcansidarahie aI batany,i CuIriueBity. sd findîng ithbihlls of India roots sud hhe -"'Every tarnîly bas a skaleton in the aviicit site tarned vî'ara highty valiuad hy the cupb)oard,' eflded Evalihe, 'any tarnily aiflnativ-es forcucring certain troubles and pucifs-- sud rnputnnc, etIsas.' ng sud enrchcbng ltae blond, sha davoted ail baer siy sgeandipraca es sparaltime btIh study of tle modiciua ihîas 'A skeleton lu a cupboard la a vry ce- of tssa plant-, sud avas raavarded by diecavar- _.ccctahle lting ta iteve,'I retorted, 1'Very! ing tlaîenany disesses previousîy itanght ta Butyous i an s itai l e ub ' -be aTlmtincurable werc aasily curad by tae Buryour is n,.ya ghs t a absV l- ed udroats weIn proparly.lpre- [Mc aerry Cogtil parad. ha greal aashar succesa lu curing con- sumpbian in the first and Fec'oud stages and al Growinz Yopulaity of the Banasia. disemtoes of the Iuîsgs, cat ýtrrh, aud dissases of wome an nerousdc-,iliy se aIea indiges- As-crous insiaude a!fIlse ultivniiae o lion, dyseppia, tiver and tidney diseases, laste ile found lu the pragrees o!, the batînna rheumatlis, etc,-thas eers camie tram al trae. !s yerî ga itefrut iafilitleparle af Europe tlaseaulier and procure lier trae. fewyeis ao te fuitlia litlemadicires. Gifle paured n upon lacr Irons sale'ý- ; il waes hardly avec found aI select wealtîsy patrons as-ot inse t1sd ourafona table ] s, sud avas regarc'ed ganecaiiy as ats lu- i prasnal aone o! 30000 rupes (about tan'thon- elpif iadlte, fit, perbapi, fac bntf-naked ssud dollars). Mca. Bea- sutlnow lu Canada cviedou baersay lame taInfl a ftçr a rasidence of 1lcî,bui, uaesorthy ltae palata o! lilied tres yaarshin Rusia , aviera sIc las iseen tle rae.Now the ho-ana is one oI the mail bouaced guest ofa r'olefniy.AIera a pop jLiae fruits ai the day, is fouod arery former patients lu Montreat lave offaraf lacr svb-eand sul votefi a deliclous nmare quete a large amauni aI maney foc the rigît ta manufacture sud sli bier rensedies aunlisis cou- th, hol States ai Auerica il is regarded as tinant but sha prefurs ta Icoep tae manufactura a palaive, if ual absabnte pravrutive, o! nuder.lac 0cm coutrol lu order to eneura lteir taa,( l ut lu thise oas'try its only cdaim ta I 1purity and apenuanu geuscyhs intis canlta 1dispose a!flîcm. lier medicine is snpposedla.t f aourý.st lat gvesa pes.ant au ceap1 b tie odykuown cura forc osunoption in tisa aiîiiou tauanc orcitard daintie3. l le cal- eaaclystsgaa. SufFecing men sud as-men ehoutd. clsMed ltaI in the United State aset 3yenr write for particuiasetad adlurese JUre, JUsîha ,ia ntity ai banns consuntuad recee Besant, Torouta. Corre s pondance eaufldantial, lise eniorman's total a! 1,285,000,000. lTae "LeI me collecl mysaif," as tle manl BritaL!i tasta for tlarn is ual yet sa pro- seid avîc le was blown unp by n powderj bonai ut il la capidty growing, sud oues milî. tirs ï ilu Lovent Gardai talen distribules 10,000 bunchas psr weak. The trada rnay ha, cagaýrdad as lu ite iu!aucy as yeî, buts it gespromise o! vîgocans increasa, sud prov-es tînt the lest oa! eryiming fi thîe Wisau Baby -vas siek,"wo gare hec Casionsa. warl gcdnely gavitlestasad Lndau lthan site was me CitI-. 'e criefi for Castria. -[Landu Telerep.Wii sisa becanic Miss, site cluii to Casois. 17rance i( la e an y EuIro" Iancountry Whense liedChidrei, $lise gave them Peçstonsl- wbcelas to-day lewer abia-hadi .ýd Ma. ilIse illad thirly years aga. aIt )IF, tel re ' 1 nn s6t, to au th ai] 13r in bi ht Io e3ý to d( dt sh ti ffi m ai T Li ILI Sc gi it w p aý 01 ly f, ti SI t h 9 F a )fthe water washing against the littie LTTE R ASFATER uJding stage hy the ]ake-side, sud thetfl ITEROASF A H R )fbAipeiuhers in the -fice-notbiug else. - beligh was'eKtremely stili, and_ very Pills and PowdersTake a Back Seat. 'r.The birch bosiglis that grew close up t,0 aud touched our widdows, did ual make - EtSý -sIightest stir agaluet the glass panes, se0-A uie is ClortSte. cianezotieandiS fow hcre woulId he positively uavhing tea aconunt sue cures Htaess -Fasses a Fealleer .or he wind lu, the passage, if il Oves- lier Patteni, and PrsesteoChange. ýhoutd !corne again,- al -shig a asevenie fasuglue-. "ýAt lest it ba-gan te strike twelve, Va- Great excitemnen; has heeu caused, says tr too)k up lis lantecu uinan hand, sud the Montreai Witness, dnriug the last year. ,uvolver 1cr the other, sud stoofi, lis baud in many parts o! the U'fnited States by the n the latch, rcady ta throw open lte door advenî o! Rosa de Lima Betleville, of ste. ttVie slighîesl tsound. Ha waved bis haud Cunegoude, a chiid wbo affectefi marvellous to eeep us al! hack, b)uý il wae curiosity, 1 cures by the mere application o! a teather mLirn duo courage, that made us gaîher Ite the part ot tite body ,sfthicîad. Titis ex- il1 rounid the door, bebind hlm sud Dîck. traocdinacy chitd has ncw returnef toMMont- -" Niue--ten--elcven-welve anudtian ceai. Site is a dernore little damacel, il liat, dreadf ul cry ! years ai age, sud je the seveneh danghter o! W aiteor openefi the door sud steppcd out, a Frencb-Cauadian artisan. und tie fdame of busissiateru flicicerefi witd. Slîe tirst exorcise I lier curative powers at ly n te bst of ice-cold air Ihat swept the age o tire yeare. Ayouogwoman wba mto, the reoru sud exîiuguisltad cvery candis was visiîing the family complained o! serere but oue. it did not go out, however, sud pain in a gathered tinger. The cbîld irn- e( f'iashcd il down the passage, sud wc aIl mediately sud wiitout any prùmptiug oi- Ioo1ýed over bis shoulder sud eaw et the fera-d lu cura hier. Upan the young wornan xtrerne eud of the corridor, what seemefi assenttna sud o'bea sdcepening of the shadow about tha EXPRESSTNG HE. ER IES bar iof theernptyroom. Then taour won-, Ibat heing lte seveuth daugh ver uic rery der this shadow seamed ta gatiteriuto likeiy poseessed the power ta doe bth hadosudpasefislaly awaoe s aonglittîs girl wenî 10 the adjoiniug bcd îhamher hoi passage. Roling round sud rounsd a sud extractinià a saati eatheý'r rm the pil- lack shaýde two, or titres lest isigl-as a o po niait cloud is rolled, wheu the west wind l poeeded to rases t arer the affscted arissansd drives il duwn a river valiey. fiuger. During tise operation the pain ha' crs sud voices li eased, sud as lessenad cousiderabiy and at ils finish, hJiineecutabIe ebedow pataud aîoug, cornpleteiy ceased. tha fioocing creaked asnd ee heard a boiiow Af ler titis, the 1 feather girl," as ase was sounfi o exaeclly like chat, caused bys et alledaffected many simple cutres in tle great cask or barrai beinig rulied along thtl uetghburbood. Tero yeace ego ber father .t waýs impossiblc nut ta believe that wc I rok hiec to Quebac, whereccowds of people, s'ece actually watching qome suc t vbing hopiug toelbe cnced of erery imaginable !jushaýd along, atîd turuîng round andi round disease, besiegefi the btouse. Tite lather o! as i't passe I. Nul ana a! us stirced baud the girl states that on blie occasion of Ibis sor s il came au. We aven stood back visitso meuy persans predenlsd themeelves tu laItil go by. Siowly crcakiug cver the Ca lie cured that as eacit pareon needefi a ordit pessed ns sud came la the beed separate feetiter, the custom o! the ýcbsld Et! the staircasi. Titere il stopped for, a being ta buru oacI oneafstar using ut once, mo enad then began ta rail down. We thav were alweys runuiisg short of titis floe.Sîep by step, as we lied heard it necessary erticle aud several fowis were lite 1,est twu nigits, we nuer saw it go, sud sacrificed ta supply the deficiency. sclaie e!fter it. 1From the staeents a! the father it "Tuera us door at the foot o!, the would saem that the Quebecrnadical f aully stis'gasped W'atter. weca luceused aI this rery juvenile poacher "1' havealai the keys,' said Dick. upon their legitimate preserves and also aI "The sembleuce o! this glostly barrai the notiou that a mare chuld stopped, for a tourentat tlie foot aifithe OP'EsATeNQ WITIC A FEATICER ter.The door liad a slightly caised sul, sbouîd bc able ta cure diseasas whscli lid looý nscrraw or ils passage. Exectty as ifit i usîy eîuded th fiayoter shawbarai e lflei, ud ,asrhe stramîgest pillesud powders. They accord- paiseel for aimarnentonterlleingi"n gîy sent, il is said,a députation ta Cardin- fora omnt n hesili, rle ýa Taschereau beggiugbirn ta use bis influ- sud sûered ta fail on te a botlow-sondng jeueta eratdimala mie popular beiit in the atoo fur miracutous cures of ibis child wbo was chu- " Watltec put is baud out. 1'Give me nhîsgawey witi tleîrhbusiness., 8 ubsequeutly the ke e a d. Mr. Belleville bcaugbt ibis daugbter back to "Dmck haudad hlm the lunch, sud after Ste. Cunegonde, witere, ou soine dayatromi trYn on ortwothedooryiededandweune la two hundrefi partons viaited bis bouse wetin. Il eras a small square calter, par- Ii eri !hatt h sbrafraIa !ectly empmy, perietly ean, with four d nrîng six mautits o! Ibat year lie spent bare ev-,ý-alis andi s wsndow higit up, ciosed by $433 for cab aud car hira toc bimsel! sud bars, )uI wiîhaut glass, Ibat wss ai]. lutIle girl on their jourueya 10 the boutes - ' batever it is, il is bers,' Dick said a! persosîs who were bedridden or wished aolebnly 'tin il uet ait ili ornitg e aviaited st Ibeir owu bornes, O! course Use put-hie acm round Evaline, wbo staufi tbe returus were cousidarahle. sivp-,riug heside hlm, ' Came, dacisg, yan Somn- o! the cures wronght by tht 11111le oug hi fot lu ha hers. Besides, il's over for lady are very extrsordinary, sud le father ai nuotaîl many ifoleuces ainpacsons] ofr------- À% - - Headache, etC-1ras-sr.zLeE ts tlse alo crret aldisorYders oft1h estmc stimul.e thie liver aud regpulatte Ch.bowei ý Even if they ouly cured Ache they oId ho almosl priceles, to those who sufe from -his distressing compledut* but fortun.atcly their goodus dees nol sud hers, sud titose wita once try lhem ieiil Sund titese litIle pis veluiable in se macy wisys Chat tItay Will nltbe wvilling t- do asithout tbm. B3ut atter ail sicir bead is the banes oamauy lives that bers le wbere we Makte our greal boast.- Our pilla cure i#i tvlile otiters do nul. 'CARTERt's LITTLC Lîrsan PILLS are very sisali and very easy to Cake. Oie or tao pille malre a dose. They are strictly vegetable and (10 Dot gripe or- purge, but by thei'r genia action please ail wito use tisern. lu viais at 25 cents; vie for $1, Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CÂRTEZ MMfllflSE 00., lFuw York. "Backac ho the Scauen pers ineans the hid- of the system. neys are in "D e/1a y 18 trouble. Dodd's dangerous. Neg- 5jKidney Pl/s g/uc /octed hidney Prompt relicf." troubles resu/t "75 per cent. in Bad B/odc, 0of is Dyspepsie, Liuer first caused by Consplaint andi disordered Aid- the mosýat du- neys. gerous ofal "Might as well ffriyhts Disease, try ta have a Diabetes andi healthy city Dropsy." w/t ho ut sewer- "Th e aba voe cge, as good 1. diseases cnnt heaith tuhen the exist where kidneys are Dodd'g Kidney1 a/o gged, they ore Pi//s are used." Sold by ail den!ers orscctdby mail on rcep cf price 5. cents. per box or six for $..p Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto. Wmefr book called Kidccy Taiic. Spaiuters (Jauied by Lig-htnini-. in the fores, o! Nemnours a tree wes once strnck. Two piecas were rent from its lrunk. The smaller wes tossed ta a dis- tance o! fi! ty feet and the lerger, which eighleen mon could not move, ta a distance o! twenty feel orso0iii an opposite tack. Ia 1838 the topgailant mast of H. M. S. Rodney was hit hy a flash sud literally eut np into chips, the ses being strcwu wiîh the frag- ments as if the, carpenters hafi been sweep- ing their shaviugs overboard. Shortly bafore thp topmasts o! U.M.S. 71yaciuthr had sufiered in a sirnilar mauner, mind when the Thetîs, underwent a ice visitaion il? faretop mast as le marc collection o! Ion jsDiters almast lUke reeds." Pitcer'sCastoria-M ) Chere e difference, in the flavor, 4rcnýh anid aroma of 5moKiný to bacco5 a5 in.cîar-.. MA.5TIFF PLUC cu-r ranR5 with the finest 0iaV- ana'ciqar.S in compari.5on, J, B. PACE TOIEACCO Co., RICHÎMON, VA, and MON TREAL. CAN. U N L O C K S A L L lt C OGH EE R T i tl OP THE *OWELS, ItIDNEYS AND LlVEft, CARRYING OFF GRADIJALLY, VWITUOUT %EAKEN. INGTRE SY$-rrM, ALL IMPURITItS AND FOUI, UUMOaa-. AT TUe RAmE tit.iCORRECT. ING ACIDITY OF rHTUESTOMACH-, OCaSINQ BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA,OMEAD. ACH'ES, DIZZINESS, HEARTIDURNS CONSTIPATION, AI4EUMATISM. DROPSY, SKIN DISEASES,. JAUNDICE. SALT RHEUM. ERYSIPELASSOCRO.. FULA, FLUTTEtRINQ OFTHE MICHART, NERVOUSNESS, AND QSNERAI. DÉBILITY. TFUE !AND ALL SMIlLAS COMPL.AINTS'QUICKL'f YIZLD TTU YE URA- TI'JE INFLUENGE 09 BURDOSu 91.000 BITTERS.

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